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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    I was always told
    "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise"...well...we know now that that is pure BS!!
    Wealthy...only if I win the lottery not!

    More like the early bird catching the worm...worms it is for me!
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Good morning. Just a quick check in before church. Nicki, I've been taking loritidine (sp) and an antihistimine eye drop and they are still pretty bad. Sometimes I just want to scratch them out.

    CY, sorry you are so sore. You can do this!

    Right now while I'm going through all these issues and looking at a bunch of tests I just want to be here and hold on to all of you. You guys are the glue that is holding me together. I can't believe they are doing both bone scan and PET scan the same day! I wull be glad when Friday gets here.

    Jankay, who keeps waking you? Let's send them to the deliverance wagon.
  • lucyemmons
    lucyemmons Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2007
    good morning ladies, i just want to introduce myself. my name is lucy and i had bc. my dx was on Jan 16, 2007. My surgery (bilat mast with TRAM recons) was on Feb 2, 2007. I started going to the chat room in January seeking answers to a very scary disease that had already taken my mother's life in 1972.. My older sister was dx in August of last year so no surprise if we carry the BRCA gene. All of the ladies in the chatroom have been absolute angels to me. Thank you all for your comfort and prayers and great advice.
    Love hugs and prayers
    hollyann on chat line
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Good morning!

    Holly and CathrineH, welcome. This is a wonderful place.

    Karen, so good to see you. I sure hope whatever you decide re the meds, that it gets easier for you. Do you know when you are going to get that slipping implant fixed?

    Alwayshope, thank you for the illustration of the drain. Makes more sense to me now.

    Beth, I was wondering where you were. Sorry you are having set backs, but I bet the antibiotic will have you back on track in no time.

    Jankay, you sure do keep me laughing.

    Shokk, I look forward to reading your posts. How is the Ark coming? You guys have sure had a lot of storms! We could use some of that rain in FL.

    Gina, good to see you. The story about your neighbor is just unbelievable. How sweet of you to prepare food for her.

    Cheri, so good to see you posting again. Sometimes divorces are a good thing, sometimes not. I hope this is a positive move for Amber. I hope you heal quickly.

    Deb, welcome back. Glad the relatives behaved.

    Nicki, I hope you are getting some sunshine today. I just got a manicure and pedicure, too. It does feel great, doesn't it?

    MB, that is great your little neighbor is selling pink stuff.

    Vickie, enjoy your lazy day.

    Joyce, Kevin sounds like a very special young man.

    Madison, you must be proud to have a military daughter.

    Odalys, I am so sorry about your friend Liz. How can we make any sense out of what life hands us?

    I had a manicure and pedicure yesterday. Decided I needed attractive looking feet for my trip to the hospital on Saturday. Who ever heard of surgery on Saturday? I'm not arguing. That is how I got to jump the line for the ps.
    We are having a pretty relaxing weekend. We get a lot of traffic coming down to the Keys this weekend, so we try to stay off the roads and avoid the crazy drivers.
    Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Good morning ladies. Gee, I've missed you, but I've missed ME even more. lol I do think I'm starting to surface a little. When I was over medicated at the hospital it's taken awhile to get back to normal, been a bit loopy. Plus, I'm still checking my bp because the meds made it get so low. But I think it's getting better or at least it's not getting any worse. My mind is beginning to clear quite a bit....and it needed to!

    Nicki, thank you for the warm welcome home. I appreciate it very much.

    Vickie. Vickiroo. Vickster. Vickikens. What can I say to you? Do you know that you mentioned me in almost every post you made while I was gone? Sometimes you are like a breath of fresh, clean air. Sometimes you're like the first smell of lilac in the spring and're not. hahahahaha

    Sheri, your post replying to my rambling post was sweet. Thank you for the support. I'm behind on things. Is there a reason you think you have mets, or are you just worrying like we all do? I have to admit there was just too many posts to read all of them so I kinda scanned some and I might've skipped a couple pages.

