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  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    I totally get the lack of memory thing. I never had a great memory before treatment, but I would remember the important things, but man the other day I forgot were I parked my car at the grocery store, thank goodness the car blocking it backed out.

    Since my memory has been failing a bit more, I have to write everything down, I mean everything. I have notes all over, soon I think my work space at home and work will look like this image

    But, whatever it takes, I'll keeping writing.

    Have a great day CG's, be back later.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    adrionna .......... i'm known (or used to be known) as "captain grammar" ............ and "captain articulate" and "captain spelling" (a joke at work of long standing) i am amazed at my "word searching" and lack of articulation and recall now!!!!!!! at first it broke my heart ......... now i finally just say "jump in and help my chemo brain out wherever applicable" or i make a joke and say "ya'll get my drift right??????"

    i hate not being "me" anymore, but i've given up trying to hide the fact that i'm just not the same as i used to be.

    most people get it pretty quick, those that don't ....... well screw them lol! i'm not "stupider" ....... i just can't get my brain and my mouth to jive!!!!!!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    I bought myself a PDA to help with the memory things but I always forget to put it in the charger at night and the battery runs down and loses everything that was stored in it and I have to start all over again!

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    I like your idea of a PDA, maybe I can convince hubby to get me that blackberry I've been wanting for my birthday.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Its nice! I really like it when I can remember to charge the battery.

  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007
    Well, I just lost a post for the first time. Ugh!

    Can totally relate with you all with the memory problems. My kids have learned to interpret my hand signals and "please hand me that thingy - you know (hand signals)". Talked to someone on the phone last night and could not remember the guy's wifes name. So embarassing - we have only known them forever. I have tried writing things down but forget that I wrote it. My anxiety is gone though - can't remember anything long enough to let it bother me!

    Enjoying a really nice day here at my end of the circle. It is breezy and 80. I spent some time gardening. I planted some seeds a couple of weeks ago but of course can't remember what I planted where - so it will be a surprise.

    Last summer I painted a picture of some lilies that I had growing in my garden. The picture turned out pretty good but I put it away and of course forgot about it. My dh found it and had it framed for me for Mother's Day. When I opened it my 10 yo ds said "that's nothing compared to Danny's Mom's convertible". Danny is his friend and his Dad gave his Mom a convertible for Mother's Day. It was so funny the way he said it.

    Well I have gotta go now and pick up my dd from work. I am going to try and post pictures later.

    My best to everyone.

  • sahalie
    sahalie Member Posts: 1,145
    edited September 2008


  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    I have to girls are the best! It's always nice to know you are not alone, no matter what the problem is! Reading about and looking at Z's, everyones memories being shot to He** made me laugh!!
    Shel, I was always good at grammar and spelling, also. I can't spell crap anymore.
    Gotta love this mess we're in!

  • Raye99
    Raye99 Member Posts: 114
    edited May 2007
    Thanks for the warm welcomes Ladies.

    Z, I love the wagon.

    And G, I hear ya on the Cliffs Notes. I think two pages have been filled with posts since I last logged in! I don't know if I can keep up!!

    I can't remember a thing. Someone at work told me a lady had been diagnosed with bs recently. I asked her if she knew what stage and what oh that thing that advises the aggressiveness. Couldn't think of it for the life of me! Finally, oh yeah, the GRADE, I tell her. doh! I wonder how many cells I have left in there...

    Going to go and TRY and run 3 miles tonight. Signed on for a 5K Memorial Day weekend. Another sign not too many cells left.

    Have a great evening ladies.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited May 2007
    You spelled "crap" right that time! I didn't have chemo either (thank you God) but I am convinced the AIs do it to you. My SO says sometimes he just knows the lights are on but nobody's home. I can forget what I was saying in the middle of a sentence, never mind individual words. Not as bad as it was in the beginning but still an issue. My onc says the med insert says that it can cause "confusion" so I must be confused! She also says I'm not the only one that has told her about----what were we talking about?

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited May 2007

    My printer at home doesnt work, so the one PM I am going to miss is the one we used to exchange Christmas cards last December cause it has all many of your addresses.

    Nicki - You can transfer the PM to Wordpad or MS Word; just open the message, highlight, and cut and paste on to a word document. I always like to use the short cut of "ctrl C" to cut and "ctrl v" to paste. Hope this helps.

