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  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    Trica, thank you I plan on making everyone accountable on this one!

    Mena good to see you! Thanks for the update on Beth!
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited May 2007
    Just a quick check in.

    See we got some news from Beth.

    Cheri, potassium that is very low can cause really some bad things to happen. I am sure that is what the pharmacist told your daughter and why they would not put you to sleep for surgery. Serious stuff!!! Makes you feel bad too - no energy at all. Mine was a low enough several years ago that I got a darn good lecture on how serious it was and all that could happen because of that.

    Cy- just a thought but they should not charge you when you have another biopsy either!!!! Not after all they have put you through. This is totally incompetent; when samples are sent to lab/pathology they have tags and any idiot should have seen they were disposing of a new specimen. Someone's head should roll over this.

    Karen - a little late but sending Birthday Wishes to you. Hope you enjoyed the day.

    Not sure if any of the CG's are living close to the areas in Missouri that are in risk of flooding. Sure hope not. Missouri has been hit hard with ice storms and now this this year.

    Amy, glad to know all the animals are once again in the coral. I can believe the goat found a way to open the gate. Smart and cute little fellows.

    Vicki, did you take the other job?? If you said, I missed it.

    NS, if I remember correctly you have another treatment tomorrow. Sending you lots of hugs.

    Good night all. Brenda
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    Debby great bananna pictures. dancing banannas yet!

    Madison, don't quit your day job and try to make it as a song writer.

    Vicki, I'm assuming your visit with onc was good.

    Where's Robin. I keep trying to call her. Let's all send her psychic hugs.

    Shirley, a happy hubby means much less stress.

    Amy, I love the story about the animals. I can't tell you how much I would love to live someplace like that.

    Cheryl that's why we fight for everyday we can.

    cheri, i'm still holding your hand, hon!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    so for tomorrow
    Tricia breast MRI, Marsha-Chemo and Boo - periodontal surgery.

    Good luck all. Right now it looks like Thursday we can all sleep in.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2007
    Vickie, congrats on your results. See, you worried for nothing.

    Cheri, sorry you aren't getting results today. Fingers crossed for good results tomorrow. I agree with everyone else concerning your potassium levels. Don't give in to the tobacco craving - go brush your teeth - you are doing awesome.

    Nicki, I have an omelette every morning too - that way I get my veggies in and I use the eggbeaters - WW friendly.

    Madison, you are too funny.

    Mena, thanks for the update on Beth. How are you doing?

    CY - get mad and let them know how mad you are. It does help. They cancelled my bilateral/free tram the afternoon before my surgery because some ninkompoop booked a day clinic surgery room instead of the hospital operating room and by the time they realized it, the BS and PS couldn't get an operating room. I called Patient Relations, my husband made a few calls and bottom line is that they gave me a private room for the 6 days I was in the hospital, they were going to pay for any penalties my sister would have incurred if she changed her flights, they paid for my husband's parking fees, and I have robes and tote bags with Stanford all over them.

    Missing lots of ladies tonight. It's hot and I'm tired from not sleeping. Have a good evening all.


