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  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Robin I have been wondering the very same thing......I was always one of those kids what I call "safe" kids.....didn't do any drinking, no fast cars, didn't really get into any trouble......I was right in the middle of the sexual revolution.....been with one other guy besides my husband.....what in the hell was I thinking.....I have lived my life so safely that I'm beginning to wonder why haven't I done more stuff.......why didn't I run around, been more free sexually, done some drinking......(hitting myself on the forehead as if I could have had a v-8)look where I am.....50 yr old woman with bc, single and really don't have any good stories......I once teased Tracey about what kind of kid was she when she was having trouble with her 15 yr old and she said she was the worse.....but look she has had an exciting life and probably has some great stories....we are exactly in the same place (bc).....trying to live a "safe" life didn't save me from bc and now I don't even have any really good stories.......

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. Today is my ONE MONTH anniversary of not smoking! Tuh-DA. No nicotine in any form, no patches, gum or any of that trash, no nicotine at all! Whew, I am just amazed. I honestly don't know why I didn't break at some point. But to be totally honest with myself, I'd still like a cigarette! That bothers me, I want to not want one at all. But instead of smoking I'm eating bananas and drinking that nasty OJ. Got to get that potassium up.

    Shirley, I hate the dreams of smoking. I always wake up and want one really bad after that. You are doing sooo good, you can do this.

    Karen, enjoy your "Day of Caring" tomorrow.

    Brenda, we did get rain but I don't believe there was any flooding. Thanks.

    Nicki, happy friday.

    Betty, your new furniture sounds great. We have a Wood You here, too, but I've never been in there.

    Vickie, happy friday. We gonna cyber Par-Tay this week-end? We missed last time. What was the theme you wanted to do? I think I could use a good Cyber Par-Tay. Laughter is good for the soul. Laughter is the best medicine etc.

    LisaE, thanks for letting us know about Robin. Wanna Par-Tay with us?

    Jankay, hope you put on your bubble wrap and buckled in this morning for out Magic Carpet/Roller Coaster ride. Wheeee

    Theresa, hope you can get your mother in to see an Ortho and when you do I hope he's worth a...spit.

    Neesie, YeeHaw, I know you love those wild rides! (Or so I've heard) so be sure you buckle up on the Carpet! Hang onto Jankay, it's her first trip.

    Iris, so good to see you posting! Sorry you lost your first one. I hate losing one because it takes me forever to get one done.

    Margarette, Hi Ya.

    Z, hope today is a much easier day on you.

    Shokk, congrats on your dd's award. Now, how can you leave us hanging like that wondering what it is your hesitating to post about? What a tease!

    NS, glad to see you posting. I'll keep Kay & Ferne in my prayers. Sorry your Neulasta was so hard on you. You know, I hear about so many that really had alot of problems with it and I was lucky cos it didn't really hurt me that bad. I knew that I'd had it but it was quite tolerable.

    Robin, glad you're feeling a little better. Next time please pm if you don't feel like posting. I thought that was probably the case.

    Madison, I'm good today, thanks for asking. Hope you have a great day.

    I think I'm passed the "Why do bad things happen to good people" phase and have entered the "Why do bad things CONTINUALLY happen to good people" phase. lol I guess they don't just keep on...I did just get a big break with the brain mri. But I shouldn't have had to have gone through it anyway. I don't know the answers to all those questions, and I've tried to stop asking myself, I should already know that I don't know the answers or I wouldn't be asking me. HAHAHAHAHA Now if you can understand what I just might need some professional help. lol

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Looking up the # for professional help Cheri cause I understood every word of it.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Deb, what a wonderful day you're having with your dd's. They'll remember this day forever and always look back on it with fondness. Making good memories. You all have a great day!

    Amy, let me see, blue drinks After-not before, I think I got it. I just told dh about the cyst cos I knew Ed could care less. HAHAHHAHA

    Shokk, my gosh, we're still young! I turn 50 this Oct. I have stories. In fact I have waaaaaaay too many stories. lol Maybe you should "live it up" now and make you some stories for when you get old, huh? Ever think of that? 50 is the new 30, ya know! Do something about the things you can change to make yourself feel better. You are alive! LIVE!

    Robin, if you are feeling that bad then you need to tell your dr. and let him prescribe something for you. You can't live feeling that way. That would be horrible. Really, talk to your dr. You were feeling sooo much better for awhile. It knocked the wind out of you when you had that confrontation with your dh. Pull yourself back together, he's the loser, not you.

