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  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    good evening sweet sisters,
    Oh what a day. Date day with Nathaniel (which totally embarrassed him when I said that...he said "you can't date your mom...geez what are yo thinking?")heehee. Anyways...went to Pizza Hut (which is his favorite) and played miniture golf for hours with DS and BIL. Had a great time. Got home and found out from other DS about the kidnapped cattles. oh my! Got the pool out of the garage to set it up and its ruined!!! crap!!! It was just one of the cheapy Walmart ones but it was sooo nice and Nathaniel loves to swim. May use my credit card and order a new one...not sure if it's a good idea or not. I hate using my credit card!!
    Robin Robin Robin...glad to see that Marsha gave you the "what for"...silly woman that you are! I can't believe you hid out from us for so long...I was meeting up with Jankay to come find you with the rope, duct tape and handcuffs. You my dear are officially roped into the center of the circle till you learn to behave yourself and not scare your sisters half to death LOL! I am so happy to hear your good news! glad your home! How was the trip...where did you...did you have a good time?
    NS...beautiful roses. I have miniature roses, climbing roses and hedge rose but they are just now starting to grow. Much cooler here than there.
    Betty...oh such beautiful flowers. I can't wait till mine start blooming.
    Sheri...I'm so glad you heard from your DS...maybe you can get a good nights sleep. Is school out there yet? when is your birthday?
    Pam...hmmm...dragonflies huh...gonna have to do something with that...loved the story and I believe every single word. God winks all the time we just have to be paying attention. sound like you're feeling better. Hope it is so.
    Jeannette...where are you...Shirley...where are you? Are they both still cruising? Lucky girls anyway.
    Deb...are you hiding from us now too. We miss you when you don't pop in with a story to tell.
    Iris...did you bake and cookies today LOL.
    Beth...if you're reading I hope you are feeling better. I got your pm. thank you.
    Nicki...have you gone to bed already! Sweet dreams sunshine sister.
    Thank you all for whipping me back in shape. Need that! Seriously thought Jasmine was gonna kick my whiney butt off the couch! I would have had it reason to whine...plenty of girls here with much more to whine about than me. CY, Mena, NS, etc. I do hate the mood swings though.
    Tracey...hmmm...haven't seen you this weekend...what's up with the new kid or is it kids now?
    Madison...going to try to send the afghan tomorrow. I will pm you in the morning...still need to post a picture!!! Working on the newest one now.
    Looks like my DD is moving out and moving in with a friend of hers. She says she just cringes looking at him now and it just isn't worth it any more. She can't forget it and he doesn't seem to care so she's done with it. I am happy to hear my old Sarah "in your face, fighting for what's right and just" Sarah...not the crying, sad, down and out Sarah that she's been since October.
    ok...gotta go give puppy a bath...white Shitzu's and grass stains aren't a pretty sight LOL. He is getting a haircut this week! I'm glad he at least likes a bath.
    Love ya all and I'll most likely be back.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    I wanted to share this pic of Ethan and one of our little puppies, Mindy. The twins are 8 weeks old now.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    Cheri...whatca doin over here...yur spose to be handin out blew rinks at yur house.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007

    Vickieroo, color me there!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    I decided to send down some angels to watch over us all as we sleep tonight. Circling the perimeter one more time before heading off to bed. The moon is so bright and almost full. The forest is quiet and I can hear the stream nearby. The wagons are together, the fire is burning in the center (where we now have Robin hog tied!!!), CY's wagon is quiet so I'm gonna tiptoe past so she gets some rest, tucking in Mena, checking in on Gina but her watch kitty growled at me, Deb's wagon is quiet so she must have had a busy weekend, Cheri is into the blue drinks with Marsha...gonna have to watch them two, Susan is looking for drugs or something, Madison is tucked in with her crochet hook, Christine has been very quiet the past couple of days but her wagon is way over on the far side...can someone check on her, check on Tgirl too as we haven't heard a peep from her wagon in a couple of days, Sheri needs more tissues and a hug so I'm gonna stop in there quick, Jasmine is still up and I'm taking her some tea, Z's wagon is very quiet, Karen needs a hug so I'm stopping for a minute to see her and tell her that it will all be ok, Puppy is back home so gotta give her a smooch, my feet are getting tired but there are so many wagons to go...Tricia is awake and thinking of next Saturday, we will all be right by your side, Beth is eating fruit so I'm taking her some chocolate, Denise is up to something...I can tell, Shokk is checking the weather and emptying the closet as she looks for a home for the hedgehog...maybe Cheri would trade for Mork and Mindy, Liz is missing in action...anyone see her wagon, Shel is missing too and we just can't have such a thing, Newter is sleeping and has been pretty quiet are you sweet lady, Hollyanne...come out and play, ok...I can't make it any further...I have arrived at my wagon and my bed looks mighty inviting tonight. Back to work tomorrow then another day off to go with Nate's class on their last field trip of the year.
    Um...spent a bit to much time outside without the sunscreen today so just giving you all a reminder to remember to put it on! Ouch...not too bad really but sure as heck don't need skin cancer now!
    and I have had many wonderful moments right here in this wonderful cyber circle...thank you all!
    Love and hugs
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited May 2007
    Hi Girls,