    P.S. My auction raised almost $20k after expenses for underprivileged kids in my county - makes you feel good to give back, especially when it's going to kids.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007
    Good evening CG's - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for all the warm birthday wishes. It really made my day to see them all. I started the day out tired as I did not sleep the best again last night - tried a different sleeping pill - Terazadon and it was only so-so. Was feeling weeping and crying at almost anything. DH and I talked about how I was feeling and that helped a little. Treated myself to a manicure - first one is years and years - its been so long that I don't remember when it was (but then again, I don't remember much these days)!. Then went and ran some errands. Went shopping at my favorite store - Goodwill and bought two tops and a skirt for less than $11.00 (all name brand and like new), then went to Target to get a new watch for $12.99 - pink strap with large oval face - easy to see and fun to look at. I have a good watch, but it is hard to see in certain light even with my glasses!! Hubby and big kids gave me a pair of jade earrings and purple sandles (they are so cool). Miriam - my 9 year old bought her own gift with her own money - a collage frame that says family all over it. Last year she gave me a "mom" frame with a family picture from the summer before my diagnosis - its sits on the kitchen counter. The 4 of us went out for dinner and now hubby is off to Canada till Friday afternoon. My son took the day off work so he could eat dinner with us and he even gave me a big hug before he went to school this morning. College daughter called me during the day to wish me happy birthday. This birthday is so much better than last year as I was in the middle of my chemo and had #3, 4 days before my big 50. But then why was I blue? This moving on is just so hard. I think right now, I am feeling quite angry about the whole thing - breast cancer, side effects, carpel tunnel surgery because of the AI's and on and on. We got a magazine at the health food store and they were talking about ways to decrease risks of BC and I did everything right - it just made me start crying. Damn it - I shouldn't have gotten BC - AND neither should you, all my BC sisters. None of us should have!!! Damn it!!!! As Deb says - we are all beautiful!!! Finished reading Chicken Soup for the BC Survivors Soul - there was a beautiful line in one of the last stories. A DH kisses his wifes scar and tells her that he loves the scar because without the scar, he would have lost her. That brought tears to my eyes. It made me re-think my body and say that yes, I do have scars, and it is not the most beautiful body naked, but the scars are from taking out the cancer (okay and some other organs as well). It made me think that I need to get a more positive attitude - okay, I know its easier said than done.
    Cy - I am so sorry that you are having to do the liver biopsy over again. Glad to hear that atleast the lab is trying to take some responsibility for it. I sure hope that you can still get your massage on Saturday. thank you for posting the "friendship" post.
    Z - thank you so much for posting the Maya Angelou poem. It is so beautiful.
    Vickie - glad all went well with onc visit. glad you posted the link for Gina's pics - it was fun to watch them again. HAve fun with your new lawn mower.
    Nicki - did you get the dexa scan today?
    Marsha - how did your pre-chemo visit go?
    Denise - loved the "hokey pokey"
    Amy - so glad to hear that all the 4 legged family members got home safe and sound.
    Trish - glad that you were able to still have your MRI as scheduled, but sorry to hear about the hassles and having to travel farther.
    Mena - thanks for the update on Beth.
    Cheri - hope the next round of blood work is just where it is supposed to be. Eat those bananas!!!! I hope that you can get your ankle surgery sooner than later. I know how much you have been looking forward to getting it done. Sending hugs you way for good MRI results.
    Cy, Madison, Vickie, Marsha, MB, Sue, Denise, and everyone else, thank you again for the wonderful birthday wishes. The wishes helped to make my day very special. 51 is going to be a better year than 50!!!! Sending hugs and good wishes to all my BC sisters for feel good days, and good test results. Karen in Denver
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007

    I just noticed the b'day cake next to my name. How cool. My post was so long that losts of posts were posted while I was writing. CG's - I get the journal, Women and Cancer. For some reason, I get multiple copies. I have one left from winter 2006 and 3 from spring 2007. If you would like me to mail you one, please pm me. The first 3 or 4 people I hear from, they are yours for the asking. I will put them in snail mail, book rate, so they may be slow in coming. Again thanks for all the b'day wishes. Karen in denver

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Here I am ex came by to visit with the daughter......we actually get along alot better now that we are divorce......go figure........he did manage to give me two beautiful girls......for that I will always be grateful.....well I understand that Vickie has started a hot love affair with someone named NED......becareful he goes out with alot of other women in the circle....with more on his dance list....its just a matter of time.....congrats Vickie......Cy I cannot even express the feelings I have about your situation.....I do want you to know though that one of my all time favorite pics was of you in the er with that santa hat on laying on that gurney......your hair was braided in so cute.....anyway just want to pop in and say good night...Happy Birthday Denise I am not mexican just here in Texas there is no clear line between the two cultures....we all are pretty much just tex-mex.....I think its alot like Cuba and South Florida.....two cultures that just intertwine.......I hope everyone sleeps thru the night....Cheri sweetheart follow all the docs will get that ankle fixed soon....NS will be thinking of you tomorrow.....Beth will also hoping a speedy recovery.......good night sweet sisters.......Vickie see ya later alligator........

