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  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007
    Good afternoon/evening CG's-
    Madison - B9, B9, B9 that is such good news.
    Amy - glad to hear your news was good as well. YOur animals are adorable - I always enjoy seeing your pics.
    Robin - your family is beautiful. The girls are just precious.
    Is is Lisa who got mipples today - how are you doing? No mipples, hipples, nipples or head lamps for me. I am done!!! Today is 6 weeks since exchange surgery and the first day I am beginning to see that I am starting to slowly feel better. 3 weeks since went off the AI's and on Tamox and knees still hurt, but hand is better. Stomach seems to also be settling down (or maybe its just today). It makes me mad though, as when I had the carpel tunnel surgery everyone said it was not from the meds and now we know it was. Well atleast I didn't have to do the left hand. Still feel frustrated that I could not handle the AI's. I think it is because I worry about the uteran cancer side effect of tamox. When I had my ooph, insurance did not want to pay for TAH and since I was on AI's it made sense to just take the tubes and ovaries. Wihsing everyone a good evening and weekend. Karen
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Nate laying on the bed with four of the five kittens
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2007
    Hi ladies, my auction stuff is all done until tomorrow at 10:00 and then it's setup for the dinner/dance-I'm exhausted.

    Denise, I think the color is Brazil Nut by Dunn Edwards but since our best friend is a contractor, he had the color custom blended and it's supposed to change color with the light. Then what you do is do a half tint on the ceiling and put up white crown moulding....looks great. And 12 lbs. - way to go. I'm losing 1/2 lb. a week, sooooooo slow.

    Nicki, where are you finding your pictures?

    Robin, if he pays and he and his family get parental rights, I'd do without the money. Did she put his name as the father on the birth certificate? The babies are beautiful.

    Z, hugs to you. Also, just clicked.

    Brenda, something must be going on with your employee if he has to resort to stealing. Hopefully he will stop now.

    Lisa, I wouldn't get in the car with my mom either. What scares me is that she is 4 miles from dialysis and she is so weak after dialysis she can barely lit her foot from the gas to brake pedal, and then her house is 4 doors down from the residential facility where she lives so she parks her car in the garage of her house and walks back to assisted living but can barely make it down the street.

    Jan, I feel your pain, would definitely miss my grandkids if they moved. They moved two hours from us a few years ago but Shannon missed the family support so moved back.

    Colleen, there is an online form from the dmv that you can use to report a senior but with my luck, it wouldn't be anonymous and she would find out it was me.

    Cheri, has it been over 20 days already? Congratulations.

    CY, hope you enjoyed your weekend.

    Amy, stable is good.

    Shirley, how did you do with the no smoking?

    Shokk, congrats on the lower cholesteral.

    Madison, Marsha, Jankay, Boo, and those that I missed, I'm thinking of you. Back after dinner.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    cute picture vickie. love it.

    I thought i had mentioned about the liver scan. just routine. i had hepatitis a long time ago. my new pcp will scan me once a year. not expecting any surprises.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007

    Margaret:that was their major argument from the beginning,somehow she managed to leave his name off the birth certificate.If it means visitation rights for him she is not going to take a dime.We will raise her ourselves I am doing it with one can do it with 2 as long as I live they will have a home.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Denise:aint he the cutest thing.I gave him a bath today and he got mad at me and ran and hid.He is so cute he keeps getting longer but his legs are the same as when I got him.He is much better company than the EVIL.Even if he does still have accidents.

    vicki:those kittens are so cute and you can tell nate dosent like them one bit does he? I love kittens.I heard my crying in the basment while I was doing clothes today.Dont know where marvin,has them yup marvin,mistaken a long time ago was i suprised first time she gave birth.
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited May 2007
    Ahhhhhh, Vickie, Adorable!!!!!

    Hi ladies. OMG- 10 pages since I last checked in. I don't think I can catch up. Sending hugs and positive vibes to all.

    Well, I made gifts for everyone who PM me their address. There is still time to be included; just PM me your address. I sure hope you like the surprise.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    thanks all...Nate was having a tough time keeping the kittens under control till I could snap a picture. He does love them but has found homes for three of them that he is comfortable with. (whew).
    Odalys...I pm'd my address to you. Hugs to ya.
    Hugs to all...really sleepy and gotta get up early so I will see you in the morning and I'm sorry to all I missed.
    (hmmm...lets see...Anne, Iris, Mena, Cheri, Z, so very many...where are you all?)
    lotsa love
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Whoever called me the "flying nun", well, flying yes, but nun...hopefully not for awhile yet.

