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  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Well it is raining this morning in North Texas......a slow steady lightening or thunder......I just love this kind of Amy won't be hanging out in the closet looks like everyone has had a pretty good wkend.......brb..........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Ok geez a little busy this morning.........Colleen boys just want to have is just one big rollercoaster ride for them.......I think about you have made me think about a lot of stuff about my own life with that other thread you sound like you have come to better state of mind in the last couple of wks.......when my ex left he told me I was the most boring person he had ever met.......I have always considered myself cautious......I am not an adrenline junkie......about 2 wks ago my daughter and I were talking about something and she said "this is the most boring house" ex's words came screaming back in my head......I do not like alot of drama.....bc has been bad enough.......oh geez brb........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Geez sorry girls......not sure where that little side story came from.....anyway Puppy I love your post......Vickie you go girl.....congrats on the non-smoking......I do have a something I would like to say about smoking.......I am not a smoker never have been except when I was in sixth grade and smoked a cig behind the mail box that was on our play ground with a throat hurt so bad never did it again....but I really do think that as long as cigarettes are legal than you certainly have the right to Dallas a few yrs ago the mayor somehow got it to be illegal for restuarants to allow smoking seperate smoking areas....just no smoking.....Dallas lost millions of dollars in convention money because of this bs.......restuarants went out of business because if they had a bar and resturant they still could not allow smoking.....could you imagine going to a bar and drinking and then not being able to just absolutely made me so mad......anyway I really don't like gov't getting involved in private business.......sorry about that rant but I am having one of those days where something is said and my mind is going to some story that reminds of something else.......brb......

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    love it puppy

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Morning everyone,,,yep its Monday. Weekend was good but had so many things to do it seems as if I didnt have any time for doing normal weekend stuff. Saturday was a family reunion and son had orchestra practice for the spring concert on Sunday. SO cleaned house so that was very nice. Sunday was the orchestra and it was very nice. Gotta brag on the boy when you can I suppose.

    Odalys sorry to hear about your boss and keeping her in my thoughts.

    Shokk-in case you havent noticed,,I dont do the closet thing,,lmao. Sorry, couldnt resist. Send the rain our way though cause boy do we need it.

    Peggy-thinks for the Erma Bombeck reminder. Yes I have read it but need to start each day off reading it again.

    Nicki-hopefully the cold will move quickly away from you. I missed not having time this weekend to work in my yard and garden. SO did some work in the garden but it was my xeloda time so I just really didnt have the energy that I needed to do what needed to be done. I hate chemo!

    Puppy-thinking of you.

    Cy-you are in my thoughts. You have a busy day today and mentally its tough. Be strong and we love you.

    NS-sorry the chemo is kicking your butt but try to remember its kicking cancer also. I didnt wear my wig very much and I so understand how you feel about it. I didnt do recon so my chest looks like a little boy chest. I guess at times it does bother me but mostly I really dont give it a thought. Take pride in what you have Gina and be proud of being you. We all love you and you are a great person.

    Amber-would love to talk to your mom but will wait till she is feeling a bit better.

    Cheri-cant wait for you to get home today. I know the drive will be rough but getting home will be nice also.

    Jankay-glad to see you home and hopefully you will get answers from the MRI.

    madison-oh boy a sick hubby. You deserve a nice drink cause a sick hubby is never good.

    Deb-thinking of your daughters friend. Bugs and Fishes to you.

    Colleen-thinking of you and your MRI on Wed. I hate how our minds go where they shouldnt.

    Ginney-glad to see you popping in. I know what you mean about family. My mom always thinks something is going on and I am not telling her.

    Anne-so sorry to hear about your father. Big hugs to you.

    Sherndon-busy week for you but I know you will be glad to be out for a little while.

    Biker Jan-so did the hubby enjoy his butt being pinched? Enquiring minds wanna know.

    Adrionna-glad to know you survived the weekend with your granddaughter. I bet she enjoyed it as much as you did.

    Shirley-hmm, where are you?

    Vickie-Nothing like peer pressure on the not smoking huh. If you smoke, Cheri will. lol. Congrats on almost a week. I bet Nate is proud of you.

    hmm, going blank here so going to go get some work done and return.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Jankay so glad you are back I am confused (what's new) about your mri results......they don't think its parkinson but something else they're just not sure????brb.........

