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  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Hey Madison.....doing good today.....did you hear about Cheri......NED is docey doeing her and spinning her around (with her feet off the floor so her ankle won't hurt her)goodness that guy is such a player.....hope everyone is having a good afternoon.....Colleen glad your feeling better sweetie.....on that other thread I have got to tell you a story because of course like Deb would say I have to make it about me!!!!Hey Vickie I understand you have got a punny kid.....poor baby.....don't you just hate when they are sick???????Hey Amy the storms are brewing outside....we had a bad storm last night with the lighting strikes....4 homes in the metroplex caught fire because of it and somehow I managed to sleep right through it......that spooks me alittle bit because I'm afraid the house will get hit and won't realize it........anyway that reminds my to add lightening strikes to my worry list.....ha..........anyways guys ya'll are all the best....again Cheri congrats on the great news.....oh if you don't mind my asking are they going to do anything about this little pesking cyst??????anyways I will try and check back in later gators.....I mean you Vickie......

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Oh that reminds tonight is "America Next Top Model" and I don't want to affend anyone but my daughter loves that show and I just as soon as stick a fork in my forehead than to watch it but she gets so upset if I don't watch it with if anyone is online between 7 and 8 central standard time just say a quick prayer for me.........

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Go Cheri, Go Cheri, Go Cheri!!! Doing the happy dance too!! YEA!!
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Hi, Iris, we haven't met, I'm Za Zette - nice to me you. Have a wonderful day! image
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Madison I will check with Mazer on the co pilot deal but I have watched Hey Jude in the pasture running crazily and I am not sure we would want him co piloting anything. I swear he runs in circle kicking left and right. If he could laugh he would be doing it. Its like he is singing, I'm free, I'm free, look at me! Needless to say, we think Cheri's driving is bad so not sure if we could handle Hey Jude.

    Psst, not real sure that Cheri could control herself with 2 donkeys breathing on her neck either.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Here I am, sneaking up behind you again, Amy, lolol!! I wish I could see Hey Jude running around in circles!

    WooHoo!!!!! Cheri, here's your happy dance


    I knew it!! Just a pesky little cyst. At least you don't have rocks in your head, !

    CY, I glad you got everyone jumping! It sucks that you have to go through that again, but at least they are not charging you.

    Deb. I had a shirt that DH had made for me that said, Hairdo By Chemo. I had three of them and wore them everywhere.

    Tracey, an A- is pretty darn good in my book!

    Mena, thanks for the Beth update.

    Vickie, I am still laughing over the chapstick story!! Poor Nate. I hope he is feeling better soon. Nothing worse than feeling bad when the weather is nice.

    Shopmamma, I am thinking B9 for you!!

    Shirley, that's great that your lungs are ok. Maybe it's stress. I know that it happens to me when I am stressed out. It feels like I can't catch my breath or get a deep breath.

    Amy, I work until 8:00 on Tues. It sucks, since I have an hour drive home on top of it.

    This is the first time I've had time to check in all day. I feel like my butt is glued to the car seat. I have a lot of little things that need to get done before the summer and it's taking away from my Circle time .

    I know I missed many, I will try to check in later. Hugs to Nicki, Shel, Brenda, Colleen, Shokk, Boo, NS, Susan, MB, Z, Lisa, Marsha, Anne, Sheri, Karen in Denver, Robin and many others, I'm sure!
    Bye for now!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    tracey i remember every time the semester ended. time to party. sounds like a good grade to me.

    shel, i dread the thought of going back to work but I remember I used to do it every day. Good luck.

    Nicki, I just read your post about potassium. I think that may part of what is bothering my legs. I guess I need my bananas too.

    oh Marsha, chemo!!! I hope you are good today. I don't know what your chemo reaction schedule is but I sure did love your chemo haircut.

    Oh Jankay, how awful not to be able to move. I hope they are nice to you when you call 911. but now you have jacob. how nice.