    Ok, for those who like poop stories and care about an update: I finally went today! It's still not normal, though. It has a unique characteristic that I saw on webmd a couple of weeks ago when I first started having this problem--it comes out in long, skinny pieces, kind of like pencils. Yes, that is gross, but that's kind of why I'm concerned about a blockage.

    Robin, your babies, including Max, are so cute. You may have EVIL, but your girls are precious.

    Amy, we'll take stable. Pokeman stuff would be so cool if you have any.

    Cheri, congrats on over 3 weeks. You are a tough cookie.

    Z, hope you are feeling better. I get blue days occasionally. The Cymbalta is doing wonders, I just hope I don't have to stop it.

    Vickie, I'm not a cat person, but those kitties are cute.

    Madison, yeah on B9. Our favorite word.

    Jacob is planning to leave for Ecuador on the 12th. I can't believe he is really going to go.

    I love you all!!!!!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Evening girls,

    Just popping in to check on you guys. I got a PM from Beth earlier. Her DH ex dropped the step son off at their house and now they're trying to get in touch with someone to take care of him so her DH can be with her Monday for her surgery. She's really stressing. She ask me to tell everyone she thinks of you daily. I told her to take care of herself and I'd pass all this along to you all. I also told her we'd all be there Monday for her surgery.

    Now I need to go back and catch up. Spent most of today working in the yard. Man do I feel it in the backs of my legs now. LOL Had to get it done as they're calling for more storms starting tomorrow.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Hey there CG's: It's me Za Zette, I am away for the weekend and not able to get on-line to posts like I want to. I will be back in town on Sunday night and I will catch up then. To all of you, I have you here with me in my heart. I am feeling better today, I stayed busy, very busy preparing for this weekend and that was good for me.

    I do have to say, Hey Jude is the best damn good looking donkey I have ever seen, I love the puppy beaner or beans, I like beans - actually I just want to go live with Amy and play with animals all day.

    Jankay - thank you - and you know why. You are an angel here on earth,

    For all of you that were looking for me and sending me hugs, I love each and everyone of you and "I'm Found"!!

    Best to you all. Will be back on Sunday.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    evening ladies. 9 hours. so far so good. Hubby and I went to see Spiderman. Just as cheesy as 1&2. Which is a good thing. I love comic book movies.

    Amy, as crabby as he was last week he gets no warning. I'll just give him more drugs. hahahahh
    Not Bad....sounds pretty darn good to me. Yehaw stable is good indeed.
    My daughter was potty trained that easily too. On her second birthday told her she was a big girl now. Took away her bottle and her diapers. I don't think she ever had an accident. My boys were another issue. Good gracious I think they'd still be in diapers if they could get away with it. hahahahhahah

    Shokk, 4 hours for a test? Are you kidding? Yikes. Hubby has appt with ortho an hour before me. Cripes he's gonna be annoyed if he has to wait around for 4 hours. Hmmmmm guess I'm gonna have to find someone to drive him home.
    Why would oyu have to have repeat biopsy for something that they know is there? What is sar...whatever you said?

    Suz, my daughter dragged me to a jazzercise class a couple of weeks. I'm still not speaking to her. hehehehehhe just kidding.

    Tricia, thanks bunches. Don't want to kill anyone yet. THat will come tomorrow.

    Robin, awwww, max is so cute. And your girls are beautiful.

    Boo/Sue, HURRAH FOR 3 DAYS!!! GOOD FOR YOU. Cheri has indeed inspired me as well. And now you as well. We can all hold each others hands and pout together.

    Madison.....YEHAW!! HIP HIP HURRAY!! HOT DOG AND SNIPPY SKIPPERDOODLES. Thats the best news I've had today. I'll be pissed at your doc with you. Did he have a good reason for making you wait?

    Collee, I've had to deal with that 1 year and 1 day crap. That is just the stupidest rule on the planet. Like a few days is gonna make a difference one way or another....oooo but about 300 years or so you'll be so far ahead you'll get two in the same year....o my. I HATE INSURANCE COMPANIES.
    On the other hand I have met my out of pocket for the year so every pickin thing I get done till dec 31 is free to me. I feel like I should fake stuff just to get really expensive tests done and make them pay for it.
    Blisters are the pits. But sounds like it was worth it. Aint girlfriends the best thing since sliced toast.

    Denise, I don't wanna hear that. Is it really 4 hours?
    You've never been good at blowing????
    O my (insert proper smiley, one of these days I'll figure out how to do them)

    Vicki, I asked my onc the other day about the drug but I couldn't remember the name. He said the only one he knows of is zyban. Hmmmmm that makes me wonder about how up to date the guy is. We'll see how I do this go around. If I cave gonna ask gonna ask for it by name.
    ummmmm Nate is being over run with kitties. They are to pickin cute. I adore orange kitties.

