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  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    i tried to post a "novel" lol .......... but as usual "poof" it disappeared!

    soooooo ............. long story, made short ........ i have 2 questions ok girls?

    #1 ....... what do i do about the zillions of people that talk at my chest instead of to me? in 2 lousy days back to work, almost nobody has talked to me, just stared at my chest and blathered on about "how good it is to see you after all this time" blah blah, blah! holy crap! i'm so tempted to blurt out "no, they're not real but go ahead poke them cause i can't feel anything"

    #2 ....... how the hell do i respond to the never ending inane questions that go like this ........ "what's your prognosis?" "did they get it all?" "so how long do you have?" "are you all better now?" and MY PERSONAL FAVOURITE ...... "so you're cured now right?"

    holy crap you guys ............ i have lived a fairly sheltered and private existence since BC hit (spent most of my time alone or within my small circle of close friends) or here with you all ............ but i am floored at the idiotic comments, gazes and questions after only 2 days back at work!!!!!!!

    the worst part is that my biopsy, diagnostics, both of my masts and recon were done at my place of employment, so there isn't a single soul in the building that doesn't "know about me" ........... i left in tears today, not because of anyone in particular, but because i'm not used to insensitive people asking stupid questions .......... i was better off at home or in the keys with my best friend who "just gets it" or on the phone with the ever patient tina who totally gets it!

    i don't think i'm ready for the world yet lol!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    Shel just tell them how would they feel if people kept asking them stupid questions! And that you have as long as the good Lord see fit just like everyone else!
    What idoits!

    I posts some pictures of the afgan on the afgan thread! I'm actually crying, don't know why I smile when I cry, never figured that one out.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Hey Shel-

    Don’t know if you want to take advice from me…I am less than civilized on the subject. So far I have only whipped out my breast form and flopped it down on the table once…but it sure ended the staring.

    This woman could not keep her eyes on anything but my boobs. Finally I reached into my bra, pulled out the silicone form and flopped if right in the middle of the table and told her to look all she wanted and got up from the table and got a drink…there was dead silence for about 10- seconds and then I laughed and it was all OK. She felt stupid, but we got the subject out in the open and dealt with it. The whole room got an education and then we were able to get past it. The men actually handled it better than some of the ladies.

    I have also been known to duck down fast so may face is where my chest used to be and point to my face and say…”Hey, I’m up here”….or poke both my boobs and say…”yep, both fake. Can we move on?”. I figure it is better to address the rudeness head on…but that is kind of my style.

    When people ask the stupid questions just because they don’t know what else to say, I fluff off the question with some smart-ass comment like “If I were any better I’d have to be two people” or “I’m as fine a frog hair”. They get to feel good about “asking after my health” and I get them out of my hair. If it is someone that truly has earned the right to an honest answer (a true friend, a sister survivor, someone who has been praying for me) then I give them an honest answer…that I am NED today and no one knows what tomorrow will bring.

    It helps to have several different “pat” answers. I use different ones depending on what people REALLY want…some just know they have to say something since they have to acknowledge that I’m still alive, some are really genuinely caring and some are just gossips. If you can figure out which category people are in, you will know better how to answer.

    I can tell you that it gets easier…not easy, but easier. It’s like anything else…you will develop your own style for dealing with it. It will become less stressful every time you deal with it.

    It is one more little “gift” we get from this crap. Hang in there…

    Deb C
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    cy ......... i smile when i cry too!!!!!!!

    my counselor pointed that out to me .......... she said that it was a sign of a truly strong and fiercely independent person, but also a sign of a "people pleaser" well hell ..........thats me!!!!!!!!!!

    thanks for responding and cry your eyes out over that afghan........ i had to put my quilt away for a while because i bawled (with a smile) every time i took it out to show someone lol!

    it's a strange emotion to accept love from people who give it unconditionally isn't it? we can give it, but never feel worthy of receiving it ........... ok that's my "armchair psychiatry" for the day!

    i'm going to be like "death warmed over" at work tomorrow ......hope all the morons have sought me out by now because i'm thinkin i'm not gonna be in the mood to be "canceriferously polite" at 6 am tomorrow lmao!

