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  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007

    AMY: absolutely no new places. You are a Stable Mabel.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    I am sure that everyone has heard this song by Craig Morgan "Tough" - I just heard it for the first time and I love it, here are the lyrics

    She’s in the kitchen at the crack of dawn
    Bacon’s on, coffee’s strong
    Kids running wild, taking off their clothes
    If she’s a nervous wreck, well it never shows
    Takes one to football and one to dance
    Hits the Y for aerobics class
    Drops by the bank, stops at the store
    Has on a smile when I walk through the door
    The last to go to bed, she’ll be the first one up
    And I thought I was tough
    She’s strong, pushes on, can’t slow her down
    She can take anything life dishes out
    There was a time
    Back before she was mine
    When I thought I was tough

    We sat there five years ago
    The doctors let us know, the test showed
    She’d have to fight to live, I broke down and cried
    She held me and said it’s gonna be alright
    She wore that wig to church
    Pink ribbon pinned there on her shirt
    No room for fear, full of faith
    Hands held high singing Amazing Grace
    Never once complained, refusing to give up
    And I thought I was tough

    She’s strong, pushes on, can’t slow her down
    She can take anything life dishes out
    There was a time
    Back before she was mine
    When I thought I was tough

    She’s a gentle word, the sweetest kiss
    A velvet touch against my skin
    I’ve seen her cry, I’ve seen her break
    But in my eyes, she’ll always be strong

    There was a time
    Back before she was mine
    When I thought I was tough
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Good afternoon rooty tooty fresh and fruity chicas.......first let me say ((((((Nicki)))))) we just love ya and worry about you......get some rest this wkend and shopping sounds like a good is just pouring rain here....I am headed to wally world to by some food and plan on laying low this holiday wkend.......want to mow but its just to wet........looks like the cyper circle party is firing up and Cheri is back at the wheel.....should be an interesting ride with all the pain meds and blue drinks....remember click it or ticket......everyone buckle up......geez it has started pouring again.......just want to thank you girls for being a part of this wonderful thread and everyone is always so kind when new girls are coming in scared and wounded.........I have said it before I am so thankful to be a part of this group......NS thinking about you.....sure you are feeling like crap today......but we all sure to love you and this too will pass........I am looking forward to the day you get your new NED results and can tell cancer for a second time to go f**k himself.....(sorry Melissa and Tami)......ok I have got to go have to pick up daughter at 4 and wally world is going to be a mad daughter should go to sleep early tonight if I can stay awake longer than she does I will check back in.....Hey Vickie see ya later alligator......give Nate a kiss from has to be on top of his head....thats the only place my daughter will let me kiss her...........

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited May 2007
    good day ladies....

    wow what a busy day its been.... cant wait for my weekend to start which is saturday at 3 pm...
    well i got to work today and walked in on the manager punching a customer out!!!!! omg.....had to call the cops and a ambulance for the customer... police just came back to tell me there will prob be charges and the customer went to the city hospital for a broken cheek bone!!!!!!
    i know lately i havent been very happy with my job as i felt manager has been stressing out well!!!!!!!!! i think he broke today..... and i do like my manager but i think he was in the wrong and i hope he does get charged... but then that would mean he will lose his job... hmmmm LOL..... i have to go to the station for a statement... i am wondering i know i can only tell the truth but should i down play it some???? wonder if he will fire me if i say something wrong.>>>
    why is my life always full of excitement?????? i didnt even go looking for this one!!!!!1

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Ummm...don't you think he will be fired anyway when the owners find out. No matter what the issue is you just don't settle it with violence. You need to tell the truth.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Well, it's been a crazy last few days, but school's out for the summer.... 8th Grade graduation last night was amazing, very touching and sweet. I think my speech was ok. The kids had pitched in and gave me a siver locket on a silver chain today. They were a great group of kids. After lunch they went to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee with the principal and some parents for a special trip. I had to clean my room and finish paper work, but all is done now!

