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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. I have Triston & Kevin today. Amber gets off at 1:30 though so it's a short day. I slept in, I heard the baby once so I thought Amber was here. She was not. Seems my SIL brought the boys, used Ambers key to get in, dropped them off telling Triston (9yrs) not to wake Grandma, to look after his brother. (2yrs) I sleep with my door closed and had stayed up all night so I slept sound and then woke up to the baby crying. Needless to say I got up to a mess. My SIL is not the brightest crayon in the box! It would've been nice to have been notified that I was babysitting. I didn't know it or I would've went to bed much earlier. I'll chew him out for this.

    Nicki, you deserved a couple glasses of wine last night.

    Vickie, you & Nate enjoy your day off.

    Jankay, funny post, I think some of us qualify for the 'Disturbed People' week. Now the BP one I didn't get cos we don't have them here or if we do I'm not familiar with them. So, glad someone explained, then it was funny.

    Neesie, I won't be 50 until Oct. 23. So, are you one of those old geezers?

    Marsha, so sorry you feel bad. I sure do remember it. All I could do was sleep & eat. But just keep in mind those drugs are helping with keeping that cancer away. You will get through this even if it seems you won't. Just hang in there and try and find things to laugh about. You can do that

    Tricia, good news about your mri and your surgeon. So now you know what's going on and you have a plan. That's a real good thing.

    Hey to Gus, Cherryl and Odalys.

    Puppy, tell ED I said Hey! hahahaha You're a funny girl.

    Sheri, that was sweet of your little brother.

    Robin, good to see you've gotten some spunk back! That's the spirit.

    Susan, I missed you last night at the Cyber party. Huge Pillow Fight!!

    I hope you all enjoy your saturday. Do something YOU enjoy. Try and find some laughter in whatever you're doing. (Except the girl going to the funeral, Liz maybe)

    lol, just thought of something funny. Does anyone remember the episode of Mary Tyler Moore where the clown dies and they all go to his funeral and she gets a case of the giggles? She cannot shut up, all she can do is giggle. She tries hard to stop but just can't. Let's see, I think his name was "Crusty the Clown".

    LisaE and Mena, where are you?

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    Just a quick one...the visiting nurse just left and she said I checked out fine. I feel a bit better today especially after Jankay's joke! Thank you for puttign a smile on my face today.

    Cherryl, just saw you got a b9? Great!

    Hi to all of you guys. I just answered the poll and it is really difficult to type anymore. I will post my appts coming up. Hope everyone is having a great day, except for whoever has the funeral. See you tomorrow!
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Hi Cherie,
    It was "Chuckles the Clown". He was dressed as a giant peanut and killedl by an elephant. I love theat episode.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Oh my goodness,

    Gone all day and I come home to Bee Pee and the late, but great, Chuckles the Clown...

    I also read that it was International Disturbed People's Day!!!

    Okay, I fit right in here……This is the place for me....

    Sending hugs to everyone....
    I will be off the boards from Sunday-Wednesday (going on a trip with DH....plan on resting and will bring my crochet to work on afghans)
    Stay safe everyone!! Madison
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007

    That's the one Cherryl! That was one of the best episodes! I remember that from the first time I saw it and that was years ago. And the epidode where Mr Grant calls Mary into his office. He says "You got spunk!! I Hate spunk!!.hahaha

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    When I was a little girl, I thought Dandelions were just the prettiest flowers. Yep, I used to pick a bouquet of them and give them to my mother. Thats sort of a funny thought with Mothers Day being tomorrow.

    I also remember my Italian father making salads and wine out of dandelions.

    I have spent the entire day pulling out weeds and dandelions and Im not done. Now that Im an adult, I sure dont like those dandelions anymore.

    Im laughing cause that was one of my favorite episodes on Mary Tyler Moore. Chuckles the Clown!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited May 2007
    whooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo its party time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Traceyyyy! I have my glass of wine, where are you?

    Hey BTW - there is gonna be a chat get together tomorrow at 5pm central daylight savings time for all the 2005 chatters. Hope I see you there tomorrow.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    I LOVE CHUCKLES!!! SNIFF I still miss him.

    Hi girls, I'm home. Interesting little jaunt I had. This genetics stuff is way to deep for me. Did the counseling? and sucked more blood. Will know the results in about 4 weeks. Tho the counselor said she thinks its unlikely I'll test positive. Me thinks that too.
    Had a good time with cousin and aunt. Off to catch up. Seems I missed a pillow fight and a good joke. Not sure missing the Bee Pee was a bad thing.
  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670
    edited May 2007
    Just dropping in to say hi. One of these days I might become a regular but I just can't right now. I am actually trying to read books and of course that takes away from my boards time.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Newter: What kind of books are you reading? I get into reading moods. My favorite is Stephen King.