    Take care,
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    My onc visit was good. no problems except keep taking the arimidex.

    I have more work to do that i'm gonna get paid for.

    a certain someone we all know and love has good news. ssshhh if i tell you she'll get mad!!!!!!!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Ohhhhh! I need good news WHo has good news???

    Oh, I have some good news...not the news Susan knows, but good none the less

    A neighbor finally shot the brown bear that has been killing pets and livestock. It was tyring to kill his dog and he shot it. Now maybe I can relax a bit in the yard
    I still want to know who else has good news
    Deb C
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited May 2007
    Welcome to the new CG's. I hope you enjoy our group. There is a lot of love and support here. Hope you stay a while.

    Marsha -

    OK, needed to get something to the post office, got in my car, turned the right ways, got on the major road and pulled in to park at WalMart. As I got out of my car I was trying to think what I needed to pick up and it dawned on me. Nothing. I was going to the post office a mile down the street.Somebody tell me how much longer this is going to go on?

    Marsha, there is no magic number. I noticed my memory getting better a couple months after the last chemo. My onc told me the SE of chemo can linger for a while. It has taken almost a year for my short term memory to be back to normal (what's normal anyway?). I stopped blaming my confusion on chemo. I now saying that I am having a "senior moment". Most folks can relate. LOL! Hang in there, it gets better!

    Z - I love the pic with all the postit notes. I worked through chemo treatments and relied on postit to keep me on traxk. I even had a color coding system to identify priorities. Coworkers kept saying my office looked like a rainbow.

    Who has good news???? Do share....
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Hi girls, just talked with Jankay. She's in Georgia and says she feels relaxed and good. She'll let me know what the doctor says tomorrow afternoon. Her appointment is at 1:00.

    Okay, who has good news? I love good news!

    Add me to the forget what I'm saying/doing list.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: Yep the picture above is me. Im officially drowning. Just got home from work. Getting busier and busier everyday. No way I can even try to catch up tonight.

    Liz: I hope you have an appointment with you PS tomorrow! If you werent able to see him today. Dang - we have the same implants. Bigs hugs to you.

    I was looking for CY! Hoping all is going well and wondering if she heard any news from the biopsy.

    Just popped in. Will try to catch up in the morning.

    Love ya all

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Nicki, my PS is 2 hours away. I'm going to get the U/S and go from there. If it's implant related, I'll get in to see her as soon as I call. She's great about that.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Just a short post for now, I haven't read anything yet. I just got home from Springfield.....and girls I'm gonna get to go to the Univ. of Iowa Hosp. to have my ankle/foot fixed by a REAL surgeon!! Bloodwork was good, onc. check-up went well, he's faxing an ok for the surgery. I called my ppo and told him my potassium was Perfectooo!! I just kept getting good onc will be gone by my next 3 month check-up and I will have a new one! Yippeeee! I have Never liked that man! And now he's gone for good, he got a 'better offer' hahahha I practically put on a Vaudeville act and could not get a amile out of him! Anyway, I'll be back after I read all these posts that's gonna take me 2 hours. You all are chatty.

    Thanks for the special prayers about my bloodwork being good. I appreciate it. I'm pretty excited right now. Just 2 years ago they wanted to amputate my leg so I'm very lucky. I'll be back after I check out the posts. You guys said it would be so and it is.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Good evening CG's - Hope you all had a wonderful day.

    Cheryl: Thank you. Here are pink stars for you! image

    Always Hope: I love your name, it always makes me take a deep breath, and I say yes there is.
    Sue: Cannot wait to se to your pictures.
    Denise: Hugs to you!
    Raye: Good luck on your run!
    Jeannie: My onc told me the memory loss was from the tamox.
    Odalys: Hugs to you!
    SusanM: WHO HAS GOOD NEWS??? Gotta know.
    Deb: Yea - they got the bear!! image
    Liz: Glad you heard from Jankay.
    Nicki: Here ya go image

    To all of the CG's - have a great evening!! You are all on my mind.
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Cheri: Doing the Happy Dance for all your good stuff! image
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited May 2007
    good eveing ladies!!!!
    havent had a chance to read the posts yet but i have to share this with you......
    I got a package in the mail today from purplemb and omg its the coolest things..... i love it i love it all!!!!!!!
    there is a plate with blue hawaiian drink mix a tall blue glass a hawaiian lay (sp) some flowers and a pair of thongs ( feet thongs )to hang in my patio window....
    omg tysm purple you made my cry a happy cry today!!!!!!!!

    i really love you ladies!!!'
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    jankay here
    hotel has compueter in lobb how lucky
    but anxious
  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670
    edited May 2007

    I have not been keeping up like I would like to but I am glad that you are doing much better than when I first joined this group. I think it was 2 weeks ago. Geez, I cannot believe I don't even know if it has been one week or two. I too suffer from chemo brain, chemo curl, etc.

