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  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Vickie...Congrats on your anniversary. I consider surgery day my "survivor" day siince that is when the cancer came out of my body. Hope you enjoy your day. ONE week on the smoking thingy sure sounds like you are going to make it!

    Tricia, thinking of you also as you go to the PS. It is really nice when we have a plan in place. I've always said the Unknown is worse than anything cause I have a HUGE imagination.

    I have my regular onc visit today before chemo tomorrow. The head honcho nurse there wants to talk to me about BRCA testing. EEEWWW I don't want something else to worry about. CRAP

    Speaking of chemo tomorrow. I get mine at the hosp in the outpatient infusion room instead of at my onc center. So after tommorw I won't see these people again. I wanted to do something special, ANY IDEAS????? Come on ladies, there are some very creative gals on this thread help me out here!

    Hugs all around and "HI" to everyone......Marsha
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007

    Just a quick note. Jacob, my son, left early this morning for Ecuador. I really didn't think he'd go! I'll try to post more later.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Good morning CGs!

    Happy anniversary, Vickie. It's kinda bitter sweet, isn't it? The cancer was removed from your body, but at what cost? Well, the surgery is well behind you, so it's time to be thankful for the long life ahead of you! And it will be long and happy .

    Marsha, your last chemo???!!! That is great news! I'm sorry I can't come up with an idea for you. My brain goes into spasms whenever I try to be creative about thank you gifts .

    Nicki, hmmm, that wine sounds like it's something I should try. I like dry wine also. My diabetic sister drinks white zinfindel by the "box". Ugh! That just gives me the willys!

    Has anyone talked to Cheri? Is she still coming home today? I will have to try to check in from work later on.
    I'm geting excited about this weekend. We are going camping with our biker friends and our youngest son is coming along, with the oldest GS. It should be a good time.

    Denise, I remembered what I wanted to say last night. I only wrote down E & C in my notes and could not for the life of me remember why. My onc says that some drs don't want you to take E because it may feed tumors, but he doesn't think so. He didn't mention C. I take both. He told me that E can help ease hot flashes. I hope I'm doing the right thing!

    Well, gotta go down to the dungeon soon and work out . I just hate it! If there was a pill, I'd take it in a minute. I used to love exercise, when I taught aerobics, but now that I'm working out alone, I just hate it. Oh well, ya gotta do whatcha gotta do.

    Hugs all!
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Good morning

    Puppy, I'm hoping for good news for you.

    Nicki, glad you are feeling better! Zicam always works for me, especially if I start using it right away,

    Amy, I am so glad Peanut is better.

    Marsha, I'm going to steal your purple jelly joke.

    Jankay, so true about our pets.

    Jan, so glad the babysitting situation worked out.

    Laura, congrats on the good work.

    Odalys, do take good care of yourself with the new job responsibility

    Doreen, thanks for the info, and welcome.

    Vicki, one week is fantastic! Yippee!!!

    Off to the plastic surgeon in a few minutes, and we got a little rain this morning which we needed, so today will be a good day.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007

    Oh Sheri, I'm sorry your son actually went. I'm sure you will miss him terribly. How long will he be gone?

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    GM lots happening...
    Sheri...hugs...I hope your son calls as soon as he gets over there...just to let his mom know....
    Jan...boy i totaly missed th e butt piercing't wait to meet him...sorry about your son moving to FLa...I am blessed all my boys are still close to home (one is still living in the basement) hugs...and remember, to buy them phone cards to call you with...
    Vicki...I am glad you can try to celebrate the day the cancer was removed, this is a hard thing, and the new job, things will work out...hugs...and congrats on the not smoking too... keep up the good work...hey about the cold, I have had this recurring thing for months now, finally thinking I have a new allergy...will be trying something different...something to think about...?

    ok to all I have missed, I am still trying to catch up...but wanted you all to know how much I care and pray for each and every one of you...
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007
    Marsha...I made my pizzelle cookies and still bring them so they don't forget me. ( like they could )

    sheri...keeping your son in my thoughts.


    Puppy...we here at the circle will not accept anything but B9..or we're getting out our wagons and will not stop circling the office until they change their minds. xoxo

    Denise...I take alot of C and think it helps me. My liver levels and stayed good so I'm not stopping.

    vickie..congrats on your anniversary. My 2 year was in April.
    Love to all.xoxo
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007

    Forgot...just got a pm from Beth and she's doing ok. Just sore from typing. Still waiting to get drains out. xoxo

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    My dh told him to call when he gets there tonight and he said, how about tomorrow and my dh said, no way! You better call tonight and let us know you are ok. He is tentatively staying until Sept, but thinks he may live there permanently.

