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  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Amy:thats Max,he had a rough moring of playing and had to take a nap.I got to give him a shower when Noelle and I take one,if I dont shut the bathroom door he hops right in the shower with us.He is some kinda boy.
    Thanks for the comments about the kids.Noelle is in the terrible 2's and we are working on potty training at that.Or I am working on it.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Amy:that is good news.I agree with you,I want GONE as in forever.

    Shokk:Hasnt she changed? I cant believe it,it is strange but it seems like every night after her bath she is a new baby,she looks so different each day.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Good luck with the potty training. My son trained like you wouldnt believe. We sat down talked about it he said ok and that was it. I think we had 1 accident. Sounds unbelievable but he was such a bad bad baby that I deserved a break when it came to potty training. Actually he was a good baby as soon as he could walk at 9 months but before then all he did was cry. I guess he just wanted to be on the move like his mommie.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007

    Amy:wow,I have not heard of that good experience before.Last night noelle came running down the hall yelling pee pee running to the BR but she didnt make it,but at least she has gotten the concept.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Robin that blanket that Max is laying on....does it have horses on it???if so I have the same one......I take it that little box is Max's so cute.....

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007

    amy ......... bone mets girl to bone mets girl ......... yeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaw!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Hey Amy congrats on the update with the doc.....those spots on the lungs could be anything....if they are not growing then you are in pretty good shape kiddo........Where is Vicki....she usually checks in during the day......Cheri I hope your doing ok.....I think when we have trauma either physically or mentally we are like cats and just have a need to sleep.......what ever they have to do to get rid of that cyst you tell the doc that he is not allowed to touch one humor brain cell in your head........ok Vickie will be back later....oh Susan I almost forgot....when you go in to the little rooms they have scales in each room so we don't have the privledge of being weigh in the hall and them shouting out your weight...or and by the way I weigh way less in metric weight the nurse was weighing first and then taking my bp so this last time I told her to take bp first then weight.....the dx was laughing at me but then she said that she thougt that was actually a good idea and was from then on going to do bp first then there...

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007

    Shokk:That is a piece of fleece with leaves on it,I bought a large piece at a yard sale and made his bed out of it.He wouldnt lay on it he always wanted to snuggle with me.So then I got the idea of the small box making him feel confined and it worked he has slept there since about 3 days after bringing him home.When he wants to take a nap he goes and flops down in it.I cant believe he has out grown it.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007

    Amy, sending you big, big hugs.....I agree with Shokk and Shel... We love ya!!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007

    amy, if the spots on your lungs are not cancer that's great. i'd want to know that. have they ever grown. is there someway to tell for sure. You go girl! have bone mets every grown or shrunk? maybe they aren't really cancer either!!! we can hope.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007

    robin, very nice pictures. proud mom and grandmom.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007

    Robin, those pictures are wonderful...

  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007
    Robin - Noelle and Tesla are beautiful - I would be proud of them too! Max reminds me of my dog - he likes to sleep on his back like that - looks so funny.

    Our camera was stolen while we were away on vacation - need to get a new one so I can post pics.

    Shirley - can't help with the pulmonary function test - think someone might have done that already - but wish you the best in your quest to quit.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Thanks girls for the compliments.

    Sue:I cant believe someone stole your camera.Some People dont want to work for anything they want to take from those who do.Did they take anything else?
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007
    Amy - those spots on the lungs may not be cancer. Thats one of the reasons they don't routinely do chest CT scans -too many false positives. I know when you already have bc and bone mets - but still could be something else - old scar tissue from a previous infection (even from childhood). Hope you get news on the bones too.

    Sue (only going to sign once this time)
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Susan bone mets are bone mets due to biopsy. Been there and done that. It was in the soft tissue around the bone and its not there now so thats good,,no wait,,thats great.

    Lungs have never changed. Doc says could be a # of things but he doesnt think its cancer at all. I have appt with him so starting my list of questions. You can do a lung biopsy but he says no need to at this stage of the game unless there is change. My treatment wouldnt change regardless right now. xeloda is working so stick with it.

    Cheri-where are you missy? Probably sleeping you lazy bum. If you dont get on here during the day you know there is nobody to keep me out of trouble.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and if I dont sign on over the weekend I will see you all on Monday.

