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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007

    ok guys I can breath now! She made it through good and the doctor said that he has FIXED it she will leave to come home monday at noon.She will be in a cast for about 10 days and then go back for a check up. He said her leg was really messed up when he got in there,he took out the broken screw and straighted out her foot it was all out of line! She should have no more pain NOW!He put in a hugh rod 1/2 inch wide and a foot long!It will never come out and will never break. He said this is the last straw if this doesnt work then this is it. But he was VERY VERY sure of himself! So I am so excited she is in recovery now and will be for about 2 more hours. She was in surgey for 3 hours when she gets in a room I will be able to talk to her. Amber

  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007
    Thanks for the update Amber. Tell your Mom we are all thinking about her. Wow, that is a huge rod.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007

    Thanks for letting us know about your mother, Amber..please let her know how much we are thinking about her when you speak with her. Sounds very promising!!!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Jan..about the statins..I take zocor after my cholesterol skyrocketed after arimidex. I was having muscle pain and my liver doctor did a blood test to see if it was from the zocor and it wasn't..must have been the arimidex..or age..
    He said I was a poster child for zocor my bad cholesterol dropped dramatically..
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Amber, thanks for letting us know about your mother. I was all ready to send Mazer that way but it sounds like she doesnt need my "ass" afterall. Excellent news,,ty Amber

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007

    No problem

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited May 2007
    Just popping in .... I read every day, but I can't find two minutes to post anything. I feel so awful about lurking and not having time to chime in. I did so much better when I had insomnia and had more time to spend on the computer.

    Deb, my heart is breaking about that little guy. Children should not have cancer. I hate this damn disease so much! I'm praying hard for him and his family.

    Amber, I'm so glad that your mom's surgery went well. Please let her know that I am thinking about her.

    CY, I'm thinking about you too and keeping you in my prayers. I wish that I could do something to help. You will beat this, and we'll be with you every step of the way.

    Z, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Have a great party.

    To everyone else I've missed, please know that you are always on my mind and in my heart. Things should calm down around here soon, but right now I'm running around like a lunatic. I need to learn how to say NO!

    Big hugs and much love to all,
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007

    Sue..please chase any black flies away from NH for mid June..we hit Hanover on the 11th for a reunion..

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    That is great news Amber. Please give your mother our best wishes!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007

    Thank you so much for the update Amber.....give you mom a big hug....

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Amber, send this to your mom
    image and keep one for yourself!!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007

    Amber thanks so much for letting us know about your mom. She is muched loved around here and her posts put a smile on my face. Marsha

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: My goodness this has been another busy day. Got home at 5:45 pm today. Whew! Its getting later and later, but it feels good.

    Im also sitting here savoring my first glass of wine since last week-end. Got a nice bottle of Italian Chianti. Very expensive and tastes great. I decided, that even though Im broke, I deserved a nice bottle of wine. Husband is leaving for the pub early tonight. I have the house to myself!!

    On my way home I got caught up in a big crime investigation thingy. Apparently 3 men were walking along a path by the Des Plaines rivre and they were attacked by some guy with a rock. One of them was killed. The other 2 at the hospital. The road was baracaded, there were television cameras, at least 15 cop cars and a crime investigation van. Pretty big stuff. And to think, I would take a walk along that path by myself! Never again.

    I had to go with one of our patients to an orthopedic surgeon today. Oh my goodness. He isnt a year over 35 and drop dead good looking. Im sure he could see me drooling as I was talking to him.

    Jasmine: "Groovy" reminds me of one of my favorite hippy songs. Weve got a groovy kind of love. Hmmm sounds silly now.

    Suz: When I went to see my dentist, right after I lost my hair from chemo, she had just returned from Lourdes. So Im sitting in this dentist chair and she is sprinkling holy water from Lourdes. I do believe that is the day my luck changed for the better.

    Christine: So sorry to hear about your SIL father. but just think. He was 80 years old and look how many lives he touched. Cry all you want. Its cleanising.

    Shokk: OK what other thread. Who is picking on Vickie and does she need our help.

    Puppy: You always pop in and out so fast. We have known each other for over a year now. So this is for you.


    Well, I have to admit it. My body is not used to wine anymore. I just finished glass 2 - Im mellow and all of a sudden got really tired. Guess that happens when you get up at 5am. I will catch up with all of you in the morning.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007

    YIKES have to watch out!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007

    well just got off the phone with mom she is not going to be able to bear weight for at least 3 months she is in alot of pain right now and a little out of it but in pretty good spirts i read some of the post to her it made her feel better to know people care thank you all so much if anyon would like to call her you can contact me for the number. Amber

  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited May 2007
    I guess I forgot a another thing to do with helping CY...

