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  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2007
    Robin, so sorry you are having to go through this. Jasmine's BF should have thought about fatherhood a long time ago.

    Jankay, how scary that must have been for you. Hope today goes better. Your eulogy for your mom was good. Your mom was obviously a special woman.

    Z, that's awesome. You definitely have a way with words. Wish I could write like that. This site was my lifesaver when I was firsr diagnosed and then I felt right at home when this thread was started.

    Cheri, I keep looking at my Knifty Knitter. I have this auction and the journal entry to write for Vickie, and then I can open the package and figure out what to do with it. How are you feeling today?

    Shokk, glad you madeit through the tornados ok.

    Ladies, how do you get a senior off the road - I feel my mother shouldn't be driving - she gets mad at the special county transit programs and cabs take too long so she insists on driving. My husband says to back off because she's just going to get mad at me, and she has. Then last night our local news has a lead story about a 70 year old man picking up his grandson at a middle school runs over 13 kids - fortunately, no one was killed but there are still 4 or 5 of the kids in intensive care. Her doctor's office says things like "good for you" when she tells them she drives herself!!! and with my luck, if I turn her in, I'll get caught.

    By ladies. Everyone have a good day and I'll try to check in later.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning,

    Margaret, my mom is 86 and she still drives. She has had a few bump ups but they are NOT her fault!!! If you ride with her, take a barf bag as she has you rocking back and forth - she hits her brakes constantly. Tell her she can't drive - my brother, sister and myself know better than to try. Let me tell you she can still give us a tongue lashing!!!!!!!!!

    Shokk, Texas has been hit hard this year; gals in Missouri have had a rough winter and early spring too.

    Cheri, sorry you had a bad day yesterday. I see you were up late hours or early hours. Hope today is better for you. Yes, had an elementary school teacher that said people only tease/pick on those that they like. Worry if you are left alone. Ummmmmm.

    Gina, saw your post and sorry that you are sick and that you don't think you will get to be around much if all your chemo goes like this one treatment has. Sending you lots of hugs and good wishes. Maybe today you will feel like sharing more.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Off to work.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Well my goodness.......I've been on the puter this morning for quite a while reading all the posts and trying to get to know everyone! You CG's are an active bunch!! FYI I don't get my feelings hurt easily, and dang who could answer EVERYONE? HA Also have chemo brain so...........

    Z...loved the shirt, had been to there website before. I was looking for one that said "Save the TaTa" singular. LOL I loved the pix of the colorful houses. Reminds me of a small island in the bahamas, Green Turtle Cay, all the houses are painted like that. Also your poem was beautiful.

    Vickie, I have read your posts in the past and you ARE a nice person. Maybe you should borrow one of MB's lumpy scrunchies and just shove it up his butt? Amazing how our aim is true when someone upsets us now. HA

    Sue, the baby pix is adorable, congratulations, that is your daughter and grandbaby?

    Susan, My DH would never, well, OK, right now, tell me what color to paint. At this point in my tx he knows to just say yes, honey, whatever you want. Doesn't he have to leave for work at some point? Throw those bright colors on when he leaves the house. Thanks too for the secret pal work, that had to be a major task.

    Cheri, yes I did slip down here to the circle a couple of months ago....then started chemo and realized I had misplaced my sense of humor somewhere and now that I have found it again, Jankay says, "one day at a time".

    Speaking of Jankay....we've talked a few times in the chat room. Your story is so touching. I too have felt during all this that my friends see my number come up on caller id and dread picking up. This is probably not true but..........

    Margaret, we had the same problem with DH's mom. She has no business being behind the wheel of a car. There were times she didn't even remember driving to Walmart and back. SCARY....finally caught her in a moment after that where we were able to scare her too and finally sold her car.

    Denise, so sorry to hear the month of May is hard for you. Losing a child has got to be the hardest thing. My mom/dad visited us over Easter and a couple of times I caught a look in her eye that she was worried about that same thing with me. I know it is hard to only think of the good times, but as everyone has said, you can turn to your BC sisters to help you get thru.

