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  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited May 2007

    You put your finger right on it without realizing it. Evil is one sick cookie and "loves" people who are far away for just that reason---they are far away. They require no real committment of time, emotions, support and live entirely in his head in a fantasy world. I bet they never fart, get sick, belch, chew with their mouths open or forget to take out the garbage---all of the things he expects others to put with from him.

    Beth--we'll all be thinking of you tomorrow.

    Cheri and Sherloc---WOOHOO! I quit years ago and it is so worth it. I know someone who has kept a spreadsheet since he quit smoking and he has saved $75,000! That should help motivate you!!

    Madison---come over here so we can rub your shoulders and tell you all will be better. Was treated for PTSS before I was dx with BC---it's the pits but you can deal with it. Have you considered therapy? That's what worked for me.

    Nicki---I am so jealous! I want to run right out there and dig up half my yard like I usually do this time of year but can't do that until we get back from Alaska (yes---I get to meet Deb!) in the middle of June.

    Cheri----we'll be riding shotgun for you tomorrow. Please let us know how all goes.

    Know I've forgotten many or just didn't read far enough backwards---but know I think of everyone here every day.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007
    Good afternoon CG's -
    Lisa, i also had to think about the fingers - read your post a couple times till I remembered that you were getting mipples!!!
    Robin - sending hugs from Denver
    Cheri - I love the puppies and the names!! They are so cute.
    Nicki - happy Nurses day!!!
    Denise and Vickie - thanks,
    Still feeling blue. DH was talking to me about my upcoming b'day his morning and I started to cry. I should be happy to be celebrating a b'day, but it made me cry!!! Just feel so confused about it all.
    Will be back later to check in with everyone else. I know I have lots of people out, but you are never far from my thoughts. Karen in Denver
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
    Cheri: What time are we picking you up tomorrow? All will be well and then we'll break out the blew rinks for ya!

    Beth: We'll be there for your surgery tomorror also. Keep the faith..all will be fine.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    I SEE this has been a busy day for everyone.

    Robin-do i need to hop on my power scooter and come down the interstate to rescue you and kick evils b--t. Give me a yodel and i will be there.

    cheri and other smokers-good luck I can remember when my dad was quitting! sheshhhhh

    I wonder if z is back. I left her a message on her machine.

    WELCOME JUDITH tHIS is an awesome but silly b unch of women. I know u will find comfort here.
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007
    Beth and Cheri,

    We'll be flying in tomorrow. You both take care. My prayers are with you.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Sending sweet dream wishes to all my wonderful sisters here before I head off to bed. I worked wayyyy to hard this weekend and I am exhausted!
    I'll get up early for the magic carpet. Don't forget to pick me up...wonder who is driving. We have Cheri going for her MRI that will show nothing but a little bothersome easy to take care of cyst...Beth is having her surgery and needs us all there to hold her hand...Laura is having a checkup so we'll have to make sure all goes well. Looks like a busy day for the circle girls tomorrow. I will be saying prayers for you all tonight.
    Saying "Love ya" to everyone...too tired to write any more and have to get back to work in the morning...ewww Monday already!!!! I need a vacation...truly!!!!
    oh...on another note...I have been offered a different job at the same place as before!!! Doing ONLY payroll at almost twice what I make now with immediate health, dental and vision, immediate vacation, sick and personal time paid holidays, life insurance equal to my pay plus 50,000 on top of that. Sounds great to me and I am calling tomorrow.
    Hugs, love and prayers to everyone
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007

    I'm pretty tired, too. I ended up cleaning the guest room for friends and family who will be stopping by later this month. I think I over did it. I'm still not done. Found some Christmas stuff lurking in a closet. I need to move the sofa we have in there to get to the little crawl space where we have the Xmas stuff. That's a next weekend's job.

    So have a good evening everyone. Magic carpet ride will come very early. I'll have the coffee - Tim Horton's. Or as we call it in our house - Timmies.

    Good night, sleep tight and sweet dreams.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    Hi you guys! I am so tired tonight I haven't got what it takes to read all the posts. Suffice it to say, I got all the pm's and emails and loved each one. I feel so safe and warm and loved from all of you.