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited May 2007
    hi ladies,
    oh my gosh i have been just so busy here.... ok i finished my college course and pulled off a A- didnt do as well as i would of liked but i can live with that!!!
    its thunder and lighening here tonight... i love the spring smells!!! I have a beautiful nanking cherry tree just full of pink blossems!
    there are way to many post to catch up on but now that school is done i have more time
    my 15 yr old daughter is really giving me grief. she has been expelled from school till fall time!! within a week i have had to deal with the RCMP twice on two different issues! now she has to attend a sort of correspondance school where she does the work at home and can go in this place for help.... today i made her apply for a pt job in a grocery store as well... I guess its time to treat her like a adult??
    just hope she dont try to run away from home omg i would go crazy!!!!
    well before the power goes out i am going to sit on the porch and watch the storm....... ah i love good thunder storms
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    ok .......... i'm still having 'back to work, politically correct, syrupy sweet bullshit day lol' ........ but i digress!

    i'm not really sure who needs or asked about potassium (because i'm too sticky sweet and dripping from insincerity from my return to work 'welcomes' to actually read back
    here) ....... but i have to tell this kinda funny story.

    we used to get this man on our floor at least monthly ......always a different ailment, but he really was unbelievably unhealthy ........... he did however seem to LOVE being admitted to hospital.

    anyhow ........... on the last admission (that i recall) his potassium was way high (dangerously high) and we were giving him 'kayexelate' (a gritty, dirt like substance powder that tastes like hell and has to be mixed in fluids, but aides in dropping K+ (potassium) ..... he was a heart attack waiting to happen!

    long story short .......... his K+ just kept going up and up despite the kayexelate (potassium lowering med) and it was such a big'dilemna' for the docs and nurses etc. we were dumfounded ............!

    turned out that a new grad had been mixing his 'kayexelate' in orange juice and supplying him with 'spare' orange juice drinks in order to get him to comply with the potassium reduction therapy!


    moral of my goofy story is .......... drink your OJ (especially if you can gag it down WITH pulp)

    o/t ....... first day at work was something like 'chewing on tinfoil' for 8 hours ..........but in a stange way, i felt like a productive woman again for the first time in a veeeeeerrrrryyy long time!

    thanks for all the well wishes!

    i have to get up at 6am again (which i am in need of being acclimated to), so g'night girls!

    i love you all!!

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Jankay had a rough time of it today, can we wrap her up and put her in the middle for a bit, I’m sure she will be better once her sister arrives, she’s looking forward to the visit.

    Tricia: Good luck with the breast MRI, you'll be on my mind
    Cheri: I learned a long time ago because I've always had blood pressure issues - too much or too little potass is not good, can cause tons of other issues. Be cautious.
    Marsha- I'll be thinking of you and holding your hand tomorrow
    Boo - Any kind of surgery sucks, hang tough.
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Beth, glad to hear she’s up and about.
    Cy: I would be pissed, maybe there will be a new Cy Cancer Center wing to make up for the botch.
    Tracey: Congrats on your A!!
    Shel: Friday is on the way!!
    Shokk: Hey there! Wassup?
    MargaretB: Wishing you loads of sleep
    Susan: Thanks for keeping us up to date, you are priceless.
    To: Brenda, Sue, Deb C, Mena, Denise, Vickie, Madison, MB, Nicki, Puppy, Robin, Lisa,
    Liz, odalys, Sherndon, Biker, Shirley, Amy, Karen, and any one I missed image You all are with me all day!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    OK ladies...need to pick your brains. I am making buttons to sell at relay so far I have:

    Choose Hope

    Cancer Sucks

    Some days you will not have a song in your heart. Sing Anyway.

