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  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    zaz, i loved your post. sounds like you had a great time and it made you very thoughtful. very sweet thoughts.

    i don't know if cheri is driving. she's going to onc here in springfield to get blood work. my onc appt is routine. i'm just gonna ask her what kind of pain pills she wants to prescribe for my AI pain. LOL

    I hope you all understand why i don't mention everybody's name each time i post. i try to do that and it just overwhelms me and i end up not posting at all. it doesn't mean i don't care. limited brain capacity i guess. love you all.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007

    I go through phases, but I agree, it's really hard to mention everyone, especially if it's been more than 6 hours or so since your last post!!

    I hope your appt goes well tomorrow, and that you had a nice weekend. How's that knee doing? Haven't heard you mention your physical terrorist lately!!!

    Hey to everyone else - I hope everyone had a nice relaxing weekend!!
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited May 2007

    A very late Happy Mother's Day to all of you! I am crawling into the circle, covering up with my precious afghan, and dozing off. I had a good day. I miss my Mama who died 2 years ago from colon cancer, and I miss my son, Craig. I am grateful to God they are together in heaven. Miles came home last night as well as my sister. He grilled us out some steaks and we went to church together this morning and they took me to lunch. I got to spend good time with Miles. After he left, I had myself a cry and went to the cemetery to "talk" to Craig. I love both my boys and am so grateful to God for allowing me to keep them for awhile. Hope you all had a peaceful and joyful day with not too many complications or pains. I will have a funny story to tell you tomorrow night when we laugh around the campfire, but just too tired tonight. God bless you...... and make a wish on a star! Pam

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    Jankay good luck on your trip tomorrow. I hope everything goes well.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Vickie, I read the Panny post but decided not to participate since it really reminds me of a former poster named 'deneb.' If they start the suicide rant again then I will be 99% sure.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    thank you everyone for their good wishes for my tr ip. i am excited but nervous. i am glad to have the magic carpet with me.
    i have a guestion for those of you who are creative, for therapy for the past several years i have been crocheting a big granny square, actually two, i am willing to donate the to the communitiy afghan thread if u think u could do something with them.
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited May 2007
    A last minute happy mother's to all. I want to share with you one small part of my day.

    After church this morning we went to my mother's for the afternoon. She lives on the farm where I grew up. My dad was born there, and lived his entire life on the farm. mom has lived there since 1948. She is 81 and dad died 5 years ago. I'm an only child, and since we married almost 37 years ago, we've lived in the small capitol city of our state. However, going home always refreshes my spirit.

    One of the things I've routinely done when at home in the springtime, is to take a walk in our woods. Today was the first time I was able to do that since my dx in December '04. In '05 I was in treatment and just couldn't make it that far. It's more than a half mile walk from the house just to the edge of the woods. Last year, everytine we were there the weather was too nasty to make the walk, but today it was perfect.

    It began with the long walk down the driveway, and then crossing the road in front of our house. The road leading back to the woods is gravel. When the first settlers came here it was the main road. Long and winding, it had to be like that it avoid the swamps that made up this part of the state. The old path is long. It's lined on one side by a rusty wire fence, that is tangled with blackberry brambles and thornapples. Just before I got to the first turn, there are two old oak trees. They stand a few feet apart, and are like guards protecting the old homestead. Next a hill rises up and near the top a four pines planted in a square. The very tops are missing on two of them. They had become the family's Christmas trees many years ago. I can see the hole that marks the site of the original homestead. In ground are the flat stones that supported the corners of a log cabin that is long gone. The old barn was taken down and the boards sold to panel someone's basement. Two old sheds still stand, but they are in danger of colapsing. The smokehouse walls are standing, but the roof is not there.

    As I walk further down the old path in the tractor ruts, the weeds and tall grasses brush against my jeans. The ground rises up as I near the woods. I can hear the birds singing. The water in the pond on the wood's edge is low. the heat of the spring is beginning to dry it up. When I enter the woods, the first flowers I see are the gentle little woodland violets. When I look up to see where I'm headed, there are two deer crossing about seventy feet ahead of me. What an amazing moment.

