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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Joyce: Let me say, that everyone I know thinks Im crazy spending time on the internet including my onc and his nurses.

    I have spent alot of time here and have made many friendships. For me its not about moving beyong, its about moving along and dealing with the day to day frustrations that occur related to bc.

    What they dont understand is the support and friendship we give to each other. I dont come here cause Im obsessed with bc. I come here because of all the friendships I have made. Anyone that tries to take my computer time away from me is looking for a big surprise.

    I know this is an old picture, but I just love it and it says it all. This is for your husband and onc.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Well since this last week has been hard on so many I thought I'd try to start out your weekend with a giggle. (FYI Most of my docs, health care people, etc think I'm nuts)

    Mid way thru my last chemo tx I saw that the nurses station was quiet with only my favorite guy Neville sitting behind the desk. I wheel my iv pole over and kinda behind the desk with him. I have one of those fake $1,000,000 (million) dollar bills folded up in my hand. I say in a whisper to Neville "Here, I wanted you to have this for taking such good care of me" He glances down and it looks like $100 bill and he quickly starts rolling his chair away from me with a look of horror on his facing "No, no, no I can't take that" I keep insisting, he's literally sweating, everyone else is looking trying to figure out what is going on and I finally just throw it down in front of him, he sees ALLLLL those zeros, realizes it's a joke and about falls out of chair with relief and laughter. I'm pretty sure they will be glad to see me do #8 of 8 Wednesday. I need to plan something special, any ideas?

    When I had my port put in, I left a note taped to my chest for my surgeon, who I call Dr. Dreamy right to his face (he's hot) that read "Beer tap goes here" with an arrow pointing. Last thing I remember before going out was him rolling his eyes.

    Deb...took all the ingredients, in mini form, for a Duck Fart to the radio station Thursday. We had an absolute blast with the duck fart conspiracy and at the end of the show "shot" a duck fart so we could describe it. It tastes like an odd version of a white russion and leaves a milk film in your mouth. Crazy about the name, but I don't think I'd order one. At the end of the show is the lightning round for callers. The question Thursday of course, was "What should the Florida state drink be? Some guy called up and said the Key Lime Pie. I can't remember what was in it but it is topped with graham cracker sprinkles. I told him I didn't really want to have to chew my drink, but OK. He won, $50 gift certificate to a local restaurant, but I thought it was pretty lame compared to the famed Duck Fart.

    Now you gals go out and have a great day! I insist. Marsha
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Good morning sisters...oh I wayyyyy slept in this morning till Nicki woke me with the alarm clock!
    Nicki...NO MORE WALKING ALONE!!!! That is really scary!
    Marsha...hmmm...gonna have to think about what you can do at #8. Key Lime Pie...ewww...Gator aides would be more like it...
    Joyce...we'll you'll just have to sneak in when he isn't around or make him join us. We'll see how fast he gets addicted LOL. I couldn't make it without this site and all my "sisters" here.
    Shokk...I love a vegetable garden but I'm not planting one this year. May do a couple of tomato plants somewhere and some peas (cuz Nate eats them straight off the vine) but that will be about it. I had a huge garden last year that was a bit overwhelming.
    Deb...sending up lots of prayers for the baby.
    Colleen...where are you? Did I miss a post?
    Iris...come out and play...don't forget to set your alarm!
    Sheri...glad you are feeling better. I still weep the entire time I am mowing lawn and it sucks. I mowed last night for two hours and got the entire lawn done! I have to clean house and do laundry...yuck. this is getting out of fair leaving us in the dark here. Have you done something good to Evil...come on and fess up...inquiring minds need to know!! We miss you!
    Amber...give mom a hug from me glad everything went well. Tell her that I always keep my "promises"...she'll understand.
    Ok...still no cigarettes. Day 4 today and this is hard and ok at the same time. I have craving occasionally and then they are gone. Have been seriously tempted a couple of times but fought it off. Yesterday was hard seeing Gale and Josh...just so sad and when I got back in the car to leave it was so tempting to light one up but I didn't.
    Time to fix some breakfast for this "starving" child of mine.
    Sorry to all I missed...didn't take notes...
    Love ya all
    Vickie are you doing? What is the plan of attack. Sending you a big hug from me and Nathaniel.
    Jankay...are you up yet?
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Vickie -- hang in there! You are doing great. Just take it one day at a time.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    yes vicki i am up
    we are packing to come home
    the trip has been exellent
    much needed time away from home
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Jankay -- I bet you will be glad to get home! How did things go?