    Laura, you have a lot to deal with. Don't feel back if you are not always UP! We now live with this "little" fear. We know life can turn on us. I think you are doing great.

    Pam so good to hear from you. You are my chemo sister and we are bonded forever. Praying for good test results. I know NED really likes you.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Shokk-I know what you mean about that show. Well I dont really but just by the title of it I know I wouldnt like it one bit. I will be thinking of you but right now all I can think is phewwwwwwww,,glad its you and not me.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    hi shokk we had a lot of lightening/thunder today. Not much rain. America's Next Top Model, you have my sympathy.

    cheri, maybe dennis was after you to get your blood work done, but Ed was keeping you busy.

    Deb, are you selling the buttons at the relay? You know I just need to tell you I really admire you. You are always helping someone, somewhere.

    Boo, I hope you are done and resting comfortably at home.

    Having a bad day, are we Z?

    Amy, I can so relate to the oncologist hairstyle. Two years later and my hair is still wierd.

    Cheri, I'll add my woohoo to the others. this is so great. can't wait till I get to come over and help you "rehab" from your surgery. hee hee hee. (evil laugh)

    speaking of evil. i will go try and call robin again. i hope the lawyer visit went ok.

    love ya all.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007

    hey shokk ........... i'm with you on 'top model' ........ ugggh! picture me with desert fork sticking out of my head too lol!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: Another day, another dollar makes me scream and want to holler.

    I did a whole lotta walking today. 11,567 steps! Thats a record for me. I had to go to Evanston Hospital again, so of course I took a walk by Lake Michigan. It was really, really weird. The temp was about 15 degrees cooler by the lake, As I stood there I saw a fog, coming from the lake onto the shore. Pretty soon it was foggy everywhere. Couldnt even see the lake. When I left, I drove about 15 miles East - and there was the sun. Still no rain here in Chicago. My poor flowers!

    I sat outside last night for a bit. And guess what. The Cicada's are on their way. I heard them last night.

    Cheri: Whoo hoo! I just had a feeling your symptoms were from low Potassium. Dont wait until Monday for you blood tests. You need to see if the medication is working. Also, you dont want to end up with High Potassium as that has its own devilish symptoms.

    OK! Has anyone heard from Gina? Im am getting very worried as I havent seen her post for a few days now.

    Iris! OMG, I sure did miss you. Got pretty excited when I saw a post from you. Oh gosh - I cant help myself.


    Marsha: Steroid high? Oh yes, I do remember that. And the puffy face. I looked like a chipmunk. Hmmmm I was a campfire girl. We sold Chocolate Candy. I love chocolate. Seems I did the same thing as you. Somehow I managed to eat more than I sold. Have fun tonight.

    Madison: I use my power for the big stuff. Didnt feel I needed to page my PCP at the hospital for the results of the dexascan. They said Thursday or Friday. So I will call like normal patients do

    Susan: Dont forget potatoes! They are an excellent source of Potassium.

    Ummm! Im proclaiming weird hair here too! I decided thats it. Im growing it long again and will just put up with this look. When I started chemo I put my electric curlers somewhere. I was so angry about losing my hair, I put them away really good. I cant find them now.

    Z: Thats a nice picture of you.

    OK! I have to admit it. I am totally frustrated and really going through some Board Withdrawal. Once again its time for me to go and I havent even had a chance to read everyone's posts! Guess I will be getting up at 4:30am again. Its the only way I can catch up. This is me - cause now I have to go eat dinner. See ya all in the morning.


  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    see Ya in the Morning! Nite CGS
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited May 2007
    Just a quick fly by to say the biopsies were benign! B9
    my favorite combo of a letter and number. Thank you so much for being there!!! I love you all... Later.. Pam
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Pam, you must have been reading my mind.....I was just going to PM Puppy to see if she heard from you.

    YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!! b9 for Pam

    Remember, we want you to keep your wagon in the circle!!!!
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007
    Good afternoon CG's - beautiful day here in Denver - low 70's, sunny sky and light breeze. bought 40 petunias to plant in my front yard flower garden - but first need to clean up all the leaves from the fall!!! Flowers were on sale - probably should have waited till the weekend to buy them.
    MArgaret - you rock - wow 20K on the silent auction - that is some accomplishment.
    Tracey - I'm so sorry to hear about your 15 year old being expelled from school. Sending you hugs.
    Deb - I like all the sayings for your buttons. You are so talented and kind.
    Jankay - hugs
    Marsha - how did chemo go - I loved all your quotes.
    Laura - congrats to you and DD on her Ph.D. Sorry to hear about your aunt. Hugs
    Vickie - Loved the chapstick story!!!
    Pam - sending wishes for B9 results.
    Cheri - hip hip horray - so glad the news was good!!!! I guess I would see if you could wait till onc appt on monday - one less appt is good plus less waiting for the results.
    Z - loved the computer picture. Also the picture of you - you are one beautiful woman.
    Puppy - beer poster is great. MY DH loves good beer -
    Marsha - enjoy BNO
    Madison - yup, I've tried Temazepam - it works but makes me too doopey in the morning. Thats why I was trying something else or not taking anything. Also have Ambian CR and Lunesta in my drawer that don't work.
    Robin - please update us on the attorney visit.
    Iris, Amy, Vickie, Nicki, Shokk, MB, Sue, Jan, Trish, Cy, Beth, Brenda, Lisa, CMB, Liz, Alwayshope, Shel, Shirley, Sheri and anyone else I left off the list. I hope everyone is doing well. Wishing you all feel good days and only good test results. Karen in Denver
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
    I can only stay a minute..but had to jump on and check some of our girls test results! I haven't read much, but will....
    Cheri: Hooray and Double Hooray!!!!!!

    Pam: Another Hooray.......we love B9!

    Boo: Hope your surgery went well and that you aren't to sore. Take drugs, lots and lots of drugs!

    Beth: Anyone heard anymore from her family?

    Cy: Any news about the ridiculous misplacement of your biopsy?

    Okay, missing so many.

    One of my long standing clients passed away this morning. One special lady......I've spent the day doing what has to be done when someone passes away, plus alot of extras as the only relative she has is a nephew (who has been great) in Wisconsin. I'm whipped's part of the job but I will never get used to it. I've really been thinking it is time to "look" for a different avenue........we'll see. I'm fine just gonna kick back this evening and start tomorrow fresh as I can be!

    Hugs and Love,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    ahhh...what a long day. Left work early and crashed on the couch after reading Cheri's
    wonderful happy news and slept till Nathaniel got home (his bus driver lets him off here if
    my car is here so I don't have to go back out and pick him up at the nice). Started
    the mower and played with the controls but to tired and lazy to do much more with it tonight.
    It's really cool!

    Cheri...still walking on a cloud thinking about your good news! So very relieved.
    Happy dance for you!
    It's good to see you back again! check up went well and I don't have
    to go back till September!!! woohoo.
    Marsha...It would be great if you could come to daughter is thinking of
    flying up and coming too. She would be flying out of Orlando. I hated the steriod highs!!
    No sleep and couldn't stop talking LOL.
    Colleen...send you a warm hug. Meltdowns seem to be a way of life anymore. Hope tomorrow is
    Shokk...Nate is feeling a bit better tonight and I'm not sure if it's a cold or allergies. He's
    eating so it hasn't affected his appetite any LOL. A fork in your that's quite a
    visual! goodness what a beautiful picture...can I add your pics to the journal pages? did the test go? Inquiring minds need to know! OH...I just found you and it's B9!!
    woohoo...more good news today! Happy dance for you too.
    Susan...the secret pal thing is so much fun. Thank you for starting it! need to check in with us as we are getting worried here. are you and where are you. Hope you are ok as we miss you and your lovely words.
    Nicki...ok...twilight zone time again cuz you have the same good evening pic I was gonna post.
    cY...where are you...sending lots of prayers for you along with lots of hugs.
    Liz...where are you?
    Beth...if you are lurking know that we are thinking of you. was your day...don't see you here either.
    Gotta do some work but I will pop back in later.
    Love ya all
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    just a drive by doing the happy dance. YEHAW! YIPPEE!! HURRAY!!!
    Cheri, I cried real tears when I read that. I am sooooooo happy. For you, for me, for us!! O hell you know what I mean.
    And Happy Dance for Shopmama too. Not sure what I'm happy dancing for tho. Have to go back a few pages. Back in a bit.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Shokk, no, they're not doing anything about the cyst. It's about the size of a dime and won't cause nay problems.

