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  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2007
    Hello all. I am finally awake and feeling better than I did, still a little tired.

    Shirley, hope you get your internet connection fixed soon.

    Jan, sorry about GS’S moving away. I’m sure they will miss you as much as you will them. Any possibility of them spending the summer with you?

    Z, I see you feel like I have for the past few days. I’ve been in bed all day today. Hope the sun will be shining for you soon because we miss your wonderful posts. Take care.

    Robin, I’m sorry that Jasmine is having to deal with this crap when this should be one of the happiest times of her life. She is very lucky to have such a speacial woman for a Mom. My offer still stands, my home will always be open to you. Mazer won’t have to come get you, I will anytime day or night, just say the word.

    Madison, glad you finished the afghan, I will send you a PM, hope it isn’t too late, I’ve been outta commission lately.

    Nicki, cute turd!!!Lol. So very kind, thank you for the hug, I needed that. Will you teach me to diet please? I am fat and miserable oh and I’m lazy and like to eat too lol.

    Denise, You are such a sweetheart. I feel at home here and I am very blessed to know each and every one of you. Made me feel good, didn’t know I had any wit left lol. Figured it went when my mind did.

    Shokk, whew glad you survived girl. Hope your meds worked and lowered your cholesterol.

    Jankay, that post was beautiful. Good luck with mammogram.

    Margaret, wish I had an answer for you about your Mom driving but unfortunately I am in the same situation. My Mom takes tons of meds, including morphine and she drives 30 mph max. When she comes off a ramp, she just pulls out in front of traffic. If she is looking for something in her purse, she will stop and sit in middle of the road, she says they will stop and lol everybody does so far.I swear I would walk before I’d get in the car with her.

    Gina, sorry this chemo is doing a number on you, I am still praying for you and if you need me, let me know. Take care and just rest and take it easy.

    Tracey, glad you are back with us. That is sad about your step-son being abused. Hey I know let’s set Evil up with Crackhead!!! That would solve Robins problem and get the tramp outta the way so he won’t be hurt by her anymore and could be with you and DH..You aren’t getting depressed are you? That’s the first sign of depression for me. Feel better soon.

    MB, what a great idea.Of course that’s just part of who you are, a caring woman with a heart of gold.

    Amy, your boobs are in the truck?LOL. Glad you saved Beaner. Why do some people have to be so cruel? Maybe somebody should shoot him cause I don’t like him. It irks me to no end when animals are abused or took someplace and put out to starve to death.

    Jeannie, welcome back. Congrats on being 2 years out.

    Sheri, have you tried warm prune juice? How about an Enema? Grrr I hate that bloated, crampy feeling when I can’t go.

    CY, no B9 confirmation yet?

    Sue, congrats on the new addition they are so precious..

    Cheri, hope you are feeling better, I miss talking to you. Not used to not seeing you post, makes me worry and makes me sad .

    Vickie, how dare some manperson mess with our sister. Wish you had thrown a rock. Of course you run here cause you know we love you and are always here for you.

    Shel, I’m glad you are able to smile and laugh again. You really want a good belly laugh, I will post a pic of my head later lol.

    Puppy, have a good time camping. Hubby won’t take me no more cause after I eat I wanna come home.

    Tricia ,sorry you are having to wait, just gives you extra time to worry doesn’t it? You are absolutely correct, whatever obstacles we face, we have each other.

    DebC, you always make me laugh. You have such a great sense of humor.

    Liz, so they tested your Mom for HIV? I think I would have been offended. Glad you didn’t pass out in the floor. Note to Liz: You MUST eat. If you get hot, um go outside:LOL.
    I will be sure to look for you and the mower next time hubby watches the races.

    Whew, I am done...I hope. If I forgot anyone, I love ya anyway.

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited May 2007
    Good evening, CGs. Planning on going to bed early (for me) tonight.

    Deb, what can I say, but AMEN.

    I've been here off and on all day and reading all the posts.

    Tracy, you've been missed.

