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  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
    Evening Friends!

    I'm checking in on all the girls having surgery, appts, and tests.
    Cheri: We know you are back and let us know what they said when you can.

    Beth: No news yet?

    Laura: Great news on Onc. Appt.!

    Shirley: Spine is better and hips are worse. What do they do about that? I know I have to get back on Fosamax...I hated it so much, but don't think I'd much like a broken hip either!
    How is Crabby DH doing healing wise? My DH is just acting weird and quiet past couple of days.....It's like a kid, trying to guess what's wrong!

    Jan: Poker run sounds like a fun time..beautiful weather for a biker!!

    Nicki: 11#'s in a week! That is great! Just don't tell my DH that it's possible to do without paying way big bucks!!

    Sheri: How nice that you have such thoughtful parents in your school! Happy Teachers Day tomorrow!

    Deb: Thanks for the ride this morning..did you learn those driving skills in MI or Alaska?

    Vickie: Sounds like a wonderful job opportunity!! Ya taking it? I hope you can relax a bit about your appt. tomorrow. I'm sure all will be fine..but I sure know how you feel..if the Beast doesn't get us..the apprehension and waiting for results will!

    Margaret: Geez, you made me look at my Calendar! You can pick me up tomorrow....but no appt. that I can remember! We will just fly around and goof off for the day!

    Robin: Hope you had good luck with the attorney. Is the appt. about Evil or the Shoulder?

    Anne: I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad. Palliative care sounds like a good choice..not giving up, but being made comfortable. Glad your Friend/Boss got good news. And I hope the Rads aren't doing you in.

    Amy: Mazer was blowing on Cheri's neck!! I'm saved again!
    Actually, without mentioning any was the NEW GIRL on the block that was getting me in trouble! Hint: name starts with an M!

    Marsha: Love the pic! I think it was great to share the moment....and you're still "Beautiful Dammit!"

    Jankay: Glad to see you were typing this Morning and not having trouble.

    Shel: Nurse Mode for tomorrow!! Excited? You'll do fine!

    Puppy: Glad you made it back and hope you had a great time in the mountains!

    Madison and all: I watched the Koppel special last night and was also disappointed. Don't know what I was expecting, but it was really nothing. I did see Marisa stand up and ask a question..don't ask me what it was, cuz I don't remember!

    All for tonight..I'll try to check in later to see how the girls are doing.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Hey Girls

    Off to second to last adult hip-hop class (yeah!)

    Nicki - way to go!!

    Denise - I agree with you about the special, just kind of somber or something for me, was flipping back and forth between that and Legally Blonde though!! LOL

    Lots of girls with appts today or late last week, hugs to everyone...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Wishing you all

    Tired tired tired. Combination of stress, work, housework and yardwork. Gonna rent a husband and soon!
    No news on Beth. She wrote that her DH would call either me or Mena to let us know how it all went so if I here anything I will let you know.
    Cheri...are you still napping...wake up girl or you'll be up all night!
    Denise...I have zero patience when it comes to waiting and can't wait to be walking out of that office tomorrow LOL. Thanks for the good thoughts. Not sure about the job offer just yet. I do love where I am but boy that's a lot more money. Money isn't everything though. The workload would be so much lighter at the new job so that would be a plus and I know some of the people who work there and like them. I am going to do the interview and see what happens. Grab ahold of DH and ask him what's up...or I have some water bottles you can throw at him LOL.
    Nicki...good for you! That must feel so very good. I know that gaining the weight back was hard for me and I feel so much better now. I do think it's harder to lose the weight though so I'm proud of you! was your camping trip and welcome home!
    Jan...they do poker runs around here in the wintertime on snowmobiles. Not for this girl. I stay inside where it's warm!
    Marsha...the picture was wonderful. What a beauty!
    Shel...hope you have a great day tomorrow. Life "almost" normal will feel so very good. I know that it took me a long time to get the energy for 40 hours a week again so don't overdo it and rest when you need to. DH driving you crazy still...wanna come hang out with me? Oh wait...better wait till after my appointment tomorrow as I'm being a whine a$$ about it LOL. are you and what are you up too? I see your little posts my dear but no news from your side of the circle. hmmm... it your birthday tomorrow? Sending you a hug and a Xanex lollipop cuz you really need one! They are the best.
    Jankay...hello and hugs!
    Sheri...MIL coming to stay...oh yes...YIKES it is. What a nice thing that you have two dinners and some thoughtful people taking care of you. Thank you for the compliment. I try really hard to keep my anxiety away from here but some days it overwhelms me.
    Tricia...where are you in Florida (hmmm..did I already ask you that...chemo brain can't remember). My DD lives in the Eustis, Mount Dora area. She's a sweetie.
    Margaret...90 degrees sounds wonderful to me! Can't wait to get my pool up and running so I can swim again. May set it up this weekend and get if filled so it can start warming up. Neighbors will think I'm crazy again but who cares.
    ANNE...oh my goodness...I am so very sorry to hear about your dad. Is there anything we can do? Sending you hugs.
    Z...where are you. Missing a few of our new girls...are you hiding? Come on out and jump right in, you'll catch up soon.
    Well I may have done a stupid mistake today. Needed a new lawn mower, picked one out and charged it as I am selling my old property (that they took the trailer off of)and their financing fell through. Great...just what I need...hopefully they won't just default and walk away now as they have pretty much destroyed the property. They cut down all the trees, ruined the lawn, took out the trailer, pulled up all the shrubs, lilacs, plants and the land is covered with junk. Grrrrr. They owe me 7000.00 which I was really counting on. Which I really NEED! Oh well...time will tell.
    I am bushed and off to bed.
    Sorry to all I missed and I missed a bunch of you tonight...know that I love ya all and you are all in my prayers.
    Lots going on tomorrow...Jankay has therapy, Suz and I have oncology appointments at the same time, CY gets her results (praying for good news), Shirley has her breathing test and it's Karens birthday. Can you tell I love the calendar. Fire up the magic carpet Deb and we'll let you drive again unless Cheri wants to do some loop de loos and let Mazer breath down her neck.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Good evening all!

