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  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2007
    Morning all. Killing some time until Deb picks me up for our rounds today.

    Is Lorene new? If so, welcome.

    Z, you write so eloquently. Welcome back.

    Cheri, I'll try to keep quiet today but you know me....congrats on still not smoking.

    Lisa, I watched 1 hour of the Living with Cancer special but switched to the Sopranos; however, I did Tivo it so I'll watch the rest of it later. Don't worry, those fingers shrink A LOT.

    Beth, Deb's driving this morning so since she's new at it, it may take us a little longer to get there, but we'll be there. I'll try to keep her loop de loops to a minimum.

    Shirley, are you not smoking?

    Betty, just saw the calendar - great job.

    Jankay, what did I miss about you on the power scooter going down the interstate?

    Denise, are we going with you tomorrow?

    Vickie, Nicki, Madison, Colleen, CY, G, and everyone I missed, I'll catch up with you later. It's going to be about 90 degrees again today.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Good morning gals, spent my first cup of coffee catching up on everyones posts.

    Positive vibes going out for Cheri's brain MRI, Beths' surgery, Doris' recon surgery and Laura's routine onc visit. I love that calender! Thanks Vickie and Betty, sure makes it easier to know where my positive energy needs to be focused!

    Gina, that catnip story was hysterical. Do you have any extra? Sounds like something I might like on chemo days. LOL

    Cheir, loved the pix of the puppies, Mork & Mindy, what cute names.

    Z, your poem was great and so touching. As for the sleeping, I haven't used the one you are on with the dreams and all but I am taking Restoril and am able to sleep thru the night sweats on that with no crazy dreaming.

    Vickie, that job sounds good. Serious thought needed.

    Karen, I read that BC soup book. The story about the girl having her mamm and the machine going crazy made me laugh till I cried it was so funny.

    Jankay, Robin and the other Tennessee girls: I was raised from 4th grade thru high school in Sparta, Tenn. My older brother is still there. Robin, he is the local general sessions judge there so if you can entice EVIL to White County (Sparta) and then shoot him, I have some pull with the judge!

    Shokk, please send some of that rain to Florida. We are so dry with fires starting all over. My lawn is now offically brown.

    Karen, birthdays can be hard, of course it depends on what kind of bc mood we are in. Mine was March 4 and that is the day my hair decided to fall out in CLUMPS. My husband and I just laughed, what else could I do? Here's a funny picture of it.


    Have a great day everyone! Hugs, Marsha
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    GM all, will go back and read but wanted to say ..have a great day....
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning All,

    Y'all were busy this weekend. I looked in last on Friday morning, and there were almost 500 new posts to read. Unfortunately, I don't have time to read them all.

    I spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday with my Dad. I got to meet his oncologist (who seems wonderful) and get lots of info first hand, which is good even though the news is very very bad. Cancer in esophegus, kidneys, liver and spleen. They did a colonoscopy which we are still waiting for results. So paliative care only. He starts rads tomorrow, followed by some chemo. They offered hospice, but he doesn't want to give up. Fortunately, my enforced education about this stupid Beast, allowed me to explain a lot of things to him and ask some questions of the doctors that he and my brother didn't know to ask. That made me feel useful.

    One really good piece of news for a change --- my friend/boss got her results and she is just fine!!! I will talk with her more today to find out what they thought they saw - maybe just some tech's thumb.

    Time to go to my treatment. Sorry I can't address each of you individually, but you know I love you all, and am thinking of all of you who are going through tests and treatments and stuff. And everybody else, too!

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007

    Thank you all as always for your kind words.I will respond to each of you later.I am off to the attorneys now.Please pray for me that this is the answer.If I dont have a case over this there is no justice.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    well it goes to show if u miss checking messages for a bit then u are way behind.
    Margaret and others who dont know-the reason for the power scooter is that i have parkinsons and can not walk without a lot of assistance, i dont drive but i do have a power scooter. that is th e reason for my trip to Augusta GA
    tosee a specialist for help.
    take care
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning All,

    Just popped in to let Beth and Doris know that I am praying and sending positive energy their way for their surgeries today. Praying that Cheri gets good news on her MRI. Wishing Laura a good visit with the onc. Robin good luck with the attorney - if you don't have a case - no one does.

