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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: Another busy day. Rush hour traffic was the pits this morning and on my way home. Drove 113 miles today! So Im pretty tired.

    So the new person has started. She is the Director of Marketing and I share my office with her. She is 36 now. Find out that at age 26 she was diagnosed with cancer of the ovary. Spread to some lymphs in her abdomen. Anyways she managed to have 2 children, multiple surguries, open wounds in her belly. And she is doing great now. NED. She is a really nice person. Hope we get along.

    Shokk! Whew, I feel like that darn tornado keeps following your around. Im glad your safe and sound.

    Robin: Now this is the man whose family walked into the delivery room and took pictures whithout Jasmines permission? So let her shed tears, then realize this guy is a real loser and that family is nuts! She and the baby are much better off without "all of them." Sometimes, during treatment, I remember feeling like I just couldnt go on. But then that passed and I seemed even stronger to continue on this journey for a very long time.

    Jankay: That was a beautiful post and will be wonderful for Vickies journal.

    MargaretB: Now thats a tough one with your mother. Taking away alot of independence there - even though she probably should not be driving. Good luck. Woe is the person who tries to take my car away - at the ripe old age of 100.

    Tracey: Man oh man - where have you been? I cant keep up either. Now dont you go thinking about what you should have done. Thats over move on to the next thing. That job sounded really, really stressful and demanding. The right one will come along. Since it made you laugh - this is how glad I am to hear from you.


    Madison: Any results from the biopsy yet?

    Sherloc: Oh Boy! COPD, Asthma, or Chronic Bronchitis? Still being a smoker, I sure do understand what you are saying, but dang - that might be a reason for us both to quit.

    Sheri: Drink lots of water, eat lots of fruit and vegetables and get some fig newtons.

    Jan: Working in geriatrics for 20 years, I think Ive met your father lol. Trying to steal a car. I dont know what I am doing but day 4 and Ive lost 6 pounds! This is amazing me.

    Denise: Congratulations. My goodness I bet you are in a smaller size. Z Pak is great. Zicam chews is what I got. It helps to minimize the symptoms and makes the cold go away faster. My pharmacist says its the Zinc in it.

    Well - time is out. A speical hello to

    Im sure I have forgotten many. Hope you have a great evening.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007

    Nope dont see Cheri anywhere,,,,

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Hey great for you Nicki, a new collegue/boss (?) who has "been there" and what an inspiration for you to hear she's dancin' with NED! I think you will get along great.

    Denise, too funny about the poop stories. So you are the Poop Story Queen? My friend has a radio show from 3-6 called Drive Time Happy Hour, talk/call in show, and they always do Poop Story of the Day. Maybe I should put you in touch. LOL

    Liz.....your not pregnant are you? haha

    Robin, that sucks about Jasmine and the baby/father situation. No matter what, that asshole would pay monthly support.

    Doris, nipples on your hips? What the heck is that? My surgeon told me about making nipples from, well, you know.......down there. Apparently the color is about the same. No way I'm having THAT surgery!

    Amy I have two dogs, Max and Roxie, half Lab and half Catalhoula Leopard dog. I would love to pick up another at the shelter but I swear, my Max is so dumb he is high maintenance. Doesn't like to walk on the terrazzo floors, we have to put runners thru the house so he can get from the front to the back door. Roxie, on the other hand is so smart she catches him laying on the couch and antagonizes him till he gets up to play with her and she jumps in his spot. Of course, she is the woman (hear her roar).

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Ya know I save all my pcitures. Thought this one might be appropriate here.


  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007

    Hey CGS, Puppy is going camping this weekend, got the camper back from inspection to make sure it is ready, and we are off!!! gonna go to our cabin first, then take the camper to other sites! as you can see it will feel like home!! Love Ya all, and You will be in my Prayers!! might even pick up my secret pal sompin and send it! xoxoxo Puppy

    Nicki, You So Funny!!! I love ya Sister! and all my sisters,keep on keepin on.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Welllllllll........I called the surgeon's office today for results...and never received a call back...grrrrrrr......

    Finished EE's afghan-posted picture on the afghan thread

    Still need more individuals to PM me with words of encouragement....(If you want to). I am printing each individual's message on a separate sheet of paper to go in an album....

    I'll be back.....need many, many glasses of wine tonight...

    Hugs to all, I apologize for not individually mentioning each and every one of you.....thinking about each and every one of you!!!!!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited July 2008
    This place is always guaranteed for atleast one laugh a day!!

    I was laughing at Marsha's suggestion to put me on the radio with poop stories and then I scroll down and see the picture from Nicki!