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007 time to read the 395 posts since last
    I have returned from my camping trip to the SNOWY in the snow...what was I thinking...

    the good news was the young lady I went with...(school skills event) drives a bull dozer better than 43 boys and took second place in the state....I just love girls with big

    hugs and warm thoughts today for all in need....
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007

    Hello all,

    I think I need to take a speed reading course - gone for the weekend and so many pages to catch up on.

    I was having a good weekend until yesterday. My oldest dd has been home from college for about a month and I can say August can't come soon enough. Ever since she has been home it has been major PMS. Can't talk to her - thinks you're yelling at her. Can't hold a civil conversation. Ask her to do something and OMG you would think it was going to kill her. Last night it was her turn to to the dishes and she found out somehow that Friday was her younger sisters turn and dh had done them for her. Now mind you she had all of five dishes to wash - but she carried on about it as if there were hundreds. I was in the shower when all the yelling started - I come out and I am trying to reason with her and my dh comes and now he thinks I am the one that told her that he did the dishes on Friday. So he is then mad at me cuz he thinks I am siding with her - far from it I am ready to wring her neck. Haven't had any peace since she came home from school and ready to send her packing again. Normally she is a very nice kid - don't know what has happened this year. End of rant.

    Nicki - I think this last year has been hard on a lot of people with colds. I know several people - me included who have had more colds than usual this year. Hope you feel better soon. Bad year for allergies on top of it.

    Anne - so sorry to hear about your Dad. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Cheri - follow the docs orders and don't try to do too much. Let that ankle heal.

    DebC - How is Jacob doing? Hope the surgery went well.

    Tricia - glad your treatment plan is moving along. Hope they can get everything scheduled soon.

    Marsha - loved your million dollar story - your oncs office must love you. Key Lime pie sounds yummy - not so sure about the graham cracker sprinkles - would probably go down the wrong way and I'd choke.

    Vickie - you are doing so well on the no smoking. Keep it up. I need to diet but no will power.

    Madison - hope your dh is feeling better soon. Men are such babies when they get sick - at least my dh is.

    Jankay - where do you get all your funny stories? So happy that your MRI was stable and maybe they can find something to fix you up good as new.

    NS - I guess they don't call it the red devil for nothing. So sorry you are having so much trouble with it. I would call and ask for the MUGA scan - it can't hurt and a very easy test to do.

    Z - how was your birthday bash?

    I went to the grotto at Notre Dame yesterday. It was pouring down rain. Most of the candles are in an enclosed area but some were outside in the rain. Funny thing it was pouring down rain but the candles that were outside were still burning. I lit several candles for all of us and took some pictures - will post later.

    Well, I suppose I should start working. Wishing everyone a good Monday only four more days until Friday.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Hey Amy its hard to share rain......we have been in a drought for two yrs.....all of our lakes were 14-16 ft below normal........but just for you I'll try and ask the rain gods to send you and someone else asked for me to share some rain......we need an update on Hey Jude maybe a new pic......closet....ha....anyway Cheri hope you are enjoying some good pain stay off that leg.....doctors orders.......Joyce I loved your comment about being on the daughter hates it when I'm online at night......or wkends....or anytime I'm on "her time".......but you know oldest is off the college and it won't be anytime before she is gone......but there is no way I am going not check in and read and keep up with all the wonderful friends I have made here.......I have a feeling she will move on with her life which is what's suppose to happen if I have done my job right in raising her and we will continue our friendships long after my daughter has left home.........brb......

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    ((((Suz)))))my oldest won't be home until around June 12th they take their last exam on the June 9th.......she is so loud........her and her little sister do not get along at all......they love each other but they do not like each has been very quiet (boring) while she has been gone.....but the fireworks are in the wings......I give them maybe 10 hrs once the oldest is home and the screaming and throwing of things will start.......I have been in the closet so much this spring maybe I should just move the computer in there and lock the bathroom the way Suz the CEO of the company we represent played football for Notre Dame in the late sixtes I think.......he never misses a game.......geez bbl.....NS....I have something I want to say to you......

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    I am headed off for a meeting about Relay to collect some money, but wanted to take a second to update on Jacob...As of midnight last night, the last update I got, the surgery was finished, they had done an ultrasound and the liver was working, and they were closing him up and getting ready to send him to ICU. It looked like everything went great. Thanks for all the prayers and healing energy from everyone...

