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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    This is a quick pop in. Hope everyone is having a good day. Home from work late again! Talk to ya later.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    hold onto your hat. I had a rough day and night so i think i am on the upswing. trying to get ready for my trip to augusta.
    Pam, where are u in ga i am planning a trip to augusta are u close
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007
    Hi everyone...just stopping in to say hi and I'm ok. (if anyone missed me) this forum is really jumping which is great, but way too much reading. I think I'm giving up reading books and just come here. hehe

    Running away to the shore for a wedding and graduation party, so will be very busy this weekend. I'm bringing my kayak home so I can hit the streams around here. A guy at work just bought one and we'll row together.
    I'll try to read and see how everyone is later. I miss talking to everyone, but so busy with the spring at work. No down time at all. Love you all so much....xoxo
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Good evening sweet sisters,
    Came home and crashed on the couch! Had a "breakfast" dinner and ready for bed already. Geez I'm tired this week.
    Hypothetical would you feel if your boss and/or coworkers were reading your posts? I am a bit uncomfortable with the idea personally. I would feel like someone was reading my diary. I know you all and come here because we are "sisters" all in the same boat and feel like someone reading my posts that doesn't have breast cancer and really doesn't "get it" would be almost like evesdropping on a phone call. I have no problem with any member here reading what I post...not quite sure how to explain...
    Busy morning tomorrow so we'll let Cheri drive the magic carpet. Picking up Amy and Mazer for treatment, CY for her biopsy (shall we have Mazer give someone a good swift kick?), Jankay for physical therapy, and Cherryl is having a slam o gram...ummm...what's a slam o gram????
    Jan...stuck at work again!!! How can we have a cyber party if your stuck at work. Post anyways and don't worry, we'll get you a tin cup and you can beg on the street corner with us when we get caught posting at work LOL.
    Shel...can't help you with the weight watchers as I have a hard time keeping the weight on! I'll try to google weight watcher recipes and see what I come up with though.
    Robin...where are you...we are worrying! Susan...did you get a hold of her?
    well...just gave puppy a bath and he needs brushing so I'll be back.
    love ya all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    Of course we missed you tgirl and love you too! Enjoy your outdoor time!

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007
    I just realized how petty my statement was...didn't mean it like that at all. Just with all of our new sisters and so much going on in everyone's life.
    I tend to go away for a while and then come up for air.
    My life has been very dull which is great so I have nothing to add. Beautiful weather and thinking of DMDeb and how her spring is way up there.

    I have been thinking of Robin lately also. Way too much stress for that girl and the evil man.

    NS...thoughts to you also. You are so very strong, keep it up. I know all about you New York girls....

    Mena...hugs and kisses to you my little sister. Hope things are doing better with the house and everything.

    Well tonights' Grey's night with my BFF's so off I go.
    Love to all xoxoxo
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
    Hi Friends!

    Gonna try to do a run down of know that you are all in my thoughts!

    Z: Thanks for the kind words for our Circle! 14 hours at word..YUCK!

    Ishop1: Sue: Sorry for all the losses you've had this week. Take care and give Baby Brison a big hug from all his new aunties!

    Shel: All I can say is Deb's response to your question is perfect! I know you work in a hospital...........but hey, they are gonna reprimanded you for causing duress? Sounds like turn around should be fair play! I know it can't be, but if it could!

    LisaElder: Treadmill..Got one, It makes a Annual 60 mile trip between my DD's house and mine! This year it is parked in my Lower Level collecting dust!
    We will welcome Ali with open arms! Sounds like this is the right thread for her to come to.
    I think you may have to make the trek to Robins house..concern is mountnig.

    Nicki: Thanks for the reminder of the satisfaction I give in my job. The only reason I stay with it!

    Joyce: Where have you been? How's little Kevin doing?

    Betty: I missed the boob and the hotel fire story....can I have a reprint?

    JanKay: You certainly don't need marital unhappiness with all you are going through. Take your time and think about what YOU want. We'll here for you!

    Naniam: Thank's for the Beautiful Lunch!!!!!!!!Your backyard is beautiful!

    Boo: Hope the mouth is okay. You're done!! Feel better Dear.