    I spend a couple days off my computer, and there are 9 pages to read! Oh, My, Goodness! I will start reading again tomorrow.

    This weekend we brought my Dad's cats home to live with us. All in all, we are all adjusting pretty well. They are learning not to climb on my kitchen counters or claw the furniture, and I am remembering how wonderful a purring cat can be. The black long hair is Sassy, and the tabby is Buster.


    BTW - the party starts tomorrow at about 9:30 AM, as I should be done with my last treatment then. I'm looking forward to my underarm healing up. The boosts have burned it pretty well and it is definitely not comfortable.

    I promise to be around more during the week!

    Hugs to all,
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Oh my, I have so much reading….so many posts..….

    First, GREAT NEWS ROBIN….BUT you did have us all worried. I’m going to help contribute to the duct tape to keep you in the circle….
    Anne, we were going to send the posse looking for you....last rads tomorrow....we will be at the party...Buster and Sassy are cute...I thought about you and your boys today....tell them I appreciate all they are doing for our country!!
    G, so good to see you posting beautiful pictures of your garden.
    Cheri, I read something about you being sideways….sounds interesting (may have to go back and read what you are doing!!) Mork and Mindy are going to be HUGE dogs….they are cute, but they are going to be big…. Ahhh, I see where you are handing out blue ‘rinks….that could explain why we are all sideways!!
    Boo, what can we do to help you as you approach your anniversary date? We are here for you…
    Beth, take care of yourself-hope you enjoyed the day with family.
    Vickie, so you have some cattle rustlers down your way (I mean up North)….we have those down South. I always find it interesting to read the old 1800 and 1900 laws still on the books…..just sting them up boys – they done stole my cattle!!!
    Betty, your landscaping is wonderful……
    Marsha, you sound like you are better today.
    Puppy, glad you are home….hope the trip was fun…..
    Pam, did you put your onc appointment on our calendar?… know we have our very own Pilot-Mazer – and our very own magic carpet so we can be at everyone’s appointments.
    Karen, it sounds like you have a nice size garden….Sure hope you can get an earlier PS appointment..
    Nicki, how is your project going? DH buys our wine….there is one small store close to us that has a wonderful wine selection…he will stop in at least once a week and finds some really wonderful wine on sale….
    Denise, I think we could be shopping partners…..I can spend hours in the mall and not purchase anything….
    CY, were you able to get some rest?
    I just read on the Secret Pal thread that Shel’s computer crashed…..YIKES…..
    Sheri, do you usually suffer from allergies…your eyes are dry and your nose is running---sounds like there is something you are reacting to either outside or, possibly, inside. Jacob is going to have some awesome pictures and stories to tell you as he makes this journey …..
    Cherryl, how was the parade?
    Vickie, I just read where Sarah is moving out….I’m sure it was a difficult decision-but a decision that only she can make…bet of luck and plenty of hugs for her.
    Iris, thought of you and your car keys today at the store when I heard over the loud speaker ….”if anyone found a set of keys left on the newspaper isle, please bring them to the service desk”……
    Suz, that is a wonderful tribute that you were able to participate in.
    Shokk, wow-been seeing the reports of all the rain in your area…you have had some really dangerous flooding….take care.
    Susan, I did not think it got hot in Missouri..what is your highest temp?
    I sorry, I know I missed some…..Jankay, you have been quiet today. I saw that Jasmine stopped by to say hello. Tricia was visiting all the wagons. Tracey, DebC,
    Mena, Z, Tgirl, and all…….must be visiting friends…..
    I need to get back to my wagon and grab the crochet hook….trying to finish one for mailing on Wednesday. Jankay and Ferne received their Afghans BUT We have ONE more afghan that is floating between the post office and the recipient……hopefully the afghan and special person will be together tomorrow.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    Denise and Vickie, I feel downright lousy. I have no real appetite but I have to eat to heal better and this experience has scared the crap out of me. The visiting RN said to eat protein and fruits and veggies so i will listen. On top of everything else, I have the very much sought after, yeast infection, so sugars increase those buggers so I need to stay away from it.

