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  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    No word on the biopsy yet, am tired but wanted to touch base with yo all. I will check back in one more time before I turn in in about an hour to make sure you are all tucked in safely!
    Love you all

    Woo Hoo Cheri!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Good evening ladies. What a long day. But a productive one. Maybe after all these difficult years with just one bad off- the- wall thing happening to me after another, things may be turning around. I do not despair, because I have survived all that's been thrown at me. I am alive. I've been crippled up, stuck in a wheelchair, walkers, cane, bedside cammode, bone stimulators, PICC line, just get over one thing and then something else happens to me. I cleaned out a closet one day and counted 5 camboots! Then as I find a place I think might heal me, Breast Camcer rears its ugly head. So I put it off for a year. I have spent my 40's crippled. In fact, on my 41st birthday I fell and broke my Tibia & Fibia with a compound fracture they let get infected. Took 15months to heal and it was still broken when I had a head-on accident that left me in a mess for the rest of my life. But neither one of these killed me, I really don't know how the accident didn't. Looking at our pick up you wouldn't think anyone would've lived. But i did. I am a Breast Cancer Survivor. But I've had enough now. It's time for an upswing here.

    Shirley, thank you Amber is a cutie. And has a heart of, whatever it is it makes her interesting! lol

    Liz, thanks for the update and good luck with your Ultra Sound.

    Socal, you take just beautiful photos.

    Janny, you talking about you and dh and the chandelier reminded me of the scene from "War of the Roses" hahahaha Sorry, couldn't help it.

    Jeannie, enjoy your trip.

    Shokk, thank you. (can't remember what for, but that's what I have in my notes) hahahaha i dunno...
    NO, I never get chemo brain, don't have a clue what you all are talking about! GeeZ. Memory is not a problem when you are aware that you don't have one.(You all think AGE might have just a little something to do with it? Nah)

    Z, thanks for the Jankay update and the happy dance. "Git down girl, git down...." hehe

    Raye, welcome home. You'll love it here. Just jump in and post when you want. It's hard to keep up, I have to take notes. (memory thing)

    Liz, thank you for the Jankay update.

    Nicki, I've got notes here that says you were looking for CY to update us on her biopsy. I talked to her so I imagine she's posted by now.

    Shel, so glad you got a package. That's nice.

    Jankay, good luck and thinking of you.

    Lorene, I haven't been able to keep up my own life the past 2 weeks, seems alot busier than usual. I appreciate the well wishes.

    Well, this is where this post began, right after Lorene. I'm sure there's many more by now. I was pleasantly side-tracked. Hey to all I've missed, Iris, Mena, Lisa, Sheri, Vickie, Tracey, Deb, Puppy, Boo, Gus, Ishop, Brenda, MB, SuzieQ, Shel, Amy, CY,Kristin, Margarette, Madison, Karen, Carrie, Denise, Gina, Christiny, Robin, Theresa, Colleen, and anyone else I missed, probably someone I'm close to. lol hahaha, just about forgot Denise, knew it'd be someone I was close to. lol

    Everyone rest well, I should be up for awhile, walking the perimeter to make sure all is safe. Goodnight my good friends.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Good night CG's. I've started the fire. Time to cozy up and hit the hay. See ya in the a.m.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Just popping in to say good night. Glad we are getting some good news lately makes me smile.

    Sleep tight, sweet dreams
    Deb C
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    Vikie, NS & Karen thank you for the pick me ups You've made me smile!

    Raye, welcome to the Wagon Circle!

    Lisa we're on the count down for the grandbabies are we! Next week we'll both be hold or new little ones, isn't it just grand!

    OK throwing some more logs on the fires and headed to bed. Won't know anything about the biopsy til late on Wed. But I did get word that the bone scan results are good, other than a think forehead! another thing NS and I have in common!
    Sleep well
    hugs & Prayers
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007