    Sparky! How ya been? Sounds like you need a port check. You sure have had your share of problems with this round. Hope you feel better soon and come out and play.

    CherylCY, what in the world is wrong with you anyway? I couldn't believe as sick as you've been you check in to see how I'M doing? Now that's a friend. You just take care of you and let me do the checking. You are a good cookie.

    Boo, thank you for the supportive pm's, they are greatly appreciated.

    Jazmanian, you are such an interesting person. If you wanted to you could give a tongue lashing in a N.Y. minute, but have a heart that is kind and generous. I appreciate your response to my post. lol You see when the hospital over medicated me it made me confused about a few minor little ol things. Such as....who I was, and where I was and why was I there. lol

    Hollyann, welcome 'home'. That's what it will feel like if you stick around...home. This is truly a wonderful place. Come on along and join us, it's alot of fun and there's alot of support. Just jump right on in any time you feel like it and don't worry about keeping up.

    Shokk, you always seem to make it a special point to include me in your posts. Honey, you can go ahead and come out of that closet we love you no matter what.I did read somewhere about you still being 'in the closet' didn't I?

    Liz, you are just too good. Thank you for just being who you are.

    Mena, Hi honey I'm home!! I'm still a little foggy-minded so if you come out and play you might just be able to top me since I'm not up to my full mental state yet. I'd say you and I are about even now. hahaha TAG, your IT!

    Janny, Chrstiny, Marsha, Vickie, Donna, Nickster, Suzola, and any of the other wild & crazy Cyber Par-Tay girls---I missed you really, really bad! Need a party.

    Susan, OMG, How could I have ever made it without you? You are truly a gem. You've been such a good friend to me that I'm going to let you take my beloved Mork & Mindy home with you to live. You will love them. They will change your more ways than one! Please accept this gift of love from me.

    LisaE, I just luv ya, girl! You so funny. Where ya be? I didn't see a post the last day or two and no pm's. Everything alright? Hope so, I miss my buddy.

    Denise, thank you for always being willing to help with different projects. You're a keeper.

    Catherine, welcome. Come on in and let's get to know each other. We're a friendly bunch, so don't be scared.

    Iris, such a good friend you are. I enjoy our emails.

    Amy, Amy, Amy. You are truly one of my favorite people on here. Your strength is admirable and your wit is....almost as quick as mine! hahahaha

    Special thank you's for my friends who checked on me and asked about me, Madison, Z, Shirley, jankay, Gus and many more.

    I hate this wheelchair. My left arm has a metal plate in it and so it's not very strong. I'm just learning to 'drive' the darned thing. (No, Amy, I'm not planning any loops) I use it then my walker for short distances. I'm not used to sitting sideways in front of my desk and having to use a keyboard on my lap. But you know what? Maybe, with lots of prayers, this will be the surgery that fixes my leg/foot for good and I'll be able to walk again. I am alive and that in itself is quite the miracle! So many bad things happened in the past few years but I was saved every time. Don't know why. I can do this. I did it with 3 broken limbs when I had my accident. I had a casted foot, a foot in a camwalker, a crushed upper left arm bone. SO I just had my right arm to use. It was hard, really hard, but I made it through just like I will this. I'm proud of something....I have not smoked a cigarette since 4-11-07! Who would've thought?! I really wanted one as soon as I got in the car after discharge but I fought it, even with dh smoking in the car. I am woman-hear me ROAR!

    There's probably been a whole bunch of posts since I started this one so if I left you out I'm sorry. Wishing everyone an easy sunday afternoon.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Tongue lashing???? When, where, who? What???! Not me...!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Just got back from my first walk. The rain has stopped. Its a beautiful sunny day.

    Now I need to go walk to the 7-11 and get a Sunday paper.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Cheri: What a beautiful to all of us! And yes, You are woman, hear you roar!!!! So glad you are back with always bring, "a bit of wisdom" or is it "wit" with you! Now, from one of your elders..Listen here Missy, you follow all of the Dr's orders, (except the one he evidently left at the hospital saying no baths!), stay off of that foot, you will be all fixed up real soon. You have been through way to much..this is it..I just checked my Crystal Ball and it told me all positive things for your future!! Love ya!

