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  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Susan: Look these folks painted how they wanted to! Color is vibrant and reminds us that there are choices in this world. Heck, we have so little control over anything else, PAINT AWAY!! Any colors you want. I prefer purple and gold - which reminds me - gotta go finish dinner - Lakers on in 15 minutes. Good nite to you all, sleep tight.
    Wish me luck for tomorrow, I'm getting my shoulder taken of.

    Here's a funny for you all:
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    image To Baby Brison! Congrats Sue. He's Gorgeous!!
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Thanks to you all who liked my shirt! I love it! And yes, I work with some wonderful folks. While my car was in the shop they snuck down and put a BC Pink Ribbon license plate frame on my car, so when I picked it up all I saw was this shocking pink!! Love it!

    Here's the link for save the tatas, they have some cool stuff.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited May 2007
    Hi Girls,
    I am sorry I am behind here. It seems the chemo is hitting me harder a week later than it did on infusion days.
    CY- hope everything turns out well with your test.
    I tried to read everything I could-
    Amy? You are ok?
    No one has heard from Cheri?
    Madison is ok too?
    Who else was getting scans today?
    Love to see all the new girls here.
    I probably won't be around much the way things are going right now.
    Love you,
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2007
    Deb, I'm still laughing at the image of you in your nighty with a gun. Here's a hug for you.


    Liz, glad your labs look good. I just had my follow up with my onc. last week and still get that feeling in my stomach until I know I get the all clear. I'm good for another four months. Check one of the healthy foods threads we have for the unfried french fries. They are pretty good.

    Zazette, you look great in your shirt.

    Shirley, a broken rib?

    Vickie, I hope tomorrow starts out better than today's ended. Guess what - I started on my journal page.

    Shokk,hope you weather the storm with no problems.

    Sue/ishop, congratulations on the new baby.

    Susan, I never had anything but white walls until we started remodeling our house a few years ago. Now my walls have a color that changes color with the light - it changes from a yellow to a salmon to a light shade - I think it's Brazil Nut but it's mixed with white. Everyone that comes in my house loves the color.

    The girls who need some extra hugs - CY, G, Cheri, Madison.


    Night all. To those I didn't mention, I think of every one of you, it's just too hard to remember you all but you're not forgotten.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Denise:Max is so cute.His little you know what is still dragging the ground he is getting long but not tall and his nose is growing.I went upstairs tonite and he went with me,he follows every step i take,when i came back down i could hear him crying he was at the top of the steps afraid to come down.So i had to go get him.I stayed up tonite and watched some tv,he wanted to go to bed,so i petted him and he fell asleep in my arms just like a baby and was even snoring.I will take a new pic of him soon and post it for you.

    Vicki:I got one more to add to the steamroller party.Jasmines bf Tesla's dad he decided today he dosent want jasmine anymore.He should have decided that ten months ago.This father hood stuff is to rough for him so he is just gonna walk away.So he can sleep with the fishes to.
    Nite all.Jasmine has cried and I have cried for her until I have a terrible HA and I got chemo tomorrow.Wish I could call in.I am getting so tired of it I cant take much more.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007
    Z - you are beautifu and I love the shirt.
    Robin - I am so sorry for your DD - and that you have to have all these hassles during treatment. HOpe all goes well with your treatment tomorrow.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    well i wish all a good nights sleep. I will stoke the camp fire amd keep a pot of tea on the fire for any of the stragglers coming home and for anyone having trouble sleeping.
    Vicki= you are one of the kindest women i have met and do not let these people under your skin because u know and we know who is the better person.
    Beth-i thank u for the catalogue i am anxous to look at one

    Cheri= if amber had worried u the way u have worried us you would jerk a knot in her tail. let us not do that again.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Good evening ladies. I do believe I only posted once yesterday, if even that. Somehow I fell behind. I read through all the posts but I didn't take notes. I like to speak to everyone individually but there were just too many this time.

