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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Hey Jasmine...I put my big girl panties on and dealt with it...whew.
    Great I have that song stuck in my head LOL! I'm as bad as you though...popping in and out to hear news on everyone.
    Wish all our missing girls would check in...gonna bug Cheri again in a few minutes before I go home. a while crocodile...
    love to ya all
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Madison are you singing that song to me. I swear I have been here 7 or 8 times this morning looking for results.

    Z-glad to see your meeting went well last night.

    Vickie-we all knew you would be NED but I know appointments can get everybody pretty worked up. Congrats on the NED.

    Cheri-where are you missy? Are you off with Ed? That slumber party would have been fun last night. We could have really played some tricks on the ones that turn in to bed so early. If I lose my job cause I keep coming to the boards so much its going to be your fault just so you know. You might have to take me in and all my animals. Dont forget I have 2 of your favorites,,,rat terriers!!!

    Adrionna-a nurse with no brain,,now thats scary.

    Speaking of nurses sure hope Shel is having a good day today. It will take a bit to get back in the swing and boy will she be tired until then.

    Robin-Where are you missy? If I start now I can be there before dark so you better be checking in.

    Nicki-Congrats on losing those pounds. Thats excellent!

    Lisa-hows the fingers oh I mean hipples doing?

    CY-I cant believe that about your biopsy! Might need to take Deb up on her offer of calling them. Something tells me I wouldnt want Deb on my bad side,,lol.

    Shokk-the salsa sounds great. I love salsa on lots of things.

    Jan-sorry about your caregiver. I bet your sis will get a hold of her and give her an ear full.

    Speaking of ear full did ya'll see on CNN about the little boy with the earache and come to find out he had 2 spiders in there. Can you say yuck? That makes my ears itch.

    Liz-sorry about the whatever it is you found in your boob. Get it checked for peace of mind anyway.

    odalys-suspense is killing me. I cant wait to see what it is you mailed.

    Margaret-congrats on the weight loss. WW does work thats for sure.

    Beth-hoping everything is ok with you.

    Sherndon-hope your teacher appreciation day is going well and that you enjoyed your lunch.

    Biker-yep did all the laundry and folded and put up,,she was a sweety. You all know how much I hate laundry.

    Shirley-no smoking is tough no doubt but you are doing it. Congrats! Proud of you.

    Yesterday I was at baseball practice waiting for Tucker to get done and talking to SO on cell phone. She was driving home and was almost home. We keep talking and then I hear OH my GOSH,,every animal we have in the pasture is out, let me call you back. Talk about helpless. There I am at the ball field and she is rounding up 4 donkeys and 7 goats cause 2 of the smaller goats are in another pasture. Luckily practice ended right then and we flew home. She calls and says got them all in but Molly and Mazer and cant find them. Its not every day you lose 2 donkeys ya know. I said we are almost there. She then calls back and says found them and dont turn in the driveway keep driving down the road. There they were about a mile down the road just grazing and enjoying themselves. Tucker took the bucket of grain and we got the halter on Molly cause we knew Mazer would just follow along. I followed behind them in the truck and felt like I was in a parade. Luckily not alot of neighbors but it was going home time for people so 3 cars went by on the little road. They were all just smiling away so glad we gave somebody a smile. They went right inside the pasture with no problem once they got walked back home. It was a sight I must admit with SO and Tucker walking the donkeys down the road. Where is the camera when you need it? One of the goats has learned to open the gate we now know so had to fix that little problem. Life is never dull!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Amy, Oh my, we have a goat that learned to break out!!! Whew, glad our animals are all okay.

    I forgot to tell all our teachers: HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!!!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
    Vickie: Glad ALL WENT WELL!! NED!!

    Madison: Love the song...however, I will be singing it in my head all night now!

    Shokk: Are you Mexican? My future daughter in law is half mexican and I've learned a couple fast and easy Salsa recipes from her! I love Mexican Food!

    Amy: You lost Mazer???? Glad all are accounted for!

    Alwayshope: Hello to you!!

    Z: Forgot to tell you that I love the picture of the praying hands. I wonder if I can copy it? If anyone knows please let me know how....

    Robin: Where are Youuuuuuuuuu! I think TN is only about 12 hours from I have to come find you?