    Now for the bad news. I had my onc appt yesterday and showed him the area above my scar line that I was concerned about. He first thought it could be bone, but it moved enough that he decided to send me for a ton of tests! He said it could be scar tissue, but with all my other symptoms, especially the bone aches, he wants to make sure. So, June 1 I have a bone scan in the morning and a PET scan in the afternoon. Then on June 7 I am seeing the surgeon for an ultrasound. I go back to the onc on June 14. I'm not upset or worried yet, I've been too busy, but it will hit me soon. I know it's still a big maybe, but he took it very seriously. I asked him if I was being paranoid and he said, no, that he'd rather check it out and find out it's ok and if it's not there is a lot we can do. After the disaster with my pcp I actually felt better. My onc took me seriously and didn't just say I was depressed.

    Here's another question--does anyone have chronically itchy, watery eyes? I've been using allergy eye drops and they are not helping. They only thing that works is to rub them, then they turn all red and swollen. They are driving me crazy. I can hardly see sometimes.

    Marsha, you are beautiful with no hair! It really looks good.

    Z--you have an amazing way with words, I love reading your posts.

    Nicki, please take care of yourself.

    Tracey, what a scary predicament. You may be better off to be honest about what you saw.

    Odalys, thank you so much for the surprise. I sure needed it this week. It was perfect.

    I love you all!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: Im home and its the beginning of the Memorial Day Weekend. Gonna just enjoy the time off. Hopefully I can start walking and my diet again. In this short amount of time that I have been sick with this cold, I gained back 7 pounds. Im hopeless!!

    My friend had to get more mammogram views and an ultra sound. Both came back normal. Glad I went with her cause I was able to explain alot to her.

    Jasmine: My life is forever changed also. I will never totally get over this whole experience. I think it gets easier as time goes on, but it will never escape my heart and soul.

    Madison: Distorted Humor was gonna ignore Mazer, as he is so jealous there is a new boy donkey. But once he saw her smiling face, he couldnt resist. He just perked up and wanted to take Amy out in the woods for a long ride after all her tests. Let the wind blow in her face and feel FREE.

    Colleen: I hope you have a wonderful week-end. I sure will miss you around here. Enjoy reading your posts each day.

    Cheri: Im laughing my head off. The part about men lol! Sorry your in pain, just hoping each day it gets better. Hope you have good pain meds to help you through this.

    Anyways, glad your back.


    Susan: Im with you. Breast cancer is around me all day long. I come here, cause of my friendships. You all are just so great. I say things to you, I would never say to anyone else - ever! When I was with my friend this morning, while she was changing, there was a young women - maybe late 20's. Crying! So I looked at her and asked her if she was ok. She said, yes, but she was worried about her mom. I told her about me and said look at me - I look pretty darn good. She gave me a hug and said "thanks." This journey has made me understand the sorrow and Ive learned how to make people feel better. And thats because of all of you.

    Amy: Im lauging because my PCP just looks at me and shakes his head. Asks when am I gonna let him treat me instead of me telling him what to do. Thank goodness I can push him around. Im a terrible patient. I think I had another spell last night, but I dont know if I was dreaming or if it was real. But I have been fine today. So I really think its related to all the medication Im taking. Distorted Humor was sure glad to see Mazer, but was even happier to see you.



    Shokk: Well we are having a dry spell here, yet the you have become an official storm chaser.


    Tracey: There is no way that your manager is going to be able to keep his job! That is a reason for immediate termination, unless he was protecting himself - which doesnt sound like that was the case. You dont downplay or upplay anything. You tell the truty. Maybe this is in the cards. Maybe you will be the next manager. What a goofy guy for losing it. I love ya.

    Sheri: Im so glad I had a bone scan and other tests. You will feel relieved because you wont be second guessing yourself. I cant help but think of the song "schools out for summer."

    Z: Good song. I wish I knew how to post it here from youtube. But I dont.

    Ok! Time to get some dinner. See ya all later, or in the morning.


