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  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Denise, I'm sending you a big hug. I know how hard this day is for you.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Shirley, I want a Duck Fart, where do you get those? And what's in it? In Jamaica I had a (OK, several) Bird S**ts. Quite tasty with a good kick too. Marsha
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Denise, I'm thinking of you and your family on this difficult day. Gentle hugs my dear.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Marsha, I'm with you!! I want a Duck Fart, too!! Oh wait, I live with someone who makes that noise, lolol. We had Panty Rippers in St. Kitts. Oooof! Talk about a kick .
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Hola chicas...........(((((((((Denise))))))))))....there is no way I can fully understand your feelings today I have never lost a child......sure do love you and will keep you in my prayers.....Vickie.....never have had to quit smoking either.....always to cheap to start even as a my high school we did have a courtyard in the center of the school that was the "smoking lounge" and of course by the time I graduated in the mid 70's alot of kids and the "cool teachers" were smoking more than just cigarettes.......ha........ok there is a story in the news here in DFW about a 12 yr old girl that was going on line to adult web sites and dating grown men (she said she was 17)6wks ago she disappeared from home and her parents just now notified police and they set up an "Amber Alert" in the hell does this happen??????Her parents said they just thought she had run away.......geez........hey Vickie be back in a minute......

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Hey ladies-

    I finally have a morning without a list 6 miles long…so I am going to try and catch up with you beautiful ladies

    I have decided that I have finally lost what was left of my mind…I went to get groceries yesterday and forgot COFFEE! That’s it…if I can not remember to buy coffee when I am OUT of coffee…I no longer have a brain…LOL. I am sitting here drinking some tea, but it just isn’t cutting it.

    Denise – Peace be with you today…and know that WE are with you too. I had to laugh at your “misaligned headlights”. It shows what a strong woman you are that you can keep smiling on bad days.

    Shirley – I didn’t get the “milk and cows” talk but my mom’s advice was “don’t do anything in the dark you wouldn’t want God too see” LOL…not very specific, and all I had to do is leave the lights on…

    Vic- You know how you became a survivor the moment you found out you had cancer, even though all the hard work was still in front of you? Well…today, right this moment you are a non smoker. Even though you have a hard fight, you are up to the work and you can do it. Nate needs you to be tobacco free as much as he needed you to be cancer free. Big hugs. Come here and post when you want to smoke. You can do it, we will be right here.

    Liz – I’m with you on needing a nap… and it is only 7:30 am!

    Cheri- those pups are mutant huge and beyond adorable. I would love more dogs, but not right now…maybe next spring.

    Marsha – I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your posts. I keep forgetting you are still getting chemo. I think it is because you are always so chipper when you are here. I’m glad this is your good week, and even happier that you are almost done.

    G- Good too see you posting. I got something in the mail from you today. You are a doll. Hang in there my friend. Post when you can and let us take care of you. Big hugs for you my dear…

    Cy- you are in my prayers today. Hope you get your results soon…waiting sucks eggs.

    Susan – if you con Puppy in to cleaning your house, send her on to me next. I have not seen my living room floor in so long I forgot what color the carpet is! It is covered with denim again making purses and another quilt to auction at relay…my husband is sure tolerant of my craft messes

    JanKAy – Hope you get some results soon. We are holding you hand. Hugs

    Nicki – sounds like your diet is going well! Keep up the good work and sniff a flower for me.

    Lisa – I need some surgery too…really I do…but can we skip the can opener, needle and knife and just skip right to the whiskey? I’ll share…LOL. Oh, and by the way…you owe me one computer screen cleaning. I spit my wish-it-were-coffee (tea) all over my computer when I read your surgery offer….you crack me up.

    Betty – Saying a prayer for Tom’s family. I also wanted to tell you I love Pampered Chef. I have lots of their stuff and use it all, but my favorite thing is their chopper. It works kind of like the old fashioned nut choppers that have a jar on the bottom, except it works on a cutting board and you can chop tons of stuff really little in no time….love it.

    Things are going great here. We are almost done with school, and the trees are just getting the first tiny green leaves. I have been busy, but with all good things, so I don’t mind.