    Meaner, where are you?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007

    Amy...I just knew you would.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007

    HMMMMMMM OK Cheri, Ed has been out of town, and when he got back, He was Pretty Darn Happy!!
    and Sings "MY CHERI AMORE" All the time!!
    Fess Up
    MRS. ED
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited May 2007
    Hi all. I am supposed to be working, but I wanted to check in as I’ll be at my Dad’s this weekend again, and probably won’t be on the boards. I miss you all terribly when I can’t be here. Dad’s still in the hospital as they can’t get his red counts up, and he’s frustrated, but they did his first zap yesterday.

    I’m doing okay this week. Still very tired, itchy and burnt from rads, but I am officially a single digit midget – only 9 more zaps to go. I am really looking forward to having one less thing on my plate.

    Cheri and Shirley – I am so proud of both of you I could burst!

    Hugs to Betty, Nicki, Naniam, Karen in Denver, Cherryl, Susanmcm, Shel, Gina, Vickie, Tricia, Shel, Lisa, Pam, jankay, Theresa, Marsha, Denise, Iris, Madison, Colleen, Margaret, Brenda, Ali, Robin, shokk, Karen, Z, Puppy, Sherndon, CY, DebC, Amy, Biker, Cheri and Shirley and anyone else I forgot or who hasn’t posted in 2 pages.

    DebC – I was thinking of you especially this morning, because I saw a car with an Alaska license plate at the hospital this morning and was hoping that you’d come to see me, even though I knew that was pretty silly.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Puppy, too cute! Where did you ever find her? I don't have Eds pants, in fact, Ed and I really don't care much for each other. lol See what you started, Mena??? You jump on here and fix things. C'Mon, you thought you were being so smart that night hahahahaha

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Thank you puppie I love that picture

    Cheri:I will pm you the next time I am sick i promise didnt mean to make you worry.How did your mri go monday?I did see my onc on wed I think it was,or maybe tuesday one of those days anyway,he said I just had what is going around.I do feel better today than I have all week although I have cried all day.You are right,I was doing really good until last sunday when the EVIL started his crap.I cant take many more confrintations with him.I am going to snap.I am afraid he is going to push me to the point of no return,then I guess the state will have to take care of me.I am in prison now so what would it matter.
    and can you believe he bought a new pc?I almost took a hammer to it and still might,then he would just go buy another one.He will not even bring home a gallon of milk but he can buy a new pc?I dunno.Sounds like trash to me.

    Amy:you bet I wanted to burst it and I might yet.Send mazar to get me I cant take anymore.

    It really knocked the wind out of my sales when the attorney told me i couldnt sue.I am going to talk to some more attorney though.I just dont think it is normal to let surgical staff break peoples shoulders.Nicki dont you agree?
    I love you girls with all my heart and cant wait until I have good news to share.And keep watching cnn you never know who you will see.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    i don't have time to read back, but just checking to make sure you guys know that kay's (fancy2) hubbie died today, and i don't believe it was expected.

    ttyl (ignore me if you knew this already!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    DebC.....thank you from the bottom of my heart.......

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Cheri thanks for the pep talk.....maybe your right......maybe I should really start living my life instead of being so afraid and letting my present situtiation control me.........thanks.......and congrats on the cigarettes.......

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    OK! This has been an absolutely awful day. And I'm crying my eyes out right now for our "fancy" - Kay. For those of you who dont know fancy, she is a wonderful person. She was here in the wagon circle in the beginning. Amy, you would have liked her cause she was always up early pitching hay and feeding the horses. She always reached out to help another person in need. Such an inspiration here on the boards - well for me. I only hope during this terribly difficult time, I can return, the strength and encouragement she has given me.

    I couldnt be more stressed. Its been an awful day. On my way to work my car started to feel like it was gonna stall. Could pick up speed with acceleration. Now this is my new car. So I decide to go home and get it checked out. On the way home the "check engine" light goes on. So then I totally freak out.

    So at the car dealers, my husband acts funny. I look at him and say whats wrong. And now the nurse in me is saying something is wrong - so I finially make him tell me. He is having an irregular heart beat, then tells me he thinks he had a heart attack 3 weeks ago, but the pain went away so he didnt wake me up. Hasnt been to a doctor in 32 years - and of course he is absolutely refusing to go to one now. He says he doesnt care if he dies! Cheesus - I do! So to make a long story shorter - my car needs a new air/fuel censor and they say its ok to drive. No charge of course cause its under warranty. Husband is sleeping and refusing to see any doctors, Im already thinking about making the appt with my PCP!!

