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  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Where the H is my post? I posted after MB, a long one too..It said it went through..
    Talked to all of you, whined about a couple of things, told a couple of stories..
    If you find it floating in CyberSpace, please send it back here where it belongs!
    That makes me mad..I thought I was ahead of the game..had some time this afternoon and spent it with all of you and now that DH is due home..POOF, it's gone and so are the notes I took. I always shred them when I'm done with them.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Dang, special messages for several of you, too. Marsha, Cy, Puppy..I'll try to re-write tonight. I'm thinking of all of you!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    uh huh we believe you Denise,, uh huh,,sure we do.


  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007

    I believe you Denise! LOL Thanks anyway for thinking of me. It has been a big day for. Marsha

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Denise, I think it is the flying monkeys from Oz....or those aliens that Vickie mentioned that have all our posts that go poof.....
    However, I don't like those flying monkeys so Dorothy will have to get our posts back from poof-land.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Marsha! You are done today!!!! I raise my Duck Fart to you!

    CY, thank God, no brain cancer. Giving you a big (((((HUG))))). Welcome little Hayden into the world and give him a big kiss from all his "aunts" .

    Amy, I raised two boys and your post made me have a flashback to that indescribable boy stink. The memory of that never fades. They played football and the smell coming from their gym bags was rank! Why do boys have that special smell? Even when they're not dirty?

    MB, eeeeeeeewwwwwwwww!!!! I can't imagine. My son's feet stink so bad sometimes, they could peel paint. And you were stuck in the van the entire time.

    OK, I am seriously getting worried about Robin. If someone has her number could you please call her and see if she is OK?

    Amy, when are you going to be in Maine?
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007

    Cy....Dancing the happy dance. I'm not like Niki and can post all of these fancy things.xoxo

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Honest Mommy.....I really did do my homework. I promise..I did..I thought the Dog ate it...The Flying Monkeys took it..Honest. You want me to do it again and show it to you? That's not fair..It wasn't my fault Mom. Geez...I'm going to my room and Slamming the Door. You never believe me!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Maybe you can't post them, but I can !
    Here's your happy dance, CY!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    CY, great news.....I like the happy dances.

    Denise I believe you…. it is a conspiracy, I'm telling you-it is a conspiracy....someone OR something is taking some of our posts to Poof-land!!!! You can come out of your room. HOWEVER, if the flying monkeys are anywhere near your area....stay in your room....those monkeys are mean!!!! They scare me.....Yikes, open the door and let me in your room.....there they are!!!!

    Jan, Yes, I'm also worried about Robin....I think it has been a week since she posted.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    denise, I have already tried to convince everybody that my post went awry. This is a tough crowd here. They won't believe it. I believe you though. Poor dear. stop pouting now. like a good girl. maybe we'll take you out for icecream later.

    haven't heard from Robin. haven't heard from Cheri. sometimes girls need to rest up.

    CY well that's really good news.

    Puppy, you hang in there. The reason your head is sore is because you keep hitting yourself!!!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    ok Denise you convinced me, I believe you. I'm so easy.

    BikerJan-leaving on June 30th coming back on July 8th or at least thats the dates right now. Best get our butts in gear and get the tickets or we wont be going anywhere. Flying to Maine is very expensive.

    No no no,,not the flying monkeys!!!

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    To all the beautiful CG's:
    image Here is Za Zette's wagon slowly making its way back to the circle.
    I've been absent. I miss you all terribly. I've been trying to catch up, but man, it's been real hard. Work is kicking my a**! Negotiations are not going well. But I'm sneaking in here to say HI!!! I hope all of you are well, I will read and catch up later and see what's going on.

    Until I can get back here:
    I hope you woke up this morning with a big smile on your face I hope the sun is shining just for you
    and the birds are singing their very best songs...

    I hope your coffee is hot and tastes just right
    and the cats are purring contentedly, and the mailman waves a cheery hello and there are no bills in the mailbox...

    I hope just everything goes your way ...
    I hope everything is well with your world,
    a place for everything and everything in it's place...

    I hope you can enjoy all you do and you are
    complimented on the way you look and you can laugh
    and talk and share to your heart's content

    I hope you have all you wish for yourself and those dear to you, and all your dreams come true...