  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Puppy-Scar tissue-yeah!
    Nicki- How are you feeling? That's what friends are for to lean on when you are scared.
    Karen-Where are you? Everything ok with you?
    Beth-How's the recoup going. Give me a call when you feel up to it.
    Jankay-The Afghan is beautiful!You girls are so special. I am so envious that you can such beautiful work.
    Hi Z,I don't think weve met welcome!
    We got out early today from work. TGIF and it is a long weekend. I really need this! We don't have anything planned just going to the pool and relaxing. I already started on my wine.
    I was feeling depressed today then I realized why. My mom has been gone for 9 years today. I still miss never get over the loss of a parent or a child. Which brings me to another reason I am depressed. Kevin's open heart surgery is now scheduled for 6/18. He has had major surgery before but not the heart. I starting to panic ut I won't let him know. I am so afraid of loosing him,I'd rather face the beast again. I'm sorry for bumming you all out.My DH is a basket case too so I have to try to be strong. It seems like me take turns being the strong one. This year has been tough. Four surgies between Kev and me. I am hoping God has mercy and gives us a break soon.
    On a good note I have lost 8.6 pounds! The doctor said being on Tamoxifen would make it harder. I don't think so but I have some more to loose. When I am stressed I gain weight so we will see. Thanks for always being there cg's!
    Take Care,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Afternoon ladies!
    How is everyone holding up.
    Sheri...everything will be fine. If there is anything wrong then we will hold your hand and walk you right through it all.
    Shokk...gave Nate his kiss but he likes his on the cheek! Talk to you later alligator.
    Tracey...oh my! Well that certainly makes for an exciting day. I would tell the truth just as you saw it. No point in anything else. I would imagine he will be fired no matter what.
    Amy...So how did your appointments go? we always let the fish go too. It's looking like storms here so I don't know if we're gonna make it fishing or if we'll run to WalMart and get groceries so we don't have to go tomorrow.
    Susan...WHAT...GETTING RID OF MORK AND MINDY!!! Um...why? ooooo...I see now why she's mad. Betcha she's gonna win this one in the end LOL.
    Cheri...better wake up sweet thing...we've been teasing you pretty badly over in the party thread. Don't blame me...Susan started it LOL.'s tough to talk to you when you go to bed at 7...wake up sunshine. No more chest issues I'm hoping.
    Jankay..where are you.
    We simply have to find Robin and right away!
    I gotta run for a bit but I'll be back.
    Love to all and sorry to all I missed.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Joyce...sending lots of prayers your way for you and Kevin. His surgery will go just fine. They are experts and know exactly what they are doing. We will be with you holding your hand.
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Joyce and Sheri - Peace will find you. Reach out your arms ... we are reaching right back.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    It seems I am not the only one battling the Tamoxifen bulge, maybe I shouldn't be following the diet below, ya think?

    Woman's Diet
    1/2 grapefruit
    1 slice whole wheat toast
    8 oz glass skim milk

    4 oz lean broiled chicken breast
    1 cup steamed zucchini
    1 Oreo cookie

    rest of the package of Oreo cookies
    1 quart Rocky Road ice cream
    1 jar hot fudge

    2 loaves garlic bread
    1 large pepperoni & mushroom pizza
    1 large pitcher of beer
    3 Milky Way candy bars
    1 entire cheesecake

    1. If no one sees you eat it, it has no calories
    2. If you drink a diet soda with a candy bar,
    they cancel each other out.
    3. When eating with someone else, calories dont count
    if you both eat the same amount.
    4. Foods used for medicinal purpose have no calories.
    These include any chocolate used for energy,
    brandy, cheesecake, and ice cream.
    5. Cookie pieces contain no calories, because breakage
    causes the calories to leak out.
    6. If you eat food from someone else's plate, the
    calories don't count.
    7. Movie related snacks are much lower in calories because
    they are part of the entertainment, and not ones
    of personal fuel.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Z: Now thats my kind of diet!