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007

    Dear CGS,Please pray for "theshopmoma(pam) she had her mammo. yesterday and is scheduled for 2 core biopsys tomorrow! I hate cancer!! xoxo Puppy

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007

    That turd looks like a man, oh wait, it's Jasmines' babys' father! There you go Robin, looks like Nicki tracked him down for ya! LOL Marsha

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Thanks Amy: See how long its been since I have even been around one of "THEM" i forgot how easy they go to sleep.I think Max will be the only man in my life for a long time.
    Today i was going to chemo and he kept running out the door wanting to go.I took him with me about 2 times but gotta wait until the puppie side is a little less prominent.But I take him everywhere else with me.

    Thanks Nicki:That is the one and only "THEY" I told her she is better off but right now she cant see it.She has been in bed all afternoon until finally I put the baby in the bed with her and walked into the bathroom and got in the show.But at least she got out of bed.I am not going to let her get down and out.She is to good for them anyway.I have always taught both of them we are all equal but this time is the exception to the rule.

    Thanks Marsha and welcome.I dont know what she is planning about child support,I know if he pays he also gets visitation rights and she said him and him mom are to "stupid"to take care of her.Every time I say anything she starts crying so I am gonna wait a few days.

    I still cant believe it,but I think it was all planned from the start they thought she was going to have the baby and hand her over to him and his mother and when that didnt work they got pissed.

    Will be back later.Thanks again for all your prayers.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Denise -- that is awesome. Please tell me how you lost the weight. I've all but given up

    Robin -- I'm so sorry that Jasmine is hurting but I agree with Nicki. She will be better off without that wacky family trying to dictate raising Tesla.

    Silka -- I'll call you tonight and Monday after your surgery. Try not to put anyone's eye out with those new tatas coming home.

    Madison -- thanks for all you and Vickie do for the Community Afgan project.

    Well, the last day of all day training for the week. Yahoo! There's nothing like a nice soft pair of jammies to come home too.

    TracEy -- you certainly WERE missed. There were alot of posts asking about you. You probably just didn't go back that far. We have missed you. I just figured you had made another cheese run across the border.

    Well, going to go put on a fresh pot of coffee to pour over cocoa. That's my comfort drink of choice.

    Be back later!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Thanks JanKay and jasmine and all of you for your kind words and prayers.

    I want to tell all of you what a f&^%^ idiot the EVIL is,now Tesla will be 4 weeks old tuesday and the idiot called karen today and said "I didnt know jasmines babies name is Tesla".Karen told him is not upstairs long enough to know anything.I just had to get this off my chest right now or something is going to blow.I am getting rid of him if I have to borrow the backhoe and did us out a hole to live in and put trees on top of it.I cant take anymore.It should be a crime for being so damn stupid.
    I am sorry I just had to vent my head is going to explode.
    AMY:send Mazar to get me quick!
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Hi all CG's. Had my shoulder shot up full of lidocaine and cortisone, it hurts. Have not felt well all day, been in bed most of the day - bad mood - Dr. giving me prozac - we will see. Still waiting for mamm and pap results, a few more days the dr. says. Anyway, not much for sitting here right now, bad mood=bad thoughts and I'm not up to sharing today. Seeing my dr. only reminded me of the day he dx me and how much this sh!t has infiltrated my life forever. Have a good evening.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Marsha:Not only is it Tesla's dad it is a picture of the EVIL on the prowl for women.

    Thanks Nicki:that at least brought a smile to my face.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Sweet sisters and thank you for all your support. I'll be fine and dandy. Just gotta get this fool out of my mind. I came home and mowed my front lawn...took me an hour and a half and I still have the back lawn to do but it looks so much better. I love to mow.
    Cheri...beautiful post...I loved it! do have a sappy side. Where are you?
    Z...where are you today...missing your words.
    Shokk...glad you are safe. I saw the destruction on CNN. Your right...we all deserve better men. Don't know where they are though. Not even gonna bother looking!
    Robin...sending prayers and hugs to you and your daughter. I actually think in the long run she will be so much better off. He doesn't sound like he's worth it!
    Gina...I'm so sorry your feel yucky. Wish there was something I could do for you. If there is all you have to do is let me know.
    Marsha...I'd be thrilled to shove on of MB's lumpy scrunchies where the sun doesn't shine after I add a few porcupine quills!
    Karen...ewww...a conference...boring! I hate them. I'm so glad your back and posting cuz we missed you.'s about time you showed back up. We have duct tape, ropes, red rider bb guns, gun toting Texas girls to round up and hog tie missing sisters!
    MB...a home for unwanted boobs...what a great idea.
    Shirley...what satelite company are you using? I think I would be switching...what a pain.
    Amy...I'm with suck and who needs them. A new puppy...hmmm...think we need an farm update of all the new animals!
    Susan...thank you for starting the secret pals thread. I am loving it.
    CY...sending you hugs and prayers for good results. Love ya. years next month...good for you! How is baby Sam? were missed!!! don't have colon cancer silly girl.
    Deb...thank you for the pm. You are a doll and hugs and smooches for you.
    Jan...can't wait to get ahold of that steam roller.
    Denise...12 pounds!! good for you!! I only hit the car...should have hit him though. Wish I'd had a rock! Geez...I'm gettin good at throwing things. It's the terrible two's coming out wayyyy late!
    Puppy...your going camping! I love camping. I used to go to Onieda Lake every summer with my grandparents. We'd leave the day after school let out and not return till the day before school started. They were my salvation!
    Jasmine...I love the afghan project. It gives me something to keep my mind off everything else and there is nothing better than making someone smile.
    Anne...where are you?
    Ok...gotta go watch a movie with Nathaniel...he's had a rough week.
    Where are our new girls?
    Love and hugs to all. more thing...getting lots of journal entries and they are wonderful. This is going to be a beautiful book! Thank you all so very much.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    ahhh...there you are Z...this is for you
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    You are all my shining stars...whenever I feel blue. Thank you.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Beth:I got the books and the tapes today.Thanks Noelle will love them.Good luck on monday.

