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  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Marsha, it is about a 4 hour drive to Orlando for me. It's do-able.

    Oh, and Marsha, maybe your dog just likes licking your legs.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Hey girls, a classmate of my daughters is having a liver transplant today at 2:00 Seatle time. If you have a moment send up a prayer and some healing energy for Jacob.

    Deb C
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Hi girls, thanks for all the thoughts and prayers for my MIL. They admitted her which is good as there isn't anyone at home to care for her this week. Her daughter who stays with them left for a mini vacation. Now I'll go read back and catch up.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007
    Good afternoon CG's - seems to be fairly quiet this afternoon. I hope everyone is having a good Sunday.
    Sige _ i've read the erma Bombeck poem several times, but I truly enjoy each time I read it. Thanks for posting it here for us all to enjoy.
    Sheri - sending you hugs.
    Nicki - sure hope it isnt a cold, but allergies (maybe not). Feel good soon.
    Ann- myheartfelt sympathies to you on the loss of your dad.
    Ginny - thanks for the update.
    Deb - hugs to your DD friend's family. Will keep Jacob in my thoughts.
    Liz - keep us posted on your MIL.
    Robin - where oh where are you?
    Beth, Jankay, Z, Cheri - how are you coming along, Cy, Shel, Vickie, Beth, Jpann, Joyce, Jeannie, Marybeth, Puppy, Cheryl Holt, Lisa, Denise, Amy, Tracey, Susan, BMD, Jeannie - how is your trip, Trish, Newter, Shokk, Shirley, Brenda, Gina, Marsha, Colleen, Madison, Laura, Pam, Iris, and all the other wonderful girls, sending you hugs for a good rest of the day and good monday. Wishing everyone feel good days. Hugs from Denver, Karen
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Good evening sweet ladies,
    Oh my what a long day LOL. Got a ton of stuff done. Have to stay busy so I don't want a cigarette and so far it's working. Straightened all the cupboards in the kitchen, straightened up the toy room, did tons of laundry, transplanted some flowers between rain showers and no nap! Was going to divide the hostas but not quite sure how so I'm gonna read up on it this week and do it later. are you feeling? If the sun is shining there please send some this way!
    Nickster has probably already gone to bed so we'll swing by her wagon and make sure she's sleeping well.
    Iris has her alarm system going so I believe all is well there.
    Haven't seen Shokk this weekend...well...later alligator.
    Newter's wagon comes back and forth and that's ok...we love her anyway.
    Beth seems to be talking on the phone in her wagon. Wonder who she's talking to. Hope her drains come out tomorrow.
    Ann is feeling sad so we'll circle her wagon with lots of love and prayers for brighter days ahead.
    Deb is praying for a successful liver transplant so lets all join in. I know its a very long surgery so it may be a while before we hear anything. Hugs to you Deb.
    Amber is taking care of her mom, what a good girl she is. Missing Cheri but looks like she'll be home on Monday.
    Jeannie and Shirleys wagons are empty with the suitcases to their cruises without me...(pouting).
    Ginney is doing well which is wonderful news to hear.
    Liz is reading in her wagon and catching up on all of us. You've had a long day...get some well deserved rest.
    MB hasn't checked in lately so we are going to have to check her wagon and see what's going on.
    Can't find Deb's wagon anywhere and I'm getting a bit worried. Can someone call her and see where she is hiding. I'll get the duct tape and rope ready for when we find her.
    NS's wagon has a cat with a mowhawk peeking out! Hope she is feeling well in there.
    Marsha has been pretty quiet today and I suspect she's in the party wagon. Gotta watch that girl LOL. She said the P work FOUR times! ROFLMBO!!
    Z's wagon is pretty quiet too...looks like the birthday girl is partied out. Wonder what she got for her birthday and if it was a good one...hope so.
    Colleen...where are you? Hmmm...probably missed a post. Didn't take notes again.
    Jankays wagon needs some company and some cheering up I do believe so maybe someone needs to make a stop there. Hugging you Jankay.
    Puppys wagon is quiet too...come out and play a bit dear lady.
    Tracey has disappeared. Still think her and Robin are up to something!
    Well...really tired...need ice cream LOL...well it's better than a cigarette. Wasn't sure I could make it through the weekend but I did it!!! job update. It is coming up in three weeks. A huge raise...15,000 a year difference! My ONLY responsiblity would be payroll twice a month!!!! 180 employees and they use a payroll service so all I have to do is enter the hours. Seems pretty amazing but it's all true. Going to go for the interview and see how I like it. I've been there before so I know some of the people and my sister works there.
    Good night sweet sisters