    Denise & Zaz, March is my month to remember. It was 30 years ago this year, and with time it gets better. My son died six hours after birth, and the only happy memories we have of him is the pregnancy. And as pregnancies go, even that wasn't easy. Needless to say, sadly I do understand your feelings.

    Jankay, so sorry you're having such a hard time right now.

    I know there are many others of you that I'm not addressing personally tonight, but know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hugs, prayers, and healing to all.

  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2007
    Oh I forgot to tell you all earlier.I am getting NIPPLES tommorrow at 1:00.I don't have to be put to sleep just a local which I really don't need either because I have no feeling whatsoever.Hope he don't put em on my hips.Nips on my hips lol I think I just thought of a new song for Britney Spears.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    zzzzzzzzz....................sorry I think I was snoring......what a long day girls.........our "loss ratio" at work is just going to suck.............anyway saw the pcp this morning and my blood pressure six wks ago was l55/95 not good thats when she asked me if I wanted a stroke to go along with my it was 133/85....not perfect but a heck of alot better.....did lab work and should get the results of the cholestrol either Monday or Tuesday.....hey Sherloc doc signed me up for bone density on Tuesday.....pretty sure I'm going to be passing that one...yo Denise if I'm Dorothy and the hedgehog is TOTO then I need those flying monkeys to come by and pick her up.....ha.....oh by the way I know how you lost those 12 pounds......your husband has been chasing you around waving that credit card bill yelling...."you spent what?"..... I just check in now since I was here early this I see girls we have some "issues" going on.....poor sweet sisters.......we sure do have to put up with a bunch of crap don't we?????????Anyway meds are beginning to take back in the morning.....Hey Vickie....bbl alligator....good night sweet sisters..........

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Howdy Girls!

    Jumping in without reading back, hope I can get the jist of things!

    Zazette - I haven't formally welcomed you (been very busy this week, and just jumping in and reading when I can.) I loved the picture of your son, and you are another wiz with the photos and animation and all the technology stuff that I'm the worst at! A big welcome to you, and yes, your t-shirt cracked me up!!

    Gina - I'm sorry the chemo is knocking you out. I had some great weeks and some really un-great weeks on chemo. It was so unpredictable when I'd be shopping at Target and when I'd be lying in bed, "unable to save myself in the event of a fire" tired. I hope that each day is better. You hang in there.

    Margaret - I love the Pooh hug picture! I glad your follow-up went well. Here's to a fun and stress-free summer!!

    Robin - I don't even know what to say. Why does it seem like so many men are just jerks? Selfish and immature and just, jerks. I hope your head feels better. Try to take care of each other as best you can. Sending you, Jasmine and Tesla extra hugs.

    jankay - how are you feeling today? I hope you had a good day and that you get a good night's sleep tonight!

    cheri - First of all, I hope your day got better. And yes, I have found that if you ask for help around here, you get it, no questions asked. Seems like a simple concept, and yet, it's awfully hard to find. That's what makes this place so special.

    jankay - yikes! I need to keep reading (I have 91 posts to read!) but I'm sorry to hear that it does not sound like your day got better!

    Nicki - hows the walking going? I WAS going to walk to pick my son up from school today (1 mile total) but my friend called at the last minute and asked me to pick up her daughter for her, and they live clear across town, so there went that idea! I know, excuses, excuses! Aww, I love Calvin and Hobbes! I got my son the Calvin and Hobbes set for Christmas last year. Well, actually, Tim got it for him, but we try not to talk about him anymore unless we have to!!!

    liz - how did your mom's surgery go?

    shokk - glad to hear you have electricity - I skimmed a lot of posts, but I think you had a big scary storm? Glad you are OK! And yes, let me tell you, as a woman who seems to attract men who are emotionally stunted, I really am trying to see that I must have some part in allowing them to behave that way toward me. Well, that didn't come out right, I'm not blaming myself, but I need to expect/demand more from anyone I give my heart to I think. A friend said this to me after Tim left, "you deserve 100% from the people in your life" Assuming there ever is another "someone" in my life, that will absolutely be a requirement! (Of course, it's kind of hard to make it a requirement when they lie, but whatever!)