    BTW "CANCERIFEROUS" is a dumb 'word' that one of my good friends from my floor uses when the 'morons' would ask her how i was doing ........... she would say "michelle is canceriferous, why don't you give her a call yourself?"

    NOBODY EVER CALLED LOLOLOL, but 'canceriferous' stuck!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    oh deb ........... i am usually just as straight forward as you, and i'm just itching to do something like what you described .......... unfortunately, in my work environment I'D BE REPRIMANDED FOR CAUSING DURESS TO ANOTHER EMPLOYEE!!!!!!!!!! by virtue of MY actions if i did something like that!!!!!!!!

    when i was dx'd in 2005 i told a new grad to "read up and get back to me" because she was driving me nuts ........ i got reprimanded for my 'approach' .......... funny thing was, i never "approached" anybody or discussed my diagnosis, i just worked my brains out till 2 days before my 1st mast!

    long story, made short again work environment is such that i have to second guess myself and my responses 24/7 ............ even if i'm of premises, i find myself mincing my words with fellow employees ....... yet i'm expected to suck up everybody else's stupidity!!!!!!
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Shel: I work in an office of 17 total. I know you probably cannot do what I did, but maybe on a smaller scale with folks you trust. Here's what I did, the day I got back I sat and told everyone the what's what and if they had questions ask away and they asked questions and I told the truth that I was better but felt like crap most of the time and I told them what the doctor had to say about prognosis and everything. Worked out great, hardly any stupid questions after that and loads of understanding.

    Hope this helps.
  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2007
    Hello all. Sorry I haven’t been posting, I was really worried about Cheri so I just lurked a couple of times. I did go back tonight and read all the posts I missed. Even if I am not here, I think of you all.

    Cheri, words can’t express how happy I was to hear cyst. I am almost positive that you can get your potassium level up in time to have your surgery. I know that you have looked forward to having it done for so long. Now, you need to try to get some well deserved sleep.

    Nicki, you are doing awesome on your diet and walking. Before you know it, you will be on Americas Top Model and we will all have forks in our foreheads lol. Ain’t it awesome to have hair for the wind to blow?

    Shel, congrats on going back to work. Aww sorry a bunch of dummies had to be nosy and rude. Just come back to your sisters and we will shelter you, comfort you and put you in the center of the circle and make you feel better. Don’t cry sweetie, they have no idea the hell we have been through and just how bad we want to be normal once again.

    Karen, Happy Belated Birthday. I actually enjoy getting older now. You sound just like me, I have tried every sleeping pill ever created. I seem to sleep better during the day, must be from years of working 3rd shift. Glad you spent time on a manicure and shopping(I love Goodwill too),you so deserve it. Nice gifts from kids and DH.

    Sue, saying a speacial prayer for you. Hope this one doesn’t hurt as bad as the other but I know all surgery hurts .Will be thinking of you,

    Jan, I will say a prayers for your friends Barb and Keith.

    Iris, we haven’t met yet, my name is Lisa and I look forward to getting to know you better.

    Liz. A spot?Oh my. Where are you? We are worried about ya and missing you.

    Jule, congrats on NED.

    Shirley, sure am proud of you for not smoking. When I get my nerves settled a little I gotta get all of you t
    hat quit to help me. Glad Dh got staples out and is in a better mood. Glad your pulmonary tests were good.

    Odalys, glad you are enjoying the new job.

    Margaret, congrats on raising $20,000 for the children in need. Thank God that there are still beautiful people like you left in this cruel world.

    Brenda, I got very upset when watching Living with Cancer. I do think it was geared more toward caregivers and the general public. I turned it off and then was really depressed.

    JanKay, it is nice that you will have Jacob home. Sorry to hear that your caregiver was a no show. I am a CNA and if I was still well I would love to take care of you.

    Oh, Zazette, it is heartbreaking when we see our sisters suffer. Even the ones we have just met. I will keep Angelica and Tina in my thoughts and prayers. Glad you spread the word about our wonderful forum. I do the same in the hopes we can be of comfort to all of our sisters that we can reach.

