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  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
    You were posting when I was....It only gets better!
    No wonder my Family is so Proud of me!!!!!
    If there was an award for "putting your foot in your mouth" I'd have a wall full!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007

    I don't think it's the foot in your mouth we were talking about! LOL Marsha (OK STOP IT, I'M DYIN' HERE)

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good morning happy campers! Its a gorgeous Saturday here and I think I'm going to go buy some plants to plant. Nicki, you inspired me!

    Have a fantabulous day everyone!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
    Okay Marsha,

    I'm LMAO! Did I mention I was single for 19 years before someone took me in? Gee, I wonder Why?!
    We better exchange addresses for when we get kicked off the boards!
    I'm putting my "good girl" mouth on now and going to Mom's!
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Hey Sherloc you freaking out about the breathing took me about 4 hrs.....they will put you trough a series of test but what happens if they don't get a good reading then you have to take that part of the test over....if I remember correctly they will give each breathing test 3 times and average the also get to rest about 5-10 minutes between test.....brb........

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Jasmine! This one is for you.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Denise: This one is for you. Like Marsha, I really laughed when I read your post.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited May 2007
    Hello everyone! If I go back and read all the posts I won't have the energy to post now--- SO--- I am winging it!

    It seems that I have a delayed reaction to the chemo- I get hit the week after not the week OF. I am so sorry I have not been around but I have had a couple of medical things pop up aside from the chemo that have knocked me out.

    I feel like I have some energy today. My next infusion is Weds... so I better get moving!

    My onc told me that since I had chemo five years ago and I am having another first line chemo now, it hits me harder. It has something to do with the bone marrow I think he said- you just don't "bounce back" the way you should.

    I also may be on the cover of the newspaper- so keep an eye out. I may have to start a protest outside my insurance company's headquarters...

    So far they are not paying for the operating room- $45,000
    they suddenly aren't covering wigs- and they only will "allow" me to get the Emmend ONCE. I tried to refill it for next week and was told "Oh,no, that is a one time thing." ONE TIME THING???? I am having 12 chemos!!

    I have never missed a payment and have paid them early just to be on the safe side. I pay $700 per month and they are doing this.

    When you don't feel like moving much less making endless phone calls to people who are paid to be difficult- you really get upset!
    So that is what I have been up to!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good gravy, NS. What insurance company is doing that??? I had a small blip on mine paying for the operating room for my recon but it turned out that the clinic that has the operating rooms didn't put the pre-authorization number for my doc on their paperwork and once they did that, the insurance company came through like they were supposed to. I did have to call the insurance company to find out why they denied paying and then I had to call the clinic to tell them and it all got resolved.

    My insurance company would only let me get one anzamet pill at a time for chemo. Which meant that I paid a $30 copay each time I had chemo. I would definitely check into that. Maybe the pharmacy people didn't understand?? I know I'm probably just grasping at straws here for you but I've found that sometimes its just a misunderstanding.

    What newspaper is this going to be? and when?
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    NS...that is utterly ridiculous! Can you get samples at the hospital. I know they gave me samples a couple of different times. I have been very fortunate with my insurance company as they have covered pretty much everything with no questions asked. Thinking of you and sending hugs.

    ok Marsha and Denise...roflmbo!!! Yup...better exchange addresses...are you two sisters or something LOL.

    Church breakfast is done, have to mop and then the housework is done and its OUTSIDE in the sunshine for me and Nathaniel (cleaning the garage...whoopee)but at least we are outside and it isn't snowing.
    love to all
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    NS, that is so disturbing that you have to fight with the insurance company. I hope it gets resolved easily and that you get the medication you need. Sending you healing thoughts.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    Gina, so sorry about the insurance company. They change the rules all the time. As far as not covering the operating room, maybe the hospital submitted it with the wrong code? That has happened to me before and it got cleared up. Of course, it was like moving a mountain but they fixed it.

    I have to say, thank you for the pm's. I got really depressed all of a sudden when I put my seatbelt on a couple days ago. I thought, this will not feel the same will it? I am so much more aware of the "girls". Then dh's ex-wife decided ot go to Florida this weekend on the spur of the moment. She is helping her sister pack and move. So ss is here and we need to get him to school Monday morning. We have not been able to get the ex's mom on the phone to drop him off there. So the plan is to drop me at the hospital and take ss to school. Thing is, he can't bve dropped off earlier than 8:45. The one thing I really needed dh there for is the dye injection because I really freak out with those needles. I had prior experience with them for biopsies and he was with me both times. So I had a crying jag all over again.

    I think the Cymbalta the dr gave me samples of last weeek has kicked in and I am more mellow now. It has a cumulative effect. I also had a long talk with my best friend, Marge, who knows all the players involved. Just knowing you are all there makes me feel better too.

