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  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Morning all, off to the US. I need CY's address! I thought I had it but I don't.

    Everyone going on cruises - have a grand time. I'm jealous!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    CY, so sorry to hear the news. But you know, we are all here to help you get through it all and I know you will.

    Vickie, don't order Netflix just yet! I got a card in the mail for a 1 month free trial and will send it to you today. Look for it by Monday. My arms feeling a little better now so dh and I are cleaning out Eric's bookshelves and I will see what will be good for Nate.

    Cheri, Liz and Jankay, doing the B9 chant all the way!

    speaking of which, I have not gotten my results back either. I will get on the phone to the docs after I finish this and have them fax it to me if it is in.

    Marsha, you sound like the joy of life is just bubbling over in you! What fun!

    Sheri, Eric has managed to flunk science this year and has to go to summer school. I have done all I could to help him but it boiled down to his not doing his work. He got zero points for not turnign in homework and also did not do well on a couple tests. He is in 7th grade and it hopefully will teach him a lesson. He will miss some of camp because of it. I find I was back to yelling at times in only a week after being home from surgery. He has a big poster project due tomorrow so we will see. Get samples from the doctor. If he doesn;t ahve samples ask them to get you the paperwork for Compassionate Care. This is from the individual drug companies and both you and the dr fill it out and they send 3 months free to the doctor's office for you.

    Shirley and Jeannie, have a grand time cruisin'! I love cruises. We are saving up for one...should have enough by the year 2020!

    Love to all!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Hi Beth - glad you're healing well. One day at a time!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007

    I just wanted to drop in with a gentle hug for you this morning. We are all standing here wringing our hands, wanting to help....can you tell us what you need??/Can we do research for you? Do you need anything we can send you? I know it must be hard to even thin....but if you need something we can do PLEASE let someone know.

    One thing I KNOW I can do is send up a ton of prayers and healing energy.

    Deb C
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Duck Fart Conspiracy....Good grief should have a warning on your posts so I don't spit coffee all over my computer LAUGHING!!! Yes, the ADN is the Anchorage Daily News. If you google "duck fart alaska" you should get a copy of the article I copied here yesterday. I loved the idea of a "wet" duck fart in theory...but beer and baileys???Ewwwwwwwww. Adding chocolate sounds better, but I hate to share the info that duck $hit is more green than brown.....Have fun with this. I want a transcript of this radio show...too funny. I really wnat to know what FLorida's drink is...I always thought the know, all that OJ....

    Have fun
    Deb C
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning CG's!! I just wanted to check in and say good day to all of you, by time on the board has been sparse due to my preparing for my b-day bash on Sat and work is very busy. I do think of you all through the day and I pray for you to all have good days, and if not, I send you tons of energy and strength. I may not be able to get here as often as I would like to and need to, but I am always here.
    Cy, I am sorry that you have to go through this ordeal, but fight on sister, fight on!!

    I'll be back checking/sneaking through the day.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Good morning cg's.........(((((((cy)))))).....let me just say I HATE CANCER....I hate cancer when I wake up and I hate cancer when I lay my head down on my pillow at night...I also hate cancer with every breath I take during the day........ok....enough said.......Liz keeping you in my thoughts.......there are cg's least Robin let us know she was going to be out for a few days....Joyce I know you have the new need to do fly by......(((((Anne))))) radiation was very hard on me and praying for your Dad as well......Mena.....never really met but everyone here sure does love my prayers......NS.....I sure hope you are kicking some cancer the way saw you pic on the blog and your right your hair is just will all grow back........I know there are several cg's that may be taking a break......we all love ya.......please check in..........Deb not only are you going to end up in some medical journals now you are going to be included on FL radio ............and your parents live 1/2 mile from you......awwwwwwwwwwww.......I bet your daughters love parents spoil my daughters mom is always sending the older daughter money even when I tell her not to.........but what can you do.........Hey Vickie........your beautiful dammit.....with or without cigs..........Sherloc you too............gonna be on that cruz with all that food and duck farts......and no go girl.........(maybe I'm being a little bitchie because I wanna go to Alaska)...........Hey Vickie brb.............

  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited May 2007
    Ok ladies, I think I have an idea that will bring a smile to CY once she gets it, but it would involve all of you that would like to participate too....