    Nicki, sorry about the cold. My allergies are still flaming. I asked the pharmicist yesterday what I could get instead of the scrips. It cost a lot less, but my eyes are still dripping and my nose running. I put on makeup today, but who knows how long it will last.

    Thanks for the extra hugs and thoughts today.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Morning everyone,

    Denise-yep I still do chemo 7 days on then 7 days off. I also do zometa and herceptin every 2 weeks. I have a skeletal survey on Friday so hopefully my bones are good and there are no new lesions popping up anywhere. Stage 4 so not sure if I will ever not be on chemo,,oh thats such a bad thought. Also on the donkey grain, hey jude drinks milk from her mommie and no food up until this weekend. He also drank water and did his first kick yesterday at one of the goats that was trying to smell him. Not a direct hit but he was pretty proud of himself I must say.

    Sherndon-so whats the son going to do in Equador? Thats so tough but at least he is doing something he wants to do and not going to grow old wishing he had done it.

    Nicki-glad the cold is improving. I hate colds.

    Tgirl-thanks for the update.

    Deb-sorry you arent feeling well.

    jan-yep Cheri is coming home today. For some reason I had in my mind yesterday so was sadly disappointed when there wasnt a post from her. I miss her spunkiness. Have fun camping

    Vickie-job sounds like a good thing.

    Madision-Hows bad jake? Havent heard any stories about him lately.

    Puppy-chanting B9 and I think I would be calling today but of course I am not very patient when it comes to test results.

    odalys-surprises?!? oh everybody loves a surprise.

    Marsha-gotta give it some thought about what kind of surprise.

    mb-so let me get this straight, you had an anniversary yet you were camping away from home?!? Is that why your marriage has lasted so long?

    Tricia-send some rain our way. We are in a serious dry spell and no end in sight.

    Jankay-good joke about the pups. I love dogs. Heck I love all animals.

    Doreen-nice to meet you. chime in anytime you want.

    Susan-hows the knee coming along? Thanks for the update on Cheri-

    I swear I think my brain cuts off after a certain amount of time. I start typing away and then I go blank and cant think of a name to save my life.

    I shall return.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning everyone,

    I'm just sneaking in at work. Wanted to let you all know I think of you all the time. It's starting to get real crazy here at work. Our conference ( which I'm responsible for is in 51 days. This is the real fun time, but also the crazy time. My wagon is still in the circle, but I moved it way out to the perimeter. I’ll have to be happy with just popping in and lurking for a while. But I’m here!

    Check out the website and see what we are up to.

    Hugs to all,

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Today is a big DIL will have her C section in a couple of hours so we are off to join my son...

    Theresa..I still make pizelles grandmother used to make them over the flame(my mother gave all the irons away) I use the electric kind..
    Sure brings back alot of memories..

    I will go back and read after we get home. BTW it is also my DH's 66th Birthday
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    SoCal...tell DH happy bday...and maybe DH & grand will be sharing a bday, just like at my house..DH & DS have the same ate cake at 6 am ...

    Amy...yup...DH was 6 hours away...he is such a good egg...I was with the girl who wouldn't have competed on her bulldozer cuz no women wanted to go..hmmpfft...what's a little snow while sleeping in a tent.??? & I celebrated last cream & wine in the hot
    Betty glad to see you, even if it is for a fleeting moment...hugs...
    Ok back to work...but I will check in again...heheh e I missed you guys...
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Late Morning Ladies!

    Hope everyone slept well. It turned out to be a beautiful day here, sunny and 70, just perfect. I'm hoping this is a good omen for my appt tomorrow, which I am still freaking out about. Though I think I've reached the "calm before the storm" now, I'm trying to get to that "zen place" where I'm just calm and accepting, whatever will be will be, and worrying about it in advance won't change ANYTHING!! (I'll let you know if I actually get there - LOL)

    Denise - it seems like that is always the way, but I hope the countertops look beautiful and you will be thrilled once they're in!

    Tricia - how did you make out? I hope there's an update from you! Oh, there it is! Great results, I'm so happy for you!

    Nicki - I hope you're continuing to improve! Thanks, I have been living with the stupid susp calcs for one year now, and although I trust them that they will tell me if we need to biopsy, the worry is almost too much to take at times. I can't understand why they won't just biopsy regardless, and I sometimes worry that it is for "insurance reasons" if you know what I mean. I don't think Dana Farber operates that way (they never seem to much care if you have ins or not, and don't take a co-pay or anything), but you never know in this day and age.

    Amy - so glad to hear about little Peanut!!

    Vicki - that's a big "YES" from me, I'm very tired of cancer, and worrying about cancer. Wish I could stop!