    I have to say, I have been having a bit of a pity party for myself lately. Minor stuff has been making me upset and I have not been sleeping. It is spring, and I seem to emotionally still be in the depths of winter some days...ANYWAY....watching Jacob's family go through this has humbled me and given me a much needed kick in the a$$, all at the same time. Jacob has been on the razors edge quite a few times the past few weeks, and somehow this family is still functioning. All I, on the other hand, have been asked too do is deal with my own illness. I have not been asked to watch my darling children suffer with a life threatening illness....I can do this...I'm not so sure I would survive what they are doing. Perspective is an important thing. This event has changed mine for the better.

    So, enough about me! I will read when I get back and check up on all your beautiful women. Love Ya
    Bugs and Fishes
    Deb C
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    what it means i guess is that they are not s ure if i have parkinsons or not.they have never seen an mri like mine which means it doesnt look like a parkinszons brain.
    so much so, that they asked if i would donate my brain to their school when i die. which i will

    alot of my stories and jokes come from girl i went to school with
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    aaauuuggghhhh...losing my willpower!
    I won't break down. I won't break down.
    Would you believe I bought a bag of the party mints to suck on instead of cigarettes...the little tiny ones in pastel colors. Them sucker have 60 calories per serving and a serving is 10!!! WTH...I don't even like them that much so I'm goin with my chocolate covered raisins!
    Awww Sue...sending you a DD is 25 and I can always tell when she is PMS'ing! She is almost always a doll though so I'm lucky. Lock her in her room for a day or two LOL. I think we have some duct tape and rope around here somewhere.
    Shokk...heck if I were you I'd move into the closet too! Sarah is 25 and Nate is 8 so they are the very best of buddies all the time. Smokers are true outcasts here too. No smoking in bars or resteraunts and they have actually talked of a ban on smoking in your car! I personally think its ridiculous but what can you do. Not saying that I think anyone else should have to inhale my second hand smoke but...oh I don't know.
    Hugs to Puppy. always have bragging rights when it comes to your kids. Wish I could find someone to clean my house!
    MB...camping in the snow...are you crazy! Now I'm getting nervous about what's in store for Pinkstock LOL.
    Robin...where are you?
    Alwayshope...are you hiding out too?
    Ok..gotta get back to work...finally getting caught up!
    Love ya all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    hmmm...I don't see Z anywhere either. Must have been quite a weekend!

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Ah Deb, you are so right. Once when I was feeling sorry for myself I met another woman who had lung cancer and her doctor had told her 4 months ago that she had one month to live. She had decided to do chemo anyway. Really wakes you up. "Today is a gift, that's why we call it the Present"

    Suz, my friend and her daughter in college are going thru the exact thing you described. They use to like each other!

    Shokk, the same thing happened in Florida. Restaurants and bars losing money bad with the no smoking ban. Only the ones with outdoor seating haven't been effected LOL. Tourist come down and now instead of going out and drinking they buy beer/wine/liquor and hang out by the pool or on the balconies of their hotels. We're a tourist state for gods sake, can't imagine what the voters were thinking!

    Welcome back Jankay and MB. We missed you both! Off to show property, I'm actually working a few hours today. Hugs all around and "hi" to everyone LOL Marsha
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    ((((Nicki))))))I'm handing you a kleenex so you can blow your nose.......are we ever suppose to be able to take vitamins again????? Will our blood counts ever get back to normal......I'm afraid to take c,e, or anything that might strengthen cancer cells....geez......DebC good news on your daughters classmate.....liver transplant......its just amazing what medicine and doctors can do....I hope he(boy right) has a full recovery......will keep him in my prayers......(((DebC))))you're going to be alright......Tracey were are you??? Are you feeling ok....hope you survived the stepkid....if you need to do any venting this is the place.....((((Sheri)))) same thing goes for you....I know you are having a thuff time....keep us updated on how you are feeling......uh....Robin.....ok its been long enough....we need for you to check in......I am looking around to see who else is missing......wish I could eyesight has gotten so bad........I need some binoculars........bbl.......

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Nicki, hope the medication helps with your cold.

    Jankay, welcome back.

    Hummm, Cheri did they release you today? Amber, sweetheart, do you have a up-date on your Mom?

    Robin, posse is ready, willing and able to go find you....we are worried...are you okay?

    Marsha, yep, today is a one knows what tomorrow will we cherish each and every moment...