    MB, don’t worry, I know where all the good street corners are lol I will share.
    Anne, so sorry about your Dad, you will both be in my prayers.

    Betty, I am on standby should you round up the posse for CY,

    Laura, I have to have an MRI on my knee Friday because I have fell on my poor left knee quite a bit due to the Neuropathy that my Onc denied and pain management Dr diagnosed as well as my PCP. Hope your Moms turns out ok. Sorry your Mom has to be scoped, I just saw your post. Congrats on the grads and sorry about your Aunt. They want me to do genetic testing too, I just don’t know if I wanna know.

    Marsha, I live near Robin and we have been talking about a meeting. Interested? How many chemos do you have to go?

    Colleen, I think the hip–hop sounds fun but I would be so outta breath, I bought Carmen Elektras “Strip tease” exercise DVD. That oughta be a pretty sight. My DH would probably run lol I know I would. I have gained 40 pounds since dx.

    Sue, I hated my port. Had it took out in Dec and I have Herceptin til Dec of this year. I have 1 vein that works ok. I even had them stick the arm where my lymph nodes are gone. I have no fear of needles whatsoever. They could stick one in my eye wouldn’t bother me. Guess I’m so used to ‘em,

    Vickie, Congrats sweet lady on NED!!! Looks like we are gonna have to super glue your glasses on. You lose as much stuff as I do. I’m really bad about losing money, DH gets so mad.. Have fun on the new lawnmower and be careful. Sorry to hear that Nate is not feeling good. No more Chapstick for me LMBO

    Puppy, love the pics you post, I still need to figure out how.

    Shokk, thanks for the salsa recipe. I love salsa on just about everything.

    CY, I don’t blame you for being pissed. It’s bad enough we have to wait for results let alone do the blasted biopsy over. I am praying that you get good results. Loved the post and I feel that way about all of you.

    Madison, loved the remake of the Hokey Pokey lol. Like MB, I’m ready to skate.

    Amy, well the fingers are shrinking some, thank goodness. Yep, saw that about the boy with spiders in his ear.EEEWWW. Sure am glad you found Molly and especially Mazer.

    Denise, I’m worried about Robin too. I live about 45 minutes from her. If she don’t show up soon I’m going looking for her. Hope she’s not sick again. Or in jail for shooting Evil lol. I get tired of walking too so I got me a treadmill. It is a great place to hang

    Pam, hope you get good results on your biopsies. Well your boss seems to need a dictionary lol.
    Tricia, 2 months since diagnosis and still no MRI? Are they crazy? I was dx 6-6-06 had bilateral 6-26-06 and started chemo 7-12-06 and I still was in a hurry. I certainly don’t blame ya for raising hell plus it’s not fair that you have to drive that far.

    Gina, we miss you sweetie. Hope you are feeling ok. Check in when ya can.

    Mena, thank you for updating us on Beth. Hope you feel like joining us more soon.

    Susan, hope you are doing ok. I been playing hookie and I’m really behind. Yep, think you need to eat some nanners too. I have heard to put a bar of soap under your fitted sheet for leg cramps and restless legs. I got desperate the other night and tried it and it worked for me. Give it a try, ya never know

    Tracey, Way to go on the A!!! Sorry about the problems with your daughter. I have a 15 year old daughter also and the only problem I have with her(knock on wood) is a smart mouth sometimes.

    Deb, No Surrender. I still have the button you sent me on my purse. Well of course don’t leave out Cancer Sucks. Lol I like your style girlfriend, pulling out your boob and throwing it on the table. I saw a girl at the grocery store Monday that I haven’t seen since I was dx. She said”Lisa, what did you do to your hair?”,with the emphasis on what, I said I didn’t do nothing Cancer did. She was speechless. People look at my boobs too lol.

    Ok I’m gonna try to sleep a few hours. Hope everybody has a good day and I love you all. Talk to you this evening.