    I will have to try and take a photo of the buttons I have made to sell at Relay. Last year we had tons of people buy the cancer related ones, but they were also asking for just funny ones, so this year we have made some new ones like:
    If you would take YOUR medication I wouldn’t need mine
    When in doubt, look up
    When life gives you lemons, get out the tequila and salt (thank you Marsha)
    Love, Laugh, LIVE

    You get the idea…we are having fun with it.

    Well, I am out of time and my tea cup is empty…no great loss I have to say! I may have to walk down to my mom and dad’s and beg a cup of coffee. HEY, I just discovered a motivation to exercise! My mom and dad live a half a mile away…I could just not buy coffee and walk down to their place every morning….Nope…I bet I would just jump in the car and head for the coffee shop…LOL

    Hugs Ladies
    Deb C
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Good morning ladies..

    It is still morning on the West Coast!!!

    Deb..I loved Emily Dickenson's poem...

    Sherloc...fold, fold, fold, pack, pack, pack..
    You will have a great time...

    Suz...glad you figured out how to post pictures..good to see you family!!!

    Sorry to hear so many of us have allergies this time of the year..When I moved here to
    San Diego, I got the allergy shots that had a "San Diego Mix" helped me alot..but
    I can tell right away when the wind shifts and we get the desert winds in a Santa Ana

    Lisa good luck with your Herceptin shot...good to see you

    Vickie..I am with you on your smoking challenge!! I did it and so can you!!!

    Nickie..sounds as though you are being a good girl on your diet....good for you

    Jankay..hope they can schedule those tests for you

    NS a Mohawk for a cat?? I have to see this!!

    Cheri..I just love that picture!!!

    Jan..good luck at docs..I started my jelli belli when I toured the factory and bought a bunch!!

    Hugs to Denise....

    Cy..waiting with you for your results and baby

    Here is my grandson hamming it up on Mothers' Day with his Uncle's hat and glasses

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    In Honor of the famed drink, the Duck Fart….a story about how it was invented. From the ADN, 2005

    In honor of New Year's Eve, we raise a toast to the quintessential Alaska drink, the Duck Fart.
    Quintessentially Alaskan because it was invented here. Quintessentially Alaskan because it's got an animal in its name. Quintessentially Alaskan because that less-than-genteel name weeds out the delicate.
    A layered drink made of Kahlua, Bailey's Irish cream and Crown Royal (in that order, and ideally with just a float of Crown), the Duck Fart is to Alaska what the Mai-Tai is to Hawaii and the Margarita is to Mexico.
    In true Alaska tradition, our drink is the biggest, in that it packs a Denali-sized punch. That's why it comes in a sturdy shot glass instead of the frou-frou stemware those others drinks come in. An ounce of our most famous drink is all you need. (But might not be all you want.)
    The Duck Fart was invented 18 years ago this month at the Peanut Farm, although manager Terri Ditty, who's worked at the bar for 10 years, said no one is still around from the heady days when the Peanut Farm was tiny and its bartenders inspired. Its creator, Dave Schmidt, reportedly moved to Oregon several years ago.
    Schmidt recalled his brainstorm in a Daily News story in 1991. He was tending an empty bar on a snowy, mid-week night in December 1987 when a woman who looked to be in her 70s walked in and ordered a shot of tequila. Then a B-52. Then a Grasshopper. Pretty soon Schmidt and the woman were experimenting with variations on old themes. At one point Schmidt poured a shot of Kahlua into a glass, then added a shot of Bailey's.
    "Pour in a little Crown Royal on top,'' said the woman, whose identity remains unknown.
    Schmidt complied, and the woman slammed the drink.
    "And then she let out a big 'Bllllpppppp! with her mouth,'' Schmidt said.
    Schmidt said he couldn't remember why he and the woman decided to call it a Duck Fart, although maybe her audible reaction had something to do with it. Or maybe it was inspired by the rubber duck beak Schmidt found that night behind the bar and wore while mixing drinks for his lone customer. Or maybe it was inspired by Schmidt's Oregon roots, a theory that presumes he was a University of Oregon fan. Shudder to think of the results had he been an Oregon State fan.
    Brien Cole, a sales and marketing manager for K&L Distributors, was a supplier for the Peanut Farm at the time and said Schmidt's invention took off like, well, a shot.
    At one point, K&L ordered 6,000 of those little blue velvet Crown Royal bags, silk-screened the words "Alaska Duck Fart'' on one side and filled them with airline-sized bottles of the three ingredients. They sold for about $5 and were wildly popular, especially with tourists. Cole said.
    Cole and Paul Taylor, who sells Crown Royal and Bailey's for Alaska Distributors, say the Duck Fart is the only made-in-Alaska drink they know of that's made it big.
    "There's nothing that has the legs of the Duck Fart,'' Taylor said.
    Early fans helped spread the word. A friend and I traveled to Bozeman, Mont., to celebrate my birthday in March 1988 -- a mere four months after Schmidt's inspiration -- and by the time we left, a bar called the Korner Klub had put up a sign advertising "Ducque Phartes'' for $3.50. The owner figured a French-sounding name would be more palatable to customers. This in a bar that serves screwdrivers by the pitcher.
    Today, you can find dozens of online references to the Duck Fart, including recipes for the original drink as well as one for "Duck Fart No. 2,'' a scandalous version that puts the Crown Royal on the bottom and the Bailey's on the top.
    The Red Dog Saloon in Juneau offers Duck Fart T-shirts and shot glasses for sale online, but when I tried calling to ask about them, I twice got trapped in the bar's voice-mail system and gave up. What self-respecting bar has a voice-mail system anyway?
    With almost 20 years of history, the Duck Fart remains a bar staple in Anchorage. Ditty estimates the Peanut Farm sells about 50 on a weekend night, at $5.50 a pop, although these days martini-style cocktails and Jagermeister shots have surpassed the Duck Fart in popularity, Taylor said.
    But an unsettling trend is setting in. Some people, mostly women, are starting to ask for martini versions of Duck Farts -- chilled, shaken and poured into frou-frou glasses. So as you prepare to ring in the New Year, we ask you to do so responsibly. Don't drink and drive, and order your Duck Fart layered, not stirred.
    Beth Bragg's opinion column appears Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Her e-mail address is
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Wow Deb...I didn't know that and I even visited the Red Dog Saloon in Juneau!!! Can't believe what I missed..
    Sherloc you have to check this out on your cruise
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    Oh My! Duck Farts! They sound good. I will wait until after I am finished with the percosets though.