    My family has kept me busy running all weekend long. Lat night mom treated us all to great seafood dinner (Kelly's on Welsh Road, Joyce, it was great!). Today, I slept in, made breakfast, went with the boys, dh and one of ds's friends to see Spiderman 3. Then we went to ss#1's house for a cookout. Well, we cooked outside, ate inside. I felt so good being with all of them. I am home, exhausted, and so ready for tomorrow morning.

    Vickie and/or Mena, Larry will call one or both of you tomorrow with an update. Just thought I would give you a heads up. Mena, thanks for the booster talk last night, I needed to touch base with you.

    I am ready for that carpet ride in the morning. I think we worked out what to do with me stepson in the morning so dh should be with me for it all. Deep breaths and valium (Deb, I called the bs and he will have it for me before the dye injection, thanks for the idea!)

    See you all in a couple of days! Cross your fingers for a b9 path report!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    OK...since no-one else wants to drive...I'LL Do IT!!! WooooHoooo...I always wanted to do a loop-d-loop and I have been watching from the back and I'm sure I can do it...

    I have been up with the birds lately, which here is about 4am. That should get us where we need to be on time. I will be quiet when I pick you up. I fyou're not awake, we'll just tuck you in and tie you on the back. I already have the cinnamon buns ready and I have a hat to hold my coffee so I have BOTH hands for driving


    Maybe we will fill Cheri's with blue drinks.

    In all seriousness...we love ya and things will be just fine for everyone needing a ride tomorrow.

    Deb C
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007

    Deb, I'm glad you will be driving. Mazer is a great copilot and I know the two of you will get us there safe. I think Cheri will be happy with some blew rinks before her test. And I KNOW I will be happy with cinnamon buns. You Rock!!!

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited May 2007
    God be with you tomorrow Beth. I'm praying all goes well and for B9 results.

    Love and hugs,
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007
    Deb - don't forget to fly over the Rockies and pick me up. Beth - I didn't even think about a path report for you. Get this ole brain in gear. Sending ups for B9 results. May this surgery be the end of your journey.
    Susan - thanks again for organizing the secret pals.
    I have the week off work, so plan to do some puttering in the house, need to check out info for LE since we have a summer trip planned, and hopefully get out of this funk. found my original "journal" entry - will keep it and add to it - Vickie - will try to meet the June 1 deadline.
    Shirley - oh yeah, I need to get the bras off to you.
    Madison - I sent you a pm with a message for EE. I have her book checked out from the library and as soon as I finish reading Chicken Soup for the Breast Cancer Survivor's Soul, I will start reading it.
    To all my sisters who are having tests, procedures tomorrow hugs from denver and I'll be thinking of you. To those having tough times with life, more hugs. Thank you all - each and everyone one of you - for being here. Karen in Denver
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    I'm home, been trying to glance through to see what is happening in the circle. Hubby and I had an awesome talk about the circle and how powerful it has been for my sanity! He is so happy I have all of you and I am too! You are the best support group one can have!

    Jankay, your Sister lives in Seattle? So do I!

    Judith, Welcome! This is the best place to be!

    Glad to see Mena stopped by. Hope you're feeling better honey, we miss you!

    Beth, We'll all be there with you tomorrow!

    Cheri, just take a deep breath! Doesn't that feel good! I'm so proud of what you've set your mind too! I know it's been hard but you are worth it! We will be with you tomorrow too!

    The drive out to the beach was wonderful. It's so much fun to drive down the back roads through all the trees and medows. There was a huge herd of Elk off on one side.
    Cat tails swaying in the breeze, Cranes flying low over the sloughs. The campground was right off the beach. It was so awesome to watch the sun setting through the stormy clouds. A bit chilly but it was great! Hated coming home, except I'd get to talk with all of you!

    Has anyone seen Jules lately?

    NS, I'm hanging in there and I did finally tell my hubby and some of the family. Tuesday will simply have to hurry up and get here cause I really need to move on!

    Thinking of you all
    Hugs & Prayers. Throwing more wood on the fires. may they burn brightly to show us the way.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2007
    Evening all, I'm finallydone with my auction so I can now relax and read, however, there are 125 new posts so I'm not going back to read. If something really important happened that I missed, someone please PM me and let me know.

    Cheri, Mork & Mindy are so cute. They've grown so much. We'll be with you tomorrow.

    Robin, did the evil one do something to you? He's not worth the energy you expend crying tears for him.

