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  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Hola chicas.......well finally got to work.....had to go put some money in my daughters bank seems everytime I get paid and I finally going to buy a shirt or something for meeeeeee my daughter is overdrawn....I wouldn't mind if it were for books,school supplies, etc but I am getting to suspect that it is for bottles of vodka, jello and tiny little paper cups......ha.........geez brb.....

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    ok here are the latest farm pictures.

    Tucker holding hey Jude

    Another of Tucker holding Hey Jude

    Hey Jude

    Tucker hugging Hey Jude

    Tucker petting Hey Jude

    2 new pics of the new pupster-Beaner or Bean


  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007
    Ok gals that was my pcp and get this....when I went in six wks ago cholesterol was 236 and yesterday it was 111 yipeee....she said the triclistrites (sp) bad cholesterol was still slightly elevated but that should come off with weight loss oh I had lost 6 pds since I had seen her so that would be a pd a wk and of course she wants me to loose 2 pds a wk......I so don't do very well on my medical tests so at least heres one I am passing.........did I mention earlier TGIF......welcome
    Silka and so want to see those hipples......hey Amy in Texas we call dogs in groups of three or more a "pack" of dogs......usually means trouple....ha......Cesar Millan would be proud of you.....just remember.....exercise,discipline, and affection.....come to think of it if I had done that with my ex maybe we would still be together......ha......does anyone remember that old movie were the mother gives her daughter a dog training book as a wedding gift and tells her that this is the secret to a good marriage???????oh geez phone again....Vickie brb.......
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Ohhhhhhhh Amy I loveeeee Tucker's hair.....what great pics........we aren't going to even hear from you till Monday once you get home tonight will we Amy???????Can't say I blame you......

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007

    Oh Amy, I am going to have to make Hey Jude a baby hat.....

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning dear ladies. Another rainy day here in the mountains. Weather person says clear and warm for the weekend. We'll see.

    Deb, AMEN

    Denise, yehaw on the 12 pounds. Congrats to you.

    Tricia, hugs to you. Waiting just sucks beans.

    Susan, thanks for starting the NS tribute thread. Gonna try to head over there when I'm done here. That is if this stupid computer doesn't crap out on me first.

    LisaE, me too. This is getting very annoying. Yehaw for nipples.

    Laura hugs to you my friend. I can only imagine that pain.

    Shokk, crap indeed. I'm tired of crap.

    Hi Colleen, have a great day.

    CY, have a great weekend.

    Karen, notes would probably be easier. I just do the scroll back and forth thing. Takes FOREVER!!

    Cheri, WOW! there are 5 more women roaming the earth who are as smart as you. I am very impressed.
    I've decided doc is either soft shoeing it or lying to me. Everything I have read about chronic bronchitis says I would have a cough. Don't have symptoms for emphyzema either. Soooooo do I have a PE? Who the hell knows. But it is time to get rid of the smokes. I have 3 more in the pack and a stock of candy. So here we go. Which means I won't be around here as much cause my desk is the only place I smoke. Gotta break the routine. Which is probably for the best cause I am one grumpy mamma without my smokes.
    Congrats on 22 days. You can cheer me on.

    Jan, I am so sorry your son is taking your grands away. The bumm. Want us to come beat him up for you?

    Nicki, I've tried the plan. I've tried the "quit date", I've tried the patch, the gum, and whatever the heck is out there. Time to get my act together and just do it. Waaaaaa I don't wanna.
    Hahahahahhah on the dancing nipples.

    Good morning Vicki and Jankay and Marsha.

    Have a great time camping puppy.

    Brenda, I do believe your onc is right. Pain in my ribs started during rads. Of course rad onc said totally unrelated and sent me for a gazillion scans at the time. Pain has never gone away, which is probably why a broken rib never occured to me?? Who the heck knows. I just know it hurts.
    Yep, they did indeed tell me not to do this and not to do that. Scared the crap out of me, then I came to my senses. The general consensus at the moment is my last massage is probably when it happened. Not gonna give em up, so they better come up with something to fix me. ahahhahah famous last words?