    Deb, how funny. No, I never thought I'd be praying for a brain cyst. lol

    Boo, hope your home and feeling alright. I'm glad it's over for you.

    Pam, you hear anything or are they making you wait another day? Or two?

    Gina, are you in hiding? Come on out and play. We love you.

    Nicki, the thing with getting my bloodwork done in my ppo's office friday is that he wont get results until monday anyway. They have to send bloodwork to Springfield to be read. I told you this was a one-horse town. And monday I'll be at my oncs in Springfield and they'll do lab and have results in an hour. And how much is too much OJ and bananas? Where's that line at? It must've been really low cos my ppo was panicking. I have eaten tons of nanas and drank alot of OJ.

    Thanks to all of you who did the happy dance with me. I appreciate it. I am soooo relieved.

    Lini, where are you? Mena, are you coming back to post? And Gina youre AWOL. Gus. where you at? Jule?

  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007
    Good evening ladies,

    Cheri - I am soooo happy for you! Hope you are celebrating - maybe a banana colada? Now praying for good blood work results so you can get your foot fixed.

    Pam - Happy for you too! B9 is a favorite of mine too.

    Tricia - how did your MRI go? Praying for good results for you too.

    Beth - thinking of you.

    Marsha - have a fun BNO.

    Karen - have you tried Benadryl for sleep? I know it is awful when you can't sleep at night. Ambien did not work for me either - was like taking nothing at all.

    Shokk - my two dd 17 and 14 love America's Next Top Model. I don't see what they see in it. At least they have each other to watch it with. The fork in the forehead sounds rather painful - probably as painful as watching the show.

    Nicki - I had the same weird experience this morning with the weather. Drove dd to work and took the lake route. On the way there sunshine - on the way back sunshine for a few miles and then suddenly dense fog - could not see a thing for a couple of miles and then sunshine again. All day it has been teasing - one minute looking like it could rain and the next sunshine. I planted some flowers today too - better go out and water them - that will guarantee rain!

    Hello to everyone else - too many to remember all by name.

    Good night,
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    omg cheri ....... that is great ........ typical me, i missed that "little tidbit"!!!!!! i couldn't be more scatterbrained if i tried!!!!!!

    have a "dirty monkey" on me!

    one banana
    2oz creme de cacao
    splash of cream
    splash of frangelico

    blend and enjoy a bit of heaven!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Cheri what great news...!!

    I have been gone all day on a garden tour in our little town..lots of people with green thumbs..wish mine were..

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Good evening Gals,

    It was a long day, but I did get my MRI. Jeff went with me so we ran some errands. Had to go to BJ's and the big fabulous health food store.
    I was in there almost 2 hour! They had to do with contrast and without. So while I was face down in that very noisy machine with my boobies dangling through the holes,I thought of you all. What a comforting feeling to feel all the support and caring from my new friends here.
    I won't know the results for a few days, but surgery is in my future, at the very least. But I am ready to gt going and I have no doubt I will do just fine because I know you all will help me. I thank God I found you.