    See you in the morning
    Love and hugs
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Hello All,
    Wow, go away for two days and far too much to catch up on.
    Odalys & Anne, prayers for you, family and friends.
    Glad Cheri's surgery was a success.
    Belated birthday wishes to Z. Hope it was happy! Keep partying!!!!
    Nicki, sorry you're under the weather.
    Vicki, seriously, take up knitting.It involves both hands, no way you can light up while doing cables and changing colors every fourth row!!!!!!!
    Love and best wis hes to hose I didn't mention. It is not for lack of caring!
    My god daughters had their ballet recitals this weekend, so the good god mother was there for both performances. Katrina was a pumpkin in Cinderella Fri day night and Juli was a pumpkin yesterday. Now trying to catch up on posts and do laundry and finish the tanks tops I'm knitting for both girls and get ready for work tomorrow.
    Love to all,

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited May 2007
    Vickie, Fluff hasn't gotten his mohawk yet- I will try to get him in before my next chemo on Wed. You will hear his screams from here.

    Today this cancer really started to get to me. I am grateful I have a plastic surgeon who did such a good job, but i am still not done- no where near it. So I have these huge scars and swelling on the radiated side again. It seems that when I wrap my LE arm it makes that breast swell. I think it is because the surgeon put the port in on that side. The port is still giving me problems too. I am not liking being bald... I am not as brave or do I have the same self confidence you all have. I don't even want to look at myself in the house with no clothes or no scarf on.
    Today I tried to quietly and gently weed one flower bed with Natasha on and I was sweating so much I had to go inside and put cold water on my head. Then I got very short of breath. The logical me knows it was probably from pollen and my asthma acting up- but the cancer wimp snuck in and was telling me I was having heart trouble. I AM swollen from head to toe. I never got a muga scan. They attempted an echo but the cardiologist said it was hard to see my heart because of the construction site of my recon side.
    I am thinking I should go get one now. What do you think? I probably can't fit one in before Wed's adria, but I don't want to mess with my heart. You all know I was very afraid of this because I was so overly radiated on the left side. I keep reading about you girls who actually have heart damage from the stuff... it is frightening.
    I am sorry to be whiny tonight- I am just run down. I don't know who that guppy with the scars is in the mirror and the S/Es are a real and literal pain in the butt!

    I will get back to normal tomorrow I am sure. But I wanted to know what you all thought about asking for a muga now.

    If you ever listen to Bruce Springsteen's "Philedelphia" it fits a cancer patient to a tee as well as someone who has HIV/AIDS.

    Thanks for listening. Sorry this isn't one of my more cheerful posts.

    Love you circle girls.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Gina - sent you a PM.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007 sorry you are feeling down today..I do think you would be less anxious if you did get the MUGA if they can do onc wouldn't let me do any gardening at all when I was on chemo..
    I just hate it when one of us is going thru chemo and having a difficult time..I know I did so I have a clue and my heart goes out to every one...
    I wish I could bottle hugs and just send them..
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    i wish i could be more help. i just can't remember what i did during chemo or what the MUGA scan was like. I laid in bed and moaned for two weeks at a time. that's all i remember. Call your doctor and talk about it. I hope someone else here has better advice than me.

    I can relate about the bald thing. I was startled everytime i looked in a mirror but eventually i got used to it.
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited May 2007
    My love to all. I took notes, but just can't seem to get the words out. I remember you all in my prayers, even if the names aren't right on the tip of my tounge. Again, my love to all. May the angels watch over each of you, to guide you, protect you, and bring you peace and hope.