    You know since this is the only place I smoke and every time I try to change pages I get booted and have to restart the damn router now is probably the best time ever to give em up. This is getting soooo frustrating.

    I don't have an issue with Hughes. Just their stupid equipment and customer service. hahaahhh Hubby just got off the phone with the service guy. He can't be here till tuesday. UHOH!!

    Amy lawnmower racing isn't a new thing. Sadly I have watched it on the speed channel. If it has wheels stupid men will race it.
    Ativan for hubby, Ambien for me. Good heavens we are one drugged up couple.
    Thanks for the support. Me thinks I'm gonna need it.
    Awwww Tucker and Hey Jude are cute as can be. Just look at those ears. And o my gosh. What kind of moron couldn't love that adorable little pooch. Dang now I'm getting the dog urge. Somebody smack me please.

    Hmmmm how about Hippy Mipples?

    Shokk, dog training? hahahhahhahah. so thats what I've been doing wrong all these years.
    No comment on the overdrawn account except UHOH!

    Ok gonna hit the button. Hopefully it works. See ya.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Ok I think Vickie needs to sign up for her church woman's softball team.....she could pitch.....just stick a pic of the ex in the catchers glove and bet ya'll money she could pitch a no hitter.......Jan if I were you I would be on the internet looking for retirement cottages in Cape Coral.....I bet they have good docs. there and warm white sand, and riding your bikes on the beach.....close your eyes and just imagine the warm salty sea breeze blowing through your hair.......ok just a suggestion........Beth you are going to be in my prayers all weekend.....I bet you are getting real nervous but just remember we all got your back.....are you going to get hipples?????Hey DebC what beautiful have such a nac for saying the right thing at exactly the right time.......we cgs can be all having a meltdown about something and you will come in and say something so profound........Hey Vickie brb......

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Hey Sherloc I think everytime you need a cigarette just get up and go buy yourself a pair of shoes......ha.....did I ever tell you that I showed my daughter that pic of you and the shoes you were wearing....she has a shoe thing....of course the first thing she asked me was "does that girls mom have breast cancer too?" and I said no she has bc, has grown children and is a grandmother.....and then she said wow I love those shoes......

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Shokk-thanks for the compliements on Tuckers hair. He likes it long and come to think of it when I lost mine in 04 is when he decided to let his grow out and it has been long ever since. I could care less how he wears it as long as its clean. There are bigger battles out there than hair. My mother hates his hair and teases him that she is going to tie pink ribbons in it. Heck she never got pink ribbons in mine so I guess she is still trying. Its funny cause his is naturally curly, wavy. Well mine was straight as a board before chemo and now I have curls so everybody says,,oh Tucker got your curls. We just smile and think to ourselves that I may have got them from him instead of him from me.

    Beaner is one of those dogs that is not the cutest to look at but she is so ugly shes cute if that makes sense. She sounds like a little piggy and boy does she snore. At least now I can blame it on the dog. She had never been inside a house except when they first got her and they kept her in the bathtub. Well this is gross but better than the floor until I can get her trained but she gets in the tub to poop and pee. Hopefully we can just watch for her headed to the bathroom and get her directed outside cause she doesnt go in the floor. She is a pillow person cause she gets in the bed and puts her head on the pillow and is out all night long snoring. I was lying there this morning looking at her and she looked so peaceful. She didnt even have a dog house to get in and now she has a king size bed.
    Awwwwww,,,life is good.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Bear with me one more time please...

    Still have space in EE's album for additional messages. Printing all messages on separate gold paper and putting them in a sleeve in the album.
    (the album is really touching with everyone's words of encourgement.)
    Hugs, madison
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
    Good Afternoon Ladies!!

    Just popping in quickly to say Hi and check on you all! Hope everyone having procedures or tests today are well.

    Shokk: LMAO...exactly how I lost the weight. The Man is still waging the Bill and I'm still running!!
    Great on the Cholestrol! When I joined my $$center..also known as weight loss center my Cholestrol was 275. Last Aug. it was 250...hope this helps lower not want another miracle pill.
    I'm still looking for the flying monkeys!