    Please pm me if you would like to know more details as I dont want to post them here and ruin the surprise.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    awww geez...I swear everything is conspiring against me in this "no smoking" battle of mine. Josh (Sarah's best friend and my "adopted" he tells everyone)just called and his dad died last night. I HATE FRIGGIN CANCER! WITH EVERY STINKIN CELL OF MY BODY I HATE CANCER.
    I called Sarah in Florida and Josh had already called her to get my number at work (he's here in NY)...she's crying her eyes out and feeling horrible. Want's to fly home right now as Josh's dad was like her dad...her and Josh were inseparable all through school. She said that she is feeling so very quilty as all she could think after the inital shock was..."Thank God it wasn't my mom". I told her it was ok...she didn't wish this on Davey and her reactions are normal...Josh's dad had cancer, I had cancer, of course she's going to think that...I won and he didn't. Not fair but the luck of the draw.
    I will not smoke a cigarette!!! I refuse!!!
    Had to go back to the duck farts for a guys are just too funny.
    Shokk..your beautiful too dammit! We are all beautiful. No tornado's today I hope!
    Robin...where are you? Can't keep doing this to us you know. This circle can't be broken and we will round you up if we have to. I thought we had you safely handcuffed to the back of my wagon but you seemed to have escaped!

    ok...supposed to be ya all a whole big bunch

    Shokk...later alligator
    edited May 2007
    Hi Guys, Puppy, Beth, Vickie et al.

    I don't usually post over here, but I talked to Mena this AM and she wanted me to let you know that she's doing just fine today. She has a week off from Zeloda, and they are going to reduce the hopefully no more hands and feet neuropathy!!! She was getting very uncomfortable the other day.

    The news about her friends in Hawaii was very upsetting; without going into details, she found out that it was the end of her journey and she's going into hospice. News like this is always difficult to deal with, and Mena just doesn't want to go the near the computer for a while...who can blame her!!!

    We talked about some of her favorite TV shows...Workout!!!! We both agree that Jackie is really hot, but we think Rebecca is a fake...

    Anyway, I always love talking to is so nice to hear her throaty guffaw when you tell her something neat. Mena is full of her old self and hoping for a nice beach vacation this summer!!!

    Old Miz
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Thank you for the Mena update and I am so glad her neuropathy is subsiding so she can get around a bit better. Wish there were something we could do to lift her spirits.
    Hmmm...maybe we need to do a surprise for Mena, CY and NS if at all possible. Don't know what your planning Jpann...but maybe.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Sending you and your family and friends a huge hug...I'm glad your daughter could share her guilty feelings adn you could put her at ease....this stuff is SO hard...

    Deb C
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007
    Good morning to all,

    Marsha - you are too funny - I vote for the chocolate liqueur instead of the Crown. Sounds yummy! I would love to be able to listen to that radio program.

    Vickie - so sorry about your friend. I really hate cancer. Seems it is everywhere. WHERE IS THE CURE!! You are really doing well with the no smoking - you can do it. I think Robin mentioned she would be away for a few days.

    Jule - I sent you a PM - anything I can do to help.

    I am supposed to be working too. Talk to you all later.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Back - have breast mri tomorrow at 10:30 in OKC. Radiologist here doesn't "think" it's anything serious but wants to err on the side of caution.

    Vickie - hugs - I hate cancer also.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    WEll, the path report is in. Just waiting for confirmationm form the dr on it. The one girl I talked to said the sentinel nodes came back negative but there was something on the breast tissue he wanted to talk about. Nothing needs doing right now, she said. First drain comes out tomorrow, yeah!!

    Will check in later.

    Thanks Mizsissy for the update. Glad to hear her extremities are better.

    Happy almost birthday Z!!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    jankay here
    this is just a day of relaxation. my mri is in the morning at 7:30 am. as u know i am usually up but not moving. so wish me well.
    i h ave a joke for u guys.
    when i went to the doctors tuesday, my sister and i walked(i rolled lol)and then when we got to the office we had to wait for two hoursl so when we got in i was guite tired and really ready to leave. they started asking me the normal much u wt, how tall and are u sick with anything else. well my dear friends i told him that there was nothing else wrong and then went oh by the way i had breast cancer. he died laughing no there is nothing elsebothering me but oh by way i had cancer!!!!!!!!!!! i was embarassed
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    There...this picture is more tears! I am going to be angry and not sad. This picture is going to shed tears for all of us. For CY, Mena, Robin, Karen, NS, Sarah, Josh, Deb, Madison, Susan, Liz, Beth, Shel, Sue, Ishop, Shopmama, Cheri, Jpann, Shokk, Z, Jankay,Shirley, Marsha, Denise, Cherryl, Cheryl, Amy, every single one of us.
    Cancer can't continue to make us cry and hurt. It needs to make us mad and fight. Yell and scream, kick and punch, jump up and down! I hate it...its an ugly, monstrous, rude, nasty, filthy, rotten, friggin piece of $hit that has NO place in our lives dammit! It has NO right to hurt us, our family, our friends. It has NO right to take away our joy and the joy of those around us.
    I am not going to be unhappy one more day...I am not going to let cancer make me cry. I am going to be joyful for the life that Davey had, I am going to pray for every single one of you, every single day. I am going to do every single thing I can think of to bring happiness and joy to all those I love. Very far from being rich (very far is putting it mildly)but I have a goal...I am going to do all I can to make cancer the last thing we think about and joy the first thing we think about every day.
    I'm done crying, I'm done smoking. WE NEED PEACE, HAPPINESS, HEALTH, LOVE AND JOY! I am praying for all of those things for every single one of you.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Thanks for all of your advice. As for scrips, the bp meds are generic and I could have gotten them, but I just got flustered and walked out. I take 40mg of Lisinipril and 25 mg hydrachloriathiazide. I wanted to combine it into one, but they dont do it at that dosage. He did give me samples of the cymbalt, thank goodness. The allergy med he wanted me to try was zyrtec. I think I will try the claritin generic otc first, though. The other one is an allergy eye drop since my eyes are almost swollen shut.

