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  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007

    praying for you liz.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Ah, big hugs Liz!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Morning!

    I, too feel bad when I start naming sisters, as I know I am leaving so many out. I say that from now on we toss the "feel bad" on the fire and know that we ALL are thinking of EVERYONE and wishing all our best!
    I do read all the post, take notes most days, and reply....We can't possible reply to everyone, everyday! But I love ya all Dearly!!

    Liz: Good, 10:30 now, so maybe you know something about Mr. Lump. The pic of you and your son is so nice!! And I didn't even notice the Cheetos on his teeth!!

    Cy: So glad you had a good time at the zoo! I think that was a great way to spend Mothers Day!

    Um.....Correctol taken last night.....Bathroom back!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    We have you covered Liz..holding your hand.
    I deleted the Panny post I wrote. Just not sure about it all at this point.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Good luck Liz and Jankay..

    Shirley..I loved that cruise so much we did it twice!!
    It would be neat if you could see Deb!!
    Had a great Mothers' Day..all three boys, grandson and DIL plus a fiance were here for a bruch at the country DIL is scheduled to have a C section next Tuesday.

    Here is a pic I took in Alaska Sherloc

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Good morning chickadees.........I pray that everyone had a good mother's day whether you are a mom, daughter, grandmom, aunt, and/or sister..........NS glad you popped in.......last yr at this time I had two more treatments of chemo......last mother's day was not easy......Marsha I can't remember if you are a mom but next yr will be better.......I have a couple of comments to make.....first of all my youngest had her "graduation" event on Satuarday afternoon than a dance......ok gals this statement is going to make me sound like an "old foogie" but all the girls were dressed up in these dresses as if it were their high school graduation....I thought many of the dresses were inapproiate in being too reaveling (sp)like very low cut, strappless, of course they were suppose to stay within dress code but come on.......why would parents let their daughters (14 yr olds) go out in puplic like that? Much less bought the outfits in the first place......don't get could tell that many of these dresses probably cost several hundred dollars.....its 8TH grade!!!!!!!!! Sorry about the rant.....I spent 60 dollars on my daughters dress on sale half price.....kind of a fifty's style dress it did have speagetti (sp) straps but it was not the least bit low and came down to just above her knees.........some girls had slits all the way up their legs to just below the crouch.....geez..........hold on brb......

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    I'z back!

    Nicki: I'm glad you had a decent day yesterday, despite the no call from Son. You even treat your dandelions with care! Pull them out one by one..........all mine get is a shot of Round Up!

    Vickie: The necklace from Sarah sounds beautiful!! And the lazy, hazy day with Nathanial sounds great..even the fishing!

    Marsha: Hope the Chemo gets a bit easier on you....sounds like you've really taken a lickin this past week. Maybe I'll have to "open mouth and insert foot" and get another story going around here!!!! Get you cheered up!

    Robin: A Pink Oreck! I love gifts that I know a portion of proceeds are going to research and services. Did you enjoy the day in Town with Noelle?
    Good luck on the Attorney hunt......that too can be Evil.

    Lisa: What a beautiful Rose!!

    Puppy: THANX!!

    Pam: So glad Miles was with you for Mothers Day! A nice visit with him and your Sister and he even cooked dinner!! I understand why and how you spent the rest of the day....

    Beth: Glad you're doing better. I'm not in to Baseball, but I think that is really neat with the Pink bats and balls!

    Shirley: Two words for you......Ow and Yuck! The ear thingy sounds just like that.
    And, you're leaving Thursday for Alaska!! Great....relax and have a Great Time! Hope the Man Person recoups while away....and No, you can't throw him overboard!

    Cheri: What a sweet pic of Amber! Good luck at the Onc.

    Susan: A geezer fest! That sounds like fun! Do you think we will have any luck getting "respect" from Cheri?

    Odalys: I loved the homemade gifts I used to get from my kids! A Mom Diploma...perfect! And you are right with the DH, Jewelry is always right!

    Laura: I totally enjoyed your walk down Memory Lane! Felt like I was walking with you! Glad you are feeling better.

    Betty: Hello to you and quit scrubbing and scraping and polishing already! You're gonna make the rest of us look bad!

    Raye: Welcome to you! Pull up a wagon and chat a spell!

    Well, I guess I missed the Panny thing. And I guess that maybe I'm glad I did!