    Nicki: Again, LMAO at the picture! Perfect..Mipples all over the place!

    Dang, Be back...dogs spazing over something.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    O my gosh Shokk.....I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR DAUGHTER.
    The shoes came from Mervyns. They used to be in Texas but who knows since new company bought them out. Stupid new company. It used to be a grand store and a great place to work. But I digress.
    Shoes is an excellent cig replacement.

    Amy, I have a 15 year old nephew that used to have the prettiest waist length hair. I swear it was hair most women would die for. Well not really but you get the idea. I think he got tired of being called a girl so he chopped it all off last year. Good thing he donated it to Locks of Love.
    I am sooooo glad Beaner found her way to your house.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007

    OK, Gone Camping!
    Just had to say I Love you CGS one more time!
    YIKES!!! we will talk about momma black bears and her cubs when I get back
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Thank to all of you for the kind words,I didnt take notes but you are all in my heart.

    Lisa:thank you for the invite,all of us would drive you nuts and you have so much on you right now as it is,but it is good to know I have somewhere to go.

    Brenda:Thank you also.I am sorry someone is stealing from you,that is bitting the hand that feeds you.I am sure with the new security system you will catch whoever it is and I wouldnt hesitate to press charges.

    Amy:You are so lucky to be so happy,I envy you.All of your posts I can almost see you smiling in them.You have some wonderful animals.I love Hey Jude.He is so sweet and so is the new member the Bean.

    If max dont get out of the puppie phase I am going to go nuts he and Noelle fight all the time like 2 kids,he gets her toys and goes to running and she goes after him screaming.

    Speaking of nipples.I had a good friend once that i worked with that had both breast removed due to strong family history and silicone implants this was in the late 80's anyway they took skin from her groin and made her nipples.They said because it is darker it made more natural looking nipples.Hers were just beautiful she showed me once,I know call me a perv but i had to see.They looked real except for the scars.
    After this next cycle of chemo I have decided to take some time off if there is even any remaining ca which i am hoping there isnt and have my recon done.I so need something to look forward to and maybe that will help.Sure cant hurt.I dont wear any prosthesis or anything when I go out I am just flat.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
    I'm right back turned into an hour!

    Amy: Your farm family is so precious! The kid ain't bad either!! I told my DH I wanted a donkey and he told me I already had an ass.........not sure if he was referring to my big one or if he was calling himself one!!
    Hipples! Good name!
    I was blabbing here last must have overlooked. Probably had your binoculars out looking for me in the pond and didn't know I was right before your eyes!

    Liz: Stealing the spotlight from your Mom...what some will do for attention! I'm glad your Mom is okay, and I'm glad you are okay too!

    Lisa: Glad to see you are feeling a bit better today. Hoorah for the new Mipples, Hipples, Nips on Hips! Whichever, the best to you.

    Z: Sorry you were having a bad one yesterday. Your writings are so beautiful that I think for a short time I forgot you were dealing with the same issues as all....I just looked forward to the wisdom and encouragement you gave. I apoligize....Thanks for the heads up on the free mamm. thing. I don't think I was aware of it before.

    Jan: Son moving to Florida. It's hard, but hopefully you can visit often. Mine has been in AZ for 3 years. It was an excellent move for him..but along way from MI. I haven't seen him in over 7 months.

    Laura: All I can say is I'm sorry, I share and I care.

    Silka: Gonna post us a picture of Nips on the Hip!

    Deb: Thank you..Amen.

    Cy: Enjoy yourself this weekend. Thanks for letting us know that you would be gone. Try to relax...easier said than done...but try.

    Robin: Things any brighter? Jasmine and Telsa are going to be fine. Once she realizes that she deserves so much better she'll be happy he's history.
    Evil didn't know the babies name? Sounds like my ex-evil...It would take another entire thread to share him with you!
    Check with Onc before taking time from treatments. You've made it this can do it my friend!

