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  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    I swear CY, I would be getting people fired over this!! You are being way calmer than I would be. How DARE they??? I almost can't see straight I am so angry FOR you. Can you insist on more/better drugs this time? I would be willing to bet you can get just about everythign you want...including the head of whoever lost your sample on a plate.

    I am SO serious that I would be on the phone to the CEO of the hospital. This has lawsuit written all over it. They are slowing down the process, causing you more stress, pain and medical risk for NO benefit for you. I know that right now you need to focus on the medical end of things, but I would be MORE than happy to make some phone calls for you if you need some one to yell at people.

    I just can not express how sorry I am that you have this added on top of everything else. Can we do anything? Make calls, bury the bodies of those who caused this??

    Deb C
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Wow Deb, you said it....
    CY, my-oh-my I just can't believe this has happened to you. This is a nightmare for you. Deb, do you think we can borrow MB's backhoe...
    I don't see any post from Cheri or word from Beth's DH.
    Nicki, 11#'s is absolutely fantastic!!
    Susan, I missed it -Adrionna can't blow and Lisa has new fingers or something like that (this sounds interesting).
    Liz, take a deep breath....positive thoughts headed your way.
    Puppy, welcome back from your camping trip. Hope you had a grand time.
    Betty, thank you for the calander.
    Shokk, you are going to have to teach us all text messaging language.
    Robin, how was the attorney appointment?
    Suzfive, did you mark your new May 29 appointment on the calendar. It seems we live from appointment to appointment.
    Shirley, congrats on the no smoke!!
    Jan, sounds like you had fun at the motorcycle poker run. Barb and Keith are in the inner circle.
    Amy, we are going to have to contribute to Mazer’s feed…..he sure will be busy with all out appointments this month.
    Vickie, holding your hand for your appointment today. (Did you go on the job interview)
    Laura, good appointment and great news for you.
    Shel, we are going to have to get the alarm clock set so we can wake you up.
    Hi Jankay..
    Sheri, I think it is wonderful that your student’s parents bring you meals.
    Anne, so sorry about your Dad.
    Colleen, I keep trying to picture your hip hop classes….
    KareninDenver…hope you get a good night’s sleep. We want you rested so you can enjoy your birthday.
    Alwayshope-thank you for the update on Doris.
    Odalys, I went to mail a package Saturday…the postal worker said that stamps were going up on the 14th…
    Tricia, I think we may have alligators in common…..
    Sorry for missing many…..I am going to try to get some sleep (probably with a sleeping pill)

    Who is driving the carpet tomorrow?
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Girls, I am bone tired and headed to bed. Actually, that is good news! My sleep has been all screwed up the past few weeks. As it gets light earlier and earlier, i have been waking earlier too...until I am now waking up at 5:30 or 6:00 in the morning. Then I am so tired that I take a nap in the afternoon or early evening, so then I'm not tired until 1:00 in the moring...and then I'm up early again and the cycle continues. I made myself stay awake this afternnon and evening, so my 4.5 hours of sleep from last night were not enough. the good news is that it is 9:00 and I am drop-dead tired, so maybe I will get a real nights sleep...cross your fingers.

    Now I lay me down to sleep
    I pray the Lord my friends to keep
    close at heart and near at hand
    now take me off to sleepy land!

    Deb C
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Hello to all the CG's!
    Individually and combined, if you are in need of test, scans or anything else that may be necessary, but uncomfortable or painful - you are in my heart and on my mind.

    If any of you are in need of some uplifting energy - keep in touch, there is bound to be something here that will inspire you to keep on going. There are tons of funnies when you just need to laugh.