  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2007
    Girls,I recieved a PM from a new lady that was treated very badly on another thread and she recieved some nasty PMs.I asked her to join us here.She was just gonna leave the site.I told her she would be welcomed here with open arms and hearts.She is a very sweet lady,another nurse for us,who was mistreated on what a certain somebody thought was an exclusive and closed thread.She is newly diagnosed and has questions so I knew that my sisters would be happy to have her.Her name is Ali and she should come along shortly.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Peaked my head outside. Another beautiful day in the Chicago end of the circle and still no rain. Isnt this ridiculous? Some of you are getting storms, tornados, and flooding. But hey, Im not gonna complain about a beautiful sunny day.

    Ali: We havent met and Im sorry to hear you were not treated very nice on another thread. There are no exclusive threads here on It is a wonderful place to come for support and friendship. And of course me being a nurse makes me feel even more sad that you almost left. Please come join us here in the wagon circle. We have lots of women - all ages and in all stages of bc. I want to apologize for anyone that made you feel bad or unwelcomed.

    Shopmama: It was such good news to here the words B9! Im am so very happy for yo.

    Karen: Dont worry about your flowers. I bought my one week before I planted them and they did fine. Have fun working in your garden.

    Denise: Im so sorry about your patient that passed on. Thats the hard part about working in Health Care. And in home health, you become so close to your clients. Sending you hugs. Changing jobs? Just remember all the sastisfaction you get out of helping others.

    Sue: So do we both live near the Windy City? It was really weird seeing the fog come from the Lake. Like a scary movie picture. I watered my flowers too. Actually saturated them cause the ground is so dry.

    Cheri: Well - if I had my choice, I would go to where the results are available in 2 hours. With your Potasium so low, they should be running that blood test STAT - which means right away and getting results right away. I wouldnt worry about too much potassium right now - as it is hard to replace just from food.

    Shokk: I would gladly remove the fork from your head, but I dont feel like cleaning up a bloody mess right now! You are right. Where is Liz and where is NS?

    LisaSoCal: Once again, such pretty flowers. I could almost smell the aroma through the computer screen.

    CY: Im so glad you got an afghan. Makes the world seem alot nicer doesnt it? Thanks for calling NS. Something is wrong. Something isnt right. She wouldnt just leave without telling us. Geez, I hate when this happens.

    Z: One of the hardest things for me was how bc changed my whole outlook. I used to be very outgoing and for the longest time had issues with social gatherings. Just wanted to go to work and then home. My safe haven. Seems like more and more, I am getting over the anxiety of getting out. I think there is more to than just image problems. Seems like when Im out, someone always manages to bring up the topic of bc. Little do they know, I have all of you to talk to about it and dont want to talk about when Im trying to be out and having some fun.

    Ishop: So glad to see you back. Im sorry about all the losses you have had in your life the past few days. Im very superstitious and I do believe deaths come in 3's. Sending you a big hug.

    MargaretB: Is the Cicada thing weird. What kind of living thing only comes around every 17 years! And who the heck figured that out? I suspect we are gonna have alot of them here cause my neighborhood is surround by many old trees.

    Shel: Oh I sure do understand what you are talking about. My favorite one is "so your good now." I really get caught speechless. I always say, "of course Im good, Im hear arnt I." This will soon pass. I think many people get scared because they know you are a strong person and yet, you did get bc. So give it time and dont let it get to you.

    Lisa: Having the wind blow my hair about is a wonderful feeling that I didnt have last year at this time. And its short enough, so wind blown still looks - well sort of styled!

    So yesterday I saw a young man at one of the hospitals I went to. He was in a wheelchair and had both of his legs amputated above his knees. Had a hair cut like a soldier, but I dont know if he was a soldier or not. Anyways you should have seen him maneuvering his wheelchair. He was a pro and a good attitude to boot. It sure made me stop and think about all our young men who are fighting in the war. We are losing so many of them and others are getting hurt. Once again, made my situation not seem so bad.