    Shokk: Gotta love them seniors!! LMAO over the Early Bird Special! So true! And, God help the waitress if she doesn't "remember" to give them the 10% senior Discount on their $1.30 order!!

    Jankay: Good Morning Dear! Keep that spirit Up!! Loved your jokes yesterday!

    Marsha: Dear Sweet Marsha! I loved the joke about liquid Viagra, That is one thing I like to keep soft at my house, new 'hard'drinks from Pepsi here! Wouldn't you know that my DH drinks Pepsi and my Nephew works for Pfiezer!

    Cy: Take it easy Sweetie. Port and Chemo in one're not messing around. We love you and want to help in anyway we can. I wish there really was such a thing as a Magic Carpet.........we could visit everyone!

    Hello to our newbies! Holly(Lucy) and Katherine....Welcome, come on in to a place where nothing is expected of you, Hugs and Love are abundant, Whining and complaining is allowed, and you'll meet the best friends and family ever!

    Nicki and Tricia: Both treated theirselves to some pampering yesterday!! You deserve it!

    Deb: I see you are still in MI, but enjoying yourself! Boy, you sure hit some crappy weather this weekend..Enjoy the time with your friends and we'll see you when you get back!

    So many more to talk to....but I am going to get some housework done! Starting in the Bathroom..(, no poop stories!), and moving slowly through tidius chores. Organizing drawers..then I'll never find anything. Clearing off this desk....haven't decided if I'll use the File Drawers or just scoop it to the Round File. And I might even wash the kitchen floors before the Health Dept. Condemns them!! Hey, the Countertops look great....don't want to over do!

    Love to all!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Afternoon ladies...I am so glad that I have tomorrow off too! Wow...two whole days of relaxation. Taking Nate to Pizza Hut and miniture golf tomorrow and maybe a movie if anything is playing in our little rinky dink town. If not we will do the movie next weekend.
    Cheri...well of course I mentioned you in every thread silly broad that you are. I figured Amber would be keeping us updated and reading so I had to make sure you knew we were all with you...turns out you didn't know anything at all LOL! Are you sure they found a brain on that MRI? And just what is it that I smell like on the "off" days heehee. Hugs to ya!
    Hey Denise...I don't know where my mind is but I misread your post and thought that condemns was condoms and something about countertops LOL. Had to go back and reread it a bit slower! Forget the housework and relax!
    Alwayshope...tongue lashings oh my!! LOL. What would we do without you?
    Shokk...calling for severe weather here this afternoon...torrential rain, hail, wind in excess of 50mph, dangerous your closet empty? I lit a candle for all of us today. Send up many prayers too.

    It was an interesting sermon about who we talk to and how we connect with different people. We talk differently to those who are older or younger, those who are of a different culture but when we connect with someone that has something in common with us, no matter their age or their culture, their beliefs etc...we have an instant rapport with that person because they "know" us. Not good at explaining the message but it was a good one and mad me think of all of us here. We are all connected by a horrible fate...bc...but we are connected and so very happy to be "sisters" of all different ages, addresses, races, beliefs...whatever...we love each other. Not explaining any of this very well so I hope you get my point. I love ya all!!! I'd be lost without you!!! rain!! Yeah...get outside and enjoy. I still have some tomato and squash plants to put in along with a few more flowers but they may wait till tomorrow so I can crochet.

