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  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Good evening my sistas!!!

    Drinking wine and happy!!!!

    Zaz, your SIL is in Arizona?? We lived in Phoenix, years ago, and loved it! Yeah, baby, we bring Tequila. If you were closer, you could come with us in a heart beat!!! Our friend Steve gets ridculously smart when he drinks Tequila (or so he thinks). It is an inside joke with all of us.

    Rondab, your DD graduated from Pitt? My boss went to Pitt and the sun rises and sets there . Congrats!!!

    Nicki, don't you EVER be ashamed to tell us when you are feeling bad!!! That is what this thread is for, girlfriend! When you feel bad, we can try to help!

    JanKay, what a beautiful pic of you and your lovely new afgan. Enjoy it!

    PUPPY!!! Scar tissue!! How good is that?? I am so happy for you. I'm sure everything will be ok with you.

    I just want you guys to know that I am leaving tomorrow for my "Drunkfest". I'll be back on Monday sometime, so don't send the posse ! Love all of you! Have a wonderful holiday weekend and stay safe!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Good night my beautiful Sisters

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    shokk - hey there!

    jankay - afghan is beautiful!

    nicki - I know we all jumped on you to go to the doc, but it's just because we love you and need you around here! I hope you're feeling better tomorrow!

    Puppy - well a big woo hoo to scar tissue! Have a great time camping!!
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Good evening, CG's

    Marsha, you look so happy and so beautiful! your BNO evening must have been terrifying! sounds like she was in good hands, though. I hope she doesn't have any more problems. I can imagine your husband must have terrified. Poor guy, then feeling guilty. He sounds very sensitive.

    Alwayshope, love the chia head!

    MB, thanks.

    Tracey, snow??? really? It's almost June. Time for that to stop!

    Gina, one of these days it just has to get easier. I hope that day is soon. Hugs to you.

    Amy, you are so right. Most of it will be neatly stacked up waiting for me. This afternoon, I started delegating. That is hard for me.

    Anne, I am so glad you are feeling better. Isn't is heartwarming to see so many people come to honor your father.

    Jan, Drunkfest??? Where? When? I'll have a mimosa.:D
    And I love the wolf picture!

    Shokk, thank you for your prayers. I so cracked up reading your hot flash story. My husband can relate to the recent climate changes in our house. He gets in trouble if he messes with the air conditioner. OMG I'm having one right now while typing about yours! Now is that sympathy or what?

    Z, sorry things are rough at work. I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip. Hugs to you.

    Nicki, I am so relieved your symptoms went away. It's ok to let people try to help you, once in a while. You are so loved here.

    Jankay, what a beautiful picture of you and your afghan.

    Puppy, what great news about the scar tissue! Keeping my fingers crossed for the next mri.

    Denise, thank you. I am still on schedule for surgery in 9 days. Never been on a magic carpet, does this qualify? Blood tests tomorrow.

    Karen, I hope you can check in tonight. Thinking about you.

    I just have to say how grateful I am I found you all. I feel like I was led her, if you know what I mean.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited May 2007
    hey ladies... thank goodness the snow is all gone now...... went from snowing to quite warm.. weired eh!!!
    Nikki glad your feeling better..... and dont be sorry you posted that here ok..... we are here to help each other!!!! luv ya girlfriend!!!!!!

    jankay great picture ty!!!!!!! love the quilt!!!!! i could of used that today in the snowstorm!

    anyways i got this email i just have to share! its very good!!

    The Pink Dress

    There was this little girl sitting by herself in the park. Everyone passed by her and never stopped to see why she looked so sad. Dressed in a worn pink dress, barefoot and dirty, the girl just sat. And watched the people go by. She never tried to speak. She never said a word. Many people passed by her, but no one would stop.

    The next day I decided to go back to the park in curiosity to see if the little girl would still be there.
    Yes, she was there, right in the very spot where she was yesterday, and still with the same sad look in her eyes..

    Today I was to make my own move and walk over to the little girl. For as we all know, a park full of strange people is not a place for young children to play alone.

    As I got closer I could see the back of the little girl's dress. It was grotesquely shaped. I figured that was the reason people just passed by and made no effort to speak to her.

    Deformities are a low blow to our society and, heaven forbid if you make a step toward assisting someone who is different. As I got closer, the little girl lowered her eyes slightly to avoid my intent stare.

