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  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning all.Well I am back and after almost a year I have....2 more fingerS!!!!Oh my,instead of looking like a pencil eraser they look like the whole pencil.Good thing was it didn't hurt at all.I didn't even need the local.PS said I was only 2nd person in his career that had nothing.I have no feeling whatsoever in my chest or the top of my back or the top half of my left arm.He said to be that numb all over some kind of nerve was cut,a really long name.I have to wear these white cup things for 2 weeks.I look hilarious in a shirt,guess I'll be homebound for 2 weeks.I have to go to someone else for tattoos,he doesn't do them.I am just really too tired to catch up right now but I love all of you and am thinking of you.I will be back when I wake up later.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: I slept in this morning and woke up to the sound of birds singing. Another reason I like Spring and Summer. Im planning on another fun day. I get to go out and buy more flowers. This will be my last trip. Just a few for for my patio.

    Vickie: We rented a farm house for many years. Surrounded by corn fields. I loved that house. Everytime I pulled up the long driveway, I felt like I was in another world that was peaceful and no stress. We had a dog by the name of Holmes. He was the best dog I have ever had in my lifetime. Anyways, he passed on while we lived there and we buried him in the yard. When we moved out, the fire department came and burnt the house down. I sure do understand how you were feeling yesterday. I remember standing there watching it burn. It was a very emotional day for me.

    Madison: Post traumatic stress? That doesnt sound like fun. Sounds like something snuck in and bit ya in the butt. I hope your better today.

    Denise: I agree. So many new threads and I feel like I am missing out on something all the time. Barely able to keep up with the wagon circle. This week-end I finially feel like I am back in touch with all of you. But come Monday - Im will be back in my new routine. Which means very little computer time.

    NS: Oh that was a funny story about the catnip. I get fresh catnip too and it makes my cats crazy. They just love it. Glad your kitty had a good time.


    Shel: Going back to work is gonna be great. For me, retuning to work was my salvation. Didnt have time to think about all this bc stuff. Made me feel normal again. Whatever normal is. But then I didnt have to go back to floor nursing. OMG! I worked in ICU for so many years. Loved the adrenaline rush. NOw - I would be such a whimp. Anyways - good luck to you and enjoy.

    Lorene: We have so many friendships and such strong bonds here in the wagon circle. You dont have to post everyday. And you dont have to post to everyone. Just coming by and saying hello is good. Im glad you found the wagon circle. I dont have much time to read other forums anyone. Geez - I dont have enough time to read this one. Anyways its good to see you post again and dont stay away too long!


    Sherloc: My goodness. Good for you. Keep up the good work. I have to admit I think I am totally hopeless when it comes to giving up my cigs. I have no self control. As soon as I think no, I go running for one. You might just be my inspiration.

    Speaking of sentinel nodes and dye injections. Man - the protocol seems to be different everywhere. I had to go the day before my surgery. 24 hours before the surgery to be more precise. Then on the day of surgery I had to go back to nuclear medicine and they tracked the dye to make sure I lit up. I got five injection in each nipple and to this day, I still think that was the hardest part in the surgery. Actually I think its a barbaric procedure. No numbing agent. It must have been thought up by a man! I also couldnt understand why they were injecting dye into my good breast that was being removed prophylactically. I thought hey, thats my good one, why are they doing a sentinel node there. Well anyways, when the path report came back I had some Atypical lobular dysplasia and a small beginning of LCIS. So I decided then, I would never second guess my surgeon.

    Brenda: REal gardeners will tell you not to plant flowers until after Mothers Day! Im just always to anxious to get it started. Im hoping the weather warms up and you can plant your flowers. I can smell the blackberries in the air.

    Karen: Hey sometimes I feel that way too. I hate when that happens to me. All of a sudden Im in a funky mood and dont know why. I get so irritable. I hate when that happens. Im hoping today will be a better day for you. So your celebrating a Birthday in May are ya? Im gonna have to go check the calendar out. Hoping we can move it to a new thread here, as I dont want the site to get lost in all our posts. Im sending you a big hug today. Lots of sunshine and smiles to come your way.