    Journals journals journal!!!
    Last chance ladies...I can do a journal page for you from your website if you want and add your pictures just let me know what the link is...I have all your pm's and have done a couple of the websites so if you've already agreed to that I have it done.
    Gina...would you like me to print parts of your website and pics to add to the journal...I know you haven't been able to work on something like this but would love to include you. I know of a couple of your encouraging posts I'd like to add too. Let me know.
    Gotta run...well...walk to my crocheting on the front porch... a while crocodile just might come true...if we get the wind watch for me in your back yard!!
    Love ya all and sorry to all I missed...I'm thinking of you but my hands are getting tired!!!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Well, I just made my run to Walmart to restock on my Code Red Mountain Dew supplies. Only mid morning and its already hot hot hot I thought I would post this funny. Those who live in the south will empathize immediately and those who don't will get a little glimpse of what its like to live here in the summer.....

    Can you relate?

    Dear Diary:

    May 30th:
    Just moved to Montgomery...Now this is a city that knows how to live!!

    Beautiful sunny days and warm balmy evenings. What a place! Watched the sunset from a park lying on a blanket. It was beautiful. I've finally found my home. I love it here.

    June 14th:
    Really heating up. Got to 100 today. Not a problem. Live in an air-conditioned home, drive an air-conditioned car. What a pleasure to see the sun everyday like this. I'm turning into a sun worshipper.

    June 30th:
    Had the backyard landscaped with western plants today. Lots of cactus and rocks. What a breeze to maintain. No more mowing lawn for me. Another scorcher today, but I love it here.

    July 10th:
    The temperature hasn't been below 100 all week. How do people get used to this kind of heat? At least it's kind of windy though. But getting used to the heat and humidity is taking longer that I expected.

    July 15th:
    Fell asleep by the pool. (Got 3rd degree burns over 60% of my body.) Missed 3 days of work. What a dumb thing to do. I learned my lesson though. Got to respect the ol' sun in a climate like this.

    July 20th:
    I missed Morgan (our cat) sneaking into the car when I left this morning. By the time I got to the hot car for lunch, Morgan had died and swollen up to the size of a shopping bag and stank up the $2,000 leather upholstery. I told the kids that she ran away. The car now smells like Kibbles and shits. I learned my lesson though. No more pets in this heat.

    July 25th:
    The wind sucks. It feels like a giant freaking blow dryer!! And it's hot as hell. The home air-conditioner is on the fritz and the AC repairman charged $200 just to drive by and tell me he needed to order parts.

    July 30th:
    Been sleeping outside by the pool for 3 nights now. $1,500 in damn house payments and we can't even go inside. Why did I ever come here?

    August 4th:
    It's 105 degrees. Finally got the air-conditioner fixed today. It cost $500 and gets the temperature down to 85, but this freaking humidity makes the house feel like it's
    about 95. Stupid repairman pissed in my pool. I hate this stupid city.

    August 8th:
    If another wise ass cracks, "Hot enough for you today?", I'm going to strangle him. Damn heat. By the time I get to work the radiator is boiling over, my clothes are soaking wet, and I smell like baked cat!!

    August 9th:
    Tried to run some errands after work. Wore shorts and sat on the black leather seats in the ol' car. I thought my ass was on fire. I lost two layers of flesh and all the hair on the back of my legs and ass. Now my car smells like burnt hair, fried ass, and baked cat.

    August 10th:
    The weather report might as well be a damn recording. Hot and sunny. Hot and sunny. Hot and sunny. It's been too hot to do anything for 2 damn months and the weatherman says it might really warm up next week. Doesn't it ever rain in this damn desert?? Water rationing will be next, so might as well watch $1700 worth of cactus just dry up and blow into the damn pool. Even the cactus can't live in this damn heat.

    August 15th:
    Welcome to HELL!!! Temperature got to 105 today. Forgot to crack the window and blew the damn windshield out of the car. The installer came to fix it and said, "Hot enough for you today?" My wife had to spend the $1500 house payment to bail me out of jail. Freaking South . What kind of a sick demented idiot would want to live here??
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    Vickie can you please add a picture of Hayden that I posted to my Journel?
    thanks Sweetie,

    Got to run out and take care of MIL. We hope to get all the final paperwork this week so we can move her but it hasn't happened yet!