    I have got to get something accomplished off with me!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Ok so one thing that was interesting was that the graduating 8th graders that are in honor band sat in the "orchestra" and played to entertain the crowd (by the way had to sit on bleachers for over 2 hrs and could hardly move when the graduation was over) so my daughter was sitting next to "first chair clarinet" this really cute kid and I knew they were friends....let me say this with my daughters "condition" (selective mutism) she has never shared with me about who she likes etc....she sure was being "cozy" with this kid they had their heads together thru the entire event whispering back and forth....she was doing the smiling and hair flipping....I could not believe it.......anyway after the dance a whole group of them with to the movies and I heard from another kid that my daughter and this other kid sat together at the moveies........ohhhhhhhh......opps sorry guys phone is ringing......hey Vickie brb.........

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Hey Shirley-

    YES! If you make it to Seward I only live about 80 miles form there. If you can get off the boat there we can go to lunch. When do you come?? A good portion of the ships go to Seward, so let me know.

    The girl's bake sale at church made 316 bucks for Relay yesterday I have such cool kids. It went really well and they baked TONS of goodes, all from scratch I am so proud of my kids...

    I have lots of stuff to do today so I neet to jet. Hugs to everyone

    Deb C
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    Yes, Gina, Cliff Notes would be great!

    So, I really don't have what it takes to address each one either today so I am relying on short term memory, lol.

    But....Deb, congrats on the bake sale . Those kids are something special.

    Special welcome to Raye ! Good to see you find your way over here. Great place to be. Pick out a wagon and set up. Zazette makes great treats. You helped keep me going with pm's.

    Vickie, glad to see you fired up the carpet. What is this obsession with bubble wrap, hehehe. Like to poke at them and make 'em pop? I do it all the time.

    Hugs to {{{Marsha}}} and {{{Liz}}}and {{{Jankay}}} and {{{Cheri}}}

    Robin, I can see if I can get a referral for you from my divorce lawyer. i will pm her name and firm's website.

    Special hug to Karen, hope you get a good report at the onc's and find out about the ai's.

    I think we need to get an internet connection in the bathroom for Denise, LOL.

    Well, I am tired because nights have been bad with getting a comfortable place to sleep. If I take 2 percoset it helps. The drains are still going strong and dh is just great at helping with them. He is now officially making me nuts however. Our shed on the side of the house does need to be rebuilt. he is taking measurements, over and over again, mumbling something that sounds like, "measure twice, cut once". He is also putting up a low retaining wall around the back garden to help direct water away from the foundation. What else? He has noticed a tree out back has termites so he is borrowing a chain saw and taking it down this weekend with the help of a couple of the guys. Just the mention of a power tool can do that!

    Ok, my arms are now sore from trying to type. Gotta take a Keflex and eat a light lunch. Love you guys!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    OK, needed to get something to the post office, got in my car, turned the right ways, got on the major road and pulled in to park at WalMart. As I got out of my car I was trying to think what I needed to pick up and it dawned on me. Nothing. I was going to the post office a mile down the street.

    Somebody tell me how much longer this is going to go on?

    Beth, Denise is the self proclaimed Poop Story Queen. I think she's in there creating new ones. LOL

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Marsha -- it took about a year out from chemo for the fog to start lifting for me. I still have never found the car payment coupons I lost during chemo. I'm sure they're in my house somewhere, I just don't know where. For right now, they are still in chemo heaven -- the place where everything goes that you misplace during chemobrain.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007

    Wish I could tell you the chemo brain goes away...but I STILL DO IT and I'm almost 10 months out. I got so mad yesterday because I couldn't remember the word "geranium"...

    Now...I was supposed to be doing something....can't remember what...guess I'll go look for my reading glasses....
    Hang in there
    Deb C
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Back from the gyn. He thinks this may be the implant has pushed through the subcutaneous skin or scar tissue. He doesn't think it's a lump per say. I have an ultrasoun on Thursday. It's the earliest they could get me in. Thanks for all the prayers and hand holding. I hate this frickin disease.

    I'm going to go back and read now.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Liz -- that actually makes sense to me. I can feel the edges of my saline implant. I can even mash it around some. I can also feel the valve that he used to fill it up during surgery.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    Jas, my implants are the new gummy bear ones and they don't have edges. Heck, it's hard telling what this is. I was justing getting to where I was ignoring aches/pains -now this. Oh well, so many others are having much worse problems. Thanks for the info!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Holy Crap!!! I can't believe how many posts there are since Fri. night!! I seriously can't catch up.

    Nicki, I'm so sorry that your puddin'-headed son didn't call you. Would it kill him to pick up the phone and call???? I know you've had your problems with him, but it would be nice if he could put it behind him and be a man. I'm sorry if I came down too hard, but that stuff makes me a crazy person.

    Raye, welcome to the Circle. It's the biggest bunch of girlfriends anywhere!