    Cheri, Beth, NS: Hello.....anybody home?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Afternoon ladies. Well I'd taken notes and then I got some phone calls so the notes don't really matter. I just want to thank all of you for your well wishes & prayers. I still need them. My oncs office finally called back. They don't have the results from the MRI yet today but even if they get them it won't do me any good because my onc is out on tuesdays. So no brain MRI results til tomorrow. GRRRRR Then my ppo from here in town called and told me my blood test results came back from yesterday and my potassium level was so low he didn't know why I wasn't sick. So he called in a rx. I asked how the rest of it looked and he said the potassium was just so outrageous that even the bad didn't look so bad on the rest of it. But he wants to talk to me and re-do the bloodwork on friday. I told him I had ankle surgery next week and he said they wouldn't even do surgery with bloodwork like this. Amber went on her lunch break from work and just picked them up for me. She brought them in and said I needed to start taking them right now, she had tears in her eyes and I told her it wasn't that big of a deal and she said the pharmacist told her to get me on those pills right now and another dose before bed. So instead of waiting til she picked up the kids she brought the meds on out here. Bless her heart. She is so scared. That bc really worked on her and right after my first chemo last year is when she lost her infant son to SIDS.
    Anyway, guess I need those prayers more than ever. I don't know anything except my bloodwork is bad. I'm thinking if that's bad then my Brain MRI results might not be good. No. Everything is going to be alright because I can't take much more.

    ans I NEED a cigarette!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Cheri: Sounds like you electrolyes are off. Remember when you had all that vomiting and diarrhea for so many day? That could very well be why the potassium is low. Sending hugs your way. Lots of good foods high in Potassium. Potatoes, Oranges, Grapefruits, Bananas, Advocado's.

    Amy: OMG! Mazer got out. All I can say is!


    Shokk: I love Salsa. And its on my diet. I like mine spicey hot! Would be great over an omelet! Which I am making everyday for breakfast!

    Denise: My dexascan was today. That was the easiest test I have had in along time. Im pretty well sure its gonna show osteopenia or osteoporosis so Im not freaking out. That I can deal with.

    Marsha: When is your last chemo. I hated that darn decadron.

    Well, my time is up. Just want to say hello to everyone. This new life style is interfering with my computer fun!!

    I went for my usual walk this morning. Its very nice as the neighborhood is quiet. I live near a school yard and the sun had just risen and was shining on the grounds. It had a misty look, like in your dreams. Anyways for one moment I pictured myself as a little girl playing in the school yard. I actually remembered certain moments. It was also funny cause as I was walking there were lots of hop skotch squares chalked on the sidewalk. And of course if you made it to the top - they had written "Your Queen." So thats my story for the day. See ya in the morning.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Hugs Cheri-

    One of the forms of potasioum that is the most easily absorbed by the body if from bananas. When mine was low they told me if I took my suplements WITH a banana, my body would get more out of the pills, plus there is the natural potasium from the banana.

    Act like a monkey LOTS of Bananas

    Hugs and prayers coming your way
    Deb C
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Cheri-glad you checked in. Sorry about the bloodwork and I know waiting for results really sucks but no cig missy, I remember you saying you had beat them. Smoke a banana, hows that? Low potassium can make you feel tired and you have felt that alot lately. Lets see, you can have banana milkshakes, frozen bananas, banana pudding, aww the list goes on. How many bananas can Cheri eat?

    ok I googled and came up with this for you.

    Weakness, tiredness, or cramping in arm or leg muscles, sometimes severe enough to cause inability to move arms or legs due to weakness (much like a paralysis)
    Tingling or numbness
    Nausea or vomiting
    Abdominal cramping, bloating
    Palpitations (feeling your heart beat irregularly)
    Passing large amounts of urine or feeling very thirsty most of the time
    Fainting due to low blood pressure
    Abnormal psychological behavior (depression, psychosis, delirium), confusion, or seeing or hearing things (hallucinations)

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Wow, Cheri, I think Nicki is were sick for a number of days (if not a week) and I bet that is what has your blood work abnormal....Sending you a big hug.
    Cheri, You are now one of inspirations for not smoking are strong!!!
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Howdy girls,
    Just got home from work, so I need to go back and do some reading.

    I have griped before about waiting for 3 weeks to get an MRI tomorrow, which I hope will help me decide which surgery I should have.
    So this afternoon I get a call from the office saying they need to cancel my appt for tomorrow and reschedule for next week. It didn't go well for them. I told her she couldn't do that , I had waited 3 weeks for this appt. I HAVE CANCER AND IT HAS BEEN 2 MONTHS SINCE I WAS DIAGNOSED SO YOU NEED TO CANCEL SOMEONE'S APPT WHO DOESN'T HAVE CANCER!!! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE.
    Well, you get the picture. She asked me to hold on while she called another location, and after a few minutes she got me in at another site that isn't too much farther away. Everything now is a trip to Miami, so it is about 75 - 90 minutes to most of the offices we have to go.
    I rarely behave that way, and I was very sweet and appreciative when she gave me the new appt. But sometimes you just have to raise a little hell.