    Just a quick hello to all the CG's and a hearty welcome to Raye. Isn't this place great. Cheri - I loved your news. And Beth, glad to hear that you are doing better. Oh, NS, I could also use the "cliff notes" version. Since Friday I think there are 10 new pages - way too many to catch up on. I just skimmed a few of the posts from today. I hope everyone had a good mom's day. My Miriam gave me a frame that says "mom and me" and had a picture of the two of us that was taken the morning of my mastectomy. I asked her if we could put a current picture in and she said yes, so I put one of the two of us taken on my bday last week. She bought me the frame with her own money - she's just 9 and wonderful. Talked to my onc today. He says to try the Tamox for another two weeks, but to try taking it at bedtime instead of the morning. He said the nausea usually goes away after one week, but I still have it if I eat too much (which these days really isn't much) - but I'm just so darned tired. I've lost a couple pounds since going on the tamox (and I really can't afford to loose any more weight). Will call him back the end of next week and decided if I will stay on it, go back on AI's or bag it all together (how wise it that)!!!??? I think he thinks the fatigue is because I'm not sleeping and he told me to keep taking the sleeping pills, but i am not sleeping any worse than on the AI's but I am much more tired. Whats worse - brain pain or joint pain!!! Now my implants are doing funny things. The BC, radiated side is shifting downward and sideways. Nurse at PS office told me that at the last visit that the only thing to defy gravity is radiated skin and that is why the PS made opened me up and made a pocket on the bottom side of the implant. The radiated side now looks really deformed. So I will be calling the PS tomorrow. I was so hoping to not have any doctor appt this month, but who knows if he will want to see me. The two implants are no longer symmetrical - right side hangs about one inch below the other. A bra helps even it out somewhat, but it is not comfortable. Haven't been wearing a bra as PS nurse told me I didn't need to. Well enough rambling on about me. Does it ever end? Best wishes to the gals who are off to Alaska and other vacation spots. Hugs to everyone who has appts this week. More hugs to Cy and Beth and any one else waiting on biopsy results - B9, B9, B9. Well, I need to get to bed. Wishing everyone a good day tomorrow and thanks for being here. Karen in Denver

  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2007
    Good morning all,
    I sure have missed everyone but my laptop is fried.I am so far behind there's no way to catch up from Friday to Tuesday.I did read the posts and I have to say all news seems pretty good.Cheri,I'm so happy that you get to have your surgery but sure will miss you while you're gone.Karen,hoping you get your hormonal mess figured out soon.Cy,still waiting to hear B9 from you,looks like Wednesday though.Still praying for you.Jankay,glad you made it to GA and it's great that you could post.Shirley,I see you are going on a cruise,you lucky duck.Have fun.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Good morning ladies,
    Well it a whooping 56 degrees here this morning! Up from 32 yesterday so thats a relief. Supposed to be 83 degrees today and back down to 60 tomorrow. Geez...don't know what to expect from one day to the next.
    Jankay...we are all right there with you. Just imagine us holding your hand.
    Lisa beat me up this morning...good morning sunshine sister. Hope you can get your laptop fixed or replaced soon!
    Nicki...blowin the trumpet this morning.
    Karen...oh I so wish you get the hormones and nausea under control. Did you try half a pill in the AM and half in the PM? Sending you a hug...Miriam sounds like a doll!
    CY...thick headed huh?! Who would have thought LOL! Praying for B9 all the way. Hugs to you.
    Cheri...oh what wonderful news. Glad that your surgery can go on as scheduled! I'll try to IM you later if I can get caught up at work...almost there but not quite.
    Liz, Susan, Raye, Shirley, Shel, Beth, Madison, Colleen, Margaret, Christine, Sheri, Z, Iris, Deb, Cherryl...oh get my drift...everyone have a wonderful day and I'll try to catch up tonight.
    oops...gotta check the calendar. brb.
    Ok...Beth has a checkup and Jpann is having a dexa scan so fire up the magic carpet and pick me up. Beth...hope the appointment goes well. Jpann...the dexa scan is easy and hope you have good results.
    Love ya all
  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2007
    Liz, looks like good news for you on the lump. Hope the implant is ok though. Susan, Great news about Onc visit being normal. We like normal. Marsha, dear, sorry to say I am 6 months out from chemo and I still go where I am not supposed to and I don’t go where I am supposed to. Laura, loved the post, felt so real to me. Vickie, you are not gullible, you just have a desire to help people and a loving nature but don’t like to see you being drained especially if it’s not for real. Raye, I would like to say Hello and welcome you. Best place you could ever find for love, support and a lot of laughs along the way. Gina, hope you are feeling a little better. Nice to see you post. Hang in there, we are holding your hand. Denise, congratulations on the new grandbaby news. Speth, Hello and welcome. Robin, hope you are doing ok. I am here whenever you need me.Sorry I had to split my post.Still figuring out the new laptop.To all I missed,know that I love you all and I will eventually catch up.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone. I have to tell ya, yesterday was a wild and crazy day. And today isnt going to be much better. All of a sudden my life has taken a turn - in a good way. I feel more energetic, Im walking around with a smile, and motivated again. Thought I lost all of that when I was first diagnosed.

    For those of you with memory issues. Remember me? Im 2 years post chemo and I couldnt remember what tooth brush was mine. Couldnt remember if it was the white one or the green one. Husband got alot of laughs out of that. Determined person that I am - well I just went out a bought a pink one. Now I dont forget.
    Lisa and Vickie: Look at you two early birds. Geez, and I thought I was up early.