    Odalys, you are to sweet. Well maybe not to sweet but definately sweet as can be.

    Sheri, I think I've said it before but I'll say it again....Jacob is going to have the experience of a lifetime in Ecudor. He will be fine. Won't tell you not to worry cause I know that won't happen. But he really will be ok.

    Liz, thanks for the update on Beth. Please let her know that we are all praying for her.

    Z, I'm glad your found. How is your shoulder today? O wait, you probably won't see that so no need to answer. Have a great weekend.

    Jan, how are you this evening? Is your son still alive? Are you making a run for the border with your grands?

    Karen, I took tamox for 2+ years before it occured to me to change the time I took it. Duh!! for some reason or another I forgot to take it one night before bed so took it when I got up. Lo and behold no sick tummy. You might want to experiment with the time you take it.

    OK it's 9:14. almost 10 hours. I think I've drug it out long enough. Time for ambien and bed. Pray for me for morning girls. Morning is usually when I cave and run to town for smokes if I'm out. What the heck am I gonna do without my coffee and cig as soon as I get up? Whine whine whine.....I know I'll eat some cheese.
    Speaking of ambien. refilled my rx today. When I picked it up they told me they had given me a generic. I said hmmmm and if it doesn't work am I allowed to scream and yell and jump up and down and throw things.....Quick as could be the kid that was running the register (couldn't have been more than 19 or 20) said, "of course you can as long as your at Longs".....hahhahahahha
    For those not in the know, Longs is a big chain pharmacy. It is the most despised drug store in town. Pretty quick thinking for a kid.
    Love you all to bits. Sweet dreams.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Good Evening ladies. Well, I'm getting a little earlier with my posts. I'll do better. Ok, I'll try to do better.

    Lisa, So, are you walking around your house topless staring in all the mirrors at your new hipples? Don't lie.

    Puppy, enjoy your camping trip.

    Amy, cute pics. Let me get this straight. Your onc called and he actually used the word "Stable" to describe you? Hmm

    Shirley, congrats on your quit smoking. I've tried it a hundered times and used everything imaginable until this time when i read the Allen Carr book, "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking." Ok, it isn't really EASY, but I found it to be of more help than anything I've tried. I have referred back to that book many times in the past 22 days. You can do this Shirley.

    Shokk, thanks.

    Robin, great pics.

    Boo, You've done well on not smoking. I haven't touched anything with nicotine but I sure have reached for it without thinking.

    Madison, Congrats on B9 Sista!!!

    Colleen, just try as hard as you can to either not to think about upcoming tests or to think positive about them.

    Vickie, I haven't even been to the Cyber Party thread yet and it's friday night. Hmmm

    Janny, we have a huge yard too. My dh mows it now thought. I used to always do the yard work and gardening before I had my accident. You stop worrying about me, I'm gonna be just fine. well, alright, you can worry just enough to make me feel wanted.

    Hey to all those I didn't remember. Hi Sheri. Wishing you all a nice evening. Hello Iris. Hi Brenda.

    To all those that are sick (Meaner) here's praying you will feel better.

    Gina, gee whiz, ya got your own tribute thread, are you loved or what?? I think we might be spoiling you a tad bit.

    I'm going to say "good-night" now. But I may be back , who really knows?

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    i have sent u via pm an edited versionof the letter.
    I edited a little too much. i will email u the corredfti
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    image's our happy dance guy!! Who in the world is this guy anyway!
    Good morning sisters,
    Jankay...I got your pm and it is great. I will include it in the journal. The project is really starting to come together now and I'm getting really excited. I have lots of pictures to print to go with some of the pages.
    Nicki...hope your sleeping in this morning. Can I borrow some of your rocks LOL. need to sleep the with your head at the other end of the bed and get your days and nights straightened around! Hmmm...we need to get the cyber party rolling. You ARE going to be just fine.
    I do believe the pirates have taken over our deserted island and are swiping our blue drinks.
    Shirley...just take it one moment at a time. Every minute without a cig is one more minute of success. No pressure here...just good wishes.
    Beth...if you are lurking...wishing you well on Monday and we are here for you. Magic carpet ride and all.
    Z...happy to see you checked in. We send out posse's for missing girls you know! Imagine our wagon train coming through California to look you up.
    Liz...hello...spent the last two nights mowing my yard and my back is letting me know all about this morning. I couldn't mow last year and am really out of shape...and my sister thinks I can do a triathalon HAAHAA.
    Have to get showered, dressed and get Nate up and showered and dressed to go to the church breakfast. Don't know how or when I'm going to fit grocery shopping and housework in this weekend. Oh well...In a hundred years it won't matter.
    Love ya all and I'll be back
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Well I had a wonderful day yesterday. Got home way too late to come on the computer though. I had to go to Evanston Hospital again - so I took another walk along the shores of Lake Michigan. The winds were coming from the Northeast so there were lots of waves with beautiful white caps. And the breeze - man - it felt good to feel my hair blowing in the wind. Then I took another walk at the Bahai Temple gardens. Just beautiful. As I was almost done with my walk, I found myself standing under a fully bloomed crab apple tree. I just stopped at looked at it for a while. Had a magnificent aroma in the air. I thought darn - I need to get a camera phone! I smiled and remembered - we have to enjoy each moment in each day of our lives.