    Had the weekly BNO last night (Broads Night Out). Grilled burgers, drank some beer (oops, yep, haven't lost the taste) and had some great laughs and gossip.

    Hey Amy, speaking of beer, remember meeting you on the drinking thread many months ago. Did you try the Blue Moon with the orange slice? SUCH a fad now, I tell myself it is healthy for me, what with all that Vitamin C and all. teehee

    Will check back in later......thanks to all for the warm welcome.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007

    Good morning girls - I am going to a conference today, so I don't ahve to leave as early so I am sneaking onto the computer. It is beautiful out this morning and will be in the 70's then it drops to the 50's by Saturday and rain. Vickie I hope today is a better day to day. Jankay - sorry life is being so hard for you - I sure wish your body would be more cooperative to you. that must be so very hard. Sending hugs your way. Cheri - loved your psots - you said it so well. And to all you wonderful writers - not a creative bone in my old body. i haven't been taking notes - so I forgot who had the beautiful grandbaby - thank you for sharing the pics - a lovely family and you are beautiful too. I hope to be back tonight. Karen in Denver

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited May 2007
    good morning cg's

    wow it sure has gotten busy in here hardly able to keep up.... well acually i cant keep up!!!!
    havent been in for a while so thought i would pop in!!! but i see i wasnt missed.... ha!
    hey mb i will link up that link for you later i have it at home and i am at work!! no mail yet will let you know forsure...
    well i am really kicking myself for not taking that other job!!!!!!!! i turned down a managers job for a small retail chain store and now thinking i made a mistake....
    so much other crap going on as well.... my hubby has two kids from a previous ( they were not married) but his youngest was picked up near vancouver canada hitch hiking the other night and he was on his way to our place... i guess the mother went and got him but i can see in the next little bit he will end up at our home... which i support fully as this child is abused and the mother is a crack head....
    cheri how you doing girl??? miss chatting with you!
    cy how about you???? whats going on?
    ns how you feeling??
    nikki wuzzzzzz up girlfriend?
    there are so many of you i have missed but please know that i think of the cg's quite often!!!!
    i dont know if its just the time of yr but i am losing interest in things again... my computer, my job....etc....
    thanks for letting rant and rave i am sure i will have more later...
    well have a super duper day ladies
    (.) (.)
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    GM we sure can post...
    Tracey glad your back ...we did miss you...sorry bout all the other work stuff..gram used to say hind sight is 20/20...

    Ok as for the boob in a's the theory...some of you may be like me , have some stashed in the drawer..well there are women out there with no insurance or that just need i'm starting a "home" for unwanted boobs...and NO robin that doesn't include hope to find adoptive parents who will love and use them...
    ok and which one of you thought I wasn't if yu are in need let me know... glad to have the old you back....
    Trishia glad you keep popping in... cute...and now remember to take care of yourself...
    Karen so glad you keep us updated...we do miss you ....

    ok off to I know I'm missing way to many personally but hugs ...MB
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Morning All,

    I'm doing a drive by post...didn't sleep last night. Shoulder has a cortisone flare from the darn shot...
    and NO the darn doctor did not call with biopsy results....

    Anyway....I am home, am finishing Elizabeth Edward's if you have not already sent a PM to Vickie with words of encouragement, please PM me....I need to print all out today as my DD will have the afghan and our words specially packaged tomorrow morning....

    Sorry I can't respond to all....I'll be back later.
    Thanks to all, Madison
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    good morning ladies. Another grey day. My new mantra....Rain is good, rain is good. I have a massage scheduled for today. Probably should cancel it but the owie is only in one spot and she will make the rest of my body feel soooooo good. And heaven knows I need it soooo. Probably a stupid decision.

    Liz, I'll buy a ticket.

    Doris, Nipples on your hip? WOW!!

    Vicki, hope your feeling better this morning. A beautiful poem.