    Well! My time is up. Gotta go do my breakfast and walking routine. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    Yup...that would be me...up but not shining yet. It's Thursday!! One more day till the weekend. Walking the perimeter of our wonderful circle with Nicki walking with me, I see lots of beautiful wagons, some ladies stirring, some are up and cooking breakfast, coffee is brewing, birds are waking up and beginning to chirp and I hear peepers in the distance. Holding our sisters in the center of the circle safe and sound till all is well with them. got your afhgan!! I am so happy. I hope things go well tomorrow and I am praying B9 all the way.
    Ali...we are waiting for you with open arms and hearts.
    Lisa...thank you...found two pair but still missing my reading glasses. I am using a cheaper magnifying pair that give me a headache till I find my "real" ones. I thought the chapstick story just hilarious and gross.
    Shel...heehee...I'm with Deb. Everyone where I work has been simply wonderful. I did take my prosthesis out and show a women at lunch one day! Just reached under my shirt, grabbed it and tossed it to her so she could see what it was like. I haven't had any questions from her since. Most people who do ask me questions are really concerned and just want to know if I'm "ok"...they don't understand but their hearts are in the right place.
    Jule...well I'm happy for you...NED girl!!! Hope you continue with no side effects.
    Tricia...yup we were all right there with you holding your hand. had chemo yesterday too so take it easy today and drink lots of water. Hugs to you. did the surgery go. I hate going to the dentist!!
    Lisa...more beautiful flowers...thank you.'s over now so we will remove the fork from your forehead.
    Gina...thinking of you and sending you big hugs.
    Cheri...I don't even know what to say except that I am so very happy. How long before the potassium starts to make you feel better?
    Howdy to Madison, Z, Shopmama, Liz, Susan, get my drift...not awake to even come close to remembering everyone this early in the morning!
    Love ya all and hope you all have a wonderful day today. No appointments on the calendar so less stress!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Yup...told ya that Nicki was with me this morning.
    Good morning sunshine sister...may you have a grand day today!
    Hmmm...Jankay...are you up and about yet? We usually hear from you in the early hours too.
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Hi Sunshine girls! Just checking in to see how you all are before going to work. I am going to try to read a few pages to catch up a little. Have a great Day!!

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007

    I'm up walking the southeast perimeter of the circle. All is quiet here. One day before Friday...yippee. Hope everyone has a good Thursday.

    Ali, welcome to the circle. We're crazy, but we're caring. I was so glad when I found this place. Pick out a wagon and pull in. And get close to the campfire...sounds like you need some TLC. This is the place.

    Cheri and Jule and anyone I forgot), a happy dance for you.


    Have to run, but will try and get back.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Vickie, Joyce, and Betty. Hope the sun shines on your day.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Morning Nicki, Vickie, Joyce and Betty.
    Happy Thursday to all.
    Ali, please come visit us.

    Good Morning Alwayshope. Just saw your post
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    You know...I really wish BCO would do something about the nastygrams. I don't understand why people think they have the right to just say nasty things to other people.

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning CG's,
    Just doing a fly by. Have no time to read the posts but had to check up on Cheri, and YIPPEEEEE. Doing the happy dance for Cheri! Cheri I will have a great day today because this news will keep me smileing all day.
    Thank you every one for the good thoughts yesterday. It went ok though nothing at the dentist is ever fun. So yesterday was root planning and bone grafting on my left side. I had the right side done last week. I'm pretty sore today but it is tolerable. I am just so glad it is done and honestly don't know if I would every agree to do it again!.
    Everyone have a great day. I'll try to check in tonight after work if I can.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Good morning Madison, Nicki, Vickie, Lisa, Joyce, Betty, Sue and anyone else up! Have a fantabulous day!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
    Just a quickie to say good morning to all! Hope everyone is doing fine!
    I've skimmed the post to make sure all procedures, tests and surgeries went well...blessings to all having these or waiting for results.
    Remember my new motto? "I will not be late for work." Yea, right! Opening a new client today so the boss lady will be with me...guess I should be there on time!

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    I did it, I read all the posts I have missed the last few days. Didn't take notes, I'm really bad about that, but can make a few personal comments.

    Cheri, I'm so glad it's a cyst. I get cysts on my head all the time. In fact, when I was bald, my head had all these bumps all over it. My surgeon started removing them, but since they were all b9 and just seemed to keep developing anyway, I quit getting them taken off. I sure hope you get your blood leveled out. I know you've really looked forward to this surgery.