    The late spring flowers were everywhere. There were the little yellow flowers that I can never seem to remember the name of. Where the sunlight breaks through the overhead canopy, there were large patches of mayapples, and they were blooming. I can't ever remember seeing their blossums before. The last of the trillium were blooming, and I was able to find jack-in-the-pulpits near the edge of the pond. The pulpits were beginning to mature. There were lovely stripes on them, and the undersides of the hoods were turning brown.

    It felt so good to be there again. It felt normal. I felt like me.

    This was long, I know. I felt that I needed to get it all down.

    Hugs, prayers, and healing to all.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Good morning all!
    Not much time this morning...gotta get showered and ready for the week.
    Jankay...we certainly can do something nice with your squares! They would be more than welcome. I will pm you my address and Madisons address can send one to each of us if you want or both to one of us. Thank you!! Hope your trip goes well today and you will be in my thoughts.
    Laura...GOOD TO SEE YOU! You have been missed. Glad you had such a wonderful day and thanks for the visual!
    Liz...they are going to change the boards to make them more user friendly. We aren't supposed to lose any of our posts or user names but we may lose our pm's. It should be a good change (I hope).
    Cheri...awww...Amber does look like a sleepy beauty.
    Nicki...tweaking your toes!
    Firing up the magic carpet for Jankay, Susan, Laura and I see Cheri has to stop off for her appointment too. Grab your bubble wrap ladies. Somebody tie me to the back so I can get a little extra sleep LOL.
    Have a wonderful day all and sorry to all I missed.
    Love ya all!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    thanks vicki
    iwill probably get them to you when i get back. am very excited but nervous. no internet how awfful i have liz and zazettes phone numbers so i will check in.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning sunshine sisters Jankay and Vickie!

    Well I feel absolutely lazy this morning. And Im gonna have a busy day. Dont feel like walk, dont feel like making breakfast!

    Vickie: Not much to say? Your are always a chatter box, just like me. BTW - I think your gut feeling is accurate about that other post. I went there, but something didnt feel right - so I snuck out without posting.

    Jankay: Good luck with your trip. I would be crazy without my computer.

    Z: What a nice post. Its sounds like you had some fun at the walk and the pictures are great. This place is great. I would be insane if not for all my dearest friends here. 3 miles is along way to walk. I know - as I have been trying to reach that number since I started this whole dieting thing. Saturday I reached 3 miles - but man is wasnt easy. Glad you back, cause we sure did miss you this week-end.

    Speth: Ask and you shall receive. Glad someone had the name of the movie. It put tears to my eyes when I watched it last year. Now dont you stay away too long. Or I will send out the covered wagon and go looking for you.


    Liz: We are truelly conected. When your not working in the medic tent with me, your found a nice candles for our dear friend when I wasnt here. We are truelly sisters!

    Denise: That had to be the best Mothers Day present! congratulations on the news about being a new grandma soon.

    Sherloc: Just saying hello! And glad you had a nice day yesterday.

    Beth: Hee Hee - finished what you started. That was funny. I remember you mentioning a little swelling on one side. I was puffy for about 4 weeks. Everytime I walked, I felt like something was under my arms. It did finially go away - thank goodness.

    Odalys: A change. I dont much like it myself, but I know have to move forward cause there isnt anything I can do about it. I am hoping that this will take care of all the spam that has been hitting these boards recently. Melissa and Tami must be sick of deleting them - and some of them are awful. My printer at home doesnt work, so the one PM I am going to miss is the one we used to exchange Christmas cards last December cause it has all many of your addresses. I just hope the switch over goes smooth and the boards are not down for a certain amount of time, as I will go through big withdrawal.

    Karen: When I miss that many pages, I throw my arms up in the air and go "Mama Mia." Then I try to start over. Hoping you get some answers from your onc about the tamoxifen. Feeling tired all the time, isnt much fun.

