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  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Oh Vickie, big big hugs!!!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Amy, mothers are supposed to embarrass their children. It's in the contract. Boobs from Walmart? hmmmmmm?

    jan, hope the meds work for you. Allergy meds make me go PING!!! Don't ya just hate it when they spring these stupid tests on you?

    MB, you take the red ones I'll take the blue ones. We'll knock em out together. Dear heavens don't hug me. Thats probably how I got the damn thing to begin with.

    Gus/Sue, haven't seen Mel's hiney on the big screen in years. Must be because he's gone bat sh!t insane. hahahahahhaa
    New shoes, an excellent idea. I know just the place.

    jan, thank you very much. Now I have a headache too.

    Laura, your fingers have been busy. Good for you. Feel free to clean up my craft stuff any time you like.

    Liz, yehaw on good labs. And what exactly does "we're gonna watch it" mean? Is he gonna get a cup of tea and sit a spell?
    Ativan rocks by the way. Hubby so much happier today.

    Dang Amy is buying boobs at wally world and MB is getting them in the mail. The world is a strange strange place.

    Deb, ouch and ouch. I didn't even think of a broken rib cause I have constant bone pain.
    Hugs to you my friend. Grumpy is ok every now and then. As long as you don't stay there.

    Cheri, praying praying praying. Missing you.

    navy boy on the phone...I'll be back.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    oh,shel sorry.This woman is in and I cant spell it but you will know what I am talking about Sachachawean?
    He aint gonna go to canada or anywhere else he is all mouth.Thats one reason he is so pissed at me because I am not able to work and keep his sorry you know what up.Sorry getting carried away.

    Shirley:Broken rib? I am sorry,I have never had one but I have had patients tell me it hurts like heck.Take it easy.

    Hi Jasmine and Vickie
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007 are too nice for this...((((((hugs)))))))

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited July 2008
    Good evening all!

    Hugs to all and an extra hug to all who need it! I confess that I haven't read all the posts yet and don't know if I can!! Love you all and you are all in my thoughts!
    Here is what I put together from what I read:
    Madison: Cortisone to the shoulder, No results yet..grrr, and you've been frolicking with Alligators?!

    Cheri: Driving all crazy by disappearing!

    MB: Got a new boob in a box.

    Liz: Onc is going to watch spot on sternum. That's good though...labs were good!

    Jan: I agree, what is with all the Brain Crap going on? I hope all is okay. And it is nice to know that I'm not the only Computer Moran on the boards!

    Robin: How are you and Max doing? Is he still getting long and dragging something on the floor?!

    Shirley: Yes, I was on time! Self Diagnosing....I thought that was a degree we received along with original DX!

    Deb: I'm sorry you are having a rough time. It may be our time to cheer you up! You are one that I know will pull herself through it. Besides you have a baby moose to look for!

    Shirley: No MM..wonderful, advanced Osteo..not wonderful.

    Boo/Sue: Hope your oral surgery went well and that you are resting.

    Cy: Anyone heard from her yet? Hoping the liver biopsy is over and all is well.

    Vickie: Do we need to unleash a can of whip ass on someone? Just let us know!

    Marsha and Silka: Welcome!!

    Okay, I've self diagnosed again! Went to bed last night all stuffed up..thinking allergies..don't even know if I have any! The last two mornings I've woke up drainage crap. No biggy. I've coughed quite abit today and guess what? When I cough, My Sternum hurts! So is it a cold coming back or Canceritis of the Sternum? This has to stop. I'm flipping nuts!

