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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Hmmm...may have just found out what happened to all our missing girls...and to think they didn't take us along!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Oh Vickie, too....too cute. Yep, I just bet the aliens have abducted those good-looking sexy things...

    However....even if you have been abducted......BEAM ON HOME SCOTTY AND ALL....we need you and miss you.....or at least PHONE HOME....

    Lisa, beautiful baby....can we all take turns holding that precious bundle...

    Okay, hugs to everyone....I am off to try to finish an afghan tonight to get in the mail tomorrow.....

    Puppy....hang on to us...Everything is going to be A-OKAY!!!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    damn, damn, damn !!!!!!!

    the aliens descended on my house, checked me out, and left my sorry ass behind lol!

    hi to all ........... i'm finding my transition back to work and my screwed up relationship with "earl" rather difficult these days, so rather than drag ya'll down and bitching about it, i'll just send my best to everybody!

    sooooooo cool to see "cookie" back!!!!!

    i better get to bed .......... i still don't "do" 5:30 am very well ha ha!

    come to think of it .......... i don't "do" waking up very well, no matter what time it is!!!!

    take care ladies .......... i adore you all!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    how cute
    sometimes i fee] like an alien.
    No i was looking for a place to live and when i told my h he said that he would leave so the kids wouldnt be uprooted
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    I BEAT VICKI AN D NICKI wake up sunshine sisters
    scooter is reAdy for possee
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007

    Good morning Jankay, you all juiced up for the day?

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    that's for all us sexy thangs LOL!
    Good morning Jankay and Marsha...sunshine sisters that beat me this morning. I'm sure that Nicki is gonna pop in any minute too!

    Marsha...your very last chemo...congratulations and here's a happy dance for you...
    LOL...sorry ladies...he's just to funny to pass up.

    Jankay...sending you a hug this morning. Gee...mighty big of your DH. Oh that annoys me. What part of till death do us part don't they get!!! You should NEVER feel like an alien...your beautiful dammit! know you can come here and post any old thing and we wouldn't mind a bit. I was positive the aliens got you too! You are adored here and we need you... Rondab cooking breakfast? A quiet night in the circle...are we the only ones left!

    Wow...I really want a cigarette this morning for some reason...don't worry...I'll get past it but the urge is really strong and should be less by now...geez. Don't dare light up as I'm betting Cheri has a cast on her leg and would use it on me if I did!

    Cheri...I'll have my IM on if it works today so you can IM me if you or Amber want to.

    Gotta run...hungry again and gotta get to work.
    Love ya all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Well It sure seems like Im the sleepy one today.

    Hello sunshine sisters.

    Still battling the bulges with this cold. I do intend to win! Lots of head and lung congestion, but no body aches! I still think the zicam is reducing my symptoms, but not enough. I one bid snotty mess right now.

    Vickie: I am so laughing about shaving your legs. If I wear a skirt today, Im gonna have to do the same thing. Seems like the hair grew back much faster on my legs than on my head.

    Karen: Well I just want to slap your friend on the side of her head. Is she taking tamoxifen or any AI's? How does she know that losts of people take them without problems. My sister is on Aromasin. She has body aches, weight gain, fatigue and elevated BP. My mom was on Tamoxifen and I used to think she had no symptoms. But I was pretty young and blind about it. My sister told me my mom had alot of problems with it. Sometimes I just wish people would shut up!! I totally relate to your fears. Its like Im just waiting for the weight to drop on my head. I enjoy denial land alot.

    Odalys: I did get the flu shot! This is what is making me so crazy. I really believe that chemo has hurt my immune systme and I have to figure out a way to build it back up. 4 colds since November is not acceptable! I just got into this great walking routine and now I am even having a hard time with that. Im wheezing and coughing!

    Puppy: What the heck? Did the doctor say why they wanted to do a brain MRI? Were you having any symptoms like headaches or dizziness. I am so sick of needing all these tests all the time. Sometimes I wonder is there no end to this? Anyways, good luck with your doctors appointment.

    Tricia: Sounds like the appointment went good. Now onward to surgery so you can move on with your plan of treatment. I always have to wait at my PS office too. In fact, Im finding I have to wait at alot of my appointments - which makes me crazy.

    Madison: You are one busy little beaver these days. Always good to hear from you and hope everything is going well.

    Shel: I still dont know how you are doing it being a staff nurse. That is so hard. Sometimes I think about doing resource in ICU cause the money is so good, but then I remember the stress involved and I just sorta back off from that idea.