    Vickie, gosh, I remember counting the calories of all the "busy finger" food I consumed while I was quitting smoking....used mostly sugar free suckers. Good going...

    Deb, hey we all live in our own reality...and sometimes that reality is being scared, angry, sad/happy, etc. The truth is we are strong, stronger than we think because we do keep on going, day after day....moment by moment. Hugs to you.

    Colleen, we will be with you on Wednesday (just have to keep Mazer under control!)

    Suz, I have 3 daughters....there were some crazy PMS times at my house. Dh would try to use reason, which any female knows does not work on teenage daughters. Now the 3 girls, as adults, are best friends. Batten down the hatches for a few years because they do grow up. My youngest spent a week on a retreat to Notre Dame between her junior and senior year. She enjoyed her trip and we have pictures of the grotto…..

    MB, entertainment potential for Pinkstock – “Skilled Champion Bull Dozer Rider to demonstrate skills”

    Amy, sounds like you had a busy weekend…..I just wish (like everyone else) that our weekends were longer. Hope you get some rain soon. We are dry and cool down south.

    Jan--I missed something…dh had his rear pierced? Inquiring minds want to know

    Adrionna-there should be a certificate of completion for all grandmother that take care of their grandchildren over weekends…..hummm…potential business opportunity?!?!?

    Puppy, you always post such wonderful things…thank you, thank you.

    Missing quite a few CG’s … are all of you?
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning CG's!!
    Well, I survived the birthday bash. It was wonderful. everybody showed up and the only glitch (because there had to be one) was that the caterers did not show and I had to order food for 60 at the last minute from a restaurant down the street, it turned out just fine though, everyone had a great time. I had a blast and it was so wonderful to have all my families there. I have several adopted families and my work family and the real biologicals.
    Here are some pictures:
    My son and his friends enjoyed swimming all day and then we lit the fire pit and it was just NICE.

    I had a good old fashioned slumber party at my house afterwards, me and my cousins and more kids. Yesterday I slept late and just hung out in bed reading for most of the day. My son played on his new Nintendo WII all day with his friends since it was his actual birthday yesterday (he's officially 14 and a man he tells me).

    I've tried to read all the post and catch up, but I think my brain is fried and nothing is coming together, but I will attempt to address a few:

    Anne: My sincere condolences to you and your family.
    Robin: We miss you, check in please, we need to hear from you.
    Jankay: Welcome home!!
    Nicki: Garlic for the cold, real crushed garlic works wonders.
    Cheri: Are you home yet, how do you feel?
    Gina: Hugging you tight.
    Odalys: Praying for your co-worker
    Praying for little Jacob

    To all of you having procedures, awaiting test results or just in need of a little pick me up - reach out your arms...

    Here are the things I want for you...
    I want you to always be happy and to be safe and secure. I want you to be well and at peace with yourself. I want you to get from life all that you desire, and more. I want you to feel free to do whatever you want and to let that freedom soar. I want you to know love and be surrounded by it, to bear no pain and feel no hurt. I want you to be the best person you can be. I want you to share the wonderful gift of yourself with others - how very lucky are those who will receive that beauty! Above all, I want you to know how very much I care ... for you all. -Peddle
    Alwayshope, Amy, Beth, Betty, NS, Susan, Cheri, christinek, Tracey, Lorene, Colleen, CY, Deb, Deb C, Denise, Jan, Jeannie, Jankay, Odlays, Karen1956, Laura, lisa, lisaelder1972, Liz, lizws1, Marsha, Mena, Nicki, Pam, PeanutsGirl, MargaretB, Brenda, Madison, Puppy, Marshakb, SoCalLisa, Raye,Jeannie, Robin, Beth, Shel, Sherloc, Sherndon, Jule, Shirley, Shokk, Sue, Susan, Tracey, Vickie, Joyce, Mizsissy, Colleen, Newter, Tricia, Sheri, to each and every one of the CG's, you are on my mind - I carry you with me through this day and every day
    To all the new CG's - Welcome! I am sorry you qualify to be here, but you have found the best place to get what you need to live the new normal that has become your life. Encouraged, inpired and cared for are the courses of the day, every day.

