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  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Happy Mothers Day to everyone! I miss my grandmother so much. Fortunately, I still have my mom (even though she drives my nuts sometimes) I couldn't have done all this without her.

    I read back and have decided I can't catch up. So I'm starting fresh today. My son wanted to let you guys know he had been eating Cheetos as his teeth were so yellow. He about flipped a lid when he saw that. Okay so now you guys know. Thank you all for all the wonderful compliments. I've always had a hard time accepting compliments when they've been given to me.

    I did have a good time at the wedding. DH and I even danced! I came home early but DH and DS stayed and my SIL brought them home around 12:30. I was so tired from being up so long at the Relay.

    I'm going to call my gynecologist tomorrow about this lump. We'll see where we go from there. Wish it would have disappeared but oh well.

    Prayers to all who are having a rough time or waiting for results. Hugs to you as well.

    Not sure what I would do without you guys.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Good morning ladies. I just lost a post over the stupidest thing. I am so sick of having to be so careful to keep these posts from floating off to Cyberspace. I always copy just in case and I did that one but it pasted a prior posting. I was in a good mood. I put alot of time and effort into that thing. Talked to everybody individually, etc. I'm not sitting here for another hour to think through what I want to say again.

    Everybody have a Happy Mothers Day.

    Shirley, thank you for the nice card. I just got it. I guess it came in yesterdays or the day befores mail but my SIL just brought in. Guess he's good for something after all.

    Jankay, good that you're enjoying your sisters visit. Thnks for the funnies, I'm going to copy (if I can keep from losing it) and send it to my sister to read.

    Nicki/Vickie, pretty candles.

    LisaE, Gina, Mean where are you?

    Somebody asked who ED was. lol He dh (found that out yesterday, lol) and the dh of another friend of Menas that I won't go into. Mena made a joke one night about me cutting off EDs head in a pic of the puppies and how meaner than her that was. I replied that I cut off his head because my dh's name is Dennis. But Puppy made it funny again when she came up with the silly stuff yesterday and Susan told me that really was her dh's name. So, there ya go. The story of ED. All of it came about because Meaner used the wrong husbands name.

    Well shoot, I can't think of what all I'd written. Has anyone read the improvemnt of the boards that Melissa & Tami posted? It's pretty interesting. I think they posted it. Anyway, it's at the top of the page, and this is not supposed to happen anymore and there's several changes in the works. It's been posted up there for a month or so, but I never read it til a couple days ago.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Vickie, the gift from your dd is so precious, it brought me to tears. Then the candles right after that from Nicki, well, let's say I need to invest in some kleenex.

    Restaurants are always crazy on Mother's day. My dh has been a restaurant manager since we've been married and he says it's the busiest day of the year. He was off yesterday, so he took the kids shopping and gave me my gift last night. First there was a summer purse, which I had asked for. Then there was a sterling silver bracelet with cubic zirconia stones, like a tennis bracelet. I absolutely love it! I've been wanting one I could just wear all the time and it's perfect. Today is laundry and maybe the park.

    Marsha, I'm so sorry you have been having such a tough time. I'd love to talk theater sometime. I just started doing it about 4 years ago and it's been therapy for me. They are doing a kid's only show right now, so I'm taking a break. I can't wait to see what's up for next season.

    Jankay, I love your stories. They bring such a smile to my face. Are you close to Knoxville, or was that someone else? It's about 2 to 3 hours from here. Same with Nashville. I'm in dead center Kentucky, so Ohio is only a couple of hours, too. I would love to meet you guys. I've met Amy and Vera in Alabama. Let's do that again sometime!

    I'm blessed to still have my mom, she's 66, but my grandmother passed from bc in 1973. She was a wonderful woman and have always had such great memories. I feel especially close to her because of the bc connection. In church today when our pastor prayed for mothers, he also prayed especially for those mothers who have lost a child. I want to add my prayers for those of you who have lost a child, too. Mother's Day blessings to you.
  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670
    edited May 2007
    Jankay, I loved your "Before I was a Mom" tribute. All of it so true.

