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  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Shirley-yes they kinda do look like turkeys and they make a loud noise. These two actually arent as noisey as some I have been around. Some people eat them and they say they taste like pheasant but I think I will pass on the eating of them. They eat nasty flies so I like them.

    Shokk-hmmm ok caught me,,they are beautiful dammit!

    Vickie-talk about temptations. No internet plus no smoking and you havent even killed anybody yet. Good going, I knew you were strong. Nate will be so happy that his mom has quit smoking.

    Adrionna-rest up cause it sounds like a busy weekend. She will love it though.

    Liz-thanks for the jankay update. I sure hope she gets everything done while she is down there. It would be so much easier and answers would be nice.

    Add the pink panty pulldowns and the yellow yanty yankdowns to the drink names also. I think the names come about after you have drank a few. Speaking of drinks, I have a little touch of the self induced flu today. stupid, stupid, stupid!

    I totally agree on the missing for 6 weeks thing. Something doesnt sound up to par on that one.

    ok I will check back in later to see if we have heard from Cy.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited May 2007
    good luck cy i am thinking of you!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Jan - no it's not MS. Crap I hate when I can't remember things. Multiple System Atrophy I think is what she said. Hmmm guess I'll google. Yep that's what she said.

    CY - we're right there with you hon. Let us know when you can.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited May 2007
    Pink panty pulldowns and yellow yankdowns?!?!? Good grief, what are you girls doing when I'm not looking! I'm sure martini girl ,here, wouldn't have much trouble with a duck fart---it's the slamming of the duck fart that might cause a problem!

    Anyone heard from Brenda? Now we know we have to wait for CY. I hate waiting---but not nearly as much as our sisters do at this point.

    Vickie and Shirley---quitting is so worth it. Been there, done that. If nothing else, think of all of the money you will save---to spend on shoes! A healthier environment for Nate too, Vickie. You know what they say about second hand smoke.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Hmmm...made it all the way home without a cigarette and I HAVE NO XANEX!!! Between no cigs, no internet all day, waiting for good news from CY and now no xanex I may just go crazy.
    Got a scrip so gonna go fill it and be back in a bit.
    big love to all
    Nicotine, hormone,crazy, man deprived Vickie...signing out~
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Hey Girls

    Denise - thinking of you today, and sending you hugs

    Vicki - yikes, that's way too many things to be without in one day - you better go get some ice cream or something!!

    Amy - thanks for the pictures of the guinea hens, I think they're cute, but what do I know about hens? I like the black and white - they're very in style if Ann Taylor Loft knows anything about it, not a speck of color in the place!

    Yikes, mad, crazy storm here, think I need to shut down the old computer before the power goes out!

    Hope CY checks in soon, hugs to everyone waiting for results...

    shokk - I believe children have a special connection to others, both here and whatever "elsewhere" you happen to believe in...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007
    It's a lovely day on my end of the circle. They predicted rain but we have had sunshine all day.

    ((((Denise)))) hugs to you today.

    I had bilat without recon - partly because I didn't want to go through more surgery and partly because I am not very fond of bras. This morning I decided I would wear a regular bra with my prostheses. Went to the gym and worked out, came home and took the dog outside - also decided to check on my garden. Then I decided to check on the flowers out front - on my way back into the house - in the only puddle from last nights rain was one of my prostheses. I didn't feel it fall out of my bra. I was wearing a t-shirt, nothing low cut or anything. Thankfully, it happened at home and not at the gym! They probably already are wondering because some days I wear my prostheses and some days I don't.

    Jan - how was your cholesterol before Arimidex? I have been on it since last July and am concerned about the cholesterol since I have a bad family heart history too. Scared to have it checked but will ask at my next appointment.

    Amy - so glad the guineas are hens. City girl here thought guinea pigs and didn't think you could let them run around loose - didn't think they ate flies either. With that diet - I wouldn't want to eat them either.

    Z- your courage and strength verse was nice and so true.

    I want to go to Alaska and drink Duck farts. The name leaves something to be desired but they sound good - love Kahlua and Baileys - so so on the whiskey but Lisa can have it for her surgeries LOL.