    Now, I will tell you about my support group meeting tonight - First I will say, I am lucky. Tonight I felt lucky. In attendance at this young women's group (under 40 at dx) there were two women of particular note that will be with me forever because they are both facing very serious challenges with bc and their struggle is hard, almost unbearable. I know there are women here on this board that know the same struggle and can sympathize, but remember I am new to this support group arena, and I am finding women that cover every part of the spectrum and I am still shocked to hear some of the conditions these valiant and courageous women are living through and with.
    Both of these women in my group are under forty, they both have very young children and they both were initially dx'd with stage 4 bc, with 1(one)metastasizing to brain, liver and 2(two)metastasizing to liver and lungs, both had recent recurrences and one had recent increase tumor markers. I ask you all to keep them in your thoughts, Angelica and Tina, they will forever be in mine.
    I did share my experience, in comparison, I felt like I just had a bad cold. That's just me - I don't want to diminish my experience or anybody else who may have been lucky like me and not had to have chemo or a mast or anything else more involved, but WE ARE LUCKY - WE ARE BLESSED. As bad as it was going through it all, as life changing as it was - I am in awe, AWE of these women not just in my group at the cancer center but on this board who have endured and are continuing to prevail against the dreaded disease.
    Ok, back to the group meeting - I mentioned only briefly that I had found an awesome on-line group and that this group has changed me for the better when I thought bc had changed me forever for the worse. I shared that my on-line group keeps me going - that there are too many days between the support group meetings and I need a safe place to be and I found it with this board.
    I received a lot of positive feedback and basically, I am allowed to do whatever I need to do to make myself mentally and emotionally stable and that if the group on line does this for me, keep it up. I was told this is my time to take care of me, otherwise, I cannot take care of anybody else. I told the group exactly that, by being here on this board, I feel like I help others and myself.
    I hope I do.
    Leaving the group tonight though, I felt very sad. I hate what this disease does, can do and will do to so many women (and some men too). I feel inspired to posts, and welcome those folks who come here new to the scene and let them know that they never have to be alone. That if they just reach out, they can have a whole bunch of us lovin', huggin', encouraging, swooping by to grab em' up on the magic carpet and just plain old listening and guiding them through this maze of bc.

    So, thank you beauties! Here is my favorite piece - from my heart to your:

    Phenomenal Woman
    Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
    I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
    But when I start to tell them,
    They think I'm telling lies.
    I say,
    It's in the reach of my arms
    The span of my hips,
    The stride of my step,
    The curl of my lips.
    I'm a woman
    Phenomenal woman,
    That's me.

    I walk into a room
    Just as cool as you please,
    And to a man,
    The fellows stand or
    Fall down on their knees.
    Then they swarm around me,
    A hive of honey bees.
    I say,
    It's the fire in my eyes,
    And the flash of my teeth,
    The swing in my waist,
    And the joy in my feet.
    I'm a woman
    Phenomenal woman,
    That's me.

    Men themselves have wondered
    What they see in me.
    They try so much
    But they can't touch
    My inner mystery.
    When I try to show them
    They say they still can't see.
    I say,
    It's in the arch of my back,
    The sun of my smile,
    The ride of my breasts,
    The grace of my style.
    I'm a woman

    Phenomenal woman,
    That's me.

    Now you understand
    Just why my head's not bowed.
    I don't shout or jump about
    Or have to talk real loud.
    When you see me passing
    It ought to make you proud.
    I say,
    It's in the click of my heels,
    The bend of my hair,
    the palm of my hand,
    The need of my care,
    'Cause I'm a woman
    Phenomenal woman,
    That's me.

    Maya Angelou

    Good night to all you Phenomenally.
    Phenomenal woman!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Good evening ladies. Sorry I haven't posted before now. I do not like Brain MRI's. I think it has something to do with that mask/cage thingy like in Silence of the Lambs, they put over my face. I have no veins so they had to use my port. I was pleased to hear that my onc will have the results in his office tomorrow. I'll admit it, I'm worried. Praying it's just a cyst that they can get rid of easily. When I got back to our town I had to go by my pcp and get my bloodwork done for pre-op in Iowa. I'd been putting this off for 2 weeks. I really don't have any veins. Three lab techs and 4 band-aids later they finally used my port. I was a nervous wreck by the time I got out of there. So I answered a few pm's and ask a couple of friends to let you all know I was home but I could not keep my eyes open. I slept all afternoon. Took me forever to read through the posts. I want to thank all of you that went with me today and held my hand. I wish I'd started posting earlier cos I'd have had a slumber party! Amber and her family actually went home to stay the night and I'm all alone. Little apprehensive about test results tomorrow. We could've rented a movie that we couldn't hear over out giggling and man-bashing. Popped popcorn, drank,,,um...whatever we wanted. Maybe even a pillow fight. Talked and laughed all night. It would've been fun.
    I'll let you all know as soon as I find out the results tomorrow, unless they're real bad. Actually, if they're bad, you'll especially hear from me. I be doin some big time whinin!

