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  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007

    Nicki, you mean so much to all of us....please, please take care of yourself!!!

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007
    Niki...maybe just a bad chest cold? That's my vote. And thanks, my throat feels much better.. See you are a great nurse.oxox
    Spending the day on the road touring nurseries looking for plant stock, so have a great day. Love to all.

    ps I really think we have a "love connection" with our new little kids who are just so beautiful...Don't they arrange marriages at birth??
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    I have read every post, but have to leave for work now, jst want to chime in with a plea to Nicki to take care of yourself. I am so sorry you keep getting sick, but you must not ignore a serious symptom. Hugs to you.

    I will keep reading and post this evening. I have so much work to do to get ready for the time off I will need for surgery.
    Hope you all have a good day!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Just wanted to post this from yesterday. my favorite infusion nurse removing the needle from my port for the last timne!!!!!!!! Yes that is a big ole smile on my face! bbl to catch up.


  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Way to go Marsha! You'll look like this in no time ----> image
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    Marsha whooo hooo....ok but the chia head..hmmm...I'm thinking more a model...hugs
    Vicki...keep up the great cigs...
    JAz as make me smile...and the yarn was perfect, goes with all the little bits I have left...thanks& hugs...
    Colleen, men make up their minds...hmmm...well I know you will be there in spirit...thanks for keeping us posted..and take care of yourself
    ok I just love the babies....guess I need to talk to my kids....can I borrow one till I'm a gramma again?...
    Tricia, glad your keeping us updated...take care...
    Jankay..I just love your stories, thanks for sharing....
    ok must go bak to work...
    Madison, hugs
    Tgirl...looking for plant stock....hmmm..I need a few more trees...apples and a plum or two
    hugs MB
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Morning!

    I was just going to read this morning and not log usual, dragging my feet leaving for work! I had to log in after I saw Marsha's picture!

    Marsha: That is the best picture and smile that I have seen in along time!!!! It actually brought tears to my eyes!

    Nicki: I don't follow advice well, but I'm great at giving it. You know you have to get checked out. You've probably just pulled your chest wall from coughing, or possibly fractured another rib............find out, we need you.

    Cy: Hayden is Beautiful!! I can't wait to start planning the wedding. You and Lisa as InLaws! I see a "Reality TV" show in our futures! I'm always trying to make money for us!

    Vickie: You want a baby? Go ahead..I just saw on the news that a 60 year old woman had twins yesterday!!!!

    I really have to run...Love to all!

    p.s. The flying Monkey pic that Nicki posted..look closely at the one with the little Monkey on it's back......he's the one that stole my post last night!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Oh my the flying monkeys are back!
    Left my ruby slippers in my wagon and have to get to work...just wanted to say
    NICKI...get yourself checked just to be on the safe side. Everyone is right...we need you here!!!
    Love and hugs to all
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited May 2007
    good morning ladies!!!!!!!!!

    nikki get yourself looked at plzzzzzzzzzzzz!

    marsha you look marvelous!

    ok ladies i need to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    its friggin snowing here!!!!!!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Snow???????????? At the end of May????????????? But we're supposed to be in the middle of global warming! I'm just sayin......
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007

    Tracey I sooo can relate,,these old bones are still aching from tenting in the snow in May no I was in NY...ok get the plate glass and lei and find a grass skirt...<<<singing some Hawaii music>>> for you to dance by....hugs...

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited May 2007
    Man your battlestations girls!

    All the new babies are SO PRECIOUS!!! Congratulations grandma Lisa and grandma cheryl!!

    MARSHA I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! I don't think I will ever make it to that day! You look GREAT bald. Man, what I would give not to look like a guppy and look like you!

    Cheri is home and ok?
    It is snowing in places???

    Looks like global cooling to me Jaz!

    Well I had my third Adria yesterday and got really sick from it. I have emergency suppositories to take, but since I am having a problem in that area due to the adria I am not allowed to use them.

    I spoke to them about my symptoms of heavy legs, shortness of breath, etc. and they ordered me a MUGA right away. They want me to get it as close to my next infusion as possible so my numbers will be up.