    Beth, good luck tomorrow; we'll be with you.

    Deb, I'll be one of the first ones you pick up and I'll have coffee ready.

    Mena, good to see you.

    Hi Judith, welcome to the circle.

    I know I missed everyone but will catch up later.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    evening girls. I have exceeded my mathmatical ability to count hours so on to counting days. Into day 3. Hope every one had a good day.


    Welcome Judith

    Your welcome Shel

    Lisa, 2 new fingers could be a good thing???

    Nicki, I won't ask

    Socal, your in a book?

    Cheri, awwwwwwwww...prayers for tomorrow

    Hi Mena

    Jeannie, can your friend give me a loan? I need a new pair of shoes.

    Vicki, new job sounds great. Good Luck

    Karen and Robin, hugs to you both

    Deb, pick me up in the morning pretty please. I'll wear my bubble wrap.

    Beth, prayers for you to

    Cy, glad you had a good weekend.

    Hi to everyone. Time for ambien and sleep. See you tomorrow.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007

    Magaret how did it go?

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Bedtime for me.
    I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, Beth.
    Lots of prayers to say tonight.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Hey there Cg's! I'm back! Just read and caught up on the posts I missed, wow, lots going on.

    Jankay: I'm home, finally. I had a great time. Thanks for your welcome home.
    Gina: image give that insurance co. Hell! And yes, We will prevail!
    Beth: Hope you are feeling better. Good luck Monday. The doctor put me on Prozac.
    Silka: Good luck Monday.
    Cheri: I'm sure the MRI will only show how smart and wonderful you are. Love the puppies, too cute.
    Marshakb: I know chemo sucks, but it also kills and it will get rid of stuff that ain't supposed to be there. You'll be fine, I know it.


    Betty: I need laser removal too, if you find out anything let me know.
    Shel38again: I pray that going back to work for you goes easily. I know you're anxious, relax and breathe, you'll make it just fine.
    Lorene: good to see ya!
    Karen1956: I hope you feel better, I know this moody stuff bites, this too shall pass.

    JudithB: image Stick around, pull up a log and get comfortable, we love to chat and to listen. You've found a great place.
    Robin: So sorry about the tough time with HIM! He sucks! He sucks! He sucks! You deserve only goodness and light, no room for this dark shadow. Take care, I know it hurts and cry if you need to, it's ok. It'll be better for you soon. Stay positive.
    Brenda; My blue boob lasted quite a long time, nowhere as long as yours, but they told me that everyone is different. I do know how you feel though, it looked like somebody hit me over and over again. But it did go away.

    Anybody know anything about Trazadone for sleeping? I just started it and I am having the craziest dreams, it's keeping me asleep through the sweats, but man, the dreams are wild!

    To all of you CG's:
    You may not have ever seen me
    But you know that I am here.
    You can feel me in your heart
    As you enter each new day.

    I will always be there for you
    I am your friend.

    Someone to share the good times
    As well as the bad.
    I make no judgments by what you say
    I just listen with my heart and
    Hope to be of help in anyway I can.

    I will be there for you now and forever
    And always please remember
    I am your friend!

    Have a good night, see you in the a.m.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Good eveining ladies. I guess it's late but I slept this afternoon and it took awhile to read all the posts.

    Gina, funny story about your cat. Hope you're doing well.

    Lorene, just jump in whenever you have time or feel like it. It is hard to keep up.

    Shirley, your doing really well without smoking. You can do this. Hell, I'm doing it. I don't like it but everyone assures me that someday I will. What I wouldn't give for just one tonight cos I'm a little stressed about in the morining. But we both know we can't have just one. Right? Not even that one little puff we think we need that we really don't. Stay strong and I will too. The last 24 days have flown. ROFLMAO

    Nicki, that's ridiculous not to get an itemized bill. If the CEO isn't in tomorrow talk to the CFO, they have to give you one. I hope you took down her name. Ladies, always get a name and jot the time down when you talk to someone at an ins. co. or whatever.

    Betty, cool calender. Thanks for going along with me to get my head examined. Shoot, they may keep half of you there! They may keep me there.

    Judith, welcome to our Circle. I'm sorry you had to join us but these ladies are the kindest and most supportive there are. Come on in to the middle of the Circle, sit down and talk awhile. I know with you being so new that you're scared and that's only natural. We've all either been scared or are scared now. Or both. But we get by with a little help from our friends.