    At the end of the day
    I wish you a perfect moon shining just for you,
    a snug and cozy bed with the softest of pillows
    and I hope you sleep like a lamb with a smile on your face...

    I hope you have a perfect end to the perfect day
    and I hope that every day is just as wonderful in it's own way I hope your day is ... filled with love!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Eveing Everyone! Well this darn cold is interfering with my walking. Im whining about it. I cant believe Im sick again. I really think it is because of the nautre of my job. I evaluated 3 different people today at different hospitals. All of them have pneumonia. I must be picking up some nasties. Im realy religious about washing my hands, but Im fed up with this. Grrrrr!

    Jan: Not only have I had 4 colds, but bronchitis each time. Thats how I broke my ribs in the first place.

    Tgirl: Hope its just a sore throat!!

    Puppy: Now I understand and I wouldnt be as worried. They do probably want to see you cause of lots of issues. Lexapro is a good friend of mine also.

    Beth: Finially - the drains are out. I dont know how you lasted with them this long, I was lucky mine came out about the 5th day post op. Once I was healed enough to swim - which was about 4 weeks after surgery, I started swimming. Great way to exercise your arms to get full range of motion.

    Amy: Oh my goodness I laughed when I read your post. Yes I did get some sleep last night AND when I woke up at 5:00am I put the TV on. Said I wanted to hear the weather and traffic. If I were a little kid, I would have stuck my tongue out at my DH.

    DebC: Oh I cant imagine having to deal with family that I hadnt seen since dx. I would be sucking my thunb the whole way.

    Denise: Get out an plant your flowers. Its therapetic.

    MB: It must be allergies for you. Just as bad - but no cough.

    CY: OMG! that is wonderful news. You must have been so worried - and no so relieved. Whew - then catch my breath - a new baby grandson! This is a good day for you. Finially some relief with the assisted living. Anyway, Im dancing for you.


    Tracey: And where have you been missy? I sure have missed you. I dont know what the calgary stampeded is, but I do know some good wrestlers come from Calgary.

    Susan: Howdy

    Z: Its tough trying to keep up when work is busy. Sometimes we just have to do fly bys.

    Everyone else, I love ya - but time to go.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Flying monkeys, duck farts, happy dances and'll be back later when its a bit sane it ever really is!!
    Actually have to fix dinner then I'll check back in again.
    I see we found Tracey! Now its Mena, Robin, Shel, Cheri, hmmm...who else are we missing....
    SHOKK...uh oh...haven't seen her either!!!
    love to all
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Ladies!! Just got home from my afternoon at Dana Farber, and don't have time to read as I'm supposed to be at Warren's baseball game in exactly 7 minutes but....

    calcifications unchanged! can wait a year before next mamm!
    bloodwork for liver in normal range!

    I can't believe it, I was just bawling and bawling (I tend to cry more when I am happy/relieved than when I am sad or scared) I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

    Will come back and read tonight. Hoping for similar good news for everyone having tests.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    GREAT NEWS Colleen......

    Vickie, Yep--flying you still have the ruby slippers?
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Hi CGs..thanks for all the good wishes with my is funny after three boys and a grandson all I can say is "he" slap my hand!!!
    Vickie..we constantly have border patrol helos streaming over our house...hmmmmmm. I also have that revenge of the phantom boob...hahaha
    Waiting for CY to get back from the hospital seeing her grandbaby...
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007

    Great news posted the same time I did and I missed it!!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Nicki, I think it is your job making you sick. Its almost the same as teachers being around kids in winter and getting all their colds.

    Lisa -- congrats on the new granddaughter. She's beautiful!

    Vickie -- does your neighbor have a license to have a landing strip that close to other houses????

    Well, work has kept me busy. My company is being sold they just announced and I just got moved to a new department so things are a bit of chaos right now.

    I'll be back later.
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007

    Great news CY

    Congrats on all grandkids. Love seeing the pictures.

    Nicki, take care with that cold. I'll bet your picking up those germs at work. When used to work with little kids every week, I kept a nasty cold thing going alll winter. I always blamed it on the kid germs.

    I'm on my second glass of wine and feeling pretty mellow.