    Susan: Good luck with you onc apppointment today. I agree with you. Sometimes its so hard to mention everyones name. Last week, I felt so overwhelmed the whole week. And I was so fearful, I woulnd mention someones name and hurt their feelings. But I figure, we are big girls and we dont have to address everyone all the time. Hoping you get the right pain pills to take care of the problems you are havig. Me and Darvocet are best friends.

    Jasmine: That was the exact feeling I got when I read that thread! thats why I didnt make a note either. Could feel it draining me, just by reading a few of the posts there. I remember deneb! It was awful.

    Laura: Sounds like you had a great walk filled with lots of memories. Thats always nice. I do alot of reminiscing when I walk. Sometimes it scares me cause I think does this mean my life is over. But then I realize, Im just appreciating life so much more now.

    I am being very lazy this morning. Stayed up late to watch Sopranos. Dont feel like making breakfast and dont feel like going for my morning walk. So Im not doing either.

    Yesterday was a weird day for me. I sat in the grass and pulled one dandelion out after another. My goodness they are everywhere. And I still didnt finish. But I watched other people in the neighborhood - having family gatherings and celebrating mothers day. This is always a day where I feel sorry for myself. I dont know why, but I just let it happen. There was no Mothers Day miricle for me. Son didnt call, just like I predicted. For me, it was just another Sunday.

    So life is back to normal. Getting ready to take a shower and go to work. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007

    That's how I feel.

    I painted, stained, planted flowers and now I'm dragging and the work week is here again. I need a vacation and not one where I work the entire time. Sigh.

    Got the coffee ready for the ride today. Looks like we have lots of places to me.

    I checked out the other thread and decided something didn't jive. I hate to feel so jaded, but I said a prayer for her and came running back to the circle.

    I've never been able to take notes and respond individually. I hope everyone understands.

    Hugs to all,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning Betty:

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    brstn looking forward to our journey together today.

    od i was telling my sister of my post to you about the gift and she thought it was funny. she also thought u were very beautiful and i agree.

    nicki i would love to know how u submit a post and then go back and add to it. also i would like to know how u got thew bee to show in the bp joke when i couldnt

    z where are u . I think i am having withdrawals
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Jankay: I start a post and save it. Then I hit the edit button, and it allows me to add to my post.

    As far as the pictures, I just type something in that comes to mind and find a picture for it. The Bee Pee was pretty funny, I must say. Never did I think I would find a picture like that.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Jasmine: I just went back and read that whole thread! I could feel my blood boil and found the whole thing to be very exhausting. I really want to help and support as many people as I can - but to constantly have to support someone who cares so little for themselves not to get treatment just hits me the wrong way. There is something inheritly wrong with the thread and it certainly has denebs signature.

    OK - see ya all later.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Nicki -- it just sounds to me like this is Deneb reincarnated. They have already received a ton of advice on what they need to do. It is up to individual's to decide for themselves to either take the advice or not. I hope they will go to the doctor if this is genuine but in the end if they decide not to heed the good advice and support already given, there is not much we can do.

    I went back and read this poster's last 26 post that covers the last 1 1/2 months and it seems like they have been repeatedly 'begged' to go to a doctor to get this checked out. There really isn't much more anyone can do at this point. You can't force someone to get medical care if they don't want it.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Sorry ladies for the Janny post. I don't know the Deneb story (???)and I will be the first to admit that I am pretty darn gullible. I truly don't know what to think but she is draining me. I thought maybe with some extra encouragment she would do what needs to be done but I realize that she has had about all the encouragement we can possibly give her. I will talk to her one more time tonight and see if I can figure out what is going on. I do know that she felt the lumps several months ago (if she is telling the truth)and was crying hysterically the last time I talked to her. are so can't force someone to get medical care if they don't want it.'re right...can't "mother" the whole world LOL.
    Love to all
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Vickie -- Deneb was a poster who came on the boards around this time last year and repeatedly started posts with the title of the thread using her name (Panny has also done this twice). Deneb repeatedly cried about being afraid she had cancer and wanted 'to just die' and threatened suicide. This went on for 3 or 4 months until someone supposedly got Deneb to give them her phone number and real name in a pm and they called the police on her to report a suicidal person. Apparently, the police were already aware of this individual and Deneb had supposedly done this several times before on other boards. Deneb was a fraud.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007