    Liz: I forget that I live in the big city! I would have been freaking out and probably would have just gone to my PS office - but then his office is only 5 miles away. So wishing you good luck with your US! Hope it gets scheduled ASAP so you can stop worring about all of this.

    Z: Your so funny. Thanks for the life preserver. For the last 2 years I have been working full time but not putting in full time hours. Everything has changed now. Im back to being a normal full time person and its cutting into my computer time. Add that to my new morning routine and I practically have no computer time!

    PurpleMB: Seems like I havent talked to you - well - forever! From snowmens post, I take it your up to the same normal you. Thinking of other people and doing something to make them happy. I just love ya.

    Tracey: Now I want a picture of you in a hula skirt with a blue drink, doing the hula. OK?

    Cheri: Thats wonderful news. Im glad they can finially do the surgery. You had to put up a good fight to get here thats for sure.

    Sherloc: Im so lost and have missed reading so many posts. So I take it you are going on a cruise and it sounds wonderful. Man, I havent been on vacation for too long. At this point I would be happy with an overnight stay in downtown Chicago for Pete's sake. Hoping you have alot of fun.

    PBD: Im joining the club of not having time to post. Since I have spent hours on the computer over the last 2 years, I am going through big time withdrawal.

    CY: This waiting must be awful. Late Wednesday, might end up being Thursday! Whew - a relief that the bone scan is normal. That is very good news.

    Karen: I believe in my heart that doctors dont listen to us enough when we are experiencing side effects. If its not in the books then it doesnt occur attitude. I like the idea of taking the tamox at night. Hope that helps you with your symptoms.

    Lisa: If my computer crashed I would go nuts! Glad your back with us.

    Vickie: It was 90's here yesterday in Chicago. Unbelievable. And still no rain. They said maybe today, I will see - but my flowers are very thirsty. Other than that, I have enjoyed this beautiful weather. Still trying to remember when it was subzero and we were all complaining about how cold it was.

    Shokk: Im sort of snickering when I read about your daughters party. Found this to be the opportune time to talk about how people, especially kids are dressing today. First of all, Im from the 60's. We invented hip huggers and hot pants. Had a great body then so was able to wear them. But I do believe, that the stores are targeting the "juniors" and its all to sexy for me. The other thing I have noticed is that "maternity clothing" has gone out the windows. I see pregnant moms all the time, walking around with a short tee and their belly just hanging out! Or what about the grade school children who are wearing - well - basically pajamas to school? This is a strange world. Not good for an 8th grader to look too sexy.

    Jan: Sounds like you had a fun week-end. My husband is not a fixer upper. And I wouldnt let him touch a thing in this house. Otherwise it would be half ass backwards.

    Robin: Its very nice to meet you. Glad you found the wagon circle. It sure is a great place.


    Jasmine: I guess the longer I am around, the smarter I get. When I read that thread - I knew it was gonna drain me. I dont want stuff like that in my life anymore. I want to help someone who is getting help and scared. You can bring a horse to water, but you cant make him drink. I wont be visiting that thread anymore. Too many others that really need my help and support.

    Well, Im off Phase 1 of South Beach. But I have already had to change my routine. I cant go for my early morning walks. I find that even after taking a shower, Im still sweating. The other day I washed and dried my hair and by time I got dressed, sweat was dripping on my blouse. So Im gonna walk extra during work.

    For the first time in 2 years, I had to set my hair! Yes, I was able to curl it. Its thick again too, not baby soft like it was before. Unfortunately that takes more time in the morning. I can have wine again, but just from drinking some this past week-end, I gained 2 pounds. So I have set a new rule for myself. Wine only on the week-ends.

    I hope everyone has an absolutely wonderful day.

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007

    Morning sunshine sisters!! Running late (as usual) so can only say hi and check back later. Weekend was great, beautiful wedding and weather. Check in later. Love to all xoxo

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007

    Not much time today. Just a pop in to say hello and wish my dear CG's a happy day.

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited May 2007
    Morning all.

    Welcome, Raye.

    Great news, Cheri.

    Cy, still waiting for B9 news for you, too.

    Beth, good to hear that you're starting to feel better.

    My dentist's appt went okay yesterday. Have to confess that I'm a non-flosser. Must develop that good habit. have a tooth to be repaired. Nothing too urgent though, will have it done in July, after grandbaby arrives.

    Am taking my mom to her pre-op ortho appt today. Her knee gets scoped a week from today. Sure hope that will make a difference for her. She's having a lot of pain in her knee.