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2007
    Yippeee Cheri!!!!
    I know you have been waiting for this for so long! Do you have a surgery date yet?
    Doing the happy dance for Cheri
    Nickie - thanks for the candle yesterday.
    Hugs to all
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited May 2007

    I am guessing the good news, that was secret from Susan, is Cheri's? Woo Hoo Cheri! Did you and Susan get to spend some time together while you were in Springfield? If so, I am jealous! Us MO gals gotta stick together. Sometimes'we don't say "Show-Me" but, "I'll Show You!" instead!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Happy Evening ladies. I've been running my hiney off all day. I'm pooped. Called this morning to reschedule my appt with bone doc in sacramento. They gave me the choice of tomorrow or august. So looks like I have to make a run to Sac tomorrow. Geez so didn't need to add that to my list. Am kinda anxious to hear what her and onc came up with as far as drugs tho. Definately didn't want to wait till august to find out.
    Deb and Jeannie, we are going to Juneau May 20 7am-9pm, Skagway May 21 7am-8:30pm , and Prince Rupert May 23 8am-6pm. They changed the trip a bit from last year. Knocked off one stop and changed from Victoria (dang I really wanted to go to Buchart Gardens again) to Prince Rupert.
    Denise, yep. Hubby just decided and booked last night. You can get really cheap rates at if you are flexible on travel times.

    Liz and Z, thanks for the update on Jankay.

    MB, I've watched log rolling competitions on the tube. Quite amusing. Requires way to much coordination for me.

    Socal, ooooooo so pretty. Hoping to get some good shots this time around. Last years crop of photos weren't all that great.

    Shokk, I so agree. Where are these kids moms? I always told my kids, I don't have to like what you wear but I do have to approve of it. Thank goodness my daughters time was before the belly button bearing fad. All that was required of the boys usually was the invisibilty of their boxers.
    Your girl has a friend she's not talking about? hmmmmmmm.
    Good for you for not checking the stove.

    Denise, he is behaving himself these days. I haven't thought of offing myself for over a week. But hmmmm there is that rather hefty life insurance policy.
    Holy moly, can I borrow your hubby for a few months.
    As for the memory thing.....YOU ARE NORMAL!!!!
    I've said it before I'll say it again. My all time favorite side effect of any drug on the planet is Tamoxifen may cause Cognitive Issues. hahahahhahahh
    I don't even try to fake it anymore.

    Jeannie, one suitcase? are you kidding?
    We're going round trip Seattle to Seattle.

    Beth, send him to my house. I have lots and lots of stuff he can measure and build.

    Jas, I'd lose the PDA.

    Sue, hahahahhahahahhahaha and what a sweet thing for hubby to do for you. Mine did that a few years ago with a portrait of my daughter as a wee one. Not that I painted it, it is a photograph. Just had never got around to having it framed.

    Raye farthest I run is to the fridge and back to the couch. I am very impressed.

    Susan, yehaw for a good visit.

    Your gonna be dancing a jig at pinkstock.

    And on that lovely note I will say good night. Back to laundry folding. I'll see you in the morning.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Wooohoooo Cheri! I'm so happy for you.

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Sorry that I don't have time to respond to everyone, between work and my friends visiting, I don't have too much time to post.

    Cheri, I do want to say how happy I am to hear the news about your surgery.

    Hugs to all who are hurting or struggling.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited May 2007
    We're two days behind you for both Juneau and Skagway----crummy buttons.

    Happy dance for your good news! Full steam ahead for you so you can do your own happy dance for real!!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007

    OK for those going on cruises that leave from Seattle, we simple must get together! I live 3 miles from the airport! You have now excuse! PM me with you'r info and If I'm off work I will arrange to pick you up!