    LisaE, I knew what you meant by your fingers. That should scare me that I got that, huh?

    Mena, very observant of you about the puppie pic. However, I cut off "Eds" head because my husbands name is "Dennis". hahahahaha You silly girl.

    Jeannie, thanks for the kind words.

    Karen, thanks. The puppies have taught themselves to use our little rat terriers dog door so they just come in and out now as they please. They have no idea that they are going to be huge dogs. So in a few weeks I'll have a great "Kodak Moment" with one of them stuck in the middle of the door, and be buying another door. I see it coming.

    Neesie, I think I need the blue rinks now, please. I've changed my mind. I don't want to do this. What if they actually find something, or find something bad enough it's going to delay my foot surgery and I've waited sooo long to be able to walk again. I dunno...

    Jankay, i'm so glad you like it here in the Circle. I just knew it would be good for you. It is for me.

    Vickie, I sure would talk to them about the other job. Sounds awfully good. On the other hand, you have it fairly good where you're at. Just have to weigh it out. Good luck. Thanks for holding my hand. Little nervous tonight.

    Deb, thanks for driving the Magic Carpet. You won't be able to resist the loops, too much fun. And thanks for the blue rinks. I missed em this week-end.

    Cy, so glad to have you back. You should have test results shouldn't you? Surely I didn't miss them?

    Hey to Shel, Brenda, Tricia, Madison, Marsha, Robin, Lisa, and Sheri.

    Wishing all of you a good nights rest.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Welcome home, Z. Nice poem. Thank you.

  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2007
    Good morning to all my sisters,
    Well, how many watched the Living with Cancer special on Discovery last night? I tried to watch it all but found myself getting really depressed and anxious, so I took a Xanax and went to sleep.

    Wow,Cheri, Mork and Mindy have grown really fast. They are so fluffy and cute, I’d love to hold them.I will be ready this morning. Don’t forget to pick me up. Will be my first time to ride the magic carpet and meet Mazer. Seems like Deb will be driving. Hey Deb, you got a license for carpets? I want in the middle.

    Denise, lol, did ya think I had lost some fingers? I ain’t kidding though they are really BIG.

    Mena, it’s nice to see you posting. Have a great day.

    Jeannie, $75,000.00!!! I really want to quit, I’m tired of being a slave to nicotene. What’s heck about it is that I don’t even like to smoke. I hate the taste, the smell and my car, house, clothes and car really stink, Gotta work on it soon.

    Karen, I’m sorry I confused everybody about my new fingers but I swear they are that BIG. I hope you can get past your confusion and really enjoy your birthday, you deserve it, girl.

    Jankay, it sure does look like we are gonna have to go take care of Evil for upsetting our sister, don’t it? Hope you have a great day.

    Vickie, Girl, if you turn that job down, I will be moving to New York cause I’ll take it lol. You are probably still gonna be sore this morning. Before you even recover it will be time to mow again.

    Beth, we will all be with you this morning. Just remember you are doing the best thing you could ever do for yourself considering your family history.I will be thinking of you and praying for you.

    Shirley, yes 2 new fingers could be a good thing if they were on my hand and not protruding from my boobs lol. Limited Unlimited huh lol it’s always the blasted small print.

    Judith, welcome to the Circle. Glad to have you,wish it was under different circumstances.

    Z, I have taken Trazadone before and I had to have my dose lowered to stop the weird and vivid dreams and sometimes nightmares. Prozac is a very good drug also. We have to have something to help us through this hell on earth. That was a beautiful poem.

    Betty, the calender is great! Thanks for doing that.

    Nicki, yeppers cups for 2 weeks lol. I am the same way about the itching then can’t feel when I scratch. My underarm hair didn’t come back either and I hope I don’t have BO. Guess I’ll know later this am when I get on the magic carpet. Gonna be close quarters, lots of us going lol. Oh and insurance companies, I totally get that. They turned my Herceptin down 2 weeks in a row after paying it for 4 months. It costs 1700.00 weekly the Oncs office manager pitched a fit, thought I was gonna be kicked out. And gas prices are hurting me bad, I drive 40 miles each way to treatment and Dr visits. I usually spend at least $100.00 a week on gas, that’s a shame. Glad you are doing well on your diet and exercise, maybe you could teach me.