    Gotta run!
    Hugs & Prayers
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    OH Jasmine...ROFLMBO...My daughter is going to love that one!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    CY...I will include Haydens picture! Thanks for reminding me. I will go through the picture thread and see what else I may have missed!
    Take it easy and ya
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Always, that was great! I totally understand. We lived in Idaho for 3 years and it got really hot in the summer, but because it was a "dry heat" it was more bearable. The humidity kills me.

    Cheri, Do I think I have mets? Wow, that question just scared the "beep" out of me. I have a lump on the chest wall above my mastectomy scar. The onc is having it tested. We are praying for scar tissue, but I've had so many scares this past year I sometimes think my luck is running out. I walked out of the dr office with 4 different appts--bone scan, PET scan, ultrasound, and follow up. My onc doesn't mess around. Glad to see you back, almost to normal, whatever that is!
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    I'm planning on having a big girl slushie later today. I'm going to read the papers, take a little na, then start celebrating the weekend. See you later.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi Girls,
    Was going to say I was just popping in for a quickie...but after reading Vickies post about me having 'condoms' on my countertops...I'll just say that I'm popping in for a couple of minutes!! Love ya Vick!

    Alwayshope, that was a cute rundown of the South, or West! And from what I hear, so true!! My Son lives in AZ and he loves it. No Humidity, pfft! 100 is 100 anyway you feel it!

    Vickie: I feel bad about the Journal..I just am stumped. I know my mouth usually flows pretty freely, just can't quite figure out what to do here. Could you, either here or pm me, what a couple of girls wrote/did? That might get me on the right track!

    SHEL AND TINA AND ALL OTHERS IN AND AROUND MICHIGAN. CANADA, CHICAGO, OHIO! I see where Sphynx is looking for you! She posted under 'newly diagnosed'....have to ask her about that one! Anyhow, our Race for A Cure is June 16th and WE WANT YOU!!!! So far we have 42 signed up and I think 14 Survivors!! COME ON AND JOIN US!!!!

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007

    Jasmine.....funny, funny! Born and raised in the south. Thanks for the much needed laugh today. I'm on the couch with Gina and CY this weekend. Hugs.....Marsha

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    oh gosh cheri, i can't accept your overly generous gift. No really I can't. My tiny little dog would be overwhelmed by the wonderfulness of Mork and Mindy.
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007
    Good afternoon ladies,

    I haven't posted in a few days - finally got my wayward daughter straightened out. Turns out she was just really stressed out -had a big presentation to give at work on Friday so decided to take her stress out on us. She was also suffering really badly from allergies and her allergy meds may have played a role too. Anyway - all is back to normal.

    It is a beautiful day here. I spent most of the morning outside pulling weeds from my garden. Also helped my middle dd assemble a basketball hoop for youngest ds. I want to go to the garden store to get more plants for my garden - but I also have work I should be doing so maybe tomorrow. I didn't work in my garden much last year because of treatment so now I am really enjoying it.

    Cheri - glad to see you are back. Must be hard not being able to get around - but take care and you will be as good as new - I say so.

    Beth - you can't seem to catch a break here -enough already! Hope you feel better soon. Rest up and heal.

    Z - your diet made me laugh. Sounds like me on a diet - precisely why I don't diet anymore - the more I think about dieting - the more I want to eat. Just have to eat the whole package of Oreos so they won't be around to eat them (makes no sense I know).

    Alwayshope - ROFLMAO on the south thing. Too funny.

    CY - did I get that you had your port put in and chemo at the same time. Wow, you make sure you take care of yourself and don't overdo. I was really sore when I had my port put in - I don't think I would have let anyone touch it right after.

    Sheri - praying for scar tissue for you - you can only have negative bone scan, PET and ultrasound tests.

    Tricia - will be thinking of you on Saturday. Hope everything goes well for you.

    Gina - the story about your neighbor was just awful - what kind of person would just walk by someone who was obviously hurt and not do anything? You are such a good friend to fix food for your neighbor when you are not feeling all that great yourself. You are special! I am hoping that the other chemo drugs will not be so hard on you.