    {{{{{DENISE}}}}} Huge hugs and lots of love going out to you.

    Deb, love Dickinson. We toured her house when I was in Amherst, MA when my brother attended college there.

    Talked to Mena last night very briefly. She said her feet are hurting from the Xeloda (I think that is what she siad) (sp?) and she is taking it easy. She has not been on the computer for over a week and has not checked her email. Sounds like I have been the only who actually got her on the phone. Thought you guys would like an update.

    Robin....yooo whoooo, come out come out, girlfriend. I would love a trip to TN as never having been there but it would not be eays right now to lead a posse for you. So where are you?

    Puppy, when is the mammo and MRI? I thoguht it is monday but I am a bit foggy lately.

    Nicki, the ps said he left "dog ears" behind to use for later tweaking. And the visiting nurse said today to still use an ice pack as I am still swollen some. I told her I am reporting in all this stuff for review by you guys! She got the whole nine yards about the website too. She wears an ovarian cancer ribbon in memory of her mom.

    Joyce, you busy with work? I promise I will get in touch this week.

    CY, hear anything yet?

    Vickie, you can do this. I agree with DebC, you can be tobacco free. It takes a real change in lifestyle too. I was never a heavy smoker but I knew there were special times during the day that I was used to smoking one and had to alter my habit.

    Betty, prayers for Tom's family from us too.

    Karen, sending my usual hugs and prayers to you. Sounds like maybe you are feelign better?

    Shokk, I am baffled by the kids' use of the internet. my youngest ss who is 11, got an upgrade to his xbox 360 from his mother (who bought it in the first place). This allows him to IM people and he used her Windows Messenger list to get my ID to use to IM. What is stopping others from communicating with him? And where are the parents in the first place leaving a child that young unsupervised on the internet? Most of those sites you need to pay for (never mind how I know, hehehe) so how did she get on it at all?

    I know we have a lot of new people so just jump right in. The water is fine. Raye told me she is having surgery soon. RAYE, sweetie, I reiterate, let us know so we can help wherever we can. Somebody has surely had what you are doing so let us know.

    For everyone else, please know I am thinking of you and love you all.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Deb....ROTFLMAO, OK I'm screaming with laughter here. When I got to the part......