    Madison, that was great to send a collage of afghan pics to Discovery. And I am so glad that EE got her afghan.

    Sheri, I know that you will worry about Jacob regardless but like you say he is 20.They just don’t understand we always love and worry about them regardless of age.

    Colleen, the conference sounds great. I would love to hear some details when you are up to it.

    Marsha, how did your BNO go? Hope you had a great time.

    Sweet Robin, I know that it hurts but he does not deserve your love. You have done nothing wrong, he is the one that is screwed up. If he is threating to leave someday tell him the day is today and throw his clothes in garbage bags and put them in the yard. Call locksmith and get the locks all changed..Oh and erase Windows from his computer .Robin, honey we all know that you are a beautiful, caring and loving woman. There is a man out there who is looking for you that will treat you like a queen. You will find him but you gotta kick Evil out on his....ear. As I have told you before if you wanna get away, my home is always open to you and I can take you for your treatments,heck, I’ll even come get ya. Try to calm down some ok. He is worthless.

    Gina, LMAO about the catnip.

    Shel, crack cat lol. Glad you are going back to work Tuesday. Wish I could. Don’t panic you will do great. Like you, I have had mets everywhere, Last place was my butt. Does it ever end???????

    AlwaysHope, we have enough to deal with without calling insurance companies. Looks like they would have a little common decency.

    Amy, so glad you are stable. I know we want NED but at least no progression. How’s Hey Jude?

    Margaret, glad the auction is over. Now more computer time lol.

    Have a wonderful day all. Cheri and Beth, we wanna hear from ya as soon as possible.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Good morning sweet sisters,
    Sending a warrior angel and a praying angel to all today.
    Deb...I'll be standing on the rooftop waiting for my ride. You'll have to strap me on cuz I am sooo tired this morning. Way over did it this weekend! Got a lot done though.
    Cheri...all will be well. I am right beside you.
    Beth...big deep breathes and B9! Holding your hand.
    Laura...I hate going back to the oncologist but I'll suck it up and ride along with you to make sure all is good.

    Z...good to see you back. I loved the poem.
    Judith...Hello and a big welcome and a hug for you. Stick around and jump in whenever you need something. Don't let us overwhelm you. You will get to know us all soon.
    CY...sounds like you had a wonderful time. Sending prayers for you for tomorrow. We will all be there.
    HAPPY NURSES DAY...missed that one and I apologize to all our wonderful nurses. You are the best.
    Jankay...giggling about you on the power scooter goin down the interstate.
    Nicki...I know your up...peek a boo...where are you?
    Karen...hope you are feeling better today. I am having a minor case of the blues. So don't want to go to my appointment tomorrow. Praying hard that he won't find it necessary to do any tests. Just not ready for that and I feel fine so I doubt the will (power of positive thinking LOL).
    Gina...we need to put your appointments on the calendar too. Love your kitty story. You are in my thoughts all the time..hugs to you.
    Robin...sending you a big hug. Don't let "Evil" get to you. Every time he does he scores points and he doesn't deserve to score points against you. You are too good for him and he will find this out after it's too late to fix all his nasty comments and treatment of you. You will have wiped him out of your life and heart and moved on to much better things. can't say bbl and disappear you know!
    A great day to all
    Liz, Madison, Susan, Tricia, Jule, Shel, Betty, Shirley, Margaret, Colleen, Denise, Lisa...oh's too early to remember everyone!!!
    Love ya all and I'll check in later
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Well good morning Lisa...looks like your the official sunshine girl this morning! You beat me. I tried watching the special on the Discovery Channel last night too and just couldn't do it. Switched to Desperate Housewives LOL. I think it was geared more towards those without cancer to help them understand but I didn't make it past Lance Armstrong so I really don't know.
    Love and hugs
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone! Yes I did wake up late again. Seems to be happening more and more. Although I dont know if 5:30am is really really late!

    Today is a busy day here in the circle. Despite being hung over fromt he Kentucky Derby, Distorted Humor is saddled and ready to go. For those having tests and surgery today, know that we will be with you.

    Colleen: The conference you attended sounds great. I bet you did get alot of information to bring home and stuff to think about too.

    Karen: I just wasnted to say welcome to the Wagon Circle. Its a special place, thats for sure. I wanted to welcome you yesterday, but I got booted off the computer before I could finish my post.


