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  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    I started scanning through the posts until I came upon the post saying Fancy's husband died today. OMG! Wasn't he just going for testing or treatment in Boston? What the heck happened?? I didn't really take notes, so everything has just flown out of my head. It seems like there is a lot of bad on the boards tonight. I just don't know what to say, other than my prayers are with Kay tonight.

    All of you are in my prayers tonight. I love you all.
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Does any one have an update on Beth??
    Nicki, I'm getting another glass of wine and joining you at the party> I really like this group!!!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    hi guys. i am home, finally. i talked to sue/ishop Robin and mena but tht was all as i forgot my charger and the cell phone died.
    have not gotten back my path report form monday's surgery. needed a 2nd surgery on thursday because the skin flap on the right breast became necrotic and was dying. the ps cut a 6" pathc away and moved over some he was saving for tweaking.
    on monday, they hada hard time getting my pain under control and when they did, my respirations were bad. so they finally put me on 2 liters of oxygen and sent me up to my room around 10 PM. Long day! was up and walking, sort of on tuesday then wednesday afternoon, they told me about the surgery. they used a deep twilight and were finsihed in under an hour. but they saved the implant. the path on that tissue came back with evidence of infections having started, good news.
    so i got a shower!! happy day but it wore me out. i also got 4 surgical bras in total and 3 pouches to carry the 4 drains in. we just finsihed dinner and i am tired again. if i gacve you my number, please feel free to call. if you don't, pm vickie or joyce for it. but if you don't have unlimited long distance don't you dare spend the money on the phone call. I will be glad to make the phone call, just pm your number.
    got to go and put one more post up. thank god for percoset. i so loved seeing the pms and emails from you guys. hope i answered them all.
    oh, got a beautiful card form my secret pal. it is gorgeous. very different hand made card. thank you. i saw it todaty when i came home. i creid over that too!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Beth, good to see you post. Take that percoset....keep the pain under control.

    Vickie, hugs for you and Sarah. that news just sucks!!
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited May 2007
    Hi CG's. So sad about Kay's husband. Life is so fragile.

    Beth - glad to see you posting and feeling better. Please don't try to do too much, take care of yourself. I hope the pain subsides and you don't need percocet for too long.

    Vickie - ((((hugs))))
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    A great big hug for all my comrades.......we are all soldiers in a war that none of us intended on fighting........I am feeling quite abit better tonight.......had a couple of shots of that Bailey's that has been hanging around......anyway there is something I wanted to talk about that is really none of my business but for some reason it is really bothering was a post from LisaE about the recently dx Ali.....she had dropped into another thread and was made to feel quite unwelcome by I think we all now what thread I am referrig to.....its a small group, very tight knit and they all started their journey together.....I lurked for a very long time before I ever started posting and realize that this thread was not exclusive but it sorta was but not in a mean girl way.......I have always enjoyed somewhat in reading their thread simply because it really is a very international group and I find myself reading in Aus accent or British accent you get the picture.....brb my mom is calling..........

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Odalys:what a beautiful lady you are,you should have posted your picture long ago.

    Puppy:I am so sorry,I tell you kids will drive us mothers nuts believe me I know.I have never faced what you are facing and dont know what i would do either except cry.

    The EVIL and I had it out again just now.I told him to leave and he said he is going yea yea,I told him when he goes he is going to pay alimony and he said he will make sure we sell the house and split the money that is all he wants anyway.I told him so you are going to kick me on the streets.That is so like him.I dont know what has happened to him in the past few years,but today I have cried all day long even now I miss my dh that he used to be so bad,I dont know why the pain has come back I thought I was over it.I am just so tired of each day hurting.I just want to have one more hurt and it be over.and him gone.I cant take much more,I am getting out of this misery one way or another.I dont care what it takes.

    Beth:Please dont over do yourself,I always end up doing it and it is twice as hard to recover.Take it easy and call me when you feel like it.