    Cheri, Shirley, Susan, Madison, Vickie, Sheri, Gus, alwayshope, (nope, can't do easy to leave girls out) Hugs to all!

    I'll be back this evening..
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    Robin, hugs to you today.

    Puppy what a beautiful picture. have fun camping.

    Madison, did you get your results yet. I'm sure you are calling and asking.

    I had a liver scan this morning and I asked the tech what she found cause she kept poking around in the same area and she said nothing that concerned her. My liver enzymes and all are good. They want to check me once a year since I had hepatitis once.

    Cheryl, I suppose you don't have your results and now you have to go out of town. Let's pretend that I'm your doctor and Doctor Susan says everything is ok!! My white wall husband calls me Doctor Susan all the time since I am always self-diagnosing. But someone on here said it. I have learned so much in the past couple of years I feel like i am a doctor.

    Mipples/hipples. Silka I hope you can get a picture to show us. I'm imagining little hersey kisses. LOL

    shokk, i have heard the same lecture from my pcp about stroke and high blood pressure. I learned this trick. Before you go into her office, sit in the waiting room and do some deep breathing. Inhale slowly in and even more slowly out. that lowers my blood pressure so much sometimes they can't find it. I don't think i have high blook pressure I just get nervous in drs. offices.

    Amy were you the one complaining about how nice or sweet or something I am. You gotta lot of room to talk. Mother of home for abandoned animals. You are a softie.

    for the rest of you (and you know who you are -- yes you too) I love you all.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Thank you Denise,I am going to talk to my onc next thursday when I see him.I just want to have a ct now so bad and see if there is any improvement.But am going to wait until this cycle is over.I am sorry you are going thru this transfer with your son,I dont know if i could take it if mine were far away from me.I got a great picture of max I am going to post just for you.You will see why he is the only man for me..

    Thanks susan for the hugs.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007

    OK ANOTHER LAST CALL FOR SECRET PALS. THERE ARE A COUPLE OF OPENINGS!!!!! Send me a pm if you are interested.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    whelp, just smoked my last one. UHOH!!! Here we go. It's a good thing my internet is hit and miss today and it's raining. Don't drive in the rain and can't sit here for hours on end. I'll check in tonight to let you know how the afternoon goes. Hmmmm maybe I should just pop an ambien and sleep thru the afternoon? Naaa that would be a waste of a good pill.
    11:29 Friday May 4.
    Just got a call from the hospital. Pulmonary Function test set for tuesday at 11. Can anyone tell me what to expect?
    Talk at you later.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Cant help you with the pulmonary function test but I can sure support you in the no smoking.

    Might better warn the man in the house.

  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007
    TGIF CGs!

    My dd came home from college on Sunday and has been dragging me to the gym to work out with her this week. She is training for the Danskin triathalon in July. She works out - I swim. I tried to catch up on this thread the other night but got sent to page 1 - so of course I start reading and before I knew it it was so late - so didn't get to post.

    Denise and Nicki - congrats on the weight loss but I think I found all those "lost" pounds on the scale at the gym this morning - yikes - guess I have to diet and exercise.

    Robin - as others have said - it will be hard for Jasmine now but she and Tesla are so much better off without him. I work for the medical examiner's office transcribing autopsies and just yesterday did three one fetus (boyfriend beat up mother), one toddler (father smothered), and one woman (beat up by boyfriend). What is up with these guys? If they don't put you first - they're not worth it. Sending you both prayers and hugs.

    Silka - nipples on the hips - I didn't know they did that. How does that work?

    Amy - cute puppy. I hope you are able to train her to go outside. We have a 7 year old Yorkie/Beagle mix similar situation and while he will go outside - he will sometimes still try to go in the house. Mind you he is not the brightest bulb in the box either but I sometimes think it might be imprinted and not entirely his fault.

    MB - an orphanage for boobs - that is a really good idea - those things are so expensive -especially for those without insurance. BTW - I tried the shower scrubbies in my swimsuit but had to take them out - too much pressure on my chest. Do you use them with a regular swimsuit or a mastectomy one? I have been wearing a regular swimsuit without prosth - seems to work okay - no one looks at me funny or anything.