    Margaret - I don't know, but if you get any good advice, let me know! My Dad is a menace on the roads, but I live 5 states and 6 hours away and have no idea how to address it with him!

    Hey Brenda - I can relate to the barf bag! My dad has been a bad driver FOREVER! When I was pregnant with my son, I had to get out of the car and walk down the street alongside him (I was directing him to a parking garage) because he was making me throw up!

    Marsha - My son has an I'm Not Dead Yet! shirt from Spamalot - I took him for his 10th birthday!!

    Tracey - I missed you! Of course, you wouldn't know it, as I have barely been posting, but I did notice a definite absence of the snowman!! It sounds like you have your hands full, and I know what you mean about the time of year. My friend always gets really down at the change of seasons. I'm like that about spring ever since my mom died. I love it of course, but there is also something about it that really bums me out!

    OK, I'm pooping out... a big hello to: MB, Madison, Shirley, Amy (and her newest addition!), Jeannie, Deb, Jan, Denise (less 12 lbs!), Puppy and Anne!

    I'm only at 4pm (pg 428) but I need to hit the sack.

    It feels SO GOOD to sit and catch up and not speed read and actually be able to post. Sorry, cause I know I missed tons of you, I'll will do another marathon session this weekend!!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    Just popping in to let you all know I will be out of town til late Sunday.
    Still scared but going to try and put in behind me this weekend!
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007

    Sending hugs to all the sisters who are going through procedures, waiting on test results, or just having a tough time with life. I haven't been taking notes - need to get my notebook back out. I know how good it feels to be mentioned by name - so for now - its just hugs to everyone and wishes for feel good days. Karen in denver

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Happy late night/Good morning ladies. You all just pick the greeting you want. I have been sooo tired lately, I slept almost all day again today. Hmm. Least I think it was today. Shoot, maybe i've slept for 2 days and that's why it took so long to read all the posts.

    I took a few notes tonight. Can't read them, but I did take them. Ok, lets get started then.

    Margaret, thanks for the kind worbs? no, I think it's worDs. Hmm, disregard that sentence. I don't think it was meant for you. Glad you got your Knifty Knitter. Ah-HAH. You know I was just thinking with all that you have on your plate at this time, that's exactly what you need. The knitter will relax you sooo much. Try it, you'll see.

    Jankay, you're a good writer. Your journal page was very good.

    Margaret, thank you for the kind words. (thats whats written down)

    Brenda, heck yeah tease me, then it gives me an excuse to tease back. I like to banter back and forth.

    Hey to Marsha and MB. Thanks for the kind words. (worked before)

    Tracey, missing chatting with you too.

    Madison, sure hope your shoulder gets well. When are you going to hear officiall results?

    Karen, thank you for the kind words.

    Amy, awww, you just pretend you and that little chicken don't worry about me. Although, dear, when hunting someone it would probably be best to use a blood hound instead of a baby chick. JMHO Course it would depend on hard you wanted them found. hahaha

    Shirley, thank you. My mama was smart and raised 6 of us smart girls who grew up and did some....really stupid things. lol

    Jeannie, I'm scheduled for a Brain MRI on monday morning...if they can do one.

    Robin, men are just lily-livered asses.

    Liz, I got the nicest card from you today. It came at a good time and it was very much appreciated. We have a new riding mower this year too, my dh calls home every night to see if the grass has grown. Yep, he's right proud.

    Gina, this Circle just isn't the same without you. Please come back, no excuses, ok, 3 chemo excuses per month. I think that's fair. Alright you can have 4, with a dr.s excuse.

    Meaner than me, same goes for you. Where you been?

    Hey Neesie, my mailman brought a package to my door this morning, It was for ME...from YOU. Thank you that was very thoughtful. Nice gift.

    Shirley, since I had pneumonia in '03 I also have COPD, Asthma, Emphysema. I have Sleep Apnea and wear oxygen at night. Thought it was time I quit smoking. 22 days now.

    Jazzmanian, thanks for the kind words.

