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  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    This poem has been running thorugh my head today. I have always loved it....


    Hope is the thing with feathers
    That perches in the soul,
    And sings the tune--without the words,
    And never stops at all,

    And sweetest in the gale is heard;
    And sore must be the storm
    That could abash the little bird
    That kept so many warm.

    I've heard it in the chillest land,
    And on the strangest sea;
    Yet, never, in extremity,
    It asked a crumb of me.

    ~Emily Dickinson

    Here's a toast to hope...

    Love you all
    Deb C
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007

    Good morming,

    It's my "you aren't sleeping past 4 am" morning. Coffee's made, but I'm waiting out my "fossilmax." I forgot it yesterday.

    I had some sad news of my very favorite professors from college died. He was only 74 and had a heart attack after working out at the Y. Please say a prayer for Tom's family.

    I'm ready for the carpet ride this morning. I'll be waving. Who's driving today?

    I know what everyone means about allergies. I never had them until we moved to TN and now they are worse than ever. I've been thinking about starting to wearing a mask when I mow. But that will be a few days. We are supposed to get thunderstorms this afternoon.

    I'm going to a Pampered Chef party tonight. I have bought things before, but never attended a party. I'm looking forward to it.

    Hope everyone has a good day today. It's Wednesday!! Also the weekend.

  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2007
    Rise and shine Sisters! At least it’s Hump day.

    Deb, I can certainly see why you like the poem so much, it’s beautiful.
    Puppy, we will be holding your hand and we won’t let ‘em hurt our sister.
    Suzfive, beautiful family and such a cute doggie.
    Liz, I spend my time trying to find money and you can’t wait to get rid of it lol.
    Sheri, sinus problems really suck, sorry you gotta deal with that. Feel better soon.
    Susan, have a good time at the survivor dinner.
    Amy, congrats on 2 new non humans. And your cute ass!!
    Jan, quit your job and live on love.
    Cheri, it’s so nice to see you in a happy mood. I am so glad you will finally get your ankle fixed. I can fix it cheaper than they can. All I need is a knife, a stick, a can opener and needle and thread and you’ll be good as new. Oh yeah, bring some whiskey.
    Jeannie, you sure are gonna be gone a long time, we will miss you. Glad you found some nice undies.
    Nicki, lol you sound just like me about the bikini. The 40 pounds I gained is all in my belly. My son jiggles it all the time, even in public lol.
    Karen, sorry about your implant. We went through heck for those things, didn’t we?
    Beth, glad your healing well.
    Dang Vickie, no wonder you’re grumpy. Bad enough to be so hot let alone having to smell dookie,SHEW!
    Shel, wowsers, I wouldn’t know what to do on a date. I know my Momma said something about free milk and cows?
    CY, we will hopefully have some news today right?
    Robin, girl have you done run off again? Hope you are not feeling crappy.
    Gina, thinking of you and hoping side effects aren’t too bad.
    To all I missed have a wonderful day. Today is my Herceptin and it’s gonna rain all freakin’ day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Whew...not ready for it to be morning yet and just put out my last cigarette! NO MORE. OH this is gonna be hard.
    Betty is our sunshine girl this morning. Saying prayers for Tom's family and hugs to you.
    Shel has a date!!! will be just fine. You are not boring! Earl is an idiot as we all know very well. If you were boring we wouldn't wait for your next post and wonder where the heck you are when we don't here from you silly girl. Have a grand time!
    Nicki...I know your out there...playing tag. Hope you have a great day.
    Deb...thanks for the poem. Where ya been?
    Cherryl...the farmer actually spread the manure and came right back and plowed it under! I was shocked as usually he waits a day or two and makes everyone suffer (especially me)...its a pretty big field and they worked pretty late. Gonna have to stop and thank him. the pictures!!!
    ok...just ran screaming from the computer
    SPIDER...RIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN. I don't do spiders...ever. Dead spider now...whew.
    Jeannie and Shirley both have big suitcases...whoopie...I'm gonna be a stowaway! I wonder what the punishment is for that. They can't very well kick you off the boat heehee.
    Shirley...dancing naked at! LOL
    Colleen...did you get your storm. Missed us completely but looks like rain today and much cooler than yesterday...only in the lower 60's.
    Firing up the magic carpet for Jankay and Sheri...hang on girls as I do believe that Cheri is driving with Mazer as co pilot. more time...gotta get in the shower and fight the smoking urges...sorry to everyone I missed but I'll check in later.
    Love to all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Ahhh..two sunshine girls this morning...good morning Lisa. Hugs to you today...since its gonna rain why not grab a funny movie and popcorn. I hate rainy dismal days too.
    Now where is the Nickster hiding...hmmmm...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Betty, Lisa, and Vickie: Blink your eyes and then there were 4.