    Lisa: Good morning sunshine sister. So good to hear from you. Im really glad the procedure went well. Cups for two weeks? I hate to tell ya what Im picturing in my mind lol. Im also numb in my chest area. To this date, I can still feel an itch that isnt really there and its maddening when I cant scratch it to get relief. My underarms are numb too. No hair growth and no body odor anymore. Thats weird. Go figure?

    Speaking about insurance companies I remember watching a special. I think it was on 60 minutes. They have this thing that they call "DENY and DELAY." Thats their way of thinking. Figure some people wont fight them. It really upsets me cause I pay $800.00/month for insurance and I still keep getting bills. This or that wasnt covered under your copay. Makes me insane!

    Im having big issues with the oil companies right now too. The cost per barrel has not gone up, but they have dramatically increased the cost of gasoline. We are at $3.29/gallon - but that was yesterday. They seem to be increasing it by 10 cents a day. First they said it was cause of the time change. Now they are saying they need to do it to prepare for the demands this summer. I say they are money mongers and filling their pockets.

    Insurance companies and oil companies - they are making huge profits at our expense.

    Cheri: Man I have a really hard time with my hospital and billing issues. The other day I got a call that I owed $500.00 from when I had my port removed. This was what the insurance didnt cover. I told them to please send me an itemized bill. I wanted to know what the insurance covered and what it didnt. The girl actually had the nerve to tell me its not their responsiblity and they dont have to and will not send an itemized bill. So tomorrow when I go for my dexascan, Im stopping by the CEO's office to tell him how mean she was to me and that its ridiculous that a patient can be sent a bill to explain the charges. Its like you owe this money, pay up even though you dont know why.

    Denise: Thanks for the reminder. I totally forgot about it being Nurses Day. Gonna have to do something special for myself today.

    Well - my moring time is up. Need to start breakfast and get ready to go for my walk. Yesterday I walked tot he local 7/11 to get newspapers. Think I will do that again today. Its official. I have been on phase 1 South Beach for one week. I miss my wine and I miss my fruit. One more week and I can have some.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    Good morning ladies,
    Lisa...hello...looks like you're the sunshine girl this morning. Glad your ok...fingers LOL!!!
    It's a whole whooping 36 degrees here this morning. brrr...supposed to get up to 60 thought with lots of sunshine.
    Walking the circle. Looks like Nicki is sleeping in but I can't be sure...she may be sneaking up on me, Cheri and Mena are sound asleep in the center along with our other girls, Robin is up and plotting, peeking in to say good morning to Jankay, tucking Madison in and making a wish for a better day, spreading some sunshine around Karenindenvers wagon for a happier day too, looking for a baby moose outside Debs wagon but none is sight, checking in on Shel and Mac...what a team, leaving Brenda a bowl of fresh blackberries for her sweet tale, a xanex lollipop outside of Beths wagon for when she wakes up to keep her calm, another for Shirley to get through her DH troubles (men!!), whew...we have a lot of wagons to cover in the morning...can't see Margarets, Colleens, MB's, oh so many...through these blurry eyes this morning.
    Hope all of you have a wonderful day today. Off to shower, make breakfast...thinking french toast today...and then to church.
    love ya all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    oooo...Nicki beat me by a minute. I knew she was up and sneakin around. Good morning sunshine sister! Have a grand ya

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    l am up and not moving. slept in messes up my schedule
    not good
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning Vickie and Jankay.

    Yes I always seem to sneak in while one of you is posting.


    Have a grand day

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007
    Oh jankey, you've been to Jonesborough about at much as I've been to Kingsport. The Parson's Table has been closed for years. It finally got sold to a guy who openeed a martini bar. That lasted about a year. He slunk out of town owing every food purveyor in the southeast. It went on the blocks again and a couple from Maryland bought it. But they have no interest in re-opening it. So it just sits there.