    Nicki, congrats on the weight loss, that's wonderful.

    Margarette, thanks for the atta girl. This is my 25th day of not smoking. But you know when I came out of that clinic that's the first thing I wanted. I want one now really bad, sitting here alone worrying. But smoking would just make things worse so I won't do it. Nicotine doesn't have me anymore I am free. Hey, I hear you have yarn on the are just gonna love it.

    Marsha, thanks for the comments on my little puppies. They are adorable. I wanted to name them Lucy & Dezi, but my dh & dd out-voted me. Mindy knows her name already.

    Anne, congrats on your boss/friend being alright.

    Suz, nice to see you posting and thank you for the well wises.

    Amy, Amy, Amy. There's just sooo much I could say to you. I do believe that you should've gotten it in writing that you are "stable". You might need proof sometime. I know I intend to get a copy of my Brain MRI just in case I have to prove that I really do have a brain. Wasn't that funny Mena getting my dh name mixed up? hahaha

    Deb, thanks for driving this morning. I knew you all were there. I think you took turns holding my hand. I could use some of that hand holding right now. Got a little case of the nerves.

    Shel, you're going to do fine at work tomorrow. Once you've been there a little while it'll all come back to you like second nature. I have faith in you.

    Susan, thanks for letting everyone know that they didn't keep me. lol Some of you probably thought they should've. I wonder about it myself.

    Janny, we will put Barb & Keith in the inner Circle. You are a good friend.

    Tricia, thanks for the atta girl for not smoking.

    Laura, so glad your test came out well.

    Puppy, how funny.

    CY, I can't believe the hospital tells you they lost your liver biopsy and you're soo calm! I'm like Deb, I'd be raising Cain! You shouldn' have to do it over or find it. That's their job and they need to retrace their steps and find it. That is sooo disgusting.

    Where is Iris? Gina, Meaner, and many more.

    Girls I'm asking for prayers for good results on that brain mri. I'm a little worried. So, if you could just toss my name in the next time you talk to HIM, I'd appreciate it. I just can't imagine it turning out to be anythining big. I know it's giving me symptoms but surely it's not bad.

    Prayers for all,
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    cheri - my thoughts are with you and i pray that u will get good results...

    Z-why dont u invite the two women who impressed u so much to visit the boards. May be they would help us also.
    glad you are back and that you are printing poems. that w as fantastic
  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2007
    Dang,Cheri,you must have finally went to sleep before I got your PM.I would have had a slumber party with you.Just don't beat me up with a pillow remember I have fingers sticklng out.Could you me trying to explain to PS that you knocked my nipple off with a pillow LOL.I am right here waiting to celebrate with you when you get your results today.Let me know soon as you can so I can relax ok.I am holding your hand and praying hard Cheri.

    Jankay,Robin and I do live close to each other and to you.She lives in Crossville and I live in Dayton,which is 40 miles north of Chattanooga.It would be great if all of us TN girls could get together.

    Z,you are right there are people alot worse off than us.I remember soon after my dx I was watching TV about 2 AM,I was too scared to sleep.Then St Judes program came on.I prayed and thanked God that it was me that had cancer and not one of my children.