    Nicki, can we have a candle for my mom? She died 21 years ago when I was only 22. Wow, she has now been gone just about half my life. I really miss her and would love for her to have known my kids. I also wish I had been a better, more mature daughter.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    A candle for Newters mom.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007

    I was born in Campbellsville Ky which is in the center of the state also. Is that close to you? My mom/dad and younger brother and his family still live there. Actually have alot of relatives there as my dad was the youngest of 10 kids born there too! Big family reunion happening there in June, guess I'll miss it this year. 42nd Street just opened here, I have friends in it and look forward to seeing it. I don't do the musicals, can't carry a tune!! Hugs, Marsha
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Candles for all those who have made such a wonderful difference in our lives.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Okay, I have a question and I apologize that it is a trivial one compare to what some of you are going through. Can anyone tell me what cellulitis would look like or give me a link to see? I woke up this morning with a bright red patch, approx 4" in diameter on my lymphedema arm down by the wrist. I don't know if this is the beginning of cellulitis or maybe just an allergic reaction to something I might have rubbed against with the arm. Its not a solid red patch, its actually kind of patchy. Would cellulitis be solid red? Any information anyone could provide would be appreciated. Thanks!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Cellulitis is a bacterial infection in the deepest layer of your skin. Most common cause is from a cut, scratch, bite, or stasis edema. Signs and symptoms.

    ...An area of redness or swelling that gets larger
    ...Tight, glossy looking skin
    ...Pain or tenderness
    ...Skin rash that happens suddenly and grows quickly

    Signs of infection include fever, chills, and muscle aches.

    Antibiotics are needed to treat cellulitis.

    Jasmine: Usually its red and warm to touch also.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Well, its not sore or tender, no fever, chills or muscle aches so this must just be contact dermititis then. Thanks Nicki!

  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670
    edited May 2007

    Thanks Nicki.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Marsha, I've heard of Campbellsville, but not exactly sure where it is. I've only lived in KY for 5 years, Danville for 2. We are just a few miles south of Lexington. I usually do plays at West T. Hill Community Theater. We also have Pioneer Playhouse and the Norton Center at Center College. I haven't done anything at those 2 places.

    They are doing Music Man, Junior right now. My last play was "To Kill a Mockingbird". I've done a couple of musicals, but didn't have any solos, just speaking parts and chorus.

    If you make it up here, please let's get together! You sound like a fun person to hang out with.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    Happy Mother's Day to one and all! Even my youngest stepson sent and IM to me this morning. Totally unexpected. Surprised the crap out of his dad too.

    I think I overdid it yesterday and had too much company, god love them, last night. We watched "Casino Royale" and everytime something loud and startling happened, I jumped and it hurt, LOL. So somehow we crawled to the bitter end of it. OK, none of the 6 of us liked it. But we spent and hour talking about our favorite Bond...Mine is Timothy Dalton.

    I am trying not to get weepy over all of those I miss today but I hope I can borrow on the candles already lit. I am so lucky to have my mom around still but I miss my grandmothers os much. They were both very different ladies and taught me so many things.

    I have not read too posts simply because I don't have what it takes today. I did see a very handsome young man floating here. And what a pretty rose!

    Warm hugs and lots of love to everyone. I will try to get to calling today but I'll see how I feel. Need to take it easy today and chill. Love to all my sisters!
  • DoreenF
    DoreenF Member Posts: 59
    edited May 2007
    Jasmine: one way to know would be to trace around the red mark with a permanent marker (it will come off with rubbing alcohol) - if the redness is spreading/growing you'll want to quickly get some medical advice.

    I Hope it's not cellulitis!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Jasmine and Newter:


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    For Beths Grandmothers.


  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    For My Mother ( Mary Josephine ) She lost Her life so Young to Cancer! Love You MOM!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Thanks Doreen, that's a great idea!

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    love ya CGS, Happy mothers day! gonna get off of here soon, just wanted to tell {{BETH}} Sorry I missed your phone call, but it was nice to hear your sweet voice! Maybe we can talk next week!
    UPDATE on Our Sweet Pam( theshopmama)She sent me a message and said sweet Miles was comming home last night and she bought steaks and was going to grill them even if he got home at midnite! she will be so happy he is home!
    Denise , what can I say other than what a SWEETHEART YOU ARE
    My Prayers are with you on this difficult Day for You! Gods Speed Sweet Sister, and "THANK YOU" xoxoxoxoLove to all, see ya next week. Puppy
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007
    Happy Mother's Day to all. I have been very busy the past few days so no time to post.

    Robin - I am so happy that you are okay - I was very worried about you. Lucky you - I have wanted one of those vacuum cleaners for a long time.

    Beth - Hope you are feeling well enough today to enjoy your Mother's Day.

    Marsha - the end is near (of chemo). I remember well that feeling.