    Sheri: Glad you've enjoyed Teacher appreciation week, sounds like a wonderful luncheon!
    Love the Boob Story............I didn't think you would do something like that.........but love it and I'm glad you did!!

    Gina: More surgical problems..yikes girl, we need to take you to a tropical Island and let you get pampered!

    Cheri: YOU SOUND LIKE ALOT OF STRESS HAS BEEN LIFTED FROM YOUR SHOULDERS! (no pun intended) Glad you are doing so good!!!!

    Marsha: Great Boob Story........let me ask..Did poor old Jack have to go from Chemo to CCU after that one??

    Colleen: Hope you are having a better day today! Sounds like the lady from the school has a case of "put my foot in my mouth" I've sure done that alot, and the more I try to correct it the worse it gets!

    Amy: Hey Jude and Mazer still get the cutest picture award!! Are the animals staying home these days!

    Shirley: Hope your BRCA testing went well and that you enjoyed the day with your Aunt and Cousin! Recuperating on a cruise ship........Highly recommend it! I did that..I was cruising the Panama Canal 2 1/2 weeks after surgery!!!!

    Karen: I did it fast too...Biopsy one week with DX and had surgery the following week! Get it out of me, now!!

    Shokk: It sounds like the Jitters for your DD. Congrats on the solo's..the concert should be nice for both of you! Would you stay out of the STORMS already!!

    Cheri and Susan: Are you guys flooded? We can send an arc to get you!

    Liz: Gotta love it....get it checked immediately..but no Doctors are available. WTF........
    The cake you made is Delicious!! Have fun with the Relay for Life!

    Vicki: FREEZE the boob and then throw it instead of water bottles!

    Puppy: Beautiful picture you sent us. AND also like the Tin Cup!

    MB: Agree totally with your description of work!

    Pam: Glad you are feeling better!! Let me know when the cell phone starts to grow!!

    Madison, Alwayshope, Margaret, Mena, Iris, Tracey, ROBIN, Jule, Jan and so many others.........Hugs to ya!

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Hey tgirl, I was just thinking about you - really! (My dad always says, "I was just about to call you" when we call him, which is a total lie, but honestly, I really was just wondering where you were.)

    And it didn't come across as petty at all, but I'm the queen of self-deprecating (sp?) humor, so I probably just figured you meant it that way.

    Good to see you in any event!! Enjoy the best night on television!!

    Hugs to everyone
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007 kitty pics...I know you all want one and I can overnight your choice LOL

    Nathaniel calls this one Peanut Butter



    and the twins
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Ok sweet ladies its off to bed for me...can't figure out why I am so competely exhausted...this is too weird.

    Sending each and every one of you lots of love, hugs, prayers, well wishes, positive energy and hope you have a sweet peaceful night with nothing but happy dreams.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007

    Denise - I know, and she's SUCH a nice girl! I really like her. Her husband died when their daughter was in Kindergarten (cancer) and she was really young (I want to say early 30s maybe), she's definitely had a rough go of it. She's in the circle of 5th grade parents even though her daughter is in 4th grade because she's such a sweetie, but she's clearly not kept up to date on the developments in my life!! LOL

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Denise, I have a lot of crazy inside of me, but was taught to be very controlled. I think all my experiences are loosening my inhibitions.

    Picked up dd, Sarah, today from school. She was pretty much packed and it really didn't take long to check her out. Dh and I spent more time together today than we have in a long time. It was like I remembered why I liked him in the first place.

    Sarah is a very private person in many ways and has not had many male/boyfriend type relationships. Well, today she let it slip that she had her first kiss last night! It was funny the way she finally told us. It was like she wanted us to know, but let us interrogate her to get the details. She's our only girl and has been a late bloomer, so I am torn with wanting to know everything, but almost afraid to know too much! Now they are on summer vacation, so it will be interesting if we see anything of this mystery guy.

    Vickie, do you have a boss/coworker reading your posts? I hope you don't think I let my friends at work read them, no way Jose! The only thing I let people read is when someone posts a poem or story that is meant to be shared, nothing personal. That sounds kind of creepy. I also better make sure Sarah doesn't see those kitty pictures or she will be demanding one. Pets are her greatest passion. She would love to visit Amy's farm.