    Deb - 12 hours - thats a long flight. Glad your visit is going well with the family.

    Shokk - Texas is really getting hit hard this year with storms. It often looks like it is going to rain here - but we are really dry. Got a little bit of rain yesterday but not nearly enough. Grass is starting to look dry.

    Denise - when you are done cleaning your house you can come and clean mine. It is too nice outside today to clean house. My next excuse is the kids will just mess it up again anyways. Can you tell I am not in the mood to clean.

    Jankay - enjoy the time with your sister. I know when my sister comes to visit - I hate to see her go too. Why is it that when you can sleep your children wake you up and when you wake up - then your children are sleeping.

    Holly - welcome to the circle.

    Cherryl - the big girl slushie sounds intriguing - may need to check that out.

    Marsha - feel better soon. I remember the Taxol pains -ouch!

    Sorry, I know I am forgetting lots of people - forgot to take notes. When are the Alaska cruise people coming back? Happy Memorial Day to all.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Hey Cheri its a sad state of affairs when your own closet gets more action than you do............

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hey Suz: Glad things are going good for you! Kids, someone said once "gotta love em!"

    Marsha: You're on the couch? Feel better soon, I miss your humor!

    Cy: Good luck with MIL..why do these things always take so long?? Please don't over do, now's the time to claim ME time.

    Shokk: What did you say GQ was at your office for? Maybe we can figure out a way for him to look, adjust, fix something in your closet! Gotta be better than huddling with a HedgeHog for hours!!

    Well, DH just asked me if I wanted to go for a walk so I'll be back later!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Ok guys a little story this daughter has gone to the movies to see Pirates of the Carribean with "friends" I think she had a date......anyway I notice that the kid across the street was headed out to high school graduation today.....pouring down rain and she has on this pretty dress and her hair all done but anyway exactly 1 yr ago today I was going to my oldest high school graduation and I was bald.....had had my 3rd taxol treatment on the Thursday before and was so sick.........all family get togethers had happen at my house for the last 12 yrs.......Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, etc......I loved to cook and always enjoyed entertaining......last yr my ex and I were divorced, I had bc, and was in no mood to have anyone over or even go out to dinner.......told my parents,brother, bil and wife that after daughter graduated I was going home and going to bed........of course daughter was going out with friends anyway to party but I can't believe it has been a year........I seem like a completely different person in so many ways......not just physically but even more so emotionally......anyway I have got to be the luckest women alive to have all of ya'll as good friends.....Vickie your post about church this morning could not have been more meaniful to me......God works in very mysterious you all..........

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited May 2007
    Good Afternoon everyone!

    It is so hot in NC this afternoon and that was so true,Jasmine abt the heat! We have a saying that real women don't sweat...they glow! Well,I am like a glow worm this aft! Your Code Red sounds wonderful.

    Suzfive...I bet your garden is so relaxing(as I grew up in the country,I know how much work is involved) and lovely.

    Cheri...glad you're posting and feeling better. Bet you are so good with that wheelchair and you know how much we care.
    Missed all those funny repartees while you were MIA. LOL!

    Nicki...that little one has a face like someone on TV/the movies(the cute one w/the nose)? Loved the rain pic and hope it has stopped by now.Pool sounds good today!That idea of roll call is wonderful..rememb on "The Mickey Mouse Club"...a mill yrs ago? Still hear it...Annette,Cubbie...

    Cherryl...a slushie right now would be so tasty!

    purplemb...hope the family reunion was great;bet you had wonderful food and fun.

    Wow,Tricia,I know the Fl Keys are so beautiful. Best of everything with the surgery.

    Vickie...thanks for the kindness with the candles and the journals so like you. Hope you and Nate are surviving all the storms. You have had a bunch lately,haven't you? Have a great Memorial Day!