    The ps gave me a RX for Xanax and I now know why it is so good. Before, I had just tried some of dh's Xanaflex which is a derivitive but not the just helped for sleeping. These help for the crying jags. Someone finally understands what I feel and believes in chemicals to help. Thank you Dr. B!!!!

    Jankay, here is the joke as promised ( is a little racy) and then I am getting a shower and crawling back to my wagon for the night:

    Rules For Bedroom Golf

    1. Each player shall furnish his own equipment for play, normally one club and two balls.

    2. Play on a course must be approved by the owner of the hole.

    3. Unlike outdoor golf, the object is to get the club in the hole and keep the balls out of the hole.

    4. For most effective play, the club should have a firm shaft. Course owners are permitted to check the shaft for firmness before play begins.

    5. Course owners reserve the right to restrict the length of the club to avoid damage to the hole.

    6. The object of the game is to take as many strokes as necessary until the course owner is satisfied that play is complete. Failure to do so may result in being denied permission to play on the course again.

    7. It is considered bad form to begin playing the hole immediately upon arrival at the course. The experienced player will normally take time to admire the entire course with special attention to the well formed bunkers.

    8. Players are cautioned not to mention other courses they have played or are currently playing to the owner of the course being played. Upset course owners have been known to damage a player's equipment for this reason.

    9. Players are encouraged to have proper rain gear along, just in case.

    10. Players should assure themselves that their match has been properly scheduled, particularly when a new course is being played for the first time. Previous players have been known to become irate if they discover someone else is playing what they consider to be a private course.

    11. Players should not assume a course is in shape for play at all times. Some players may be embarrassed if they find the course is temporarily under repair. Players are advised to be extremely tactful in this situation.
    More advanced players will find alternate means of play when this is the case.

    12. Players are advised to obtain the course owners permission before attempting to play the back nine.

    13. Slow play is encouraged, however, players should be prepared to proceed at quicker pace, at least temporarily, at the course owner's request.

    14. It is considered outstanding performance, time permitting, to play the same hole several times in one match.

    15. The course owner will be the sole judge of who is the best player.

    *HINT- Players are advised to think twice before considering membership at a given course. Additional assessments may be levied by the owner and the rules are subject to change. For this reason, many players prefer to continue to play several different courses.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    yes madison i have been quiet. sis has been over and we have been ggoing thru mom stuff
    talk 2 morrow
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Hey CG's!! I am back from AZ, visiting the SIL, had a great time, I really missed her, She's 23 and a hoot and a half. Hubby was happy to see his sister, we all had a great time.. TOO HOT, though. 100 both days, but it was ok. We went swimming and stayed in air conditioning places. Went to the mall and shopped a bit, Bath and Body works had a sale. Went to see Spidey 3 - I loved it! I love Toby McGuire - so there to my family who don't get it.
    Overall, worth the trip and will do it again soon.

    I have a lot of posts to read and catch up on. But I see we have a few new sisters - Welcome, grab a log and set by the fire and tell us about you.

    I also see that Robin is back - boy, I am happy, I was worried and contemplated to just keep driving to find her -glad you are dancing with NED, honey - bright horizons for you. Please don't worry us like that again, just get on and say hey, not in the mood, be back when I am in the mood, we get it - GLAD YOU ARE BACK!!