    Shirley, congrats on not smoking for 4 days. You just have to take it day by day. What, did your son move halfway out? Hmm, good spine, bad hips? At least you got some good news!

    Amy, oh lucky you!! SO did laundry AND folded AND put away??? Wow, I am so jealous. I shouldn't be though. DH irons and cleans bathrooms!

    Laura, sounds like you had a great appt.! Six month appts. are a good thing.

    Sheri, sounds like you got 2 free dinners! Were they good?

    Nicki, OMG!!! 11 lbs.?? That is fabulous! I am doing better with eating today, but I am not starting South Beach yet. I have too many eating and drinking things coming up in the next two weeks. After the big Memorial Day camping drunkfest, I will get totally back on track. You have given me a goal!!

    Shel, back to the grind tomorrow! It will feel good to get back to work though.

    I have two people who need the inner circle tonight. My friend Barb has BC and is not handling her chemo well at all. She had a terrible allergic reaction to her first drug (I think it was taxotere) and the A/C is really causing her stomach problems, to the point she is not going to take her last treatment. Her cancer was not in her nodes, so I was a little puzzled as to why they did chemo at all. She had a bi-lat. mast. and they found two different cancers, but both were very small.
    The other one is our friend Keith, who was dx with throat cancer after Christmas and it went to his liver. Now it is apparently all over his body and it doesn't look like he will make it. I can't believe how fast it progressed. If you guys would just think a good thought for them, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

    Gotta go for now!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Boo, I can't get to the calendar. I can't get on the site
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Hi girls, I'm busy with the Relay this week. Everyone is in my thoughts and prayers.

    I'm beginning to freak out - I found a "spot" on my breast. It feels thick. I first thought it might be scar tissue but it's not near my mast scar. Crap! Crap! Crap! I just saw the oncologist last week. What do I do?

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Still no news from Cheri or Beth? Or am I missing it????
    Day 4 almost at an end.I have gone thru probably 2 pounds of cinnamon candy. And grandsons quilt is just about finished. Yehaw for me. So all in all this is a good thing. I am sorry I have not been responding to everyone. But this is my smoking spot and sitting here for more than a few minutes at a time is hard. Please know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers.
    as for the dexa......the numbers just reversed. Which I'm thinking is gonna clinch the zometa plan. I ordered my entire file from UC Davis. The bone doc writes a letter to my gyn (who is my primary) after every visit. Last visit was in Oct and the letter she wrote to him says she will put me on zometa if there was no improvement. Geez she never discussed that with me. Guess there isn't going to be a problem with onc convincing her thats the thing to do. Off to cook dinner. Will check back later for an update.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    1) don't freak out
    2) call onc in morning
    praying praying praying

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    I just talked to Doris' sister a while ago. Doris went into surgery at around 12:30 this afternoon and came back to her room around 5 pm. She has been sleeping ever since but seems to be doing well.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    listen to shirley

    don't freak out

    call doctor
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Hi Vicki,
    I'm telling you Rent-A-Husband is the way to go!!!!!!!!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    heehee Cherryl...I think I found one!! Woo hoo...thanks.