    Shel, hahahahhaahhahahahahhah thanks for the laugh.

    stupid satelite not working properly. Talking to tech support again. UGH!! I'll be back
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Shokk-I didnt see you flying over last night so thats a good thing. I didnt see a piano flying over either so I take it your daughter was playing all right or you might have sent it flying out the window.

    vickie-sorry you had a rough night last night. Men arent worth it! Who needs them?

    Shirley-typical military huh? geesh and they protect us.

    Shel-nice to see you laughing.

    Robin-a steam roller sounds perfect but lets only inch up slowly cause I want it to be painful and not quick. We could put him in adionnas mucky pond and let the turtles eat him. Adding Jasmines ex to the list of getting steam rolled btw.

    Jankay-sorry you had a rough day. I cant imagine what you are going through. Wonderful words that you wrote for you mother.

    Cheri-my my my its great to see you graced up with a post. All the other were getting worried about you but I wasnt,,lol. You were tired and your body needed rest. the mental stress alone is enough to deal with. Miss you when we dont see you though and it makes us worry.

    CY-sorry about the biopsy. Mazer promised to behave but I see she may have gotten in the way. Truth be known it was probably her ears though and not her nose.

    Adrionna-you do not have sternum cancer,,lol. That sounds like something I would convince myself.

    Tricia-books on tape are nice when taking a long drive. We do it alot when traveling and it makes the time go by.

    Sue-wow what a cutie and big too. My neice is pregnant and also a size 2 so we will see how that works out. In fact size 2 might be pushing it. She weighed 98 when she first got pregnant and was so excited to break 100. I got a few pounds she can have.

    Margaret congrats on the great checkup. Nothing like hearing good news.

    Lisa-sorry to hear you arent sleeping very well.

    Marsha-oh man forgot all about the blue moon with the orange. Might have to stop on the way home and pick up some vitamin c cause like you, i think it has to be good for me. I never lost my taste for beer either.

    Karen in Denver-glad to see you posting. We miss you when you are away.

    Sherndon-speaking of away, where are you?

    Mena-Missing in action still I see. Hmmm, are you in trouble somewhere?

    Tracey-if you read back we did mention that you werent here so dont even go there. Seee, we do care! Sorry about the kid problems.

    Brenda-I could never imagine telling my mother she couldnt drive. YIKES! I'm still scared of her.

    Madison-enjoy your day off but if your shoulder cant do it dont push yourself.

    MB_the unwanted and unneeded boobs are an excellent idea.

    Whoever mentioned that I had lost my boobs-the story is they arent lost they are just misplaced and there is a difference. I still think they are behind the seat in my truck but havent cared to look for them.

    Deb-hoping you are in a better mood today. We all have those days so dont let it get to you.

    ok I have officially lost my mind. Yep, some of you will guess it but we got another dog yesterday. Rescue situation once again. Lady teaches with my SO and she tells her she has a boston retreiver outside and never been in the house and they dont like it and husband is going to shoot it cause the shelter will just kill it so he might as well do it. WTF? SO goes into action and says she will take it. Well they lost the dog last Thursday and found it Sunday night and called SO to say they had found it and would she still take it. SO says of course. Well SO had drama practice after school so tells her she will pick it up at about 4:30 and lady says no I will bring her to you. SO says ok will be in the gym so just bring her inside. Keep in mind it was 90 degrees yesterday. Well 4:30 gets there and no sign of the dog so SO calls the lady and no answer. She then decides to sat in her truck and turn the air on and clean up any trash that might be in her truck and in the back of it while she is waiting. Well, the lady put the dog in a small crate in the back of the truck at 3:30. The dog could have died of heat exhaustion in such a small crate plus it had no clue as to what was going on. Anyway her name was sissy which isnt going to work so we named her Beaner last night and she is the cutest thing. One of those things that you say she is so ugly she is cute. She snores loudly and is very loving. OH well, whats one more mouth to feed!

    ok gotta get some work done here. Hello to everyone I might have left out. It wasnt on purpose thats for sure.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    back. don't think I'm ever gonna get the stupid satelite fixed.