    Cheri, I am so thrilled about your good news!!! YIPPEE!!!

    Off to read a page or two.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Could someone come remove the fork from my forehead pleezzzz...were is Liz.....she's pretty close to me..........

  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited May 2007
    Cheri-What WONDERFUL news!!!!!!!!!

    Deb-my appt went very well today...the Dr. told me that all the test show that Im a NED girl now ...the appt was actually a follow up after my hystorectomy April 18th, they changed me from tamoxifen to arimidex and wanted to make sure things were going far so good, no side effects from the arimidex yet so hoping it will stay that way....

    To everyone Ive missed and there are LOTS of you - I hope everyone is doing wonderful...I read here everyday but dont post much but want you guys to all know that you always in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this journey....

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    Woo Hoo Cheri!

    I called Gina and got her answering machine. I told her we loved her and that we knew this chemo was kicking some butt and we all missed her!

    You ladies aree something else. I got home tonight and spotted a box sitting on my chair! I knew as soon as I saw who it was from that I wouldn't be able to keep the tears back My hubby and youngest daughter came running in cause I don't cry easy! Thank you the afgan is beautiful!
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Hey there CG's - I hope everyone is well and had a good day. I worked almost 11 hours today in preparation for a conference tomorrow, wherein I will be working 14 hours.

    I am very tired right now, but I can't settle down without giving a shout out to my beauties, THE CG's.

    Thanks for the compliments on the picture, putting my picture on the board is therapy for me. I am supposed to be working on my image issues. See, most days I can find 50 billion things wrong and almost convince myself that going out in public would be a crime against humanity. Since the BC, now I only have to say to myself, your shirt doesn't fit right and there's my reason to stay home. So, I am trying to find something positive to say daily. So putting my mug on the board was a big deal to me.

    Thank you all for the kind words, warm thoughts, the funnies and just your general support and kindness. Amazing is an understatement to describe you awesome girls. I appreciate the efforts you make everyday to reach out to others even when you're feelin' low.

    Well, I gotta go get ready for bed, gotta get up early to drop my son off and get to work early for the conference.

    I hope you all have a good nite, get good sleep and no sweats!
  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2007
    OMG--it's so not easy to catch up. I went to CT on the 4th to be with my dd, sil and new baby Brison. On the 5th I found out that my uncle had died in his sleep, my brother-in-law's father passed away and my dil's father had also passed away. I couldn't get on line in CT because chemo brain was in full swing and I forgot my log on info. I took Amtrack into Phila this afternoon, went to DIL father's viewing, picked up my 3 granddaughters and brought them back to my house and will give them back after the funeral tomorrow and Amtrack it back to CT tomorrow afternoon. I'll stay there until the 19th . . .

    I left a message for Beth, but haven't heard anything yet. Hopefully, things went well with her surgery.

    I hope everyone else is doing well and getting good test results. I'm desperately trying to catch up.

    Love, Sue
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2007
    Laura, sounds like you could use a hug or two.

    Pam, haven't read enough to see if you got your results back but praying for NED. Just saw your posting - great news.

    Cheri, see, we told you it was nothing to worry abou. Congrats. And with all that worry, you still did not smoke. I'm proud of you girl.

    Colleen, hope the rest of your day went better.

    Z, your picture is beautiful. Don't work too hard at the conference tomorrow.

    Susan,I started taking a potassium supplement because I would occasionally wake up with leg cramps. Don't know if it helps because it still happens.

    Nicki, the cicadas made it on our local news tonight - what - it's something like 17 years?

    Denise, a hug for you too.

    Gina, moving you to the middle of the circle. You had chemo today so hope you are feeling ok.

    Lisa, great pics. Mine always seem to have a yellow tone to them. I carry my digital camera in my purse but really need to learn to use it.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Anyone hear from Robin?

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007 might want to check out the booklet with the camera for a white balance setting...yours could need adjustment...just a suggestion...would love to see your pics!!