    I was beginning to stress out about my onc visit tomorrow when the phone rang and it was the office calling to ask if I could change the appointment to May 29 - they have someone newly diagnosed that they need to see. So my appointment is no longer tomorrow but three weeks from tomorrow.

    Cheri - cute puppies.

    Vickie - that job sounds really good.

    Marsha - that picture is too funny - when my hair started falling out it fell out on top first - looked like a very scary old man until we shaved the rest off.

    Jankay - looks like you are feeling a little better.

    Have a great day everyone -can't remember everyone yet - gonna have to make a list.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Morning ladies,

    I am patiently waiting for the magic carpet to swing by and pick me up cause Mazer decided I was taking too long to get ready this morning and left me. She was off to pick up Deb and then make the rounds and promised to return. I will be the crazy lady standing in the center of about 12 dogs waving my hands for rescue. Can't wait to get to Cheri's MRI. I've thought all along she needed her head examined.

    Cheri-yep dr said I was stable. I might should have gotten that in writing cause you never know when that tid bit of info could come in handy. Those pups are just the cutest things. Better not let your husband get online or he will see that another man was holding them.

    Shirley-woohoo 4 days now right? You can do it. Too bad you arent closer to Robin and you could take your anger and frustrations out on EVIL. So did the son move out for good?

    Adriona-wow! Missed the weekend post and I find out you arent good at blowing but you have a fast tongue. hmm, better stop there before I get in trouble.

    Jankay-looks like a good day of typing for you. That has to make you smile. Power scooter might need a recharge driving to New York though.

    Deb-I'm waving a starbucks thermos so you wont miss me this morning.

    Lisa-just think 2 more fingers will help with your math skills. Glad that you felt no pain.

    Nicki-I have more flowers to buy and plant so if you want to come my way we can use the help. Congrats on week 1 of your diet and exercise. SO and myself are going to start taking a walk in the afternoons and I think it will be nice. Its nice to stop and enjoy the small things. I know when my pelvic bone was broken I wondered if I would ever be able to enjoy walking again and now I can do it with no pain. Sometimes we forget to be thankful for many things that we take for granted.

    Beth-thinking of you today.

    madision-woohoo B9! Excellent.

    Anne-sorry about your dad but glad that you were able to be there to ask questions.

    MB-hope you had a great weekend. It was nice here in Alabama and got lots done.

    Marsha-loved the pic. Thats a keeper.

    Robin-good luck with the attorney today. Yes I am on treatment. I do xeloda, herceptin and zometa. My xeloda is different than most. I do one week on and 1 week off. I had IDC and only a few cells in my sentinel node that were positive and the other 11 were clean but I guess it was enough to cause damage. It is now in my pelvic/hip bone and it was in the soft tissue where your leg connects to your pelvic area but that is gone now. My pelvic bone was broken from the mets but zometa has cleared that up. I go for herceptin and zometa every 2 weeks. That about sums it up.

    Z-glad you are feeling better and had a busy weekend.

    Karen-glad you like my animals. I love them!

    Mena-glad to see you posting. hows it going? Are you trying to get Cheri in trouble or what?

    Vickie-loved the kitty pic and glad you found good homes for them. I did notice that there was 4 and you said 3 has a home,,sooooooooo are you the proud mother of a new kitty?

    In laws will be leaving out today and we will miss them. It has been nice to have them around and I know SO has enjoyed seeing her family. We will see them in July when we go to Maine but we will sure miss them until then. I think they have enjoyed their time here also. She has a great family and they are very accepting of us which is wonderful.

    No big farm news. Hey jude is coming around and loving the attention. Beaner is fitting right in and loves to be loved on. She is such a loving dog I cant imagine them throwing her outside and not doing anything with her. Some people!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

    ok gotta run but I shall return. Deb dont forget to swoop down and get me.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007

    I feel like we must have at least 50 girls on the carpet this morning. We left early, before light, but i had a list. Amy- thanks for letting Mazer come ahead. I didn't know that donkeys were SUCH good pilots! I want anyone who spilled their coffee on the triple twisting loop-d-loop...IT WASN'T ME!! It was Mazer. That's my story and I'm stickin' too it!