    Liz, good luck with your lump. I'm sure it's nothing.

    Shirley & Shel, Eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww!!!

    SoCal, you always post the greatest pics!

    Shokk, I'm not an old fogey either, but I agree that those young girls were dressed inappropriately. I don't know how parents let their kids out of the house like that.

    Cheri, what's happening with the bloodwork? Will you get results today? Amber's picture is beautiful. She looks so peaceful.

    JanKay, good luck on your trip!

    Z, great pictures from the race. You write beautifully!

    I didn't take great notes, so that's all I can remember. I do think of all of you daily!

    I was so busy this weekend! DH has decided to replace a lot of the lighting fixtures in the house, so we replaced 4 lights. The last one was a chandalier in the foyer. The foyer is 2 stories high and the light must have weighed 50lbs. If you could have seen the two of us trying to hoist this freakin' light up the ladder, onto a scaffold and then attach it to the ceiling, I swear you would die laughing. We did it, though . The new lights are really pretty and worth all the work. So, that took up most of the weekend. My older son came over with the twins for lunch, but the younger son is busy getting his house ready to sell, so he didn't make it over.

    I will try to check in later.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited May 2007
    We sail from Vancouver on Sunday the 20th! Which cruise line are you on----ours is Holland America. For all we know you could be leaving from Seattle and we could end up in port together at some point---or even on the same ship! Kewl!

    Everyone----I'm not ignoring any of my sisters---just totally overwhelmed with the details of being gone for a MONTH and trying to get dinner clothing, everyday clothing and subzero clothing (it was 4 degrees in Prudhoe Bay today) all in one crappy suitcase. Don't they know this is impossible by the simple laws of physics?

    Deb---timewise, how far behind the east coast are you? Would like to call but I'm always afraid I'll be way off in time appropriateness. We get into Anchorage lateish on June 1st---when is the race? Where is the race? We'll be at the Hilton on the 1st and then move to the---ummmm---Marriot? Then we pick up the car and who knows where in heck we will be. BTW---you're scaring me with all of the bear talk. Can I get SO's air rifle in my bag and past the inspectors? Yeah, like that'll work on a grizzley.

    vickie---went back and read the panny posts and brought creepy flashbacks of deneb back to me. Guess you weren't here when all of that took place but the moderators finally took her down. Didn't know about the police part.

    gotta go and get a few more things knocked off my to do list, which is now eight miles long.

    NS---glad to see you post. Forget the Cliff notes---this bunch is impossible to synopsize. Cheri has a cyst in her brain and Cy had to have her liver biopsy done again because the stupid hospital lost the first one. Robin went to see a malpractice attorney who told her she didn't have a case but that doesn't sound right to any of us Reader's Digest school of Law graduates here and she is supposed to see a divorce attorney this week (?). See guys? I'm reading along---just not posting.

    Buh bye.


    Oh yeah, and Shel is back at work after hassles with her employer, and Beth is feeling better after her prophy bilat masts last week.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    image Love Ya CGS!! Praying for All of My Sisters!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    Oh God!!! Larry has now measured everythng to within an inch of its life out there. He put on work gloves. The sawsall (sp?) is going at the swing set out back. It is 13 yrs old and a hazard. We saved two of the swings for my pal Marge. But he has been aching to do something like this since he has been home. Oh my ears!

    {{{Liz}}} sorry to hear of more problems. It has to end sometime doesn't it? Please tell me it does.

    Saw a call from the gp's office on the caller ID but they left no message. Could be the path report. So I left them a message.

    Shirley and Jeannie and Deb all in Alaska at the same time. How cool is that?

    OK, strange noise I have to check on dh. BBL
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    well shoot howdy Jeannie. Thats the boat hubby wanted to be on. But silly me forget to send in the passport papers and they told us you need one to get across the border by car or plane now. So were sailing friday from seattle on royal caribbean.
    I'll find out where we will be when sometime today. Hubby is out taking his suit to the cleaners. Oops forgot to do that too.
    Deb it would be so cool if we can hook up.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007

    so what do they do about an implant gone wild?

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Good afternoon everyone..........Nicki so sorry you didn't hear from your your husband feeling need to hog tie him and get him to a doctor.......Beth I sure hope that path report is all clear.....Vickie sounds like you had a quiet day so sorry you miss your mom but just remember that your motherhood is an extension of would make her proud........Has anyone heard from Amy had a good mother's day....well Denise congrats on the new addition to the family......(wish I had a grandkid).....looks like we have a new member to the circle....welcome Raye......Z how in the world do you work so many hrs and then do a walk the next day......Shel I hope work has improved.......Jan I just had to rant....I sometime feel like I'm living in a MTV video......Sherloc congrats on the lung thing coming back ok.....My dad and Stepmom do alot of cruises and he loved the Alaskan cruise they did.........if you and Deb get together we will expect lots of pics.........brb.....