    Jankay: Im sorry to thear about you and your husband. Living with a chronic illness puts lots of stress on relationships. And your dealing with 2 beasts. Besides bc, a neurological disorder with lots of problems. Sending you a big hug today.

    Marsha: I remember my last chemo very well. It was December 3, 2005. I never felt so good in my life to walk out of that office. I felt like a gorilla pounding my chest. I did it! Now Im done with it! You will now be entering a new phase of this journey. And Im sure you will have a big smile on your face when its over.


    Well: time to take a shower and get ready for work. Hope everyone has a great day.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited May 2007
    Wow, Nickie...I thought the flu shot would protect us. You are right 4 colds in a year is not acceptable. I agree chemo has compromised our immune system and working in healthcare does not help either. We are exposed to so many germs on a daily basis. I hope your body bounces back soon.

    Marsha - Yeah, glad you finished chemo. Congratulations!

    Jankay - Oh no, sorry to hear your marriage is in trouble. Goodness, so much stress. Hang in there and please take care of yourself.

    ((((Hugs)))) to all the sisters who are having a hard time. This too shall pass.

    Okay, off to work. Have a great day everyone.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    i am trying to get jessica up for the last day of school.
    It is harder than normal believe it or not. Now the fun begins. Jacob got his first job yesterday. that is if the drug tests goes well and if it doesnt u will have to pick up and revive me. lol He will be working weekends as a cashier at krogers. Proud momma here
    wishing all well and hope that u all have a good day.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007


    Have you ever been just sitting there and all of a sudden you feel like doing something nice for someone you care for? THAT'S GOD talking to you through the Holy Spirit.

    Have you ever been down and out and nobody seems to be around for you to talk to? THAT'S GOD wanting you to talk to Him.

    Have you ever received something wonderful that you didn't even ask for, like money in the mail, a debt that had mysteriously been cleared, or a coupon to a department store where you had just seen something you needed, but couldn't afford? THAT'S GOD knowing the desires of your heart.

    Have you ever been in a situation and you had no clue how it was going to get better, how the hurting would stop, how the pain would ease, but now you look back on it. . .

    THAT'S GOD passing us through tribulation to see a brighter day.

    Do you think that this e-mail was accidentally sent to you?

    You have no idea which one of Your e-mail buddies could use a little hope today

    Dear God..

    I know you're watching over me And I'm feeling truly blessed For no matter what I pray for You always know what's best!

    I have this circle of E-mail friends, Who mean a lot to me; Some days I "send" and "send," At other times, I let them be.

    I am so blessed to have these friends,

    With whom I've grown so close; So this little poem I dedicate to them, Because to me they are the "Most"!

    When I see each name download, And view the message they've sent; I know they've thought of me that day, And "well wishes" were their for them.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Morning All,

    Off to see the wait...I don't like the flying monkeys and they just might be on the path to the wizard.

    So...I guess...I am just off to work....

    Be back later (I hope)

    Take care, thinking of all of you.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Good morning all,

    Still no word from Cheri or Amber yet??? Or Robin?? I hope that the Evil didn't do something awful to her!!! How would we ever know?

    Tricia, good luck with your upcoming surgery! It sounds like everything is moving along smoothly. Before you know it, surgery will be a distant memory.

    Vickie, your neighbor has an airplane? That he flies at 8:30 pm? The airplane thing is cool, but can't he fly that thing during the daylight hours? I swear, every time you post that Happy Dance, I laugh out loud!!

    Nicki & Vickie, my leg hair only got thin and grew slower during chemo. Lucky me still had to shave . Nicki, I can't believe you have gotten 4 colds this year. I'm almost afraid to say it out loud, but I haven't had so much as a cold since chemo. Knock on wood!!! I told my family doc that the cancer and chemo must have scared all the sick right outta my body . It's weird how people are affected differently.

    Shel, stop by to vent whenever you need to. I'm sure you will adjust to the stress of being back on the job.

    Puppy, hang in there!! You will be fine! B9 chant for you.

    I'm headed down to the exercise dungeon again . I hate exercise!!! And of course, it's laundry day. I'll check in later!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    heeeheee...didn't shave my legs...had to wear pants.
    I have pictures of the neighbors flying over our trees...I'll see if I can find it tonight and post it.
    back to work.
    love and hugs to all
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007
    Morning girls...