    As I approached her, I could see the shape of her back more clearly. She was grotesquely shaped in a humped over form. I smiled to let her know it was OK; I was there to help, to talk. I sat down beside her and opened with a simple, "Hello."
    The little girl acted shocked, and stammered a
    "hi "; after a long stare into my eyes. I smiled and she shyly smiled back. We talked until darkness fell and the park was completely empty.

    I asked the girl why she was so sad. The little girl looked at me with a sad face said, "Because, I'm
    different." I immediately said, "That you are!"; and smiled. The little girl acted even sadder and said, "I know." "Little girl," I said, "you remind me of an angel, sweet and innocent."

    She looked at me and smiled, then slowly she got to her feet and said, "Really?" "Yes, you're like a little Guardian Angel sent to watch over all the people walking by."

    She nodded her head yes, and smiled. With that she opened the back of her pink dress and allowed her wings to spread, then she said "I am."

    "I'm your Guardian Angel," with a twinkle in her eye. I was speechless -- sure I was seeing things.
    She said, "For once you thought of someone other than yourself. My job here is done"..
    I got to my feet and said, "Wait, why did no one sto p to help an angel?" She looked at me, smiled, and said, "You're the only one that could see me," and then she was gone.

    And with that, my life was changed dramatically.
    So, when you think you're all you have, remember, your angel is always watching over you.

    Pass this to everyone that means anything at all to you. Make sure you send it back to the person who sent it to you, to let them know you're glad they care about you.

    Like the story says, we all need someone...
    And, every one of your friends is an Angel in their own way. The value of a friend is measured in the heart. I hope your Guardian Angel watches over you always.

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited May 2007
    Hey CG's
    I finally took some notes to catch up with my sentiments, if I missed anyone, please know that I read everyday, but do not always post, so thoughts and prayers have been with you all.
    Rondab (cookie) where have you been? You don't think us CG's have been dying for some of your home (campfire) cookin'? Congrats on dd!

    Puppy- Scar tissue is good in this case. I am with you, "it is what it is" and "don't waste time today, worrying about tommorow"

    Jankay- you are "red carpet ready" in your new afghan, a fashion trend to say the least, Beautiful!

    Marsha- Love the pic of your last chemo, I wish I had one of me like that, but hope it is too late to ever get the chance again- Congrats!

    Cy- Congrats granny! You are too young to be a grandma, aren't you?

    Tracey- Now we know how you got your username, "snowmen in thongs" You were probably laying out in the sun and started snowing!

    Z- just gotta say, though we don't know each other very well yet. I love reading your posts and seeing your pics, I think you are awesome, are you coming to Pinkstock?

    Nicki- hey there, you know this is this place where we have to promise to get ourselves checked out. No one knows more than us the dread of the ER or doc visits, but it is what we do. Take Care of Yourself!

    Shel- don't over do it on the job. You may be spread thin right now, but you know how much you can spread to each area.

    Hey Jan- I haven't seen on the drinking thread lately. I was thinking about you last week, a friend of mine went to Biker Night on Beale St, I was so jealous!

    Anne- I am sorry about your dad. I lost mine, a couple weeks after dx in 2002. Tomorrow I am attending the second funeral of dear friend's fathers this week. I believe it is our age. Remember when we were going to weddings, then baby showers,(then sometimes divorce celebrations) Our parents 50th anniv (mine woulda been this year) then it seem like there are illnesses and deaths, I guess it is life's cycle.
    Your Father will always be with you, in memory and heart.

    Love to all-
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited May 2007
    Well Hey CG's! I'm so glad to be here, (alive hahahaha...), and on the computer which died and had to be replaced with plastic money. You're my first stop, of course! I read quickly some of the posts but I am by no means in the loop. Loopy, yes, but not caught up.

    Zazette: Have we met? Hi. I think I did this once before. Love the name.

    Nicki: Don't be silly. This is your dumping ground, sister!

    My Pups...sweatheart what a blessing! I am smiling at your wonderful news. I'll tell ya, my surgery was in 1999 and the scar tissue is still quite painful. Don't under estimate it. In fact, mine's gotten worse, but that could be from the 8 chemotherapies, AI's, and all the other poisons I've been enjoying for the last three years.
    BTW, I got your card and gift and sobbed. I also got delivered to me yesterday a dress, belt, necklace, and scarf -- complete outfit made by I was sobbing grateful, happy, "I feel loved" tears for quite a while. Actually, it's a quite the spiritual story.