    Sue-I have a real digital camera but never have it with me so I end up using my phone. Not the best pics at all but at least its a pic.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Amy:are you on treatment right now? I dont remember if you posted if you are or not so forgive me.
    Where is it in your bones? What type of bc do you have?
    Hope you have a great weekend.Rub Hey Jude's nose for me.
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2007
    Hi all,
    Robin - Beautiful pictures.
    Amy - Glad you finally spoke to your doc. Stable is good!
    Puppy - Have fun camping. My DH and DS are camping this weekend but they are leaving me behind.
    Madison - Still no news?
    Shirley - I am also trying to quit smoking. I had periodontal surgery on Wed and have not smoked since. I have failed so many times before and have tried all the patches, gum etc also. I told Cheri that she is my inspiration this time. I always blamed stress for failing before but that seems like such a lame excuse when I hear the stress she is under right now and she is still not smoking. I wish you lots of luck. Quiting sucks. PM me if you want someone to fight this with.
    Hey Cheri ! How are you today? I'm on day 3 and really want a smoke!
    Got to go DH wants to go out for dinner.
    Love to all.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007

    Has anyone heard from Beth? We are going to have to send out the possee if she dosent show.I know she has her sugery on monday.Hope all is ok with her.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Sue and Shirley and Cheri...quiting does suck....and I know you won't believe me...but it will get better.
    Today marks my 1 year anniversay - no smoking. I am with you my friends....I survived a second at a time!!!

    Surgeon just called and said the path report is B-9....he'll see me in 6 months.... I told DH that in 6 months I will still be mad at him for making me wait for my results....they haven't a clue how much stress we are under. Having said the above...I am thankful (but still mad that he made me wait so long....) You feel like you have aged years because of the stress....

    Thank you for your support....I could feel you all holding me up this week.
    Hugs, Madison
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Awesome news, Madison! No go and enjoy the rest of the summer.
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Robin, what beautiful girls!

    Madison, congrats on the good news!

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Hey Girls

    Just a quick check-in

    Beautiful pictures Robin

    Madison - congrats on the good news

    Susan - I've been feeling overwhelmed lately, and have a mamm and follow-up coming up, and am pretty worried about it. They are following suspicious calcs on my non ca side and I feel like this time is going to be the one where they say we need to biopsy. Anyway, I decided to bow out of secret pals, cause I'm feeling like I don't want to add anything else to my plate. I've just been really stressed out these last few weeks. I think I was one of the first ones that said I'm in, so I'm sorry about that!!

    Madison - great news (did I already say that?)

    Amy - yes, stable is good, gone would be better, but stable is good... your pictures were really cute!

    Let's see, I feel like there are too many to list - I'm thinking of you all, and love reading your posts, even if I don't always post myself.

    Quick story - I've been having lots of health insurance coverage mania going on, and due to a change this month, I was unsure whether or not I could keep my mamm and follow-up for 5/23. The gal at Dana Farber said that it might not be covered as it was exactly one year from my last annual, not one year plus one day. In any event, after much waiting, I finally got my new insurance info today (new ins started 5/1) I was really starting to panic that my appt was going to get pushed out another 6 weeks (Dana Farber is crazy hard to get an appt!) When I explained the situation to the woman on the phone, she said, "well of course you don't want to have to wait an additional 6 weeks" and then she said, "honey, whatever test your doctor says you need is covered under your new plan, you could have a mammogram every 3 months if that's what your doctor says you need." She was just so kind to me, I can't really explain it. So many of us (including me) have had such bad experiences with insurance companies, that I just wanted to share that not everyone is unkind and uncaring. This woman made my weekend, and I told her so. Actually, I think because I have been so stressed out, I started crying on the phone when she was so kind to me. I'm sure she thought I was nuts!

    OK, I'll probably not be able to be on again over the weekend, so you all be well, feel well, and I wish you all have a great weekend.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    well cg's i see we still have some girls on awol. it would be wise for them to report in i wouldnt want to make aNybody angry. Has z been in today? She is not feeling too good either.
    I just got off the phone from talking with rita (iamhere4u). She is feeling good and strong is only working when she feels good. She hadsurgery monday to close a hole up. She also is having trouble with fluid filling up her chest and keeping her white count high.
    It bottomed out last week. She will have chemo monday and after that she will have shots to keep her count high.
    she sounds excellent. any of the old chatters, we are meeting sunday afternoon at 5pm est in the staying connected chat room. rita is going to try to come
    vicki i will get that stuff emailed to u as soon as i can i havent had a chance.
    chow friends
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Oh yeah, Nicki - I'm going to St Louis this summer! I know it's not really super near Chicago, but I always associate the two because my Dad was born and raised in St Louis, and then lived in Chicago when my parents were first married. I think for me, they kind of became one place almost. Anyway, we're spending one night in St Louis (my sister and her 2 kids, my brother and his wife and son, and my Dad) and then we're all heading up to a place called Pere Marquette that is some kind of state park for a family reunion on my Dad's side. They mostly all live out in that area, and my sister and brother and I don't really know any of them. Anyway, it keeps making me think of you!