    I am so behind on everyones posts. Guess I will go back from my post yesterday morning and try to catch up with you all. I can do that today! Its Saturday. I can have my breakfast and take my walk at my leisure this morning.

    Ive done very well with Phase 1 on South Beach. This week-end is gonna be my challenge. I so wanted a glass of wine when I came home from work yesterday, but I didnt cave in. It always seems like I snack alot more on the week-end. Im gonna make some sugar free jello with cream cheese today - hoping that will satisfy my sugar cravings.

    Puppy: Your week-end camping trip sounds wonderful. I hope you have a great time. Im trying to visualize myself in a cabin in the mountains. The only mountains I have seen are the ones that surround Las Vega - and I didnt even get to see them close up.

    Brenda: I do think it is weird that there seems to be alot of rib fractures going on around here. I am one of the rare ones. I didnt have RADs. My onc said I didnt need them cause I had the bil. mast. But geez! Even EE had a rib fracture. Im not freaked out about having a dexascan - actually relieved. If it is osteoporosis - give me the pills to make it better.

    Amy: If you havent figured it out yet, I have the patience of a Saint - yes I do self proclaim that. I dont believe anyone else would put up with my musically gifted, but work challenged husband. Im really laughed at your post. Yesterday I just enjoyed the day. My DH calls and wants to know why Im coming home so late. I tell him, lately its alot more fun when I dont come home. That sorta shocked him into reality for a moment. I used to rush to come home early everyday - but lately - Im just walking about and taking my sweet time. Im enjoying the little things in life. BTW! Hey Jude is so cute. My gosh what big ears! And Beaner - well - they says dogs are mans best friend for a reason. That puppy will have a wonderful life now. A home! The pictures were so darn cute.

    Sherloc: Im like you. I have tried everything and anything to quit. Just have never been successful. I do most of my smoking while sitting at the computer or in my car. So you made me think this morning. As of now, if I want to smoke, Im gonna do it outside. The thought of quitting puts sheer panic in my body! Anyways, good luck to you. BTW! I know when my ribs first broke, cause I remember the pain. I had alot of wheezing with it. Couldnt lay on my right side cause I would start wheezing and coughing. I hope the Pulmonary doctor has some answers for you.

    Madison: Doing tha Happy B9 dance for you!


    Susan: Hope everything goes well with the liver scan results.

    Suzfive: I love swimming. Have even thought about going to the local Balley's jsut to swim. Its great exercise. Men - they live in another world.

    Karen: Im with you. No nipples here either. I just saw my PS on Thursday and told him no. I have just had enough. My medical bills still are haunting me. Every test I get only puts me further into debt.

    Ok! For those who are trying to quit smoking. CHANTRIX is the newest drug available and is having great results. For me the problem is the cost. My onc said it makes the cigarettes not taste good. Hmmmm Im thinking maybe I will call him Monday and see if he has any samples. Good luck to all of you. Im still in denial land thinking I will quit, but grabbing for my next one little puff.

    Colleen: St. Louis is about a 4 hour drive from Chicago.

    Sending lots of love to you all.


    ...MargaretB: I just type in a thought and get a whole bunch of pictures to match the thought
    ...Odalys - I sent you a PM

    Denise and Liz - All is well. They are here.

    Love ya all

    OK! I have alot to do today. Need to finish planting my flowers. Im hoping the weather cooperates. Also have lots of dandelions I need to get rid of. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    Hey Sunshine're special too. Have a grand day.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    GM vickie and Nicki

    I just sent the part ileft off (v)
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    I got it Janice and hugs to you...hope you have a great day.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    GM everyone....