    Marsha - see, that's just what makes me crazy about this damn disease! I found out only from reading my path that I had calcs on the bc side too. (Actually I had calcs, DCIS and IDC, I had no idea, they really only told me about the IDC!) In any event, they found the susp calcs at my one year from dx mamm (last May), and I have to go every 6 months for 2 years for follow-up. At that point, if they don't decide they need to biopsy, I'll go back to annual and I guess they'll just decide they are no longer susp. Makes me crazy!!

    Puppy - hope the mri shows the all clear for you!!

    Susan - thanks for the update on Cheir, I'm glad to hear she's doing well! How have you been? How is your knee? I still feel bad that I bagged out of secret pals, but I've been so freaked about my appt tomorrow, which is also bringing up Tim issues for me as he was the one that was with me for every appt, surgery, chemo, etc., that I just felt like anything would be too much pressure. It looks really fun, I've been checking the thread every so often. A really cool thing for you to do, and I'm glad the ladies got you hooked up with a secret pal as well!!

    Jan - hope the season finale was a doozy! I've never watched 24, but I hear it's addicting!

    Laura (peanuts) glad you had a good appt!!woo hoo!

    Karen in denver - hey there! how are you doing?

    Odalys - Glad to hear you're hanging in there, but make sure you are really careful you don't overdo or overcommit yourself! Hugs to you...

    CY - hope you slept last night, keeping you in my thoughts..

    DebC - stomach bug? yucko! feel better, good news about Jacob, let's have some more of that!!

    Doreen - thanks for the info, sometimes I feel like as much as I know about bc, I don't know anything at all! I'm node pos, so no onco test for me!

    rondab - good to see you!!! hope you are doing well!

    Vicki - one week!! you're more than halfway there! (my friend says 14 days to break the habit?)

    OK, still missed many, but I have to do some work, and some housework, as I've done nothing for the past 2 days.

    Beth - how are you feeling? drains out?

    Know I'm still missing too many, hugs to you all

    Lisa - good luck to your DIL with her C section!!
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007
    Socal...I love the smell that lingers in the house. Wake up the next morning thinking of Christmas. Congradulations!!

    Betty...thanks for the calendar. It sure helps keep up with this crazy site. xoxo
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007

    Good morning everyone,

    Well the drama in my wagon continues. Dd came home from work last night and started right where she had left off the day before. She did the dishes and then piled them haphazardly in the dish drainer. Of course she had to come find me to let me know that she did them. Then this morning dh went to get something from the cupboard and something that she had piled up in the drainer came crashing to the floor and broke. He said something like they don't care how they put the dishes in here and of course she thought he was talking about her. OMG - she went off on a tirade. I don't even think he knew who did the dishes last night. Dd who was supposed to do them was out studying with a friend and hadn't come home yet. After much yelling and screaming on her part - she packed up some of her things and left. She will stay with a friend for a couple of days and then she will be back. She didn't take everything. If she does she can bring back the car that does not belong to her. I do not need this kind of stress in my life anymore. It is stressful enough having to go to the onc every three months. I got a note from the PCP that I am due for a physical - UGH! Seems everytime I go see her she finds something else wrong with me.

    Tricia - woohoo on the low oncotype score. That is great no chemo for you!

    Sheri - What is your son going to do in Ecuador. My dd friend wants to go to Ecuador too. What is the attraction?

    Puppy - B9 wishes for you.

    Nicki - Glad you are feeling better. I agree the Zicam works for me too if I start taking it right away. I have used the chews and not too fond of the taste so sometimes that keeps me from taking it right away.

    Deb - feel better soon. Nothing worse than a sick tummy.

    SoCalLisa - a new grandbaby how exciting and on your dh birthday - happy birthday to him too.

    Vickie - Happy One Year Anniversary of being cancer free! By the way where is this School to Respect Your Elders that you speak? I know one dd that needs to enroll ASAP!

    Marsha - last chemo hooray! Depending on the time of day you could bring balloons and order in food. If it is not around lunchtime bring in a cake to share. If you wanted to do something more personal - gift cards might be nice.

    Odalys - Prayers for Liz. Take it easy and be good to yourself too. Stress is not good for us.

    Colleen - praying for good results for you too.

    Robin - where are you?

    LisaE -haven't seen you post either - where are you?

    Denise - after the dust settles - enjoy your new countertops.

    Beth - take it easy and heal - hope they get those drains out soon.

    CY - Hugs to you.

    Ishop - you are home now right? Where are you?

    MB - ice cream in the hot tub? Sounds fun.

    tgirl, Amy, Karen, and everyone else that I am missing have a good day.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Morning girls, still nothing about the MRI! Grrrrrr! My MIL is doing better but still in the hospital.