    Should be getting ready for the Y, but couldn't fall asleep until 3 AM last night. I'm skipping the first class, and will go just to H2O aerobics today.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Hugs, prayers, and healing to all.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Cheri that is great news! I'm so glad the potassium levels are back to normal. You sure have been through alot!

    Nicki you sound so positive and good. I'm so glad to see this 'new' you. Life is good and you sound full of joy. To borrow from an old commercial -- grab allt he gusto you can!

    Good morning to everyone else. This is the last week of training and commuting for me for a while. Thursday, please hurry up and get here. I forgot how much I hate having to do those long daily drives.

    Have a fantabulous day everyone.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Morning Girls!

    Cheri: WAHOOOOO! Ever think you'd be this excited for surgery!! So happy for you!

    Cy: Still waiting to be told B9!! Hope you hear today.

    To all that wrote and told me I'm "normal", thank you! Most of the time It doesn't bother me....been kinda daffy my whole life. Just seemed like I was having more memory and talking bass ackwards the past few days.
    So if I can remember where the shower is, I'm headed that way. After that, I'm gonna look for my keys..hit the alarm button on keypod so I can find my car, turn on the auto pilot so I don't have to worry where I'm going, and go help these Poor, Elder people with "DEMENTIA!"

    Love to all,
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2007
    Morning CGs, lots of posts to catch up on. Just doing a fly by to wish everyone a good day today.

    Cheri, awesome news.

    Raye, welcome. You'll find it doesn't take long to get to know these women - they're a good group.

    Odalys, love your avatar.

    Karen, I take my tamoxifen at night. My onc wants me to switch to another AI so I'm seeing my ob/gyn this morning to talk about the blood tests required to find out if I'm in menopause. I am not looking forward to a blood test in my foot.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited May 2007
    Just a quick note to wish everyone a good day.

    Whew! 457 new post since I last got to check in. I'll try to go back later and just skim the post to see what is going on and try to catch up.

    Cheri, I did see that your potassium level is OK so surgery is on.

    Cy won't know about her biopsy until late Wed.

    Nicki, since my hair returned I have been able to just blow dry and walk out the door. I don't know if it is the haircut I got last time or if it is that the gray is slowing becoming the dominant color again but it is not looking good with just blow drying. I hate to get out that curling iron again!!! Yesterday, I actually had a customer tell me "what happened to your curls, they were so pretty". Guess that is a sign things are moving forward - a good sign. However, I do miss not so much the curls but having such good body to my hair.

    Have a great day. I know I have missed much. Too, I'm having these "aura's" this morning. Haven't had an acutal migraine in a very long time but have had quite a few "silent migraines" the ones that just occur with the eye messing up.

    OK off to the shower!!! Enjoy the day. Weather here is wonderful but we need some rain. Our grass is turning brown already. Brenda
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    OMG...58 new posts,, I hope I can read back...but boss forgot I was going away and piled on the work, cuz I'm th eonly one here...hehehe so know I'm thinking bout youall...
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    ok Nicki picture needed, in that new bikini...and thanks for the kind words, somedays I just need to make someone smile, I wish I could do it for everyone....DH is soooo understanding...hehehehe..
    Welcome Raye..sorry I missed your entrance ...
    CHEEEEEERI...whooo do know we will expect to see you at Pinkstock so you can show us the new ankle.....hugs so happy for you...
    Z so gald to see your new picture...
    odalays same to I guess I'm gonna have to update mine in August...
    Girls going to should leave messages at a particular place...hehehe like secret santa's along the way...hehehehe

    ok back to work...ugggghhhhh

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    good morning cgs
    i am up and doing well. i mmissed the susnshine call but better late than never. i have no stories this am since the computer is not close.
    wishing all well and poat later
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    OH Cheri Amore, I will give ED the good news and waite for His reaction(somehow I bet He already knows HEHE)
    Sisters, Our Sweet BMD{Brenda} has posted and she has a new lump, she goes to her BS wed. i think at 2:15 I dont know if anyone already knows and posted this sorry if i am doing a repeat! {{BETH}} THANK YOU!! Love ya CGS, and know my prayers are with All of you! Puppy
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    Hi Puppy! {{hugs}}} this morning. Thanks for the talk yesterday. You helped with answering a lot of questions about all sorts of stuff.

    Jankay, are you lucky to have a 'puter in the lobby. Otherwise, board withdrawal is a terrible thing, lol.

    CY,here's to good results for both of us!!!

    Vickie, got alittle sumpin' from you yesterday! You are something else and it was so pretty. I needed a little smile yesterday afternoon when ds brought in the mail.