    Z, do hope you feel much better tomorrow.

    Janny, now it's one thing for your son to move away, but he's taking your GS????? What is he thinking??

    Deb, nice prayer, thank you.

    Lisa, I'll get back on track with the posting. Been a little outta sorts lately.

    Sheri, Laura, Shokk, Colleen, thanks for the kind words.

    CY, you leaving town for a whole week? I didn't see that memo.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone! Im so glad today is Friday and the week-end is upon us. I have lots to do this week-end. Will be planting the remainder of my flowers (still have 30 that need to go into the ground) and then will be working on projects in the house. At least I wont be bored!

    Robin: I was an unwed mother. Had my son when I was 17. I know what its like to have someone desert you. As I look back at it, I get the creeps thinking I could have been married to this guy. He was a real loser. So give your daughter a hug.

    Madison: Oh man, it makes me angry. I would call them again today. This time tell them you want a call back either way. If the path report isnt ready yet, you still want them to call you. I really loath the way we are treated sometimes by our doctors and their staff. Our world feels like it is shattering and they sit there and shrug their shoulders like its no big deal. Be insistant today.

    Z: Sorry you were having a bad day. Seems like it happens to all of us at one time or another. Im hoping today you are feeling a little more chipper.

    Vickie: Better men? Hmmmm Ive been thinking about that all week. All my DH has done all week is played guitar and drink. This isnt something new. He has gone through these spells on and off since I have known him. When I came home yesterday afternoon he was playing guitar and was still playing when I went to sleep. So I know I could have picked a better man! Someone who at least works for a living. Here I go complaining again. But I think most men a jerks in one way or another. End of story.

    Jan: Sorry you son is moving to Florida.


    Sherloc: Good to hear you are at least thinking about quitting the smokes. So am I. I know, if I try, I need a plan. But I dont quite know what that plan will be. I just know its time.

    Brenda: I think it is disgusting that someone is stealing from you. I hope you catch the guy and then press charges against him.

    Tricia: This new person is not my boss. We just share an office. Im a department head just like she is. But you are so right, I think we will be closer just because we are connected. I sure do understand your frustrations about the surgery. I was diagnosed in April and didnt have my surgery until June. All I can say, I hated waiting. I just wanted them gone.

    Amy: Man, I hate cruelty to animals, of any kind. Poor little puppy.

    Susan: I saw the new thread on NS. What a great idea. I miss her so much when she isnt here.

    Lisa: Good luck with the mipples. I saw my PS on Thursday and told him no to mipples. I just cant stand to have any more bills or surgery. He said wait 3 months and come back again and see how I feel about it.

    Shokk: Its funny. I have my dexascan on Monday also. But I dont think Im gonna pass this one. I believe I do have osteoporosis and thats why I fractured 2 ribs. So at least I can start some medication to strenghten my bones or at least I hope I can.

    Colleen: The waling is going good. I am parking in the furthest parking space to make me walk even while I am working.

    CY: Good for you. A get away week-end is just what you need. I hope you have loads of carefree fun.

    Karen: Im finding it harder and harder to keep up or read everyones posts. This thread just moves so fast sometimes. Sending lots of love your way.