    I gotta take DH to work,I will be back soon Love you all.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    image's going to be a beautiful day today. Sunny and all the way up to 70 degrees.
    CY...oh my goodness...I don't even know what to say. I know that I would be jumping up and down and throwing the biggest hissy fit they had ever seen. As if the biopsy isn't enough, now you have another wait for results. I want to come there and smack someone (or throw a water bottle or two). I am so sorry and I am praying that they find the results before they have to do it all over.
    Cheri...your results will come back just fine and dandy. I have an appointment this morning but I will sign in as soon as I get to work. Send me a message if you need me and I'll give a yell back asap.
    Hope your nights get better and soon. I think Xanex and Antivan are about the same thing. I take the Xanex during the day and I'm fine with it. I also take Lexapro which has helped more than I can even begin to tell you!
    CY...hmmm...I don't know if I would be able to bring Nate to work with me at the new place but I doubt it. Thanks for bringing that up as bringing him to work is such a great "perk". He loves where I work now and all the residents there.
    Brenda..take care of your it a reaction to the weed killer or poison ivy? will do great today.
    Nicki...good morning sunshine sister...I know you're out there.
    Jankay...sending a hug just because.
    Margaret...whew...have had the worst time getting yarn ready to mail! Thanks for being there with me today.
    Susan...thanks to you too.
    Thanks to all who I am taking with me to my appointment. I will post as soon as I get back.
    Good morning to Odalys, Jasmine,Madison, Z, Tricia, Lisa, Liz, awww heck...everyone, everywhere!
    Off to start my day
    Love ya all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Well yesterday I was running around like crazy all day long. It was jus a wonderful day. 80 degrees and sunny. I actually had to come home and water my flowers. Didnt have my dexascan, cause it was actually scheduled today. Chalk that one up to chemo brain, but thank goodness I have an appointment book.

    Thanks to everyone for the well wishes with my weight loss. I really do believe its working because this time, I am really following the diet (no cheating) and Im walking everyday. That seems to be the ticket.

    Vickie: More money, less stress, lighter work? That sounds like a perfect recipe for changing jobs. Good luck to you.

    Jan: I was missing you all week-end. Out having a party were ya? Im sorry to hear about Keith and Barb. Sending prayers their way.

    Anne: Sorry to hear about your dad too. Thats a pretty big battle he is trying to fight. Just remember quality of life vs quantity. The treatment he will be getting sounds pretty hard. Sending prayers your way too.

    Sherloc: Congratulations. 4 days is wonderful. Hmmm lets see I have just opened pack #2 since I proclaimed to my husband I was gonna quit. But now that I think about it I would be a crazy woman to try and diet and quit the smokes at the same time. I need to find some sugarless lollypops. Its the hand to mouth thing for me.

    Odalys Yep, I sure understand. I am finially working at full compacity now. Which leaves me absolutely no computer time. Good to hear from you and Im glad you are liking your new job.

    CY: I cant believe what I just read. They LOST the biopsy? That is absolutely inexcusable. If I were you I would be really angry too. You need to call the Director of Histology or Pathology and really raise hell. Of course you shouldnt be charged again, but what about the pain and suffering you have been going through. The thought of this is making my blood boil. Here you were, ready to get the results today!! WTF?

    Shel: Good luck today. Its exciting and its gonna be fun. I was like you. Used to smoke on breaks and lunch. Now with the new smokings bans, I never smoke at work. And to my surprise, I dont crave them anymore at work. But as soon as I get to my car - well thats another story. Unfortunately a big part of my day is sitting in my car.

    Liz: Remember me? I found a lump in the same spot that my bc was in! It was scar tissue, but it sure felt just like the bc did. Its funny cause I didnt run to my onc, I ran to my surgeon and PS. Dont panic and definitely get it checked out.

    Cheri: Im so glad you will get the results today. Enough worrying already. Hoping the results are good.