    I know there is alot going on with my sisters and I will read, and catch up and posts later. I am a little tired and trying to get ready for work tomorrow.

    But, nonetheless, I am thinking of you all, wishing you well for tomorrow and the week ahead.

    BTW, I have an issue I need to deal with and I only feel comfortable expressing it here, I haven't told anyone but here goes. I think I am ready for the hubby to see me now. I haven't yet because he's always been a boob guy (and he's 7 years younger than me) and even though he's wonderful and stood by me then and now, I have been afraid, but I think I'm ready, scared, but ready, I'm going to tell him this week and hope I don't chicken out. Wish me strength. It's been since December and all he has seen is the rad burns, but not that the breast has shrunk so much and looks so different (smaller), I am not afraid of him being disgusted or anything, I just don't know how he will take it. I am nervous though.

    Ok, so that is my task for this week as I continually work on my image and how I see myself, this is the toughest.

    Thanks for listening my sisters. You make me feel safe and secure to share.

    Good night, beauties, throwing another log on the fire. It's a bit chilly over here in more corner of the circle.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    To Jankay:

    Take your time sweetie, process it all and we cannot wait to hear how all this turns out for you. I think about you everyday and all that you are going through. Gentle hugs to you.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    just a short note before bed
    i am glad to see holly here and catherine here. also i am glad to get to know marsha and tricia. cheri i thank u for bringing me here. vicki you can guit the habit i have faith. z i think of u often also and if your husband was smart enough to marry you then he will accept you as th e beautifllul person you are whether your boob is the same or not. follow your instincts my dear friend/
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    Good morning sunshine sisters! Oh do I need that guy above around when the alarm clock goes off LOL. Overslept a bit (well...not really, I just kept hitting the snooze button)so I only have a minute. I have a couple pm's to answer and I will get to it in a bit.
    Nickster...wake up sweet's Monday LOL. No really its Tuesday and your toothbrush is green. Love ya.
    Jankay...I know you're up and getting ready for your day! I haven't smoked yet and today is day 13...yippee. Someone told me it takes 21 days to break a habit but I think I have it licked. Better not speak to soon though.
    Z...I think your DH will be just fine. You are a beautiful women and your breast has been through a battle that it won. Battles scars! You fought to stay here, with him and your children and you won...bear those battle scars proudly.
    Madison has turned into the crocheting goodness what would we do without you! Have a great day! time! Glad you checked in and congratulations.
    Ok...runnin late...gotta hike to the shower but I'll check back in when I can.
    Love ya all and have a grand day!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: I pretty tired this morning. Sure could use another day off. Hoping the coffee does what its supposed to do.

    Went to the grocey store with my husband yesterday and the lady standing in line in front of us was obviously getting chemo. So I started talking to her and find out she has breast cancer with bone mets since 2001. She looked great and said she feels great. Has the same onc as I do. I was pretty impressed and reassured that stage 4 can indeed be treated like a chronic illness.

    Vickie: I dont even have an alarm clock and I feel like your picture this morning. Sort of funny in this day and age - someone stealing cows.

    Pam: Sounds like you had a fun day at the ball park. We havent had much rain here in the Chicago end of the circle, but its not bad enough to have a watering ban. Thank goodness. Some of my flowers are doing great, and some seem to be growing very slowly. But hey, its stil only May.

    Robin: Great news. Welcome back, we missed you.

    Denise: Im like you. Have a closet filled with all different sizes. And right now, none of them seem to fit properly. Wish I could afford liposuction. Need to do something with this belly.

    Cheri: Those puppies are really big. No wonder DH says they have to go. My husband would be having a fit right now. But they are so cute.

    Anne: The cats are just beautiful. Poor little things, having to get adjusted to alot right now. When I moved to this house, my cats hids for 3 days.

    Madison: Im sort of at a loss right now when it comes to wine. I have switched to red, and trying to find something that I like. The first 2 bottles I got were great. That bottle of cheap wine I bought Saturday - I think it gave me a small migraine. I have heard red wine can do that. Yesterday I got a nice bottle of chianti and it tasted great. Although, Im thinking thats one of the reasons Im so tired this morning. My project is going great. Almost done with it. Then I will be ready to start a new one.

