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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Good morning ladies. Well. Today I should hear brain mri results. I've already called and left a message to call me back. I wiil continue to call every 30 min, until someone calls me back. I have to know. Several of you girls have mentioned that my symptoms might've been brought on by low potassium and I'm praying for that to be the case. I'm also praying I can get this potassium up by friday when I have an appt. with my ppo for bloodwork. I have always loved bananas but I have eaten sooo many since yesterday, and still eating them. I need to have Amber bring me more and some orange juice. I'm a nervous wreck this morning. It's one of those days where I carry my phone to the bathroom and everywhere else I go so I don't dare miss a call from the onc. Gosh, I hate this waiting! I have to watch myself so I don't get all worked up. I'm just going to stay calm and not smoke. Calm is power is what I've always said. It's not easy to live by that.

    CY, thanks for sharing your nice post with us and thank you for your kind words. I am just so sorry this biopsy thing happened to you. I wish they'd just find it so you didn't have to go through it again. I'd tell them since it was their fault you need another biopsy you want to be put out so it didn't hurt.

    Shirley, glad your lungs tested clear. So I wonder what's causing the breathing problems. You know since I quit smoking you'd think I could breathe so much better but actually I'm short of breath. Don't know why.

    Meaner, my ankle surgery isn't officially put off. I still have a chance if my next blood work comes back alright. Dennis has been after me to get this done for 2 weeks, but I knew it was going to hurt so i kept putting it off. I figured I'd just had bloodwork 6 weeks ago at the onc. so it'd be fine. I deserved the "I told you so" that i got. I just never thought anything would be wrong. So now it's a "Beat the Clock" kind of thing. My blood has to be right before I can go. But I have an onc appt, Monday and they'll do bloodwork again. So both dr.s are doing it. It might be handy if they would talk on the phone. How are you feeling?

    Suz, thanks for the kind words. It would be great if the potassium was responsible for my symptoms.

    Brenda, thanks. I wish the pharmacist just hadn't said anything to Amber yesterday. She and her family spent the night last night so I wouldn't be alone. She's called me twice today already to find out results.

    Susan....Thank You.

    Margarette, congrats on your auction resuts. You did great!

    Karen, I'm glad you had a better birthday.

    Tracey, hey you did good! Congrats on making the A in your course. I wish you good luck with the teen-age girl problem. Whew, I'd hate to go through that again.

    Shel, thanks for the story on potassium. Glad you felt productive yesterday. Hoping today goes well for you.

    Nicki, thanks for the info.

    Marsha, good luck at chemo today.

    Vickie, congrats on getting a new mower. We have about 3 acres that we mow as yard and the first day dh got his him and the GS rode around all over the place with the blades up cos it was too soon to mow.

    Jankay, so glad Jacob made it home safely. You enjoy your day with him.

    Laura, congrats on your childrens college graduations. You have bragging rights. Also, glad you enjoyed rowing.

    Vickie, very cute Mothers Day story.

    Pam, you're welcome to sleep in the Circle any time you want to. Glad to see you posting. Don't worry bout keeping up, it's pretty tough to do. I pray your biopsy results will be clear. I'm waiting on results too, it's a bitch, ain't it?

    Deb & Zaz, have a better than average day. In fact, have a wonderful day!

    It's pouring rain here today. Perfect napping weather but I want to be alert when the onc calls. And he WILL call cos I'm going to hound them to death. You know, they've lost the ability to feel much compassion. They know we are holding our breaths waiting for those results and they just see us a test result, no hurry. They forget that we have people who love us and that we want to live! And we want to be told that we are ok. Or even not ok, we just want to know! Well, it's time to leave another message.

    Gina, where are you? You know you are missed when you don't post. We worry about you.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    Hey girls...does anyone know what Beth's last name is? Could you pm me please...back to work!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    Cheri..sending up lotsa prayers for good news...back to work LOL!!!

  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited May 2007
    Thank you ladies for making me feel so welcome. These pink fuzzy slippers feel so good! Nice to share the burden. My boss went to deliver a truck a few minutes ago so I came back here to check in. Still no word from the biopsies and yes, cheri, waiting is indeed a bitch! You are all so busy and have so much going on in your lives. Thank you for taking the time to welcome me.