    I dont know what I would do without all of you.You comfort me when I am down,you make me laugh when I am sad,you provide support even if I do come up with crazy ideas.I just wish you had a magic wand to wave over all of us and make the pain go away.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Ok just verifying mother's day plans.........sorry lost my train of thought.......I have always found this group of bc sisters to be very warm and a caring group......there has been some internal conflicts among some of the girls but just like a loving family would true sisters......anyway I just can't imagine that they would be nasty in responding to Ali.....I think their might have been a misunderstanding about a name brand type of shirt and Ali was upset by it but didn't appear to be rude or one thing I can Say about our LisaE is she goes out of her way to invite sisters to come to our thread and I believe everything she said so I am so confused and now I am so concerned that Ali has left when she was probably in desprerate need of help........I have no idea why I am obessing about this.....anyway I will probably be out of line on this subject but there you go Cheri this is what I was referring to earlier in the to everyone......Vickie see ya later alligator.................

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    who is Ali? What did I miss and why did she leave
    Did someone run her off? I have seen it happen on other threads before.She needs to join our family here.
    Fill me in shokk
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    So very said to hear about Faye's hubby. SHe and family are in the inner circle!

    Ladies I have to tell you everyone was so amazed with the afgan! I took it with me for the biopsy today and they let me keep it with me the whole time! I'm tired and sore but it went better than the last one. The liver moved enough that the spot they wanted was peaking out from under the rib so it was easier to get to so it was done in half the time this time! The Dr said he was personally taking it to patch and wouldn't leave until they started working on it!

    Oh and another paient stole my shoes while I was out of the room! They hospital is going to send me a check to pay for the shoes! and they said that both procedure will not be charged to me! I still have a few things to work out with them.

    Well I'm really tired as I was at work at 5:30 this morning. so I think I'm going to crawl into bed with my afgan and feel the love!

    Hugs and prayers to all
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007 glad to hear the liver biopsy went better than the last was so not right that you had to endure it twice..good thing the doc took the sample to the path lab himself!! And your shoes...that is insult to injury. You need some quality rest.
    Hugs to everyone
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited May 2007
    Robin - thanks. It's the best pic post bc dx/treatments. It was taken last week at work, all administrators and dept heads get their picture posted in the hospital lobby.
    Here is the close up.


    CY - Wow, first the hospital loses your liver path and now another patient steals your shoes. Goodness...sorry you had to go through all this. What a trooper you are. I am praying for good results on your bx.

    I hope all the CG's are sleeping soundly and peacefully tonight. (((((hugs)))))
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007

    Odalys..what a wonderful photo!!! You are a classy lady!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Good evening ladies. Whew, must be a moon thing but everybody seems to be having trouble or feeling bad. So sorry, tomorrow will be better. I just now looked at the clock and can't believe the time! I guess it just gets away from me when I sleep in the afternoon. I've been waking up every morning about 3-4 and try to go back to sleep.

    Anne, praying for your dad.

    Puppy, hahahahaha You're gonna laugh. I was reading the posts earlier when Susan called. We were talking about people being funny and both agreed your post was hilarious, but what Really makes it funny is that I didn't know your dh name was ED until Susan told me. lol I thought you were just being funny. Mena has another friend she talks to all the time that has a dh named ED and that's who I thought you were referring to, so that's who i was talking about. TeeHee Now, this changes EVERYTHING! I DO like your Ed. I have to confess, I spent a little time with Ed and now we like each quite well...if you know what I mean. I don't remember sending him home without his pants though, hum, maybe he has someone stashed away somewhere. (Hope she does his laundry) Ya know, I think I might be jealous finding out that little dickens didn't have his pants on! How bout you? You are too funny, Puppy. Thanks for the laugh!

    Robin, so sorry you feel so bad. You're just gonna have to pull yourself up & get your fight back. Scratch & claw your way out of the black hole! We will be here for you but we can't do it for you. C'mon girl, you can do it!! Once you talk to a divorce attorney I think you'll find that you're better off than you think.