    Susan said you are sending the carpet for me and it looks you guys will be the only ones there that morning. Thank to Liz for checking in with me too and the others who sent email and pm's. There are too many posts to catch up on so I will start from ground zero and work forward.

    Sending out bunches of hugs to everyone!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    HAHAHAHHAHAHHA Denise you better go buy your mom milk before you really get in trouble.

    Good Morning ladies. 20 hours and counting. Apparently the kid came by in the wee hours to pick up his stuff. Grrrrrr. Haven't seen him in over a week, he has called to check on his dad only once, and then he shows up at 2am to get his crap. I am now officially pissed. Hmmmm I'm sure the lack of nicotine might have something to do with that.

    Yippee Margaret. Auction almost done. May you make oodles of bucks. Your mom lives in assisted living? They should be taking her to her dialysis appts.

    Cheri, gonna hunt down that book today. Hmmm maybe I should have done that BEFORE I smoked the last one?

    Vicki, that guy is beyond scary. Hope the breakfast is grand.

    Nicki, sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday. No coughing, no wheezing, pain in my ribs is no worse or better than before he told me it was broken. I so don't have COPD. Crap I'm not even stuffed up? I looked over the chest xray report from my ER visit last month. It says possible collasped really big words that I had to look up....But I don't have a collapsed lung. I had open heart surgery when I was a kid that creates some kind of weird shadow on chest xrays. Dumb radiologist did put on report that the whatever could be from heart surgery but didn't write that it was unchanged from previous xrays. Sooooo me thinks doc is only looking at that report and making guesses from there. PS. it is unchanged cause all my other chest xrays say exactly the same thing. Whatever, it made me look the stuff up and that scared me enough to make a serious go at quitting....and thats my rant of the day.

    Marsha, hahahahhaahahahhahah

    Have a great day in your garden Jaz

    Shokk, not freaking out about tests. Just have to figure out how to get the man person home from his appt so he doesn't have to sit around and wait for me. That would so not work for his pain control which would totally ruin my afternoon.
    Thanks for the info.

    O my gosh Gina, that is just complete bull hockey. Good Heavens I hate insurance companies. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this too. Tell me when and where. I'll be there with a really big nasty sign.

    Off to see the wizard. Have a great day girls.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    So it looks like we have both Beth and Silka (Doris) for surgery on Monday and Cheri with a brain MRI. We really need a calendar!

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007

    Gina, fellow lob sister, I wish I could be right there with you and handle all these nasty docs you've dealt with and insurance companies as the last freaking thing you need is that kind of stress. Sending positive vibes your way and will hold your virtual hand on Wednesday as I will be bellying up to the chemo bar as well. Take care and big hug, Marsha

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Oh I am having such a delightful day. Listening to the "Circle Girls Power Songs" while Im planting more flowers. Hmmmm it only took me two weeks to figure out that you need to wear pants not shorts and you need to sit in the dirt instead of stooping. Sure has made my job easier today.

    Remember my little post about the crab apple tree yesterday? Well this morning I went for a walk and it rained last night. Stood under another crab apple tree but this time the rain made most of the petals fall to the ground. Just mother natures way of reminding us how quickly life can pass us by and to enjoy every minute of it.

    NS: Insurance companies make me so angry. Of course they are responsible for the operating room and surgery. They are just doing their delay game. Your surgeon will be able to write a letter and straighten things out. Now as far as the Emend. My onc gave me samples from the office so I never had to pay for it. Talk to your onc and let him know whats going on. Makes sense that chemo years later would be hard on the bone marrow. I always felt really fatigued the weak after chemo. Hang in there. I have a beautiful purple snap dragon that Im gonna plant in a bit and Im naming it after you.

    Vickie: Sounds like your having a fun Saturday too. Even cleaning the garage in spring isnt so bad.

    Beth: Your gonna do just fine. Always seems something comes up to disrupt our plans, but you will pull through the surgery just fine. See ya in the operating room on Monday. This nutty nurse likes to watch over her friends.

    Sherloc: Hmmmm so those really big words you had to look up must have been possible "Pneumothorax?" I think I am really glad you are seeing a Pulmonary specialist. Sending you hugs. I have a pretty yellow snapdragon that has your name on it.