    I went shopping to stock up on food for this chemo session and I woke up yesterday to get ready to have breakfast before chemo and do you know what I did? I put the boxes of cereal INSIDE the refrigerator and the half-gallon of milk ON TOP of the refrigerator. It was there all day and all night. EWW!!

    Well- neulasta time. Also going to load up on more BBs for my Red Ryder if we are having a intrusion of Flying Monkeys!

  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited May 2007


    We always think we can heal ourselves, seriously though, get going!!

    and YES, I am shouting at you !!

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Nicki "Chemosabi" (yes that is your mothers voice, when she is mad and uses your whole name!) Get to the doctor girl! Listen to what happened last night at the weekly BNO:

    All the broads are sitting around my house on the lanai and Tina gets up to go to the bathroom. A few minutes later we hear her shouting "OMG, OMG help me, somebody help me, OMG". We all go running in there and she is laying on the floor in front of the toilet. Totally disoriented. No clue where she is or who we are. I get down and said "Tina, you are at BNO. It's Marsha, you are at my house. She clears some we get her on the toilet, she is clammy, sweaty, confused and has peed on herself. One broad is calling 911 and Tina says NO NO I'm fine. Don't 911 me. Let me tell you what happend. So we get her back outside, she said she felt faint as she was trying to get her pants off. We put a wet rag on her, she's breathing heavy and finally admits her heart is racing. That was it. I called 911, she's getting pain in the left arm, we are freaking out. Ambulance comes, taking her out, my DH (who has been out playing music) turns down our road and absolutely has his own heart attack, sees it's Tina on the stretcher, feels relief, then guilt for gfeeling relief (his own kind of "new normal"). So we got to the ER (I know I shouldn't be t here) and wait 2 hours, she had been throwing up early in the day and was projectile vomiting in the ER. EKG: normal, CT on head: normal blood work: normal, but low potassium. Her blood pressure got to be under 100 for a moment. They sent her home saying some kind of panic attack (??????????) This morning she still has vertigo. But is seeing her doc this afternoon.

    GO TO THE DOCTOR NICKI.......Hugs, Marsha
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Nicki - please go to a doctor, please!

    G - So sorry you're feeling sick from the red devil, I wish there was something I could say or do to make it better for you. One more to go after this right - you can do it sister, hang in there!

    shokk - hope you're reading and that you're doing OK
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    OK Nicki----I have a thousand things to do today but i will be on this damn computer ALL DAY nagging you and checking to see if you listened....GO TO THE DOC RIGHT NOW!!! I have my mom voice out, my wooden spoon in my hand and a VERY stern look on my face young lady. How mad at DH were you when he said he had chest pains but did nothing????Get thee to the doc now. Today.

    OK lecture you get a hug, an extra cup of coffee...hell, a glass of wine if that's what it takes....Please, please, please....go

    Love ya tons, so go
    Deb C
    be back in a minute....
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Morning Circle girls,

    Nicki-ok missy what would you tell us if we had those symptoms? I can see you standing there shaking your italian finger forcing us to go to the ER or doctor. I dont think you would be very happy for any one of us to ignore those symptoms. If I knew your cell phone # I would be calling and nagging you instead of typing this.

    NS-glad to see you stopping by. Chemo sucks but you will be done before you know it and I feel most certain you do not look like a guppy. Besides, whats wrong with a cute lil guppy. You are you and you are beautiful dammit. Its too freaking hot for a wig anyway.

    Tracey-speaking of hot, I wont say that too loud for you to hear since you are dealing with snow. Geesh, snow in May, go figure.

    BikerJan-I was getting ready for my party this weekend also by drinking last night. Cant drink tonight cause will do bloodwork tomorrow so gotta be good. Its not like my oncologist doesnt know that I drink though. Heck sometimes I think its what keeps me sane through all of this.

    Jankay-you sure made me hungry for some good meatloaf and mashed taters. mmmmm, sounds good but not sure I could get to TN on my lunch hour.

    Marsha-woohoo, you look great girl. Who couldnt be happy by seeing that smile on your face. What did you decide to do for the wonderful nurses.

    tina-good advice to Nicki and great to see you.

    Adrionna-you can come see my ass,,oh I mean asses anytime. They love to be hugged on and so do the goats. We raise big ol babies at our farm.