    But the Sweet Shoppe is still here. And Main St. and some new ones...Dogwood Lane, Bistro 105. Yes, we'll definitely have to have lunch. Let me know.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007
    Good morning everyone,

    It's quiet here. The windows are open and the birds are singing. We went out for breakfast and now DH is napping. The dr. upped his insulin shot and it's taking him a while to get used to the new dosage. BTW, we are now within 34 pounds of each other.

    Nicki, I've been meaning to tell you...I love your pictures. I'm still learning, nut need to start collecting some good ones.

    Hope everyone has a good day. I;m going to play around with that calendar some. I want to see what all it can do.

    Hugs to all,

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Well I have to tell all of you, I am really enjoying walking every morning. No time restraints today so I walked with my dog and adventured out into a different part of the neighborhood. We ended up doing a mile. Dropped him off and then walked to the 7/11 again to get Sunday papers.

    Believe it or not 2 years ago at this time, I thought I was probably the healthiest I had been for along time. Was our walking like this every day. 30 pounds lighter too. But I wasnt so healthy. I had been diagnosed with bc, was waiting for my surgery the first part of June and was facing chemo over the summer.

    I thought about alot of things while I was walking. First of all, 2 years ago, I didnt think I would be here today. Figured my number was up. Then I was thinking about all of the friendships I have made here over the last 2 years. Seems like so many of you are part of my life now. And we have histories! I can remember things about each of you.

    This is why I like Spring so much. Trying to enjoy each day, and treasure it, cause with a blink of our eyes, Summer will be here. Time moves so fast - and Im trying to learn to slow down a bit and just enjoy things.

    Today is another beautiful day and I just wanted to share it with all of you.

    Betty: Thanks for the kind words. My pictures really do tell you all about what my personality is like. Im a little nutty and enjoy a good laugh.

    I think you calendar thing is great. You have to repost it, or it will get lost in our chatty conversations.

    Today is Sunday. Im thankful to be here. Thankful I have met so many friends.


  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Hello, Good Morning,

    I submitted a collage of afghan pictures to the Discovery Channel website (with a short story)for the live program tonight. There is a link on the home page that will tell you what time the program will be aired.

    Individuals from will be on the program tonight.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    i SAID i hadnt eaten there in years!!!! My sis gets in tuesday and she will stop and bring my son Jacob home from UT. ^the only thing set for sure is she is taking me to augusta on may14. will pm u to make plans. Jan
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    good morning ladies. All is well. Still smoke free. Not happy but I will be eventually. Brain is foggy. I am tired. And it seems my breathing issues are getting worse?? I think I'm imagining it.
    Found out yesterday what is up with my satelite/internet. The problem is not with the equipment at all. Apparently our "Unlimited" access isn't so unlimited. Something about once the puter downloads a certain amount the company slows down your access for 24 hours. And since hubby and I leave our puters online 24/7 we have been stuck in the slow mode for ages. O my gosh you should have heard the man person yelling at people in India yesterday. He was sooooo pissed. Soooooo those of you who are considering Hughes Satelite (don't they have the happiest commercials?) Their "Unlimited Access" has a limit. Apparently you can read all about it in the 52 page Terms and Conditions Contract. It is called the Fair Access Policy.
    So after that rant I think I will say hidey ho for the day. I love you all to bits but sitting here is making me crave a smoke. Prayers for Beth, Cheri, Doris, and Nicki for tomorrow.
    Nicki, I will be happy to be your inspriation. Cheri is mine. But lets get me thru the week first ok? Foggy brain not remembering who else quit this week?
    See Ya
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Vickie:I am always up early plotting and planning.

    Shirley:I am going to join you in an effort to stop smoking,problem is I have just been smoking one or two a day until the EVIL upsets me then I could smoke a whole pack at once.Picture that.SO I might as well stop.This chemo makes me short of breath so stoping sure wont hurt.So last one I had was yesterday at 4pm.

  • judithb
    judithb Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2007

    i ve just joined the team kicking and screaming in protest not me not me not me - but chatting here makes me feel that I m not on my own and perhaps it will help to drag this burden along in the coming months or years- I have faith and will pray for you as I desperately pray for me - in my welsh thoughts love j

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Hi Judith!