    CY - I am really praying that you get good news. Please be B9.

    What is this with 12 year old meeting guys over the internet and missing for how many weeks before parents reported it? Sounds fishy to me too. I have a dd 14 and another 17 and I stand over them when they are online - not all the time but come and go often enough that I know what they are doing. My ds 10 asked me if he could sign up to play some online basketball game. When I found out he was going to be playing with people all over the country I said no. To sign up he had to have someone over the age of 18 fill out a form - apparently he would be able to communicate with these people - that nixed it for me.

    Vickie - You can do it - I do agree you need to treat yourself to something special after enduring all that.

    Cheri - those puppies are so cute and so is your GS.

    SoCalLisa - cute picture of your GS.

    Shokk - when my ds was about three and just starting to talk (late talker) he told me he knew his grandma who had died 7 years before he was born. I asked him how and he said he knew her before he was born - strange but comforting at the same time.

    I have gotta run. DS has spring concert tonight - have to find western-style clothes for him to wear - chemo brain here forgot about it (not the concert just what he was supposed to wear). Getting dark outside too - they were predicting some bad storms and now it looks like we might get them.

    Good evening to everyone I missed.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Night to all! image
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    Good night Denise and sweet've had a rough day and sending you gentle hugs as we tuck you in.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    ok...this is insane.
    No hormones, no Xanex (well...I did go fill the prescription but it hasn't kicked in yet), a chatterbox that wants to go to Florida (yup Nathaniel), men who suck, bc, appointments, stress, anxiety, worries AND NOW NO NICOTINE!!!!! HOW WILL I KEEP FROM GOIN POSTAL LADIES!!! LOL. Just teasin...I am ok. I made it one whole day (well almost...its nearly 7pm)and it's not fun but not terrible either. I think of my lungs cheering at the fresh air, Nathaniel and Sarah begging me to stop, all kinds of thoughts and manage NOT to light up. The hardest was the trip home from work when I usually have one. But I did it. Bought two bags of leftover jelly beans at the drugstore so I will have a new habit LOL! If I can make it a week I am going to restart my Netflicks as a "gift"...I miss Netflick and just couldn't justify the cost.
    CY...still praying and waiting...
    ok...gotta go take notes...totally lost here. a while crocodile.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    heehee...and I'm babbling...can you tell!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    ok...the cows and milk phrase (or mommyism) is "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free", yup...heard it from my mom many a time! At my age I can't sell the friggin milk anymore much less get anyone to buy the boobless cow and little bull! are not a woos...wus...wuss...lush...LOL. It will be fine and you will quit when you are ready. No pressure. shhh...sneak me a drag when Cheri isn't looking...
    Jankay...not quite sure where you are but I'm sending you hugs and prayers.
    Brenda...where are you? I want guinea hens! Good thing Nathaniel didn't see that picture or he'd be begging for them next.
    Tracey...where ya been? Sounds like you better stock up on the supplies for Duck Farts and soon. You will do just fine. Your a good mom and you can handle it.
    Mena...sending you a gentle hug.
    Deb...where are you? I am stowing away in someones suitcase and if I get caught and they kick me off the ship I need to know where to find you and the duck farts LOL.
    Puppy...where are you and how was today?
    love ya all...a whole bunch
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Congrats Vickie, I know it's been hard, but you're doing great.

    Ihad my pcp appt today and I've been crying ever since I got home. For some reason the dr. that I usually love really let me down. It may just be me, but I'm so down right now!

    I had a whole list of things I wanted to talk to him about and he just pulled out his prescription pad and just kept writing scrips for everything. Then, when I told him some symptoms that I was having with these stinking allergies, like the bone aches, he just acted like he couldn't imagine why, since my last blood work was ok. To top it all off, the nurse had taken my bp when I got there. I have been out of bp meds for a couple of weeks and reallydid need that scrip done, but the reading was only 124/72. I asked him if he would redo it because I couldn't imagine that was right. When he did it it was 155/110. If I hadn't asked him to do it I may have just figured I didn't need bp meds anymore. That just felt very irresponsible to me.