    Shokk, I don't know what thread you're even talking about but I do know the post you're referring to. What I don't understand is what you don't understand. Do you think LisaE didn't tell the truth about Ali? Because I read the post Ali sent to LisaE, and Lisa told it like it was. Sorry if your toes got stepped on but I know Lisa and if she tells me something I feel like I can take that to the bank. Ali, if you've been stalking now is the time to post.

    Nicki, tomorrow will be better. Maybe you can just have a talk with dh and tell him how important his life is to you and get him to a dr. He may be feeling unimportant.

    Z, good to see you post. Good for you, you walking in tomorrows walk for womens cancer.

    Jankay, glad pt went well.

    Cherryl, congrats on being NED!

    Karen in Denver, have a great time tomorrow.

    Janny, hey. Miss having you round.

    CY, someone stole your shoes? In the hospital where they lost your biopsy?? I just don't know what to say about that. I'm sorry but I wanna laugh. Of course, I won't laugh because that would be bad taste. Glad your biopsy went well. We are praying B9 ya know.

    Gina, hoping you are well. Meaner, you too.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Its a tad cooler this morning but the sun is shining brightly so its gonna be another beautiful day. I ended up having 2 glasses of wine last night and then immediately fell asleep! So I am gonna have to do some serious walking today to get rid of those wine calories - but I sure did enjoy it.

    Z: Enjoy you Revlon Walk for Breast Cancer. Sounds like fun. Ya know I have never done a walk for anything. Im thinking about participating in a walk this year, but so far all of them are 3 day walks! Now thats a bit much for me. I dont have the stamina and I dont have 3 days I can spare!

    Madison: So you were at the car dealers too? I really expect when I have a new car, that I dont have to get new parts! Thank goodness my car is under warranty, and I have an extended warranty. Otherwise I would have been going balistic at the car dealers.

    Vickie: Its all to weird. Once again we woke up and we were posting at the same time. See - I wasnt lurking!

    Puppy: Ya know, I think it is ridiculous that the VA doesnt have inpatient psychiatric care. Its certainly a problem many of our soldiers come back with. Unfortunately it is out of your control. You want to help, but right now you cant. So Im sending some love and friendship your way.

    Sheri: My goodness. Sounds like we had similiar days. You would think they would have closed the school down. Sounds like toxic fumes to me.

    Cheryl Holt: Whoo hoo. Always like to hear the words B9 and dancing with NED. It has to be a relief for you.


    Colleen: "Who has a heart attack and doesnt tell anyone/" Ummmm that would be my DH! He thinks when his time comes he will go by spontaneious human combustion!

    Karen: I hope you have fun at the "Day of Caring." I really like CURE magazine. I dont get a prescription for it, but always find a copy in my oncs office.

    Beth: Good to see you post and glad the surgery is over. Now its time to heal and move forward.

    CY: Im so glad the second biopsy went well and was easier on you. Im sitting here scratching my head - now who in their right mind steals a pair of shoes? Now the wait begins again! But know that we are all here with you, sending lots of love and support.

    Odalys: What a great picture! Im laughing cause you look just like a hospital administrator. They did a nice job and your hair looks great.

    Shokk: OK! This is how I feel. We cant help everyone. We want to, but we cant. I do have issues with anyone sending a nasty pm to another. Just dont understand why someone would do that. This is cyber world - and sometimes people can misunderstand what is being said. I would love for Ali to join our group. We have opened up our hearts and minds to her. But if she doesnt - well so be it. There is not much we can do. I personally take offense at a shirt called "wife beaters." I wouldnt spend a dime on that. Its a terrible thought and I dont like it. So Im with Cheri: Ali, if your reading this we sure would like you to join. But Im not gonna begging is not my cup of tea.

    Robin: Man its good to see you post. Alot of us were worried about you. I cant imagine what it is like to be getting chemo with no end in sight. That has to be so hard. I am shocked that the lawyer said no reason to sue! They broke your arm for pity sake. And it did give you severe pain and suffering. You havent been the same since it happened. Both physically and emotionally. Maybe you need to find a different lawyer who is hungry!

    Anne: Sorry about you dad. Its gonna be a tough week-end for you.