    Yes I did it again I woke up late! It finially rained in the Chicago end of the circle. For some reason flowers like rain water so much better. Even though they are drooping a bit from being wet, I think they grew over night!!

    Betty: Im sorry to here about your friend Tom. Wishing only peace and comfort to his family. Pampered Chef party sounds like fun. Hope you have a good time. Im supposed to start Fosamax. Got a pick up at my pharmacy. So what does that mean. No coffee in the morning? That will make me absolutely crazy!

    Lisa: I can relate to the jelly belly. It reminds me of that jello commercial. Jiggle wiggle here, jiggle wiggle there. Yep - I can do that with my stomach.

    Vickie: Your so funny. You really know me and my habits. Go to bed early, wake up early! Good luck with the no smoking. I proud of all of you who have quit or are trying to quit. I wont discuss my efforts to quit. Cause they havent worked yet.

    Sue: Those are great pictures of your family and your dog. I must go out an buy a camera!

    Puppy: That was a nice prayer. Im chuckling here, cause somehow I just cant picture you into racecar driving. My favorite sports are football and of course Horse Racing.

    Karen: A migrating implant? Doesnt sound right. Hope you get it checked out soon. Ive never been totally happy with my reconstruction. The cancer side is smaller than the non cancer side. My PS said he can fix it, but I have had it with surgery. Getting my port out cost almost $10,000 dollars. I can affort anymore surgery. Not physically or mentally.

    Colleen: I would love to have an exercise buddy. I know I would walk twice the distance I am if I had someone to talk to. Its raining here today, so that is gonna cut down on my walking alot today.

    Shel: My goodness, You are anything but boring. Im sure your gonna have a great time.

    Sherloc: Hoping you have lots of fun on your cruise.

    Im scratching my head this morning. Should I make breakfast or not - that is the question. After thinking twice, I guess I better stick to the same routine with this diet since its working. So Im off to make breakfast. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    This is for Jankay. I know she is awake, just cant get to the lobby to post and I promised her some sunshine this morning.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Good morning all....
    just checked the calender and wanted to say Sheri, holding your hand today at your pcp appt and

    WELCOME home Jankay! Glad you are back, we missed your posts!!

    JPann, thought about you yesterday as you had your dexa scan, when will you have results?

    I want to hear all about the San Diego area lunch. Who went, how did it go and where are the pictures????? BBL Marsha
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Hello Marsha, another sunshine sister. Hoping you have a great day.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good morning happy campers. Woohoo...its Wednesday...just one more day of training and commuting after today. Then I'll get so much more free time back. At least 2 hours of not driving time! Wishing good things for everyone with appointments or tests today. Seize the day! (did I spell that right?)

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    good morning ladies
    this has been a good trip. i dont know when i will be home
    because they want some tests run at home and we are trying to hAVE THEM done while we are here so i wont have
    to come back so soon. as we all know i am unique
    beccause they are not sure what i have. so keep the magic carpet available I STILL NEEFD YOU
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    shel, your mantra for the evening is "I'm beautiful, dammit"

    Suz, your family is beautiful. and the dog is a kick. I bet it takes a long time to brush him. hee hee hee I have one of those too.

    Puppy, i'll make a deal with you. I saw the way you clean house and i like it. you come and clean my house and I'll go get your mammogram. I have a one hung low and a small scarred radiated one. maybe they won't know the difference. I just had mine checked so i know it's ok.

    ((cy)) results??
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited May 2007
    Hello, how is everyone here today?
    I am checking in on our test sisters- anyone have results yet?
    Still chanting the B9 chant!

    It is really hazy, hot and humid here... kinda early! But I will take that over the snow.

    I think my cat needs to get his summer Mohawk though- he is melting!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Gina!! How are you feeling? We need to know what days your chemo appointments are so we can put you on the calender for magic carpet rides and extra care!
    kitty with a mohawk...that would be a sight to see LOL.
    love and hugs to you
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Nicki, good morning sunshine sister to you too. I was up early and feeling so much better. Starting my "good" week. Tonight is the weekly BNO (Broads Night Out) so am ready to hang with my friends, always one big laugh fest.