    Jankay...sorry for your "latest" issue, you already have too much on your plate. I agree with you last post. Lovely last post. xoxo

    Lisa...OMG she is so precious...Kiss her pretty soft head for me also. By the time she gets older, she have a sore head from all of your circle girl's head kisses!! throat is getting alittle sore...What are you doing to us all??? hehe CAN do this...just drink more....isn't alcohol cheaper than cigerattes these days anyway??

    Tricia...I see my ps next week to start my 2nd stage. I can't wait until fall, it's already been 2 years...

    Beautiful day here and although my feet are sore from yesterday, I'm taking my dog for a long walk tonight for fun
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007

    Hey CGS, aint gonna sit around waiting for the phone no more!!! It Is what It Is, and I have all of you to help me
    get over the worry!!!!!
    {{JANKAY}} Loved Your Poem! You are such a blessing!!
    Nicki, I once posted many moons ago about pain in one spot on the top of my head being so painful, the dr. told me it was stress to go get a Massage, and put me on Cymbalta! had to go off that made me a crazy woman! so they gave me
    lexapro and I LOVE MY LEXAPRO!!!! I told them at the mri. that my head hurts and has for sometime, told them what the dr. told me to do! so maybe thats why they want to see me, HMMMMMM!!!!
    Lisa, that little bundle of joy is BEAUTIFUL! gonna go for now, BBL! Puppy
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    good morning all! went to the ps this morning and he took the 2 drains out on the right side. what a differnece. the sites were gettign very irritated too so it was a relief to have them gone. the part that hurt was the monkeying around looking at them before they got pulled. Thankyous to deb and puppy and nicki for letting me know what was ahead with them. i can be such a wuss. and i did the breathe in and let it out and 20 seconds later it was over! i don't remember who told me about that technique....liz maybe?

    i need to take a nap though. feel a little washed out. hope everyone's day is going well. love to all of you.

    puppy, we are with you 150% of the way! you know that. b9b9b9b9

    lisa, new baby? i have to go back and find the post.

    didn't get to read all from yesterday and this morning, sorry. dh is spending part of the day glued to tcm for the john wayne movies and the other part cleaning up the yard. i am taking it easy.

    bye for now. bbl.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Beth, I'm glad all went well with the drains. It is quite a relief when they come out. I didn't have them when I had my mast. They put them in when I had my nodes removed. They were real annoying.

    Puppy, that's my girl!!! Keep up with the good attitude. I have to tell myself that sometimes. "It is what it is", is my favorite saying.

    A big hello to Amy, Madison, Z, Robin, Nicki, Vickie, JanKay, Suzfive, Marsha, MB, Deb, Tricia, Odalys, Shokk, Betty, Colleen, KareninDenver, Boo, Gus/Sue, Liz, CY, Anne, Christine, NS, Shel, Peggy, Margaret, SoCal, Shirley, Cheri, and Sheri. I'm sorry if I missed any of you. You are all in my heart! You are my friends!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    OK Ladies…I’m here and I have my crap marginally together LOL. I think a lot of my moodiness is just purely stress. I got a good night’s sleep last night and the stomach bug is finally gone…so I think I’m on the mend.

    We leave for the whirlwind trip to Michigan on Thursday night. I will be dealing with my in-laws…stress…flying…more stress…and we will only be gone 6 days, so I will be jet lagged and sleep deprived the whole time. I also have not seen most of these folks since I was Dx, so I will have to do the “whole story” and listen too “You look so GOOD” about a million times….I think my valium is going with me

    ANYWAY….I have been reading and keeping up, I just have not had much time to post. I have to share my own little airplane story Vic…

    Alaska has TONS of pilots. Many of them are float planes in the summer and then on skis in the winter. Both times we have a lake by the house that is used to take off and land for about 8 or 9 planes. Most of them line up their take-offs and landings over a field about 200 yards from the house. From there they can see the whole length of the lake to make sure there are no other planes or boats in the way. One guy that we call Crazy Pilot or Five O’clock Charlie (after the old MASH show) lines up on the peak of our ROOF! Not only that but he never flies over the lake first too see if it is clear. He also cuts his power down to idle and then feathers the prop as he lands….basically just gliding in, so if he has to do a go-around due to someone in the way, he slams the power back on and revs it up into the air. I have actually seen him take leaves off the big cottonwood tree at the end of the property with his floats going in for a landing. Add all this to the fact that in the summer it is light enough to fly without instruments about 20 hours a day…so these landings happen all the time when we are in bed. We will be laying there and you can hear him come towards the house and then cut the engine way back….John will say “Here comes Charlie” and I wait for the crash noise. One of these days he will just not make it over the tree and WE will have to go pluck his dead a$$ out of the field…sheesh….