    Well, once again I have left many of you out. Just not enough time anymore to say hello to everyone. I have to make breakfast and go on my morning walk. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

    I have to tell ya that yesterday after dinner, my DH and I sat out on the patio. Started playing a little basketball with my husband and my goofy dog - who thinks he can steal the ball. Gosh, I havent done that for 2 years. Then we just started throwing the ball to each other like little kids. I was laughing my arse off. Another day - that was just wonderful.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    well good morning
    i am not so sure it will be good. my caregiver just called and she cant come because she says she sick. but i wonder, she just broke up with her boyfriend and is having to move out of his house. i wonder if she worked too hard or is drunk. i can tell u this she has a job after me and she had better miss it also.

    robin are u okay. we havent herard from u yet so how did the meeting with the attorney go? Do i need to rev up my power scoooter and hit the interstate!

    Also i have to reschedule therapy today because of no ride.

    love jankay
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007
    Good morning,

    Just wanted to pop on and check on everyone. No word from Beth's DH I see.
    Cy, you want us to round up the posse. Man, I be having someone's head.
    Everyone else, as always you are in my heart.

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited May 2007
    Cy, I'll be praying that it is found, and that it is indeed yours.

    To all with appts, tests, and procedures, I'll be with you in spirit. You are not alone. Praying for good results for all.

    Have x-class and H2O aerobics this AM. Going with my mom to ortho appt this PM. Going to get results of knee MRI today. Really hope she doesn't need to be scoped.

    Hugs, prayers, and healing for all.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Well crap! Wrote a long post and lost it to "your post is no longer valid" CRAP I hate that!

    To sum up, good luck to everyone this morning having checks, procedures and the like. I checked the calender and is seems full today.

    A special GOOD FOR YOU to Nicki on a year out from chemo!

    Jan, can I be your new best friend? You are having way too much fun!! The Poker run, stopping at the bars to get "your poker hand" sounds like a blast and the camping drunkfest is right up my alley. Be careful in Mexico, don't drink the water but you can have all the tequilla you want! A bunch of us went to all-inclusive Sandals in Jamaica right before my dx in Dec and had a great time. All the food, drinks water sports etc! Really, once you get there you don't need any money for tipping or anything unless you are buying a t-shirt!

    Vickie, your DD in Mt. Dora is only an hour away from me. Let me know anytime you come down to visit her.

    Shirley heehee I check my chart all the time. It is the only way to know you are being told everything. They leave it out beside the door in a holder and I always grab it and review while waiting for the doc to come in the room!!! He looks in the box, it's not there and he knows I have it.

    Liz...get that checked out so they can tell you it is just scar tissue.


    Robin, you are in Crossville? I'm serious, drag that ass across the county line to White County, shoot him and call my brother the judge. You tell him you are a BC survivor and I promise he will let you off! I come to Sparta at least once a year.

    Cheri, waiting anxiously with you for those results.

    Off to my pre-chemo appt. this morning. Oh goody, a handful of steroids for tonight. I like my onc but some of the gals in there are just plain mean and cold. One phlebotomist stuck me in the wrist, left a 4 inch bruise and had me bandaged like a suicide chemo patient once. I complained about her and now she is so hateful to me when I go in. I was a lab tech for 12 years and NEVER stuck anyone in the wrist! Ok that's my whine for the day

    Have a g reat day to all..............Marsha
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Marsha...that would be WONDERFUL...Not sure when I will be back down to visit but hopefully in September. We are thinking of going to stay at Cocoa Beach again as we had such a wonderful time there last September. She may be moving back home but I'm not sure when...her and DH were having a "talk" last night and I haven't heard what the results were.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    ok ok...I'm stalling.
    Gonna put my big girl panties on and deal with it so off I go!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2007
    Just dropping in to say hi before I start my day.

    Z, loved the poem. Thank you. And I feel the same way you do - this place was my life raft on the sinking cancer ship. Because of the women I met here, I was able to cope and get to the point where I feel blessed. I was talking to a girlfriend Sat. night who also had a bilateral/tram flap reconstruction/chemo,and she said the same thing I did - we so easily could not be here today but we were both lucky and do feel blessed.

    Cheri, the news will be fine. I'll be checking in when I can today to see your post. Hugs to you.

    Jankay, sorry about your caregiver, especially because of the therapy.