    Jasmine, whew 2 hour drives, I'm sure you are ready for that to be over!

    Lisa, your homemade surgery for Cheri had me in stitches. Is the whiskey for you, Cheri, the both of you, or to pour on open wound?

    Betty, I've been to a Pampered Chef party, it was years ago but still have and use the things I bought.

    Deb...nice poem. Thanks

    Sue, Spencer looked like he was having a bad hair day. Or was that "bedhead"?

    Cheri, Jan, Vickie, Z, Christine, where are you girls? Party too hard with the Lakers?

    Have a great day everyone....Love to all...Hi to all... LOL
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Good morning ladies. It doesn't seem like 7 weeks since these puppies were born but it has been. That's how old they are now. They've grown so much! I just wanted to post this one pic of Ethan holding them and I'll post the rest on the picture thread. Just couldn't resist this. BBL

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Morning kids,

    I’ve read all the posts (whew!) and now I need a nap. If I don’t respond to each of you, know that you’re always in my thoughts and prayers.

    Sher - okay girl you said I could go on the next cruise. I hope that suitcase is really big! Have a great time. You can quit smoking on the cruise.

    Suz – lovely family. I love the pic of the dog. I have one that rubs his head after he’s bathed.

    Silvergirl – you have a grand time also. My cousin and her family just got back from a cruise. She had a wonderful time.

    Vickie – liquid manure? Ewwwww! I’m behind you 100% on the quitting smoking. You’ll do great. I’ll take your spiders if you’ll take these blasted ants that have set up camp in my kitchen.

    Jas – always have loved that saying.

    DebC – great poem. Haven’t read that in years.

    Betty – Tom’s family is in my prayers.

    LisaE – I sure wish that money were mine. I hear ya on trying to find some.

    Nicki – okay we are way too much alike. I describe my belly as the jello commercial also. I tell people I don’t have to try to wiggle/jiggle as it just happens now. Hate it. Keep up the walking girl. I’ve started back.

    Puppy – I love NASCAR! I never watched it until I was doing chemo. Really got into it then.

    Jankay – I hope they get things scheduled for you while you’re there. I know it’s so hard for you to get places. Hugs

    Shel – you are a wonderful, vivacious, gorgeous woman. You will go on your date and be great. Remember that we’ll all be there with you in spirit. Go and have a blast!

    Gina – how are you? I worry about you.

    CY – have you heard anything? I hate waiting and after all you’ve been through they should have put a rush on things.

    Marsha – BNO sounds like so much fun. Maybe I should start something like that here. Have fun.

    Cheri – those puppies are HUGE! They are so cute though. Ethan is darling as always.

    Hugs and Prayers to you all,

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    I really really really want a cigarette!!! YIKES

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Vickie - get some life savers or chew on a straw! You can do this!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Vickie, you can do this. You're not a heavy smoker to start with, you're taking a rx to quit, you have alot of things going for your quitting. The main thing is DO NOT EVEN TAKE A PUFF ON ONE or you will be right back where you started because that's what happened to me back in Jan. I was blind enough to think I could just have a puff off one, not even a whole cigarette. No, you cannot. Don't dwell on it. You know something? I want a cigarette too. My dh is home and smoking outside. Amber smokes. But I don't, not anymore. And neither do you, We're non-smokers Vickie, remember that. This is my 35th day. Don't let me down.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    ok..thanks some lifesavers, went to the kitchen and got a straw...gonna be a nonsmoker. Won't let ya down. They say wait 5 minutes and the urge passes but it comes back 30 seconds later LOL!!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007

    Vickie, one thing it is, is that we KNOW we can't and of course that's what people always want to do, what they're not supposed to. Just know that We are the lucky ones not to be held prisoner by those nasty cigarettes anymore. Vickie....You're gonna be a Free Bird!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Happy hump day ladies.

    Sue, you have a beautiful family. Not so sure about the dog tho.

    Jeannie, you must go to the Red Dog Saloon and have a Duck Fart. It's there signature drink. And don't forget to bring a pen or marker so you can add your name to the walls.

    Deb, a lovely poem.

    Betty, I'm very sorry to hear about your professor.
    Pampered Chef makes great stuff. I love their little paring knives.