    Yes...I'm going to bed's your doctor and praying it's nothing.
    No word from Cheri (who was napping and fine when I talked to her earlier...will get her results tomorrow)and no news about Beth but her DH was supposed to call and we all know how DH can be when it comes to using the phone.
    xanex time...sweet dreams sisters.
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited May 2007
    Hi ladies. Sorry, I haven't had much time to post lately. The new job keeps me going the whole day and by the time I get home I am exhausted. You're all in my thoughts and prayers.

    Beth and Cheri I hope all went well and you are both resting.

    Liz, please go to the doctor and try to stay in the present. Don't let your mind take you to those dark places.

    Doris, glad to hear all went well and you are resting comfortably. Thanks for the update, Alwayshope.

    Surprise Update...I went to the post office on Saturday to mail out the surprise only to find out I have to make some modifications in order to mail them out. I will fill you in afterwards cause I don't want to spoil the surprise. Bummer... I know you are anxiously waiting and I was really hoping to have mailed it out by today. Please bare with me a few more days and I promise I will mail them out ASAP.

    Well, got to go now. It's late and I still have to put Steven to bed and get things ready for tomorrow morning.

    Pleasant dreams dear sisters. Love and hugs,
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Vickie, I live down in the bottom of the state, the Keys.

    Jan, try this link for the calendar:

    Liz, Sending good thoughts your way, I hope it's nothing.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    Ok I have to pop on here first before I read cause I'm Peeved! The Onc's nurse calls me today and says that my Biopsy got LOST! And I have to do it all over again! I told her I don't want to be charged for doing it over again!
    So I am scheduled to do the second biopsy on Friday! I want to punch something but if I did that I'd probably bruise something since I'm on blood thinners! Great now I get to give myself shots for another week! I'M NOT a happy camper!

    Sorry just had to get that off my chest!
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007
    Good evening girls,

    I am beat today!! Did not sleep at all last night. Need to take my sleeping pills tonight. I've been trying to see if I can sleep without them and last night was just awful. I am just so groggy in the morning on the Temazapan. May try my Trazadone again. Lunesta and Ambian CR did not work for me - still have those left in the drawer as well. Need to find something to help me fall asleep and stay asleep but not be groggy in the morning.
    Z- As I mentioned above, I tried Trazadone (in the fall) but it was not real effective. Don't remember if I had wild dreams or not as I didn't sleep well on it. I sometimes wonder if I am the only person who sleeping pills don't work for.
    Vickie - thanks for the Xanax lollipop. I have never tried them before. I have taken Ativan - mostly to sleep. Afraid to try it during the day - even though its only 1mg.
    Nickie - happy nurses day!!! congrats on the 11# - that is just awsome.
    Marsha - yup - I too loved the story about the gal with her boob in the mammo machine when the tech runs out saying the machine is on fire!!!! Love your hair do!!!
    I didn't watch liveing with cancer show. maybe its a good thing.
    Anne - hugs - so sorry that your dad is so ill. hugs.
    Shel - all the best on your first day back at work - also good luck at the onc next week.
    Vickie - less work, more money - sounds too good to be true. Good luck with the interview - let us know how it goes. Sending hugs your way for the onc visit tomorrow. All will be good.
    Shirley - Dexa scan results sound confusing.
    Laura - way to go - 6 month interval = thats a celebration.
    Sheri - Happy Teachers Apprecition week. I am making cookies for DD school on Thursday. I work in a modified year round calendar school and for the second year in a row we are out of school this week. Good for me as its my b'day and my DD participates in a Shakespeare Festival with school on friday and I am off work so I get to see her. She did the same last year, but I felt lousy as it was one week post chemo #3. This year no treatments so it will be a better day. She is the youngest daughter in King Lear. They do about an 8 minute clip from one of the scenes.
    Robin - how did visit with attorney go?
    Liz - hugs - call your doc tomorrow - keep us posted.
    Alwayshope - sending hugs to Doris.
    Any up date on Cheri and Beth>
    Wishing everyone sweet dreams, feel good days and only good test results at their appt tomorrow. Going to watch 2 1/2 men with DD and DH. Catch up again tomorrow. Karen in Denver
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Cy I would be furious too!! How bad is that ..they
    LOST your biopsy......what ineptitude...
    I wish I could come up and punch them for you....
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007

    I am So SO sorry. Mine was lost too, but lucky for me (and them as I was going to sue everyone from the doc to the courier driver) they found mine the next morning. I always worried they were not really mine, or that they were screwed up sitting next to someones lunch in the fridge or something, but at least I didn't have to do it again.