    Susan:Give me a call sometime when you have time.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Oh, I tried to catch up, but youngest son just called and they are really moving to Florida! I am just sick!!! He is taking my GS's with him. Did I really think they would leave them with us???? They are going to
    Cape Coral, so if anyone has any info, I'd appreciate it!

    Im sorry, gotta go now. DS kept me on the phone so long, it's almost time to go to bed! I am really bummed!

    I'll try and catch up tomorrow!
    I love all of you!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    internet crawling like a snail today. Grrrrr So this is gonna be short and sweet.

    Vicki, I have direcway or hughes, whatever they are calling themselves these days. Only option other than dial up in two bit USA. Today I think dial up would be faster. Tech was here yesterday to fix the thing. Obviously didn't fix it. Took weeks to get him here. Hmmmm wonder what they would do if we took so long in paying them. Hubby is fit to be tied today. I'm just irritated.

    Nicki, scary indeed. Have decided that I am smoking my last pack. I'll finish it up and thats it. Reading about that stuff scared the crap out of me.

    Lets see how long it takes for this to post. Took almost 5 minutes for this page to load.
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited May 2007
    Glad today is drawing to an end. I'm getting another camera and security recorder installed at our business in a few minutes. The owner of the security business came in today to introduce us to the guy that will be installing this tonight. You should have seen my employee's face - he knows what we are doing. He kept asking "who is that" and apparently kept trying to look over the counter(they were eating lunch) to see where we were and what we were doing. I had to think fast to cover why these two strange guys were there talking to me and why we went to the back. All I could think of was them walking out with a can of pizza sauce and saying they were from this other restaurant a distance from us that we showed how to make pizza; they ran out of sauce. I don't think he bought that at all. Anyway, I feel better just knowing we have a camera aimed at the cash register and now one in the back room too, so this time when he goes searching for all the hidden wires, or if someone breaks in, we are covered. I am angry that I am forced to spend this money but hurt that someone I pay well, eats free when he works, gives christmas bonus and a gift also, steals from me. I have always tried to treat my employees the way I wanted to be treated. We'll see if the stealing stops; I bet we don't come up short again. We never did before he started stealing.

    Vicki, glad you are feeling better and having a better day. At first last night, I thought Derrick and Nathaniel's Mom had come by and upset you until one of the other girls posted something about men.

    Robin, I think we should all come and do an exorcism at your house to get rid of the men that cause you guys so much heartache. Then we can move on to other places. I don't normally recommend anyone drinking and don't know if you can - but if anyone deserved one you do tonight. Sometimes and Ativan or Xanax works good too.

    Amy, there is NO way I will suggest to my mom to ever stop driving. I probably would be picking myself off the floor. Yes, I can believe that you have taken in another dog. I sure hope you get a discount on the food and vet bills. People that love animals have very kind hearts and a gentle spirit.

    Susan, I didn't join the Secret Pal. I didn't want to mess it up. I'm having a hard time getting cards and things to family members when I should. Maybe next time. It is a really good idea and it does sound like loads of fun.

    Sue, beautiful family. I just love new babies; grandchildren are my delight.

    Deb hope you are having a better day. I love the circle and I love coming here but sometimes it is hard to come here or BCO as there is often so much pain along side the laughter. On my down days/times, I don't handle that well at all.

    We were to get storms but they must have fizzled out coming across the mountain - so far just a fine rain.