    DD does want a summer job and has put in a couple of applications and even a babysitting ad in our school newspaper. She doesn't drive yet, so she has to wait for me to get her around. That's another thing she is working on this summer.

    CY, I don't know what to say. I am so sorry you are going through this again. I can't imagine how you must feel. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you start this new treatment.

    Beth, it sounds like you are recovering pretty well. I'm curious what they want to go over on your path report.

    Marsha and Deb, I am getting such a kick out of your duck farts. I would love to hear that radio show, I'm sure it was a hoot.

    Every time one of us hears those awful words of mets or recurrence I just want to scream! It just feels like such a time bomb ticking. I hate that it has to go off.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Ladies and NS

    Cliff Notes through Monday:

    MB was going to chaperone her son’s GF’s school camp out for College in the Adirondaks and the curriculum seems to be a bulldozer test and log rolling
    Odalys: the” A Mom Diploma” is priceless.
    Nicki, your posting of the candles on Mother’s Day was very moving. Thank you
    Karen had an onc appointment….will read to find out how appt. went
    Shirley left for an Alaska Cruise…have fun and take plenty of pictures. If you can wave to Deb
    Z, the pictures from the race are fantastic. Thank you for sharing them
    We welcomed Raye, she has her wagon and a blue drink already!!!…go Raye
    Shirley & Shel are dealing with some strange ear problems, I think?!?!
    lizws1 was going to check a lump….need to find out what happened?!?!
    Denise, I like the . “I say that from now on we toss the "feel bad" on the fire” when we don’t name all the sisters…..sometimes (most times) it is hard to name everyone….I’m waiting to see if the Correctol worked!! Oh, I just saw you have been crowned the “Poop Story Queen” – interesting indeed
    Jankay left for her tests
    Odlays, sounds like you had a good Mother’s Day
    Susan, you admitted “limited brain capacity”…..I thought that only related to me…
    Shokk, I agree with your rant about inappropriate dresses for 8th grade graduation….these young women grow up soon enough….let them me innocent for a while longer
    Vickie: sounds like you received a beautiful necklace from Sarah. She sounds like a sweetheart
    Pam, glad you enjoyed your day with Miles and your sister
    Wow Deb, the girls made 316 bucks for Relay, you must be so proud of them
    Robin, sorry you received such news from the attorney concerning the personal injury claim…
    Looks like Beth is still in pain, had drains…but her dh is into power saws….
    Marsha went to Wal Mart instead of the Post Office…I know you haven’t been feeling well…so sorry
    Oh, just saw Liz will have a US so the doc can check out the area in question
    Jan, I am impressed that you and Dh were able to change out the light fixtures….I’m sure it looks great.
    Jeannie is going to Alaska and trying to defy the laws of physics by stuffing winter, summer, spring and fall clothes in one suitcase….hum wonder if those spacesaver garment bags would help?
    Yikes, someone had an implant gone wild…have to re-read that part
    Cheri, love the pictures of your precious Amber and grandson
    Laura, the writing of your visit to the farm was very moving…..
    Colleen, anything new happening?
    Denise, are you going to be a new grandma soon. Fantastic, Congratulations
    Betty, you have been busy painting, staining, and planting flowers….busy, busy
    Sounds like some kind of “Panny Post” on another thread…I’m not going there
    NS, I wish we could have Cliff Notes……..I have 4 days of catching up to do….my, oh my, this is a busy circle (busy, but wonderful)
    Oh, sounds like Beth’s hubby is sawing away!!!
    Hi there Susan, saw you popped in to visit. How was the onc appointment?
    Alwayshope.…looks like I missed a thread (that probably was worth missing) The Hunnybunches sounds like a nightmare
    Colleen, just read that you forget everything also….great club we are all in
    Sue, I think the framed picture you painted is worth more than a convertible…..the picture will out-last any convertible.
    Oh my Raye, you can run 3 miles…..I am impressed
    Jeannie, does your SO know my DD’s because they also say “ the lights are on but nobody's home”
    Nicki, YIKES, I just read that we may lose our PM’s, not good…..I will have to check this out!!!
    Susan, just read your onc appointment was good.. …happy for you.
    Hello christinek, saw you post about Susan and Cheri spending time together
    Liz, thanks for the updates on Jankay
    FANTASTIC, just read that Cheri’s blood work was good…onto surgery
    Tracey, you received a really cool gift from MB……wow
    Just read that Jankay has a computer in the hotel lobby…..she won’t have board withdrawal
    Hello Lorene, jump in anytime.
    Just read that someone runs the farthest to the fridge and back to the couch, wonder who that was?
    So sorry Karen, the AI’s are still bothering you.
    lisaelder1972 fried her laptop. With my brain the way it is, I was wondering if she used olive oil or vegetable oil to fry.
    Lisa has a new laptop.
    Now it is Tuesday the 15th:
    Looks like Nicki had a wild day. She purchased a pink toothbrush. Congrats on being off Phase 1 of South Beach diet. Fantastic Enjoy the wine
    PeanutsGirl had a dental appointment
    MargaretB did a fly by
    Brenda needs rain, her grass is brown
    be back later.....
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Hi Girls, I am still here checking in. I've missed alot so I have to go back alittle and catch up.
    CY- I am so sorry for what you are going through. You will get through this. We are standing right beside you.
    My future DIL is graduating from Temple today. I am so proud of her. We are all going so I took the day off. Work has been overwhelming. I just hope it slows down soon.I got my boob tatooed today. It wasn't too bad but it did take two hours. I have to go back in three weeks. I am so tired of the doctors. Between me and Kev I feel like we are always there.I am feeling good so I am grateful. I lost 7.4 lbs on WW. I will check in over the weekend. I feel out of touch. I miss you girls!
    Take Care,
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007