    No surrender

    What else should I make buttons too say? I can add clip art or just colored backgrounds. Do you have any t-shirt or button sayings that you think might sell??

    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Yes, I am up at this ridiculous time. It is 4:30am here in the Chicagoland area. Too late to go back to sleep and too early to be up! But here I am, hoping I can catch up.

    pbd: I am so gald you were persistent. Having to wait another week would have been sheer torture. Good luck with the test today.

    Denise: I would love to go for a walk with you. I bet we would be talking so much we would walk miles without realizing it. I dont know how to explain it. The walking bug has just hit me. Its fun. Even when I go to the store, I park in the furthest place possible. I think wearing a pedometer all day has given me my motivation. Trying to see how many steps I can walk each day. Maybe pretend the dirt road is really the Yellow Brick Road.

    HYPOKALEMIA: Thats the medical term for low potassium. The symptoms include muscle weakness, flaccid paralysis, cramping, and leg discomfort. So Cheri, Im hoping all the symptoms your having are related to the low potassium and not the brain cyst. Most common cause is from excessive diarrhea. The purpose of potassium it to make the nerves and muscles function properly.

    CY: What a nice post. Its says what I am trying to do. Enjoy each day, appreciate the little things. Cherish memories and delight over new adventures. Im living today like there is no tomorrow. Losing those samples is just complete incompetance. Saying "Im sorry here" just isnt enough. No one should have to go through what you are going through. If I were you, I would also go to the CEO of the hospital. Heads need to roll here. Someone needs to be written up. Things like this, just shouldnt happen. Im so angry I could spit fire.

    Sherloc: Im not sure if those were good or bad results from the dexascan. Pretty confusing to me. But between the lines I think I did read, showed improvement. So congratulations on that.

    PurpleMB: My goodness. It seems like I havent talked to you for days. Hoping everything is going well at your end of the circle. This exercising and dieting is keeping me way too busy.

    Brenda: This is a strange world we live in. Flooding in Missouri and here in Chicago its dry dry dry. They keep saying rain and it keeps passing us by. I have had to water my flowers twice a day now. My husband told me last night you dont trust the weather report? It was supposed to rain last night. Well I watered the flowers anyways and guess what. It didnt rain!

    MargaretB: Well after 1 1/2 weeks, Im getting used to eating breakfast. On South Beach, eggs are allowed. My DH made some sugar free jello last night with low fat cream cheese. My goodness, now that satisfied my sweet tooth. Im anxiously waiting until next Monday when I can have a nice glass of wine. Im switching to Dago Red.

    Karen: Well it sounds like you had a nice birthday. Im finding it very hard with my anniversary dates. So I can understand why you are feeling blue. I say forget the sleeping pills. My PCP changed me to Celexa and Seroquel. The Celexa for depression and the seroquel to help calm down all my endorphins that were going crazy. Now I sleep like a baby - except when my husband it watching TV in the middle of the night. I did have the dexascan. Will know the results Friday. Not concerned about it. I figure at age 57, Im bound to have some osteoporosis. They scanned my spine, pelvis and right hip. The tech told me they determine what hip to scan based on if you are right or left handed. Apparently the opposite hip is weaker for some reason.

    Tracey: When it comes right down to it, an A is an A! You did great on your management course. Now onto the next one. What the heck did your daughter do to get expelled? I think our school systems are being too strick with this. Sending you a big hug.


    Shel: Im sitting here laughing my arse off at your high potassium story. Thats just too funny. Giving it with orange juice. Glad your first day back was good. Its feels good being productive again.

    Z: I have had blood pressure issues since my 30's. Im on a potassium sparing diuretic. So I have to be careful to watch out for high potassium instead of low. Hope you have a great day.