    Beth, I have no idea what "they" do for a broken rib cause the silly man didn't "do" anything. Just sent me on my way with order for another stupid test.

    Karen hugs to you.

    Susan, hubby and I had the same fight. He won in the living room and kitchen. Stark white walls that I must say look darn good with black frames....I won in the bathroom and bedrooms. Paint your world my friend. He will get used to it.

    CY, OUCH!! gla that part is over for you. Praying for results.

    Gina, gentle hugs for you.

    Margaret, broken rib indeed. The nerve. Stupid bones.

    Cheri, your mama was a smart lady.

    Jankay, gentle hugs for you.

    Z, that is lovely. Thank you for sharing it.

    Jankay, beautiful words as well.

    Nicki, gee thats what I said. "how can I have bronchitis without a cough?...he said "it's possible". Personally I don't think thats the problem but I'll jump thru the hoops like a good patient. Looked up pulmonary function tests. They are done for bronchitis, COPD, and emphysema (however that is spelled). Yikes what if he was just sugar coating it. Naaaa he's never done that before. No reason to think he's doing it now.
    He told me to take a vacation for a week and leave the smokes at home. Get over the nicotine addiction and the rest is easy....I said yeah right. Obviously you have never smoked. Brain knows I have to get to it. The getting to is the difficult part.

    Hugs for your mom Liz. My dad had that done last year. Along with lasiks? First time in 65 years he has not needed to wear glasses. How amazing is that.

    Lisa, sleep all day if you need to. With no guilt.

    Shokk, you walked the dog in the middle of tornado warnings? Holy smokes. How's the hedgehog?

    Margaret, wish I had some advice for you. My FIL continued to drive until he ended up in the middle of some farmers field and the police finally took his license away.

    Well geez louise. Guess the Lord is looking out for me when I to stubborn to do it myself. Mrs Hippy Magicfingers just called and canceled my appt today. OK now I'm bummed.

    Marsha, BNO.....hahahahhahahhahah

    Tracey, you are always missed, even if you aren't mentioned. YOU KNOW THAT!!

    MB, you are the bestest. You amaze me.

    madison, hubby has said the day after those shots was always the worst. Gentle hugs for you.

    Amy, scary thought aint it....even scarier...they are letting MY kid play with nuclear power!!! O my!!!
    Flesh eating turtles? Yikes!
    Good heavens. Poor puppy. Shame on that lady. Neither one of them sound fit to have an animal. I am very happy Beaner is now going to live with those who will love her and take care of her.

    Gotta go feed the man. Love you all to bits.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007

    Shirely & Susan, My son has beautiful black & white photos, forget the black frames, use friend had the same trouble, now decorates with the color frames and black & white photos......hehehehe...MB

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited May 2007
    Just popping in---been out of town for 2 days and can't even begin to catch up. The one post I did notice was Robins re: her daughter and the s**t for brains baby's father. I hope your daughter knows that the father is legally obligated to help support this child---whether or not he "feels" like it. She would have to take him to court but he certainly helped create this life and now is responsible for supporting this child until age 18. My daughter is a social worker and works with adolescent kids---I just can't fathom how some peoples' minds work---both her clients and the parents. GRRRR.

    Have skimmed to try and figure out how everyones' various tests, scopes and biopsies came back but there are SO many pages. Can somebody synopsize for me since I seem to have missed. How are Cy, Cheri, Madison?

    Know what I just realized? My onc visit last week was the very first one EVER where she didn't either send me out of the office or call me on the phone with something designed to keep me awake at night. Loosing 4% bone mass in 15 months doesn't count---that's fixable. AND---I will be the magic 2 years out in June---YAY!

    Hope all are well.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Thanks to all who remembered me. I feel like Sally Field, "You like me, you really like me..."