    Marsha, boy I remember the steroid high after a treatment. I didn't realize it the first few times because in my innocence I thought I would be tired and want to sleep. I was so frustrated about being wired instead. Finally, one of the nurses told me what was going on. I didn't know about this site then, or I would have come here, but I started playing Tiger Woods golf on ps2 during the night when everyone was sleeping. Just accepting the fact that I knew I would be awake made it easier somehow.

    Teacher Appreciation Week has been awesome. The luncheon on Tuesday was at a very classy bed and breakfast. We used real silver and my iced tea was served in a silver goblet, very ritzy. The food was good, too. Yesterday, the ptf delivered a gift to all of us teachers. There was a Vera Bradley coin purse with a 35 dolllar Walmart gift card. I'm missing today because I took the day off to go pick up Sarah from college. I'm dying to know if they gave us anything today. Tomorrow is supposed to be a joint gift from all the parents in my class. The reason I know this is I had to contribute for Micah's teacher.

    Tracey, I sure understand about 15 year old school issues. We finally decided to homeschool ours for the rest of the year. He has been a different child, much nicer. I hope it works for you. Let me know if you need anything.

    My boob story. Yesterday, it was a gorgeous day and our students were having an outside break. The sub for the 7th grade teacher and I were sitting at the picnic table and some of the kids were hanging around, just girls, btw. This lady is crazier than me and we always have a blast when she subs. I was telling her about the circle and the songs on the cd. She wanted to join, but I told her she wasn't ready yet, no bc, so be glad she didn't have to. Well, somehow the fact that I have a fake boob came up, so I reached down and pulled it out. The girls were grossed out, can you believe it? The other lady and I just laughed, we thought it was so funny. Now I just hope they don't go home and tell their parents and I get fired! Actually, I kind of turned it into a lesson in how not to let something that serious get you down. Anyway, I'm pretty silly sometimes. The next thing is the other lady asked me about my poop, she knew I had issues. At that point the girls all left and we really started laughing. A fun day at work.

    Gotta get ready for moving dd day.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Good morning ladies. I woke up at 3;30 this morning and could not go back to sleep and my back hurt so bad that I had to get on up. I have the baby today so I can't go back to bed. I guess I'll just tough it out. I'd like to go back right now but it's time for Kevin to wake up. Amber gets off work at 1:30 so surely I can make it that long.

    Z. great pic of you. You are very pretty. Good luck at your conference today.

    LisaE, so sorry I worried you. But I am glad you cared enough to worry. lol You tellin me to get some sleep and you posted at 2:08 a.m. hahahah You silly girl! That's what I like about you. We will all welcome Ali to the Circle. Would love to know the details on that story. lol

    Nicki, I guess I'll just call my ppo and tell him about my onc appt. w/bloodwork on mon. and see if he still wants me in tomorrow.

    Vickster! Good morning. How did that new mower work for ya?

    Meaner than me, I just know you did the happy dance with me yesterday. Or have you even looked in on us? I miss you. We used o have such fun. Come on out and play. K?

    Gina, I don't know what's going on in your head but if you think you're just going to fade out of here you are wrong! I will hound you til you post cos I'm worried bout you. Mayber it's just the chemo making you tired but don't ever think you can escape the Circle Girls. You started all this! We want you back.

    Iris, so good to see you posting.

    Hey to Margarette, Ishop, Lisa, Cheryl, Joyce, Betty.

    Ali, welcome home. That's what this place will feel like after a very short time. These are wonderful ladies with kind hearts and very supportive. I, too, apoligize for your bad treatment on the other thread. We're nice here. C'mon in and sat a spell, tell us a little bout yourself and don't worry about keeping up, you'll learn us all soon.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Sheri and Deb....are we related somehow other than being BC sisters? Here is my funny fake boob story. This happened on chemo day #2:

    Each room has 3 chairs that face the nursing station. One chair had Eric, Tattoo guy. LOTS of tattoos and one of those earrings that strectch the lobe to make the hole bigger. We chatted awile. Then I turned to the other man, Jack. Late 60's guy, he told me he should have been dead about 6 times already. He then asked what I had and I said I don't HAVE anything, I HAD breast cancer but that the surgeon had just cut that size B right off, tumor and all . He said, "You're too young to have cancer" I said "well cancer didn't seem to think 45 was too young haha". He told me I didn't look 45, not even 35. Well now by this time I love Jack. He then said "your size C's look nice to me" I go, 'No Jack, size B". He said "I heard you, size C". OK I'm thinking he is hard of hearing so in a loud theatre voice I finally said "Do you know what a size B looks like Jack or has it been too long for you?" He admitted it had been awhile since he had seen one. By this time, everbody is listening to our exchange. I said, "Well Jack, today is your lucky day" and proceeded to reach inside my top and pulled out the boob and showed it to him. Jiggled it around, tweaked the nipple. He said 'Is that silicone? Can I touch it" I said sorry, not with your germy fingers. The entire Infusion Dept is now laughing so hard they are holding their stomachs. Tattoo guy is making funny gagging sounds. My main nurse said she had been working there since the place was built and they had never seen anything like that. Chemo was done, I put 'The Jack" back in her pocket and that old man was smiling the biggest smile you ever saw. Told me I had made is year and wanted to know what day I come back. LOL

    Catch up with everyone later, just got a big giggle out of Deb and Sheri! Marsha
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    dang nam it i lost my post

    i will have to see if i can recompose it

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited May 2007
    I have 306 posts to catch up on... it will not be happening this morning!

    Girls....I am so sorry I have been missing in action. I have been having a complication that came out of the blue starting on Friday and sent me to an emergency visit to a surgeon. They patched me up enough just in time to get my second chemo yesterday. So i am half way through the Adria and then starts the Taxol.
    I have been so exhausted but yesterday took the cake. I was laying on my sofa eating crackers and I fell asleep. The phone rang and I couldn't answer it because the crackers were still in my mouth! I chewed them but never swallowed them! ICK!

    Today I get the *(#&($*%^&(#*^@(%)P Nuelasta- UGH!!!!

    And my hair has started to come out. I took a shower yesterday morning and it looked like a squirell exploded in the bathtub. So I get buzzed on Saturday and pick up Natasha the wig that I now have to pay full fee for because suddenly Oxford doesn't reimburse for wigs- even though it is WRITTEN ON MY POLICY.
    Also, they are STILL refusing the Nexium...

    Did anyone get that new magazine that Cure makes called HEAL? it is for survivors. IT IS GREAT. There is a wonderful and CHILLING article in it about how insurance companies can DROP you for any reason because you have cancer. THAT IS A VERY SCARY PROSPECT!

    Happy Birthday to Karen- I am so sorry I missed it.
    CY-I am sending Lucca Brazzi to take care of your path lab.
    And Cheri- I hear you are a cyst girl! YAY!

    I missed a ton of people. I will try to come back later. "They" tell me the Nuelasta "wont be as bad" this time....

    Love you,
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Oh G, I think we all knew you were having a rough time...we could feel, so sorry
    You are in the center of the circle and we are all praying and holding you.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited May 2007
    good morning ladies,
    nice to see you g!!!! lol @ the crackers!

    here is my thursday morning groaner!!!

    Gifts for the Teacher
    on the first day of school, the children brought gifts for their teacher.
    The florists son brought the teacher a bouquet of flowers.
    The candy store owners daughter gave the teacher a pretty box of candy.
    Then the liquor store owners son brought up a big , heavy box.
    The teacher lifted it up and noticed that it was leaking a bit.
    She touched a drop of liquid with her finger and tasted it.
    Is it wine? she guessed.
    No the boy replied.
    She tasted another drop and asked champagne?
    No said the boy. Its a puppy!!!!!!!

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited May 2007
    It is almost lunch. I thought I would invite everyone to a "special lunch". We have endured no hair days, bad hair days, fake boobs, reconstruction, nausea/fatigue, feeling lost and downright depressed. Here we are - still standing. Strong women - got that one right!!

    So slip away from work, leave the kids with a friend, get out of the house - come as you are. Feel special and pampered - find that face that goes with the name, laugh, joke and enjoy your lunch. Tables are set and it will be good food; just right for those on a diet. Have a good time CG's- this is for all of you. See you at noon.