    Cancer is all around us! Everyday I hear or see someone with it. I evaluated a 90 y/o lady on Thursday who has cancer of the ovary. And they are giving her chemo? I cant imagine get chemo when Im that old. What has happened to quality vs quantity of life?

    Well I sure have enjoyed this morning. No rush to make breakfast or go for my walk as I have all day to do what I want. Finially I feel like I have caught up with most of you.

    Have a wonderful morning and I will check back with you later.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Good morning sisters,'s too early. Nate woke up and said "mom its daytime, we should get up."...uh wants to sleep till noon. He just giggled so here I am. Blurry eyed and all. He's so funny, said that we have to get up cuz it's the weekend and we don't want to miss it. He has a point there but I'm not awake enough to agree LOL.
    Shokk...lost me on the Ali thing but she is welcome here with open arms and hearts. Can you send her a pm?
    Nicki...I know your up and lurking around with me...good morning sunshine sister.
    CY...I'm so glad yesterday was easier than the first time. Praying for B9 all the way! Someone stole your shoes!!! What kind of hospital is this. Wonder if maybe they stole your first biopsy too (sorry...had to say it!). goodness, your beautiful. I love pics!!!
    Karenindenver...hope you have a great day. Sending you a hug.
    Beth...glad you checked in. Take it easy and rest. Crochet and read and watch silly movies. All will be well before you know it. Sending gentle hugs.
    Robin...I agree with need to get your dander up and be mad. Mad is better and he certainly doesn't deserve your tears. God counts all your tears and he will get his in due time. Sure, there are good times you will remember and you will feel sad but think of all he's put you through at the hardest time of your life. He isn't worth it. Let get that backhoe up and running!
    Where is Silvergirl? Haven't seen her in ages!
    Mena..Cheri is really looking for a playmate so you need to come out of hiding and give her a run for her money.
    Ok...lets see how I do...Shel, Lisa, Liz, Susan, Deb...oh geez...forget it. Too many names this early in the morning.
    Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday!
    Love ya all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Yup...told ya Nicki was lurking around with me. Good morning sunshine sister.
    Thinking about going to see baby Derrick today. Don't know for sure and knowing me I'll change my mind because I'll want to just swipe him and bring him home. Decisions decisions...something I'm NOT good at.
    Haven't talked to Sarah yet and have been trying to get a hold of Josh to see if he's holding up ok. He's such a great kid.
    Putting the big C word out of my mind for the day!!!
    love ya all once again
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Morning Sunshine Sister

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Today is International Disturbed People's Day

    Please send an encouraging message to a disturbed friend... just as I've done.

    I don't care if you lick windows,
    take the special bus
    or occasionally PEE yourself...

    You hang in there sunshine,
    you're frigging special.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Morning!

    I read all about you girls last night...checked up on all of you! Took my notes and tried to post..but had brain freeze, just couldn't get anything out. So I babbled a bit, decided to delete it, and that's the end of story!

    Hope all of you are doing good and are planning a nice weekend.
    Mine is starting off with a "day at the funeral." Sounds like a book title or movie! Geez, somedays I think I could write a book!
    Hey, there's an idea...........we all write a couple pages on the ups and downs of our lifes, get it published and seller!!

    Anyhow, blessings to all. Hope to get back on this evening. Love and Hugs,

    p.s. Cheri: YOU'RE NOT 50 YET ??????????????? All this time I thought I had to respect you because I was taught I had to "respect elders." No more sweet Cheri..........I can be as mean as I want with you!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    International Disturbed People's should get lots of gifts!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    don't think so vicki

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    hmmm...guess I'm not disturbed enough. Getting close though.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    : Outta Gas

    A man was driving down the road and ran out of gas. Just at that moment, a bee flew in his window.
    The bee said, "What seems to be the problem"?
    "I'm out of gas."
    The bee told the man to wait right there and flew away.
    Minute later, the man watched as an entire swarm of bees flew to his car and
    into his gas tank. After a few minutes, the bees flew out.
    "Try it now," said one bee.
    The man turned the ignition key and the car started right up.
    "Wow!" the man exclaimed. "What did you put in my gas tank"?