    Nicki - can you make your dh an appointment and then drag him there? There was an article in the WSJ yesterday about men not going to doctors even when they really need to. Sometimes it takes a good push.

    CY- praying for B9. This time you lost your shoes??

    AlwaysHope - my mom had lymphedema and had cellulitis several times - as Nicki has already said - it was usually red and warmer than the surrounding skin and spread pretty fast.

    Vicki - you must have a wonderful daughter - what a precious gift.

    Jankay - loved both of your posts - you are so special.

    Z- Hope you are having a Happy Mother's Day.

    Liz - beautiful picture. Your son is handsome - didn't even notice the "Cheeto" teeth until you mentioned it. Those things stain everything - pretty tasty though.

    Could someone light a candle for my mom too. She passed away from bc in 1989. She was diagnosed in 1965 - no chemo, just rads and ooph. She had bone mets for at least 12 years and didn't know it - was told she had arthritis. She was a beautiful lady and I miss her so.

    SoCalLisa - that is one beautiful rose.

    Newter - I know how you feel about your mom. My oldest was 5 when my mom died. I don't really think he remembers her much although he did write a paper in fourth grade where he had to write about the saddest day in his life and he wrote it was the day his Grandma died. My other children never got to meet her.

    To everyone that I missed, Happy Mother's Day. We are going to fight the Mother's Day crowds and go out to eat. No cooking for me today.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    For Sue's mom.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007

    Had a lovely chat with daughter this morning. Son #1 made reservations at the golf course restaurant. Have never been and hear the food is fabulous so I'm looking forward to it. This is the first year he has acknowledged mommys day since elementary school popcicle stick picture frames so I have good warm fuzzies about it. Son #2 hasn't called but hubby just told me his ship has returned from it's jaunt and he might not be able to call.

    Jas hope its not cellulitis. That stuff is nasty. Very hard to get rid of. I had it in my ear last year. Took four rounds of antibiotic to get rid of it.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    In your ear???? That's horrible! Do they know what started it in your ear?

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    my "husband" had cellulitis of the ear and face twice, started with a horrible ear infection that didn't clear up on oral antibiotics and ended up acute and needing extensive IV abx!

    it was so painful that he was admitted and put on a morphine drip ............... the first time it happened i truly thought he was dying .......... seldom do you see a grown man cry real tears because of physical pain!

    the ER doc said one more day like that and he'd have been septic and in big, big trouble!

    both times were related to a perforated ear drum ........ by the time it got to cellulitis, his ear looked like a piece of cauliflower and the whole side of his face was involved!

    scary stuff!
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    Thank you Nicki! Found out my brother is more weepy than I am today over them.

    Hi Puppy! {{{{{HUGS}}}}} Call you later.

    Has anyone watched baseball today? I think they are all using pink bats and I can see they are all wearing pink bands. how great is that?!

    {{{{Denise}}}} No words, just hugs to you!

    Need a percoset, a shower and a nap, in that order. Have to wake up dh, he doesn;t sleep well thinking I need more room and I do wake him up when I try to redo the wedge and pillows.

    I missed something about an ear......

    Question though, should I ask here about post surgery stuff or go to the recon forum? My left side seems swollen and I will use an ice pack but I am not sure what to look out for.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007

    yep in my ear. Like Shels hubby sortof. Mine started with a pimple in my ear canal that I picked at. Got infected spread to my middle ear. At its worst my ear looked like chewed up cauliflower. Ewwwww. Hurt like heck too.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    ewww shel just reread that. My last bout wasn't that bad but did have it once when I was a teenager that spread to my face. Ear was dripping pus. O my gosh I still remember the pain. My mother...(sorry ladies, don't have fond memories of her) was an idiot and didn't take me to the doctor till my face blew up like a blow fish and pus was coming out my nose too. Damn thats a crappy memory.

    Beth good to see you. Hope the pain is under control.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    My friend Hillary wrote this on a chemo thread.......soooooo sweet:

    Happy Mother's Day!

    My son is in kindergarten. As part of their Mother's Day gifts, his class filled out worksheets like, My Mother is Special Because ... or I love my Mother because....

    One of the worksheets was what they would buy for their mother if they had a million dollars.

    My son said that he would use the million dollars to buy medicine to make me feel better.

    My Mother's Day Gift to all of my fellow breast cancer sisters is that you would share in this medicine.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007

    That is very sweet. Out of the mouth of babes.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited May 2007

    Post deleted by gabij