    CY, this is nothing compared to you having to re-do your test, I know. It is truly scary that this kind of thing happens. Makes you wonder...
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    {{CHERI}} found these guys wanting to party tonight!
    So I said heck I know a lady that will take you and party all night long
    Praying for you sweetie! Puppy
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Cheri, big hugs! I can't believe they are making you do all this waiting. That's very frustrating!

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Cheri, extra prayers for you. I hope your next blood test is much better.

    Vickie, I am so glad you got such good news!

    Madison, where do you live? And thanks for the dreadful ear worm.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
    Okay, Cheri has checked in! Potassium way low...could very well explain some of the problems you've been having! Hugs and Bananas to you my Dear!

    ppd777: How aggravating..I'm so glad you persisted and won! I sometimes think all Onc offices should be staffed only by people that have "been there done that."

    Puppy: Dancing Bananas!!!! Love it!

    I AM GOING TO MAKE MYSELF GO FOR A WALK! NICKI, CAN YOU COME AND WALK WITH ME? I live in a beautiful, country setting, but believe it or not, I get bored walking down the same dirt road looking at the same scenery all the time! Gosh, it's so hard to be me!!!!

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007

    God Bless All of You!
    All My Love, Puppy
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
    Good Night to you Puppy! And good night to all of you..

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Ugh, still at work .

    Cheri, your potassium must be low from all the diarrhea you had. You were sick for a very long time. I am praying this doesn't interfere with your annkle surgery! I can't believe you are still waiting for results!

    Vickie, Yay!!! NED!!!! That is wonderful. You must celebrate!

    Marsha, there's always room for another friend . I do hang out with a very silly bunch and we generally seem to have a really good time. These people don't even leave their camping spot. They just sit there and drink for days ! I, on the other hand, go out exploring for a while before I sit and drink, LOLOL!

    CY. I am so sorry you have to do your biopsy over again. That really sucks!!! Maybe they will find it before you have to do it again. I would raise a big stink if I were you. Like Deb said, go right to the top.

    Amy, your post brought back memories of chasing ponies for miles and miles when they would escape. Ponies are real stinkers! I'm glad Mazer and the rest of the gang are home safe and sound. Those goats are pretty smart!

    Z, beautiful words! Thanks for sharing with all of us. Angelica and Tina are in the inner circle.

    I didn't take notes, so that is all I can remember for now. Oh yeah, Karen in Denver, Happy Belated Birthday!! Hope it was a good one! I have to go now or boss man will get pi**ed at me . I will post tomorrow when I have more time.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007

    OH MY, almost went to bed without telling {SWEET VICKIE}
    I am soooooooo happy for you! Love Ya, Puppy
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    I do believe the stress of the day has caught up with me. I am once again ready for bed!! Would you believe that I haven't lost one pair of glasses or two pair of glasses but THREE pair!!! What the heck...I can't find them anywhere. One pair is for distance, one for reading and one are bifocals (that I can't see a stinking thing out of anyways). Geez.

    Cheri Cheri Cheri...banana's for you dear lady. Low potassium can cause you all kinds of grief. I remember you saying that you have some metal in your head...maybe that's what they saw on the scan and just didn't know it and all your symptoms are from the potassium...just a thought and I'm praying its a fact. Don't know if it's possible but we sure can hope. Really would like to kick your oncologist where the sun don't shine for making you wait yet another day. Hugs to you and to Amber. Such a sweet dear daughter you have.

    CY...No news on the missing biopsy? Gosh that really stinks and I'm so very sorry. I'll be there for the next one holding your hand. NOT FAIR!!

    Karen...hope your birthday has been a happy one...where are you? fair hiding on us...we worry about you too. update would be nice. Are you out in the woods digging a hole? You're supposed to wait for me you know LOL.

    Tricia...good for you...give em hell! I am so very fortunate with my oncologist. He is really great and always calls me immediately. He is big on "no stress" as is my dear sweet nurse Pat. She is an angel and has done so much for me.

    Jan...what the heck are you doing still at work!!! We have a cyber party to plan. We need to have a big silly one for all our ladies in the center to bring them some smiles.