    I've truly got to go, hugs to all and I'll see you in the morning!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Vicki,I am so sorry your heart is hurting,lay your heartache on my shoulders and let me carry it for you.
    We will make the hole as big as we need to.
    I love you sis.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Good evening chicas.....well we are under a tornado and severe thunderstorm warning.......three tornadoes have touched down south of Ft. Worth and are heading Northeast (where I live) into Dallas.....its a good thing I took the time to vacuum the closet this last daughter and I will probably being spending a good part of the evening in the closet with the dogs, cats, and the little beast of a hedgehog.....that animal hates me just as much as I hate her........holding her she curles up into a ball and its like holding a pin cushion the the needles sticking out instead on in.........och........the nurses don't even hurt me as much as she does....anyway Z must say love the shirt........who is messing with Vickie.....sounds like we need to get the posse together....can stop by TN and take care of some unfinished business (Robin) and head northeast and finish some business......don't like anyone messing with the cgs.......cancer messes with us enough we shouldn't have to take a bunch of bs from "outsiders".....Deb....sweetie.....its the stupid cancer messing with messes with all of us.........sometimes I just want to dig a hole in the ground and just scream my freaking head off........Nicki I sure hope this is chemo brain...thats what I have been telling myself but I seem to be obssessing about it....I get to work and even though I have check that stupid stove three times I am now coming home at lunch "just to make sure"........anyway we will see.....ok....going back to check the news (weather updates)......Vicki if you feel like it check back in.....has NS checked in today and Cheri.....ok bbl alligators......

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Boy that didn't take has just turned black outside and its still daytime here.....probably not good.....looks like we are also in for some good size hail..........shortly I will be turnig off the computer and unplugging everything.....just in case......ok......bbl......hey Amy if you see a single story brick home fly by with texas plates....that will be me....ha...

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    ah vickie!

    don't you just love how they can't seem to stop making sure we "know they exist?"

    i'm sorry girl ......... as you know, i sure do get how you feel about your "earl" ........... i wish i could be more encouraging, but i'm the poster child for dysfunctional relationships, so any advice from me would be completely pointless!

    keep your chin up!
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    My daughter just now has decided she is going to teach herself to play the piano....she says even with the sirens go off she is going to continue working on her scales....who was it that played the fiddle while Rome burned............geez........

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    navy boy talking to his dad. Poor boy reported for duty this morning only to find out that his ship has already sailed. OOPS!!! The Navy is so disorganized.

    So where was I?

    Deb, balloon tricks. very cool. Can I have a poodle?

    Madison....ouch!!! praying B9

    Beth, thanks but no thanks. Cooking is not a talent I wish to possess.

    Amy, hay and poop...put em together, make a sculpture, and call it'll make millions. No tin can needed

    Nicki, 4 pounds in 3 days. yehaw...
    doc didn't give me antibiotics. think he wants to see what the pulmonary whatever tests shows. He did say it is time to quit smoking tho. Cripes. I hate it when they say that. The tricky part is I don't have a cough, no wheezing, lungs are clear, oxygen sat is at 99, labs good.....who the hell knows. I'll jump thru the hoops and see where I land. And you know, now that I think about it. The bumm didn't even offer me anything for pain.

    jankay, I hate it when that happens.

    Brenda, start where ever you want to. Please don't stress about not responding to everyone. It really is ok.
    As far as the taxes. I think the person who screwed up should have to pay any fines. Seems only fair. Geez, you paid them to do them right.
    As I said to Nicki, I don't have a cough. Haven't been sick. No reason for me to think I have bronchitis and as far as broken bones. I have been told that I shouldn't even let hubby give me a hug. Not supposed to pick up my grands or even a bag of groceries. Since I have no intention of going thru my life with foot ball pads on I guess I will just have to deal with it.

    Z love the shirt.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Shokk..sending in some umbrellas.but don't think that will help

    You take care
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007

    Shokk:Count me in we really do need to finish some business here and I am mad as a hatter now for someone messing with our vickie.There is only one good use for men and that is heavy lifting.

  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2007
    One of these days, I'll get it right . . . maybe. Baby Brison was born Monday at 11:39 a.m., weighing in at 8 lbs 9 ozs and 20 in long. All I can say is thank God Jen had a c-section cause she's only a size 2.

    The top pic is of mommy and baby and the bottom on is of Nana (me) and baby. Gerry and I stayed in NYC Sunday night and got home late Monday night. I'm going back up to the hospital on Friday morning and will stay with them in CT for about 2 weeks - until the 19th.

    I'm so sorry that I haven't written or responded! Believe me when I tell you that I'm never home between the families. I had a very bad cold last week and now have a severe case of asthma -- I'm taking more prednisone than I did during treatment -- 8 in the a.m. and 4 in the p.m. and, yes, tomorrow I'm babysitting my other 3 granddaughters while my DIL decides whether or not to take her dad off life support.

