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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Ok...back again. No cigarette and I did manage to make a dinosaur...thanks Betty!
    Eight days today and truthfully hadn't really thought to much about a cigarette till I sat down tonight. Just a habit and a trigger that I need to overcome and I will.
    Tracey...just stack them kids up like cordwood. LOL. Glad that things are going are probably just what the poor kid needed.
    Jankay...oh supper sounds good...I love mashed potatoes and meatloaf!
    Alwayshope...yup the neighbor has a license. He isn't all that close to my house but he has to fly so low to reach his landing strip that it's pretty darn spooky. I need to find the picture. It's amazing!
    Cheryl...congratulations on the MRI...we are always here to help you and give you a hug. Anytime at all!
    Amy...your easy?!? LOL...what's this I hear that you are going to finish construction and have Pinkstock at your place next year LOL! Having serious issues with the ghost boob tonight...I think you put the thought in my head and I can't stop scratching mid air.
    Flying monkeys still I see...well here's our cure for them
    Now...just say "there's no place like home" three times and tap your heels more flying monkeys! I know...I know...I was supposed to return the ruby slippers I just haven't gotten there yet! I only borrowed them you know. (I still have the toilet too LOL).
    Beth...I am so glad the drains are out. It was such a relief for me to finally have them gone! Hope you rest a bit more comfortably now.
    Lisa...isn't the phantom ghost boob the weirdest thing! It's really annoying.
    Colleen...yeah for good news. I cry at good news too. Well...truthfully I cry at everything. What can I say.
    Marsha...A GREAT BIG YIPPEE FOR YOU...NO MORE CHEMO!!!! What is your next step? You know we are with you and holding your hand whatever it is.
    Cheri...I miss my cyber drinkin bud...hope your feeling better soon. Sending you a hug.
    Mena...come tell us how you are.
    Robin...what can I say? Looks like you haven't made the news so Evil must still be kicking. Just wish we knew where you were. Gonna get this posse moving pretty soon.
    ok...gonna go try my hand at painting...chickened out last night. It's been a long time since I've painted anything but I have to get this painting done for my DD birthday. She may end up with a gift certificate LOL.
    Love ya all and sweet dreams to all if I don't come back tonight.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    whoa'll have to join us in the cyber party thread this weekend!

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    It sounds like there's been some good news in the circle today. And newborn babies! I just love them.

    I don't have a cold, but allergies are driving me crazy! I put antihistimine eye drops in and they still itch and water like constantly. I've never had anything like this before.

    Jacob called at 11:30 pm last night to tell us he arrived in Ecuador safely. He's there to work with the government to develop computer programs to help the people in the villages better market their local (legal) products. He's been studying Spanish for about 3 years and may even teach some English classes. One of my biggest concerns for him is he has a mental illness which is controlled with medication, but Mom won't be there to check up on him. It's probably good for him, but it's hard having him so far away.

    School is unbelievable right now. I'm taking a quick break from averaging grades for report cards and filling out certificates for our awards ceremony in the morning. Then we are going to have lunch at one of the kid's house, I have an onc appt at 3:00, then graduation at 7:00. I am the 8th grade homeroom teacher, so I get the pleasure of speaking at the service. Lucky me! I am also in charge of Drama Club and they have a performance at the awards ceremony in the morning. Can you say "psycho"?

    I am hoping to really go over some things with the onc, too. I haven't felt well for such a long time! The bone aches are terrible, the lumps above my scar tissue are making me nervous. The entire right side of my chest is completely different than my left (good) side. I didn't have reconstruction, but I don't remember it being this different before. Oh, well, hopefully I'll have some answers tomorrow.

    I'm going to have to send dh over a couple of counties to buy some wine tomorrow. I will definitely want some!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Sheri -- I think it would be fun to develop a software program for you next year if you are game. Or do you already have something that will do that for you?

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007 can develop a software program!!! That is totally amazing! I'm impressed. I repair all our computers at work and fix minor screw ups but could never develop a program and actually have it work. I took HTML courses at the local college three years ago and can't remember a bit of it!
    Sheri...sending you a hug. My chest looks different on one side too and my oncologist said it was normal. Just is nearly done and you can get a much deserved break!'s off to bed for me.
    Love and hugs to all
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007
    Yeah, I'm definitely ready for the weekend. Boss comes back to work tomorrow. Maybe that's what I'm stressing about tonight.