    I loved having a day off today, but back in the trenches tomorrow.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Cripes, I was just posting and my computer just kicked me out!!! Like I said........Awwwwwww, Vickie, too pickin cute!!!

    I'm sorry I left so abrubtly, but we had a minor meltdown at work. So, now I'm home and baaaaccckkkkk!!!!

    CY, I am so happy that you got an afgan. Good for you!!! Enjoy it!

    Z, what a beautiful picture! It sucks to have to put that kind of day in.

    Sue, 3 people died while you were away!!!! Please accept my condolences. That is too much to handle.

    Shel, just ignore the stupid comments. When people find out I had BC the first place their eyes go is my chest. I figure they are ignorant and don't know any better. F 'em!

    Ali, welcome to you. Like I've said before, this is the best place on the boards. Nothing but love here.

    Sheri, fake boobs and poop! You're my kinda gal .

    Marsha, I'm going to Pinkstock also and I'm not your secret pal but, hmmmmmmm.......I could be your friend!!!

    Cheri, I'm so glad that all is well with you!! I will try and partay for you this weekend. I hope will be home long enough!

    Nicki, Yay, keep up the good work!!!

    Shirley, I am so proud of you and Cheri for not smoking!!

    I know I missed most of you. It's been one of those days.

    Shokk, Denise, Deb, Anne, Lisa, Karen, Beth, NS(where are you), Robin(I am really concerned), Amy(give the donkeys a kiss), Mena, Tracey, MB, Judith, Brenda, Colleen, Laura, Yo JanKay, Sheri, Tricia, Boo, I love you all. Take care.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Sheri, I also have a lot of crazy in me and unfortunately, it comes out!! ! Usually at the most inopportune times.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008

    Question: Husband just asked me if his face looked swollen. He has a lump that looks like half of a baseball going from his jaw to his ear. This just happened in the past half hour. No I don't think it is an abcess (sp) He said it happened one other time.........well we've been together 6 years and it hasn't been that time.
    Wait and see
    medical attention??????

    Non-symptomatic, acute in nature........

    Any suggestions?

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Just looking at tomorrow's calendar. Today was quiet, but lots of stuff tomorrow, so we better get the carpet ready:

    Amy has a treatment, Cherryl a mammogram (I think that's what you are talking about, I like the way you worded it, Jankay some physical therapy, or as Susan calls it "terror", and CY's liver biopsy redo. Lots of prayers and thoughts for you girls.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007

    Denise, I wish I could help you, alas, not a nurse. Could it be an allergic reaction to something? We have a nurse-line we can call 24/7 for those kinds of problems. Can you call the ER and get any suggestions from them?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Good evening ladies. It's a rainy old night here. Great for sleeping, though. Which is what I did this afternoon. My dr called me back and after I explained the appt. with the Onc on monday he said it wasn't necessary for me to come in there tomorrow. He asked how i felt and if I was sick, I told him I was just tired. He goes off the deep end over things.

    Shirley, Congrats on your no smoking for 7 whole days! That is so great. Stay strong I know how hard it is.

    Karen, I still lose posts sometimes and it is sooo aggravating after you've sat and thought about what you wanted to say.

    Amy, I've said it before and I'll say it again...nice ass.

    Shokk, as a matter of fact we do "got water". lol

    Liz, so nice to see you posting. I've missed you.

    Vickie, at this stage in my life it gives me goose bumps for anyone to breathe down my neck...even Mazer.

    Brenda. thank you for the wonderful backyard lunch. Simply beautiful.

    Pam, glad your internet is being hooked back up at home maybe we can get acquainted.

    Sheri, I guess cysts arent real bad as long as that's all they are. I was so glad to have one!

    Thersa, enjoy the wedding and graduation this week=end.

    Vickie, WooHoo, I get to drive the Magic carpet, bubble up kiddos! HAHAHA

    Denise. You're right, ALOT of stress has been lifted off me. Funny thing, when you find out you don't have a brain tumor it tends to make you do the Happy Dance. "Get down girl, get down...."

    Gina, nice to see you posting. Hope all goes well for you.

    Marsha, wishing you the best through your treatment.