    I am thinking of all of you and am planning on printing all the posts I haven't read and taking them with me to CT and replying during my free time.



    Love, Sue
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    oops hit the wrong button.

    Jaz, Nicki started it.

    Robin, please don't send Evil to is such a pretty place.
    Your patients are right. Hurts like hell. Wish I had known that was what it was....I needed an excuse for my whining.

    Vicki, great big squishy hugs for you. I am sorry.

    Denise, osteo is nothing new. Found it two years ago when I started arimidex. Just got bumped up in catagory today. Don't I feel special.
    Self diagnosing is great fun when you do it right. The goal is at least 10 new grey hairs per week. You do not have sternum might have costo chondritis....or however that is spelled. Hurts like hell. Apparently never before seen allergies can just pop up out of no where when ever they feel like it. This is going to be a nasty allergy season so I've heard.

    shokk, we had a rip snorting storm today. Thunder, lightening, hail, rain by the bucket full. So much for my QVC instant flowers that were just beginning to sprout.
    How on earth did I miss that you have a hedgehog? Where pray tell does one purchase such a beast....and why?
    The only way to stop obsessing is to stop obsessing. Write yourself notes like Deb did. So not good for your sanity level.
    Will the piano fit in the closet?

    Must figure out dinner. See ya later.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Evening girls,

    A chatty little group today huh? I just love it!

    Hi Marsha , so nice to meet you. Glad you’ve joined the circle. I’ve read your posts on the lob thread. I’m a lob gal too.

    Robin – okay so we’re getting a steam roller now? Oh cool!

    Shel – hmmmm don’t want the EVIL huh? Okay I think we need to mail him to some remote area anyway.

    DebC – I love your stories. Sorry you’re having a rough time. Hugs Oh goody you do balloons! I tried that once. Can we say lots of pops?

    Vickie – you are too special to be treated any way except wonderful. I’m sorry you’ve been upset. Remember we are always here for you.

    Sher – yippee on the no MM – booo on the broken rib. So you will be starting Aredia now? Gentle hugs. Glad man person is doing better. Yes, Ativan is a wonderful drug. As for the “watching it” I ask him what it was going to do. Did I need to sell tickets? Was he coming over for the month. Fortunately I’ve known him for 10 years so he just laughed.

    Amy – I was driving to my oncologist office and saw a baby donkey! A little further down the road there was a baby buffalo. Talk about cute. You’ve lost your boobs?

    Jan – well geez. I do like Allegra though. I don’t go into the little tubes. I use the open MRI’s.

    Cheri – okay so we’ll be there for the MRI on the 7th. How are you feeling? Was getting ready to hunt you down but I see you posted.

    Tracey – yooooohoooo – where are you? I need that website for the scanner thingy. Hope you’re okay. Miss you

    Laura – I tried to sew. What a joke! Finally donated my sewing machine to the homeless shelter.

    MB – I wish I could have seen DH’s face. Okay fess up – who’s sending you boobs?

    Madison – oh hugs girl! I’ve had the shoulder injections. Yes you can say OUCH and everything else you think of. Are the injections helping any?

    Beth – please PM me the skinny scalloped potatoes recipe and didn’t you have sweet potato fries? I’m trying my best to keep things lower fat. Glad your party was fun.
    Nicki – good for you girl! I guess I need to buy the South Beach book. I know I had one here but for the life of me I can’t find it. My oncologist said it’s a good diet.

    Brenda – oh my! The CPA who prepared your taxes should represent you to explain their mistake. Sorry this is happening.

    Z – what a great shirt! How nice of your coworkers to get it for you. You look great!

    Theresa – oh I’m sorry. I knew I had lost 4 so I guess I need new scales. Maybe you do too. Hugs

    Jas – glad you got home early. How many more days of boring training?

    Denise – sounds like allergy/drainage problem to me. When you cough, you’re pulling the muscles around the sternum/rib area. Sorry you’re having these problems. I hate my allergies.

    Shokk – I saw on the weather where they were blowing the sirens. You guys have sure gotten hit hard lately. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the May 3, 1999 tornado that totaled Moore, OK. They said there were 66 tornados that day in a two hour period. I sure hope you’re okay. Sorry about the hedgehog. I don’t think I’d be able to handle it either.