    I wasn't in a very good mood today. I took a nap thinking I'd feel better when I woke up. I did not. I started reading through the posts. There were so many. I started to see a pattern. Almost everyone asked about me, CY and Amy, in the beginning of the posts. Then Amy posted results and I posted an appt. date and then finally Cy posted. (After Amy posted, I noticed she got a bit demanding) lol People were worried about Mena, Gina, Jankay, Me, and everyone that had a test coming up or a personal issue, we rotated them. And we asked about them. And we worried about them. And that's what we do. We rotate each other depending on who needs support. Some of us are very different people with different views and we don't always agree with one another, but we care. And we tease each other. Mother always told me that people didn't tease those they didn't like. How true. I am so fortunate to have so many good friends that I can just be myself with and enjoy. Sorry that I worried you but I'm glad to know you care.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    What i started to tell u guys this afternoon was this.
    Chester was at work and my caregiver missy had left, jessica was on a field trip so th is afternoon i was by myself from 2 to 4:30. The only problem with that was i had a body freeze. Which means i could not move A muscle,
    something can be r ight next to me and i couldnt reach it.
    I ccould not get a hold of anyone so i had to call 911 for help. This is horrible because u never know how long it will last and how to get out of it.
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Hey Cheri and Jankay: I guess we are keeping the late watch. Jan, I'm sorry you had a bad time of it today. I was glad I got to talk to you. Cheri, I'm glad to see you back and posting and I like your honesty. Both of you inspire me.

    I think everyone knows by now that I love to write. But what you may not know is that for a long time I had writer's block and could not put two words together and this was very hard for me, I couldn't express myself. But being here, in this space has helped remove the block and I am feeling so inspired by the girls here and what they go through on a daily basis, the joys and the lows - their honesty and frankness here is enlightening.

    So, to all the CG's who get up daily to endure tests, chemo, rads, work, bad weather, bodies that won't work, bains that are foggy, side effects from all the drugs and anything else this old world can manage to throw at you, I dedicate this to you with thanks

    Feeling Found

    I’ve been wandering, wondering when and how I was to get back…
    Back to Me.

    Me before was confident, strong and I cared.

    I was competent. Issues were there, sure enough – but not one thing could get the best of me.
    Stress, sure enough – but I excelled, the harder the task, the deeper I dug. I thrived on the challenge and I was accomplished.

    Family, very trying at times. Family was my true test most often. But I passed, I cared, I loved, I helped them grow and we were happy.

    Then I got lost. Something came and took me off course and led me astray, far, far away.
    I floundered and I cried out often for somebody to find me, to help me find my way.

    We hear you they would say. We see you and you look like you, the same old you we knew.
    It wasn’t me, I didn’t feel like me. I was scared, would anyone ever find me?

    I’m feeling found now. I’m letting them see me now, the person I’ve become because I’ve been changed. When I was taken away, I was being taught humility; I was learning to be courageous; I was learning how to trust and be honest. I began to answer, “How do you feel” with more than just “fine”. I wasn’t fine. I lied. Now I tell them the truth and they understand and they stay.

    I’m feeling found now and I’ve found others who will never let me wander away again. The me I am now, they know, because the same teacher taught them.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Jan: Just small school journals, nothing significant. I hope to one day to put them all together in a book maybe.

    Keep encouraging your kids to write, writing saved me a lot of heartache when I was younger.
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    My Lakers have gone on to early summer vacation, boo hoo! I can hardly wait for pre-season to start!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Jankay, so sorry you were alone and had a bad time of it, I'll bet that was frightening.

    Z, I joined the Circle back in Nov just shortly after I found this site. I hadn't had anyone to talk to and I'd start out typing on here and before I knew it i'd written a mini-novel! lol Everything would just come pouring out. Then slowly my sense of humor started returning. This place has done wonders for me.

    Welcome Marsha, didn't you join us a couple of months ago? I'm almost sure you did and you didn't stay long and then you were just gone from the Circle. Anyway, welcome back!

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Off I go, see you in the a.m.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    When I think back over the years, I realize how fortunate I was to be born into the family I was. My mother was so beautiful

    and dignified looking that she could have been royalty. She gave me three of the best sisters you could

    have. There is a saying ,"Friends are for now, Sisters are forever". I can honestly say my sisters are like that.

    I was fortunate to have caring christian parents who taught me to be a good parent which I try to do for my children.