    Puppy....your little happy dance made me feel good. You know I love my "Aunt Puppy". So does Miles and I know my angel, Craig, is smiling.

    Vickie... eventually I get around to getting on board. Just feel a bit overloaded. Hope you all have a great day. Back to work and wait for me!!! Pam
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Thinking about Tricia getting her breast MRI, Marsha who is off to chemo and Boo having periodontal surgery. I missed the magic carpet this morning, but I’m sending hugs and good Ju-Ju to all of you

    Mena – Thanks for the update on Beth….how are you doing?

    CY – just sending you a hug. I promise not to start ranting about your missing biopsy…but I AM still angry for you. Take care of yourself and let us know how things go.

    Margaret- I am SO impressed you raised that much money with your auction!! Doesn’t giving back feel great? 80 to 90 degrees? When I here temps like that I KNOW why I love living in Alaska! That is something I don’t miss about MI…I lived in my air conditioning in the summer, never went outside.

    Karen – glad you had a good b-day…I SO understand the mixed feelings. Even before cancer I had a hard time when ”big” days rolled around…I too am really struggling with anger. I don’t think I really understood what real anger was before I had cancer…now I do. Even though I am doing well, even though treatment is done I still get waves of what I can only call pure anger. I can say that it is getting better. I’m glad you can see the good things in life too…big hugs

    Tracey – good to see you posting. Kids…you can’t live with them and you can’t lock them in the basement….what’s a parent too do? Hang in there. We don’t have thunder storms in this area of Alaska, and I miss them from when we lived in MI. We also don’t have tornados, DON’T miss them….

    Shel – Hey working woman Being productive feels good doesn’t it? Hope you didn’t kill the alarm clock when it went off this morning

    Nicki – I think it is just awesome that you sound so good…loosing weight, walking, planting flowers….life is good Sniff a posy for me today.

    Vickie – sorry Nate has the yucka-pucka. Tuck him in bed with a good book and a box of tissues…hope you can avoid catching it. Enjoy your new mower. My advice is to read the book! My DH bought us a new mower when we built this house. Since we mow a big area he decided on a riding mower…and since he is a man, he had to buy the biggest mower he could get his hands on….the thing is HUGE. Well, mowing has kind of become my job…I mow, he trims and we get done about the same time. I didn’t read the book and started driving this thing around and couldn’t figure out why it was not cutting very well. After a few rounds John was laughing at me. I stopped the mower and he walked over, and without saying anything, moved the lever to lower the cutting deck down so it would MOW!! Sheesh….I felt silly. I read the whole book that night I laughed SO damn hard about the cat butt joke!!! OMG I can SO see one of my kids doing that!! Best joke in DAYS…you make me LAUGH

    Jankay – thanks for the button idea. Sorry yesterday stunk…hope today is better. Enjoy your time with Jacob.

    Marsha – Thanks for all the button ideas! Wish I could send you a marching band or something to keep you entertained at chemo. Isn’t this close to your last one??? Are you going to have an end of chemo party? I had one at the hospital complete with a huge lunch and a chocolate fountain. We had a blast and really shook up the joint. Everyone came, including all the patients wheeling their IV poles around. It was kind of surreal, but a total blast….give it a thought. I was done with chemo last July and I still have people stop me and reminisce about it.

    Laura- I get at a loss for words sometimes and just read along. I hope you get feeling better soon. I have had the permission forms and paperwork for my genetic testing for weeks and I keep ignoring it…it doesn’t seem to be going away though. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now….sending you hugs.

    Hey Pam – good to see you and your blankie remember…every little thing is gonna be alright…Bob Marley promised Hope your “autopsy” results are good! And keep an eye on your chapstick. I’m sure NED is waiting just around the corner for you. Keep laughing hun….hugs

    MB – Good to see you. I am still so excited for PinkStock. Do you have any idea on a number yet? I’m working on a little something-something for all the ladies that attend and wonder how many I need….