    As you know, I've been in the crapper (ahahahah literally, too) for a while physically and mentally. And I had just had had another upsetting time with my ex. Anyway, the day before the dress and your poem and pearls arrived, I was really going at it with my God. I demanded, "If you're really there, "SHOW YOUR FACE YADA YADA YADA...". Lo and Behold, through you and MizSis just 24 hours later, He did. And I thanked him. And I thank both of you and Liz and Beth (trooper) and Ishop Sue and CherylCy and Margaret for the cards. They DO have a such huge impact on my heart and can change my mood in a nanosecond.

    Now, how's mon Cheri?

    Amy, hows the new baby?

    Jazmanian, give me a call...let's talk "One Life to Live" pun intented.....omg that new Antonio...worse than the old one!!!!

    Looking forward to catching up and keeping up with everyone...Mena...xo

    Oh..Hi Tricia, I'm Mena.
  • rondab
    rondab Member Posts: 87
    edited May 2007

    Amy - We needed a little rain, just not all that we're getting. Wish you had some of it. I have a friend in MS who is also telling me about the drought. Life just ain't fair! But hey, we know that already, right? Ronda

  • rondab
    rondab Member Posts: 87
    edited May 2007

    Vicki - as I was reading thru some of the more recent posts, I saw you are doing Chantix! I started mine today. Sounds like you're doing pretty well with it - wish me luck! Ronda

  • rondab
    rondab Member Posts: 87
    edited May 2007
    Christine - I'm just finally getting over being so tired from tax season! I was determined to put my time in and do well this year, and I did.

    I did miss it here though. Still may not be able to check in much, as the iSP here sucks big time. I'll do what I can.

    If anyone's in Kansas this weekend, we are cooking! We'll be at Cross Timbers State Park. I'm doing Jambalaya, a hominy & sausage casserole, and Southwest Ranch beans. Other cooks are doing ribs, and pork loin, potatoes, cobblers, etc. And that's just Saturday. Sunday we're doing a big pot of ham & beans over the fire, with jalapeno cornbread on the side. I'm still trying to gain weight! Maybe when I quit smoking that'll happen. Ronda ps - I really need to post a new picture
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Happy Dance for Puppy!!!

    Good Night CG's. I'm walking the perimeter and it looks like everyone is safe and sound. I'll throw another log on and make sure the vacancy sign is well lit so if there are sisters out there needing a place to find some peace and comfort, they will see our Circle of Wagons.

    Today I thought a lot about what it means to me and to the others here to be apart of this Circle. It means to me that no matter what somebody is out there keeping me in their thoughts and taking the time to keep in touch and inquire into my life and share their life, ups and downs, and nothing in return is expected. Do you know how rare that is?

    I know I may not post like I want to and I miss some happenings going on sometimes, but never do I feel disconnected. I go through a little withdrawal when I cannot get on here, but that is because I know the CG's are looking for me and I need to keep up with you all, I want to.

    A friend of mine asked me how long will I do this, and does it keep reminding me about the bc. I told her that I don't need anything to remind me of the bc, I have tons of sh** to remind me, scars, pills, aches, fatigue and numerous doctor visits, I can never forget, so no. And as far as how long I will be a part of this Circle... until I'm not, who knows!

    There is a presence here among this group that gives off an incredible energy. It's not all sweetness and light, if it were I would probably not dig that too much. There is truth here, realness, hard advice and gentle hugs. I have seen and heard some of the most honest emotions here about families, husbands and treatments and depression and so forth. But what I hear most often is the courage and the strength and willpower of you all.