    Beth: From the first time I was diagnosed, nothing seemed to go right. In our minds it sounds so simple. Do surgery, come home, heal and feel better. Just doesnt happen like that. Putting that PICC line by the bend of your elbow is just awful. Cant criticize them too much though, cause they had such a hard time getting it placed. Hoping the vancomycin is doing its job.

    Z: Welcome back. Sounds like you had lots of fun. Im guessing your husband will really understand. Good luck.

    Amy: Missed talking to you all week-end. Wondering how your tests and doctors visit went on Friday. Hoping everything is good.

    Well, already its time to go. Hoping everyone has a good day.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007
    Good morning sweet CGs,
    Nicki, thanks for the coffee. Boy, it's good today and desperately needed. I can't seem to wake up this morning. It's Fosselmax day and I almost fell back asleep sitting up and waiting for the clock to tick away.

    Thank you everyone for your comments on my flowers. What I didn't show you was my herb pots that after a week have nothing growing in them. I always have trouble with herbs and of course that is what I really want to grow.

    I'm sorry about inviting you all for steaks and then not having them. Yep, it started raining just when DH went out to light off the grill. And it only lasted long enough for us to change our dinner plans. Steaks tonight, though!

    Vickie, you're doing great. Keep it up. And thanks for that alarm guy. Love it. I don't use an alarm, either but he's right on this am.

    Hugs to everyone.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Betty, I with you. I just feel so tired this morning. Must have had a crazy dream right before I woke up and its still hanging with me.

    Wish I didnt have to go to work today.

    Cheri, Trisha, Marsha and everyone else that I have missed - have a good day.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Good morning. Now that school is out I can come on at any time of the day! Yippee!

    I think my allergies have morphed into the beginnings of a sinus infection. I couldn't sleep last night because I was either dripping or stuffed up. I'm also starting to cough. Yuck.

    Z, I know how you feel about your boob. I had a single mast with no recon and after over 2 years, I still don't like my dh to see it! We strategically cover it whenever the mood strikes, which I'll admit isn't very often anymore. He doesn't do blood, gore, guts and scars very well, but I know he still loves me or he wouldn't still be around after all we've been through.

    Every day I go back and forth about the lumps on my chest. Some days I KNOW it's scar tissue and others I feel like I need to start being prepared for the worst. Stories about people living with mets are very encouraging. I worry about my job. They almost let me go last time and I really want to stay. Plus, I get tuition benefits if I work and I don't want to lose those. I guess I'll cross that bridge if/when I get to it.

    Need my coffee and a tissue. Back later.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Morning!

    I love it when you girls tuck us in at night and wake us up in the morning!!

    Hope all had a nice weekend and are all rested up. I have to jump over to the CG Calendar and see where we are going today!

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007

    Post deleted by Sherndon

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2007
    First off>>>>>
    Robin - Incredible, wonderful news!!!!!!!!
    NS and Betty - Beautiful gardens. My yard is just a patch of weeds. Was too sick last year to take care of it and haven't gotten the energy yet this year to face the mess it has become.
    Vickie - Cow rustling!! Oh that is funny in a way.
    Cheri - So nice to see your smiling face in the posts again. Those puppies are huge!
    Sheri - When are you and Marsha meeting up in FL? I'm not too far away in Tampa and would love to meet you ladies if it is a day I'm not at work. My schedule is kind of wacky.
    Denise - Your right logic is no longer a big part of my life. Seem to function on emotion these days.
    Z - Many hugs to you. I know how scary it is to let your husband see. I was also scared but my DH accepted my new body(I had a mastectomy) long before I did.
    Nickie - I love red wine but I get severe headaches from it. Been told it is a reaction to the sulfates? I'm still looking for one I can drink. Stinks cause the only way too know is to drink it and see if my head explodes or not!
    As for my anniversary date - thanks for the good thoughts and understanding. Last year I found out I had BC the night before my DH and DS left to camp at Sea Base in the keys. DH didn't want to go but I made him and spent the next 10 days alone screaming and crying and basically falling apart. This year the day after my ann. my DH and DS leave for 12 days in New Mexico. I can feel myself getting all tense and upset about this though as far as I know I am NED. It's like reliving a nightmare. Oh well as I said above - logic is not part of my life very often any more.
    Love and Hugs to all,
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning All,