  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    here i am. this afternoon i went to my sisters apartment tolook at a few things. she is also here settling mothers estate and i was telling her what i wanted.

    she is also here fixing supper. i will miss her when she has to go home. i have an appointment for my evalation for pool therapy.

    for those of you who are teachers, we got a letter saYing jessica had been nominated for the National Young Leaders State Conference. her homeroom teacher nominated her.
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Hi All,

    It's amazing how much gets posted in a day.
    Madison, I'm here, though still struggling with a nasty cold.
    Z I so love your way with words and your sense of humor. Your diet is one I can stick to with no problems.
    Nicki, how's my neighbor and fellow cold-sufferer??/
    Prayers to those in need and love to all,

  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    OOPs I meant to say Vicki, I'm still here. The brain really dose not function well these days!!!!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Damn Site! My whatever is no longer valid..........I addressed many but it wasn't that long..

    I think cuz Amy said I was a goody goody and shokk said I wasn't.........................

    OOOOOHHHHHHH.....everyone read my mind (shouldn't take to long!) and I'll be back later!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Hi everyone,

    Hope you’re having the beginning of a relaxing Memorial weekend. I called my PS office and have an appointment with her on June 1st for this mystery lump thing. Hopefully she can tell me what this is. I went shopping for some bras today. Holey moley they sure are expensive now. LOL got two for 48.00! My son is being treated for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever now. Thanks to the idiot lady next door who has 20 bird houses on her wood fence we have ticks in our yard. We've sprayed! Geez does the fun ever stop?

    Nicki – I sure hope you are feeling better. Yes, the meds could be causing the chest pain as well as the bronchitis. Just know that we care so much about you and worry when you’re having problems. I know you’ll do what is necessary if the time comes. The weight will come off once you get to feeling better. You have to be well in order to exercise and diet.

    Cheri – welcome home hon. I’ll come help you take “earl” out for wanting to get rid of Mork and Mindy. They are just too cute. Plus you need them there to keep you company while you recover. Hope you have the pain meds straightened out.

    Z – You have a way with writing I wish I had. I haven’t heard that song but will be looking for it now. Thanks for posting it. Oh that’s my kind of diet.

    Tgirl – How fun to shop at nurseries on someone else’s money. I would love that.

    Madison – congrats to you and y our DD. My cousin’s hubby is a lawyer. Comes in handy at times. Sent you a package of squares today.

    Mena!!!!! I am so glad to see you posting. I worry about you when you don’t. BTW, CTG wants you to email her. Now don’t post and run off.

    Tricia – glad you’ve got things scheduled. I hated waiting.

    Amy – how was your visit? Hope the veins cooperated. Mine never do. Praying for no new spots for ya.

    Rondab – Sure sounds like your camping is going to be fun. I am not a camper but love eating. LOL Where is Cross Timbers State Park? I know it’s in Kansas but close to?

    Shokk – I am so sick of these storms! I’m sure you are too.

    Susan – hidey hoe! How you doing?

    Jankay – glad you got an afghan. Are you staying at the house or is Chester? Where is Jessica going to stay? I know this has been coming for awhile now. Congrats to Jessica and you. Hugs.

    Tracey – oh wow! I managed a family practice and a guy came in and punched the doc out one day. I missed the whole thing! Tell what you saw. It’s not your fault he did that.

    Jas – Glad to see you're done with training or whatever it was you were doing. How is Doris? I haven't talked with her since she got back.

    Sheri – I’m glad you had a good visit. Sometimes doctors just don’t want to take the time to listen to us. Here’s to scar tissue.

    Colleen – enjoy y our weekend.

    Joyce – bless your heart. You have had a time this year. I’m keeping Kevin on the top of my prayers.

    Vickie – hi kiddo. Give Nate a big hug for me. I need to send him something special. Did you go fishing or grocery shopping?

    Marsha – great pic! Wish I would have looked that nice bald. Picture Uncle Fester and you’ll see me. How is your friend? That was frightening.