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    yes i will be very glad to get home. the mri was basically about the same as the last one i had which is good. they do not know what i have. my symtoms are parkinsons but my mri is not anything like what a parkinson mri. they video taped me so they can consult other colleagues around the world. the two things they thought i had originally i would have died already. so t he fact that there is not much change in my mri means ur not getting rid of me anytime soon! lol

    i have to come back in six months. they figure that by time they will have researched enough to help me

    we are about to hit the road
    so chow until later
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited May 2007
    I have no clue what is going on here. I know about CY and my heart is just breaking for you... we are behind you holding you up Cheryl!!

    I have been down and out a bit with this chemo. It has done a number on my GI track so now I get to see a colo-rectal surgeon once a week too- what fun! :P

    I had my head shaved last Friday- you know- do it before the chemo does it?? WELL MY HAIR IS GROWING BACK IN! This is NOT supposed to happen! I am supposed to lose what they left- the stubble??? No. It is really GROWING.

    I told my onc and he said only 1% don't lose their hair from Adria... ok. If I am that 1% and I SHAVED MY HEAD I am pissed! He said that the Taxol will probably get it... but what if it doesn't? I guess I will make the cover of Freak Magazine yet again.

    Karen I hope you are ok. I hope you don't need more surgery. And speaking of surgery, I am so glad to hear Cheri is ok.
    Liz, what about you?
    I am missing about a zillion other people - I am thinking of all of you and I will try my hardest to catch up here.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Wow Jankay...that sounds like good news! Hmmm...maybe they will come up with something simple that they can fix in a blink of an eye for you! That's my wish and prayer! And...we are certainly glad not to be getting rid of you any time soon.
    Been out mowing the cemetery next door with my new mower. No one mows it and it's just sad to see it all overgrown and messy. I looked at the hours on the mower and realized that I need to change the the manual...drained the old oil out and can't get the stupid filter off! Geez. Says hand tighten only, well the place I bought it must have someone with some pretty strong hands cuz I can't get it to budge. Back to housework till a manly man comes along LOL.
    Love ya all and I'll be back
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    NS: Good to hear from you. The hair loss thing is weird.

    Jankay: Things sound good.

    Vickie: Im out doing yard work too. It seems the weeds like rain water as much as the flowers.

    Have a good day.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Gina, so great to hear from you. I didn't shave my head before chemo (I was SURE I would be the 1%) but the A did get most of it. I think day 26 or so after I started. First just some shedding then boom, handfuls. Hubby clipped what was left to a buzz. BUT here is the interesting part. My onc nurse said the taxol would probably take the rest of it but boy was she wrong. It is growing on the taxol. Definate stubble. I'm still bald as a baby's butt looking and after 2 months of going out that way, I forget it sometimes. I turn alot of heads and look funny I suppose zipping around in my car with the top down, tanning my head. I guess I was lucky to not have an Uncle Fester head, more like a little Demi Moore head. My hair stylist, when she saw me told me I could carry this look off forever if I wanted to. Of course big earrings and funky sunglasses are my new accessories.

    You are not a freak honey. I've seen your picture, you are beautiful! Don't you have Natasha? Sorry to hear the chemo is messing with your GI track. Hang in there girl.................Hugs, Marsha
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited May 2007
    I do have Natasha and she is BEAUTIFUL.

    But bald I would say I look more like a guppy than Demi!

    Thanks Marsha.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    {{{NNN}}} Forever Friends You and Me! xoxo Debbyfive
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    I'm never going to catch up after this weekend with my GD! She is taking her "NOT NAP" right now! As I'm sitting her singing the ABC'S. She is such a trip. I always count to 3 when she isn't doing what I want just as I did with my kids. Yesterday I said Onna I'm counting to 3 and you better get in here. When I got to 3 she looks at me and says, "can't you count any higher?" Then the Turkey starts counting in Spanish! Put down by a 3 year old!