    Have a good day beauties! BBL
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Good afternoon, CGs!
    Z, welcome back from the land of partays!! The pics were great!
    Puppy, you will be fine, girl! I loved your post.
    Odalys, your friend is in my prayers. How sad.
    Hi Boo! How did your son's audition go?
    Jankay, it's a good thing that I didn't have a mouthful of anything when I read the fart joke. It would have been all over my computer!
    Nicki, I get nervous walking on paths also. I live in a very rural area and I don't like walking on the rods alone! Keep up the good work!
    Vickie, be careful you don't OD on sugar. Please use sugarless candy. I can't tell you how many of our patients have terrible tooth decay after they quit smoking. It's all the candy they suck on!!
    Amber, let us know how your mom is doing.
    Liz, I hope everything is okay with your MIL.
    Ginney, sounds like you are doing great!!!
    Peggy, what a beautiful post and so true.
    Deb, I'm glad Jacob is doing well. What a tough surgery for someone so young.
    NS, gentle hugs. Get the MUGA scan. It will put your mind to rest. I'm sorry you are having such a tough time. Chemo sucks!
    CY, stay strong! Good luck with your MRI and your meetings.
    Denise, pffftt!!!
    Amy, DH always loves his butt pinched. I do it every single day . Brag away on the boy!! I'm sure the concert was wonderful.
    MB, camping in the snow???? Brrrrrr!!!!
    Suz, kids always have meltdowns when they come home from college. They can't adjust to living under your roof again.
    Madison, no, it was pinched, not pierced !

    We were at my son's for the youngest GS 2nd birthday party yesterday. I realized that this will be the last bithday that I will celebrate with them, since they are moving to Florida. Seeing the sale sign out front really hit home with me. Then the other son, with the twins, told me that his MIL would no longer watch the girls when his wife worked. Just two days and week. He asked if I could do it. I'm 34 miles away! I told him that I just don't have the energy that I did before dx, so I physically just can't manage. I offered to help pay for daycare 2 days a week. Silly me, I had no idea how much that costs!! We are going to be putting out almost $400.00 a month and that's just half the cost!!! How can mothers afford to work? Everything goes to childcare. She needs to keep her job, since she works for Aetna and has great benefits. My son is a teacher in a private school and doesn't make much.
    I'm sorry to rant on, but I am feeling overwhelmed. DH is going to come home and ask me if I made my appt. for my brain MRI yet. Uhhhh, nope. I keep forgetting!
    Bugs and fishes to all! Everyone having tests and procedures today are in my thoughts and prayers!
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007
    Jankay...they would only want my brain for a pin cushin! the guy with the dreads...really cute.The pool looks great right now, my sisters isn't open yet.

    NS...this just sucks, so sorry for your spring or lack of.xoxo My hair grew back on Taxol, so keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    cheri...hurry and get well so we can dance at Pinkstock!!

    Marsha...I always went into my treatments like it was a party. I was sad to leave there. In fact when I'm having other tests done, I always stop by to say hi to the nurses. Twice a year my mom makes Pizzelles and I still bring them a tin to share. dh and I camped in the snow and loved it!! Very different and alot warmer than I expected.

    Life is crazy in my tent, computer again is acting up but no money to replace so I just sneak in at work to read.
    All of you are in my prayers and heart...Love to all. xoxo
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Jan, Heck, I think pierced rear sounded more exciting that pinched. Okay, so hubby had a pinched rear. (See it does NOT sound as exciting)

    Great pictures Z, looks like you had a grand ole time.

    We are going to have to get Theresa a new antenna for her tent so she can use her computer at home.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Madison, Oh, it's exciting!!! How would he sit if he got his butt pierced?? Ouch!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Afternoon all

    I still haven't caught up! Not sure I'll be able to today either. Just know that you guys are always in my thoughts and prayers. Haven't heard anything about the MRI. I'll call tomorrow if they don't. Still think it's implant related though.

    Thinking of everyone who is having tests or waiting or anticipating them. Also, those of you in chemo - I know it's tough but try to focus on those creepy cells dying off.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007

    Liz, sending all kinds of good vibes your way! I'm sure it's nothing. Let us know when you get results.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi Friends!

    Thanks for helping me survive the weekend with my VERY ACTIVE GD! Your pictures cracked me up! Like Lisa said, Menopause is for a purpose!!!! Actually, I loved it..well most of the time. DS and SIL had a good time and I got to spend time, LOTS OF TIME with my GD..that was the whole purpose.
    I've been reading off and on all morning, and I confess that I can't catch up with everything that I missed. I'm so sorry. But, hey, I'm back and alive and ready to jump in from here!!