    Denise...too funny on the Sr Citizen's discount as this cashier would not give it to my mother one day. Said she could not tell her age(Mother past 70 then) and they were not allowed to ask. She said some people had chewed her out abt asking their age. My family was happy to save a few cents. LOL!

    Holly Ann...big welcome! I know where Alpharetta is and Marietta as I was born in Northeast AL.

    Lisa...glad your team won.

    Shokk...Texas storms sound like the ones we had in AL. Hate when the TV goes out and the internet.

    Sheri...will be thinking of you.Congrats on the schl yr being over! Enjoy the well-earned vacation!
    Deb... hope it was fun with your friends in MI this wkend.

    Cy...take care and I have been thinking of you.Beautiful grandchild!

    Beth...sorry abt the infection and added pain. Hope you will soon be much better. I do Netflix and love it;read your posts abt ordering movies.

    Karen...hope you're doing OK in Denver.I am on Arimidex and have the hot/cold spells often. Keep coat with me in my car as I freeze in stores.

    I hope that all of you have a great holiday!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    well crap
    gonna vent so if you don't want a downer just skip this post. I am so pissed at cancer and how it's changed me. Bawling my eyes out once again...I hate these friggin mood swings. Tried to do a painting for my all set up...had a great plan and idea...and I can't do it. My fingers just won't friggin work like they used to. CRAP! I HAVE NOTHING FOR HER FOR HER BIRTHDAY! I thought that I could do this by now and bought new friggin brushes and everything...started to paint and it looks like a two year old did it. WHAT AM I GONNA DO! I love to paint and draw and all I can do is crochet. I have no idea what to do for her birthday and so wanted it to be something special. ##$$%^%#$%@#&^$*&^$*^%#$&#$*%$*&^(*&)_*%^$^%#$*&%(*&$%*&^$(*^&^)%*&$(*^)&^)(*^*&%&^$^%$*^%#%$@(^&%(&^)&_&*_^&
    ok..I'm done now. sorry ladies. Gonna grab a xanex and a glass of wine and I'll be back.
    I love ya all
    whine whine whine...I'm's just heartbreaking to me.
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited May 2007
    Hey to you,Susan! I did not mean to leave you out of the list.
    Hope that you're cooler in Springfield than we are here this afternoon. Who knows--rain maybe coming to cool the air.

    JanKay...enjoyed reading your posts.

    Jan...hope that you are having a great weekend. Seems like you mention a get-together this weekend with some of your friends. Hope it is fun!

    Betty...hope that you are having a good weekend in TN.

    Marsha...sorry that you are not feeling well and wishing that tomorrow is better. You make me smile with the funny things that you write.

    Sue(ishop1...hope that you are having a great weekend. Did you go visit your grandchildren this weekend?

    Madison...congrats on your daughter's graduation and all the support from her family must have made her feel so good. Hope that you are having a good weekend.

    NS...sorry that you have had such a difficult time lately. You have always been so supportive of everyone and I love your website.

    Margaret...hope that you are having a good weekend in CA.

    Christine...hope that you are not working too hard if you are this Memorial Day weekend. Sorry to read abt your friend as I know that is so hard.

    Amy...thinking of you and hope the weekend is going well.

    Colleen...reading abt you like "Build Me Up Buttercup",too. That was my fave song my freshman yr of college...still got that Foundations record somewhere,I think.

    Apologies to anyone that I skipped!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Vickie -- what are you going to do? Your going to get your little fanny up off the 'poor me' sofa and paint and paint and paint until you get your skills back. Even people who have taken piano lessons for years and years can get rusty if they stop for a while.

    You keep painting until it shows what you want it to show -- your heart. Hugs!
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Where in NC are you? I was born and grew up there -- in the Piedmont part of the State in Raeford. Small world!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Hey Iris -- please don't tell me its already scorching in North Carolina!!! Hope its cooler over by the coast. I bought some Mountain Dew Livewire too. I'm gonna be pumped so full of caffeine I probably won't sleep for a week.