    Did a LONG walk with 2 girlfriends today. And vented a ton about Tim, cancer, my ex-husband, just all sorts of things (great friends to listen to all that!) It was physically, emotionally and mentally soothing! (Except I got a huge blister on my heel - oh well!)

    Hope you are exercising away!! xoxo
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007

    Hey jankay - how goes it? Hope you're feeling good today!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007

    Colleen I am driving distance from St. Louis and Christine K lives there. Please let us know when you will be there. I would love to meet. I remember Pere Marquette.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
    Hi all!

    Susan: I didn't know you were having a liver scan. Routine or is something up? My DH calls me Dr. Welsby cuz I'm always doing the self DX thing!

    Shirley: You won't "like" the pulmonary testing, but you will be fine. I've set through many with my Mom and my clients. As hard as they make you blow, that's what I don't think I could do. Never been good at blowing anything. Good luck!

    Shokk and Suzfive: Overdrawn accounts and son over and over and still over! Every loan is promised back.......never going to see a penny.

    Robin: Not only are you "beautiful dammit" you have a beautiful family! Lovely pics!
    Now about that what he has been dragging on the floor and making you pet so he falls a sleep? Good choice..he doesn't look like he has an "EVIL" bone in this body!

    Amy: Gone is Great, but we'll take stable! Sounds like all in're doing good!

    Madison: YEA AND YIPPEE TO YOU! Wonderful news....go pluck the gray hairs he caused you and enjoy your weekend!

    Colleen: Glad your Ins is taken care of. I hate that the Ins Co. run our Medical issues. Mammo and Follow up..I'm betting No Biopsy!

    JK: Sounds like you are having a good day! Glad to see it!

    Vickie: Where are you????

    Deb: Where are you????

    Madison: Congrats on the one year! DH just picked up a RX for Chantix? .. And the book I ordered is still in the pkg.

    Boo: Hello to you..have a good weekend!

    I'll be checking in over the weekend..but I'll be gone some of it. (no not having fun!)

    Love and Hugs to all,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Evening ladies...whew...its FRIDAY!!! Just finished mowing my lawn that I started last night and my fingers are numb. "Earl" showed up with a stupid matchbox car for Nathaniel...considered running over him with the mower and claiming ChemoBrain..."gee officer...I thought it was a weed, like poison ivy!". Decided I didn't want the mess in the yard so I just kept going and ignored him so he left.
    Hi goes everything with you?
    Jankay...where are you? Oops...just found ya!!
    Robin...oh my what beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing. Have we found a big steam roller yet? I know of a couple of abandoned wells!
    Amy!!! Stable is great. Do you want the happy dance guy? OH what the heck. For you and Madison!
    Tricia...go with the rocks LOL! Hope they do something soon to ease your mind. Want me to go with you...I'm the crazy, hormone deprived, chemo brained naked skiing girl and I can throw things at anyone I want.
    Shokk...I know all about daughters with no money. Geez my DD makes way more than I do but guess who had to pay her income taxes!! She is goin on a mom forced budget!
    Silka...are the nips still on the hips or up where they belong?
    AMY...I WANT A BABY DONKEY!!! Oh how adorable. Cute son too. I see why you brought that sweet dog home he is adorable.
    Shirley...I am going to ask my oncologist for the Chantex (sp?)on Tuesday. I am determined to toss the cigarettes. I have tried the patch, the gum, cold way. Can't do it.'ve had a busy day today...time to sit in the center and take a break. Maybe we can find some blue drinks if we can only find Cheri (she swipes them if you leave them laying around).
    Z...hey girly...where are you. I know your havin a tough time so I'm just sending you a gentle hug.
    Deb...Thanks for the prayer last night. I think it was just what everyone needed.
    whew...i am wiped. between work, housework, lousy men, and lawn mowing there just aren't enough hours in a day. I could use at least six more.
    Missed a bunch of you but I'll be back. Gotta get things ready for a church breakfast tomorrow morning (at is that insane or what!!! Geez...can't we just have brunch at 11 LOL.)
    Love and hugs to all
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Yet again, I am doing a fly by!! Crap!! I have no time lately.

    Amy, thank God the news is good!!! I am so happy that there has been no change in your lungs. Take a deep breath and relax!! Just sit back and enjoy that little piece of heaven that you live on. I'm thinking that they will find sinusitus on my MRI!

    Cherikins, just a quick hello. I have been doing my Friday thing in the summer. Mowing the 3 acres. UGH!!! If I don't do it, there is no time to play on the weekend! Hope all is well with you. You know I worry!!!

    Nicki, I hope the diet is going well. I thing I am starting again on Mon. You are doing real well!!!

    Vickie, Hugs to you my sister!!

    I kind of skimmed all the posts and didn't take notes, so please forgive me if I missed you. I promise it wasn't on purpose!! Bugs and fishes to all and good night!