  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670
    edited May 2007
    I usually like novels. Right now I am reading"Family Tree" by Barbara Delinsky. I have "19 Minutes" by Jodi Picoult waiting for me. I recently read Nordies at Noon and the Knitting Circle. I used to love Stephen King but have not read him recently.

    I love to talk books and authors.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    If someone has a shot of energy, please send it my way! I'm dragging today..something I haven't felt like since I started my diet.

    I've got a couple days worth of notes and am going to attempt a run down!

    Cy: Glad to hear this biopsy wasn't as painful as the last. Small comfort seeing you shouldn't have had to do it at all. Waiting for the B9 results to come in!

    Deb: You are such a "fun" Mom! Memories I'm sure your girls will treasure in years to come. Shit Happens....sums this crap up very well!

    Amy: I think all exercise equipment was made to hang/dry clothes on. The most simple direction and the one they never put in the manuals! I also have a note here from last night, something about pee and from drinking.........don't have a clue what I was going to reply to!

    Cheri: Yes....I am definitely an Old Geezer! Older than Dirt...I demand respect from you!! One Month..Wonderful! And who told you that I like "wild rides?!" My reputation will be ruined!
    Unfortunately I understood every word you wrote! With all of us the Shrinks are going "Cha Ching!"

    Anne: I'm hoping your Dad is doing better. Hard on him and hard on you. You're a single digit midget!!!! Goes by kinda fast doesn't it? Don't tire yourself out to much..there's 39 of us waiting for you for the Relay for Life race next month!!

    Brenda: Somehow I missed about an employee stealing from you. Did you say you now have proof? How pitiful some people are.

    Nicki: OMG: DH thinks he had a heart attack and still won't go to the Doctors. My DH never would go either, but for some reason the past couple of months he has gone for a few things. Hope he see's the light, before he really see's the light!
    You are doing great on the Diet!! Drink your wine and enjoy!
    I totally agree with the 90 year old and surgery. And I definitely agree with quality vs. quanity. I went to the Funeral of one of my clients today....because of that exact reason. 93 and she could run circles around a 65 year old until 5 months ago. I had been with her for four years. She knew that surgery of any type at her age wouldn't be a good thing, that she would probably spend the rest of her time recuperating if possible and die anyways. Sad but true.

    On a different note: I am still LMAO over your peeing bee picture!

    Z: Hope you enjoy the walk! And a Happy Mothers Day to you, also!

    Madison: Someone gave me the book "When Bad Things Happen To Good People" shortly after my Son died. Thinking it was my DD. Very Good Book..infact it has been several years and I'm thinking I'm going to find it and do a re-read. Enjoy your time away!

    Robin: I'm glad we found you in one piece. Thanks to Lisa and some others that tracked your butt down. See, now that I know you are okay, I can get mad at you for disappearing without notice!
    Stay strong my shall overcome.

    Margaret: Congrats on the Auction! That is awesome!

    Vickie: Nate and the Kitties are so Cute!! How many did you say you're "NOT" keeping?!

    Puppy: I've missed something that you posted..I pm'd you with a couple questions. Hang in there!

    Colleen: I'm glad you are making yourself a priority! You enjoy whatever you decide to do!

    Betty: Doesn't it give you a lift when you get something new for the house? Can't wait to see the cabinets and tables! I'm finally getting new countertops and am very excited! We've paid for them, they've come and done a template of the cabinet tops, now I have to wait for them to make them. Something about stone and cutting and I have no idea what they do....but it must be good, cuz it's going to take them 3 weeks to do it!

    Marsha: Hope you're feeling better..Crap isn't fun. We need your spunk (sorry Cheri) back, so rest up and feel better!

    Odalys: Love your picture! With the description you sent Robin...Palm trees, cold drinks and sand on the toes...I'm thinking you had better clear out the spare room, cuz you're apt to get a bunch of us down there!

    Beth: You're home and feeling better! Good for you....hoping for a speedy recovery!

    Tricia: Good news on the MRI! Early detection is the key! Now that you have a plan you sound like your spirits are a bit "up!"

    Sue/Gus: Schools out, Schools out, teachers let the Fool's out! Whatever that is all about..I remember yelling it on the last day of school way back when I was in elementary! Enjoy your summer!

    Sheri: Very nice that your Brother and Fiance are walking in the Race for A Cure! This will be my 4th year walking in ours with my 2 sisters, DD and nieces!