    "There's nothing that has the legs of the Duck Fart,'' Taylor said.

    ...............I thought I would fall out of my chair.

    We are planning a NoMoCheMo Jam & Party for June 10 and you can bet you sweet duck fart we will serve Duck Farts!!!! Tooooooooooooo funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    I'm laughing with you Marsha...only in Alaska...

    Slurp a Duck Fart or 2 for me....they really are yummy.
    Deb C
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning CG's

    I'm at work and sneaking in for a bit to say good morning and I think of you all and you are with me through this day.

    Work gets in the way of computer time!!! Duck Farts just sounds funny, I keep trying not to laugh out loud!!

    Here's a piece for you that I just love (I didn't write it, but I'll try to live it) - This is for all of my strong and courageous sisters on this board and beyond, and if you need support today for chemo, test, results, just a plain ole' rough day - reach out - I'm here.
    Strength Vs Courage
    1. It takes strength to be firm.
    It takes courage to be gentle.
    2. It takes strength to stand guard.
    It takes courage to let down your guard.
    3. It takes strength to conquer.
    It takes courage to surrender.
    4. It takes strength to be certain.
    It takes courage to have doubt.
    5. It takes strength to fit in.
    It takes courage to stand out.
    6. It takes strength to feel a friend's pain.
    It takes courage to feel your own pain.
    7. It takes strength to hide your own pains.
    It takes courage to show them.
    8. It takes strength to endure abuse.
    It takes courage to stop it.
    9. It takes strength to stand alone.
    It takes courage to lean on another.
    10. It takes strength to love.
    It takes courage to be loved.
    11. It takes strength to survive.
    It takes courage to live.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited May 2007
    hello ladies,,
    what a beautiful day here today... wow its going to get really warm!!
    well i guess hubbys son is coming on friday i guess i am kinda stressing.... what if i am doing the wrong thing>?
    my life as i know it right now will be upside down!!
    i walk around with one boob sometimes and now i will have to wear my fake boob all the time.. as i dont feel comfortable with others!!
    and besides me and hubby are not doing that great right now... the extra stress is really ticking me off!! i am really thinking of me and my girls....... omg what do i do???

    deb hahahahahahahah duck farts??? i loved the story... ty i would love to try one of those they do sound kinda good

    hey jas good to see you girl seems like forever we have talked!!!

    shel good luck on your date and dont do anything i wouldnt do........ wait a minute..... hehehehehee

    mena hope your feeling better soon..,. ty for update beth!

    hi to ns, purplemb, niki, zazette, sherloc,beth,cmb,amy, sue, denise,socal, jan, shokk, lizws, marsha, vickie and all you wonderful ladies!!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Oh Geez, I just got back from the PCP. I can't believe it, but my freaking cholesterol is 255!!!!!!! When did that happen????? At least my good cholesterol is 183 and she says that is very good. NO MORE CHEESE!!!! Also, I'm putting this out to my nurse sisters. My CRP was slightly elevated. Is this bad? I have to go back in 2 weeks for another test. She said it might be from the headaches I've been getting. I'm taking Allegra, which has helped the headaches. I have lots of heart disease on my mom's side of the family and I'm afraid that's what this is showing. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007

    Love You, Puppy
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Good Afternoon ladies,

    Duck farts,,lmao! Another reason for me to go to Alaska.

    Vickie-might better check with Deb to see if she will take you in if you get kicked off the ship. I dont know about being homeless in Alaska, a bear might get you. Good luck on the no smoking,,you can do it! I have faith in you.

    Cheri-I swear you make me want to quit smoking and I dont smoke. You are such a cheerleader. I bet Ed is glad you are a non smoker and Dennis also, cant leave him out. You might just inspire Amber to quit.

    Shirley-drink a duck fart for me too.

    BikerJan-hope your discussion of blood work goes well.

    Lisa-your grandson is the cutest thing.

    Lisa-love your surgery that you offered for Cheri-Dont forget the bullet for her to bite down on when in pain.

    Guinea hens are ugly little things but they eat flies and ticks. 99% of their diet is bugs and there are plenty of flies that hang around a barn. Heres a pic of one.


    We only have 2 and they are males so we gotta get more.

    Nicki-we got a little rain this morning here but not enough. I also think like you do and my garden looked so much better getting real rain than water out of the sprinkler.