    Hi Gus, Sheri, Christine, Colleen, Susan, CherylG, Silvergirl, Sige, Iris, Jule, Mena, Karenindenver, Lynn, Margaret,ishop, lini, Socallisa, LisaE, Jankay, Doris! , oh crap can’t remember everyone. Why do I even try.

    DH is home from caring for his parents since Sunday. I must admit, it was really nice and quiet while he was gone. LOL

    Do we have any sisters in the Minneapolis area?

    You’re all always in my thoughts and prayers.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Congrats to all!!
    Sue put your feet up, you have earned it.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Wow..congratulations Sue..that is one big baby!! Waiting for the pictures!!
    So sorry DIL has that decision resting on her shoulders..Drive carefully now...
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Oops came in while I was typing..
    Liz..don't you just love the quiet house!! take care up there girl..
  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2007
    NO, not for check up in Nola, but for nipples and contouring. The nipples are on each hip now and they will move them to their permanent home. I recently learned that they shrink 50%, therefore, they make them twice as large. I will probably come home looking like I have cow teat's.

    Sherloc, my grandmother had severe osteoporosis, she would break a rib just from bending over sometimes, she seemed to have a broken one most of the time. You are so thin, you don't need skinny ......potatoes. Maybe a few lbs will help protect your ribs, I know you are trying to gain, hope you can. You are opposite of most of us, wish I could send you a few pounds.

    Liz, glad your labs were good, I just had labs myself for pre-op, white count dropped a bit, they were up to 3.5, dropped back down to 3.1. The good thing about low counts is I don't have to work in ER, more germs there.

    Deb, I don't like wild critter's so don't scare them down to Indiana. I like the tame lovable type.

    Purplemb and Nickii thanks for the well wishes, I am sure I will do fine.

    Jasmine, I just spoke to you on the phone, you are as mischevious as ever, have her spell dictionary for you ladies. LOL

    And to the rest, I need to take notes so I can remember to reply to you. I remember you Danville, Ky girl, I used to live in Liberty....we have chatted before. Go easy on KY....we don't want everyone to know how we live there. lol

    Night All
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    ok...i'm sorry ladies. Just had a huge meltdown over someone soooo not worth having a meltdown over. Here i am bawling like a baby adn the first place I run is here. Here where you all have such bigger problems...all will be well. sent him packing after throwing a water bottle at his vehicle and bouncing it off his hood and windshield...didn't know i was such a good shot! Felt pretty good actually...probably a good thing there weren't any baseball bats or rocks handy.
    Thank you all for your hugs. I needed it.
    Sue...what a beautiful baby, daughter and grandma!!! Congratulations.
    shokk..please be careful. Put that nasty little hedgehog in another closet!!
    Gina...where are you and how are you?
    Shel...lets get our two "earls" together and put them in the hole we are digging at Robins...I see we have a steam roller now too. Friggin men anyways! who needs em.
    liz, Cheri, Madison, Nicki, Lisa, Mena, Christine,Karenindenver, Colleen, Susan, cherylG, Silvergirl, Denise, Carrie, Deese, Jankay, Anne, Z, Jasmine, Tracey, Beth, MB, Theresa, Peanutgirl, Amy, Deb, ... EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU...I LOVE YOU ALL.
    I will be back to myself come morning...hey it's thursday...almost the weekend.
    Cyber party on a deserted island this weekend per Cheri's request if anyone is men allowed. Well...actually we could take a few along to torture and make us feel better LOL.

    My Sister's Hands

    My sister's hands are fair and white;
    my sister's hands are dark
    My sister's hands are touched with age,
    or by the years unmarked
    And often when I pray for strength to live as He commands
    The Father sends me sustenance in my sister's hands.

    My sister's hands are lined and worn with burdens of their own
    And yet I know that should I mourn, I need not weep alone
    For often as I seek His grace to lighten life's demands
    The Father sends me solace borne in my sister's hands.

    My sister's hands: compassion's tools that teach my own their art
    Witnesses of charity within the human heart
    Bearers of the Savior's love and mercy unto man
    I have felt the Master's touch in my sister's hands.