    Tricia - that is a long time to wait. At least you know your nodes are negative and you would be waiting on the Oncotype results anyway before starting chemo - but still it is so hard to wait. At the same time it gives you time to research all your options. I am also a lob gal and ended up doing the bilat - not all at once - in my case I was diagnosed on Wednesday and had surgery the next Wednesday - not a lot of time to research anything. So I guess waiting can be good for something.

    NS - Another lob sister - hope that you are feeling better. Chemo is supposed to kick cancers butt not yours!

    Shokk - I can totally relate on the daughter and the overdrawn bank account - mine just keeps telling me that when she graduates and is earning $$$ I will get it back I am not holding my breath.

    Vickie - read the bottom of Nicki's post Boys are stupid - throw ROCKS at them - not bottles!

    To everyone who is going away this weekend - have a great time - good weather - good food - good company and can't forget - good wine!

    To everyone waiting for test results - hope you hear good news soon.

    To everyone waiting for tests to be done - wishing for nothing but B9.

    Susan - I will PM you if I can figure out how to do that - thought I was too late.

    DD starts her job next week so hopefully I can post more. Getting conflicting weather reports but I would like to get outside and do some gardening this weekend.

    I had better get to work or I will need a tin cup and will be on a street corner with Vickie and MB.
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Susan, Lisa, Nicki, Vicki, Brenda, Amy, Shirley and Marsha thank you for the info and encouragement.
    Marsha, I probably will be sending a PM later. Thanks again for the offer.

    Vicki, I will arm myself with water bottles for my next appt. LOL

    Shirley, I hope you have an easy time with quitting and hope the test brings good results Tuesday.

    Oh Boy! Hipple pics.
    A bilat mast may be in my future.

    *off to research hipples*

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Hey Sherloc had it done......when I was first dx did the scans and of course my lungs light up like a christmas tree.....anyway sent to a Pulmonary Specialist and spent about 4 hrs going through the breathing test...have a tube that looks like a vacuum cleaner hose and then you have to take a very deep breath and exhale one more deep breath....oh yea they put a clip on your nose ....then you blow into this mouth piece and keep blowing for like 45 seconds....very uncomfortable.......they measure your lung occupancy....anyway after that had day surgery for lung biopsy and it turned out to be sarcoidios....they only problem is the scanners cannot tell the difference between the sarcoidios and lung mets so the dx told me I will have to have lung bio. about every 2-3 yrs.......cancer the diease that just keeps on giving.......

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Here is my little max he has out grown his bed I made for him when I first brought him home so I am going to have to make him a bigger one.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Here is a new picture of Tesla and Noelle.
    I cant believe how much bigger Tesla has gotten since she was born.I am proud of them,they are the reason I get out of bed each day.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    and I have to share one more.Here is Noelle and Karen.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Wow Robin great pics.

    Those two little girls look as sweet as can be.

    Now for Max, now thats a sight. He looks like he has worked so hard today and just had to crash for a moment.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    I did it I just figured out how to resize.Or so I think,gonna give it a try.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Wow Robin cannot believe how much that baby has already changed.......what a great pic......I did noticed that the dog pic was first........what's up with that??????? Just messing with you mawmaw.........

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    ok oncologist just called after reviewing all my test over and over and over. Nurse had already told me everything but he wanted to follow up. 2 spots in my lungs that has been there for months are still there. He still does not think they are cancer and even if they were the treatments I am doing is keeping them in control. Thats great but I dont like in control,,I like GONE! Anyway, my bones have nothing new which is great. MRI did show chronic sinuitis but thats nothing compared to the big C. Keep doing what I am doing and see me in 2 weeks. I will get a skeletal survey on May 25th to follow up on the bones again. Next treatment May 11th,,hmm cant wait. Whoever believes that please raise your hand.

    All in all not bad. I mean I want them gone but at least they are stable. Stable is good.