    Shokk – glad my little tip helped with the ocd thing. I too was able to break the “habit” or what ever you want to call it. I have started down that same road with other things and have been able to short-circuit the impulse before it got bad. The whole thing kind of creeped me out too…I didn’t like the feeling that I wasn’t in control. I fear if I ever end up in a medical journal it will be for something Waaaaay weirder than that though LOL

    Cheri – Sending you a big hug. Waiting just sucks…no two ways about it. Don’t make yourself ill with the bananas! OJ and avocadoes are both good too.

    If any of you are up for a “taste” of Alaska today, you can check out this youtube video. WARNING!!! Kind of national geographic…not for the weak of stomach. It is a video taken about 60 miles form here of a brown bear that kills a moose in someone’s driveway and then is eating it. It will give you a little taste of the Not-so-Disney wildlife that is sometimes in my yard. We had a brown bear with a dead moose about a hundred yards from the house last spring…NOT fun.

    On that little “nature” note, I’m off to clean my kitchen. Sending hugs to everyone….
    Deb C
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Hey Jule – I don’t know How I missed your appt on the calendar….hope it went well
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    whoa Deb...I'd be packing a gun all the time up there!! I'd be afraid to let Nate outside. As it is I have to worry about the stinking coyotes but he's big enough now that they wouldn't be able to drag him off.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007

    Makes you think huh? Consider the fact that they estimate the moose weighs 1,000 pounds (at LEAST) and that bear just pulls it along like a cat pulling a mouse in the 2nd video. They said the bear was about a 9 foot is bigger than it looks in the video. I know this is not very politically correct, but I just hate having the bears around. They scare me. We have a momma bear with 2 little cubs killing dogs in this neighborhood this spring. When they get so they are not afraid of people and will come around houses it is really creepy. I’m back to carrying the shotgun to the chicken coop in the morning….

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007

    Oh my gosh....They just made the video "adults only" like it is porn or something! TOO funny. Now you have to sign in and say you are 18 to view it....

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2007
    Thank you for all the good wishes for my periodontal surg this afternoon. I had the rt side done last week and today is the lt side. I still hurt from last week and so do not want to go but I'm due there at 2;15. Oh well sooner done, sooner better.
    Just a quick flyby to say thinking of you all.
    CY - WTF!!!!! Sending you big hugs
    Cheri - tapping my feet and waiting impatiently with you.
    Traci and Marsha and anyone else having medical stuff today, wishing you a calm easy day.
    Got to run.
    Love to all,
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Hello to all the CG's!!
    This is me today! image
    I am so busy here at work, getting ready for a conference tomorrow.
    Hope I can get back soon.
    Have a beautiful day!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Sending everyone hugs...
    I'll be back later
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Good afternoon CG's

    Deb heres a few of my favorites..
    Life is full of choices...choose hope!
    Whether you are two breasted, one breasted or no breasted,,, its a two fisted fight!
    Beware...Chemo Brain (with a clip are of a funny dude.)
    Dont just survive..thrive!
    I didnt survive cancer to die of stress.
    I paid my oncologist big bucks for this hairstyle.
    My (aunt, brother, sister, mom, dad, uncle, sister, brother, son, daughter) is a hero! You get the idea.
    Survivor,,the ultimate reality show,,LIFE!
    I'm having a bad hair day.

    Z sorry you are so busy,,dont forget to take some you time.

    Madison-you must be busy also doing the fly by.

    Cheri-ok if you are calling every 30 minutes you have made alot of phone calls and still no news?!? Saddling up Mazer and about to head that way. Mazer is a bit high spirited so throw me a rope when you see my flying by.

    Shopmama-glad to see you stopping by. Pink slippers huh? Sounds like royal treatment if you like pink.

    Mena thanks for the beth update now get yourself back in here!

    Sue-hope the appointment goes ok today. I hate having stuff done to my teeth.

    Those of you getting rain you can send some toward the south cause we are in a major dry spell.

    Vickie-sorry that Nate is sick. Hope you manage to not catch it. Hmm, you packing a gun is kinda scary. good luck with the mower,,what kind did you get?

    Jan sorry you are having to work so hard. Is it a different time zone or do you work late for a dentist office?