    Welcome to the circle. So sorry you had to join this club but we are here for you when you need a shoulder to cry on, a place to vent, and a laugh or two.

    Big hugs!
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    I want to really encourage you girls in quitting smoking. good luck!!!!!

    Happy nurses day! Tuesday is Teacher Appreciation Day, so they are taking all of us out to lunch from 11-1 and getting parents to sub in our classes during that time. I can't wait.

    Our internet connection has been bumping me off all morning. We have cable and it is usually pretty good. Jacob, my computer geek son, ran a "search and destroy" program and so far it's working better.

    We had rain yesterday, so no outdoors for us. The movie was good, though. I am getting inspired by those of you who are planting flowers. Last year I went crazy with gardening. Maybe I'll do something.

    Working on the piles of laundry. Sarah, dd, just told me yesterday she is coming home Thursday. I'm going to have to take a day off to go up and move her out of her room. Oh, well, I took a day off to move her in last August. She's not looking forward to coming home for the summer. It's kind of sad. She says our house is not a happy place, everyone is always yelling at each other. She tends to be a little sensitive, but I know what she means. We have so much stress with dh's job, Joe's rebellion, and Jacob, at 20, thinking he's always right about everything. The one I feel the most sorry for is Micah. He just goes along with it all. I feel like if I were more my old self I could control things better and keep it from becoming such a negative atmosphere. I guess that's my biggest guilt from all of my health issues. I feel like I'm just surviving.

    I'm really not in a bad mood, just contemplating. Hopefully some of you just skimmed over my little "thing" and didn't get too bogged down.

    Me thinks the park is looking good today--that's what I do when I get too caught up in myself.

    Happy Sunday.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007

    Shirley, I also wanted to thank you for your encouraging words about Jacob's trip to Ecuador. So many people around me keep telling me what a mistake it is to let him go. He's 20, I'm not buying his ticket, so there's really not a whole lot I can say. I am hoping it will be a positive experience for him. He does know to check out the American Embassy as soon as he gets there just in case he needs anything. I love to travel, so I don't really blame him.

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Welcome, Judith!

    I'm kind of new here myself, but I already feel at home.

    Off to get some exercise.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Hi Girls and Happy Sunday!

    First of all, Betty and Susan (and someone else that I'm forgetting - Christine maybe?) I'll be in St Louis on July 5th only. (Sounds like someone was going to be there the next weeekend?) We arrive that afternoon, stay the one night, and leave for Pere Marquette on July 6th. I would love to be able to meet up with some of you ladies! Let's see what we can work out when it gets closer to the date. I think our plan is to show the kids the Arch on Thursday afternoon, evening, and to try to stay in a hotel somewhere near there so we can just walk. Haven't made a reservation yet though.

    Second - I attended an all day breast cancer conference in Boston yesterday called Knowledge, Strength & Grace. It was amazing and chock full of great information. I feel like I want to share it with you all, but I'm really tired and my brain feels all muddled (it's been a while since I've had a 7am - 5pm day, and I think I'm just spent from the intensity and emotion of it all!) I will try to write about it later on today.

    I did want to share the name of a book they gave us though. It's called: The Breast Cancer Survivor's Fitness Plan, by Josie Gardiner and Joy Prouty. The came up with a specific plan based on what type of surgery you had, and include an entire chapter on lymphedema concerns. I haven't read it yet, but just felt so happy and thankful to get it, because I feel like I've been looking and looking for just this type of information and haven't been able to find it. (Remember my experience at my health club when the trainer there wouldn't even let me hire him for a one-time session to help me come up with a plan for strength training?)

    I'm off for a nap. It sounds like lots of us are still having not so great days, waiting for tests, dealing with husbands and kids, and just feeling blah. Big hugs to you all, I think (and talk) about you all the time!!
  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2007
    Hi all.I gotta problem.I can't send a PM,is anybody else having this problem?All of you that sent me a PM I got them but it won't let me send any.I will reply when I figure this out.What do I do?How do I report it?
    I am doing good,getting alot done now that I have 12 fingers.Kinda messes me up when I am trying to count but I'll get used to it I guess.I haven't had time to read all the posts but I am going to right now and will post again afterwards.BBL.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Happy Nurses Day to all our wonderful nurses!!!