    Puppy – scar tissue is great!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Betty – I am quite fluffy from the Arimidex now.

    Denise – how are you?

    Odalys – always good to see you posting. I love your pic.

    I see Jan is at her “drunkfest”. LOL Hope she’s having a grand time.

    Christine – good to see you posting also.

    NS – I sure miss you. I know you’re fighting like h*ll though and will post when you can. Gentle hugs.

    Okay, I’ve missed many. I apologize I haven’t mentioned each of you by name. I’m playing catch up here. I think of you all daily.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Denise. Are we grumpy tonight?

    Jankay: Sounds like you are having a great time with your sister. Enjoy your dinner. Pool therapy is gonna be great.

    Cheryl: This is the first night I can say I feel decent despite the fact that this cold settled into my chest. Hope you feel better soon.

    Vickie: Oh I try, but its 6:15 pm here in Chicago and Im already tired.

    OK - gotta go. See ya all in the morning.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007

    Good evening CG's no time to read the posts and catch up. Just wanted to wish everyone a good weekend. Need to get back to cooking Shabbat dinner. Will try and catch up later this weekend. Hugs from Denver, Karen

  • sahalie
    sahalie Member Posts: 1,145
    edited September 2008


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Hi ladies,
    having really nasty thunderstorms here with hail, lightning, heavy rain so I gott shut down for now. Will try to come back...
    love ya all...each and every one!
  • sahalie
    sahalie Member Posts: 1,145
    edited September 2008


  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Ahhhhhh......New York Yankee Woman got some storms.......hey sweetheart I have room for you and Nate in my has rained here so much today in the small town I live in that the water is coming back up from the sewer......yuck.........I least I live up on a hill.......I swear we have not had rain in two years and this year it will not stop raining......I hope everyone is having a good looks like Cheri is back to her old self on the party thread......I don't even post there but I always lurk and it just has not been the same without her........finally quite having hot flashes but found out today Mr. GQ is due back in July......I am just going to have to take vacation.......can you imagine how hot it will be then........(Amy no I'm not talking about that).......geez our little filly from Alabamie sure hope all the scans come out well.......Ok chicas....going to go back and watch some tv.....going to try and take the dogs around the block.....I have to carry a big stick (Amy stop it) because the neighbors can't seem to keep their dog in their backyard and she hates my dogs and the key to my house and the two leash on each arm and tonight an umbrella (sp)....its going to be a miracle if I can do this without falling......see ya'll alligators later...........

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited May 2007
    Hey CG's - anyone else awake at this time of the morning? I can't sleep tonight cause it was a very emotional day.

    I found out today my friend Liz's condition is grave. She is putting her affairs in order... OMG - I'm so sad I can't barely write this down....

    When I was first dx, I called her immediately cause I knew she would understand my grief. She did! OMG… she was doing so well... What happened????

    Life has so many twists and turns... I had been patiently waiting and wanting an administrative position at this company for over ten years. Would you believe I received the offer two days after dx? Of course...I turned it down. I was so angry at God...seemed he had played a cruel joke on me. Next thing I know, Liz took the job instead. She had no idea I wanted the job. I was happy for her but so sad for me. Fast forward to last month.... she brings me on board to oversee one of the satellite facilities. This week...I am appointed to replace her. OMG... I'm so sad...this is not how I wanted to get here. Some would probably say...Who am I to question God's master plan? But, what else can I do? Why, why, why???? I really don't understand all the twists and turns He puts us through.

    Okay…sorry to be so down. I don’t mean to upset anyone else. I just don't know how else to feel right now. Liz has been a good friend she does not deserve this. Heck, none of us deserve this hideous disease!!!!!!!!!!! Oh God, please help me understand!