    Liz: $45,000.......Great! With results like that, you will never be let off the committee!

    Cheri: You had the GK and didn't even know they were there. Interesting! SIL...drops them off and leaves..Boys are Stupid, throw rocks at them!

    Tracey: Sorry the DD is still up to her tricks. Wish I had some solid advice for you....been there, done that doesn't give you the comfort you need. The next best thing I can offer is Drugs! Legal of course!! Hang in there Sweetie, you WILL live to talk about it!

    Jankay: It's about time someone named a "holiday" for me! International Disturbed People Day........yep, pretty sure it was made just for me!!

    I just know this site is gonna pop up with whatever it says when "time is up....invalid whatever"

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    What do ya know, It didn't eat my post!!

    Shokk: You're having a rough is a special hug just for you. {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}} I'm glad your DD's performance was so great! And for her to get the Silent Leader Award is an added bonus! I'm sorry to hear that Ms. Z isn't doing well. I'm with you..I hate Cancer. The name, the meaning, the everything. How can something that effects so many people NOT HAVE A CURE..........OR IN SOME CASES EVEN A CAUSE!
    Hope today is better for you.

    Karen: Glad that you are feeling better also. I have something else written on my notes from last me as to what I wrote!

    Love and Hugs to all!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Good evening ladies,
    Super busy day groceries, played with my new lawn mower, weeded, cleaned house, took a nap, made mac and cheese, macaroni salad with tuna and peas and banana bread. I'm done for the day. Just want to grab my crocheting and curl up on the couch with Nate and relax!

    DD called and her and hubby are trying to work things out. I hope it works for her sake. I was really hoping she would come home but if she's happy then I'm happy as that is all that matters. Got my mothers day gift in the mail to open when she calls tomorrow...can't wait! I didn't tell her about Josh's dad. I know I should have but she was having such a good day I didn't have the heart to do it.

    Nicki...I have the solution for weeds...ASTROTURF! No mowing, no weeding...perfect lawn year round LOL. I read Stephen King too although I didn't much care for Lisey's Story. A bit too "out there" for me. Reading Dean Koontz...Frankenstein One and Two and they are pretty good. I like scary stories but NEVER watch scary movies.

    Jankay...I always wanted to visit TN and if I ever do I will pick you up and take you to lunch. We'd have a grand time and maybe even swipe Robin to go along!

    Deb...great link and thank you!

    Cheri...SIL really isn't the brightest in the box...what the heck was he thinking! Geez. Is it party time at your house?

    Newter...I love to read too so let us know what you fine that is good. I read almost anything except romance.

    Denise...Not keeping any of the kittens if I can help it LOL. Nate would like to keep them all but he's an animal freak. Loves them all.

    Karen...sending hugs and glad your feeling a bit better.

    Z...where are you...Happy Mothers Day to you too.

    Tracey...oh my...out of control kids. With all your love I'm sure you can work things out and it will be fine at some point. Hating your job? Can you find another? and relax and feel better soon. It was nice talking to you.

    Ok...weird question. I got hiccups all the time during chemo. Now whenever I eat anything the least bit dry I get hiccups. It's driving me nuts! Bread, crackers, chips, bagels, ANYTHING dry gives me terrible hiccups that hurt! Is this just a leftover side effect or something else...anyone else have hiccups.

    Ok..gotta go drag Nate out of the tub before he turns to a prune, he'd stay in there all night if I let him and I suspect he has a book with him and isn't even washed!
    love ya all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Sherloc: I was really intrigued by my genetic counselling. In my case, heredity played a very big role.

    Newter: Being a nurse I love science and math. Now my husband - he would talk your ear off when it comes to books and authors.

    Denise: Of course your exhausted. I think going to wakes and funerals takes away all of our energy.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    image Happy Mothers Day! flowers for all of You!
    xoxoxo Puppy
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007

    A follow up on my brother. He walked the Race for the Cure today in Salt Lake City, Utah. He wore my name on his back. He's going to send me a picture. I hope I can post it! I was seriously moved.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Good Night my dear friends. See ya in the morning


  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Shokk, I don't have a recipe. We'll just call it clean out the fridge salsa. Whatever looks good goes in the chopper. Lots of jalepenos and the secret ingredient avocado.

    Hmmmm Liz, lump with red bump? could it be a spider bite?
    Pretty cake. How much did it sell for?

    Vicki, boob story? did I have a boob story?

    Madison, popcorn for lunch is bad for your teeth.

    Karen, day 10 and counting. So far it's been pretty easy. BUTTTTTT I haven't had anything stressful come up yet.