    The bee answered, "BP."

    I see you smiling J
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007

    Thank you, thank you Jankay........sitting here feeling like crap after last Weds. chemo, trying to cheer myself up and there is a good laugh for the day....... Bee Pee. I love it! Marsha

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    sorry you felt like crap but i am glad i could make u laugh
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning CG,

    Cheri, that is fantastic that you have made it to the one month mark smoke free. You are over the hardest part.

    Puppy, thanks for the chuckle. Sending you a big hug I am so sorry about your son.

    Anne, I hope the situation with your Dad improves.

    Nicki, I hope today is a much better day.

    Madison, sitting in a hot car is torture! My husband drives an old truck with no air - I couldn't do it.

    Sheri, what a horrible day. I hope your weekend makes up for it.

    Jankay, sounds like you are working hard in PT.

    Karen, I hope you have great time at the Day of Caring.

    Vickie, sending you a hug, too.

    Beth, so glad to see you posting again. Take it easy now, just rest and heal.

    Odalys, you are beautiful!

    Robin, you are in such a difficult situation. You are so loved here.

    Shokk, I hope Ali comes over here. This group is amazing.

    CY, unbelievable abour your shoes. Keeping my fingers crossed for your path report.

    Marsha, I hope you get to feeling better today.

    Vickie, if you are disturbed, it is just the right amount.

    My surgeon called at 7pm last night. I had assumed after 5, I wouldn't hear til next week. I put him on speaker phone so my husband could hear. The MRI showed nothing. Yeah!!! We talked for about 20 minutes, going over probabilities, re-occurance, and aesthetics. He didn't think another go at clean margins would work, due to the multifocal nature of ILC. So we decided on one mastectomy. I will meet with a plastic surgeon next and then schedule surgery. I feel great! He said my breasts aren't very dense, and my cancer was found early with mammogram, so it wasn't likely it would occur in the other breast, and if it did it would also be detected early.
    This is what I have been waiting for - a decision that I feel good about and a plan. I am so ready to move forward.
    I like this surgeon a lot. I hope to be able to have an appt with the ps this coming week.

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited May 2007
    Hi girls,

    I haven't checked in all week because I have been so busy. My students had final exams this week, and I've been spending every moment grading papers and calculating final grades. I finally turned in my grades yesterday, and I am now unemployed until August! This time of year, I really love my job.

    I tried skimming the posts that I missed, but I can't keep up with everything that has been going on. I think I need to go read everything more carefully so that I can check in my everyone.

    Have a great day, ladies! Be back after I'm done reading...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    pdb: This is just wonderful news. Glad you are finially getting a treatment plan together so you can move forward.


  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Gus, where do you teach? You are out for the summer already? I have 2 weeks to go.

    Thanks for putting up with my longggg, whiney post last night. I seriously think those fumes did something to me.

    Beth, glad to hear from you. I know you don't feel good, but laying around watching movies can be good therapy.

    Odalys, you are gorgeous! That is a beautiful picture.

    Marsha, good to see you posting even when you don't feel well. I love your sense of humor. Didn't you say once you did community theater?

    Jankay, thanks for the cute stories. I did get a chuckle. I needed it!

    pdb, great news. Getting a plan is good. I like it when I have a plan.

    Vickie, if you see the baby today give him a hug for me. I'm having baby withdrawals! My "baby" is almost 7 and I reallydon't want any grands for a few more years, my kids aren't ready yet. Seriously, as a former second grade teacher, I am very offended that a teacher would use words like "stupid" to a child. That is totally inappropriate! There are other ways to correct them, but there a some words that should NEVER be used with children. I'm getting my dander up again.

    There must have been gremlins yesterday. Usually things at school don't really get to me, I can pretty much go with the flow, but it was just one of those days. I even yelled at another teacher (not in front of students, of course) during lunch about something very trivial.

    DH is home today and took Joseph to bowling. I get a Saturday morning off, yeah! I can't think of anyone I'd rather spend it with than you.