    Girls, I "spoke" to Jpann on IM just now. She is organizing a surprise for CY and I will take pm's for doing something for Mena. PM or email me and I will fill you in.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    Sheri, I have no idea why they want to talk to me. The sentinel nodes ae negative so what do I need to know? If it was urgent I think they would have called by now so I am not going to worry. Will know by tomorrow when I go to get the drain out. Speaking of which, I need to empty these blasted things!

    Hi Joyce! Congrats on the tattoo!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Hi everyone,

    My internet went down last night and I am just checking in quickly at work.

    ((((((((CY))))))))) I am so sorry to hear your news. You are a strong person and you will kick the beast's ass again!!

    Suz, my cholesterol was ok before treatment. I don't know what is going on. I really don't eat a faty diet. Mostly chicken and veggies .

    Sheri, my onc is always telling me that every symptom I have is a result of depression. He is always pushing Effexor. I feel that he really doesn't take me seriously.

    Vickie, yay, way to go!!! You ARE a non-smoker!!

    Sherloc, you can do it too!!

    Nicki, yes, I'm going to go back and read up on South Beach. I know it does lower cholesterol, but I'm not so sure that mine is from diet. We shall see!

    I'm at work again, so gotta go for now. BBL

    Love you all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited May 2007
    Thank you all for wanting to help CY......I will work on the details and get them to each of you by the weekend.....

    Beth is also doing this for Mena so will try to help her with organizing too.....

    here is my original post for those of you who havent seen it..
    "Ok ladies, I think I have an idea that will bring a smile to CY once she gets it, but it would involve all of you that would like to participate too....

    Please pm me if you would like to know more details as I dont want to post them here and ruin the surprise.


    ..All that care about CY are welcome to join.....

    Hugs to all
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    {{{{Hugs to all}}}}, I am going to re-read the post..just skimmed so far.

    Cy, Mena, NS, so many..You're in the inner circle where we will take great care of you.

    Madison: Welcome home! Actually, I'm not the PooP Queen..I'm just the Queen of PooP Stories!

    Cheri: Pre-op today..getting closer!

    Vickie: I give you haven't buckled yet..and you have a lot of stress going on!

    I'll be checking in alot, but I will have my 3 year old GD starting tonight through, need I say more!