    So I am one day short of 2 weeks on South Beach. I caved in tonight. Im drinking merlot. It tastes good and Im already getting a buzz cause I have had any wine for 2 weeks. Guess Im gonna have to walk extra tomorrow to make up for it. Hee Hee Hee! Maybe it the extra xanax I took earlier - as I ws totally freaking out.

    It gets a little worse. I typed a whole long post just like this one. Im looking at it and going hey, they deleted all our pages. Realized I had typed this whole scenerio on Welcome To The Wagon Circle. Then I go back and delete the gosh darn whole post cause I dont want a new person to think I am absolutely crazy.

    Betty: I sure did beat everyone up this morning. Gosh, I got up in the middle of the night for petes sake. Only way I can keep on top of things here on the boards is to get up a little earlier. Congrats on the new cabinet.

    Vickie: These boards are exactly like a diary. We say things we wont say to anyone else.

    Jankay: I just read about a movie, I cant remember the name of it for the life of me. Olympia Dukasis stars in it. Its about a young woman who developes Alzheimers at an early age and she moves to assisted living against the protest of her husband. She then developes a meaningful relationship with one of the other residents living there. I know you dont have Alzheimers, but Parkinsons is a very hard thing to live with everyday. And making a decision about Assisted living is hard. Just know that we are here for you.

    MargaretB: Taking your blood pressure in your leg with raise the # by about 10-20mm mercury. Simple explanation? I would have your PCP check out your blood pressure as that probably equals 177 to 187 on the upper number. Thats too high in my books. The bottom number is good but I would still see your PCP. Tamoxifen definitely can raise your blood pressure and make you retain water which might feel like puffiness.

    Shokk: I hate it too.

    Ok! so my body has been deprived of alcohol. 2 glasses of wine and I need to take a little nap. I will catch up with you all later. Its the week-end thank goodness.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    Hi all,
    by the time i go through 2 pages of posts i am exhausted. I cried when I heard about Fancy. I'm crying about all the pain you are going through Robin and my heart goes out to you shokk. I know it's hard. I'm with Deb. God loves you.

    Cheri, Puppy, Amy, you all made me laugh. Cheri, I knew Mena would get you in trouble. Oh no wait, you have gotten her in trouble.

    tgirl, good luck with your mom.

    CY hope the biopsy went ok.

    Pam I don't understand about planting the cell phone. I wish I would have been there.

    Lisa, thanks so much for tracking down Robin. I sure hope things get better there.

    Brenda. I cannot believe the theft keeps happening. is the guy stupid. does he think you are not paying attention. that has to be an awful feeling. chin up dear.

    for all the rest. hugs to you.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Nicki:I am sorry about your terrible day.Of all the things your dh could have said dont care if he dies would not have been my choice.
    I heard about kay's husband and I am so sorry for her,boy that was quick.
    I hope you feel better,drink all the wine you want,I am going to go get a 24 pack of the ole bud light myself in a few.
    I have not smoked in 3 days now and dont really want one.I havent bought any for the house and I am sure the EVIL has some horded in his truck to keep me from getting a pack.He hides his wallet under the couch cushion i have noticed.He cant even walk to the bathroom without looking sneaking.
    I just dont know why there is so much suffering in the world,physical,mental,emotional,i dont understand any of it.
    It seems like the lazier good for nothings always have it so good,I mentioned that to someone once and she said,because Satan already has those where he wants them so he isnt constantly casting stones at them,it is us good folks he wants.That makes sense to me.
    It is storming dark and gloomy here.I am finally alone,how I long for those few precious moments of quiet time.

    Shokk:If you figure out how to go on with your life would you please share some of your tips with me?I think when the EVIL is out of my life maybe I can live a little.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007

    Puppy, too cute! Where did you ever find her? I don't have Eds pants, in fact, Ed and I really don't care much for each other. lol See what you started, Mena??? You jump on here and fix things. C'Mon, you thought you were being so smart that night hahahahaha


    I'll Believe that when--image
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Hello CG's!! Sneaking in from work. Boy, do I miss you. I am having board withdrawal - is that a real ailment? Sure feels like it, and it sucks. I am bogged down, beauties. Busy is not eeven the right word. TGIF!!!!
    I will be away for a bit, I am walking in the Revlon Run/Walk for Women's Cancer tomorrow, YEA!! But I will be back soon. Hugs to you all, I'm thinking about you.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Nicki, you deserve multiple glasses of wine. So sorry for your day. Can you get DH to a doctor next week? I know, I know boys are stupid-throw rocks at them------I know my DH WILL NOT go to doctors---Don’t they realize how much we worry.….Is there anything we can do for Fancy? I believe I have her address from the afghan mailing so if anyone would like to send a card, please send me a PM.