    OK! Looks like it is breakfast and walk time. Another whole hour of computer time gone poof. Hope you all have a wonderful day and see ya tongiht.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Yippee! Finally.
    Good morning sisters,
    Tweaking your toes Nicki...wake up sunshine sister.
    Only got a minute as Nathaniel got up early and wants breakfast here before we head out. Yikes.
    CY...hope you can enjoy your weekend. You are in our prayers constantly.
    Cheri...Sleepy girl. Stressed out and tired. Hopefully things will get straightened out and soon. 22 days! Wow and good for you. Hugs.
    Z...I'll click the link later and bookmark it so I do it every day. Gentle hugs to you.
    Lisa is getting mipples you want a magic carpet ride? Cheri can still drive! Have a great day.
    Tricia...why are they dragging their feet! I would throw such a fit. I'm sorry your having this wait. Waiting is the hardest part. Throw a fit and see if that helps...I have some water bottles you can throw if you like.
    Jas, Madison, Mena, Robin, Deb, Colleen...oh heck it's too early to remember all the names...hope everyone has a grand day today.
    sending lots of love
    Vickie a while crocidile...bbl
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Good morning Vickie! Looks like we were posting at the same time and I beat you my a nanosecond.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Hey Jankay...good morning...I will call you later!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Good morning to Vickie and Jankay. Hoping sunshine fills your day.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Yawning...............geez ladies I swear I just layed my head down on my pillow.........I made my coffee and found the biggest coffee cup I have......don't use it much.......TGIF...well anyway good monring Nicki,Vickie,and Jankay.........its always so good to see ya'll posting in the mornings......Hey Nicki you need to find a pic of mipples dancing for Lisa maybe the board won't see it.....ha.........congrats Lisa.......well sweet ladies going to try and get ready for work.......coworker won't be in today......I'm glad.......oh guess what?????? I woke up with a "part" in my hair this morning....could not believe it.......ok mayby I can style it today without looking like a muppet wannabe..........adios Vickie....bbl alligator.....

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007

    Morning All......

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Good morning sweet Madison.........

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Hmmm! Dancing mipples. Hard request. This is the best I could come up with.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Perfect Nicki..........there you go Lisa.......good luck with the new mipples..........

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    GOOD MORNING CGS, I am going to go camping just for the weekend! we get everything set up, then all we have to do is go to the cabin and enjoy!!! I will pray for all of you, will plant a tree for the CGS! I really hate leaving you guys, so many having problems and sad days, But I will be at one of the highest mountains in the country, real close to heaven, and will say a special prayer to whatch over you!! I did tell you I am half cherokee didn't i(hehe) seriously I will be thinking of you all, and please girls, dont forget about themomashop(pam} she is very shy, and just like our sweet denise she has a sad day comming too, and now the core biopsy a day after mammo. I am scared for my {{PAMMY} I know you sisters will take care of her!! I speak to her every day, maybe if you go to her thread on Inspirations and show her how much we ALL love her she wont feel so alone!! God Bless all of My Sisters and I will talk to you all soon.
    xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Puppy
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Good morning a busy day planned, read everyones posts and just wanted to reply quick to Tricia.

    Tricia...I too had lobular. I had a 5 cm, right mastectomy in Dec. After the path came back, there was another 1.5 cm LCIS in that breast that did NOT show up on mamm or u/s. Have many sleepless nights since wondering if I should go back and have the other one removed. I don't know how much research you have done on ILC but I could write a book. The biggest thing I keep reading is that ILC commonly mirrors itself in the other breast. Also I saw a PS and he told me the best recon outcome would be to expand/fill both for symmetry. Kinda hard for them to make one side look like a 46 year old breast to match the other. PM me if you have any questions.

    Hugs to all, have a great day!! Marsha
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Holy moly I'm left handed.......

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited May 2007
    I think my eyes are open - not sure. I know I need lots more coffee.

    Tricia, There was a lapse of time between my surgery, diagnosis and treatment. We didn't get clean margins, we did a re-excision and still didn't get all clean margins. They recommended mastectomy, then no, lets wait and get MRI. They had questions about my opposite breast too. I went for a 2nd surgical opinion. By the time all was said and done when I got to the oncologist, I was very close to my 8 week post surgery/diagnosis mark - oncologist about flipped. I had to get my port a few days later and started chemo the following Monday. There is a time limit as to how long they think it is OK to wait on chemo. Almost two years ago they said 8 weeks; I read recently that the thinking now is 12 weeks - waiting beyond that is not good. Keep that in mind and as many of us have learned, push for what you think that you need.

    Nicki, Shirley - there seems to be lots with rib problems popping up now. I did too. My oncologist said they were seeing more and more women with rib fractures related to the rads - now of course, the radiation oncologist will never admit that. My first bone density test was OK - I wonder now with all the joint symptoms that I am having. Feel old as dirt. Shirley, told you not to lift anything, even your grandkids!! Right.