    You guys had better be quiet in the waiting room. And don't dorget to pick up the cinnamon bun crumbs...

    Be Back Later
    Deb C
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    i'm busy trying to get in "nurse mode" and psych myself up for returning to work tomorrow.

    got my scrubs all washed and pressed, my duty shoes all white and shiny, my prox card out, my stethescope and scissors ready for action ............. just wish i had my brain as ready lol!

    anyhow ........... wanted to pop in and send good wishes to everybody, especially those having procedures, appts, tests etc. i am gearing up for may 14th follow up with onc and the dreaded zoladex injection, but i'm getting pretty mellow about these visits now.

    off to the grocery store AGAIN!!!!!!! my daughter is doing weight watchers (and doing very well with it), but i live at the frigging grocery store lol!

    best to all ........... peace, health, happiness, and speedy recoveries all around!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Deb, thanks for picking us up.
    Sending everyone hugs.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    Hi all,
    I just tried reading through the last two pages of posts and I am so out of it, I don't know what you all are talking about. Has my brain flopped like a flat tire? oh well. do you all remember me? my name?

    I did watch the Kopppel thing last night. I started at the last half hour for the town meeting. EE was very inspiring as was Leroy and Lance. Later they repeated it and I started watching from the beginning and that was very tough. I did the same thing you did Lisa, turned it off. Madison, I went to the collage and saw the afghans. I posted my mickey-chemo-pirate-yellowhair picture.

    I know there are several new people around. Hi, I will figure out your names in time.

    I talked with Cheri today so they didn't keep her.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Hey Susan....any news on Cheri??

    Deb C
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Thanks for the update Susan. I was really afraid they might keep her. I hear people like that get special rooms and their own floor of the hospital,,go figure?!?

    ok Cheri-we need an update and to see if you were able to get anything out of the techs. Man I sure hope Mazer behaved. She did say something about blowing on your neck when you were supposed to be still. LMAO-at least you know it wasnt Adrionna cause she is not a good blower.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    wow, its getting harder to catch up on mondays...I'll just have to work more...ha...

    Amy got lots done, moved tons of rocks for the finishing touches to the pond, and not with the back hoe...couldn't even move to get to the hot

    Suz, so glad you keep visiting, and you just read back when you can and jump in as often as you feel like...

    boy and did I miss the story on Adrionna...must have been a real good

    NS good to hear from you...hugs..

    Shirley no cigs..whoo hoo..keep up the great work..we can throw all the quitters a party at pinkstock...and mybe even medals for a job well done...

    Betty love the calendar...thanks

    sheri...happy teachers day tomarrow...

    cheri...thinking of you

    Vicki hugs, and what cute kitties...BUT do not bring them to pinkstock, I already have too many

    Shel happy back to work day.... glad you are doing ok...

    Karen good to see you post

    ok too many to catch up with, back to work
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007

    yes there are stories going around. Adrionna can't blow and Lisa has new fingers or something like that!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Hi all..sneaking in at work...talked to Cheri just a minute ago and she is going to take a nap and post to all later.
    Hi Susan...I see you posted too LOL.
    Deb...thanks for the ride!
    No news yet on Beth.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Back for a minute.... did your appointment go? I have my follow up tomorrow and truly don't want to go. I feel fine but I am soooo stessed that he will order tests, scans, MRI's...etc. I just need a cancer break. One year out of chemo and almost one year from bilateral mast. Do they typically do scans and such if there are no symptoms.
    sorry for the many with bigger problems but to tell you the truth the Xanex just isn't doing it for me today LOL.
    Love and hugs to all...MB...get back to work! a while crocodile
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Good afternoon CGs!