    I've switched from merlot to milk (and oreos). How sick is that? I'm figuring the SE's of arimidex already have me in "I'm not fat, I'm fluffy land" so what the heck... might as well have the wine and cookies.

    Yeah, it's sad!

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007

    Jasmine, what kind of a program would you like to develop? I would be interested, I love computers and finding ways for them to make life easier. Thanks!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Sheri -- something that could help you keep track of grades and averages or whatever you think would be helpful in your job. Are you currently calculating the averages manually? It would be very easy to write something to do that for you.

    Vickie -- yep, I can develop software programs for people. Do you have something you would like developed?
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    Hayden Josuha born 5-23-07 11:50am 7.95

    I'll post a few more in the picture thread but wanted you all to see my Grandson, isn't he handsom!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007

    Cy, he so very handsome. Give him a hug from all of us.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Oh how precious Cy!!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007 I see a matchmaker??? What a great baby ...

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Evening Ladies,

    I'm not sure where I left off, so I went back to last night - 3 pages worth!!

    Lisa - what a beautiful baby! Congrats!

    Odalys - I watched Dancing with the Stars for the very first time last night. Was just in a daze and trying not to think and it was perfect for that! I really liked it, I will definitely watch the next season!

    Puppy - praying for only good results for you, and I hear you, I pretty much suck at the whole waiting and worrying thing!

    Tricia - sounds like some good news, I hope they can get their scheduling coordinated for you, I know they're only human, but that kind of stuff makes me nuts!

    Vicki - wow! Warren would be amazed by airplanes flying over our house that low, but I'm with you, I would jump out of my skin! Glad to hear you're hanging in there with the nicotine sticks, I know from my dad how hard it is. He quit after over 30 years of smoking!

    shel - you hang in there, I hope you had a better day today and an even better day tomorrow.

    nicki - are you feeling better? I hope so!

    jankay - I'm sorry to hear you and your husband may be parting ways, that's got to be difficult, even if you both feel it's the right decision. Hang in there.

    marsha - woo hoo to no more chemo!!!

    madison - we got to the point that none of us kids were allowed to watch the Wizard of Oz (remember those days before VCRs when it was a really big event when it was on once a year?!?!) because my sister was so freaked out by the flying monkeys! To this day they remind me of her!! LOL

    jan - laundry and exercise on the same day? I'd say you need some chocolate and a cocktail to balance that out!!

    tgirl - nice to see you, I'm sure I missed a post, cause I'm not sure why your feet are sore, but I hpe you feel better soon!

    beth - glad to hear your feeling more comfortable with those drains out! They had me do the take a breath and let it out thing too, and I don't think it really does anything except distract you, but it worked for me!

    DebC - we're glad to see you hear, regardless of what state your crap happens to be in at the moment!! LOL Glad to hear you're feeling better, and of course getting a good night's sleep is always a gift!!

    MB - well, it's finally official, my ex and I figured out the summer plans for Warren and I won't be able to make it to Pinkstock :-( Now the good news is, my ex is notoriously willy-nilly, so there is a possibility things might change - I'll keep you posted.

    Amy - that is weird about the imaginary itch thing, I have heard of it though, I think it even has a name. Sorry you're so tired, try to take good care of yourself.

    tracey - how the hell are you? hope all continues to go well with your stepson, 13 is a tough age!

    CY - so glad to hear about the brain MRI - doing the happy dance for you! Has Hayden arrived? I love that name. Again, really glad about your news - keep it up!

    Denise - it is so frustrating when a post evaporates, sometimes I'll see a "Colleen where are you?" and I think "huh? I've posted a lot in the past day for me" and low and behold, no post!! ARRGGGHH! Nicki taught me to do the notepad thing (that's how I'm doing this post) so you write the whole think on the notepad (which makes it way easier cause you don't have to take notes on paper and then try to read your own writing or remember what the heck the note means!) and can just type as you go. Anyway, you copy it, paste it, and then make sure it goes through before deleting it. It's great!!

    Marsha - I just washed my son's I'm Not Dead Yet! t-shirt from Spamalot, it reminds me of you now!

    Lisa - oh my the first girl - won't you all have fun!! I love buying girl clothes for my friends with girls, they're so cute!!

    Betty - enjoy your company, I love having company when everyone is relaxed and happy - the kind you don't have to clean your house for!!