    Cheri: Those puppies are just so darn cute. And they are growing so fast. See what I mean about time moving so quickly. It seems like only yesterday that they were born for Pete sake. Im going to go to the CEO cause I know him. Sort of an old professional friend. Hmmm and that will be today! Good luck with your MRI today. At this point, just glad to get it done and over with - then move on from there.

    Denise: It's funny you mentioned it, cause I am calmer! I think all of this walking is doing more than just helping me lose pounds. Its a good way to get out frustration and just makes me think about things.

    Mena: Glad to see you pop in. Puppy is on a campting trip this week-end. In the mountains.

    Jeannie: Wow! A trip to Alaska. That sounds like its gonna be fun. There is definitely a feeling of satisfaction with my flowers. I walked around the yard and patio this morning with my cup of coffee. They look great.

    Karen: I had a hard time with my BD this year also. Sometimes these emotions come up and bite us in the butt. Hoping your feeling better soon.

    CY: Your week-end trip sounded wonderful. I am so glad you had a good time. I was thinking about you alot this week-end. Sending you a big hug.


    Z: It was a busy week-end herein the circle. Welcome back.

    Beth: Good luck today. I know you are gonna be just fine.

    OK - new diet, new exercise program makes nicki angry cause it cuts into her computer time. But I have to go.

    Have a good day everyone.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning,


    I've got the coffee ready for the ride. Thanks for driving Deb. I think we in for plenty of loop'd'loops, so eveyone hang on. Cheri and Beth and Laura and doris - we'll be there.

    Vickie, love the angels.

    Not much to say this morning, so I'll just head outside. Deb, it's the little log house with the crazy grey haired lady waving.

    Hiugs to all,

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    well can u believe it. It is 7 am and i am just now posting and typing well also. that is unusual it feels weird.
    Robin=u r way to good for this p-ant. Putting his things in a garbage bag is too good, u need to th row them in the closest mud puddle. ido agree u need to show him the door now and to change the locks. u also need to check into some kind of security system or buy a pit bullor some ferious dog.

    i wish everyone well on their various appointments.

    vicki - take the job. if u dont u may regret it. I also would be willinig to move to NY to take it. Do u think my scooter would make it that far?

    Judith-we might be scary at first but rest assured u are in the safest place u can be. take care and when u need to spill your guts we are here. best campfire around
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Lisa, Vickie, Betty, and Jankay!

    Good Morning Sunshine sisters.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    GM bff's........(my daughter is teaching me text language)well we are expecting storms all week in North Texas and it looks like to me they are going to be in the plain states pretty much all heart goes out to Kansas.....that little town is just wiped in "Tornado Alley" you really do get use to all the bad weather and even joke about it because its sorta like having can worry and cry or worry and laugh....hoping each storm is not "your storm" .......anyway first of all let me say Nurses are the best.....second all sisters that are having surgery,mri's and testing everyone is in my seems we go from one doc to another doc to test to scans to blood pretty will be how we all will live the rest of our lives but you know what bff's at least we live in a place were we can get the best medical care in the world.....I know there are ins. issues,doc issues, and all the crap we have to deal with but it does just make us stronger.....right......I think so....I hope so......anyway I will bbl....for the life I me I can't remember if my bone density test is today or was just set up on Thursday.......Vickie see ya later alligator........

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Good morning Happy Campers! Up and at 'em or I'm gonna play revelie and won't that hurt your ears!

    As my mother used to say "DON'T MAKE ME COME IN THERE!

    Lisa -- I realize its not always fun to deal with the insurance/bills part of this journey but sometimes you just have to put the 'big girl panties' on and deal. Its either that or have a $45,000 bill show up as unpaid on your credit report and what have you won in the end by refusing to call the insurance company and get things straightened out? And, I've found that it isn't always the insurance companies fault. Sometimes the provider doesn't file the paperwork properly. This means that you have to be the go between to get it resolved.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Brstn - i talked to my sister jenny last night. She said she thought we could work something out to come to Jonesboro.
    Lisa and Robin= are u all close enough to Jonesborough whre
    u could meet us also?
    Cy-what part of Seattle do u live. My kids and I went to seattle to visit my sister jenny after my chemo was finished. It is slmost as pretty there as it is in East