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  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    Happy Memorial Day ----- hope everyone has a relaxing day.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Weeds, weeds, and more weeds. They are growing faster than my flowers. Its gonna take all day to get rid of the new ones.

    Cant pull them all out at one time. Too hard. Too tired!

    I bought a cheap bottle of wine on Saturday. OMG, it was awful. First of all it gave me a headache. Gonna go to the store in a bit and get a good bottle of wine. If Im going to take in the extra calories - it better taste good.

    See ya all later.

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning,
    Happy Memorial Day to all. I know I haven't posted for awhile but I try to read when I can. I've fallen way behind on that also. Hope everyone is doing well. In early June DH and DS are going to New Mexico to hike in the mountains for 10 days. I'll have time to catch up then.
    At this time my life is full of teenage boys who are out of school and invading my home. Wow to have that much energy again! I really do love having them all over esp because then I know where mine is and what he's up to.
    My one year anniversary of my diagnosis is fast approaching and I'm not sure how to deal with it yet. In some ways it actually scares the crap out of me. Does that make any sense? Logically it makes no sense to me but it is how I feel.
    Love to all,
  • lucyemmons
    lucyemmons Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2007
    Vicki, LOOVED the painting of the dragonfly. It is gorgeous!! i wish i had your talent, hon. Your daughter will absolutely love it, but she will love the person who gave it to her more, not for the gift but for the love behind it.

    Hugs and prayers,

    Life is a highway I want to ride it all night long
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Good morning, I think it's still morning. Vickie, you are a very talented artist. I loved your painting. I'm all about mood swings--I think it's a fact of life.

    I finally got an email from Jacob today! We hadn't heard from him since he called last Tuesday night to say he arrived. He's seen the Amazon, but couldn't go too far, I guess there are some political issues he didn't want to get caught up in. He did say that the 9,000 ft. altitude of Quito has taken him some time to get used to, but he said he was doing well. Deep breath!

    Don't know what's up for today. Dh works, so no barbq or picnic. The kids may get invited to a friend's to swim. I can't wait until tomorrow, our pool should finally open.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Yeah Sheri, you better get some sun before you head to Florida. We got margaritas to drink , sun to soak up , fun to be had ! Should I prepare a monologue or a little skit to amuse you? LOL Can't wait to meet you.......Marsha
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    Afternoon all. Good see you all today. I talked to Ishop/Sue and she really helped my mood which was on its way to the crapper. She said, "what would you do if you had cancer too? Just be glad it is not and you will get through this crap (well she used a different word) too." Sue, if you get to see this, thank you being home and just being you!

    Vickie, I know how creative you are and it must feel so good to get back into it. Keep can't smoke while painting since there is that chance of flamability! I wish I could get some crocheting done but I can't bend the arm that has the picc line in it 'cause its in the elbow area. Damn, tears are starting again....

    OK, Iris, love NC. We used to have a family furniture business and ended up in the Triad twice a year for Market. Mom had a good friend who lived in High Point so we used to bunk in with her each time otherwise we would have been all the way in Statesville!

    Sheri, glad you heard from Jacob, whew! How are the allergies treating you? Have you tried natural tears to help wash out the allergens? I use them in the morning because the allegra dries them out so bad.

    Cheri, hope you continue to feel stronger every day and remember to get your license for the wheelchair updated, LOL. I suggest getting the upgraded version that absolves you from running over people's toes who get in your way or just really tick you off.

    Karen, all I got around ot doing so far was my little box garden of herbs and thank goodness it rained a few times while i was in the hospital or they would have dried up since nobody remembered to water them! A little late, but Hag Sameach for Shavuos! One of my favorite holidays with Confirmation and all. Its great Miriam likes to do the gardening with you.

    Jankay, I have a posting that is really funny and I will put it here later as well as on the humor thread. Yup, kids are a great alarm clock aren't they?!?!?

    Big HELLO to Hollyann/Lucy and Catherine. Sorry I missed you guys coming in but I was a little under the weather. Jump right in!

    Tricia, thank you for all your pm's. Seems like each time I checked, you were sending another and they gave me a great boost. Glad to hear you have a plan of action.

    BBL guys and I will say hi to more of you. My brother, sil and kids are coming over. They made a stop at Produce Junction and have tons of stuff for me. My neice thoguth she would like to bring something over and remembered how much I love fruit! Better than chocolate or cookies right now!