    I'm glad to hear that Cheri had her surgery and is doing well!! She waited so long. Amber, give Mom big hugs and kisses from us!

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend..

    Marsha, you are a trip!!

    Joyce and others, I think everyone feels we spend to much time on the internet. That's because they have no idea how we feel. I personally am not dwelling on BC. I hate it and what it does. I am here because I have met so many new friends! I think people believe we are full of doom and gloom and all we talk about is dying. WRONG! We have emotions and we help each other out, but I love the chatter and jokes, teasing someone to cheer them up, the wake up's from the Sunshine group. Inspiration and day to day stories we all share. We have many friends....this is our way of keeping in touch. And no, my DH wouldn't get it either!

    Okay, Little miss "no Nap" is calling me....

    Everyone stay out of trouble until Monday Morning when GD goes home..then I can either join you or bail you out!!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Actually, I'm not sitting her singing the ABC'S....I'm listening to Little Miss No Nap singing!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Is it considered cruel and unusual to give a small child a wee bit of benadryl even if they don't have a cold??? LOL!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008

    He didn't like the casserole
    And he didn't like my cake.
    He said my biscuits were too hard...
    Not like his mother used to make.
    I didn't perk the coffee right
    He didn't like the stew,
    I didn't mend his socks
    The way his mother used to do.
    I pondered for an answer
    I was looking for a clue.
    Then I turned around and smacked the shit out of him...

    Like his mother used to do.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Alwayshope: I thought all kids got a shot of Benadryl just "in case!"


    She's been in there "napping" for 45 minutes....scared to open the door to see what she is really doing!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007

    Denise..hope you are surviving your GS wears me out and I have to rest the whole next day..there is a reason for menopause!!!

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    HAHAHAHA............Funny one Denise.

    Dang Nicki, where do you get those and how in the world do manage to put them up here? I wanna be computer literate!!

    AlwaysHope is right, Denise. You are the grand mommy and you are allowed to spoil them with a little benedryl. LOL
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Jankay, wishing you safe travels home. I hope the symptoms just disappear.

    Marsha, you always crack me up.

    Gina, I am sorry to hear about your GI problems. A guppy? Hardly - you are gorgeous! I keep hoping this will get easier for you. Hugs to you.

    Denise, that sure made me laugh, can't you count higher? I think you have your hands full. Benedryl? Didn't you hear her sniffing a little while ago? I LOVED that poem! I never heard it before.

    I haven't been around much, my life has been crazy lately.

    My girlfriend from Denver was just here for 8 days with her adorable daughter. One of the politest, most helpful kids I have been around in a long time. They built an amazing sand castle. Her DH was able to get away for 3 days to join us. We had a great time, but it is also so nice to have my house back.

    Awwww the peace and quiet. Well, except for the heavy equipment in the front yard. While company was here, we developed a serious plumbing problem. We have had hints that this was coming. Icky stuff started backing up in our little shower. At least it wasn't happening in their bathroom.

    Yesterday we had a video cam go down the pipes. Jeff called it a shiteo. Also had the septic tank pumped out. Now a new drain field is happening in the front yard. There goes my new sod. At least no walkways have to be dug up. There goes my savings account.

    Monday and Tuesday I have doctor appts in Miami right in the middle of the day, so I will miss a lot of work. I meet with the onc Monday and plastic surgeon Tuesday. I just hope they can schedule a surgery date soon, because I am ready to get this going and over with.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Denise - that is very, very funny!!

    Nicki and Vicki - hey, I'm here, just not too much going on I guess. Basically spent this cold, rainy day reading and snoozing (Warren is with his Dad) instead of doing what I should have been doing - laundry, cleaning, etc. Thanks for checking on me - xoxo

    Christine - big hugs to you sweetie!