    WE have company staying with us on Friday night. Tony is vert involved with Kiwanis. He has been working at starting a new club in Mountain City, VA. Their Charter night is Friday night. The Gov. of the district will be there and he and his wife will spend Friday night with us. Then my sister and DH will be coming through on their way from AR to ME. I'm so looking forward to seeing her. We're eight years apart. I was the baby. But we've grown close as time went by. She came for about ten days after my mast. I had to have some more nodes removed while she was here and it was so good to have her here.

    I'm probably misspelling everything. Don't care. hehe WIne is real good.

    Love you guys.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    cg's jankay here
    i am glad that everyone is getting good reesults.
    Sis is hear fixing meatloaf and mashed potatoes. smells good anybody interested in supper.

    call when the possee is ready to go after awols sisters
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007
    i just checked the Crossville, TN news and nothing in there about Robin. Jankey, better fire up that scooter. TN CGs need to take care of each other.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Thank you for FINALLY believing me! I'm coming out of my room cuz you promised me Ice Cream and this crazy diet doesn't USUALLY allow it!

    Just a quick will be quick cuz my recap doesn't work very well!

    Seems like we are finally getting some "good news" around here. Cy, Colleen, Puppy?, Beth, Marcia..YEA to all of you.
    New Babies being born..How great is that?!

    Jan: Don't remember what I wrote to you.
    Amy: I remember talking about wanting to see the Asses! Wish you weren't so far away, I'd take myself a little trip and pop in and do some hugging on them!
    Madison: Flying Monkeys!! They got me..come on over, my bedroom is safe! I remember telling you to have a good time at your DD Cocktail and Diploma Reception, and not to have to many Blew Rinks..then I said, atleast there would be some Lawyers around if you did get yourself in trouble!
    Marsha: I know I congratulated you on NO MORE CHEMO!
    Tricia: I was so happy that your PS appt went well and as a bonus..she is nice! Pretty soon you will have a matching set and a tattoo, also!!

    Nicki: I did plant my stuff! Mostly plants and ornamental grasses, gotta get some flowering fill-ins.

    Vicki: I don't remember all that I said to you, but I know I had something to say about your Neighbors flying skills!

    Okay, I am forgetting to many and that always makes me feel bad. I'm thinking that when the Monkeys fly home...I'm gonna spank some Monkeys Butt. Unless they have my post with them!

    I have a New Client...history of strokes, COPD, Hypertension, Diabetes, BiPolar, CHF, and Obese. I'm sure I have left a few things out. Been there twice...and she has gone to the Hospital twice for Pnemonia and Bronchitis since I've been there. She appears to be nice, but when she talks she turns her head and whispers..Oh yea, did mention hard of hearing? She doesn't cover her mouth when she coughs and it is driving me insane. (no pun intended!) She is only 62! Anyhow, why am I not looking forward to our visit tomorrow?!

    Okay, when I sign off I'm going to remember everything I forgot...but by the time I sign back on...well you understand!

    Oh yea, The MI Race For A Cure is June 16. Nancy (Sphnx?) got a team together for us and so far we have 42 walking!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    oh I soooo want a cigarette tonight.
    So I see we have good news in the circle today...
    wait...forgot my Chantix...
    I'll be back!
    geez I'm brain dead ladies!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    whew...I'm back...oh geez...Nate got a book today to make balloon dinosaurs with all the guessed it...I'll be back.
    love ya all
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007

    Hang in there. You can do it!!!! (the cigs) not the dinos!!!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Vickie, noooooooooo cigs!!!! Go make balloon animals with Nate!

    JanKay, can I come for dinner?? I love meatloaf, but hardly ever make it. Don't know why.

    We have lots of good news in the circle tonight. New babies, good scans. Life is good. Stop and smell the new baby!

    Nicki, take care of that cold. I'm enjoying my second glass of wine (like Betty) and life is good. I'm trying to get my liver conditioned for the "drunkfest" this weekend . That will be much harder liquor. Vodka, Jack Daniels, and Mimosas in the morning. Yeah, a bunch of hard-ass bikers drinking Mimosas . It's kind of a tradition. I have no idea why!

    It's time to go watch TV and spend quality time with my wonderful DH. Good night, friends.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007

    I'm right there with you. Don't know what's up with me tonight. I've had three glasses of wine. But I think I might be ready for a party this weekend!!!!