    I went back three pages and I still am not sure what is going on .
    Beth is having her surgery today, I take it. Good luck!!
    Cheri, how did the CAT scan go?? Inquiring minds want to know! Those pups are TOO cute!! You're doing really well not smoking. Keep it up. I really think you are over the worst of it now.
    Shel, I was awake for my SNB also. I couldn't understand it, since it was right before my surgery and they were going to put me out anyway. Go figure!
    Lisa, pencils???? Yikes!!!! I did hear that they shrink quite a bit when they heal. So far I've opted for no nips.
    Nicki, how's the diet going. Your exercise routine sounds like you've found something you can really stick to! I bought some hanging baskets and container gardens last week and I have them outside. Last night it got really cold, so DH moved them inside. I went to a seminar and it was run by a woman who used to work as a claims adjuster. She told us that their main objective is to delay the claim. When you call and they put you on hold to talk to a supervisor, they are not really talking to anyone. Insurance companies suck!!! I deal with them every day.
    Judith, a big Circle Girl welcome to you! This is a great place.
    Brenda, I had the blue boob thing going on for a long time too. I think it finally disappeared when I had the mast.
    Vickie, that job offer sounds too good to pass up. Go for it! I didn't get the whole story, but a trailer burned down? I take it there was a lot of sentimental value.
    Marsha, I loved your pic. My hair came out in clumps too. When I left a big hair trail at work, I came home and told DH that it was time. Just shave it off!!
    Anne, I'm so glad your friend is fine. That is always great news to receive.
    Robin, I hope all went well with the attorney today. You need a healthy dose of happy right about now!

    This is the first chance I have gotten to sit down at the puter since last Fri.! We spent all day Saturday getting our RV ready for camping. We are going with our biker friends to a campground not far from here, on Memorial day weekend. It should be fun. We just booked a trip to Cancun in Oct. These same friends are all going there to celebrate a 50th birthday of one of the girls. We are going to an all-inclusive resort, and our goal is to bankrupt the bar ! I never wanted to go to Mexico, since I am terrified of getting Montezuma's Revenge. She wanted to go and we are all tagging along.
    Yesterday, we went out on a motorcycle poker run. That was a total blast. We were out all day and the ride was just glorious! A poker run is when you draw a card at the beginning and are given directions to the next four destinations (usually bars). You get a card at every stop and then head back to the starting place. Highest hand wins......Money! My hand is always terrible. I have no luck whatsoever!
    After being outside all day, drinking beer and just being a scatter brained idiot, I forgot to watch the special on Discovery. Oh well, I think I know as much about cancer as I want to.
    Time to go finish up the dreaded laundry (yes Amy, I'm doing it again). I'll check in later and hopefully we will have news from our Cheri!
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Cheri, congrats on not smoking. I know it is a difficult thing to conquer. Your puppies are adorable.

    Nickie, are we going to get to see pics of your flowers. I do miss that living in Florida. I loved spring in Colorado.

    Betty, thanks for the calendar, it is so helpful.

    Anne, I am sorry about your Dad. It sounds like it was very good that you were there.

    Shirley, four days? That's fantastic!

    Robin, good luck with the attorney.

    Shel, you aren't going to let that old job interfere with your Florida plans, are you???

    Back to work for me. I'll be back later on.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    checking in for news on Cheri and Beth. don't see any updates.
    Got my dexa report finally. Spine improved from -4.5 to -3.9, hip got worse from -4.0 to -4.5. Don't think it was supposed to do that.

    Margaret, Day 4 and counting. It sucks big time but I'm doing it anyway.

    Amy woo hoo indeed. Not sure if son has moved out or not. Stupid kid snuck in at 2am and snagged his clothes? Which by the way ticked off his father to no end. But then again man person has been crabby for a couple of weeks now. soooo

    Anne, prayers for your dad and family.

    Love to one and all. See ya later. Daughter and grands will be here this evening. Not sure how long they plan on staying.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Jan no laundry for me. SO did it all this weekend and folded and put up. I did hang up a few things but that was it.

    Shirley-one way to look at it is no more boy smells.

    Biker-sounds like the poker run was alot of fun. I wouldnt get cards either cause my luck is never good. Guess that goes without say since I am on the BC board, huh?

    Vickie-thanks for the Cheri update. I am sure she didnt sleep last night and is tired. I swear she needs to put her head at the other end of the bed. sure wouldnt hurt. Husband might think shes crazy though. I would think no scans unless you are having problems.

    Hoping Beth is out of surgery by now and doing ok.