    Just checking on everyone this morning....I'll be back
    (Amy-how are you?)
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited May 2007
    good morning ladies....

    well back to work today... ugh i am really starting to hate my job:(
    i am so sad my cat oreo looks like sylvester has been missing for about 5 days now... breaks my heart

    well young son there is starting to see how far he can push and i will not budge... so we will see as its only been over a week since he came!
    I havent dont alot of catching up as i am sitting more on the porch enjoying a cold beverage and yacking to hubby besides my computer is boring me
    I have developed this awful cough... its been a few weeks now so maybe i should go to doctor soon...
    well i will be around today ladies so hope all have a great day!!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning everyone, Lots of post to read back on but just wanted to say, Robin you have to share NED!

    Yep, everything looks great, liver is clear, 1 spot on lung is gone and bones are stable with nothing new so off of chemo I go. At least for 9 weeks and then we scan again to check on any progression. Woohoooo,,color me happy. It is weird though. I really hate the chemo xeloda but not being told not to take it, it is kinda scary. I will now go every 3 weeks instead of every 2 and get herceptin and zometa. He said my bones look great. Woohooo! I will take 9 weeks any time and hopefully it will turn into another 9 weeks. Thank you all for asking about me. I was going to sign on all weekend but it was after 11ish every night before we were inside. In fact on Friday, we didnt get home until 4 am.

    Shokk-you can share with us anytime on the rain. It is so dry here. My water bill is going to be outrageous watering the garden.

    Speaking of garden, everybody has posted wonderful pictures of their flowers.

    I will be back but just wanted to post an all about me post and announce the big news!

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Thank you so much girls.I woke up this morning and still cant believe it beat IT again.The EVIL with be a peace of cake.But in the back of my mind this time last year I was ned and it came back in august.But thats not going to happen again.

    Nicki:thanks Love,I missed you to

    z:Sorry I didnt mean to worry you.I have been a nervous wreck the last week waiting on first the ct then the PET scan.I didnt want to get my hopes up.

    I have a major case of lymphedema and it is not plesant.I dont know what I did to cause it but I did carry my ab lounge up the stairs into the house last week.Mind you it has been in the back of my van since I bought it,but then I got it the same day I found out my shoulder is broke.So it hurt me to even look at it.

    I am still trying to find an attorney.I know there is one out there that is hungary enough.But at least I have found a great divorce lawyer when the time is right.

    Not much else going on here it is hot as hades already and I dread getting out of the house.I spend alot of time standing in front of the freezer and the rest of the time thinking about standing in front of the freezer.

    I still have to catch up what is going on with everyone but could someone tell me what is going on with JanKay? I love that gal and hope all is well.
    Talk to you'all soon.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Good morning chiquita bananas........ok girls the rain is just becoming annoying.......on Sunday the little town I live in got 3.65 inches in one day......rained on and off yesterday and now we have a storm moving in from the west and should be in the Dallas area in the next hour........Amy, Tricia, and someone else asked me to send them some rain.......going to ask the rainmaker to send ya'lls why.........Yahoo for Robin and Amy.....good news...brb........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Correction "send ya'll some".......there seems to be alot of man trouble going on........I am so sorry Vickie and Cheri with your daughters having trouble........Robin and Jankay I know there is a pot of trouble bubbling on ya'lls stoves.......will keep everyone in my prayers......geez relationships are so hard and even though I love having the internet and have these discussion boards I think that the internet has set into motion trouble for many marriages....I think you can become anything you want to be when you have relationships on the internet refering to chat rooms.......I think many people protray themselves to be single, rich, good looking etc when its not reality.....I know this does not apply to everything that is going on with our own spouses, children but in many cases it seems to be a trend......I simply cannot do the online dating.......that is how my ex has met his new girlfriend and they seem to be doing quite well.....I know he is crazy about her......we will see............oh

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Yippee for Amy...can't post our happy dance since I'm at work and just checking in but I thought about you all weekend! So very happy for you! Enjoy the break and continue to get better every single day. a while crocodile
    love to all