    Meaner than me, come out my little playmate.

    Lisa, my friend. Hope we both sleep well tonight, but if not, "I got you Babe" lol

    Jankay, hope you're feeling alright.

    Well, i may just go to bed...or not. Just don't know what to do with me. I'm afraid after a 4 hr. nap today I won't sleep tonight. I have a free day tomorrow, no children until at least afternoon. My dd and her dh are fighting so she and her 2 boys have been staying here the last couple of nights. Of course, I want her marriage to work but he shouldn't yell in her and Ethans face. He and I have had several words over Ethan. Her dh has a tendency to yell when he gets aggravated, well, not in my dd and gs face, at least not here. Oh well.

    Good night ladies, or I may be back. Who knows.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    CY, don't be scared, we'll all be with you tomorrow holding your hand. You'll get through this just fine and it'll be B9. You're very important to us.

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Good evening sisters,

    Today was very busy at work. You know how it goes, you take a day off and come back to 10 problems that need attention now. I have two vacancies I can't fill. I need 2 mental health counselors to work with kids in Key West. Know anybody?
    My best friend from Denver will be here any minute with her adorable 7 yo daughter. They will stay almost a week, so between entertaining guests and work I won't be able to be here as much. And of course I dashed home from work to clean. Silly, because she could care less about dust bunnies and such.
    She offered to come after I have surgery to help take care of me. Don't you love friends like that? I told her, no, come now so I can enjoy your company.

    Vickie, I would not like co-workers reading my posts here. And your kitties are sooooo cute!

    Liz, your critters are adorable too.

    Sending good thoughts to Robin.

    Greetings for everyone. I wish I had more time to read and chat.

  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2007
    I called Robin again.Girls,something ain't right here and I am very worried.I'm afraid she may be in the hospital.Me and my stupid chemo brain,I have forgot her last name.Help please?If anybody knows it let me know ASAP,gotta find our sister.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
    Hi Lisa,

    I agree, something ain't right............I worry about everything..And if I don't worry about worries, I worry about finding something to worry about!

    Anyhow, I'm not comfortable with the situation she has been living it "Mothers intuition" but I don't have the best vibe about this.

    I don't have her last name..but I bet either Vickie or Madison has, as she received an Afghan.

    Keep us posted, please.
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Hi Sheri,
    Yes, it's a mammogram, but I call 'em as I see 'em and it's a slam!!! I'm nearly seven years out from dx and I still go to pieces when it's time for the annual Gram. Thanks or your good wishes. Since my onc insists that I always get a diagnostic, I'll know before I leave the center what's going on. Take care.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    I agree girls, something's not right. I'm very worried about Robin.

    Lisa - I sent a PM to you with her last name. I think I have the phone number of the Erlanger Hospital somewhere. That's the one she was in once I know. If anyone hears anything - please post!

    Hugs girls
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    liz how are you doing? got ahold of your surgeon yet??