    Lisa, free milk and cows? hahahhaahahah my warning was "keep a dime between your knees"

    Vicki, I've got my cheerleader garb on just for you. Glad the farmer plowed early. That stuff is nasty.
    Hmmmmmm stowaway punishment. Probably put you off at the nearest port. Which in this case wouldn't be to bad cause Alaska is seriously cool.

    Nicki, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So they tell us in kindergarten. I've never been able to stomach food before 9 or 10 oclock. Have a great day.

    Jaz, yehaw, almost done with training. What ya gonna do with the extra time. I vote for shopping.

    Jankay, I'll be gone before you get home. Have a safe trip.

    Marsha, have a great BNO

    Susan, can you get puppy to come clean my house too?

    Hi Gina, how you feeling today?

    Cheri, those puppies are seriously cute....and BIG

    Liz, meet me in Seattle and I'll stuff you in the suitcase with everyone else.

    Hope everyone has a splendiferous day. See you later.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Morning all,

    Just a fly by to check on everyone! Trust me that I have read all of your posts....funny, sad, scared, frustrated, loved...yup we're all good friends!

    I did laugh when Shirley asked Jan "How do you open a pool?" Me's thinking she's a true California Girl!!

    Shel: A date!! WooHoo! Watch out...after being single for 19 years, my DD set me up with a man she works with and 8 months later that man became her StepFather!!!

    Puppy: I've often wondered why, if the US is the second tool used if Mammo shows "something", it must be better than a, why don't they skip the Mammo and just go for the US? Anyhow, of course we will be with you and you will be fine.
    I like Susan's clean house and I'll flop my boob on the crushing machine for you! Yup, got the little one and the hanging bimbo too! DH told me once that they were fine, just looked like I had been in a "fender bender" and my headlights were mis-alined!

    Vickie: I truly relate to the Manure story....and no girls I'm not talking about my "poop stories!"

    Jelly Belly! Yup, know what you mean. Thing is, I know when I lose my weight the skin isn't going to "snap" back..the snap has gone out of my skin!

    I'll be back later...might just read. I've been dragging my feet today, cuz this is the day I dread every year. DH left me flowers and a nice note on the Counter this Morning. I'm going to the Cemetary in a bit.. It's something I will do every year that I'm here.
    Alwayshope: Your picture and Prayer was perfect for me today.
    I'm fine, just meloncoly...(can't spell) and am going to try to think of all good memories today!

    Love to all having issues and waiting for results..

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007

    Amen to what Cheri said. One puff is all it takes and your right back at the beginning. Well maybe not at the beginning. I put the ashtray outside so its a little inconvienent. But shame on me. I'm so disappointed with myself.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007

    Denise, hugs for you today my dear.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Shirley...don't be disappointed in's really really me I know!!! Try the Chantix as I really think it's doing the trick just not sure if I have enough in my system yet LOL!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Oh sweet Denise. We will all be with you today in spirit, holding your hand. I'm so very sorry. What a sweet DH you must have...very thoughtful.
    Big hugs and lotsa love
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    I can't believe I just lost my whole post!!!!!!!! I don't have time to go back and do the whole thing over. Grrrrr!!

    Here's the short version.
    Vickie needs some sugarless candy or gum because she's sitting in her manure stinky house, trying to quit smoking.
    Margaret had blood drawn form her feet and I've been traumatized for life......Shirley has bone issues. Pool opening: remove cover, balance chemicals in water, and vacuum up crap on bottom. Voila!!!......Suz has a lovely family and a very shaggy dog.......Betty had very sad news about her friend Tom and I am sad for her.......Deb found another beautiful poem for us and I thought it was just lovely........Lisa and the rest of us have terminal jelly belly. My GS wanted to know what was wrong with my belly. I told him that Mom Mom was just plain F.A.T......Shel is going on an exciting and scary date! Formal, no less! Have a great time and just relax and enjoy. He doesn't think you are boring. He asked you out, didn't he?......NS is posting and I am glad!!......Beth is starting to feel better. You need to let your family do for you for once!......Nicki's flowers are coming up like gang busters!! I'll bet it's gorgeous!

    Gotta go now. I have a Dr. appt. this afternoon. Nothing earth-shaking. She just wants to go over my bloodwork.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Denise, big hug for you today. What a terrific hubby you have. I'm a firm believer, after bc, in giving myself time to grieve the things that need to be grieved. Sometimes a nice cleansing cry can make us feel better.