    NS - My hair fell out right on schedule with the red devil. I cut it really short (but not shaved) before I started the chemo. Sounds like your hair is just like you - a fighter baby! Sorry the AC is messing with you. I highly recommend the "grown up soda" version of ginger ale that they sell at Trader Joe's if the sugar in the regular ginger ale starts to get to you. Here's a trick I learned from being really sick when pregnant - think of the adjective of something you could eat that will not make you nauseous, like cold, crisp, dry, chewy, sweet, sour, etc., then think of the food that fits that description - like crunchy, salty could be potato chips. It sometimes helped me figure out something I could eat without feeling sick. Hugs to you G - you hang in there.

    Marsha - I'm with you on the cookies in the drink, but being a fan of key lime pie, the idea of a key lime drink does sound pretty good.

    DebC - how are you doing today? Sounds like Nicki has heard of some positive outcomes, I'm praying for the same for that little boy and his family.

    Vicki - congrats on the ciggys!! Stay strong!

    Jankay - sounds like good news for you, and a good trip.

    Tricia - yuck-o! Sorry to hear about the septic situation!

    Joyce - would you hubby and onc think you shouldn't attend a support group of women who are moving beyond bc? Probably not, and to me, this is what that is. Like many of the terrible (and wonderful!) things in life, bc (or any cancer) is one of those things that you have to actually experience yourself to really "get it", and as wonderful and supportive as friends, family and docs can be, it's not the same as someone who understands firsthand. Sorry, don't mean to be preachy, but there's a difference between sharing your thoughts about trying to move on with your life with women who can understand, and sitting there freaking yourself out by reading scary articles or statistics. There's also this protection thing for me. It's like I have to protect my friends and family by being upbeat and positive, and I don't have to protect you guys, if I'm feeling scared and down I can say so. OK, officially off my soapbox!!

    Need to go eat something, hi and hugs to everyone I didn't mention by name
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Denise: OMG! I just found so many funny pictures I cant wait to use them. Your so funny being the baby sitter. Better you than me.

    Come on grandma. Lets play somemore. Ill run, you catch me.


    LisaSoCal: Cant imagine baby sitting for a toddler. They might have to send me to the ER afterwards.

    Marsha: Im not so good at giving directions, but pm me when your on. If I am on too - I can teach you how to post pictures. Its so easy, you wont believe it.

    Tricia: All I can tell you is, once I had my surgery and a treatment plan, I was a different person. 2 years ago, I was going through what you are going through now. So I really do understand and Im sending you lots of hugs.


    Colleen: Well Im glad you checked in. I have been looking for you.



  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Afternoon sisters,
    whew...been going strong all day to keep from lighting up and let me tell's tough. So far so good. Darn that Cheri...told me if I start up again she will too. What kind of deal is that...I say she's a brat LOL.
    Denise...oh my...sounds like one smart little GD! How many hours to go? Loved the poem...gonna keep that one!
    NS...I missed your posts. Sending you hugs. You are beautiful dammit!
    Madison...are you lost? Don't see you here today. Can't have that you know. If I can sit here and post without a cigarette so can you! Ohhh...I really want one!
    BRB...gotta find something to chew on.
  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670
    edited May 2007
    Just dropping in to say hi. I really wish I could keep up here because I like this place, but I can't. I hope all is well, I have not really caught up since last weekend.

    You do take part timers here I hope?

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Hey Colleen...staying strong on the cigarettes so far but it's tough. Sounds like you're having a relaxing day which is what I have planned for tomorrow. Reading and crocheting!
    Shel...where are you...are you up to no good with Robin who has gone AWOL too?
    Madison...are you buried in squares? Can't find you!'s pretty quiet here this weekend.
    hmmm...power is flickering...better post quick before it goes out.
    Be back later...IF the power doesn't go out.
    Love ya all
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007 that the confused couch???

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Hey Lorene...of course we take part timers! What have you been up too. You have been missed you know!
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    Hey CGS, just poppin in to say "HEY"!
    I am sooooooo worked up about my Mammo. and Mri. mon. I am going crazy! Of Course I have Cancer again, at least that is what my head is telling me, just like always!
    But this time it is different even the dr. is worried about the size of my lumps!! BBL