    There are so many memories that it is hard to decide what memories to write about. I have memories of mother feeding

    my children daddy's homemade ice cream at family get togethers. As my children got older, she would wrap their gifts in

    mysterious ways so my children would have no idea what they were getting.

    My parents had 57 beautiful years together. Something that didn't happen much then and is so rare in modern times.

    I remember the stories of how my parents met. They were on a double date. My dad's date was the other woman, my mothers

    was the other man. My dad was the one working and the one with the car. After the date, he would take my mother home and

    the other couple. After that he would go back and get my mother. Because of their work schedules, my dad never did meet my

    grandmother until they were married. My papaw Huffman said that mother was the best Suit he had seen.

    I can remember when my family was leaving their house. Mom would say "Jacob and Jessica be sure you have all

    your ducks in a row." and "Don't take any wooden nickles."

    Because of my health problems, I belong to several chat rooms, I confide in these people. A woman in one chat said,

    "Hold her hand and think of the good times. Your mum is not the woman in the bed. Your mum is a fine lady clothed in your

    memories....You will always have them."

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    i wrote the above to put in my mother funeral program

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    just my opinion LOL!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day today.
    I'll be back later
    Love ya's
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Its gonna be another beautiful day here in the chicago end of the circle. In the 60's and sunny. Spring is just wonderful. Although Im sitting here right now with one eye open - waiting for my coffee to be done.

    Vickie: Good morning Sunshine sister. I dont know what happened last night, but whoever hurt your feelings has some nerve. You are one of the sweetest persons I know. Dont let someone get to you. If they succeed, they win. Sending lots of love your way.

    Denise: Sure sounds like a cold to me. Seems like there is another wave of infections going around. On the boards and at work too. If your coughing up yellow, you may need an antibiotic. Oh - and dont forget - get some Zicam. The stuff really works.

    Shokk: My goodness. I swear that each year one area becomes vulnerable to tornados and this year it seems to be Texas! Hoping you are safe and sound. Thinking I maybe have to clean a closet or two, cause right now we couldnt fit in any of them.

    Sherloc: OK - Now Im going crazy. Your symptoms dont sound like bronchitis. Never heard of bronchitis without a cough and wheezing. Quit smoking? Oh geez, I have been in the world of trying to quit for many years. Sending you a no touch hug! Hoping you get down to the bottom of what is causing all of this.

    Ishop: Good to see you. Sounds like your life has been pretty busy. Mine has been too. Those pictures are precious.


    Liz: I thought I knew the South Beach diet from being on it before. My husband cleaned the garage this past week-end and found the book. It looks brand new. So I started reading it and realized, I was doing everything wrong. This is day 4 for Phase 1 - the hardest part. But it sure seems like Im eating alot throughout the day! I miss my wine the most. Ive decided that when phase one is over, Im switching to red wine. A nice dry, Italian red. Only 10 mores day.

    Shel: Its good to have you back!

    Beth: Hmmm! when I read my path report after the Bil. Mast. it said 75% of the tissue removed was adipose tissue. Problem is the fat redeposited in other places. Like my stomach!

    Well! Once again - its time to go make some breakfast and go for my walk. This new routine has cut 1 hour of my computer time in the morning. Thats the part I dont like. Seems like I just cant keep up.

    Susan: My husband is a white wall man. What else can I say.

    Hugs to Sheri, Cheri, Robin, Z, Jankay, MargaretB, Madison, and anyone else I have missed. I will try to catch up with you all later.

    Have a wonderful day

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    Hi girls - off to take my mom for cataract surgery. Geez it's early! LOL

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    no not a gm yet

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Good morning ladies. Hope you all slept well.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    I can hear the bones creaking so i think i am loosening up
    just to go have my little single boob sgueshed. have u figured out what i get to do today.
  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2007
    Good morning Cheri.Good to see ya posting!!!Hope you are feeling ok.I still feel bad and I'm gonna try to sleep a bit after getting kids to school.No sleep is catching up to me.Talk to ya in a little while

    Hi to all,I'm just too tired to do a long post this am but please know that I am thinking of all of you and I love all my BC sisters.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Lisa: This hug is for you.