    Madison...where are you? Buried under squares...I know that I am and I need to get busy!!! Still have that song stuck in my head LOL.

    Good night to Puppy (thank you and love you too Puppy) and Denise. (saving water bottles for you Denise but you have to tell us what you throw them at...I haven't thrown anything this week so far but the week is young LOL)

    Shirley...where are you hiding? Don't tell me your out in the woods with Robin! animal parade...LOL. I am glad that they were all found and ok. You never have a camera when you need it. I carry mine a lot but always seem to miss the good shots.

    Z...Angelica and Tina are right in the center with the rest of our girls who need the extra attention right now. Hugs to you.

    Shokk...where are you hiding tonight?

    NS...missing you too and hoping that you are feeling ok.

    Oh my I am tired and have lots of crocheting to do and laundry to take care of yet.
    Missed a bunch of you and I'm sorry...didn't take notes so I'm flyin by the seat of my pants here.
    HEY...I bought a new lawn mower today!!! Boy did I need one...2+ acres to mow is a lot and it's growing like crazy. Retail therapy! I charged it which was probably dumb but cheaper in the long run than paying someone to do it.
    Might be back but if I don't know that I love ya all and I am so very grateful for this wonderful circle we have here.
    hugs and love to all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Gina's Circle Girl video for those who need it today
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Vickie-- did you just call Cheri a 'metal head'??? ROFLMBO!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Thanks to all of you for the kind words and well wishes. I'm about at my wits end here. I refuse to smoke. I will not smoke. I am a non-smoker. I refuse to let a few little medical problems cos me to pick up a cigarette after 26 days. (But..I sure would like to have one)

    I'll survive this, I forgot to mention to the ppo that I'd had diarrhea for over a week. I bet that's what caused this. I dunno....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Jazmanian, I don't know where Vickie got the idea that I had metal in my head! I have it in my upper left arm and lower right foot/leg. If memory serves me, I did go through the "metal head" phase at some point. No, maybe that was my brother.

    Good night ladies. I think I'm just going to go to bed. Yep, this early. I may be back, tho.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    One day a mother died.

    And on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of her bedroom, the daughter was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't any more.

    No more hugs, no more lucky moments to celebrate together,
    no more phone calls just to chat, No more "just one minute"

    Sometimes, what we care about the most goes away.
    never to return before we can say good-bye, Say "I Love You."

    So while we have it . .
    it's best we love it . .
    And care for it and fix it when it's broken and take good care of it when it's sick.

    This is true for marriage .... and friendships ..

    And children with bad report cards;
    And dogs with bad hips;
    And aging parents and grandparents
    We keep them because they are worth it,
    Because we cherish them!

    Some things we keep --
    like a best friend who moved away or a classmate we grew up with.
    There are just some things that make us happy, No matter what.

    Life is important, and so are the people we know And so, we keep them close!

    I received this from someone today
    who thought I was a 'KEEPER'!

    Then I sent It to the people
    I Think of in the same way!

    Now it's your turn to send this to all those people
    who Are "keepers" in your life!

    Thank you very much
    For being a special part of MY Life!

    Thank you all!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Hi girls. Vicki, not hiding. Spending the day with my daughter and grands.
    Cheri, UGH!!!Why the heck don't these damn doctors get it. I mean really, is it going to take more than a minute out of their day to call someone and get the results. Geez Louise.

    CY, I so can't believe you are having to deal with this either. O my gosh. Heads should be rolling. And to make you wait another week before they redo...totally unacceptable.

    ok enough ranting. Hubby got his staples out today. He is much happier this evening.
    I had the pulmonary function tests. Ouch, it hurts when they stick that itty bitty artery in your wrist. But, the good news is, tech said their is nothing wrong with my lungs. Yehaw. So back to square 1 on why I can't breath properly. Hmmmmm maybe I'm imagining it?
    Also got a call from bone doc. She said my dexa looked good, much improved. I said Ummmmmmm the report I got didn't look much improved. Just looked like the issues switched from spine to hip. She said "O you have a copy of the report". I said of course I do. Doesn't everyone get a copy of their reports? Anywhos she said the numbers are only one part of the evaluation and not the sole thing the use to determine treatment. Well duh I know that. So told her my onc wanted to talk to her about me getting Aredia. She doesn't think it is necessary. so as I said before. gonna let them duke it out.
    Daughter leaving to get her hair done. I'm on babysitting duty. See you at bed time.
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited May 2007
    Aw Cheri, I know you're upset about the ankle surgery being put off, but like the doc said, they wouldn't do it anyway, so don't get crazy. Now why is your bloodwork so awful?...NO to the cigarette! That's just gonna make everything worse...Please...get thee to the center...