    good luck tomorrow, Amy, Cherryl, jankay, CY
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Thanks Susan.
    Turning in for the night. Have a good day tomorrow.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Hey girls, just got home. Started at 7:30 am ended at 8:30 pm, woke aup at 5:00 am. I will catch up tomorrow with you all. I am always thinking of you though.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007
    Good evening gals - I am tired of being tired. Its jsut about 4 weeks on the Tamox and some side effects are better(like the totally fuzzy brain and GI stuff), but I am so tired on it - and knees still hurt all the time (but less than on the AI's) but I think getting worse again and hands are stiff and sore in the mornings. I am not sure what to do. I don't know if I should call my onc. He said give it a month - he also asked if I still had his pager number and he gave it to me again. Don't know if I want to stay on Tamox, go back to AI's and maybe try Aromasin or go off it all (which is probably not prudent). Just tired of hurting. Miriam had a community dinner at school tonight and I was one of the helpers serving - after an hour of standing, my knees were killing me and kneeling down was torture!!!! I am so sorry to whine, and I know this is nothing compared to what our poor Gina and Cy and many of the other gals are enduring, but I just want to not hurt. Tomorrow I go downtown with Miriam for the Shakespeare festival and I worry about being exhausted - plus it is going to be sunny and hot - 84 is projected high temp. Just don't have any stamina anymore. I guess I need to remember that I still work full-time (okay I am off this week) and do laundry, grocery shop and cook, but I used to do all this and more.
    Tish - enjoy your visit with your girlfriend.
    Sherndon - 1st kiss for DD - my oldest daughter is also a late bloomer. She just turned 21 and has never dated - which is just fine with me. She goes to an all girls college, so no boys. It is a very conservative school, so the girls don't take till they are looking to get married. Just fine with this ole mama.
    Vickie - the kittens are so cute. I have never owned a cat - always have had dogs - currently have 3, two of which are quite large. One weighs as much as me.
    Shirley - way to go day 7!!!
    Shokk - how did DD solo go. I'm sure she was fantastic.
    Jankay - hugs
    Cy - I will be with you tomorrow. Be sure to wrap yourself in the afgan. BTW - do you know who is driving tomorrow.
    Z - sorry you had such a long day. Hope tomorrow will be better.
    Robin - please check in with us.
    Gina - hope you are doing okay.
    Tracey - how are you - my DD is up in your neck of the woods till tomorrow.
    Beth - does anyone have an update. I'm thinking she should be home by now - probably for a day or two.
    Cheri - glad you can wait till you see the onc on monday for your blood work. Enjoy some quiet time tomorrow.
    Sending hugs from Denver to all the CG's who have procedures tomorrow. Wishing everyone an easy time and praying for only good results. Oh yeah - I just remembered to tell youall - I am going to go to the Day of Caring in Denver on Saturday. Going to stay at the hotel friday night as it is my sabbath and we don't drive. It is stretching keeping the sabbath with going, but I am going. Squeaker is also going and we are going to try to meet. I will let everyone know how it is. Doubt I will get here tomorrow and maybe not saturday night either. Wishing everyone an early mothers day. Karen in Denver
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited May 2007
    It is so late but I haven't been home long and still two wound up to go to bed. Hubby and I were watching the survillance tape to see if we could see what happened to our money today - yep, got hit again. We were both so tired trying to watch an entire day that I will just have to sit down Sunday evening and go sale by sale and see if I catch it. You just don't give back that much money by mistake.

    Vicki, why and where does your boss and coworkers read your post??? No, I would definitely not be comfortable with that. I want to share pictures sometimes but always stop because this is very public and anyone can latch on to them. I'm not comfortable with that either.

    Nathaniel and the kittens are adorable. They looking for a home????

    Gina, know how you feel about the Neulasta shot. I agree with Vicki, everyone it seems felt horrible taking this shot even though it was to keep our blood counts up so you wonder if it really is that great or if they could lessen the dosage and it be just as effective. Kicked my hinney good!!!

    Cy, sorry you have to do this again. Sending you warm caring wishes and hugs tomorrow.

    Karen, I know what you are saying and feeling. I tried Femara, stopped and the oncologist is pitching fits. If I don't try it again soon, then apparently it will have been to long to be considered effective. Just having to stop the estrogen has been hard. I am confident the lack of estrogen replacement is why I have had such a hard time with fatigue and now my joints are huring me awful. Fingers that have become "trigger fingers" ; they are swollen and stiff along with my ankles and knees. They want me to start Femara with all of these symptoms!!!! I know we each come out of this feeling different. Some would not even consider not taking an AI and think I am nuts. I fought through chemo and rads so I would have quality of life too, not just life. I haven't found a happy medium.

    Like someone else said, I deal with the minor aches and pains and my really feeling down or blue days - sometimes I just pull away from here for quite a while until I can come back and not be so negative or down. Besides, compared to what most of the gals here are going through I don't have any right to complain at all. The way my joints feel and my lack of energy, I feel older than dirt!!!

    Thought maybe we would have heard from Beth and Robin.

    Cheri, I saw where you are getting rain - hope you aren't close to any of the flooded areas.

    Denise, Nicki, Z, DebC, Amy, Liz, Shokk,Jankay,Shirley, Susan, Madison, Jasmine, Jan, Colleen, MB, EVERYONE - my brain is dead - hope you rest well.

    It is TGIF already!!!!!! Brenda