    Cy-wow what a cutie! You sure look like a proud grandma. You are in my thoughts.

    Tricia-dont work too hard. It will be there when you get back.

    Sherndon-glad you heard from you son. I bet he was so excited to be doing something like that. He will be fine mom, hes a big boy.

    Robin-still looking for you!

    Mena-thinking of you!

    tgirl-I would be broke if I drove around to nurseries all day. I would find so much that I needed at my home.

    MB-babies are cute,,I have an almost 13 year old if you want to borrow him. Stinky boy smell and all. It comes as a package deal.

    oops xeloda kicking in brb.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    ok made it,,phewwwwwwwwwwww.

    Dont you hate it when you need to run to the bathroom but you know if you run gravity will not be on your side.

    ok TMI,,,ha ha ha!

    no big farm news. Everybody is doing well. Peanut is back to 100% so that means we can be sound asleep and then all of a sudden you get a small little wet tongue on your nose and then she moves on. Its almost like she wakes up and wants to say hey mom I love you. Very sweet but not a great waking experience. I am so glad she is better though. I was worried about the lil pupster.

    ok off to get some work done. My desk is a mess. NO big deal though, it will probably be a mess tomorrow also.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    hey ladies,
    popping in quick before lunch. Gee a meatloaf sandwich and leftover mashed potatoes sound really good. Can't get to Jankay's on my lunch hour either!
    Gina...sending big hugs to you! Only one to go! You're really getting there and I hope all is well with the test. I'll get you some bb's for your red rider (I think Nate has some extra's).
    Tracey...SNOW...oh my...come bunk with me for a couple days...the sun is actually shining here which is unusual. 88 degrees!!
    Marsha...Love the picture...what a happy moment!
    Tina...woohoo...popped right in there and gave Nicki the "what for"...good for you! How are you?
    Hey Deb...hows the weather there?
    Umm...Shokk...when you say "see ya later alligator" it means your supposed to come back! Where are you? I see no tornado's on the weather map so it isn't the weather keeping you away.
    Iris...sending you a big old hug...just because.
    ok...Like MB, I am supposed to be working so back to it I will go.
    Later all
    Love and hugs
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited May 2007

    I literally have two minutes before I have to go to a meeting with my son's school, so I checked in here to keep my mind from spinning.

    Nicki, PLEASE call the doctor. Chest pain is not something to screw around with! Sending big hugs your way.

    CY and Lisa, your grandchildren are gorgeous! Seeing those babies makes me sad that I went ahead with my ooph...

    Ok, gotta go -- wish me luck! Have I mentioned lately that dealing with this stuff at the schools really sucks???

    Be back later after I've had some wine..

    Love to you all!!!!
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited May 2007
    Hi All,

    I'm back, and doing a little better. The service for my Dad was very comforting. The sanctuary was just packed, with both people and love. Thanks to all who sent condolences.

    Of course, since I missed a few days at work, I am swamped, so no time to read and catch up. Maybe this weekend. Crossed fingers for those waiting test results, hands held for those enduring treatment and tests, and the happy dance for those with good news. And bugs and fishes to all.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Anne nice to see you have returned and you have been in my thoughts over the loss of your father. Bugs and fishes back at ya.

    Gus-thank goodness school is almost over right? Hope the meeting goes well.

    Betty-you sure made that wine sound good and I am not a wine drinker. Not a milk and orea person either btw.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Sneakin' in behind ya again, Amy

    Nicki, get your stubborn Italian butt to the doctor!!!!!!! If one of us acted like that, you'd have our hides!!! GO!!

    CY, what a gorgeous baby!! Smell his head for me too. I'm like Deb, a long time baby sniffer.

    I'm at work and didn't take notes . I wish I could take all of you along on the Drunkfest!!! Nicki, we do drink Mimosas, but also Bloody Mary's. Believe me, I have the fixin's packed! I will post some pics. I'll check in when later on.