    Ok, I'm going to join the group who have convinced themselves they have another cancer something. I posted in the other Moving Beyond a couple of weeks ago about a, um, problem I've been having. I took the advice and it seemed to get a little better, but it's never completely gone away. I'm talking about constipation. Yes, that ugly little word. I've upped fiber, water, been on stool softeners, and miralax and still NOTHING! In the past week it's been just little rocks here and there. I know, tmi. Well, I called the dr. today and they said to increase the miralax and it's probably from the Cymbalta. NOOOOO!!!!! It has finally made me not so crazy, it can't be that. I go back to the pcp in 2 weeks and if it's not better, then we are back to square one. Of course I have convinced myself I have colon cancer, that's why I can't go.

    Sorry, don't really mean to be gross. I'm at school and kiddos will be back soon. I hope I can answer all of you personally later.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    Sheri...this a place where everyone does please don't ever be sorry for posting what you are thinking...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Be mindful that happiness isn't based on possessions, power, or prestige, but on relationships with people we love and respect.

    Love ya all
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    OK is the straight poop...sorry, couldn't help myself...

    I have been right where you are. first of all YOU DON"T HAVE COLON you feel better yet??

    I had constipation so bad I thought I was really going to sh*t bricks. What I did not realize is that all the fiber in the world wouldn't help without LOTS of fluids. The fiber helps things move along by drawing water to the waste, which makes it bigger and least I think that's right....ANYWAY

    What worked for me was one stool softener morning and one at night, twice the normal dosage of bulk powder (I used Citrucel, but any of them work), and then I added 3 16-oz glasses of water a day to my normal fluid level. I also drank a glass of prune juice every morning...I know, gross, but it helped. This was just to KEEP things going. I used actual stimulate laxatives to get things started...

    Being constipated was really one of the worst parts of treatment for me, so I can totally understand how bad it makes you feel.

    All joking aside, I hope things get better soon.

    Deb c
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Sheri, Arimidex does the same thing to me. It's just like that awful chemo poop (little boulders).

    I forget who was talking about their dad driving. My dad had Alzheimers and refused to give up driving. One day he got lost for 8 hours after leaving the local golf course. The cops found him MILES away from home and my mom just snatched the keys from him when he got home. He was devastated, but tough nuggies! You do what you have to when peoples safety is at stake. Later, he went into a nursing home and used to escape all the time and go to the parking lot and try to get into cars !

    Shel, your mom is in Cape Coral? My son is moving there. Is it nice? Good to see you laughing again.

    Vickie, sounds like we need to throw someone under the same steam roller that will take care of Evil! Hope today is a better day.

    OK Nicki, I am going back on South Beach and really following it. No cheating.

    JanKay, thanks for the great words. You write very well! You must have been terrified when your body froze!!! I can't imagine.

    Karen in Denver, thanks for checking in!

    Sue, what a beautiful baby. Congratulations!!

    Amy, another dog????? Aiy yi yi!! It's going beyond a farm. It's a freaking zoo ! If it wasn't for my man person, I'd have a whole houseful of animals myself.

    This is just a drive by, since I'm at work now. Lunch time is over! I will try to check in when I get home.

    Bugs and fishes!!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    when i cnt poop i increase water and fresh fruit
    with a cocktail of hot coffee amn mom and prunejuice
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited July 2008
    I'VE LOST 12 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited July 2008
    Oops, wrong thread! Be back later!
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007

    You Go Denise!!!!!!! xoxo Puppy
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited May 2007
    It's never the wrong thread to celebrate 12 pounds lost!

    Way to go, Denise!

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    You're kicking butt Denise!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    Denise...whooo hooo...12 lbs is sooo great...
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Way to go Denise

    Karen and Margaret thank you both for thinking of Jasmine,my heart is breaking and there is nothing I can do.She met with him just now and is on her way home crying,he told her that he dosent ever want another woman that she has ruined him,I have heard that before from EVIL.
    He had all of her stuff together and gave it to her.I think he had th is planned the whole time she was pregnant and is just using this as an excuse.So he is turning his back on the baby also.Boy do I hate men.