    WOW that is unbelievable Jasmine. I read the thread and responded to Panny but the cynic in me coughed bull**** into my hand. Fraud or not, she certainly needs psycho help. And Vickie....don't apologize for trying to help a sister, that's what everyone loves about you. Marsha

  • Raye99
    Raye99 Member Posts: 114
    edited May 2007
    Hi Ladies,

    I am a newbie to the "Circle" thread, but would like to join in on the conversations and sharing. Came over initially to check on my Beth 1225 and saw this magnificant thread. Dear Lord! This is great.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    We also had one called Hunnybunches that came into chat and we all supported her as she went stage 4 and had other complications and then supposedly died. We all grieved for her and her small daughter that she left behind. Her sister came on and cried. Many sent money and flower arrangements to the family. Then another board contacted BCO and not only did Hunnybunches not die, she never had breast cancer or was sick.

    You want to give people the benefit of the doubt and most people who come to these sites are genuine but there are a few frauds who come as well just as in other areas of everyday life. I will freely give my support to anyone who needs it but I've also learned to be cautious and to trust my instincts now when something doesn't seem quite right.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Raye, welcome to the circle!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited May 2007
    Good morning everyone.
    I am still hanging in there- Can't catch up with this thread though! Anyone want to send me the Cliff's Notes to it???

    Love you!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    LOL - howdy NS. How are you feeling these days? Anything we can do to help?
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Hi NS!!!! Cliff note are really needed...hopefully someone can pm you an update.
    Jasmine...thanks for the info. Needed that.
    Thanks Marsha...
    Raye...welcome to the wonderful circle. Pull up a chair and tell us all about yourself. Lots of love and comfort here. Lots of fun too!
    Ok...time to and hugs to all
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    I AM OFF
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    Ok , 303 posts to catch up on...hmmm...don't think I'll be able to today...

    I hope all had a good mothers day and a happy weekend...
    I am trying to get things done so I can take a few days off son's GF asked me to chaparone a school camp out...they are going to do a skills test at College in the Adirondaks,,,,hehehhe she's doing a bulldozer test and log rolling...hmmmm no wonder I like
    So I hope to catch up but don't worry about me...I'll be back soon if not....
    hmmm....tracy hoping the mail got there?...

    hugs to all, holding hands for those with tests. and any other troubles.....
    forgive me for this generic post but know I think about you all...hehehe besides i have to post a new exercise before I go...the slave driver that I am...
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Good morning ladies. The plan is set. Going to Alaska. Leaving thursday. Yikes. Way to much to do. Deb, are you anywhere near where the cruise ships go? O crap, I don't know where were going exactly. Hmmm stay tuned for updates.

    Cheri, Amber is lovely. She looks so peaceful. Fingers crossed for bloodwork today.

    Odalys, sounds like your mommys day was grand. Best Mom Diploma is the perfect gift.

    Karen hope you get some good answers today.

    Susan, I couldn't even begin to think about mentioning everyone by name. That would make my brain hurt.

    Jankay, you've probably already left. I pray your trip is successful.

    Pam looking forward to your story.

    Laura, thank you for taking us on your walk.

    Nicki, hugs to you my friend.

    Betty, you've been busy. Want to come work at my house?

    Vicki, don't apologize for being the loving, caring person that you are. I hope if that woman is legit she gets the medical and mental help she obviously needs. I think I've been to jaded by chat room "trolls". I can be suspicious to a fault.

    Raye, welcome. Pull up your wagon and have a blue drink.

    NS, Cliff has notes? He should write a book.

    6 million things to do in two days. UGH!!! Whose idea was this?
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007

    hi MB have a great day

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Quick update - I have appt. w/ gyn at 9:45 to check the "lump". Grrrrrr. I hate this!