    You all are some tough ass women and I'm a so glad to make your acquaintance. Good night beauties.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Good morning sisters,
    Oh TGIF!!! A three day weekend...whew. I need that!
    MENA!! So glad to see you! Sending you a hug.
    Christine...good to see you...we were going to add you to our "posse list"!
    Rondab...the Chantix has worked wonders! The first few days you quit are hard but so far I'm doing fine. Day 10 today and I still get cravings but they are fleeting ones that go away pretty quickly. Wishing you all the best of luck!
    Tracey...snow in May really stinks. I love the story. I believe we all have guardian angels.
    Cherryl...whats up mom used to say that all the time. Just wondering how you're doing.
    Tricia...we're glad you were lead here too.
    Newter...Hope your doing well.
    Pam...are you still under the wagon? Just sending you a warm hug, you don't need to say a word till you're ready.'s really time for you to check in with us. I do believe we could call the police where you live and have them check on you! (hmmm...there's an idea).]
    Z...I love this place too and it doesn't make me think more of my cancer it makes me feel connected to those who are in the same boat that understand me. (well ok...sometimes nobody understands me but that has nothing to do with bc LOL).
    Denise...every time I see a baby I want a baby. I come to my senses pretty fast though. Actually still looking into the Derrick issue but it doesn't look like it's going anywhere. Won't know for a couple more weeks.
    Nicki...wake up sunshine sister! How is the cold today?
    Jankay...I have a sneaky feeling that you're posting ahead of me wrapped in your wonderful afghan of love.
    Cheri...hope your pain levels are going down...we miss you!
    Gotta run and missed sooo many...geez.
    Shokk...are you hiding out in the closet? love to you too and in a while crocodile
    Love ya all
    Hope everyone has a grand day
    oop...forgot to check the calendar...can someone check and fire up the magic carpet? I know there are appointments there for today but can't remember and I'm out of time!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Wow, lots of posts to read just since last night. Im crossing my fingers - I think Im better this morning. Last night was quite a night. Im taking so many medications to begin with, then add them to the cold stuff Im taking - went to thekitchen to get something to eat, tripped over my dog and fell flat on my face. Didnt hurt anything, but when my face hit the ground, I felt like someone punched me in the cheek. So Im yelling at my poor dog, and my husband says - why didnt you put the light on so you could see where you were going. He right, I was maneuvering in the dark.

    My best friend who was with me all through my diagnosis. Even paid my mortgage for 2 months while I was off work recovering from surgery. Well she had an abnormal mammogram and is going for an US today. So Im going with her and then going into work late.

    Puppy: Scar tissue is music to my ears. Good luck witht he brain MRI.

    Denise: I really do believe the chest pain and cold symptoms are related. The CP hasnt come back - thank goodness. Ive been through that whole cardiac workup including an angiogram - I dont want to go there again unless I have to.

    Jan: Sounds like you will have a grat time at drunk fest. We used to do something similiar around July 4th. I dont have anything exciting planned this week-end. Just going to enjoy my time off. I cheated last night. Bought a bottle of wine - and it really helped me relax.

    Tricia: Just saying hello and thanks for the support.

    Tracey: My goodness. Somehow yuo got snow and it already melted - and I missed the whole thing. Glad you had a warm up. We shouldnt have to think about snow again til fall - I hope!

    Christine: Its good to hear from you. I agree what you said about it being our age. Part of the whole life cycle. From new baby grandchildren to losing our parents.

    Mena: so good to see you back with us. Sounds like your life is crazy as usual. Im getting to know plastic money very well these days. Have finially decided I will be in debt the rest of my life unless I win the lottery. So Im just gonna enjoy life - one day at a time. And today - I will be going shopping whether my husband likes it or not.

    Cookie: Oh my that jalepino cornbread sounds really good. Wishing you good luck with quitting smoking. So many of you are doing it with such grace. Not me - Im still here puffing away. The more I think about quitting smoking, the more I smoke.

    Z: Well said. I just dont understand why people care if we come here or not. Guess they want us to walk around like robots with a smile on our face saying "yes Im good. Everything is fine." I think the friendships we have made with each other is a strong bond. And its a bond that I like. Makes me feel safe.

    Vickie: Good Morning Sunshine sister. Day 10? Thats really good. Hope you have a great day.

    OK - its a nice day here in the Chicago end of the circle. In the 70's. Unlike yesterday which was 89 degrees. News said we were warmer than Florida. The air is fresh. The trees have leaves. The flowers have bloomed. Still waiting for the emergence of the Cicada's! Hoping everyone has a great day.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Amy: good luck with you treatment, doctors visit, and skeletal scan. Think I will get distored humor out of the stall. He has been quite depressed since his baby colt lost the Kentucky Derby.