    Vickie, thinking about you.

    Have a good day all.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    wow 59 posts...
    Ok know I'm with all of you at your appts...and holding your hands and for those that need it hiding your cigs...dare you to try to get them, I have a sword...heheheh

    Shirley & Cheri congrats on the non smoking ..its such a great deal... 11 lbs...thinking you will be getting that new bikini?...and one thing at a time...cigs can go later...just cut back if you can....hugs...
    Vicki...hugs, a new job, maybe just what the DR ordered...good luck

    Karen HB day...

    hugs to all must go back to work..
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Morning Girls

    Sneaking in before another busy day at work. Chemo brain is causing me pain lately (not literally!), and I'm having such a hard time keeping my projects organized. Hate that!

    Shel - Good, good, good luck today, but you don't need it - you'll be great!!

    Margaret - hope you slept, and congrats to you on the 8 lbs!!

    Brenda - be careful with your wrist! Is it poison ivy or something? Which side is it on? Make sure you stay on top of it! My sister-in-law once got poison ivy or oak or something on her legs, ignored it, and then SHAVED HER LEGS - Hello?!? I know they say you can't spread it further but oh my goodness was she a mess!!

    Susan - sitting here breathing in slow and out even more slowly! that's great advice no matter what you're stressing about!

    Deb - that's such a good idea (to have someone other than the patient/person involved) be the one to make the phone calls/complaints. I had some trouble before my first surgery, and I ended up putting the HR person from my company right on the phone with the evil hospital bill collector woman. Boy did she give her an earful!!

    Madison - did you sleep? I'm back into the waking up at 2:46am every morning. My son's therapist said that we go into REM sleep between 2-3am, and that's why we often wake up then. She also said it's bad not to get the REM sleep (no pressure though!) I prefer the other explanation that was going around the circle a while back though... We are all so glad there is only one more hip hop class to go! At this point, we're down to just 2 of us that still go. I don't know what the problem is, because I did see that Oprah clip where they were teaching the audience hip hop, and it was fun and more importantly doable! This is just so hard, we literally cannot do it, even when we actually really try! All the warm-up stuff is good exercise though. I know it seems ridiculous to be going on and on about it, but it's just kind of a bummer, and it was supposed to be fun!

    Deb - I hate it when I get into a bad sleep cycle. I hope you slept well, and slept a little later this morning.

    Zazette - First of all, do you mind if I ask what you do for a living? You have such a way with words, so expressive and with such spirit and truth. (Like many of the women on these boards actually!) I feel that way too sometimes. You don't want to minimize anyone else's situation, but you also don't want to make someone else feel worse about their own situation. I think the good news about this place, is that in the end, cancer is cancer, and we can all relate to hearing those dreadful words. And for whatever reason, maybe it's merely because we are women, we are still able to be supportive to the other women here. I'm glad you talked about this place at your meeting, and I think the women at the meeting are lucky to have someone like you in their midst!!

    Cheri - praying for you, good results only!!

    Vicki - I'm sorry, I'm out of the loop - what's your appt?

    Nicki - good luck today at the dexascan!!

    jankay - oh my goodness! well I guess you don't want her if she's drunk! Is there someone at the service she works for that can give you a ride to your appt? It doesn't seem right that you should miss it because she calls in sick?

    Marsha - I had my chemo at DanaFarber, and the tech on the 9th floor (women's cancer) was a nightmare!! The very first time I had chemo, she tortured me, and I sat there in the waiting room seeing woman after woman coming out of there in tears! From then on, I insisted on having my sweet angel chemo nurse put in my IV! I mean, if you're going to be a phlebotomist (thanks for the technical term by the way!) and draw blood and put IVs in ALL DAY LONG, you would think you would at least get a little bit good at it!!!! Stay away from her!!!

    Margaret - you hit the nail on the head! It could so easily have gone either way, and I am lucky to be sitting here, procrastinating!