    Hugs, prayers, and healing for all.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    Gina, What else are friends for than to listen and give advise! You have been there for all of us and we will be here for you.
    Thank you for calling me the other day and I'm, sorry I was in the bathroom at work when you called.
    Call and see about the muga scan it won't hurt to get it set up even if they can't get it in before Wed. at least you get one done soon.

    Well tomorrow is the Chemo Tech, socail worker, Nutritionist (whick the insurance won't cover) and the brain MRI.

    My parents left San Diego on Friday so I expect they'll show up tonight wven though they weren't suppose to be her until Tuesday night. My BIL called and said if he were with them they'd alreadsy be up here. They wanted to come up but just couldn't afford to be away as long as my parents are going to be.

    I fineally picked out the tile for the bathroom and may get that started soon.

    I hate the way the pain meds make me feel. I weill ask for something for the nausea tomorrow.

    Know that I'm thinking of you all
    Love, hugs and prayers
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Gina, I am so sorry the the chemo is causing you these miserable side effects. I hope they don't last long.

    CY, I will be thinking about you tomorrow and hoping for good results on the MRI.

    Hugs to you both.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2007
    Just dropping in to say hi. I'm finding that I really can't keep up with this circle but I try to read as much as I can.

    Anne, so sorry about your dad.

    Amber, thanks for the update on your mom. She sure is loved around here.

    Vickie, good job on the not smoking.

    Denise, you are too funny. When are you babysitting again?

    G, get the Muga scan; it will lessen your anxiety. Because I had problems during my tram reconstruction, I had to have a baseline echo before I started chemo. Everything seemed to be fine.

    CY, good luck tomorrow.

    Hugs to all.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Just getting ready for bed. I really did have fun with GD this weekend............Nicki and Vickie I am LMAO over the pictures you posted!!

    Before I tuck myself in I thought I'd post a quick picture taken of me after spending the weekend with my GD.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Denise, please get some rest!!!! Your eyes tell the whole weekend with GD story....

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    G, when it rains - it sorry you are having such a hard time....drat!!! I hate this happening to you.
    I agree, you should get the MUGA scan (for your peace)

    Cy, sending hugs to you also.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    well cgs a quick post before bed.
    i hope all of the sisters are feeling better. I would fire up my power scooter and cheer them up if i thought it would. It looks like i am going to have go up i40 to check on robin. u have been warned. I need to hear from the tennessee girls and surrounding area if they can give me some dates. time is running out.
    vicki if u will send me your address i will send squares to u because it might be better so u can see what i have done then involve madisonif iu need to.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    Pick Up**


    Hi honey, this is Daddy, Is Mommy near the phone?"

    "No Daddy, She's upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Paul "

    After a brief pause, Daddy says, "But honey, you haven't got an Uncle Paul"

    Oh yes I do, and he's upstairs in the room with Mommy, right now" Brief Pause ***

    Uh, okay then, this is what I want you to do. Put the phone down on the table, run upstairs and knock on the bedroom door, and shout to Mommy that Daddy's car just pulled into the driveway"

    Okay Daddy, just a minute"

    A few minutes later the little girl comes back to the phone. "I did it Daddy"

    And what happened honey?" he asked

    Well, Mommy got all scared, jumped out of bed with no clothes on and ran around screaming. Then she tripped over the rug, hit her head on the dresser and now she isn't moving at all!"

    O my God!!! What about your Uncle Paul ?"

    He jumped out of the bed with no clothes on too. He was all scared and he jumped out of the back window and into the swimming pool. But I guess he didn't know that you took out the water last week to clean it, he hit the bottom of the pool and I think he's dead."