    OK! Time to get back to work in the garden. Break time is officially over.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007
    When will you be in St. Louis? Our conference is there in July. Would love to meet up with you.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    hey everybody seems to be in good spirits this am.
    I also am enjoying t his saturday but in a different way.
    chester is at work and jessica will sleep late so i get some alone time. i have cleaned up the kitchen and am emptying the refrig. which is sad in a way but i never have the chance to do it mys elf.
    enjoy your day
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    i am in kingsport. I knew somebody was frpm tn besides robin
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Good afternoon ladies,
    It is so beautiful outside but I had to come check up on my sisters and grab a pb and j sandwich quick.
    Jankay...glad your having a good day. won't really be alone as we will all be thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way. What time is the surgery scheduled for? I promise to be thinking of you at that time. No tears...this will be a good thing when it is all done. No worries about bc!!
    Hi Betty...hope you are enjoying your day!
    Ok..gonna try a calendar thread. Lets see if I can figure out a way to make it work.
    Love and hugs to all
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007

    let's have a mini get together in St. Louis. a pre pinkstock meeting.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Ok...started the calendar thread. Add your appointment, special occasions etc on Sundays for the week and we will update it every Sunday so we know where everyone is going or doing for that week.
    Hope this works
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007
    Hi everyone,

    Happy Saturday. It's raining here, but we need it. It's kinda a lazy day. DH is napping. I have the last load in the dryer. We're going out with friends tonight.

    Jankey, I posted a while back about us living so close. I guess you didn't see it. I don't get to Kingsport often. Everytime I do I end up getting lost. LOL. I guess the last time was in Oct. for the Race for the Cure. I won't be participating this year. It's the same Sunday as the last day of the storytelling festival. Since I'll be working our tent, I can't make the race.

    I have two questions I need answers for. maybe all of you casn help. I want to get a swinsuit. I have a silicon boob and the manufacturer saying it's ok to swin in. The question is has anyone bought a suit from Land's End? They have mast. suits and I've been looking at them. If you have and have gone swimming how did you like it.

    Second question...has anyone had laser hair removal for face hair? My face forest is starting to get to me. I'm thinking if it really woprks maybe I can get my ins to pay. PM me your answer. And thanks in advance.

    Better go get some housework done.

    Hugs to all,

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007
    Susan, a pre-pinkstock sounds great. I'll be there from July 9th - 16th. I'll be working most of the time, but will fin d a way to sneek out. I can't make pinkstock. DH has a Kiwanis meeting in KY that weekend that we are going to.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. Today is a beautiful day. Hope everyone is able to get outside. Next year I plan on being able to plant my own flowers and vegetable garden. Of course, I do say that every year.

    Vickie, sounds like you have a busy week-end. Enjoy the great outdoors.

    Nickie, your walk by the lake sounds lovely.

    Marsha, have a great time at your BNO, bet it'll be loads of fun.

    Boo, you have a nice day planned. Stay strong with no smoking. I'm very proud of you! It isn't easy but we can do this.

    Sheri, hope your family enjoys the movie this afternoon.

    Hey to Denise, Jankay, Jazz.

    Gina, sorry you're having trouble with your ins. co. Check out the reason codes your EOB has on it and call the hospital billing dept. Connect with one of the billers. I was a biller for a hosp. for several years and if you can make that 'connection' with someone that will help you it's great. Maybe they need to re-file under a different code, add a code, could be a number of things they could do to help get the claim pd.I have been very lucky to have an Insurance Case Mngr. that is wonderful. You should've been assigned one, too. She should be a resource for you. Just be sure you pay attention to those EOB's and their denial codes. I fought ins. co. for years, for patients and myself. The hospital or clinic will also try to stick the patient with the bill if the code says the claim was denied due to 'timely filing'. The patient is NOT responsible for that in case anybody else is reading this that can benefit. What 'timely filing' is when the caregiver didn't get the claim filed within the ins. time limit. The patient has nothing to do with that. The hosp. has to write it off. You all need to read those Explanation Of Benefits that come in, very closely. It's a pain in the neck, especially when you're sick, but I've saved us thousnads of dollars.

    Shirley, hey you're hangin in there and that's great. The author of the quit smoking book does say to smoke while reading it, but you've got that much time under your belt i don't think I'd start again. (be a good excuse, tho) It's also better to jump right in to the first chapter and skip the intro. Keep an open mind and the reason i could never quit was Fear. This book addresses that alot. I'd like to see you succeed. I cannot imagine myself having gone through some very stressful times since I quit 4/11/07 not even breaking down and having a puff off one. But I really haven't. I have wanted to....many times. In fact, I would dearly love one right now but I won't. Simply because I am a non-smoker.

    My gosh, I've gotten to where I can drag out a post for a couple hours. Too many irons in the fire. Have a nice day.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Betty..I am a long time swimmer and I bought some mastectomy swimsuits and never liked them although I never bought one from Land's End..what worked for me was to buy a regular suit and I sewed in an old mastectomy bra. Also I bought a swimform as I swim in a chlorinated pool (mine). But I you can get pockets sewn in regular suits...
    Hugs, SoCal
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007
    Concerning the appointments calendar....I found a place on line that we could use. I made a quick calendar to show everyone. Could this work for us or would it be too much trouble? It can be pasworded.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Way kewl!!! That is wonderful Betty!

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007

    that is great.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Hey Betty! HOw the heck are ya? That site is cool. We need to make it a thread. I just added to it.