    The bottom line was, he said that he knows I'm afraid of the cancer coming back, but he couldn't see any problems right now. I told him about my constipation with the cymbalta and I was afraid there had been a blockage and he just said I was too young to have a colonoscopy. I had to remind him I'd already had one a year and a half ago. I think he attributes all my symptoms to depression, which made me feel like he wasn't really taking me seriously. He prescriped an allergy med, eye drops, bp meds, and anti depressant. When I went tothe pharmacy the allergy stuff came to 70 dollars! I was so bummed I just said forget it and walked out. Now, my eyes are almost swollen shut and I'm still miserable.

    To make matters worse, I had another rough day at school, the end of the year is really getting to me for some reason. My dd also told me at the drs (she had an appt, too) her grades for this semester at college and I just came unglued! I yelled at her for being so caught up in having fun that she didn't study and that while we were eating grilled cheese and doing without so we could pay our part of her tuition she was just living the good life. Her final end of year gpa is borderline to staying in school. If it weren't for her first semester, she'd probably be out. I'm sorry, but I'm crying again. My eyes just won't stop watering.

    I know my troubles are pretty small, but I was so upset I didn't even get my bp meds. I just didn't feel like it, almost to the point of just hoping I'd have a stroke and not have to deal with anything. I know that is soooo wrong, I won't do anything stupid, I promise, but like I said, my eyes won't stop dripping. I never get allergies like this!!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    image Sweet Vickie

    praying for good results for our sweet {{CY}}
    and for all my sisters!
    CGS,, Our Sweet Mena needs many prayers!
    she has a friend that is dying
    she is so depressed she can't even turn her PC on
    she has so much pain in her hands and feet, that she can not use them, can hardley walk!
    Richie, left a plant and card for her at the door
    Dawn took care of her breakfeat on mothers day, she had a wonderful mothers day! she sends her Love, and would like for all of us to know, she is praying for us and she loves us so! But she can not go to her pc, it is to much at this time with all the heartache she is feeling about her friend!! I did not speak with Mena, this was sent to me from another sister that loves her dearly, MIZSISSY!
    be back tomorrow sisters,{{VICKIE}} Please give {{{NATE}}}
    a big HUG from Aunt Puppy, xoxoxoxo Puppy
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Oh Sheri...sending you warm hugs. The school year is almost over with and you will get a relaxing vacation. Yelling at our kids is just something we have to do every now and then to wake them up...I got yelled at and I'm sure you got yelled at...didn't kill us. We survived and realized that we probably deserved it. As for your doctor...can you find a new one who will pay attention and listen to you?

    LISA...oh have I ever lost my marbles...went down the drain with my hormones and nicotine.

    Puppy...sending prayers for sweet Mena. So very much wish that things would look up for her for a change. Gave Nathaniel his hug and he says "love ya Aunt Puppy".

    Ok...hyper cleaning...gotta do something to keep busy...bbl
    love to all

    CY...WHERE ARE YOU!!!!
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Several years ago when I was doing addictions treatment, I gaveaknitting to some of the women in one of the outpatient groups. One day one stormed into my office and told me how upset she was and what I had done to her. When I asked what had happened, she said that I had ruined her - she was so into the knitting she didn't have time to smoke!!! So, maybe I should get you knitting and you'll be over the smoking in no time!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    LOL Cherryl...I am crocheting my fingerst to the bone along with bouncing around the house cleaning every little corner. When I first read your post it was without my glasses and I thought you where writing that I could start gravedigging! Pppfffttt...almost had me runnin for the cigarettes...just kidding.
    Thanks and love ya
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Sheri - hugs hon. I use over the counter Claritin Redi-tabs. You can get the generic kind also. They work for me and I have mega allergies. Have you tried fish oil nightly for the constipation? I had problems and now take it and have none. Hopefully things will calm down once school is out.

    Jankay just called. She got her MRI scheduled for Friday and hopefully will see the doctor later that day. She won't be home as soon as she had planned. I hope they give her some answers.

    Vickie - one day at a time kiddo. It's not easy. You're doing great.