    Is there any way you can raise hell and have them look again? I went all the way to the CEO of the hospital where the biopsy was done.

    I can not beging to tell you how sorry I am....

    Hugs don't seem like enough right now
    Deb C
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Nicki - Did I already say woo hoo! to 11 pounds - you go girl!

    Denise - thanks for asking about Warren, he's hanging in there, I think we're both feeling stronger as time passes. Hardly even think about Tim, which is really, really weird (and probably not very healthy!) Oh well...

    Vicki - I hear you on the Rent-A-Husband! I wish I was stronger, and more knowledgeable about household stuff! Though I was able to get the power back on when we blew a fuse last week! Hope the interview goes well!

    Jan - bringing Barb and Keith to the inner circle, and lots of prayers.

    liz - try not to freak, but call, that's too scary to wait for the next follow-up, you'll feel better once you get it checked out and they tell you it's NOTHING!!

    shirley - congrats on day 4!!

    jankay - hope your day continued to be good today

    odalys - nice to see you! what surprise? I've been in and out so I probably missed something!

    CY - what does that mean "it got lost"? I mean, not to be stupid, but it doesn't really seem possible that it can be lost! And no, you absolutely should not pay one red cent, not even a co-pay, to do it again!! If it wasn't for the fact that I would always have this neurotic fear that it wasn't really the right one, I would demand that they "find" it and tell them you're not doing it again. But, since I'm a little crazy, it would always worry me. I'm so sorry that happened to you. How completely ridiculous. I mean, I know mistakes/accidents happen, but that's why there are procedures for stuff like this, so that mistakes don't happen!

    Karen - hope you get a good nights sleep tonight, and a groggy-free morning! Happy Birthday to you!! Wow, King Lear, that's pretty impressive!!

    Cheri - did you check in? did I miss it?

    Robin - how is your daughter doing?

    Beth - let us know how you're doing when you can

    good night all
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    nicki??????? 11lbs??????? yeefreakinhaw!!!!!!!! way to friggin go girl!

    shirley ......... i still 'sneak a puff' here and there, and would nearly kill someone to chain smoke when i'm socializing, but i've gone from a large pack a day, to a large pack about every 10 days. i did cold turkey for the first few weeks, then "earl" cheered up and came around again lol! sooooooooo, every once in a while i cave in and visit my 'old friend tobacco' but all in all, i'm persevering and i'm just so proud of you!

    my biggest smoke times were always in the morning, after meals and when socializing .......... i'm at a loss often for what to do with myself, especially if i'm having a beer!!!!!

    i'm more than a little nervous about smoking and work ..... i never used to eat on my breaks, just grabbed a diet pepsi and went out to smoke (yikes) ......... i think the one thing that will help is that we now have to stand on the street corner to smoke since we no longer have a designated area .......... 'smokers are lepers' here lol!

    keep up the good work nicki and shirley ....... you both must feel so proud, and rightfully so!!!!!!!!!

    i have set 3 (yes 3) alarm clocks for the morning ....... it's been over 1 and 1/2 years since i dragged my sorry ass out of bed at 5:30 AM for anything besides a school field trip or to catch a plane to the keys lol!

    i'm REALLY nervous .......... wish me luck ok?
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007

    Deb - Oh my goodness! I can't believe that happened to you as well (lost biopsy), at least they found yours! I love the visual of it sitting in the fridge next to someone's brown bag lunch!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Hey Shel-

    Sending you hugs full of luck, but you won't need are going to be just fine. I bet the day just flies....

    Let us know how it goes

    Deb C
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2007
    Liz, good luck with the relay. I did it right after I finished chemo. Call the onc. office.

    Shirley, I'm 4....good job.

    Jankay, thanks for the update - I knew you had Parkinson's but I lost track the last several weeks with my fundraising auction but I'm back on track now.