    Marsha: Good luck with your chemo today. I promise you, once its over, things get much better. Yesterday I drove with all my windows open again. Have to appreciate hair blowing in the wind this year. I came home and told my husband I look windblown. He says, you look like you just got your hair styled. Go figure. I spend all this time in the morning trying to do something with this mop, and wind blown is the look! Big Sigh! We will certainly be with you today - tell that chemo to kick butt.

    Colleen: Ahahaha so the "Divine Hour" is actually related to REM sleep. Hmmmm I much prefer the group REM.

    Well its time for me to go. Plan on walking a mile this morning. So I need to start breakfast. Saying hello to


    And anyone else that I missed. Hope you have an absolutely wonderful day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Nicki..good morning sunshine sister. May you were up early! I actually thought I overslept as it is so light out this morning. Had a gorgeous day yesterday and another one today! Yippee


    Well...what can I say...sending smooches to everyone this morning and that just about how I look LOL.
    Mena...thank you for the Beth update. Hope her temp goes down and the pain subsides. I will try to give her a call today and if you talk to her send her my love. How are you? We worry about you too you know!
    Karen...hugs and love to you too. Sounds like your birthday had some ups and downs but was a good one over all. Yes our scars define us...I can look at my scars now and say they are my battle scars and I won. I don't like them but I surely wouldn't have like the alternative!
    Cheri...if that pokey doctor doesn't call you today I'm gonna have to take a road trip with my water bottles and teach him a lesson about stress! All will be well and hugs and love to you and Amber.
    Jankay...where are you? You know we love you here. We are wrapping our arms around you and working on bringing you a smile. Hope your caregiver shows up and takes care of you or you have a new one that won't let you down.
    Deb...these two are my favorites
    Some days you will not have a song in your heart. Sing Anyway.
    No surrender
    but I like all four. I will see what I can come up with. You are the bestest.
    Shel...back into the working world again. I'll send you a pm a bit later.'s about time you checked in. I love thunder and lighting storms too and me and Nate always sit on the porch and watch the lightning dance around the sky. We get some pretty big ones in this valley. Had one on the day of DD bridal shower and a bolt of lightning came down and hit a tree stump near my driveway...can you say YIKES...everyone went running for the door. It was amazing...a huge ball of white fire. Scared the bejeezes out of me!
    Z...thanks for letting us know about Jankay...Hope her day goes better today. Sending you wishes for a good day too.
    CY...I just don't even know what to say except I wish I were there to give you a hug.
    Gotta fire up the magic carpet for Boo's periodontal surgery, Marsha's chemo and Tricia's MRI...don't worry girls cuz we will all be with you all day.
    Nate has a yucky cold...poor guy. I sooo hate it when he is sick. There has been a nasty cold going around for a couple of weeks and I thought we had missed it but no such luck.
    They are delivering my mower today! I am so excited. (ok so I'm easy to please). I have no idea how to operate the thing so I'm gonna have to call the neighbor or read the book to figure out all the features LOL. Wish me may see me on America's Funniest Videos mowing a path down the center of the road.
    Sorry to all I missed but I love ya all and i'll check in later. a while crocodile!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Vickie: Good morning sunshine sister. This is just for you.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    then my sis called and she missed her flight. she got another flight and it was delayed.

    instead of getting home about 7, jacob didnt get home until midnight. he was ok but on that almost deserted college campus.

    since he is homw, it will be a good day
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    NS: Where the heck are you? Missing your posts and wondering how you are doing. Im looking for you.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Hey Deb-

    When life hands you lemons, get out the tequila and salt!

    Love, Laugh, Live

    Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder.

    Toady is a gift. That is why we call it the Present

    Yesterday is HIstory. Tomorrow is a Mystery

    FRiends are kisses blown to us by Angels

    I'm still a hot babe - it just comes in flashes.

    I'm going to live until I die

    The best things in life aren't things.Women who behave rarely make history.

    Off to chemo, taxol which is so looooooong. Holding hands with Boo on her surgery and Tricia on her Breast MRI that she had fight to get! You go girl!!! You've waited long enough!!