    Denise -LOL it makes me CRAZY when people don't cover their mouths when they cough or wash their hands after they go to the bathroom!!! Seemingly normal people do this all the time!!!!

    Vicki - I'm a big cryer too, except not for myself, very rarely cry cause I'm sad, but goodness, show me a little kid singing "This LIttle Light of Mine" and I'm bawling, I don't even have to know the kid!! LOL

    Sheri - glad to hear your son arrived safely, that was pretty cool of him to call and let you know! Hope your appt with your onc goes well and calms your fears - is it tomorrow?

    CY - OH MY GOODNESS! Another beautiful baby, what a love!! 2 grandbabies in the circle in 2 days - we're on a roll!

    OK ladies, I am emotionally exhausted and excited about the prospect of actually sleeping soundly tonight. Thanks for all your words of support leading up to this day, as always, you helped me face what was a very scary appt for me today.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    whoops, missed my ending when copying and pasting (so much for my fabulous instructions - can't even follow them myself!!)

    Hi to susan, zazette, madison, shokk, cheri, robin and g!!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007

    Post deleted by Madison

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    beautiful baby. how wonderful.

    colleen, glad you'll be sleeping well. such a relief.

    i just talked with cheri. she's tired and in a lot of pain. they got her pain meds screwed up and she isn't getting enough so send pain relief energy to her.

    She said thanks for all the concern and the blew rinks. she will try and get on later or else tomorrow. it sure was good to hear from her but she's very tired. I can hear it in her voice.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    good night cgs
    meatloaf was good leftovers door policy
    scooter ready and waiting
    g night all
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Colleen, hope you get a good nights sleep.
    Sheri, hope you have a better day at school tomorrow. The end of the year is so very hard on teachers....
    Jankay, hugs to you dear.
    Betty, enjoy your company.
    Marsha, no more chemo....celebrate
    Susan, thank you for the info on Cheri....gee I hope they get the pain meds straight...
    Jan, sounds like you will have a great time this weekend...Have fun, fun, fun....
    Vickie, Yes, Yes, Yes, there is no place like home....Don't ever return the ruby slippers 'cause you never know when those pesky flying monkeys will show up....
    Nicki, dh just started Ziacam a few days ago....seems to be working. Thank you for mentioning Ziacam.
    Beth, rest and get glad some of the drains were removed.

    Missing many, don't mean to...just lost my train of thought....because law school graduate daughter just asked me if I feel old ...... .geez do I feel old? Yep
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2007
    geez guys ......... i'm sorry for whining yesterday!

    it's no big deal really, i'm just wiped out since returning to work .......... and typical 'me' i have 20 other things on the go as well!

    my biggest frustration is lack of proper sleep, and the 9 pounds i've put on since starting the friggin zoladex injections!!!!!! ALL IN MY MID SECTION!!!!!!! ARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!

    I see pretty babies and pretty ladies and lots of great stuff going on around here!

    vickie ........... don't pick up a cigarette again, you are doing great!!!!!!!!! i'm sooo proud of you and i know (first hand) how hard this is on you ......... don't "quit quitting" ever!

    off to bed for me .......... tomorrow is my day off but the painter comes at 7 am ........... doesn't anybody believe in sleeping in anymore lol?
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited May 2007
    Oh MY...another beautiful baby!!! I'm with Lisa...let's betroth them now Just think about the wedding in 20 years or so

    Kiss his beautiful little head for me CY.

    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: As yuo can tel from my picture, my coffee isnt ready yet and it seems like its taking forever.

    Vickie: Sounds like you made it through the night without smoking. Thats good. Seems like you and I always have fly by posts with each other. Hello in the morning and goodnight in the evening. Im sending some coffee your way - I really believe this is way to early to be awake. I need to change my life style. Start out by going to bed later would help.

    LisaSoCal: Oh my, that little baby girl is gonna be so spoiled by grandma. Finially a girl in the family.

    Betty: So good to hear from you. I used to come home and have a couple of glasses of wine. Now that Im on south beach - I save my wine for the week-ends. But I sure do know that mellow feeling. Probably the best stress reliever around.

    Jasmine: I know its my job making me sick. Problem is that I have been a nurse for 36 years. And was always healthy - thats why I am thinking I need to boost my immune system.

    Jan: Sounds like you are gonna have some great fun this week-end. I love mamosas. Although my morning preference would be a bloody mary.