    See you guys in a bit!
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited May 2007

    ok cg's... I just spent over an hour on what I thought would be a really good post. Since I am at work I had to go back and forth to it. Needless to say, byt the time I got it completed, it said "form no longer valid" and ate my post. *sigh* I will try again in a few but want you all to know I made a great effort at any rate! Pam

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    I'm a little slow these days and I just read your post about the heat. I moved from Northern California to SW Missouri last year and we had one of the hottest summers on record. I'm wondering what this year will be like. Thanks for the laugh.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    Pam, insightful, entertaining posts are the kind the system loves to eat so think of it as a compliment. We appreciate the effort.

    CY do you want scarves/hats ? I also have a light brown/gold wig if you need it. it's short though. Kinda like the picture in my avitar but lighter with blond streaks. send me a pm if you need any of this.

    Vicki, i'm so glad you are feeling better. i hate it when we come smack dab up against how much things have changed. When that happens to me, I feel just like you do. Crummy buttons just doesn't do it justice.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited May 2007
    Hello girls,
    I am just about wrung out today so I think I will just post pics of my garden!

    Cheryl- I hope you feel better- I know sweetie... this really sucks.

    OK- So
    my roses have all bloomed

    The first have moved with me to three different houses. I can't ever leave them behind.

    The last are the Tiffany roses that are meant to be only 4-5' tall because they are a hybrid tea rose- well these are over 11 feet! I had to take a picture for the guy at the nursery here because he didn't believe me.




    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007

    Hi everyone. Hope you are having a good holiday. All our company left. It was so good to see my sister even for only about 12 hours. Yesterday friends had a “beverage and bocce” evening. DH couldn’t go, but I went and had fun. Didn’t play, but enjoyed seeing everyone.
    Vickie, your painting is just beautiful. I know how you felt the other day. I’ve had to quit cross stitching because of the repetitiveness of it. My hands just don’t work the way they used to. I have all this stash and it just sits there. I keep thinking I should just post it all on ebay and get it out of here. I’ve tried knitting, but I’m not very good. That’s why I haven’t done squares. I bought a knifty knitter and took it back when I realized there was a piece missing. Didn’t get another one.
    It’s warm here today, but we’re trying not to use the AC. We’re cooking some steaks for dinner. The cooler is outside still with ice from Sat. night . There’s beer, water and wine in there. I’ll make some salads and we’ll nuke some potatoes, so everyone come on down or up or over.
    A vacation from arimidex? Gee I didn’t know you could do that. I’ll ask my onc about that.

    NS, your flowers are beutiful. I'm going to grab my camera and post mine now. Not as pretty as yours though.

    I had lots more to say, but lost my notes. So I’ll just say I love ya’ll.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Well Im currently enjoying this nice day. Just sitting home and relaxing. Have a nice glass of red wine and feeling mellow.

    Boo: I cant imagine being invaded by teen-agers. And boys to boot. Your stronger than me. Ive never felt good about my anniversaries. Didnt know if I should celebrate or be greatful.

    Sheri: No BBQ or picnics here either. Just a relaxing day. Glad you heard from Jacob.

    Beth: Just enjoy the time with your family. Memorial Day and fress fruit go hand in hand. I even had some Watermelon today which is a no no on South Beach.

    Holly, susan, and Shopmama: Hope you are enjoying your day.

    NS: The flowers are beautiful. I love roses and dont have one single rose bush.

    Betty: Sounds like your having a nice day also.

    Well, Im working on a project, my break is over - so I will check back with you all alter.

  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited May 2007
    NS: Thank you so much for sharing your garden! I absolutely love your flowers. I am really trying to baby mine as we haven't had rain since I can't remember when and there is a statewide no outdoor watering ban (except for the wildfires in south Georgia which really need it). The smoke from the Waycross fires has traveled at least as far north as Atlanta. My son Miles and I went to the Braves game yesterday and I was surprised to still smell smoke when we got there. I told Miles it was "Make mommy happy day" and he did. We had such a great day! I even got to go in his apartment that he shares with several of his college buddies. I felt so honored! My heart just has overflowed with love for him as well as pride. I am trying to make an effort to move forward with our lives. We both feel a big hole, but as long as we don't fall in it we are fine.
    I have an oncology appointment this week on Thursday. Still on the every 3 month plan at this time. At my last visit she said if I continue to do well that I may get bumped up to 6 months in October. Another graduation! Are you all going to be proud?
    Vickie, when my jhair first started coming back after chemo it was a very soft, very fine WHITE. One of the guys at work started calling me "Centrum Silver." As it grew, it got darker and seemed to get even darker when I cut it. Strange thing.
    Puppy..... <whistle> I am missing you.....