    OK…I have to go. My To-Do list is longer than my arm…

    Hugs to everyone
    Deb C
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007 really is hard to keep little 8th grade intern is gone for I have to catch up on the work I was supposed to be doing and stuff that didn't get done..hehehe...but I do so love working with the kids....

    Lisa...ohhhh...i want to smooch her all over...but i'm glad its over the internet, cuz still not sure this is allergies...

    Puppy...hugs...what else can I say...more hugs

    Ok Nicki mine just oooozzes from my sinuses...not in my changing meds again...and lots more lemon....I hope you are better soon...

    Beth remember to take care of your self...

    Tricia, glad you are sharing the good news..

    Vicki...what we're supposed to shave our legs?...hmmm I say if boys dont then we shouldn't have to have your neighbor do a fly by...just have him look for all the little blue tubes in my backyard...(new trees) anywhere...I'll chill the wine and have the hot tub ready...

    ok lots to do ...prayes & hugs
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Morning to all or I guess I should be saying afternoon since its 10:50 in the hot state of Alabama.

    MB-I'm with you on the shaving leg things. Its just not fair. I think my not fair list is longer than Debs to do list but nobody listens anyway. I hate shaving and I swear my leg hairs grow before I get out of the shower.

    Nicki-hope your cold/whatever is on the mend. Did you sleep last night or did the hubby keep you awake with the TV. You need to nicely remind him that some people have to get up to go to work.

    Deb-nice to see you coming around to yourself again. Valium would be a must on that trip for sure. You will have fun and the time will fly by no doubt. Love the pilot story.

    Vickie-congrats on the no smoking and just a thought but since you skipped a day on the smoking med maybe that is why today is rougher also. I am sure it builds in your system somehow. lol,,just call me Dr. Amy.

    Cheri-hoping you made it home all safe and sound and I bet you know where every bump on the highway is by now. We sure missed you.

    Lisa-such a cute lil baby. Look at those cheeks. Shes a cutie.

    Puppy-dont freak out until you have something to freak out about and then we will let you.

    CY- thinking of you.

    Adrionna-I wish I could forget I was still doing chemo. I do have hair though because xeloda doesnt make me lose it. Only side effect is being tired and the sore hand thing. My feet dont get bad like alot of peoples do. Yep baby donkey drinks milk silly girl. He was all about the grain last night so I think he has figured it all out. He sure is a cutie. I still hug him like a newborn baby so he just better get used to it. SO gave him a big ol hug last night and he gave her the look as if to say, cant you see I am enjoying this grain and you are disturbing me. He sure is a cutie. Mazer is being sweet to him also which is good. She stil gets her hugs of course and is the first one to walk up to be loved on.

    Biker-dont forget to swing by and do my laundry since you enjoy it so much. Dont forget though that I have a stinky boy.

    tgirl-congrats on the long walk and I bet your dog will be all excited tonight for his time.

    Shel-you can vent whatever you want around here. You are beautiful dammit and dont you forget it. Who gives a rip about what "Earl" thinks. Me and mornings dont get along very well either.

    Madison-hope your work day doesnt involve flying monkeys.

    Jankay-congrats on the boy getting a job. Last day teaching for SO is tomorrow but my son doesnt get out till the 31st.

    Odalys-I got the flu shot too and I do think it helps but it might be my vivid imagination.

    Marsha-woohoo last chemo.

    Karen-yep same thoughts here even though I prefer to live in denial. Slap your friend for me, ok?
    hmm, I guess thats not very nice of me.

    Tricia-you gave me a nice visual of you walking around in the paper gown. I have been there and done that also.

    Sherndon-you must be busy today since school is winding down.

    Robin-where the heck are you?

    I thought of evilelf last night,,has anybody heard from her?

    Susan-was it you that had Robins ph#? Probably so, you are always doing nice things for people.

    ok I am off to get some work done. I am so tired these days, I swear. I fell asleep last night while SO was cleaning the kitchen and she had to wake me to go to bed. I also have this imaginary itch thing going on with my right used to be breast. I hate that feeling. There is no feeling there so how come it itches?!? Geesh, I am really whiney today I think. I must think its an all about me day.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Odalys!!!! You sweetie, I received the special gift you sent out! I'm not going to spoil it for others, but you sure did put a smile on my face!
    Thanks so much!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA......Nicki..I don't want to go plant my flowers!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hey Deb!