    Love ya, CG's Brenda


    Oh, how do you like my backyard???? Hahahahaha!!!!!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    ok i will try again
    there is so much going on here and i am in the midst of decision making. I am not happy here now, i feel like i am in the way in my own house. I have conteplated divorce but
    yhat is hard when u are well and i cant imagine what it would be like for me with my health issues. so it may be
    best for me tomove either to assisted living or handicaped appartment, depending on what the doctor says next week.
    I am going to continue this in another post so i wont lose anything.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    I am glad that your tests came out good.

    Lisa and Brstn- i think if we dont HEAR from robin before too awful long, then we could rendezvous somewere and go rescue robin. think about what days u guys couldmeet for lunch and i will check with my sister to see if we cold do it-- i would love for the tennessee girls to meet.

    vicki= if i dont get more pictures to u bythe end o f may you have my permission to use the ones i have posted
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Late morning girls!

    OK, just finished one meeting, and have tons to do before next meeting, but taking a break anyway! Had a REALLY bad day yesterday, and am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel (not THAT light!! LOL), so screw it, I'm taking some me time.

    CY - So glad you got an afghan, you deserve to have a happy cry!!

    Z - You know, I have been skinny as a rail all my life, no boobs, no waist, pretty much look like a 12 year old boy. I have ALWAYS hated my body, and have always been really self-concious about the fact that I have no boobs. (Let's not even talk about the irony of bc for me!) Don't laugh, but people who don't know me think I had a double mast! Anyway, you are beautiful. When I hear someone say they have image issues, I think, how can that be? She's so pretty! We are so hard on ourselves. I'm glad you're doing positive things.

    Sue - Oh my goodness, what I week! I'm sorry about your uncle, bil dad and dil dad!! I usually just plunge back in without catching up, cause it's too hard for me!!

    Margaret - Thanks, yes my day got worse, and then I realized how silly it was to waste time crying over stuff, and started to get better. I'm a little numb now, but back on the right track I think! I stink with my digital camera too, but every so often get a great shot!

    Shel - I'm so sorry! That is the question I hate the most as well. I just really try to remind myself that most people are well-meaning, just ignorant. But it's hard. I sometimes feel like screaming at them as well. I often say, "BC is not like other cancers, where they will definitively tell you it's gone. Because BC can come back, the best I can get for now is NED." I usually then add, "I feel good." I don't say it mean, but it usually stops them from asking more questions! And again, I always try to consider the person's motive. Well-meaning parent from my son's school who is hoping for an "I'm cured!" response - say it really kindly. Nosy gossip - not so much!! Hang in there, and say whatever you need to say to make yourself OK with it, even if that is nothing at all!

    Deb - LOL! You said it better than me, the answer, and the tone of the answer, depends on the person, and their intent in asking the question. I'm especially kind to the people who freeze and you can literally see their brain saying to them DO NOT LOOK AT HER CHEST DO NOT LOOK AT HER CHEST OMG DO NOT LOOK AT HER CHEST!! cause I feel sorry for them! LOL

    Lisa - A mom at my school (a nice woman, but her daughter is in a different grade so we're not super close) said, really loudly on the playground the first day of school, "Colleen! I LOVE you hair!" She was so sweet and so genuinely complimenting me on my hair cut. (My wig was a pretty dramatic change from my long, long hair.) We all just kind of froze for a second, but I had to tell her. Poor thing, I just ran into her again and she said, "how are the wedding plans going?" (My fiance called off our engagement.) She has a serious complex now!!

    OK, so I really just don't get this about people getting nasty PMs. Am I just the most oblivious person on the planet? Ali, I hope you do post here, and I really don't understand that there are "private" threads.

    Nicki - I agree, a boy from my town was just killed in a car accident. He survived his tour of duty in Iraq, and then this happens. My heart breaks for his parents. I was having a really bad day yesterday, and then I heard that and thought the same thing, what I'm dealing with today is nothing compared to what those parents are dealing with today. So sad.

    Whoops! Out of time, back later....