    Update...Beth is recuperating from yesterday's double mast...very sore...running a low fever...that's not cool...she's been up and out of bed a bit, but feels like she's been hit several times by a truck...she's still in the hospital; she had some trouble coming out of anesthesia and I believe there was some issue with an inordinate amount of breast tissue. I'm sure she'll explain everything when she can get here...just keep the prayers and well wishes going...she sounds good...not as strong as usual, but still with a sense of humor and always optimistic...and she sends everyone her love...I have the phone # at the hospital. Send me a pm if you'd like the number. She is shutting the phone off to sleep, so no need to worry about waking her...xo
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    Karen just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday!

    Sorry I haven't been able to get to all you you lovely ladies. My head is just swimming.

    I am furious! I talked to the nurse in radiology and she was unaware of why I had to do the biopsy after I had just had one. So I enlighted her! and she's furious too! She went to her boss who called me and she is furious! She was able tell me that the biopsy samples went to pathology and that's as much as she knew. She did say there was a big time investagation into this and I would hear from someone else soon.
    I did get a call from the head of pathology and as best he can guess the samples where in the lab and someone place something over it and during the shift change it got thrown out! WTF! They knew on Thursday that they had lost it and they tried 6 times to reach my Onc, who was out of town! they then called the head of the cancer center and left a message for him! No one got to me until Monday when my Onc's nurse got back from vacation and went to check on the path report and found out it was missing!
    The path guy said they are having lots of meeting over this and that everyone was going to know my story and how this is affecting me! If only they really knew! I can't see straight! I'm so mad!
    The Cancer center is one of the best around so I really don't understand this. I'm going to make some more calls tomorrow!
    Oh they said that all the billing for the last biopsy has been marked DO NOT CHARGE THE PATIENT!

    Ok, rant over for now!

    Cheri, Honey low pottasium can explain a lot of the symptoms you were and are having! Not smoking is a really good thing at this point! Eat lots of bananas, kiwi, apricots, Drink OJ and Gatorade!
    I sure hope the will still do the surgery, but I understand they want the levels to come up first!

    By the way those horse pills are something else aren't they!

    Prayers & Hugs to all!

    I LOVE you!
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Mena, thank you for the update on Beth.

    CY, I would be looking to ring somebody's neck!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Dear dear CY-

    OMG...I am just seeing red! I can NOT believe you have to go through this. Of course you should not have to pay for the last biopsy or the next one….If I were you, I would be talking to a lawyer. I am NOT one to say people should sue…in fact, just the opposite, but this is such and egregious error that a mere “Ooops, we’re sorry…do over” is just flat not acceptable. And I would want a WAY better explanation that “someone threw it away”!

    I had a series of very big mistakes made in our local lab and imaging center. My samples from my biopsy were “misplaced” overnight and my Dx was delayed for 2 days, as well as a bunch of other mistakes and missteps….but WAY less than what you are going through. I didn’t stop yelling until I was sitting in the office of the CEO of the hospital. The good thing that came out of it is that policies and procedures were changed to make sure that it would NEVER happen again. Then, and only then did I tell the CEO I was not suing. I ended up with written apologies from everyone I had contact with in the department, from the receptionist to the Radiologist and they reversed all my personal charges, all the insurance charges and then gave me a refund for my insurance premiums for that month, and they were thrilled that was all I asked for. I was also asked to sit on a committee to oversee changes in customer care at the hospital.

    I guess I am sharing this to let you know you are not alone, and that you need to really stand up for yourself. I honestly meant it when I offered to make calls for you. I know with all the stress you have on the medical end of things that you probably don’t want to deal with this crap too…

    Oy-vey…this kind of stuff just shouldn’t happen. I am sending you hugs and lots of prayers. I wish I could make some of this easier….

    Deb C
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007
    Cheri - your symptoms likely were due to the low potassium. The cyst may just be an incidental finding and not really causing your symptoms. My sister ended up in the hospital last December because of low potassium. She was given supplements and had some of her medications changed and she is doing fine now. Do you take medication for high blood pressure - some of them don't mix very well with a sick stomach. Don't smoke - you have done so well so far.

    CY - I still think they should not charge you for either biopsy. They should all have to undergo the procedure so they don't lose another one!

    Mena - Thanks for the update on Beth. I was getting worried.

    Good night all,