    To everyone loosing weight, you are making me ashamed. I'm proud of you. I was doing so good until my lymphedema arrived and then I had all the pain from that broken rib. I fell off the wagon so to speak, big time.

    Nicki, glad that the new manager is one that you feel is going to be OK to work with. Since we have to work, it sure makes life easier if we don't have to work with jerks.

    Anne, Cy, how are you. Jankay and Z you gals write and post awesome things. Puppy, your don't say lots in words but your pictures are just perfect.

    Been a long day. Need to check on some family members.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    I am going to take a xanax drink a bud light go to bed and hope when I wake up I am in the arms of God.I just cant take anymore.
    I am tired.Good nite all cg's.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Robin, Dear sister, we are ALL in the arms of God, every day. He is with you. Relax and feel his peace.

    Love You
    Deb C
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Dear Lord-

    Tonight there are many of our sisters in the center of the circle.

    They are there waiting for test results and they are afraid.

    They are waiting for treatment side effects to lesson, and they are sick.

    They are waiting for relationships to either work out, or be cleanly finished so they can move on, and they are weary.

    They are worried about the future, and they need your comforting hand on their lives.

    Please cover this circle with the protection of your love. Overwhelm us all with the peace brought only by your grace. You have promised that where ever 2 or more believers are gathered in your name, you will be there. We claim that promise and pray for your healing power in our lives.

    Comfort and heal those in need.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    A favor to ask, it only takes a minute....

    The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "donating a mammogram" for free (pink window in the middle).

    This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors /advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising.

    Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know.
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Good evening, CG's
    Denise, congrats on the 12 pound loss. That's great!

    Robin, that is so sad about your daughter, but I agree with others who have said she is better off without him. After all, what kind of father would he be if he treats your daughter so badly?

    Amy, I love that you and SO saved that dog. That tells me you two are very good people. I want to get a rescue or pound puppy, but so far my 20 pound cat says "no way!"

    Puppy, how great to be going camping. I used to love to camp, but haven't in years. I think if I ever retire, we will get a camper.

    Jan, that is heartbreaking that your son and grandson are moving away. I hope you will be able to visit them often.

    Brenda, I am sorry you are having to install the security equipment, but I hope it works and you can catch him red handed. It is sad that you can treat an employee so well and he would turn around and take such advantage of you.

    Nicki, I hope you and your new boss end up being great friends.

    I am getting frustrated by how long it is taking to find out what to do about my ILC and LCIS. It has been 2 months now since my biopsy. Had lumpectomy the end of March, unclean margins. Onco referred me to a surgeon who does nothing but BC to see about another go for clean margins. We agreed that MRI would make sense to see if there was a lot left in the right breast, or to see if the left breast is involved. I had to wait 3 weeks for the MRI, which I will finally have next Wednesday.
    The extra time has helped me prepare for the possibility of bilat mast. I'm not even sure the MRI will help me make a decision. I am ER/PR+ Her- and node negative. Also waiting for the results of the oncotype test. I guess I just wanted to vent. Part of me wants to know right now what I need to do, part of me is worried about what is ahead.
    Thanks for listening. I know whatever is ahead, I will be helped here.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Deb, thank you....I know I needed to hear your words of comfort. As always, you are beautiful.

    Hugs to everyone....
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    I only had time to skim. Seems like a lot of us are hurting. I'm not hurting, just tired.

    Tricia, sorry you are feeling frustrated. I can relate. I wanted so bad to get the cancer out. I really forced the issue. It's actually good to take time and make sure you have all the answers. You will feel confident about your decisions. I think my decisions turned out ok, but I could have waited and made sure.

    Zaz, i used to visit that site and click all the time. Lost track of it I guess. thanks for the reminder. Sorry aobut your shoulder. Having something else go bad on top of BC is not fun! and not fair! sending you hugs.

    ok, I'm officially SICK. I'm loving the poop stories and pictures.

    Puppy, can't believe the news about Pam. Talk about not fair. Let's just hope they are being overly cautious. I will be praying for her.
    Denise you lost 12 lbs and Amy you found it. Once again. NOT FAIR.

    Hi Tracey, and Jankay and Shirley and Cheryl and Cheri and Madison and Vickie and Jas and Marsha and Anne and MB and Biker and Sheri and shokk and chemosabi and jpann and BMD and Karen and Christine and Margaret and shel and liz and peanut girl and our dear No Surrender.

    Deb, thanks for the prayer. that was beautiful.

    Robin, i'll try and call tomorrow. Comfort Jasmine with the fact that she got rid of her "Evil" without going through the HE** you did.

    Brenda, I fell off the lose weight wagon myself when i had surgery. I'l like to get back on.

    I posted a thread that is a tribute to NS. I think she needs to know how much she means to all of us.