    Long Pause***

    Longer Pause**

    Then Daddy says, "Swimming pool??...Is this 486 - 5731 ??
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    gina ......... cut yourself some slack ok?

    i don't even look at myself in a mirror ........ i bathe, dry off and throw my bra back on immediately!

    occasionally i look at my face, but i'm so disgusted by it that i turn away quickly .......... as for my "boobs" ....they are hideous ............ so i pretty much treat myself like i don't really exist.

    i "go through the motions" everyday ......... and i lost 'me' along the way a long time ago ............ i spend a lot of time admiring the tattoo on my foot (because it is inane), and a whole lot more time avoiding the rest of me!

    i beat myself up for being fat d/t zoladex and tamox ......d/t having no nipples and no 'feminity' surrounding my breasts ........ they are ugly and useless ......... but i'm alive for now ........... and there are a few people in my life that actually care that i'm still here!

    gina ......... i get your frustration ........ i'm sooooo fed up with the whole thing, but the alternative to fighting against myself is unacceptable ......... so fight the good fight by my side ok?

    i'm so sick of cancer and mets and TX that i could scream it from a mountain top till i'm hoarse ............ but that won't make this bitch of a life go away .......... this is my "new normal" (and i hate, hate, hate it)........... it sucks large, but i'm not dead yet .............. so i decided today to live for me, instead of everybody else.

    bald sucks, chemo sucks, hormone therapy sucks, cancer sucks and so on and so on ........... but WE DON'T SUCK! we will make a better place for the ones that (unfortunately) follow, and we will impact on someone (if only one person), and so our struggles won't be "all for not".

    there is a reason why we each are enduring our own personal battles .......... i'm not sure 'why' yet ........ but i believe my answer will come eventually.

    please keep your chin up gina .......... you've made me keep my chin up a 1000 times over, and for that i have no way to convey my thanks!!!!!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Not a lot of time this morning. The weekend went by to fast as usual.
    Gina...You are beautiful! Sending you hugs and telling you to listen to Shel and keep your chin up. We know exactly how you feel. I still hate looking in the mirror, I hated losing my hair, I hated my wig, I hated chemo, surgery, rads...I hated it all. Here I am one year from my mast and feeling much better. The beast and the fear still sneak in on me now and then but I'm more "normal" (if there is such a thing)than I was even two months ago. Rant and whine all you have every right to! You actually need too...get it out of your head. Love and hugs your way.

    Shel...hugs to you are beautiful dammit!

    Oh...I so want a cigarette!! grrrrr. Not touching one though...gonna show my stubborn side.

    Cherryl...I am seriously knitting challenged LOL. I can crochet anything but knitting just does me in!

    Nicki...I know your out there...have a great day sunshine sister.

    Jankay...good one! I love the jokes! I'll pm you my address later.

    Laura...good to see you...we wondered where you disappeared to!

    good morning to Tricia, Margaret, Sue, Deb, Liz, Robin, oh get it...everyone.
    Gotta fire up the magic carpet and go break Cheri out, take Laura and Tricia to their appointments and I think we should pop in and tease our Gina for a bit. Give her some love and hugs to brighten her day. Who's driving...Deb?...where is Jan? Lots of missing girls...gonna have to take a roll call and go searching I guess.
    Love ya all and have a wonderful day
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Nicki...wake up!! You're gonna be late!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Well I was hoping by some Zicam miracle this cold would be gone. But I guess its here to stay for a while. I figured it out, this is the 4th cold I have had since November. Quite amazing to me. I was almost hoping it was allergies, cause I worked all day in the yard Saturday pulling weeds and stuff, but I can slowly feel its gonna turn into bronchitis. Thank goodness I have some antibiotics here at home. Already took 2 doses so we shall see. Right now Im not sick enough not to go to work. Just waiting for my coffee to be done. The warmth is gonna sooth my throat.

    Vickie: Im smiling cuase I did over sleep and now I know it was you giving me that wake up nudge.

    Ginny: Man, its so good to hear from you. Despite everything thats going on in your life - you sound so good.

    Peggy: I love the "If I had to do my life over." It sure rings a bell - to wake up and seize the moment.

    Liz: I dont know which is worse. Being admitted or staying at home without homecare. Sending you a big hug and hoping you MIL is ok. If I remember correctly you get the results of you MRI today, so Im sending positive thoughts your way.

    Karen: Last night my eyes were itchy so I thought it must be allergies. But like I said earlier in my post - its going right to my chest. This is how I borke my ribs in the first place. With a chest cold. Im still putting faith in this zicam though. Im hoping it will reduce the syptoms and shorten the length of this darn thing.

    Tracey: Where the heck are you? Im hoping everything is ok. I know your life has been turned upside down - but we will help turn it right side up.