    NS: When I read your post yesterday I had some tears. I miss you so much around here. Hoping today is a better day for you.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited May 2007
    Good morning CG's - sneaking a peak before I'm off to work.

    Mena - Seeing your name brought a smile to my face. I've missed you. Hope you stick around for a while. Haven't watched "OLTL" in a while. I got tired of the wacky story lines. I didn't care too much for Antonio...seemed fake. OH and Todd was just so over the top. I saw Todd in another soap (w/o the scar)...

    Got to run, off to work. Wishing everyone a pain free, good results, and blessed day. Love,
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Zazette -- your post touched me to the core. I just don't get why people don't get it. Why and how are we supposed to forget about breast cancer. For me, until they find a cure, it is an integral part of my life now. I will live daily with the knowledge that my bc can recur. Why am I supposed to 'move on' when my oncologist reminds me each visit to be vigilant for any change and affirms that I will always need to be monitored. People seem to think that once treatment is over we skip merrily on our way and never think about this disease again. For me, my life is forever changed.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Morning All,
    Running late for work but wanted to let Amy know I'm thinking of her - Mazer and Distored Humor together may cause a bit of a ruckus....(although sometimes we cause a bit of a ruckus
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    i lost my post buggers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007

    Doesn't Z's post just say it all? As if we would be happily skipping down the path of life without a thought of breast cancer, recurrence or mets in our carefree little minds if it wasn't for Now, I'm not saying we aren't still happily skipping down the path of life, not at all. But we do it with the knowledge that we have had this disease, and that we are either still battling it or are on some level conscious of the fact that we might be battling it again in the future, and that affects us. And if it wasn't for this place, I don't think I could be as "normal" and "happy" and "moving on" as I am!

    Someone said this to me once (on another thread, to comfort me, and it did!) "If thinking something could make it happen we'd all be gorgeous, thin and rich." (or something like that...) I think the same holds true for NOT thinking about something, it doesn't make it go away or make it as if it never happened.

    OK, off my soapbox, just a long-winded, roundabout way of saying thanks to all of you for coming here and helping me to keep on moving forward.

    I'm probably not going to be able to get to my computer this weekend, hope it's a good one for everyone!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    oh goodness what a way with words. thanks for expressing this.

    "A friend of mine asked me how long will I do this, and does it keep reminding me about the bc. I told her that I don't need anything to remind me of the bc, I have tons of sh** to remind me, scars, pills, aches, fatigue and numerous doctor visits, I can never forget, so no. And as far as how long I will be a part of this Circle... until I'm not, who knows!"
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    amen sisters
    people will never understand how much we help each other.
    this thread is amazing. i was crying with joy when i goy my afghan.
    any sisters been located yet
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Good morning sweet sisters......we had us some storm yesterday and expecting more today.........thank you Z for putting into words many of us find hard to express.....we are warriors of a battle that none of us intended on fighting but here we are........even Veterns have their organzations because they share something that many people that have not fought on the battle ground can even begin to understand....we are the same.......we all move on with our lives but coming here gives me not only the strength that I so desperately seek but keeps me from completely losing my mind........I don't think we need to answer to anyone about our feelings for one could they even begin to understand??????? oh geez brb phone.....

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007
    Morning sisters. Had a blast yesterday. I usually do this 1-2 times a season. Spent lots of money (not mine, company's) and even better spent a beautiful day at farms walking around in the fresh air. I love it.

    Puppy...Just read the news YYYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!! What a relief!! I can breath again.

    Jankay...saw the picture. Loved how warm it will keep you in cooler weather. xoxo

    Tracy...snow and I'm getting ready to head to the shore tonight. Sorry, but I'll be thinking of you with my drink in hand on the 2nd level happy hour deck watching the sunset. Waited for this all year. When winter hits and I'm working 24/7 on snow call, this is what I need.

    Z...I so agree with your post. We have our own little world here open to all of our sisters/brothers who want and need to join. I feel so safe here and smothered with love. We may not agree with everything or everyone, but our respect for each other is genuine and honest. No one outside of our cyber world could ever understand that. This site also reminds us that we still have problems and we can fight together. I love you all.xoxo
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Well Hell, my keyboard is on my lap and I hit something that lost my whole last post. Which was of course clever and funny, dammit! I'd spent alot of time on it so now i'm ticked off, to say the least. Still don't know what I hit to lose it. I'm hurting and not in the good mood I was in when I wrote the last post. So, I'll just say Thank You to all that asked about me and I've really missed you all, and I love the great state of MISSOURI, Corn Huskers suck!!
    And furthermore, men aren't stupid, they're assholes, sneaky, lying, cheating, snakes in the grass! I say, "Let the pelting begin!" I will post later when I have a better attitude....