    Shirley-hope you survived the baby sitting and still no smoking? Excellent!

    Cheri-excellent to you on not smoking also and I bet you want one so bad you could just eat it.

    Marsha-good button ideas. Hope chemo isnt too bad.

    Jankay-hope you are having a better day today.

    sherndon-didnt see you post yesterday but I might have missed it but hope your teachers day was great.

    Shokk-lots more storms brewing so wonder which way they will go.

    Shel-glad to see you survived the day. I dont think I ever get used to waking up early. I dont do mornings very well.

    Karen-sounds like you had a pretty good bday.

    Laura-sorry you have so much going on right now. Hugs to you.

    CY-still crossing my fingers that they find your biopsy. I would still be ranting and raving if it were me. Actually I wouldnt have to cause my SO wouldnt ever let them live it down. The poison pen would be firing off letters left and right.

    hmm I know I missed lots but got to go finish some work and then I will be back. Of course I will be back about 10 times checking for updates on everyone have procedures and waiting for results.

    Hey Jude was running around this morning like a nut kicking his heels up. Hes a happy lil boy. Beaner is fitting in just fine and dandy and SO bought her to Tuckers ball game last night and she enjoyed it. I mostly think she enjoyed the hotdog though.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    NO BRAIN TUMOR! WooHoo The nurse called and said it was just a little bitty cyst that shouldn't cause any problems and not related to cancer in any way!!!! Yeah, i be doin da happy dance, get down girl, get down, go on get down,
    PLUS, I can prove I actually have a BRAIN, not that I use it much hahaahaha

    Now, if I can just get this bloodwork up to par by next week. I have an appt. with my ppo to get bloodwork done friday that he won't get the results on til monday, and i just realized i have an appt. with my onc on monday and will have bloodwork and results in an hour. Should I cancel with the ppo after explaining why, cos he and my onc have to send an ok to the surgeon in Iowa for surgery. By waiting to draw my blood til monday that would give me the extra 3 days that could really help.

    Hey Boo, sorry you have to go through that crap with your teeth!! OUCH!
    Pam, any results yet?
    Tricia, ya got that MRI over with?

    NO brain cancer, no brain tumor, jus a lil ole cyst lol Good luck to everyone waiting on results. I sent prayers that you all get good results.

    Thanks so much for all those that had all the kind words and well wishes, they were greatly appreciated. And all the pm's were wonderful, thank you. Ya'll are just the bomb!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    And Amy, I did not smoke!! Go figure!

    Mean, come out and play!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Awesome Cheri!!!!! Woohoo! Doing the happy dance for you!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    OH my gosh Cheri,,,wooohooo,,dancing and remember I dance like Elaine on Seinfield and its ok to laugh.

    Here's to you Cheri---

    Give Amber a big ol hug too cause I know she is taking a big deep breath now.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited May 2007
    Whoo Whoo, Cheri!! Doin' the happy dance right with ya!

    Hugs to ALL,
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Happy Dance for Cheri.....Yea!!!!!!
    and no smokes-wow-that is just fantastic!!!!!

    How is everyone else?
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    WOOHOO!!! I bet those bananas will cure up the potasium problem and you will fell SO much better!!

    Did you ever think you would be excited to just have a brain cyst? LOL

    Deb c
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    Have a cold one on me!!!
    YEAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Puppy
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Cheri - great news!

    Vicki - sorry Nate is sick

    OK, need to get back to work, I had a little meltdown this morning, but I'm on the way to feeling better - phew!!

    Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    whoo hoo cigarets...and only a cyst...both great big deals...enjoy...and relax...

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007

    Cheri.......SO glad to hear your good news. I just high fived the computer monitor! Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Marsha

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Congratulations Cheri and thank God!!!
    Love and hugs
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited May 2007
    Hi there,everyone!
    I am coming back from the last month of craziness!Oh,Cheri,that is the best news today! I have checked over and over even though I didn't post!Congratulations! Yes!!!

    Did read that Nicki you lost 11 lbs...way to go,lady! I found them here---on the back side! LOL! Will do the pedometer,again,as I love that. I have talking ones for fun telling steps,etc. Just like a kid that wants the funky toys.