    Have a great day everyone! Glad to hear about Beth.
    Hugs all around.......Marsha

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    good ones marsha

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2007
    Karen, sounds like you had a nice birthday.

    Tracey, my kids gave me grey hair. Hugs to you.

    Shel, glad you felt productive but sorry you had to endure the "chewing on tinfoil" syndrome for 8 hours. Hoping the job returns to normal soon.

    Nicki, I'm so impressed you are sticking to the South Beach and walking. You go girl.

    Jankay, hope today is better than yesterday.

    Vickie, have fun with your new mower.

    NS and Marsha, good luck with your chemo today.

    To everyone I missed, hope you have a perfect day. Temps dropped somewhat around here, should be around 80 rather than 90+.

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited May 2007
    GM, cgs. I have been feeling at a loss for words lately. Have been reading the daily posts, but can't seem to get myself to take notes. Motivation to accomplish things is just down the drain. Posting is hard for me right now.

    Doris, good that surgery is over. Hope you're healing well.

    Beth, same for you. Adding that I hope your temp returns to normal soon. Know you'll start feeling stronger every day.

    Cy, I know even know what to say. Except, "UNEXCEPTABLE!!!" Something like this has never happened to me, so I can't even come close to imagining how you must be feeling. With my fear of needles, I would be so incredibly angry.

    Cheri, take good care of yourself. Hope you have good news today.

    Shel, back to work, that's a good thing. It should be more normal now that you've gotten through your first day back.

    Vicki, yahoo. Now you can relax a bit. Enjoy your lawn mower.

    Robin, I hope you got the news you were looking for yesterday.

    Z, loved the poem. I think her words are so touching.

    Jankay, hope today is better for you.

    Tracey, an A-, I know it's not quite perfect, but jeez. it's pretty darn good. Be proud of yourself.

    At my mom's ortho appt yesterday we found out that she has cartillage damage in her left knee. It caused cysts to form on the back of her knee, the cysts are what are giving her so much pain. She is scheduled to have it scoped in 2 weeks.

    Yesterday was busy. Had Y x-classes in AM, mam's appt in afternoon, and was able to row with Pink Ribbon Crew last night. Have rowed since surgery in November. Could go yesterday, because it was moved to a Tuesday. I forgot how much I really enjoy being on the water. Rowed in a 4 man scull. That was really fun!!

    Well, my oldest DD became a but doctor Friday night. Got her Ph.D. in Entomology from Michigan State. Can we day proud mom. Youngest DS got his B.A. in English, too. It was a long day on campus Friday. One ceremony was at 4 and the other at 7 on the other side of campus.

    I don't know if I shared this before, If I did, please excuse the repeat. At my onc appt Monday, she strongly suggested genetic counseling. Another of my first cousins has been dx'd with bc. That now makes the rate of bc among my nine female cousins, 1 in 3. Way to high. she said that I should do it for my daughters. I know she's right, but I'm kind of dreading going through it. I want to know, and yet I don't want to know.

    I'm heading to my hometown today. My dad's sister died Sunday morning. She was 81, a bc survivor, and had Parkinson's. It was the Parkinson's that got her. I hate that disease. Five years ago it took my dad. their father had it, too. I find the prospect of Parkinson's scarier than a recurrance of bc. My aunt's funeral is at 10:30. I'm hoping that a classmate or two might be there. Dad's family is not at warm and welcoming as my mom's. Sometimes things get a little tense around them. My mom and my aunt's DH are the only two left from their generation, amd he has Altzheimers.

    This post has been a lot about me, sorry. I'll try to do better next time. Must remember to copy before hitting continue.

    Hugs, prayers, and healing to all.

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited May 2007
    Good thing I copied.

    Have a better than average day everyone.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    This story makes me VERY glad that I do not use chapstick...
    So, we had this great 10 year old cat named Jack
    who just recently died. Jack was a great cat and
    the kids would carry him around and sit on him and
    nothing ever bothered him. He used to hang out and nap all day long on this mat in our bathroom.