    Marsha-I had a nomochemo party also and it was great. Keg and all and we all had a great time.

    Mena-xeloda sucks on the feet. Believe me I know. Does a job on the hands also. Makes my fingers hurt and SO has to open my beer for me,,lol.

    Z-loved your strength vs courage. It's great and certainly something to live by.

    Shokk-glad the storms arent too rough this time on you. We do need rain but not the tornados.

    Sue-love the pics. Your dogs hair looks like mine when I get up in the morning.

    Adrionna-thinking of you today. I do not know what its like for you today but I can certainly keep you in my thoughts.

    Liz-didnt know you were a nascar lover also. I can watch it and I like to know who wins but I am more of a basketball football person. I love football!

    Cheri-those pups are just too pickin cute!

    NS-hope the chemo isnt too bad on you. WE all know,,chemo sucks but it also gets in there and does its job.

    Shel-wow a read date. I know I would hate to know I had to date again. You certainly arent boring. Dont listen to Earl, what does he know!

    Cy-any results?

    Susan-wow you are a sweetie to voluteer to go get a mammo for somebody.

    Betty-putting Toms family in the center of the circle.

    This past weekend on Sunday we (several in my family) took my cousin that is autistic to Six Flags. That is his most favorite place in the world to go and he rides everything and you dont leave till it closes. Long hot day to say the least. Well Jake has this thing about telling you on a ride that goes real high to be sure and talk to Uncle Jack and Uncle J (2 of my uncles that have passed away). We get on one ride and he says, Beth,(my sister) dont forget to talk to Uncle Jack and I she says ok Jake and then he says and Uncle Leon. She said Jake Uncle Leon isnt dead and he said yeah he is. Beth said how do you know Jake and he said I just know it in my heart. Well, not long after that my aunt calls and says that Uncle Leon had passed away! Talk about freaky!!!!! Thats just weird isnt it?

    ok gotta run get some work done here. This is my week that I feel good or at least I should but I am tired. It might help if I would get in the bed before 11 at night but geesh! By the way, lil peanut still feels like crap. She is never still and all she wants to do is let me hold her and love her. Bless her little heart. Its tough being a woman.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Jan what did she suggest for the 255 number? Did she put you on anything. Also what does CRP stand for. Yep I'm not a nurse. Guess I better google. I have alot of headaches lately too.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited May 2007
    Keep checking in to see if Cy has posted-----holding thumbs for you CY.

    Geez Shirley----you're on the other side of the country and you are still leading me astray! Duck farts indeed. They actually sound pretty interesting but don't think I could slam a 3 shot drink without serious consequences. Bear whistles and duck farts---this should be an interesting trip! for both of us!

    Hey Shel---the guy wouldn't have asked you out if he didnt think you were interesting. We've seen your picture and we know you are beautiful, dammit! Guys don't get into tuxedoes for the hell of it, you know.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Checking in to see if anyone has heard anything about CY or BMD (Brenda). Still praying for good results.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Just talked with Jankay. They still aren't sure what she has. She's waiting to see if she can get an MRI they want while she's still in town otherwise she'll have to get it when she goes home. It's so hard for her to get places, I hope they do it now. She says hello to everyone and she misses everyone. The computer she was using isn't working so she can't post right now.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi Ladies,

    Just checking in to see if any of the girls having tests or waiting results have checked in yet...

    Thanks for all of your Hugs and support today. The best friends anyone could want are right here!!!!

    I just stopped at the grocery store cuz my GD is going to be here for 4 days....dang those little critters are expensive! I thought my mind was fried before...can you imagine me by Sunday night!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Oh my gosh...our internet and email have been down for hours and hours!!!! No cigs and no board make for a very grumpy Vickie LOL!
    Actually checking to see if anyone has heard from CY...still praying for good results. No bad news allowed.

    Duck Farts...hmmm...sounds like a new drink for the cyber party thread!

    I figure if I get kicked off the ship for being a stowaway I can hitchhike to Debs and live on Duck Farts till someone comes to my rescue (hopefully before winter...brrrr).

    Guinea hens!!! grandfather had them and he loved his guinea hens! They would roost in the big tree in his front yard at night. They are pretty funny looking though. Brought back memories.