    I go have my ultrasound tomorrow to see what this spot is. Let's all chant nothing bad okay?

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    chanting B9B9B9B9B9B9 for you Liz!
    Praying that CY is out celebrating good news!
    Shirley...your leaving TOMORROW!! But I'm not packed yet...wait up!
    Gonna go to bed but will probably check back in later.
    Love and big hugs to everyone
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007

    The results are in I Start Chemo on the 25th! It's mets!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    CY -Hugs my friend. I'm sorry to hear this. If there's anything I can do, please let me know.

    Love ya,
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Crap, crap CRAP!!! I know that you felt it was mets before you got the results CY, but this still stinks. I am sending you the gentlest of hugs. We are here for you.

    remember...No surrender!

    Deb C
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    geeze cy, i'm sorry!!!!!!!

    i know that feeling, but please believe me when i say that "somehow" you'll wrap your head around this latest curve ball and "keep on keepin' on"!!!!!

    it's just what we do now!
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited May 2007
    I hope you know we will all be walking along at your side as you meet this new challenge---and you will meet it and win. Shel's right---it's just what we do now!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Good evening ladies. Hope all had a good day. Ethan and Kevin both have fevers. Don't know what's wrong with them. Ethan slept with dh and I last night and woke me up at midnight with a fever but was fine at school time. I woke up again at 3:33 a.m.and could not get back to sleep. So, I'm kinda loopy today. But then, what's new? lol We have to leave real early in the morning. I dread the drive up there but am dreading the drive home worse. A might uncomfortable I'd guess. No matter. Amber or Susan or Lisa or somebody will let you all know when I make it through it with flying colors.

    Liz, thanks for the update on Jankay.

    Cy, you've gone to get results of your liver biopsy and you'll TRY to get back to us tonight??? What is that about? Cheryl, you know we love you so don't worry us.

    Shirley, I hear the Chantix is really good. It's worth a try, Quitting isn't easy. You can do it though. If I can, anyone can. Literally. I was a hard core smoker, 30 yrs. 3-4 packs A DAY. Chain smoker. Also, Quitnet is a website that's free and gives alot of support. They calculate how long its been since your last cigarette down to the min. and how much money you've saved. They have discussion boards (not as good as this) and a chat room that almost always has someone in it. Good luck when you decide it's the right time. Shirl, you are always gonna have stress. Life is stressful, it's not going to lighten or go away. Can't use that as an excuse anymore.

    Shokk, yep, I got me some Puppies!! There's some better pics on the picture thread. They are big, fluffy, friendly, into everything and just plain adorable!

    Janny, get that cholesterol level down, too high. Gee, like I don't have enough to worry about.

    Amy, feelin a little ill today? Should have spent your time with us here, we partied with the Lakers last night. I wound up in a gold Lakers Jersey...and a smile. (do you know #8's name?) This darned chemo brain, can't remembe anything. hahahahha

    Vickie, you are wise not to go without your xanax. I seemed to notice stress more when I quit, about like I noticed it when I smoked! lol You can do ain't no step for a stepper like you! Just make up your mind and be hard-headed. My dh and dd are smoking in here right now and to be honest, it smells good. But I've made up my mind so it isn't even an option for me. It's the first time they've smoked in here since I quit. But I can handle it. I'm simply finished with it. So are you. if you start again, I'm going to also. I'll be throwing away 35 days and I really hate that. So stay quit, check out the Quitnet website, do whatever you have to do to keep from smoking. Don't let me down, my friend. You got Chantix, so just don't worry about it. You shouldn't want one. you are ok. juwt breathe.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007
    Oh CY! Jeannie said exactly what I was thinking. We're with you every step. And know we're supporting you.
    Hugs and prayers,

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007 sorry to hear your news..another battle and you know you have us with you..I'll be guarding your flank, personally, and you know us old ex-Navy types can be fierce...

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    no "date" after all for me!

    i just can't "do it" yet ........ not ready i guess, plus i'd hate to ruin a fabulous long term friendship between us ...... god i'm just soooooo sad lol!

    my head says smarten up and forge ahead, but my heart just won't listen!

    i'm pathetic lol!