    Robin, cute kiddie pictures. And Max is adorable. I have a Max also and will try to figure out how to post the darn pictures oneday.

    Sue, Shirley, Cheri Nicki and all the other ex and current smokers. Yep, right there with ya. I quit once several years ago with accupuncture. Was smoke free for 6 years and then got cast in a play, the character smoked , the director said is that going to be a problem? and smug exsmoker that I was so Oh no, no problem. OK another 6 years later still puffing away. Have semi promised friends and family as soon as the chemo is done (May 23 yippee) I will work on the smoking.

    Madison, I think that someome should write a song entitled "B9......wantcha be mine?"

    Colleen, it is a crying shame when we are so vunerable that someone being nice to us makes us cry. I have the front desk bitches, as I call them, so cold and removed, reduced me to tears also. Then I get mad that I allowed them to make me cry. Geeez........

    Denise, I snorted coffee out my nose when I read "Never have been good at blowing anything". LOL

    Vicki....the picture guy looks like Jim Carey to me.

    Nicki, I've got a DH who plays guitar also. He has an electric and an acoustic. He and his friends jam 2-3 nights a week. His friend has a recording studio at his house (Oh my, thank god, house to myself LOL). Honestly tho so glad he does, since this whole bc thing is still so new and ongoing with me, I think it is the only time he can forget or stop worrying about me.
    Going for a BNO (Broads Night Out) over night at my friends house who moved 70 miles away from us. Her hubby is out of town so the girls are moving in! Stiill haven't done anything about the lopsided swimsuit situation and she has a pool, but what the heck, it is just the girls. Got to do all my socializing while I am on my "good" week. hahaha

    Hugs, to all, hoping everyone has a GREAT weekend! Marsha
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Thought this was funny.....Marsha

    We all know those cute little computer symbols called "emoticons," where:

    means a smile and

    is a frown.

    Sometimes these are represented by



    Well, how about some "ASSICONS?"
    Here goes:

    (_!_) a regular ass

    (__!__) a fat ass

    (!) a tight ass

    (_*_) a sore ass

    {_!_} a swishy ass

    (_o_) an ass that's been around
    (_x_) kiss my ass

    (_X_) leave my ass alone

    (_zzz_) a tired ass

    (_E=mc2_) a smart ass

    (_$_) Money coming out of his ass

    (_?_) Dumb Ass

    You have just been e-mooned! Send

    th is to 5 people within the next hour and you will be blessed with people laughing at your e-mail.

    This is NOT a chain letter, so if you don't mail it out, you won't have bad luck. (But who wouldn't want to e-Moon a friend?)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Marsha: Ahahahah thats a good one.


  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2007
    Madison - Just read your results! Yippeee (doing the happy dance - be glad you can't see me!) I am so happy to hear B9, B9, B9.

    Happy weekend everyone. I have a sping tea to go to at the local cancer center for BC survivors this afternoon, then a 50th birthday party for a dear friend this evening. DH and DS are out of town till tommorrow so it will be good to be busy.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    We're going to try and get tickets to see Spiderman today. My boys are so excited! Still looking for ways to avoid house and yard work. This will take care of a few hours.

    Marsha, those were cute!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    that was funny

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008

    I just started reading last nights posts and had to stop when I got to Shirleys!

    I'm usually quick with the thoughts and tongue.......I had to go back and see what I wrote! That one totally went right by me! Not what I was referring to, but now that you mention it........................!
    p.s. I don't think the actual testing is 4 hours...nobody can blow for that long! I think it's probably an hour max, no doctor is going to give you that much of his time!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007

    Denise you just keep doing it. First "not good at blowing things" and now "usually quick with the tongue". Maybe your guy is OK with that! LOL Marsha

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
    Morning all!

    I'm off to do the "good daughter" thing. Mom needs(?) milk, so I'll drive 40 miles one way to get her a quart!! No pressure from the mid 80 crowd!

    You girls got me off to a good start today!

    Nicki: Congrats on your new found attitude!! I love it! And congrats on the weight loss!

    Marsha: I will not be responsible for any computer damage from spit out liquids!! OMG, there I go again..that sentence kinda fits the one that caused the "spit" in the first place! I'm outta here!

    Vickie: Must be a lot of oldies but goodies at your church. Who else would want to have a Sat. breakfast at 7:30a! Enjoy!
    Ohhh, now we have another Evil Earl to plot revenge on....minds a thinking!

    Everyone have a good day and I'll be back this evening!

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007

    Denise.....I spit too!!! ROTFLMAO Marsha