    Well we have 3 kids and at the time of this story
    they were 4 years old, 3 years old and 1 year old. The middle one is Eli.
    Eli really loves chapstick. LOVES it. He kept asking to use my chapstick and then losing it. So finally one day I showed him where in the bathroom I keep my chapstick and how he could use it whenever he wanted to but he needed to
    put it right back in the drawer when he was done.
    Last year on Mother's Day, we were having the
    typical rush around and try to get ready for Church
    with everyone crying and carrying on. My two boys
    are fighting over the toy in the cereal box. I am
    trying to nurse my little one at the same time I am
    putting on my make-up. Everything is a mess and
    everyone has long forgotten that this is a wonderful
    day to honor me and the amazing job that is
    We finally have the older one and and the baby
    loaded in the car and I am looking for Eli. I have
    searched everywhere and I finally round the corner
    to go into the bathroom. And there was Eli. He was
    applying my chapstick very carefully to Jack's . . .
    rear end. Eli looked right into my eyes and said
    "chapped." Now if you have a cat, you know that he
    is right--their little butts do look pretty chapped. And, frankly, Jack didn't seem to mind. And the only question to really ask at that point
    was whether it was the FIRST time Eli had done that
    to the cat's behind or the hundredth.
    And THAT is my favorite Mother's Day moment ever
    because it reminds us that no matter how hard we try
    to civilize these glorious little creatures, there
    will always be that day when you realize they've
    been using your chapstick on the cat's butt.

  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning, Circle Girls! I am slipping in to the circle this morning, clinging to my special afghan, wanting to lay down and suck my thumb and go to sleep. Ha.
    I have only been in and out and haven't had a lot of time to post properly, but I am beginning to get to know you better and love you more already! I thank you for your prayers and support. Today is the day I hear from my biopsies. I hope I am not worse than I thought because I heard my boss tell someone to say a prayer for me today cos I was going to hear from my "autopsy." At least he didn't put my chapstick somewhere it didn't belong! Thank you for reaching out your arms and keeping the wagons circled. You guys are the greatest. Going to look for my dance partner now.... want to make sure NED is still here! Blessings... Pam
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Laura, congratulations on the accomplishments of your children, I am sorry for the loss of your aunt.

    Thank you everyone for your well wishes and support for my MRI. This should get the ball rolling for surgery and whatever else comes next.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Pam!!! I am so happy to see you here. It's about time sweet lady. We are here with open arms and lots of love so stick around and I'll be your dance partner (along with many other girls too).
    B9 prayers being said for you!!!
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    I am so Happy!!
    now You can get right in the middle of the circle where we can take great care of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    once again young lady, You have made me cry Happy Tears!
    Love, Aunt Puppy

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    Pam, getting the fuzzy slippers for you so you can sit in the middle of this very loving circle with your feet up so we can take care of you...hugs...

    of back to work before I must beg on the street corners...
    hugs to all my friends
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007
    Good morning chicas.........well it looks like Pam is eyeing NED so Vickie you better watch out!!!!!Of course NED has a very wondering eye.....I see him looking over at Cheri but she is not paying any attention to him.........hope everyone had a good nights sleep.....DebC I wanted to thank you for the advice on the post its concerning the ocd......I got different colored ones for each day of the wk and when I would turn off the burner would write it down that I had turned off burner and the time and would not allow myself to recheck the stove....took about 7 days and broke the was just weird.....I would be worried even if I had not used the stove that morning......thats when I realized it was becoming a problem......anyway when I saw my pcp and told her what was happening and how one of my sisters had helped me she wrote everything down and thought it was a great DebC if you see your idea in a medical journal you'll know.......Hello to Vickie,Nickie, Denise,DebC,Susan,MB,Tracey,Cheri,Sherri,Puppy,Z,Tricia,Marsha,Liz,both Lisa's, ya'll.......Hey
    Vickie see ya later gator................................