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Good evening CG's!

    Just wanted to say hello and then go back and do some catching up. Wednesday's are always long days for me. I am up at 5:30 to get to Key West for meetings all day. It is a 2 hour drive each way.
    I started listening to books on tape to make the drive more interesting, and the scenery is gorgeous, which helps.

    Welcome Marsha ans Silka! I am kind of new too, but I feel at home already.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Good evening!

    I'm just checking in to say good night. So much going on in the circle tonight. Hedgehogs, tornados, thunder & lightning, tests, poop, diets, exercise, broken ribs, allergies, and God knows what else! You are all in my thoughts every single day and I love you all. Keep a good thought!
    Bugs and fishes!!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    i wanted to tell you guys a typical "chemo/spaz" brain story, but i keep forgetting lol (go figure!)

    my parents have a winter place in Cape Coral Florida and i was just there visiting a few weeks ago.......... so i'm lying in my lounge chair on the lanai (a screened over pool/patio area) soaking up the sun and kinda just daydreaming when i look over at my mom and say "so, what do you do about the lanai when it snows?"

    she looked at me like i was from mars, shook her head and refrained from responding .......... about 10 minutes later i realized what i had said and we spent the next 10 days cracking up!!!!!

    and ....... on christmas day my best friend called me and i, having call display and (in no mood for christmas and being my usual sarcastic self) answered the phone with "ho, ho freakin' ho" ......... she never missed a beat and responded "well, i've been called worse" .......... it took me at least 5 minutes into the conversation to "get it" and i used to be the one who had the great "one liners" lol!

    to this day when her number comes up on the phone i answer "hey, how's my favourite 'ho'?" and we roar with laughter.

    stupid stuff, i know ............ but it's been so long since i've felt jovial, that i thought i'd share my pea brained funnies with ya'll!
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    Z, that t-shirt is amazing.

    Brenda, I love to cook. If I did it professionally, I would not be into it at home. My ex never appreciated my skills but the current dh is more than happy to sample something new. He had the newleywed pounds put on in our first year being together. BTW, what part of NC are you in? We used to have a furniture business and spent a lot of time in the Triad area. You probably told me before but lack of estrogen can dessimate your memory, LOL.

    Jankay, the catalogue I told you about came today! It is Dr. Leonard's and the toll-free # is 1-800-785-0880 and the website is It is a great source for anyone but especially for people who need some help with reaching, grabbing, wheelchairs, walkers, etc. This catalogue offers free shipping so maybe on the website too.

    Amy, we have baby bunnies again this year! There is a warren out back under the azalea garden. The babies are so tiny! The daddy bunny is huge. We also have groundhogs the size of Beagles out back too at the neighbors'. They run though when you walk out.

    Theresa, sports fans here too. For some strange reason, my brother roots for Dallas...Hey Shokk! Your neck of the woods.

    Shirley, NED is terrific but I am sorry about the rib. What do they do for that?

    Nicki, I too found your lost pounds and they need to go somewhere else. My hairdresser who is Marge's daughter (my best friend) asked if they told me how much I will lsoe when they take off the boobs. I told her I hope they weigh 50 pounds each, LOL.

    Mena, CY, Gina...yoooo hooooo!

    Hi Puppy! Got all my stuff addressed! Isn't your MRI coming up soon?

    Silka and Marsha..welcome! I hope I didn;t miss anyone.

    Kathy, are you out there? Come join us.

    Vickie, I found out the light strings on the bushes out front are still there! I just never noticed them. DH is leaving them until he needs to trim underneath them. Yup, we are the only hosue I can see that still ahs them out but of course, not lit.
    You are bigger than he is and he is not worth to spit on if it is who I think you are talking about. Good shot with the bottle, only sorry it was not frozen water inside. We can certainly find a steam roller big enough for all the "evils" we have lurking in our pasts. I like Shokk's idea of making a wide swath all over the USA and Canada gathering them up like bad recycling! Anybody know an empty land fill?

    Liz, will pm the recipes. The Unfried French Fries is on one of the recipe threads, can't remember where I posted them. I have stopped frying as much and using low-fat recipes and our tummies are mcuh better off.