    Cheryl: Glad the dance recitals went well. When I was younger I took ballet and tap dance, and I remember the recitals. Its special.

    Gina: Hmmm let me see, I think my third dose of Adriamycin almost did me in. I was ready to quit chemo right then and there. I was so fatigued and short of breath. The accumulative effect caught up with me. It was around the 3rd dose of chemo that my hemoglobin and red blood cells dropped - which cause alot of shortness of breath for me. Had to get a shot of aransep, which did help. Im also wondering if you are getting Decadron? That will cause your whole body to feel puffy. There is one intrinsic problem with these discussion boards. We hear the worst case scenario it seems. Ive read that thread about Adriamycin and heart disease. Its scary - but I still would have gotten the red devil. Otherwise I would have always been wondering what if? Usually you dont see total body swelling from heart problems. Its usually the lower legs and feet. But if I were you, I would talk to the onc about your symptoms. As far as how you look. Yep, I look in the mirror and see a tired old lady with a young heart. I have more wrinkles and my eyes are dark, but despite how I look - I still have a sparkle in my eyes. Cant pull any punches here. Chemo is just awful. When someone says its doable, thats really their way of not scaring new people. I sometimes question would I have the strenght and fortitude to do chemo again. Dont let other posts scare you. Take your symptoms directly to your onc. I remember my onc telling me - in this day and age of chemo - the symptoms can be managable. Sending you a big hug this morning.


    CY: Wow, you have another busy day scheduled. Good luck with all your tests. The only pain pills I can tolerate without nausea is Darvocet. Hoping you can find something to relieve the pain without making you sick.

    MargaretB: So good to see you. Im with you, lately it has been very hard for me to keep up - especially during the week, as I just dont have enough computer time anymore. The week-ends are my salvation. Sending lots of love your way.

    Shel: Pretty descriptive and something I think most of us feel at one time or another. Im living for today, not tomorrow - who knows what tomorrow will bring.

    Jankay: Good morning sunshine sister.

    Well, when I got up this morning I took a darvocet and mucinex. Just broke out in a sweat - hoping thats a sign I trying to break this infection. Gonna be moving slowly today - but I cant stand the thought of calling in sick and being home with my husband all day! That makes me crazy.

    Oh and Denise: The week-end is over. You did it. You managed to survive your GD. Wondering if this is how you feel.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    New Tax Form

    SIMPLFIED 1040

    how much did u make

    send it to us

    Thought for the day:
    As income tax time just passed, did you notice:
    When you put the two words "The" and "IRS" together
    it spells "THEIRS"? J
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007

    That's me. And that's about all I can say.

    Bugs & fishes to all. I'm going to try and come back later at work.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning,

    I'm late for a very important date...
    No, just work....
    be back later
    Oh, come get me....I'll be ready for the magic carpet this morning.
    Madison(hubby still sick...yulk)
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007

    Holding hands with Laura as she visits her pcp and Tricia going to her onc. Big hugs, Marsha

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Jule, I have used all but 2 of the crochet squares you mailed earlier......put another afghan together yesterday. (well, this could explain why I am running late this morning)
    Do you need more yarn?
    Thanks bunches, Madison
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Good morning sweet sisters.........I see that some cg's that haven't posted in a while have checked in........its good to read their updates....brb........

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Ginney - great to see you, and to hear you're doing so well!

    Nicki - sorry you're sick, hope you're feeling better soon!

    Denise - glad you survived the weekend with your GD!!

    jankay - ha! ha! too funny!

    Vicki - proud of you with the no smoking - keep it up!!

    Madison - sorry hubby is still sick, hope today is better

    shokk - what's up with the weather down there? we had some storms over the weekend, and my son was hoping for a tornado!! LOL I said, "no you aren't!"

    Praying for everyone at appts today - for low stress and good results!

    My mamm and 3 month is on Wed, and I'm so terrified, I'm just sure this is going to be the time they say they need to biopsy the susp calcs on the non-bc side. I know I have to stop thinking like this, it's so pointless, but I just can't seem to control myself!! Need to immerse myself in work, or cleaning, or something!!