    Be back later………
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    Good morning sunshine sisters,

    Odalys...I am so very sorry. First, don't apologize for coming here when you're down and out. We are sisters and we are here whenever we are needed. Second, you have every right to question God...we all do. We won't get answers but I believe that he feels our pain, counts our tears, carries us through the hard times and loves us always. I don't have the answers for all the suffering, I don't think anyone does. I can only send you a hug and a prayer. Maybe God knew you couldn't take the job before and that Liz needed it for some other reason so he gave it to her until you were well again. We'll put her and you in the center of the circle for extra love.

    Shokk...we haven't had much rain at all and last night was a doozy! Next time I'll join you in the closet LOL. It was a pretty storm though. Lots of lightning and thunder, enough rain so I don't have to water anything today and no wind. The wind is the part I don't like. If it gets really windy I head for cover!

    Karen! are you feeling? I've been thinking of you and wondering if things are getting better. Sending you a hug.

    Liz...ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER!!! I'm laughing...not because I think it's funny just because I've heard of it but truthfully didn't think there was such a thing. Not the brightest bulb in the pack am I! Hope he is all better and soon. We ended up staying home and watching the thunderstorm on the front porch. It was nice though as it was really hot out and pretty relaxing.

    Uh Denise...I can't read your mind honey. I have all I can do to read my own. Someone called you a goody goody and someone said you weren't...huh? LOL. Get your butt back here and talk to us!

    Nicki...6:15 and you were tired. What are we gonna do with you LOL. Actually I have been the same way for the past couple of weeks. Just exhausted by the time I go to bed. I don't know what this constant exhaustion is an it's starting to freak me out. I can barely keep my eyes open to drive to work and home and could seriously lay my head on my desk and fall asleep while I'm there. It stinks!

    Cherryl...get rid of that nasty cold...sending you a hug.

    Jankay...swimming pool therapy will be great. We have a pool at work and our residents use it and do exercises there...they love it! I can't wait to start up our pool. I love to swim. Congratulations and a big yipppee for Jessica! You must be so proud.

    Joyce...sending you a hug. I know how hard it is to have your mom gone. Mine has been gone 14 years and there are days when I miss her so very much. She left us way to soon and was way too young. Refused to go to the doctors till it was too late and then refused chemo. Sad sad sad. the diet!! Now that's my kind of eating. This skinny girl can no longer say she is especially skinny! Yikes...where did this belly come from????? Is everyone on Tamoxifen getting this belly cuz I've never had a belly in my life and now I look four months pregnant!

    Tracey...what's up with your job and boss. You didn't both end up in the slammer did ya? I sure hope not. Maybet they will give you his job now that he's surely going to be fired.

    Iris...hmmm...think I saw you in the party thread last night girlfriend. Gonna have to go see if Cheri caught us pranking her LOL.

    Cheri...Wake up sunshine. We missed you. Hope your pain levels are better today. Sending you a hug.

    Robin...well...I just don't know what to say. You are missed and worried about and there doesn't seem to be a thing we can do. Please post and let us know how you are.

    Shel...your first week of work! How goes it all? to shower and get groceries since I didn't do it last night. Supposed to go to a family get together but not sure if I will or not. I so enjoy being home on the weekends that all I really want to do is get groceries and come home to do housework, putter in the yard, relax and just chill out from the week. We'll see.

    Love to all...sorry to all I missed...gotta get up and moving cuz I'm craving a will pass and I won't back down. I actually dreamed I smoked one last weird is that!!!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: I cant really tell how good of a morning, cause Im sleep and my eyes are half closed. Just waiting for my first cup of coffee - which seems like its gonna take forever.

    Joyce: I cant imagine what you are going through. And poor Kevin. Having to face yet another surgery. Just sending lots of love to your whole family.

    Liz: Glad you got the appointment with the PS. I dont know if you remember, but I had a lump in the same spot as my tumor. Even showed up on an ultrasound. Ended up being scar tissue - but for a few weeks I was going out of my mind.