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Liz you are in my prayers.....Cheri I just loved the pic of you and both look so happy......DebC I hope you had a nice mother's day.......well yesterday my mom, daughter and I went to see that movie "Waitress" if any of ya'll get a change to see it it is so good.....I haven't seen a movie since Christmas.....its an independent film....I don't want to give anything away but it really is cute......ok chicas we have storms building in the west when I went home at lunch (I didn't check the Stove)it was getting real dark and thundering but no tornadoes are in the forecast.......anyway if I missed anyone so sorry but cg's are the best....will check back in manana.....Hey Vickie see ya later alligator.......

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Good Afternnon CG's - I just heard from Jankay - she is in South Carolina and she is at a rest stop stretching her legs. They have about one hour left to the Georgia destination. She sound really good. She is having board withdrawal though.
    She will update after her doctors visit - here's wishing her well.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited May 2007

    Sherloc---RATS! How cool would that have been? Note to Shirley---remember to take in paperwork next time. Is it a round trip you are on or are you finishing at Seward/Anchorage?

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi Girls!

    Thought I'd do a check up on all. Liz, that's kinda good news. I mean it's great that Onc. doesn't expect the Bad thing. But what do they do when a implant moves?

    Shokk: Not another storm........clean the closet Dorothy, the Oz family might be on the way! In all is not funny. Wow you guys have some wicked weather.
    I agree with you about the way some young teens dress. Style is one thing, but showing all doesn't cut it with me. I was at a store over the weekend and these kids were in there acting all stupid. Two of the girls were , let's just say, Chubby. They had bigger Muffin Tops than boobs and were showing it all. Where are their parents??

    Jeannie and Shirley both going to Alaska! Jeannie, are you going to be gone for a month? With one suitcase? Totally inHumane if you ask me!
    Shirley: Did you guys just put this trip together in like a day? You're good!

    Beth: I totally relate to power tools! Actually when DH uses them, it's a good thing. He is very talented with building and woodworking, but has scared the crap out of me a couple of times! Like the time I came home and one wall of the bedroom was "missing!" When he finished, I received a built in vanity with bay windows that overlooks the wooded area behind us! Or the time I came home and the two HUGE post on either end of our half wall were gone! Or the time I mentioned a gas fireplace would be nice (meaning a free standing stove) and I received a built in fireplace with a new wall at an angle and a Oak Mantel! All beautiful....but I've learned to be careful with what I wish for, cuz the man will make it!!!!

    Marsh and Beth: Internet in the Bathroom! Cool! It will go with the Super, Duper, guaranteed not to plug, Al Bundy toilet I received from DH a couple years ago!!!!

    Now the Memory thing: I am really starting to worry about my memory and speech. Seriously. It just keeps getting worse. I go to get something and within the time it takes me to get up....I have no idea what I was after. Pick up my purse...but why? I start talking and forget what I'm even talking about. I say wrong words..example..Talking to a relative of a client the other day, I was trying to say, "Wireless Doorbell" I said, "Wireless Phone" then Wireless somethng else (don't remember!) Could not get it out. It seems like I always say the wrong word....Last night I said I'm going to hang the "whatever I said" up....instead of saying phone. Enough with the Examples....Is this normal? Is it my age? I didn't have chemo....but could it be the AI'S?

    I'll be back atleast checking on you all tomorrow....I'll be fine but I will be in kinda a quiet mode for a couple of days! Hard to imagine isn't it?!

    Love and Hugs to you all,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Going into quiet mode....well maybe. image
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007

    My friends are used to the new me, that doesn't know words anymore. I just kind of keep going, and will say, "what is that word that means x,y,z" when I get stuck. For example, "what is that word that means when you get a shot to keep you from getting sick?" (A vaccine!) rather than tormenting myself and those around me trying to think of the word!

    And yes, I spend more time walking from room to room, unable to remember what it was I was just going to do. I think it's the combo of chemo, menopause (which I had the pleasure of completing in 5-10 weeks instead of 5-10 years!) and just plain age, plus being tired and stressed doesn't help.

    I couldn't agree more on the clothes, makes me glad I have a boy! I couldn't handle the weird, sexy clothes for little children! I don't even like those shorts and sweats that have stuff written across the bum unless the child is less than a year old. Freaks me right out!
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Howdy RAYE!! welcome to you, you've found the best place to be. There's always room. image