    Cheri's home!!!!! YAY! Post when you are feeling up to it. Janny has missed you.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Hola chicas.........como esta usted?.....I really hope everyone is doing well.....first I will try and catch up then I will tell ya'll whats been going on the last few days.......first (((((Pam))))) you don't have to say anything but please come on in the inner circle and sit next to Denise.......she will take good care of you.....mhmhmh......Nicki is in trouble but know she is in trouble when Tina pops in....why do nurses cause so much trouble when its about their own health????Lets see wasn't it Nicki that was all up in her dh stuff just last wk when he informed her he thought he had a heart attack........Vickie keep your head down......I think if I had a neighbor buzing the neighborhood with aircraft I would be back in my closet........Amy Tucker plays the violin......ahhhhhhhh......why get he play the violin and the guitar.........its just money and lessons and girls and loud music and amplifers.....sure Nicki could fill you in on the joys of living with a guitar we have some new grandbabies in the house??.......congrats Lisa and Cy........(moving DebC over to get a whiff of new baby smell)(((Shel)))))(((((Anne)))))........Cy great news on the brain can kick so liver mets ass.......Liz still wondering....hope everything is ok......ok gals.....brb....promise Vickie.........

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    yeah yeah I kno wI'm supposed to be working...hmmm and boss is even

    Ok AMy send the stinky boy up....lots to do and it would give you a vacation...we have cool cars and go on cruise in's all the time, he could come to work with me too...if you don't want him traveling him and mail
    Anne,,,wow I missed so much...just know my prayers are with you..and that every angel we have looking after us keeps us safe...

    Ok off to figure out how to bottle baby smell...hehehe the good ones...
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Still catching up.......looks like Z had some party....I don't even know 60 people........let's see it seems we have a new law school graduate......Madison when is your daughter going to take the bar?.......if she is going to be licensed to practice in NY then maybe she can be on call for Pinkstock....ha.......congrats Mom......your name should be on the law degree also........Jankay I am sorry to hear that things are so difficult at home.....let me say this my ex and lived apart for 4 yrs before we really did make my life so much easier.....your courage amazes me on a daily basis......will keep you in my prayers.....Betty good to see you.......Jan and Colleen I always enjoy reading your posts........((((Sheri))))))hope the appointment goes well today and you get some answers..........((((((Cheri and Amber))))))love both of ya'll......its good to know that Cheri is in such good hands.......Theresa good luck with the brb.....

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Ok back.......Marsha congrats on finishing Thursday will be my 1 yr anniversary from my last chemo....geez......anyway Alwayshope good to see you.....I'm not sure why but I always find comfort in your posts......Tricia keeping you in my are going to be just ok????Got drains?........glad to hear those have been pulled.....I know I haved missed some but am going to address NS in my next post......brb.......

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Ns I have to admit that last wk when you posted about shaving your head before you lost all your brought a smile to my lips......I'm sorry......but sweetheart you so remind me of my oldest child.....she will not back down about tell her she can't do something it never is an order but a challenge.....You and cancer remind me of two rams on the side of a moutain ramming their heads together trying to take the other one why do I imagine that Gina decides that ok cancer is going to cause me to have to do chemo again but it is not going to take my hair.....I will have controll in when I lose my hair and I am going to shave it cancer responds to...ha...then I am going to make it that you are in the 1 % that doesn't lose their hair and you shaved your head for nothing......Gina you are the remind me so much of "Mary Richards" on the Mary Tyler Moore determined.......not at all scared to tell cancer f/u........(sorry girls)you didn't get me the first time and your not going to get me this time.......I love you sweetheart.......glad your getting the heart are going to be just fine........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Susan why do my knee caps hurt??????Could it be the neulasta or as the last time I saw a nurse and was complaining about the knee pain she goes oh it probably is a result of the neulasta or what we like to call "painlasta".....what the hell..........anyway she reasurred me that it was very important for my health to take the brb.......another storm today...maybe hanging out in the closet this afternoon.....

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    wooohooo...Shokk isn't missing after all. LOL.
    ok...only have a minute...lots of work to do but I have spent the entire day pushing my prosthesis's back down in my bra! Finally got sick of worrying about the damn things falling out so I googled mastectomy bra's and guess what...Amoena is having an overstocked sale...check it out girls...I got four bra's on their way! Woohoo...retail therapy.

    A lot of what is left is larger sizes but there are smaller sizes too so good luck!
    Love and hugs