    Amy:Slow is the only way I am gonna do it,i want it to be painful like it has been for us.

    My nerves are shot,I dont know how much more I can handle on these ole shoulders.I screwed up the attorneys appointment today,it was yesterday at 9 am and I dont know how I managed that.But she made me one for monday at 9am maybe I can make it to that one.

    All my CG sisters please pray not for me but for God to give Jasmine strenght.I am so afraid she is going to go into postpartum depression.How can men do this I mean Tesla is just 3 weeks old and he dosent want her mother anymore.I gotta go before I puke.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    i havemissedsomething. tell me about jas i usedto chat on her bc friends site
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited May 2007
    afternoon ladies...
    man its pouring like cats and dogs out there!!! but that will turn everything green!!!!

    awww robin how sad is that.... i hope your jasmine nails his arse to the wall with child support god thats so upsetting......... what a jerk!!! oh i got names for that one but i have to be nice on here!!!! nail his f#$#$#$ ass to the wall!!!!!!!!!

    denise congrats on the weight loss.... wtg girl!!!!!!!

    well back to work for 40 more minutes!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Wow Denise thats excellent. It was worth having to crawl your way out of the mucky pond after all wasnt it.

    Holy toledo 12 pounds is alot. I think I found them though.

    robin-sorry about your daughter Jasmine. I hope she follows through and makes he be responsible even if he doesnt want to be a daddy he can still pay.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Hi girls, haven't read back but wanted to tell you what happend this morning for an afternoon laugh.

    I take mom to get her cataract surgery early this morning. Now remember, I am not an early morning person anymore. I sit there and they come out and say they want to talk to me. ???? One of the surgical nurses stuck herself and they wanted permission from me (they already had mom's) to take her blood to test for HIV. I said of course as she did. I'm waiting for them to finish up with her and I start getting hot/dizzy. I end up in a wheelchair almost passing out. I know it's because it was so flippin hot in that waiting room and I hadn't woke up in time to eat anything. They give me orange juice and her opthamologist comes over and makes me lie down. Geez! I was okay after a few minutes. They said they were going to mark this one down in the record books as a first. LOL

    Okay - going to go outside and learn to use our new riding lawn mower. Think I'll practice some NASCAR moves with it.


  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited July 2008
    Thank you ladies! I guess I'll post it all over.......when another 20 comes off!

    I've been reading off and on all day. Took the day off to nurse whatever is coming back and the stupid office has called here 6 times. Trivial crap too!

    I hope all of you dear girls know that I try to include all, but we have so many wonderful sisters here, that it is almost impossible to write to each and everyone everyday. That doesn't mean that I'm not thinking of you, I am...each and everyone!

    Shirley: I must've been full of Wit the past couple of days! Does that mean the man person is feeling better or does that mean you are sharing the drugs with him? Sorry they are putting you through more tests....soon they will be over!

    Shokk: I am going to re-name you Dorothy..and the hedgehog is ToTo! Just how big is this closet that has turned into your favorite room in the house? Tornado alley..Wow!

    Sue: Congrats on the new one! A real beauty..and your daughter is a cutie too! Would you slow down already?!

    Amy: Did I read somewhere that you lost your boobs? I hear a story brewing somewhere! SO got ya a new puppy, eh? Sounds like a good thing though...the moran lady that left him in a crate in the truck....well, I won't mar my reputation by giving her a name!!
    No Evil in my murky pond!! That man is even to Murky for the turtles!

    Doris: You've got nipples on your hips!! I thought everyone over 50 had saggy boobs with nipples falling on the hips!!

    Shel: Snow on the lanai? I'm glad I'm not the only one who says "really stupid" stuff! I'm known for that....and everyone who knows me will vouch for it!!

    Karen: That is many you know being DX'd. This damn stuff is everywhere and it makes me very ANGRY!