    Robin-was kinda hoping to get an atty update from you. Hopefully it is going well.

    MB-moving rocks by hand is painful on the back isnt it? I bet it sure looks good though.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Thank you Amy...don't know why I am so freaked out. Just always waiting for the other shoe to drop and I just simply have an anxious personality. Don't know enought NOT to worry. I worry all the time LOL. I worry about myself, my kids, all of you, my job, heck...I worry about the friggin weather!!!
    Hmmm...someone asked about the kittens. There are five all together. Three have homes and the other two have names! Nathaniel named the black one Bandit and an orange one Peanut Butter. I told him we weren't keeping any of them! Well maybe one. LOL.
    MB...I won't bring them to Pinkstock...promise.

    Ok...almost time to head home. I need an address for Puppy if anyone has it...
    Margaret...I have your yarn boxed and ready to send...soooo sorry for the delay. Just overwhelmed lately.
    Love to all and see ya later
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited May 2007
    My appt. went well today. I'm officially on 6 month check-ups now. My onc orders blood work each appt, and now a chest x-ray only once a year. My rad onc orders my mamms. No other scans or tests unless there's a problem. Originally I was dx'd at stage 2a, a large 2.4cm tumor with negative nodes. Had an abdominal CT before surgery, because of pre-existing uterine problems. My gyn didn't want any surprises went she went in for the hysterectomy. Also had the required Muga scan before starting AC. My onc said to call if anything cames up that I'm worried about. Said that's what we're here for.

    It was a good day. I even walked to the appt. Only took 20 minutes, and my allergies didn't seem to be affected by it. It seems kind of strange though not to be going back for six months. Two years ago it was such a big part of my life.

    Well, I've got exercise class tonight, and I need to get ready. I'll check back later to see how they others did with their doc visits, tests, and surgeries.

    Hugs, prayers, and healing.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    I'm checking to see about Cheri--any results?
    Beth--I'm hoping surgery went well.
    Shel--Good luck going back to work, it can be hard to get back in the swing of things, but you'll be great, I know it.
    Vickie--I totally get the other shoe dropping. Just when I think I'm doing ok, I just "know" something else is going to be wrong. You are such a strong, supportive person. I always look forward to your posts.
    Shirley--congrats on more days without cigs!
    Z-good to see you.
    Jankay--any luck in finding places to stay in Georgia?

    The parents in my class brought me dinner to take home to my family tonight. I think they messed up their days or something because I ended up with 2 dinners! One of them can wait for tomorrow, so that's pretty exciting. I will say that our parents do nice things for the teachers at my school.

    Joe rearranged the computer in the family room. It looks pretty cool. Having to do some reorganizing and cleaning since mother in law is coming this summer--YIKES!!!!!

    Wonderful day to all.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    (((Laura)))and thank you!!!
    I'll be back later sweet sisters.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007

    Hellow CG's..This is more or less a drive-by also...I've got to catch up a bit first...

    Cheri, the puppies are just squishable! But why did you cut off Ed's head? That was meaner than me! Has he seen this?

    Hey Beth -- hope you are staying as calm as possible, and don't forget your Ambien tonight! I'm praying all goes well for you and for your medical team too. I'm glad you get to stay at least one night. Don't forget to pack your cell phone and charger.

    Has Puppy been around lately? If anyone talks to her please tell her I'm looking for her...Mena...bbl...xo


    {{MENA}} I'M Back!!!
    thought I better send ya another pic. of "ED" So Ya don't get him confused with Our sweet cheri's DH again!!

    Love Ya, CG'S Gonna go take care of some other forums and talk atcha latter!!! xoxo Puppy
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: Well Im getting home later and later everyday. Once again - I dont have much time.

    One week on Phase 1 of South Beach and I have lost 11 pounds. So Im feeling pretty good about this new routine.

    Dinner is done. I have to go. If I dont see you later, I will catch ya in the morning.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Wow!!!! That is awesome Nicki!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    congrats nicki on the weight loss. mags has lost aboout
    that much.

    sheri-we are staying at comfort inn close to the hospital

    i am looking for bc sisters that might want to meet then.

    robin let me know if i need to charge my scooter