    I looked at Hughes Net as I live where lots of other high speed internet connection isn't available. Can't even get it through DirectTV - unless I want Hughes Net. Do you guys have Embarq as your phone company - think that is what used to be Sprint??? I can get it through them but they are awful here for service.

    It's Friday and I hope everyone has a great day and a great weekend - going after more coffee.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    if u will send me your email address i can send pictures, i dont have good luck with pictures
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    "biker jan" .............. don't be sad, cape coral is going to be a wonderful place for you to visit!

    it's a beautiful place, with lots to do, great restaurants, great shopping, lots of harleys, and a whole lotta sunshine!

    i can't post pics cause i'm computer stupid, but send me your email addy and i'll forward you a bunch!

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007

    Brenda, Yes Sprint is now Embarq. I had them for long dist and a cable comp for internet. I ended up bundling long distance, dish network and high speed DSL with Embarq. Saved a lot of money, the internet is just as fast as when I had cable. Once it is up there isn't much need for service crew. I live in a bigger area probably than you you but I am very pleased with their DSL. Marsha

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Brenda I just had hughes installed because nothing available in my two bit town and so far I like it. Its not like I have a choice though.

    Z-I used to click that everyday and when I changed jobs I suppose I forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me. You can also set it up for them to email you a reminder everyday. Chemo brained me needs a reminder.

    Lisa-congrats on the new mipples. Hope they look a bit better than the pic Nicki found,,lol.

    Nicki-loved the pic. I just died laughing and I needed a good laugh. I think I would explode if I came home and thats what my husband did all day long. Then again,,lmao, I would exlode if I came home to a husband period. Sorry, couldnt resist,,lol.

    Robin-so sorry to hear your night wasnt the greatest. Debs prayer was excellent. I know you have so much on you right now but please remember you have so many women that care for you.

    Jankay-looks like you got good movement this morning. Congrats to you.

    Cheri-a bloodhound huh. guess I better go find me one. No wait, I dont need another dog. Woohoo on the no smoking. New lawnmower,,maybe hubby can race Liz on her new one. You all could start a new thing.

    Jan-sorry about the son moving but if it makes him happy then be all for it. Besides, just another reason to take the camper down to Florida.

    Shirley-hows the rib doing? Did the man get the ativan last night or did you steal I mean borrow them?

    Puppy-enjoy your weekend camping. Sounds like fun. I used to camp every weekend but I think my camper got traded for the farm cause now I cant leave the animals. Oh well, I love being with them so its still like camping to me.

    Cy-enjoy your weekend and I know its hard but try to relax.

    Shokk-congrats on the morning part in the hair. See, Cancer lets us celebrate the small things that we used to take for granted.

    Vickie-so what did Nate want for breakfast? I have got to go through boxes and get those books for him.

    Sherndon-when I go through boxes I will look for pokemon stuff too.

    Susan-saw the NS new thing and got to get over there and post on it. That was sweet of you. You are always doing sweet stuff...are you trying to make the rest of us look bad or what??? lol

    Tricia-I hate waiting. We all understand your feelings cause we have been in your situation. Hugs to you. Your 20 pound cat would be bigger than 4 of my dogs.

    Oh yeah Shirley-good decision to quit smoking. Not an easy task, just ask Cheri but I support you every step of the way.

    Adrionna-you must be out celebrating the weight loss, I havent saw a post from you unless I missed it.

    ok I have pics to post so going to upload them and post them under this. They are still camera phone pics but at least its pics.

  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2007
    I will just have to take a picture of my nipples while they are still on my hip and post them for you. Girls this is for real, when they take the fat from the tummy for the boobs, tissue is on the hip for the nipples.
    A girl I work with ocassionly asks me, "how are the nipples today, let me see". It is really quite humorous.
    Nickii, liked your pole cancer.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    maybe they can be hipples since they come from your hip.

    phewwwwwwww,,i think I need another cup of coffee.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    hipples...nipples on the hips...oh my, sounds like a drink LOL! Sounds like a silly day in the circle...back to work for me...can't find my tin cup!