    Have a grand weekend MB. Hope your mothers day is grand as well. See you on monday. Note to plane tickets.

    Shopmama, yourself and listen for the ring.

    Jankay, could you be having a rough time cause your stressed out about your upcoming doc visit? Hugs hon.

    Theresa I tried getting hubby to rent some kayaks last summer. He was having none of it. We used to canoe all the time but he outweighs me by ALOT and we always ended up in a fight cause the silly boat wouldn't do what we wanted it to. Hmmm maybe I can get the doc to tell him it will be good exercize for his shoulder?
    What petty statement?

    Denise, the cruise was a grand idea but don't think it's gonna happen. He wants to go to the glaciers this time and that boat leaves from canada and ummmmmmmm I forgot to send in the papers for our passports. OOPS Soo it was the same cruise as last year or mexico. Don't think either of them are floating his right now. You can get off a cruise ship in canada or mexico without a passport but you can't drive across the border to get on the boat without one. Silly rules.

    Vicki you absolutely must send me that little orange baby.

    Sheri, awwwwww a first kiss. How sweet.

    Jan, thanks. I'm proud of us too. Who else is doing it? I forgot as usual.

    Denise, reading on to find out about the bump/lump? In my house bug bite is always the first guess.
    Hmmm hadn't thought about abcess with no pain. I had that once. Ended up with a root canal. But I didn't have a lumpybumpy.

    Betty, yehaw for bathroom cabinets.

    Margaret, I love the Bay Area. Grew up in San Francisco so it's like going home for a visit. Don't do it often enough. We definately need to get together one of these days.

    Shokk, clap clap clap for the concert. Phantom of the Opera is one of my all time favorite musicals. The performance sounded wonderful.

    Madison, I have read that book. It is very good.

    Amy, you take the donkeys for walks? hahahahhahha
    Praying treatment was smooth as silk and you rest well this weekend.


    ok who the heck is Ed?

    Nicki, O MY GOSH!!!! I think I had a heart attack but didn't want to wake you deserves the whole damn bottle. I would so be kicking my hubbys a$$. Make the appt for him and drag him their by his heals if you have to. Geez men are so stupid sometimes. I will be praying for him.

    Robin, congrats on not smoking.

    Madison, ac isn't working in my car either. Have to take it in but the dealership is in sacramento two hours away so I keep putting it off. Hope yours is fixed for good.

    3 more pages to go but hubby is talking cruise boats. I'll be back.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    Shirley...I don't know...did you have a boob story? A cruise...oh lucky you. I would overnight the little orange one but California is a looooong ways from NY LOL. Are you coming to Pinkstock? Who else here is coming? I need to play catch up on that thread as I have no idea what's going on.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007

    I think I was the one with the boob story. Sherloc and Sherndon may get confusing.

  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670
    edited May 2007

    Newvickie, this has been bothering me for months; what is your avatar picture? I just cannot figure it out.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    It's a picture of a little girl with a butterfly. It's called "butterfly kisses"...I just like it when I saw it and it sort of felt like "me" somehow. Hard to explain.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    back, so maybe we are going cruising after all. Hmmmm will we or won't we??? Stay tuned!!

    Colleen, nerf dart guns are grand fun.

    Vicki, a teacher that belittles her students should not be tolerated. Shame on her.
    Prayers for Josh and his Family and Sarah.

    Beth, glad to hear all went well. Even with a second surgery. Rest up.

    Shokk, have no idea what thread you are talking about but I do hope Ali finds her way here.

    CY, glad to read the biopsy is done and was easier. But geez louise, someone stole your shoes? Hope you told them they were Manolos or something equally expensive.

    Odalys, you are B U T FUL!!

    Jankay, hahahahhahahahahh

    Tricia, yehaw on the good MRI.

    Gus/Sue, lets here it for part time unemployment. Hope your summer is grand.

    Cheri, your son in law needs his head smacked. Geez louise.

    Vicki, yep I'm coming to pinkstock. But I think little orange kitty will be big orange kitty by then and big kittys don't do it for me. O well.
    Who knows about the boob story. I can't remember s**t these days.

    Off to bond. Will keep you updated on cruising plans.
  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670
    edited May 2007
    Thanks Vickie,

    I am blind I guess.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007

    well shoot howdy. did you all know there is a gift shop here? How cool is that. Just links to outside sites but they all donate portion of sales to Pretty snazzy.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Just popping in to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day. Went to the wedding and here's a pic of me and my son. I'll read back and catch up.


  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    liz that a handsome fellow. and you are beautiful. now i feel like i know you better.