  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Good morning sweet sisters......well what can I least I have electricity this morning....took the dogs on a short walk at about 11 last night and there are trees and branches down the neighborhood I live in the utilites are underground so no down powerlines........ok now what is this bs going on with men.....I swear that they all go into heat in the spring time and start acting like complete fools.........Vickie,Susan,Alwayshope.....I know I missing someone sorry......don't you girls give your hearts to people that are going to break them and then hand them back to you.......we are all trying so hard to keep our hearts beating........we don't need some arsewholes in and out of our lives making matters worse.....I know that is alot easier to say but geez girls we all deserve so much better......Cheri you had me completely freak out sweetheart.....I convince myself you were already in the hospital........Z and Jankay I sure hope that ya'll will contribute to Vickie's quest to get some journals together.....welcome to the newbies.....Marsha and there's another chatter will go back and learn names....ok gals I am heading to the pcp this morning for labs to see if the cholestryol meds are working....going to work first then to doc so will probably will check in one more time.....bbl alligators.......

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007


    (October 2006)

    I am a 52-year-old mother of two who has lived with Parkinson’s disease for 11 Years. My symptoms started when my daughter was 2, and in the middle of the terrible two phase. The first symptom I noticed was when I would be watching TV and could feel my left arm starting to tremor long before you could see it. Then after that I started having trouble with my gait. My family and friends were concerned and wanted me to go to the doctor, but I was in denial. I felt like the problems were because of my age and the fact that I had such an active child.

    Finally, my younger sister told me and these were her exact words "If you don’t go to the doctor to see what is wrong, then I am coming home and taking you!" She had always been the one I had listened to and so I made a doctor’s appointment.

    When I went to my first neurologist, he ran thousands of tests (or it seemed like it at the time). The results all came back negative. He never told me what he was testing for because he said he just wasn’t sure and wanted to prevent misdiagnosing me. He also told me he had run more tests on me than any of his other patients. He finally sent me to my second neurologist in Lexington Kentucky, who also did a few tests. That doctor also informed me that there was something wrong but he didn’t know what it was.

    After a while, I got tired of not getting answers and went to another neurologist for another opinion. When the first doctor found out I had gone to a doctor of my choice, he dropped me as a patient. Now I realize he did me a favor. I went through several other doctors in the same practice because of their relocating, which led me to my current doctor. He specializes in Parkinson’s disease and has helped me a lot. I have gotten worse in some ways but, on the other hand, he has taught me things like the proper way to take my medicine and how important scheduling is and controlling temperature and stress to help symptoms.

    Somewhere in all of this I developed breast cancer and had to have a mastectomy of my left breast, as well as chemotherapy. While I was fighting the cancer, I slowed down on the fight of Parkinson’s. Now I am a seven-year cancer survivor, so I am concentrating on PD again.

    This has also been very hard on my family. Living with a chronically ill person is very difficult. It takes its toll on family and friends. I felt like when I called people they were thinking, "What does she want now.” I have lost some friends and gained many others.

    I feel like I am lucky in some ways because of the compassion and understanding from special friends I have met in the cancer support group and the Parkinson’s support group at the Edge of the Forest. I have gotten to personally meet one lady who lives in the next city and who also has PD and a daughter the same age as mine. My daughter and I went out to eat and shop with her one night, and my daughter mentioned several times since then that “Finally, there is someone who knows what I am going through.” I am sad that I can hardly do any activities with my daughter and that she has always known me as being a sick mom. I might consider DBS in the near future, but right now I’m taking a new drug out on the market to see if it helps me.

    In fighting both diseases I have learned the importance of a sense of humor and faith, along with the support of family and friends. You cannot fight chronic diseases on your own. Chat rooms and support groups help you to know that you are not alone--that other people have the same problems and are going through the same thing.

    A favorite saying is “You only live one day at a time.” There is always hope until you die.
    "You only live one day at a time."
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Jankay...that is wonderful and if it's what you want me to add I will copy it from here and use it. Thank you so very much. Would you like me to include pictures? I can if you can post them here or email them to me.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    YES U CAN USE That i will pm u later
    i go for a mammogram this morning