    Susan, I got your PM and can't wait to get started. I kind of already did too. I love having someone else to pamper with cards, emails and love. You are doing a great thing. Don't foget Puppy wants in too.

    Sue!!! Mazel Tov!!! What a beautiful baby! And a big guy too, kinehora, and pooh, pooh, pooh as my Mommom would have said. Send all our best to Jen! What a wonderful Mother's Day present for both of you!

    I have to help dh with the clean clothes. he irons and I put them away. DS needs to go get his shower. I got my hair cut and colored/highlighted, waxed off hair on my face that doesn't belong there (no estrogen really makes it grow) and added in a pedicure. Kris, the hairdresser, picked out the color...neon pink and put on little flowers on the big toes. She said it should cause some comments in the OR on Monday, LOL.

    My mom finally told her sister about my surgery tonight. I was at Wegman's and she called no less than 3 times. Now I will get daily whiny phoen calls until I am healed up. I love her dearly but she can be a nudge (I have no idea how to translate that!)

    To all I may have missed, I am sorry. I love all of you and wish a peaceful night to all.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007
    Good evening girls - I decided that I am not going to try to read all the posts from the last several days as it will be too overwhelming. Does anyone know how NS is doing? I need to send her a pm.
    I had sad news today - one of the special ed teachers I work with one day/week at the high school was just Dx with uteran cancer. She will have a complete hysterectomy, but does not have a date yet. I was so sad to hear the news. I just hate hearing that someone else has been diagnosed with cancer. A friend of mine - her DH was diagnosed with colon cancer in Oct 2005 and he is now on hospice. It just breaks my heart and at the same time scares the beegeebees out of me. Do we ever get over the fear of mets? My youngest daughter was in DI and I was talking to another parent the other day at the state competition and found out she too is a survivor - gees, everywhere I turn someone else has or has had cancer!!! Does it ever end? Okauy - enough - onw some good news....
    Tomorrow my oldest DD turns 21 - she is really maturing into a fine young lady - she is finishing up her junior year in college. I turn a year older next week then DS turns 18 the day before mothers day. My two oldest were b'day and mother's day presents. I have the week off next week, so I plan to catch up here, work on my journal and putter in the house. On the 11th dd performs in a Shakespeare festival with school and I am lucky to again this year have the day off to get to see her perform. And this year I will feel better than last year as it was in the middle of chemo. Its not often that I have the time off during school to get to see kids in school day activities. Waiting for DH to go walk the dogs. Wishing everyone feel good days. Karen in Denver
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Vickie-Sorry that you had a rough time of it today. Some people just don't get that you get more with honey than with vinegar. Hugging you from here.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    Go to the the 1st post in the secret pal thread and send me a pm with the information.

    I am so mad at my husband. he is being a real butt about our bathroom remodel. Refuses to have anything but white walls in the house. I told him that this was half my house and if I wanted 14 different colors in there I was going to have them. I almost told him about the deliverance tent!!! But I wised up and kept that to myself. I am going to do what I want. He will just have to get mad and pout.

    Jan when you were describing the crazy goings on you forgot the big nipples on the hips. Too funny Silka. I haven't really met you yet. Hope you don't mind me laughing at your nipples!

    vicki, shel, robin, cheri, cheryl, gina, mena...((hugs)) who am i missing. If you are undergoing treatment or waiting for test results, or dealing with pitiful men I'm inclluding you here.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    Well I'm home sore and tired but home! I think Mazer was sticking her nose in the way cause they had a heck of a time getting the spot pin pointed and then trying to figure out how they were going to get to it cause my rib was in the way or main veins were in the way. but the finally got it. Took them 2 hours to do the set up and biopsy. A lot longer than they anticipated. But they were really very nice! They had to be sure they had everything just right and my onc wanted to make sure the tested for hormone receptors.
    Jerri took me this morning and left and came back with Cloe. and of course everyone feel in love with Cloe! Who wouldn't.

    Cheri I'm glad they think they can do the MRI. I hope things are getting better for you

    Marsha, glad you made it over to the wagon cirle, been wondering when you were going to get here!

    Really tired so I'm going to throw a few logs on the fire and go to bed. Have to work early to make up some of this missed time!

    Hugs and prayers to all