    For for the 1st plan of attack, its up to you ladies on the time frame the sooner the better and the more the merrier, but for the second I would like to ask you all to try to get your surprises to me by the end of the month....if this doesnt work for everyone let me know and I can maybe do it in two instead of one .....

    Thank you all so much for helping me with this ....
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Hi girls, back from the city. Had the breast mri but won't know anything until sometime next week. Somehow the doc's office ended up scheduling me at a different place than I've normally gone. I don't like this one! I would have had to wait 3 weeks to get into the place I like though. I'm going to make sure they have the information in my chart so if I have to do anything again, I'll go to the place I like. They blew 3 veins and wouldn't listen to me as to which is a good one. I have horrible veins anyway. They finally place the IV into the tiny vein on the back of my wrist (ouch) and they blow it when they put the contrast in. Talk about burning! So I'm home, tired, pissed and grumpy. I'm going to go catch up.

  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited May 2007
    Oh my brain!!!!! guess I left it somewhere ....

    The other thing I wanted to post was that if my pm box gets full here(Im trying to keep is cleaned out for this but ya never know) and you need to contact me, my email is in my profile, just be sure to put Cy or in the subject line so I dont accidentally delete you as junk mail.....

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Amber, Thank you so much for the update!! Tell Mom that Janny was asking about her! I know it will be a long road for her, but she is strong and she will be fine. Thank God that the surgery went well! You and Mom are in my thoughts tonight and I'm sending you a big fat hug!!!

    For everyone else......I'm sorry, I just scanned the posts real quick. I know I missed a lot, just know that I am thinking of you all. Vickie, you better not be smoking!!!!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007

    Oh Geez, Liz!!! Hugs to you, also!!! ((((((Liz)))))

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Amber - big hugs to your mom and family. I'm so glad she's on the road to getting better.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007
    Good afternoon girlfriends -
    Cheri - Amber - Thank you so much for the update on your mom. Glad to hear the surgery went well. Sending her hugs.
    Deb - so sorry to hear about your friends son.
    Puppy - love the bracelet
    Z - HAPPY 40!!! I'm also a may baby - and my two bigs kids b'days are 5 days before and 4 days after mine. Enjoy your celebration.
    Cy- we'll be with you next week for the MRI adn on friday for the port and chemo.
    Christine - hugs - sorry that you are having a hard day. Sorry to hear about your SIL's dad.
    Need to go finish making shabbat dinner. Sending hugs to all my girlfriends. You are all the best. Karen in denver
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    After a very busy week at work, and company for the past 8 days, I can finally spend some time here. I have read many pages - so much going on.

    Madison, I loved the updates - thanks

    CY, add another big hug from me. I admire your spirit, you are an amazing woman.


    Beth, you are so wise to trust your instincts and do what needed to be done. I hope you heal quickly.

    Karen, I received the journals. Thank you so much for sending them. I am so sorry that you need another surgery. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that the next one goes perfectly.

    Deb, my heart aches for that little boy and all the folks who love him.

    Amy, I hope Peanut is doing better.

    Amber, thanks for the update.

    Vickie, congrats on not smoking. I know first hand how hard that is.

    Marsha, I am convinced there is a duck fart conspiracy.

    Good luck to you girls waiting for test results.

    Monday I have an appt with the onc, Tuesday with the ps. I hope the ps and the onc surgeon can get a date for surgery lined up quickly. I am ready to move forward and have the mastectomy.

    Greetings and hugs to those I missed.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Hi Karen-The Tatoo looks pretty good. They try to get it close to the color of your other nipple. I have to keep it bandage for four days.I am sorry you need more surgery. I know the feeling I just am so tired of it all. I thought I was done with the ps but I have to go back for a follow up.
    Suz- Hi and welcome. I've been around for a while. I pop in and out when I can.

    Beth-Good news! You did the right thing. But you always knew that. What a relief for you.
    Denise-Hi how are you doing?
    I am going to go have my glass of wine and relax. DH is working. Sean and Tom are out. Kevin is at a dance. I am enjoying the quiet.
    Take Care everyone. You are all in my prayers.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    OMG! There is definitely a reason that the over 50 crowd do not have little ones running around full time!!!! 30 hours with darling GD and 48 to go!

    I am going to read and check up with all of you, but probably won't be able to post tonight!!

    Love ya all,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Im glad the week-end is finially here. Can just enjoy 2 days and do what I want, when I want to. Have two more flowers I need to plant and then it will be weeding and cleaning up the yard all day!