    Have a great day girls, and big hugs to all that I missed or didn't mention by name.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Well, the magic carpet was really crowded this morning. Ladies, I don't know if we will be able to be quiet during your appointments!!
    Hugs to all this morning...
    Wishing everyone the best...
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    she doesnt work kfor a service. My sister in texas hired her heads will roll
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    Praying for All My CGS!
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Hey there to all the CG's!! Just stopping by real quick - gotta get to work on a presentation I have to present on Thursday morning.

    I will catch up later with everyone, but I do want to tell Cheri, YOU WILL BE FINE! I'm praying and so are these guys

    We all are praying and hugging you and holding your hand.
    Find a moment today and get quiet for a bit and just ask the god/goddess/whatever you beleive in to grant you Peace today. I'm reaching out my hand to you.

    Have a great day beauties!
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Hey Colleen: Thank you for your kind words, and you can ask me just about anything and I will tell you, ha ha - I am an Executive Secretary for a union (but not since the day I walked in here have I been just the Exec Sec., I do a little of everything, my degree is in English). Writing is a hobby for me, I love to write. If I can make somebody think, feel better, be kinder to others, to themselves I feel accomplished. I hope I do this because I try really hard.

  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007
    Hi Ladies,

    It is a beautiful day here on my edge of the circle. Sunshine and 70s. I am going to hurry and finish my work so I can go outside and enjoy it. Just thought I would check in here first to see if there is any news.

    Beth - sending healing thoughts your way.

    Cheri - praying for good results for you too. Congrats on the no smoking - must be hard will all you have going on.

    CY - Lost your biopsy? I would insist that they turn that hospital/lab upside down until they find it. I am sure it is in some refrigerator somewhere in that hospital. I used to work in a lab and would have to track down specimens - they would turn up in some unlikely places but they usually did turn up. If they don't find it - I would not pay for the first one (they lost it) or the second one (you would not have needed it if they hadn't lost the first one). They should also compensate you for pain and suffering. When I was getting my rads the machine was undergoing maintenance and I had to wait 10 or 15 minutes for my treatment. They gave me a five dollar gift certificate for the gift shop for my inconvenience (I didn't even complain and was surprised when they gave it to me). That is just bad. If you have to have another one - I would have someone "escort" it to the pathology lab. I would probably stand over them until they looked at too.

    jankay - sorry about your caregiver - what has happened to work ethics.

    Nicki - congrats on the weight loss - wish I had your will power.

    Z- beautiful poem - you really should be a writer - you have the gift.

    Vicki - hope your appointment went well. I was supposed to have mine at the same time but it got pushed back three weeks to allow someone just diagnosed to be seen. Now I get to worry about it for another three weeks.

    Shel - hope your first day at work goes well.

    Robin - where are you?

    Karen - Happy Birthday!!

    Marsha - I know what you mean about getting stuck. I really, really miss my port. I have awful veins and every time I go in they have to stick me numerous times before they get anything - threatened once to use my foot!! I usually come out of there looking like I have been in an accident or something. Looks like you are getting to the end of your chemo - Yay!

    Shirley - How did your testing go? Congrats on your no smokes too!

    To anyone I missed - have a good day - hopefully you are having the same gorgeous weather that we are.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Ok ladies,
    Drum roll...
    NED!!! Whew...thank God! I was such a wreck worrying about this appointment (which was a really long one as you can tell). All went fine, bloodwork was good, heart ok, lungs ok, weight is fine. He was not at all pleased about the amount of scar tissue I have from radiation and I don't know exactly what he's thinking on that front...overall...I am OK! Besides being slightly loopy and hormone deprived. Still on the Tamox till he is totally certain that I am in menopause, started me on the Chantix so I can quit smoking (starting tomorrow morning)and no appointments till September! Thank you all for your support and hand holding. I feel almost guilty posting that all was good after whining and reading about all of you who are NOT having a good time of it.