    Hugs, Love and Thoughts,
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited May 2007
    Bye bye sisters---will be back June 12th---by which time there will be about four thousand posts and I'll be all overwhelmed trying to catch up again. Hopefully Deb and I will get pictures to post since I'm still picture illiterate.
    Bouncing on stuffed suitcase, cursing the TSA and waving bye bye----

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    WEDNESDAY 5-17

    DebC, thank you for the poem Betty, saying prayers for your professor from college (and his family). 74 is still young.
    Today was Lisa’s Herceptin day, hope you are better
    Today was Vickie’s last cigarette…….my last one was May 5, 2006…… can do it. Also see you killed a spider..on your computer screen….YEOWL!!!!!!!!!
    Nicki’s flowers received some rain water….YEP, flowers prefer the rain water over our tap water…less chemicals
    Alwayshope….you were driving 2 hours a day for training…glad that is over
    Okay, I see where Susan and Puppy were trading house cleaning for mammos… we are an inventive group…..
    G, yep cats with long hair do get hot in the summer. I know they give dog’s summer cuts…but I don’t know if they do the same for cats…
    Marshakb, how was Broad’s Night Out?
    Cheri, I agree with you…one puff and I would start smoking again….I know my weakness…..My DH and 2 DD smoke…..I miss it most when we are all together
    Vickie, get some suckers…straws, anything for hand-mouth busyness
    Denise, it looks like I missed something again…..Something about Lisa, free milk and free cows…does sound interesting
    Denise, sending you hugs… had a tough day….You DH sounds wonderful
    Oh my, Marsha wants a duck fart….gotta read further AND
    Jan had Panty Rippers….miss a few days and you miss lots and lots.
    DebC forgot to buy coffee and the store. I can’t wake up with only tea….were you able to buy some coffee…(Sounds like something I would do…wait- I have done that)
    SoCalLisa, you grandson is very handsome
    YEA!!! I finally read about the duck fart……thanks Deb
    Beth, thanks for the update on Mena….let her know we are always thinking about her
    Marshakb is going to serve duck farts at her nomochemo party…..yippeee
    Z, awe…that you for the Strength Vs Courage
    Tracey, sending you hugs…sounds like you are stressed about an upcoming visit from your hubbys son..
    Jan, sorry about the cholesterol level…will read to see what else is going on
    Amy, cute pics of the Guinea hens…..that is exactly how I thought they would look….seems a neighbor (in my youth) used to have them..good bug eatters
    Also, Amy added the pink panty pulldowns and the yellow yanty yankdowns to the drink names…we could write a bar book…
    Sherndon, sounds like you had an awful visit with your doc…….they just are not very supportive sometimes… kids and college can give us nightmares……next semester will be better.
    Puppy, just read about Mena’s friend….gosh when it rains –it pours….so much for someone to handle
    Liz, Thanks for the update on Jankay..her MRIis scheduled for Friday ….maybe she will have answers before she returns home….fingers crossed for her.
    Liz, chanting nothing bad for your scan
    Jule, thank you for the update on CY….glad she will have some family with her.
    CY, we are all surrounding you….
    Deb, putting your friend Nan’s husband in the circle…..
    Sherloc: you are not weak..the hardest thing I ever did was to quit smoking….I still can’t believe I am a non-smoker

    Thursday May 17th
    CY, still in my thoughts and prayers
    Liz, how was the US?

    NOW, I am going to try to read today's posts....
    Busy, Busy
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Wow, just finished reading Sunday-Thursday's posts...

    Jule, thank you for helping CY..sent you a PM

    Beth, same for Mena…sent you a PM

    Wow…. A Duck Fart Conspiracy…yes Deb, we need a warning so we don’t spit coffee on our computers.

    Z, what are you planning for you B-day bash? Sounds like fun

    Vickie, I just read that Josh’s Dad died….man, oh man, I hate cancer….I know Sarah is upset…poor dear…

    Joyce, glad the tattoo is done

    Mizsissy, thank you for posting about Mena….she is always in our thoughts and prayers

    lizws1, okay you have an MRI tomorrow….they don’t think it will be anything…we’ll be there

    Beth, congrats on the SNB being negative..have you heard anything more?

    Jan, do you think the AI’s are causing the problems?

    Joyce, enjoy the graduation…you should be proud of your future DIL…Congrats on the 7lbs lost

    AMEN VICKIE - WE NEED PEACE, HAPPINESS, HEALTH, LOVE AND JOY! We love you bunches and bunches.

    Sherndon, I think summer jobs are great for teenagers…my DD’s had summer jobs..helps them realize how hard it is to make money and how easy it is to spend it all…

    See you tonight.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Welcome home Madison!