    OMG! The Counter top installer people called Saturday afternoon and told us they had completed making the tops and would be installing Tuesday! Now, I'm excited to get them, but some warning would have been nice! DH has to disconnect all the plumbing.....(I hear a joke there!) appliances and remove the old Counter tops. What a mess! Of course this was being done yesterday while GD was here. My Kitchen and Living Room are open, only separated by an open staircase to the walk out..Good excuse not to clean today!

    Tricia: I hope your appts go without a hitch. Onc today and PS tomorrow, right? Onwards with the surgery and be done! Like your attitude!

    Cy, Puppy and Laura: I believe you all have appts today. Wishing you the best...hope you didn't mind all of us giggling in the waiting room. It's Vickie and Madison....when they get together!

    Gina: Glad to hear from you but sorry you're beat down. Someone put it great when they said, Chemo is kicking your butt, however you are kicking Cancer's butt!

    Shel: You are being to hard on yourself. I know, cuz I have always been and still am that way with myself. I hate the way I look, don't like my body, have no friends to do things with, the list is endless. And the best is that I always think people don't like me!! What you wrote to Gina was very good.

    Nicki: Another Cold? Hope you are feeling better cuz I need for you to fly in and help me plant my "raised flower bed!" DH built it for me and he is the Gardner of the group, but I have to prove to him that I can do this thingy!I bought some Ornamental Grass yesterday, but don't know what else I want to put in it.
    I loved the pic of me after my weekend!! Perfect!
    I missed what happened in Chicago and about you staying off the beaten path. I'm sure it was bad...but what happened?

    Madison: DH still sick...not good. Hope he get's feeling better, and I hope you don't have a breakdown listening to whining!!
    A certificate for babysitting Grand Children! I love it..Shall we venture into the Business?!

    Marsha: You are such a upbeat person..even when you're down! Glad we've had the chance to get to know you, even though I wish none of us had to meet.
    Today is a gift that is why it's called true.

    Shokk: Anticipation of the DD coming home..I remember the fighting, yelling and bickering days very well. You can come hide out in my closet anytime you need a break! I never thought about not taking Vitamins. Now you've got me thinking. I stay away from any Estrogen Crap, but what Vitamins aren't we supposed to take>

    Colleen: Your 3 month check up and Mammo on Wed., I wish I had an answer for staying calm. Even though you will be fine, the fear is still there. We'll be there, I hear Cheri will be back on the Magic Carpet by then!

    JanKay: I would take that as a compliment that they want you to donate your Brain! Kind of a wierd request...but I guarantee you that NO ONE has ever nor will they ever request any part of my Brain! Hope they fix you up real soon.

    Puppy: That was a very nice pick me up you posted this morning! How did appt. go?

    Amy: You Brag Girl.........Your Son is great and you deserve bragging rights! I'm sure the concert was great! How's Hey Jude and family doing?

    Deb: I've really got to back up and see what is going on with you and yours. A friend of you DD had a liver transplant? And a little two year old in Grand Rapids is also having treatment? Please, fill me in a bit. Blessings to you and all of the families.

    Jan: Okay, I know that I am really behind here. But what I have pieced together is that Either your DH got his Butt Pinched and Ear Pierced or his Butt pierced and his ear pinched..can't wait to figure that one out!
    I know how hard it is to see your DS move to FL. Just think of all the visiting you can do! And I can relate to the babysitting DD works full time and GD goes to DayCare. I hate it, but I do not have the strength or energy to watch her they live 60 miles away.

    MB: Camping in the snow and love Girls with Big Toys....just what kind of Big Toys do you like playing with?

    Suz: You college DD is driving you nuts..hope it isn't a long summer for you! I think once a kid is out on their own for even a short while, we should be able to chain the house and not let them back in! (okay, it's only a thought!)

    Z: Sounds like you had a great Birthday Bash! Loved your pics! How sorry is that, the Caterers not showing up!

    Odalys: I am so sorry to hear about your friend, Liz. I see that she has been moved to the center of the circle and we have all said prayers for her. You are right in saying that you Hate the Beast.........he is plain cruel.

    Liz: Hoping you hear something about the MRI today. And I hope your MIL is okay. The added stress of a sick relative is something you (any of us) don't need.