    Shokk: Hope you enjoyed your walk. I had big ideas today - was gonna get back on track with my walking, but alas - its raining this morning. Last week when I was walking the neighborhood with my dog and had an encounter with another dog who was not on a leash. My dog was going crazy and this another dog wouldnt leave us alone. Anyways, I finially got frustrated and yelled "you go home" and he did!

    Odalys: I am so sorry to hear about your friend Liz. Life sometimes seems so unfair. Wish I would have been awake - we culd have had a nice chat. Sometimes I get very confused. This disease is a crapshoot. And I always looking over my shoulder to see if my number has been called. Sending lots of love to your friend and her family. Sending a special hug to you. I believe that things happen for a reason - you will be great at your new position and you will have a special angel whispering in your ear to help you along.


    Vickie: Sometimes I feel like Im sleeping and working my life away. Before bc, there were days I wasnt even home at 6:15pm! Now Im ready for bed. I hope this summer, I will stay more active and go to bed a little later.

    Seems like it was a quiet night here on the boards. I hope everyone is ok. I will check back with ya all later.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited May 2007
    Here I tried to be a sunshine sister and the board ate my post!
    As IF I can remember everything I wrote!

    Hello everyone. It was 91 here yesterday and of course the a/c man didn't show up. I don't think chemo and heat go together.
    My poor cat! He is sweating his furry butt off!

    Shokk, can I just say you make me so happy? You really touch my heart. Thank you for what you wrote to me. As for Mary Tyler Moore that was my favorite show! But right now with all the scarves I have been wearing I am looking alot more like Rhoda!

    This third adria has hit me hard. And my friggin port is about to snap. You can see how the two plastic lines are bulging on either side of it. I am now getting mondors chords up my chest instead of just down my arms and rib cage and I think one is involving the port somehow.

    I am so happy to read of our good test results here and equally mad and sad to read of another sister soon to be leaving us. I never say that someone "lost their battle" because I believe we never stop fighting- the drugs and medical world failed US. Not the other way around.

    MENA so good to see you back.

    CHERI!! Finally home!

    My friend who lives across the street was riding her bike to get some exercise on Wednesday night and hit a rock and flew off her bike. She was lying there on the side of the road trying to get to her cell phone and call her husband. She was in terrible agony. A man walked right by her and didn't stop. He was walking his dog. Can you believe that? Then a woman who was riding her bike stopped and held her until Dan could get there.

    She has a broken jaw that is wired shut and she lost teeth and her elbow is all messed up. I made her some very very very smooth Vichysoisse yesterday and she was able to sip it and the coolness helped. You can only drink so much Ensure and Boost. Today she is getting roasted acorn squash and apple puree soup. If anyone has other pureed ideas please let me know.
    It is her son's birthday weekend too- so I really feel badly for her.

    Praying the A/C man gets here!

    Love you,
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Good morning CG's,
    It's a beautiful day here and I am going to try and enjoy the moment.I was really missing my mom yesterday. Sometimes you just need your mom to tell you it will be all right.I know she is with me and Kevin in spirit.Thank you girls for your kind words. I know you will keep him in the circle until he is well again.
    We are going for our passport today. Our cruise is in January but I heard it takes awhile for the passports.
    Our pool opens today too so I know that is where Kevin wants to go. He really is handeling it well. The doctor that did his chest wall surgery called the other day. Seems they have another boy Kevin's age that needs that surgery. They want Kevin to talk to him about it because he is scared. Kevin says I will not lie to him but I will try to help him. He truly is an angel on this earth,very compassionate.I'm getting weepy so I think I'll go have my coffee.Have a great day girls!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Sunshine sisters:

    NS - great to hear from you so early in the morning. You just made my day. Yep, after the third adriamycin I wanted to quit. But hey, one more and your done with the red devil!! Thats an awful story about your friend. I cant believe someone would walk by and not help. I myself would like some good old fashioned milk shakes made from scratch. Ice cream, milk, and fresh fruit. I cant just taste Strawberry or Blueberry shakes.

    Joyce: Hoping you have a wonderful day.