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    LOL @ Cheri.....have a bad run in with a man, sweetie!? That is hilarious...not that you are in pain or obviously mad at some man but you just write it up so funny. Glad you are back and hope you feel better soon.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Woohooo Cheri is back and in rare form I might add. I take it a man in your life is not being sweet? Just going out on a limb there cause your post wasnt quiet descriptive enough,,lmao. So happy to see you!

    Z-wonderful words! I think you just became the spokeswoman for our group. Thanks for putting all of our thoughts into words. You are the greatest. Now, take some me time cause you deserve it.

    Nicki-now listen here missy, you are not always the caregiver and you should feel just as good about coming here when things are bothering you as we all do. Thats why we have such a wonderful group. Speak your mind regardless what it is cause thats what we are here for. Nurses, I swear, you all are just the worse when it comes to you not feeling well. I do know that lots of cold meds effect my heart so thats probably what yours was so there,,and see I'm not even a nurse. Nursing is a calling and lets just say it doesnt even whisper my name. Cant wait to see distorted humor today. Mazer will be so excited.

    Adrionna-thanks for taking it easy on Shokk and keeping it PG rated. There always has to be a goody goody in the crowd.

    Vickie-have fun fishing. I love to fish but always feel so sorry for the fish that I happen to catch. I talk to them and promise if they will cooperate I will not hurt them and let them go free.

    tgirl-had to be fun spending the day at nurseries. That sounds right up my alley.

    Jankay-wonderful picture and thanks Liz for posting it. Nothing like being surrounded by love from all over the world is it? You deserve it sweetie.

    Susan-yep quiet the way with words that Z has. How are you doing? Havent heard alot from you lately.

    Colleen-have a great long weekend.

    Rondab-been missing your cooking. Glad to see you back and have fun camping.

    Madison-ty for remembering me today. The visit should go fine as long as my veins cooperate. Dont even know why I should think they will when they never do.

    Odalys-its not me with the DD graduating from law school. I'm the one that has the stinky 12 year old boy. I know how it happens though, I got Susan confused one day. Chemo brain is always my excuse.

    Mena-mena mena-brought a big smile to my face when i saw your post. My babies are all doing well ty for asking. Glad to see you are as spunky as ever. Hang in there fellow metster,,remember we are stubborn.

    Biker-have fun at the drunkfest. Thats what I will be doing Sunday also. Too bad we are so far apart. Then again its a good thing cause I would want a harley.

    Tricia-yep you qualify for the magic carpet. Hopefully Cheri will be up to driving. She really takes us on some wild rides and thats even before she starts drinking her blue drinks.

    ok I am about to head out to the wonderful oncologist and the skeletal survey. wish me luck friends. No new places is what I am hoping.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Yippee yahoo.....Cheri is back....not sure what man has pissed her off but sure hope he is sleeping with one eye open..........she is a cancer survivor.......she doesn't have to put up with man crap.........Amy (still blushing)I have got everything on my body that I can still cross crossed......stable is good.......don't go all weekend without at least checking back in once.........Hey Vickie and Madison......ya'll are so good........everyone that is doing the afgans.......God is going to have a special place in Haven for ya'll a long time from now.........Denise your not a goody goody.......I have my you have got some back stories.......just don't want to upset Melissa and Tami........oh geez again....only have to work half day today....Vickie I promise to check back in later gator.....

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Sneaking in at work to say GOOD MORNING to you all!

    To you all having tests, treatment or just feel a little blue... tap into your strength and courage and know we are here for you, wishing you peace and good vibes... and


    For the feisty ones that are planning humdingers of a weekend, remember, Party Hard or Go Home!! because...


    Make a little history!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    hey hon, i'm just glad you are feeling well enough to try to post!!

    you wanna know why she's mad: DH says they have to get rid of Mork and Mindy. Let's go get him. Deliverance tent!!!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    What!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No way! Nanoo nanoo!