    I was at the dealership this morning with my car….seems the computer for the air-conditioner was not acknowledging when I was driving under 55 mph and therefore would not cool properly. HELLO, this is the SOUTH, this is the capital city – hot, hot, hot and slow, slow, traffic – I don’t know of very many cities that you can drive 55 MPH during rush hours…anyway 3 hours later – I have my car and we’ll see if the computer is now working.

    Robin, dear sweet Robin, you sound so sad and so hopeless…….it is times like these that you need to draw strength from all of us…..close your eyes and picture all of us with you… really and truly are never alone. Remember you have sisters all over the world that love and care for you.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    OH Nicki, my heart breaks for You!
    Madison, I am going to PM you! You might know just when I start to feel funny, "I MAKE A FOOL OUTA MYSELF"
    Sorry CGS, you know I care was just trying to make you laugh! Puppy
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007

    thank you Madison,I do try ,I try so hard but then the hoplessness hits me right in the face.But there is a better day ahead.God gave me a promise years ago and I hold fast to that promise,somedays that is all that keeps me going.Thanks for caring.Without all of you I would have no one.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Robin, so glad to see you back. I'm so sorry you have to put up with EVIL every day. You definitely don't deserve it!

    Girls, I gotta tell you, this end of the year is going to do me in! We have 2 weeks left of school and I think the parents and karma are going to get me. I took yesterday off to move my dd home from college so I knew I would have a ton of extra paper work to do today. I walk into my classroom and it smells toxic. Couldn't really identify it, but figured with the fan blowing it would get better. During my first class the teacher next door walked in and said I'd better get out of there quick because I looked like I would pass out. Grabbed some books and moved upstairs to the library. The kids are extra wound up, we are calling everyone we can think of to check it out. My second class was outside on the steps because the smell seemed to be creeping upstairs. Finally, we get ahold of someone. We use a church building for our school. One of the pastors had left his air conditioner on all night and it leaked. His office was right above my classroom, so it permeated my room. I spent the whole day moving around to different locations and by the end of the day I never even touched any paper work, so it's really piled up now. Plus, I've had that smelly taste in my mouth all day. I sure hope it didn't do anything to make me sick. I got kind of loopy for awhile and said, "yeah, it probably causes cancer" and all the kids just thought that was so funny.

    That was only one of the many things that happened today. Most of the other things came from parents of students who are being very nasty. One parent invited a principal from some other private "Christian" school to meet with parents from our school to try to get them to go to the other school. How tacky is that? Then, another parent wrote a note on a teacher evaluation form where it asked for comments that the teacher needs to dress better. This is a kindergarten teacher who dresses in bright clothes and many times costumes to go with the themes she is teaching. She was in tears. Then I found out that another teacher whose daughter plays soccer heard a large group of parents talking about the middle school teachers, which I am one of. They were badmouthing us at the soccer game and the other teacher didn't know if she should have said anything or not. That really ticked me off! Of course she should have! Why didn't she speak up for her coworkers?

    Ok, this is a terrible rant. I'm probably still feeling the affects of that horrible chemical I inhaled this morning.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    Well I thought it was just me, But many of you are having the same kind of day! My DH is out of town(no i wont go there, don't want to get cheri in trouble) and I am sitting in front of my PC bawling my eyes out, i guess thats why i tried to act funny!! I wanted to drink a beer, BUT when the good Lord answers a prayer, IT WORKS!!
    I don't want any beer! I want my Son to come home,so i can take care of Him! they let him out of prison with the promise of veterans addm. he would get counseling, they don't have long term or stay at the hospital i think i am trying to say, so of corse he wont go! he called the other night and had no idea who he called, i just hung the phone up ok i am bawling my damned eyes out, i know so many others have much worse problems and yes i feel guilty but you are my family and i need you while i sut here waiting for a call that he probaly is dead! how can i except mothers day how do i enjoy me other baby????????????
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007

    i go for a mamo and mri the 21 of may, after 3 years of pain they finaly listened because of what i learned here. i have a spot on my head i told you about a year ago the dr told me to get a massage and put me on cymbalta it made me crazy so now im on lexapro and it really helps, but the pain in the top of my head left side on top has grown and im scared they wont listen should i tell the radiologist about this when i see him. my family dr told me i dont have cancer and i should put that kind of thought out of my head and i dont need a onc. heeeeeeeeeelp. Puppy

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    well pt was pretty good. they gave me a new exercise and i had to do it for 10 min. which i did and also walked around the room. I did it but boy was i wiped out. now i am trying to get ready for ga next weekand i am getting excited and nervouz. reminding you i will have no access to a computer until next thurs. we will be leaving monday morning. will talk to u soon.