    Cheri...please let us know as soon as you can. I'm done worrying about me for a while and gonna take over worrying about everyone here instead.
    CY...any news on whether or not they have found the missing biopsy...I would be so incredibly angry...I am incredibly angry!
    Sue...sorry you have to wait another three weeks. All will be well with you too and I'll be right there holding your hand.
    Z...what lovely pictures and words you post.
    Puppy...that is a sweet picture from a sweet lady! Hugs to you.
    Jankay...Did you find a ride to your appointment? I am hoping so. I can't believe she would call you and cancel at such short notice. That's ridiculous. I'm watching out for rolling heads. Hugs to you.
    Hey...I posted some really pretty pictures this morning and they are gone...geez. What is with the message "bandwidth exceeded"? It happens every so often and it's really irritating.
    anyhooo...supposed to be working so I have to run.
    I love ya all and thanks to all who were with me today. Gonna go bug Cheri again.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
    Good Day Friends!

    I'm checking for reports from our girls. Results from yesterday and those testing today.

    Shirley: Want you to know that at about 10:00a I started hyperventilating! Don't know if I was thinking of you or if it was because I got so mad at this "fake nurse" at one of my clients house's today! Gotta cool down from her!

    Cheri: Results???? I know as well as you do that your head is empty..........just wish the DR would hurry up and confirm it!

    Beth: word from her family yet?

    Doris: Glad you're doing okay...okay is good sometimes.

    Cy: They lost your biopsy!! No advice just letting you know that I'm pis*** for you. We'll round up a posse and go look for it ourselves! Wow, that's terrible.

    Liz: I'm sure you're tired of hearing us say.."have it checked, all will be fine." But, I think it will..thinking it is scar tissue of somesort.

    Karen: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

    Vickie: Hoping you held yourself together during the Onc appt. this morning. Why they are so frightening I don't know. Well I do, waiting for the other shoe to drop..well it didn't drop and you are fine!
    Save your water bottles...I might need a few!

    Nicki: year post-chemo! DexaScan was today, right? Did you find out your results??

    Shel: Working Woman!! Hope the day is going good for you!

    Margaret: Congrats on the 8#'s!!

    Marsha: I thought I was the only one that stole my charts and sneaked a peek! The phlebotomist stuck you in the wrist? I think I would have stole the needle and stuck her somewhere! Insensitive people really make me mad.

    Z: Very Nice!

    Laura: I admire your exercising! I just can't get the lead out of me to do it. Everyday is tomorrow I'll start. Hope all came out okay with Mom.

    Jan: Glad to hear your caregiver isn't from a licensed agency! Not that it doesn't happen there too..but then you can complain. Hope your day turned out okay.

    Suzfive: You had an appt. too..I think you said they canceled it?

    Okay, guess I'll return my call from work and be back later!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Vickie --> image
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Buenos dias chicas........took today off from work because I had my nutrition class this morning and then bone density test early afternoon......they are both at the same hospital so I pretty much just hung around there all day.......anyway I am home and walked the dogs and think I am going to be able to squeeze in a nap before I have to pick up daughter later....anyway no news from Beth, Cheri, Ns, and Vickie...Serloc,Cy (so sorry about the bio)and everyone else thinking about everyone........I think we are one great group of women.....I am so proud to be a part of this group....anyway just so ya'll know it is "National Salsa Month" the sauce not the dance and if anyone is interested my salsa is so easy in a food processor or blender 4 to 5 fresh tomatos,small purple onion, jalapino 1 small,1/4 cup of fresh calintro,and 1/2 cup of water, salt to taste....blend......really good and no fat........Nicki congrats on the weight everyone....Hey Vickie see ya'll alligator............

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Great news Vickie,

    Hummm, now where are Cheri and CY and beth and NS

    I tell ya what I have been popping in all day long and I could help but make up these lyrics to the tune of Hokey Pokey:

    We log right on
    We log right out
    We log back in
    And check it all about
    And then You do the boardaholic
    And you log in all over again
    That’s what CG’s are all about

    Yea, call me crazy.....can't stay away!!!
    Hugs to all Madison
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    hokey my roller skates out...we used to do that on roller skates at the rink...