    Susan: I have a White Wall DH also. I have snuck in a couple "nuteral" (misspelled) colors in bedroom and bath. But My living room is driving me crazy. My living room and kitchen/dining are open with staircase to lower level separating I have one long wall from dining right through living room and there is no place to I'm trying to come up with something that will tie the two together.

    Cy: I am so glad your biopsy is over..a little sore is okay, just relax and don't push it.

    NS: Hope you are feeling better. I know you will prevail, but I do wish this Chemo wasn't kicking your butt!

    Margaret: Interesting paint you were describing. Is it suppose to change colors with the light or does it just look that way to you? Let me know....I'm looking for an idea.
    Mother Mom made it clear that NO ONE but here would decide when she wasn't going to drive anymore. Because of her health issues now, she only drives about once a month as far as the beauty shop, but here comes a true story. A couple of years ago she needed to renew her license. I took her to Secretary of State to do it. She is doing the eye test (she has pretty good vision) and she kept telling the lady that "I can't see anything". It was the little machine you look in and read a few letters. She is really short, so I adjusted the machine...."What am I suppose to be seeing?" Lady tells her to move her head right to the bar.................So she walks out with a renewed license! Of course it wasn't her, the machine was surely on the Fritz! In other words......Good luck!

    Robin: Of course Jasmine is in our prayers. She has a very strong mother....yes you are....and I'm sure she was raised with your virtues and values. She will make it!
    Okay: How sweet! Max cries when you leave him. He wanted to go to bed last night so you just petted him and he fell asleep in your lap. Well, duh.......don't they all fall asleep after petting!!!! My dear child, I need to teach you a few things! LOL

    Jankay: Hope your Mammo went well and Hope you're over the "body freeze" that must really be scary. I'm sorry.

    Z: I am very sorry to hear that you, also have lost a child. You're right, no matter how long it has's still there.
    Your writing is beautiful and your post are always a pleasure to read!

    Madison: Hoping your shoulder injection is feeling better. Pain to fix pain.........something wrong with that therory!
    No results yet.....that sucks, don't they know it has been way long enough?
    That is So great that EE is going to get her Afghan!

    Liz: Hope your Mom's Cataract Surgery went well.

    LisaElder: It's been fun getting to know you! I think you found the right your wit, just wishing you felt better.

    Amy: By the way....of course I don't have Cancer of the Sternum! Duh...that was so moves to various body parts through out the week!!!!

    Nicki: Zicam....I looked at it in the store today. There
    is several different Zicam's. Swabs, Gel, nose spray, mouth mist, chews, quick dissolves, lozengers....lots of ways to get the stuff in your body......didn't know which ailment I should be treating..Cold, Allergies, Sinus, etc. Left without any. Anyhow, Dr. called in the famous Z pack for me and we'll see how that does!

    Puppy: I'm loving the pics you posted on the Secret Pal Thread! And I just noticed the one clapping over my weight loss!! To Cute and To Funny!

    Marsha: You have a quick wit! I think you found your sense of humor!! Thanks for joining us!

    Tracey: The "boob" hug above your name!!!!!!Need not say anything more!

    MB: You have an orphanage for unwanted boobs! Very original I must say! Kidding aside...that is a very nice thing you are doing.

    Jeannie: Glad Onc appt went well. Isn't it nice when they let you out of there without "thoughts to keep you nervous?"

    Sherndon (sheryl): I guess I will call you the "flying nun" from now on!! LOL
    You've caught canceritis too. Damn disease has so many of us DX'ing ourselves!!
    Don't worry about being gross. I specialize in gross! Poop stories are my best! See, when you work with HomeHealth and Hospice you've heard it all, seen it all and Done it all! I'm a fan of stool softeners and prune juice...usually works for me..not always (like now) but give it a try.

    Deb: Once again my dear..........Invaluable advice on poop!!

    Vickie: Did you hit him with the water bottle or just the car? Hope things are better for you today.

    I will sneak in later.

    Cheri: Where are you?