  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Hi All,

    Wantned to check in quickly and say that I, too am dancing with NED. WhooHoo. I'm getting a glass of wine and will catch up on the events of the day. See you later.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited June 2008
    Hi Girls,

    I am going to the Mi site and find out about Kay's Husband. I just talked to her a couple weeks ago..the first time we've chatted on the phone. I am blown away, I'll be back.
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Rabbi Kushner's book is wonderful. I'm a hospital chaplain and every spring I help teach a 12 week program for volunteer chaplains. His book is at the top of the rading list.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Good Golly Miss Molly! A lot going on today!

    I didn't take notes, so bear with me...

    shokk - I'm so sorry, I just don't even know what to say. There is no reason, it's the only thing I can bear to thing. Just one big crapshoot!

    Nicki - yikes! Who has a heart attack and doesn't say anything!?!?

    Shoot! Already forgetting everything, drat this feeble no short-term memory chemo brain of mine!! I have 3 11 year old boys running around my yard with nerf dart guns, so I have to go...

    Hang in there everyone, sorry it's been a tough day for so many!!
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007
    Good evening CG's - hot day in denver - in the 80's with sunny skies. Miram's group did fantastic at the Shakespeare festival. The groups do one 7 minutes scene. Her group was a scene from King Lear - she was Regan. Need to nurture her talent. Just a quick visit here and only briefly skimmed all 3 pages of posts since yesterday. We are eating an early dinner, then I am off to a hotel to spend the night and go to the Day of Caring. it is now sponsored by Cure Magazine. The lady who started it several years ago is now a 25 BC survivor. This is my first one to attend. DH asked me if it was going to be a tear jerker and I told him I hope not. Then gave him the agenda to read. I will let you know on Sunday how it was. Going to take my special BC teddy bear with me to sleep and pictures of my family. Sending hugs to all the gals having a hard time. I saw the post about Kay's husband. It made my cry. I did not know her, but still made me sad. Darling Nicki - I am so sorry that you had such a hard day - DH needs to stop worrying you and get to the doctor. Sending you hugs from denver.
    Shokk - I read "When Bad Things Happen to Good People" many years ago when I was having repeated miscarriages. It is a great book.
    Wishing everyone a good night. Hope all went well for CY at the biopsy today as well for everyone else who had tests, procedures today. Have a good weekend and mothers day. Love Karen in Denver
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    good evening ladies,
    what a sad sad day for Kay. I feel so very bad. I had such high hopes that in Boston things would get better and for him to be gone so suddenly just breaks my heart. I can't imagine what she is feeling but I hope she at least comes and reads the posts as that should bring her some small amount of peace.
    NED for Cherryl...Yippee for you. Have two glasses of for you and one for me.
    Puppy Puppy Puppy...don't know what to say. If your doctor thinks it not cancer then I wouldn't worry too much. As for your son, well I personally would like to find him and give him a good swift kick in the a$$ for you. Hugs and smoochies from me and Nate.
    Sheri...only two weeks to go...hang in there! I don't personally know how teachers do it. I would go crazy! I personally have some issues with the teacher that Nathaniel had this year...she likes to call the kids names and I have a real problem with that. No child should be called stupid, ignorant, rude, insensitive, etc. Geez...they are only in second grade! I don't have a problem with correcting a child but it can be done without destroying their self esteem.
    Madison...hope your air conditioner works now. I was in Florida last September and air conditioning is definetly a must have!!
    Robin...all I can do is send ya hugs. We are with you always and you are loved here. You are never alone and never without a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on.
    Shokk...gotta say that I agree with it up girl! Get out and have some fun. You (and everyone else) should come join us in the Cyber Party thread for some cheering up.
    Z...board addiction is a tough on to kick LOL. I love it though.
    I'm gonna look up the number for professional help too.

    Totally disqusted with cancer tonight. The father of my DD best friend is dying. I can't believe it and it has just floored me. Josh (Sarah's best friend)is like my adopted son...he was either at our house or Sarah was at his all through middle and high school. I have know his parents since Sarah was born. It is so very heartbreaking. I heard that Josh is on his way home (he lives in Vegas)and now I have to tell Sarah. She gets so sad about things like this.
    I'll be back later ladies
    Love ya all