    Have a safe and wonderful trip. I'll pm you my number and if you want or can meet for a quick lunch or (hide away) for an hour let me know! I know we'll be within miles of each other!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Amy...its the revenge of the phantom boob. LOL...I find myself scratching thin air all the time!

    Deb...great story...that's just about what the neighbor is like (five o'clock Charlie)as I swear on of these days we'll be picking up pieces of him. We have several really large, really nice, old farms on our road and all the other farmers throw the biggest hissy fit when he gets his plane out and flies around. They swear he is doing it to show off, seeing who has new tractors, who has their fields plowed's so funny but I'm surprised nobody has shot at him yet LOL!
    lunchtime and I'm back later
    love and hugs to all
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited May 2007
    grrrrrr i posted this huge long post and forgot to copy and paste .... yep it came up invalid.....

    so anyways hubbys youngest son came on friday and everything seems to be ok so far... he is a good kid but for only being 13 he has sure had a rough life... i am hoping with some proper direction we can get him on the better path... my girls sure adore him... and he seems to be fitting in so far.... the only other thing is hubbys oldest boy ( 15) has now run away and is at hubbys sisters... omg i have no more room for another boy... i dont even have room for this one... he is staying in the travel trailer and we are looking at putting on an addition....there is 30 thousand dollars easy!!!
    i have missed so much and i miss all you ladies.... so i will try to catch up here........
    thinking of jankay, cheryl, ns, cheri and mena ...
    hey nikki do you every watch the calgary stampede????
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Morning (afternoon in some place AND 5:00 o'clock somewhere - so blue drinks on the house)...
    Made it to work ( flying monkeys)...

    Amy sending you hugs....

    Tracey, sounds like you have so much on your plate. We were getting ready to send the posse out to find you so we are so glad you posted.

    We need to hear from NS, Cheri, CY, Mena, Robin...

    Vickie, do we have the posse ready? Round-em up
    Seriously, getting worried gals.....

    Going to a cocktail and diploma reception for DD this afternoon....(I wonder if they have blue 'rinks).

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007
    Amy...hurry with the construction so we can all come down to your house for next years Pinkstock and play with all of your animals. My son is graduating this fall and wants to do his graduate studies in zooology (sp) He wants to work in zoos or parks with animals. I so hope he does so I can visit behind the scenes. that it's summer, I must but in winter...must keep warm.

    DMDeb...have a blast and head for warmer weather. xoxo medical staff is so used to me walking around. I hate to sit and they all take so long anyway. Sometimes if the room is really small, I swear I walk until I get dizzy...

    Back to to all xoxo
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    I'm here! I finanlly got some sleep!.
    Got the Dr's to sogn all of MIL's papers, the sociiacl worker ahds turned in their papers I only have one more Interview and she's in Assist\ed Living! Yeah. Now I need to go get her a bed! I have one picked out I just need to get it!

    My grandson, Hayden should have been born within the last hour. I'm waiting for Scott to get off work so we can go down there and see them!

    I got the results of the Brain MRI, NO CANCER in the brain! Yahoo!

    They changed it so I sonly do the Abraxane this week because the other impeads healing and well I'm getting the port place just before the chemo so we thought a week would be better to let that heal before I start the Avastin!

    I'm tried an more sore than I can imagine but I will get through this with all of you there to support me. THANK YOU

    Congrats Lisa I can't wait to see my new grandbaby too!

    Yeah I see Cookie has popped in! I told you we missed you!

    OK HAVE TO Skim through as I'm runniong out of time

    Liz hopefully it's just scar tissue that you can message and break up so it goes awy but since the MRI doesn't show anything I'd see the PS to make sure that's what he'd recommend!

    Pam, You crawl up in you afgan and join me by the fire we will hold you and love you and you don't have to say a thing!

    That goes for all the other sisters out here too!

    Throwing some logs on the fires to show us the light of day and give us warmth!

    Hugs & Prayers
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    OMG I forgot the stinky boy story of my camping remember NONE of these children were mine...just a small group of high schoolers...hehehehe
    we took 2 vans ( about 6-7 hour trip)...wellllll..after two days & nights in th woods, the boys in my van...took their boots off and slept that way alll the way home....eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww,,,,,,talk about stinky boy smell....

    Cy so good to see you....

    Amy I'm with Tgirl ...pinkstock08 down south....

    ok back to still try tocatch up...leave for a few days and work is backed up but even worse...keeping up here is so hard...
    take care hugs MB