    Welcome Judith.
    I wonder what is happening with the PM's.....I think you report the problem to our moderators.
    Hugs to all.....
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Good Sunday afternoon everyone. Have a nice weekend happening here, just got home from an overniter.

    Welcome Judith! Like Tricia, I'm new here too and everyone is very friendly and supportive.

    Love the calender, posted my last 2 chemos!!

    Hugs all around, Marsha
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Good Afternoon Everyone: Well, all of my flowers are planted. Went out and got some Gerber Daisies and Dahalias for the patio. Oh and some beautiful wave petunias. The front and back yard look great. Now I need to get my husband out there to cut the lawn and get rid of all the dandelions.

    Lisa: Go to the very bottom of this page. You will see "contact us." Click on it and tell them your problem and they will help you fix it.

    Madison: Im hoping I can watch that show tonight. Might be too late for me - I will probably be sleeping. And gosh forbid if my husband cant watch Soprano's. Well me too, it happens to be one of my favorite shows. But Im gonna try!

    Sherloc: Im very proud of you. Good going with the not smoking. Me? Well ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies.

    Robin: I bought myself the prettiest bright red Gerber Daisy for Nurses Day. Im sure the hospitals will be buzzing with all kinds of stuff tomorrow. Good for you too, not smoking. Thats really great.
  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2007
    Hi Circle Girls!!!
    Well, I certainly have fell behind the past couple of days.We are a chatty bunch.
    Shirley, I’m jealous,I wanna see Spiderman 3. I heard speacial effects are awesome. Jazzercise huh?I bought Carmen Elektra’s Striptease Workout lol. And I’m trying to find the bellydancing one too.

    Cheri, not looking in mirrors just yet. They are HUGE!!! eeeww and ugly,may have to go back and get these boogers amputated. I will be ready in the morning for your MRI. Who’s driving? All kidding aside, I am praying with all of my heart that it is nothing serious. I have my family praying too. You might as well get ready, I gotta call you today. I gotta give you my pep speech lol.

    Gina, so sorry that this chemo is being so rough on you. I wish 11 of us could take one treatment each and it would help you and you’d be done. All we can do is just be here for you and pray a lot, somehow it doesn’t seem enough. Insurance companies are so stupid, they did the same to me on Emend so I switched to Kytril and they wouldn’t pay for it even once. So I went to Zofran, same crap they paid one time. Your Onc should have some samples of at least one of the anti-nausea meds. I will send you a PM about wigs.Hugs.

    Betty, if you get insurance to pay for laser hair removal please let me know. Hey, I got an idea. I will tell them to choose between paying for laser to get rid of my beard and mustache or pay for a sex change since I’m already half way there lol.

    Vickie, I understand about the trailer. It was the memories you made living there and it represented freedom and peace. It had sentimental value to you. That is true about firefighters though. I had a mobile home burn once and it takes 4 minutes for a trailer to burn completely to the ground. Not a lot of time to rescue people.

    Speacial prayers for Ferne, Stephanie, and Lisa40. Bless our sisters in troubling times..

    Lorene, don’t feel pressured to post everyday or to address everyone at once, it’s impossible. We are always here, come when you can.

    Beth, will be thinking of you tommorrow during your surgery. You will never have to worry again about breast cancer, you will be much happier.

    Karen, I hope you get out of your funk soon. We all have those times that’s why it is so comforting to have all our sisters in the Circle.

    Robin, I am here and ok. Will send you a PM when I can.Thanks for caring.

    To all of you Nurses here, Happy Nurses Day. I was a CNA so I know how wonderful you nurses are. And anybody has to admit you all know more about the patients than the Drs do. Takes a speacial person to be a nurse, and all of you are BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE.