    Thanks all for your support...I have lollipops, gum and dark chocolate on my desk to keep me happy LOL. Figure I will go to bed early so I won't be tempted tonight as nighttime is the hardest for me.

    Ok..gotta work...
    Cheri...didn't cut you off this morning...just everything went down at once and nothing worked till just now. Stupid internet providers anyways...
    Love ya all and I'll be back
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Howdy cg's.....its a beautiful day in the neighborhood.....Hey Amy I must say that I take issue with the fact that you think the guinea hens are ugly.......I say there are beautiful dammit............Hey Shel haven't had a date in 20 yrs....Lisa said something earlier about cow and milk.........if I were you not only would I be giving the milk away for free I would include the hamburgers, cheese and everything else I could think of.....have fun..........brb.........

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    awww vicki, thanks for the vote of confidence. I have my annual in a couple of weeks. Gonna get an rx for chantix then. I asked my onc about it but couldn't remember the name and the only thing he came up with was zyban. I tried that years ago. Didn't do any good then.
    Anywhos I'm not gonna beat myself up. Just disgusted that I'm such a woos

    Jan, so 255 isn't good? I've never had my cholesterol checked. Guess I should ask about it some time. Have a lot of heart disease on my mom's side and I seem to have got all her bad genes.

    Marsha and Amy I will have a Duck Fart for each and every one of you.
    Jeannie, if my 5'2" 100lb bod could handle it without serious brain wave alterations you can to. Its tradition dear girl. You have to have a duck fart in alaska.
    Duck Farts, Bird S**ts, and Panty Rippers, who comes up with these names.

    Shokk, she's been missing 6 weeks and they just got around to calling the police...I smell fish.

    Deb, wow what a history.

    Socal, been there done that. Next time you go look for my name on the table right at the bottom of the steps.

    Amy they look like turkeys.

    Marsha, I wanna come to your party.

    Liz, thanks for the update on Jankay. Do I need to leave room in my suitcase for you?
    I don't understand "they don't know what she has"...thought she has parkinsons?

    Hugs Vicki

    Denise, have a grand time with your grand daughter. You'll be whipped by sunday but you'll have a smile on your face.

    Ok back to business. Just checking for an update from CY.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Amy, CRP stands for C reactive protein and is a marker for inflamation. I'm wondering if all the joint and tendon pain I have from the Arimidex is raising the reading. My doc is going to try diet with me for 6 months. I already told her I won't take any statins. My diet is fairly low in fat, except for CHEESE, so I don't know what I'm going to cut out. I'm going to start taking red yeast rice again. It really lowered DH's cholesterol a lot. I don't know why I stopped taking it . At least my good cholesterol is very high and my triglycerides are very low. I'll get more bloodwork in 6 months to see is I'm any better. I need to remember to ask my onc if my CRP has been a little high since chemo.

    Any word from CY yet? Or anyone else waiting for results?

    Denise, enjoy that GD! They really are expensive!

    Tata for now!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    Sher - I know it's very confusing. They think Jan either has MSA ( she told me what it stood for but my chemo brain can't remember) or Parkinsons. She's been down this road before awhile back.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    DebC and Marsha....the only thing I have got to say is ewwwwwwwwwww and ummmmmmmmmmmm..........never thought I would use both of those in the same thought process.......Lisa of Ca beautiful gs...........Hey Cheri got puppies?????Big puppies....pic of gs and puppies makes you just want to pat all their heads........Jan got cholestrol?????mine was 231 and pcp put me on "vytorin" and it came down to 111 in six just keeps getting better and better.......Liz thanks on the update from Jankay........Z another beautiful posting........I am working by myself this wk co-worker is out of town.......I kept thinking I would have more time on computer but have had less time......we have a few tornadoes and everyone wants to insure their home......who would have thunk it??????Amy speaking of six flags youngest daughter is going tomorrow (8th grade goes every year)so they leave at 9 in the morning and get back at 7 tomorrow night......oh dang it phone again.....hope everyone has a good evening....just love the cg's......Hey Vickie see ya later alligator........

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007

    Liz, do you mean MS? My BIL has that and it can be devastating. I hope JanKay is okay.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    Just wanted to touch base. I leave in 30 min. for the Oncs office to get the results. Thank you all for your support!
    I'll try to get back on tonight
    Hugs & Prayers