    Hugs to everyone. I'll be back later.

    Oh Nicki - I'm expanding on your tag line: Men are dumber - throw bricks.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Liz nice tag line,,lol.

    Suz-sorry about the DD-they do lose their head at that age. Funny about the car although I know you arent laughing.

    Betty-I love the storytelling that we have in Selma Alabama. I so want to go to the one in your hometown but so far havent gotten their. I will though for sure. It is so much fun.

    MB-yep hes a good egg for sure so I guess we wont throw bricks at him. Wine and ice cream,,now thats quiet the combo.

    Colleen-if you find that "zen place: be sure and let me know whats its like. I think there is one out there somewhere but lord knows if I will ever find it.

    Tricia-congrats on the no chemo.

    Marsha-I took had food delivered at my last chemo and it was greatly enjoyed.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    hi cookie nice to see you again. Well, if you really want some wet lashes, you could go to the deliverance tent and I'll see if i can find someone who likes noodle lashing. there are many talents here.

    Marsha, i always dressed up in a costume and brought food and friends to my treatments. we had fun! bring marker pens and have people write on your head.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007
    Just a quick check in while on lunch at work.
    Marsha - I brought home made cookies for everyone at my last chemo (I love to bake cookies and was glad I felt good enough to do it). I also wrote a note of thanks. did the same thing for the rad techs at rads for my last Tx. Congrats on finishing chemo - a milestone. Well, its just about time to go do recess/lunch duty - its raining out, so its in door recess. Hope to be back tonight. Hugs, Karen in denver
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited May 2007

    Girls, I know you are sick of me popping in and out and whining. But some days I feel like this is the only place I can go. My heart is so heavy with the anniversary of my son's death coming up and I just can't breathe. Can't sleep without those crazy dreams and can't stop horrible images from popping in my head. I have so very much to be thankful for, yet I hurt so bad in my heart! Will you please allow me to just wrap up in my new afghan and crawl under a wagon somewhere? I don't feel like talking, but I don't want to be alone. You are all so awesome and I know just being among you will help. Cancer was easy compared to this pain. And it just wont' go away. Pam

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Oh Pam - my heart breaks for you. You do what you need hon. We're here for you anytime and all the time.

    Big Hugs,
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Aww Pam you can hang with us anytime you want to and we wont even make you talk if you dont want to. I cant imagine the pain and thoughts that you are dealing with but please know we are here for you. I must say though, I'm not sure if there are any wagons I would want to crawl under in this circle but the spa tent might be a great place to relax and let us take care of you.

    Never feel like you cant come here and say whatever is on your mind.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Pam, you can pop in and out anytime you want. .We have the center area reserved for all of our sisters that need some TLC, so you put that wagon in the center, wrap up in that afghan and draw from the comfort being offered by everyone.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    I have not had a chance to do any posting today…busy at work…and at home getting ready for DD’s graduation from law school……Oh, I did mail an afghan yesterday…and another today!! Yippee!! Can’t wait for these to reach their new owners. Another afghan is ALMOST finished…already tagged for someone (hopefully will be mailed tomorrow)……

    Okay, back to the grindstone (Oh, I mean work).
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Okay - the MRI place just called. There's nothing there they said. I'm glad for that but what the heck is this? Thinking maybe I need to see the PS? Crap I hate this.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Liz, that's good news!! See your ps and see what he says. It is probably scar tissue or something.

    Puppy, any news yet????

    Robin, WHERE ARE YOU????? We worry!

    Pam, I can't even imagine what you are going through. we are all here for you. Feel free to pop in whenever you need some strong shoulders to lean on.

    Cheri, are you home yet?

    I'm at work, so gotta go! BBL
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    PAm...hugs...please don't crawl under a wagon,,, sit by the fire and have some cocoa...

    yeah where is Robin...and LauraB?...hmmm now I am worried..

    Liz, gentle hugs...I have lumpy bumpy scar tissue, so I hope thats all it is ....

    Madison & Vickie...hugs those afgans are so beautiful and filled with love....

    Deb...sending hugs and a hand to hold...

    Nicki...need some tissue just went and bought a ton...Im really getting tired of this stuff....hugs...I've been drinking warm lemon least it maeks me feel better...

    Amy the real trick was eating the ice cream before it

    take care all work day is over for now..
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007
    Pam, I wish I could do something to take this horrible pain from you. Please know that you're in my thoughts at this time.
    Robin...are you hiding again in a wagon?? Please come out and play.xoxo
    Time to leave work and walk. A coworker (survivor) and I walk 4 + miles on Tuesdays. Getting hotter so it's getting alittle tougher. Love to all xoxo