    I will be back to post more later, love you all and am thinking of all of you.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007

    well the EVIL and I had it out.Ended up in a cursing match and he told me he is planning on leaving when the time is right.It still hurts me so bad that he dosent care about me.I still dont know what I have done so bad to throw 18 years away.I have been doing so good but for some reason he can always hurt me and make me cry.I have cried until my eyes are swollen.I dont think my heart will ever mend.I dont know why he can love someone he dosent even know a thousand miles away and he cant love me.Right when I need him the most.I am so tired of being lonley.I just dont know how much more I can take.Thanks for listening to me whine again,I just had to get it off my chest.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007

    Collen..glad you went to that conference..when you settle down, check out that BC Survivors Fitness Plan Book-- page 63 and again page 25 under Rebuilding Muscle and you will see someone you world huh!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    This is dh holding Mork and Mindy. They've sure grown in just 5 weeks. I've been messing with photo stuff today. I'll be back later to read and post.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Happy Nurses' Day to all nurses and especially to all our CG Nurses...

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
    Good afternoon!

    I'm doing a fly by..but wanted to check on all and see that things are okay.

    Robin: Cuss the Idiot out..he's an ass..and an evil one at that. You don't need or really want him to love/want you. You need for him to leave and let you be happy in a new life away from cheating, lying and whatever else it is he's so good at. I know it hurts, but you deserve to be free of the stress. If he can pull this crap and keep you in such a state of turmoil during your treatment.......he's not even worth wiping your feet on.
    Do I need to make a trip to Tennessee to rescue you? You know I will do it. Dry those tears and take some deep're gonna be fine.

    Madison: Hope you're feeling a bit better. PTSS is a bugger..No warning, it just comes in uninvited. I think that was a wonderful thing you did putting the afghan and story on Discovery Web!

    Nicki: I just notice such a calm about you lately..wonderful! All your flowers planted and a special Red Gerber Daisy just for you.
    How true your words this morning were...and inspiring. 2 years ago till now. You're right, the friendships and histories we all share are remarkable.

    Shel: Back to work on Tuesday! Nervous and Excited, eh? You fought for'll soon be back in the swing of things!
    Toe Tissue Cancer. Strange..I've had that too! I am also missing toe nails on both big hey, must be the tissue!

    Shirley: girls need to bottle some determination and send it out! You will do fine at the Pulmonary testing on we'll be with you!

    Brenda: You have a blue boob? Wow, I must have missed that phase of testing!

    Karen: You're in a funk..bummer. I'd like to give you a secret recipe to help....but just don't have one. How about the "old Cliche" "Things will get better." God, how I hate that phrase.

    JanKay: Just a hello, and glad you're feeling better!

    LisaElder: Okay, Not only do I stick my foot in my mouth often, I am also Naive. I was going back to see what happened to your fingers...........Duh..finally caught on! Congrats! Big Boogers that they are! I like your idea for the Ins. Co., Laser or Sex Change! Sadly in this day and age, the later would probably be easier to have approved!

    Judith: Welcome to you!

    Sheri: Teachers Day..should be interesting with Parents Subbing! Enjoy the Luncheon.

    Colleen: I bet the BC Conference was very interesting. Glad you went and enjoyed. By the way, how is Warren doing?

    Marsha: Glad you're having a nice weekend.....and I'm not even asking about the "overniter!"

    NS: Laughed about the Cat flying high! Maybe we could use a bit of Cat Nip! And you know the prayers for all you mentioned are what we do best.

    Hope to get back of those days when I have started 15 things and haven't finished any!!
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited May 2007
    Hellow CG's..This is more or less a drive-by also...I've got to catch up a bit first...

    Cheri, the puppies are just squishable! But why did you cut off Ed's head? That was meaner than me! Has he seen this?

    Hey Beth -- hope you are staying as calm as possible, and don't forget your Ambien tonight! I'm praying all goes well for you and for your medical team too. I'm glad you get to stay at least one night. Don't forget to pack your cell phone and charger.

    Has Puppy been around lately? If anyone talks to her please tell her I'm looking for her...Mena...bbl...xo