    Well, my right side is stinging up near the drains but maybe after my shower I will feel better. The right side drains started to change color and it scared us last night not knowing about this. So I called the home nursing agency and they said the light yellow color was ok and the left still being red is ok too. Now, don't get upset over the details....I read worse about ear pus, LOL.

    But my left arm is bothering me this morning so go figure. Just to let all of you know I am thinking of you and glad you will be there at the ps appt this afternoon. My dil is taking me and dh is staying home with the 4 yo gs and ds. DS has off for election day since they use the schools for voting areas.

    BTW, I have never asked this before but can we put dil's father in the middle? He has advanced melanoma and just had a huge tumor removed from the side of his face that was growing through the bone back around Thanksgiving. He is recuperating from a post-operative stroke and he lost some nerves and muscle contrl from surgery so he only goes out for appts. He is almost finihsed radiation at this point. She said yesterday that he looks like he wants to give up and is at the end of his rope with it. She has never cried in front of me before and my heart was breaking for her. I lived through watching my dad suffer and pass away so I know how she felt. Thank you cg's.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Hey Girls

    Quick read and check-in

    Cheri - yeah for you
    Beth - glad you're feeling OK, take care of that left arm
    Vicki - ummm, I forget... something about work?
    Nicki - congrats on the energy - do you think it's the exercise? I made it to the gym today - 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer thing-y!! Yeah me!
    Susan - was Cheri's news the good news or is there additional good news? We love good news!
    Brenda - I had an "almost" migraine, with the eye stuff yesterday - so did 2 women on my son's baseball team, we're wondering it it's allergies or something?

    OK, gotta scoot, hugs all around
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning dear friends. Another day of running amok for me.

    Cy we'll be docking in Seattle on the morning of the 25th.
    Praying B9. Dang thats a long time to wait.

    Cheri, I'm still happy dancing for you. Can't wait till you can join me.

    Jeannie, crummy buttons indeed. But we'll both have a good time anyway. Enjoy your trip.

    Lisa, quack quack. Sorry about your laptop. I cry real tears when my puter doesn't behave.

    Karen, I used to take my tamox at night and had the nausea from the beginning. Switched to mornings and no more nausea. Hoping switching will do the trick for you.

    Nicki my dear. Book you and hubby into a hotel for a night. Order room service and lay in bed watching movies all night long. It will do you both good.

    Brenda, gentle hugs in a dark room. Migraines suck beans.

    Beth, adding your DIL father to my prayer list.

    Off and running. See you all later.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Has anyone heard from Madison? I don't remember seeing her post the past couple of days. Do you think we burried her in yarn??? Maybe if we follow the yarn we can find her

    Deb C
  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited May 2007
    Thank you Vickie,
    Im a little nervous as Ive never had this before so not even sure how it is done....Hopefully not in a tube like an MRI....I get creepy in there!!!!!!!
    Beth, hope all goes well with your appt today....
    CY-hangin in there for B-9 for you!!!!

    Sorry that I missed so many of you wonderful ladies but am at work so at least try to look like Im doing something for my pay .....

    Hugs to all
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Deb - Madison is off with her hubby on a business trip. Think she said they were going to San Antonio.

    Hugs to everyone who is waiting for tests, results from tests and everything else.

    Off to get rid of this Relay money.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Good news Cheri. Glad you are getting your surgery soon.

    Just a quick check in. This week hasn't been the greatest. I never get allergies to Spring like my dh does, but the last couple of days my eyes are swollen and watery. I've been downing the allergy pills, but nothing helps. On top of that I am having total body aches, reminding me of the aches from taxotere or the flu, but I don't get flu very often. No fever, though. I see the pcp tomorrow, so I'm waiting until then, but I sure feel awful!

    Talk to all later. Glad there has been some good news. Those going on cruises--have a blast!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    CY, holding your hand, chanting B9.
    Tonite is the survivor dinner for American Cancer Society. Relay is on Friday/Saturday. I have a luminaria for the circle girls.

    Can I go to Alaska with ya'll. If I get in a really big suitcase can I stow away.

    For those of you healing, calm caring thoughts.
    and for those of you waiting for results or tests, go find somebody who needs their house cleaned.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    OK If You Say SO!!! I am sooooooo scared about my mammo. and mri. monday! only because my boob(one hung low) is so
    sore if i touch it with my arm it hurts! will they still do a mammo? i hate to think how friggen painful it will be, BUT I have many sisters with much worse! so i am not trying to be a baby, I really wonder will they do it!
    come go with me CGS so i wont be a big baby! Love Ya All!
    has anyone heared anything about CY yet! or any others! Gods Speed Sweeties, I'LL BE BACK! Puppy