    Sheri: Your concern about Jacob is legitimate. He and my brother have the same MI diagnosis. So I can understand why you will worry.

    Susan: thanks for the update on Cheri. You know all too well the pain after bone surgery. And for some reason, the orthopedic doctors are shying away from their patients using pain pills! Go figure that one out.

    Madison: I will never be without Zicam in my house ever again. I know Im whining about being sick, but I also know the cold symptoms are not as bad as they could have been. It also shortens the duration - so this is day 5 for me - still have a chest congestion, but I do think Im on the mend now. My pharmacist told me its the Zinc in it that helps. So Im thinking, I am just gonna start taking Zinc along with a daily vitamin.

    Now I know this is gonna sound weird. Darvocet seems to be my cure for everything. And its the darvocet that is stopping the bronchial spasms. Cant quite figure that one out.

    Shel: Because my job is so flexible, when I first went back - I was able to work shorter days. That helped, cause I was fatigued in the beginning.

    This is the second time I woke up and look like my hair has been styled - and believe me I had a crazy night. Couldnt get my hair to look like this is I tried. And cant leave it like this. I was perspiring all night and its gotta be washed. Actually Im sweating right now - so I thinking Im finially breaking the infection.

    Sorry if I am boring you with my trials and tribulations related to this cold. But I am just sick and tired of being sick. Ive stopped walking, and last night I broke my diet and had Pizza. Sure tasted good, but I can already feel the pounds I have gained from it.

    Gonna go make myself some breakfast and watch the morning news before I get dressed, so I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    good morning sunshine sisters
    beautiful babies to beautiful
    women daughters and sons of beautiful women here
    no surprise in my book.
    posse leaving today-scooter ready
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Wake up sisters...time to start another day.
    Only got a minute as I have to shave my legs this morning! Didn't do laundry and only have skirts left LOL. What's a girl to do?
    I see we're planning a wedding...CY, that is one beautiful baby! Oh it makes me want one... sound better and you can whine any time know that. No cigarettes yet and today is day nine...whew. I didn't know I could be so stubborn! I read that if you even take a puff or two you are officially a smoker again and have to start all over so whenever I think "maybe just half a one" I can say "bull$hit...I haven't suffered for nine days to start all over again" and talk myself right out of it.
    I also promise to never be one of those smokers who are constantly in your face telling you you can quit and you have to do it for this or that get my drift. I have dealt with enough of them and will never be one!
    Susan...thanks for the Cheri update. I hope her pain eases soon. Sending lots of energy her way.
    Jan...I think I need a weekend with you! A drunkfest might just do the trick.
    Alwayshope...don't know what kind of software program I'd need I just think it's pretty amazing that you can develop them.
    Colleen...hope you had a good night sleep.
    Nicki...wake up sunshine girl...time to make the coffee.
    I feel like I'm catching a cold. Throat feels funky this morning and have a weird dry cough. Gonna grab the Airborne just in case. Did lots of weeding last night so it may be an allergy thing...lets hope.
    Have a wonderful day all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Hey Nicki and Jankay...heehee...we are all sitting at our computers at the same time. Good morning and have a grand day! Jankay...pick me up with your scooter and we'll round up all our missing girls in no time!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    >>>May today be all that you need it to be today. May the peace of
    >>>God and the
    >>>freshness of the Holy Spirit rest in your thoughts, rule in your
    >>>tonight and conquer all your fears.
    >>>May God manifest himself today in ways that you have never
    >>>May your joys be fulfilled, your dreams be closer and your prayers
    >>>I pray that faith enters a new height for you;
    >>>I pray that your territory is enlarged and I pray that you step
    >>>into your
    >>>destiny within the ministry.
    >>>I pray for peace, health, happiness and true and undying love for
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    i am on my way vicki

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Vickie and Jankay:


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    NS: Where are you? Im laughing so hard about the flying monkeys.

    I cant really tell any of you why - its sort of a private joke between NS and myself. But there is a story behind those flying monkeys.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    OK! I need evryone to say a little prayer for me. I have had 3 episodes of chest pain, arm pain, and diaphoresis this morning. Yes, I know - I should go to the emergency room but its gone now. I cant afford to have another major illness.

    Im so frustrated with being sick. I will not spend the week-end in the hospital.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    niki u cant afford to ignore it either