    Vickie--good news abt your mower and didn't I read your check-up went well?

    Amy--too funny abt the animals! I could just pic the neighbors and your road. That was so humorous as I have helped chase our cows in AL. Ours used to have their own agendas! LOL!

    And there are so many of you that I am missing...will come back and finish after dinner. Hope to be on-line more now as I have gotten my BlackBerry to work and can do internet when I travel! Now,I can check in and see how everyone is.

    Sorry that I am not able to say a personal hello to everyone,just know I am thinking of you! Have a great afternoon. Good news that this insurance claim is abt settled. Losses were not all covered;however,bigger fish to fry and move on! Life is too short! One by one.the details are coming together and life is similar to normal,again. Six weeks since the burglary...still working on paperwork.

    Take care,
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Okay Cheri -- now back to our regularly scheduled fun!!!!

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited May 2007
    Cheri, That's wonderful news!!!!

    Have a solo to work on for choir tonight. I'm be checking in later.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    My Secret Pal gave a clue that is --- she is attending Pinkstock in Aug. WOW I hadn't really gone to that thread. That has turned into quite an event. I was raised in the Kentucky/Tennessee area and we camped ALOT. My mom is more a condo kinda gal but my dad is a total outdoors man. I was even a Brownie and a Girl Scout but had to quit when mom got the cookie bill during the big cookie sales. time. I didn't really think about money, just knew there were BOXES of peanut butter, thin mints, and the like in my room so......teehee.........I checked and right now the flight would run me about $250. I'm gonna keep a check on that and see since somtimes great fares are offered since I can fly out of Orlando, Tampa or Jacksonville.

    Gotta run, weekly Wednesday night BNO (Broads Nite Out) is tonight. We stopped going to a bar/restaurant when I was diagnosed. They all come to my house which of course is easier on me while on chemo. And no, they don't expect a cleaned house!!! Although, right now I am on a huge steroid high! Anybody remember those?? LOL

    Hugs all around.......Marsha
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Oh Puppy, you are too funny!! that is so cute

    Vickie, I hope Nate is feeling better. Has your lawnmower arrived yet?

    Susan, have you heard from Robin? We may have to send the posse out looking for her.

    Did anyone hear from NS? Does anyone have a phone number?

    Shopmamma-wrap yourself up in the center of the circle….we are praying with you…thank you for visiting-now you need to get that wagon in the circle and stay!!

    Sue, let us know when you are home from the surgery.

    Colleen, meltdowns are not fun - hugs (I've been having them lately)

    Nicki - did you get the dexa scan results today?

    Marsha, enjoy Broads Nite Out!

    JK, are you okay today? Is your sister visiting?

    Karen, I know you are trying to find a sleeping pill that helps…have you tried Temazepam? This is the sleeping pill my rad onc prescribed…..

    Margaret, were you able to get some sleep? Congratulations on the auction-you deserve a special thank you for your hard work.

    Deb, bears are dangerous animals…the cubs may be cute as can be-but they grow up and yes, they are very aggressive when hungry. I don’t blame you for totting the shotgun around outside. You aren’t dealing with Yogi Bear!!!

    Amy, I have decided that I need to make Hey Jude a pilot in training hat…or maybe a co-pilot hat…hummm-which do you think Mazer would prefer? See if Mazer will tell you if Hey Jude can be the co-pilot.

    CY-crossing our fingers for you.

    Tracy Got an A- CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! awesome

    Shel, alarm clocks should be out-lawed…..Hope your second day went smoothly

    Mena, I love to see you posting…thanks for the update on Beth

    Beth, get better real soon!!

    Iris, hope the paperwork ends soon. Have you figured out how to post on the boards while using the blackberry?

    Laura, so sorry about your Dad’s sister.

    Z, I just hate it when our job interferes with our board time.

    Tricia , check in soon-we will all worry until we hear from you.

    Morning Shokk (oops Afternoon, how are you?)

    Where is Shirley?
    Where is Jan?

    I know I missed some of our CG’s……heart in right place…brain however is misplaced….
    Hugs, Madison