    Debc: I have been in health care for 36 years. Have never worked pediatrics and could never work in that area. Im sorry to hear about your friends son. I looked it up to try to learn a little more about it. In a way, similiar to bc - its needs to be staged and they need to see how the cells are formed. Good staging and good looking cell formation has a much better prognosis. I do know of children that have had complete remissions after treatment, so Im hoping and wishing that will happen to your friends son.

    SoCalLisa: Your picture cracked me up. It was a pretty scary story wasnt it? That area has lots of walking paths that go deep into the woods. A while back, I remember I was upset with something related to bc. I got outta my car and started walking briskly. Found myself way into the forest and looked around me. I thought my goodness, here I am alone. someone could jump me and no one would be around to help me. That was the last time I walked on a path alone. This tragedy was a pretty big deal here in Chicago. On all the local news stations.

    Hasmine: You are always so helpful. I went to the site you posted also. Had alot of good information.

    Marsha: Your so funny and whitty. You and my husband would get along great.

    Shokk: A vegetable garden sounds like fun. The rabbits and squirrels would get at any vegetables I planted. I have a beautiful pear tree and last year didnt get to eat one pear, the squirrels got them all. My dog chases them away but they almost come back and tease him. I must say you have inspired me though. Im gonna go out later and get some herbs to plant. I forgot I wanted to have an herb garden this year.

    Colleen: Just wondering how you are doing and hoping life is treating you good.

    Amy: The gasoline prices are out of control. Guess public transportation will be a solution for many. I drive about 100 miles a day so its hurting me. Even though I love my job, its making me think about changing. I still believe in my heart that the oil companies and insurance companies are ripping us off. Become rich on our hard work and sweat. I have a PPO and Im still amazed at what they dont cover.

    Suz: Good Morning to you. Everytime I write your name I think of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine was being called Suz by a coworker. Its one of my favorite episodes.

    Madison: How are you doing. Popping in and popping out?

    Jan: I had a similiar reaction to Lescol. You do have to worry about the statins, Lipitor has been good to me. There is a new cholesterol medication available called Zetia. Its not like the statins and might be worth a try.

    Amber: Thanks for the update on you mom. Im glad the surgrey went well - tell her I say hello.

    Su/Gus: Lack of computer time? Too busy? Yes, I understand that. Life is keeping me way too busy lately.

    Liz: Man your experience at the MRI sounds awful. I have one good vein in the antecubital area. Thats what I have them use. Hoping the results are good and sorry that you are having to go through this stuff.

    Karen: So what did you make for dinner?

    Beth: Pretty soon the drains will be history. Also, there is much to be said about memory lapses and menopause.

    Ok - everyone have a great morning. At least I have time to come back and check in today.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Vickie: I just set off your alarm. Time to wake up sleepy head.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Good morning Nicki,
    I see you are still the early one. Where is Vicki? I beat her this morning. It is a little chilly on my end of the country. I can't wait till it gets warm. I am a summer person.I will check in later girls.DH gets upset when I am on the internet. He brought it up to my oncologist and she agreed. They think I should move on and put this all behind me. I am but it is hard. I will never stop talking to you girls because you understand me. I will be back later.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Good morning cgs. I am finally starting to feel better, and I didn't get the prescription allergy stuff, so there! Nicki, I loved your pharmacy story, just like what I did. The 30 mg cymbalta seems to be a little better than the 60.

    Amber, tell your mom we love her and hope she feels better soon. Sorry she is in so much pain.

    Beth, sounds like you made the right decision. I seriously admire those of you who acted prophylactically (I used to be a good speller). I only had a right mast and am keeping my good one as long as I can. So far my mamms come out ok on the left. What you did took a lot of courage.

    Amy, good to see you. I always look forward to your posts, you have such nice things to say.

    Z, happy birthday. You are just getting started, 40 will be a great year for you. I'd love to come to your party! I used to live closer to you, but not any more. Sometimes I miss southern Cal, but then I find I really do like it here.

    Vickie, congrats on not smoking. Lots of you doing that these days. What a great thing to do for yourself.

    Christine, Man, I know how you feel. Some days I just cry and cry! I'm sure your missing effexor didn't help, but our bodies have been through so much. Hugs to you!

    Everyone else, it should be a beautiful day here in central Kentucky. I've got to take one child bowling and another to a birthday party at the skating rink, so will be a busy day. Have a wonderful Sat!
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007

    Joyce, we love you! Come when you can. I think this is the best support group I've ever known, of course I've never been to any other. We are moving on, but we are helping each other. We are also friends. I know I face my future better knowing I have all of you with me.