    I have got to get going and finish atleast one of the dozens of projects I've started today....

    Love and Hugs to all,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hey Vickie,

    Forgot to ask you about the new job. Is it still sounding way to good not to take? I procrastinate about changing jobs..something about changes that scares me. But for you, I hope you take it if it is something you want! Big Salary difference!
    And congrats on not caving to the craving!

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Hi CG's
    Today went very well. I got my Oncotype results - 13!
    That translates to 8% chance of recurrance in 10 years and is considered low.
    He will start me on AI after surgery.
    Thanks for coming with me today.
    I will get caught up reading a little later.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Made it through the day. Still have the cold, but the symptoms are not as bad as I thought they would be. Maybe the Zicam is working.

    Colleen: Colleen: Of course you are scared. Cant imagine having suspicous calcifications in my good breast. I would be worried all the time. Good luck on Wednesday.

    Amy: Big Sigh!! You are so full of energy and vibrant, I forget your chemo is part of your daily life routine. No end. No counting one down none to go. I mentioned this to NS and Im being honest. I dont know what I would do if they told me I needed chemo again. So anyways, I think you are one heck of a role model for many of us. Enjoying life is being able to work in the yard, garden, and flowers. So I hope next week-end you can enjoy your yard.

    Shokk: As addicted as I am to smoking, I would never make someone else uncomfortable. So I wouldnt smoking in Restaurants etc. But man - as soon as I hit the doors, I will light up. They dont allow smoking in the prisons anymore. No choice. All those prisoners had to quit. If they were illegal? I would save that activity for something that would give me a buzz! I would definately quit then. Wouldnt have a choice. Im so weakkkkk!

    MB: Happy Anniversary to you. How many years? Oh - and just sending you


    Suz: OMG! Im laughing so hard at your story. I know it probably wasnt funny, but I could picture the whole thing and over washing dishes yet!! Had those same arguments with my 2 older sisters.

    Jankay: There are so many neurological disorders that initially get diagnosed as Parkinsons. Hoping that there is a clinical trial out there that you could take part in.

    DecC: Open up those windows and left Spring in. Let the fresh air wash away those winter blues. Today at 5 in the morning I heard the sound of a train blowing its horn. Now mind you, we dont live near railroad tracks. Its a nice soothing sound. Enjoy each day.

    Z: Well in certainly sounds like you had a great time at your Birthday bash. Your pictures made me smile. Enjoying life a bit.

    Jan: Im hooked. Ecco Domi Chianti. that is my new wine. Gave up pinot grigio. But alas - cant have another bottle til the week-end.

    Tgirl: Hello, Hi, and Howdy

    Liz: Yeps thats the way it seems to go. Have the results Monday, but then when Monday comes they are so busy from the week-end. I hope you get your results soon.

    Denise: Oh my Im laughing. Raised flower beds? I would be in heaven. Im not very good at this, but this is what I would do.

    ...Put snap dragons in the middle - as they are tall
    ...put marigolds yellow and burnt orange around the snap dragons.
    ...Outer rim, get wave petunias.

    Now if you want a more sophisticated flower bed. You help from LisaSoCal cause her flowers are awesome.

    Tricia: That is such wonderful news. Believe it or not, that oncotype test wasnt available 2 years ago. Many women had chemo that didnt need. Whoo hoo - we are having progress in this fight, but not fast enough.

    I love Sopranos - all I can say is OMG to this final season.

    Now, its time to go. Gonna get myself a cup of hot tea with a little rum - and try to sweat this bug out of me.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Hey there Denise and Z glad to see you both survived your weekends and for totally different reasons.

    Z looks like the party was a blast and does the new 14 year old man want to pay his way in life?

    Denise-I bet you had alot of fun and new countertops sound wonderful.

    Cheri-thinking of you as you ride home. I'm thinking the magic carpet would have been better than a car ride but wouldnt want you to get too excited with Mazer breathing on your neck.

    Little farm update...Peanut is almost completely better. I would say she is 95%. She is not up to playing with the other pupsters yet but at least she is not lying in mine or SO's lap 24/7 and no more pedialyte stuff every hour.
    Hey Jude is doing just wonderful. He ate a little grain over the weekend which was funny to see him eating cause it was his first taste of grain. I have got to get more pictures but time just seems to slip away.