    Vickie, no hurry on the yarn - have to finish my journal page for you first. I actually have it done but I have to figure out if I have pictures I can put with it.

    Laura, you go every six months now? I go every four months and just went two weeks ago.

    Shel, good luck tomorrow.

    Nicki, 11 lbs, is awesome. I got weighed today and I'm down 8 lbs. in 16 weeks, so it's 1/2 lb. a week.

    Denise, we'll just hang out then and do some fly bys over our bc sisters.

    Jan, we'll move Barb and Keith to the inner circle.

    Tomorrow will be a busy day judging by the calendar. Karen, happy birthday, Vicki, we're with you tomorrow. Denise and I are doing some flybys on the carpet so want us to take you? I see Suzfive has an onc appt tomorrow and CY is getting her results. Hugs to all of you. Oops, just saw CY's post - I would be peeved too.

    Everyone have a good night. I won't sleep again tonight -it's way too hot. All my ceiling fans are going, windows are open and I'm still sweating.

    Denise, I'll be there early.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    Anne, Something a friend told me is having Hospice is not giving up. It means they can dop some of the things at home he would normally do at the hospital! And some people actually graduate from Hospice care and live a lot longer!
    So try to help him see this. It may make things a little easier on all of you.

    Vickie, will the new place let you bring Nate to work with you?

    To all those who are or have been Nurses I just want to say Thank YOU!

    And to all those Teachers out there a Thank You goes out to you too!

    Jankay, I live near the SeaTac Airport.

    I have so much that needs to be done around here and I just don't want to do it!
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited May 2007
    Good evening/night everyone. Been a busy day and I am tired. Been putting out plants, weed killer and realized when I took my shower I have areas that are raised and looked blistered. I was in the woods spraying briars and remember sprayed one, walked past it and it got my hand/wrist. Not good.

    See no message from Beth and Cheri hasn't posted but is at home I take it and OK.

    Cy- lost your biopsy???? you have got to be kidding. I would not be a happy camper either.

    I watched the "Living with Cancer" last night - got to me a few times and I was alone while watching it. Good program that might help friends/family members understand more all the emotions and fears we deal with.

    Hope everyone sleeps well. Karen, I have nights I sleep fine and nights I toss and turn all night. Ugh.

    Hugs, Brenda
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    Cheryl, you had a liver biopsy, right??? and they lost it??? They should be falling all over themselves apologizing to you. No way should you pay for the second one. A liver biopsy is no fun. IMO much worse than a breast biopsy.

    Glad Doris is doing well.

    I hope Cheri is asleep. She really hasn't been sleeping much lately. The big news Vickie has already mentioned. She gets the results tomorrow.

    Shel, it might take you a 1/2 hour or so to get into the swing.

    Jan so sorry, to hear about your friends. I will pray for them.

    liz, there are so many things it could be. my recent lump was a seroma. please relax. take deep breaths. breathe in slow and out even more slowly.

    vickie, i will be holding your hand tomorrow, ok?

    running out of time. hugs to all.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    The Onc's nurse, coordinator and my anti-coag gal were all apologizing and saying they are fighting to make sure I don't have to pay for any of it! and yes the liver biopsy weas a lot worse than the breast biopsy! They had to go in at the sturnum and go at an angle to get under my rib to get to it! I still hurt! and now I have to do it again!
    I'm suppose to be getting a message on Saturday and I'm going to be really PO'd if I can't get it!
    I'm going to be calling the hospital tomorrow and trying to keep my temper under control whenI do!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Good GRAVY! That's horrible, CY. Do they use any kind of anesthetic for that? I would want to know exactly how the biopsy went missing. That's just ridiculous!

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    They gave me morphine and valium with some lidocane last time but that wears off and you hurt afterwards. I did the biopsy last Wed. and I still hurt. They said to take tylanol. I take percocet when I go to bed but other than that I live with it
    I will be trying to tack it's steps through the hospital tomorrow!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    well it is time to hit the hay. tomorrow, i have pt in the morning and then jacob will be starting home. I talked to him tonight and his roommate had already left nd in fact most students had left, thaT makes me nervous.

    cy-u ought to be raising heck over losing a biopsy. who would've thought somebody could be so careless. My sister lives on 46th ave NE close to the old sandpoint airbase(she just called and i think that is what she said they were close to.)

    Z-i havent seen her post but she had a meeting tonight and was anxious t o tell them about us.

    gn all