    One more thing, Vickie... I love the dragonfly. I have a story that I will try to remember to pm you. I actually have many dragonflies for decorations in my house.

    Love and prayers to you all... Pam
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Hi ALL
    I am back.Hope all is well with everyone will catch up later.
    Not much going on with me in a sense but in one way I have great news.
    I went for a repeat ct last week and it still showed 4 areas on my liver unchanged so my onc ordered a PET scan,I went for that Thursday.
    I got the results today....NED PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!
    I am going to have to have another RFA radiofrequency ablation to get rid of the scare tissue in my liver,then when I am off chemo a month I can have recon sugery.
    I just cant believe it.Can my life finally be taking an upward turn??
    I fought this ca and won now I have got to get rid of the EVIL when the time is right.
    I have missed all of you .I have new pictures I will post later today.Jasmine went back to work so now I have 2 babies to watch and Noelle is at the age where she is driving me nuts.The terrible 2's I guess.
    I will be back later and catch up.
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007
    The irises haven't bloomed yet, but the lilies are starting to.

    I planted these wilflower seeds last year and didn't realize they are perennials


    Here's my grandmother's iron washpot

    This is the front of our house. I love my kitty cat flag.

    If these turn out too big, I'll delete them.

    Robin, so good to see you posting again and what wonderful news. Now don't worry us like that again.


  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited May 2007

    Oh Robin!! What wonderful news! NED is the best dance partner ever! Betty, your flowers are beautiful as well. Wildflowers are my favorites. I threw out a bunch of seeds, but with no water they are definitely struggling. Thank you for sharing yours! Pam

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    ok...i'm back...not yelling from the rooftops so Robin can hear is your happy dance and you most certainly have earned it!!!

    Love and hugs
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    Pam!!!...Hi sweet lady...glad you came out from under the wagons and had some fun. You need laughter as well as tears. More so on some days...sending you love and hugs. Can't wait to hear the dragonfly story.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    oh Robin I'm so happy to hear this. You responded so well to chemo the first time and the same thing this time!! You are blessed. I am so frigging happy for you. we'll worry about the rest of it later.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    oh my...heres a laugh for you ladies. My sister just called me and someone stole their 3 cows in the night! They have been traipsing around the hills with horses and 4wheelers since 10 this morning and there is no sign of them anywhere. isn't funny at all...the State Police are pretty certain that they didn't get out but were taken in the night. The funny part is in our county the law on the book for cattle rustling is from the 1800's an the punishment is to be hung by the neck till dead. Seriously!!! The scary part is, knowing my sister, knowing how mad she is right now, there just may be a hanging in the near future! This has happened before (not to my sister)and I know the law didn't get changed and it was a really big deal in all the papers then. Mind you...we are out in the sticks but not that FAR out in the sticks LOL.
    Just thought I'd share a funny!
    Love ya all and I"ll be back...working on pool setup!! Yippee...can't wait to get it up and running again!!
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Robin, what great news! I hope it is just all good news from here on out!!!

    Gina and Robin, your flowers are so pretty. I loved growing roses, iris, lilies and a few other flowers when I lived in Denver. I have had to switch to some other flowers that do better where I live now, but I sure miss my roses.

    Marsha, are you feeling better today?

    Beth, what a pain that you can't bend your arm!

    Pam, it sounds like you had a lovely day with Miles. We sure do need some rain in GA and FL.

    Nicki, that cheap stuff will kill ya!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited May 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. Just kind of lazing around today. Amber had to work so I kept Ethan. I just adore that little boy. He is so comical. I took some pics of him and Mork & Mindy. My gosh those puppies are huge...and still here. That's a battle waiting to be fought. I'll post a pic of them, ya'll just won't believe how adorable they are. They look more like sheep than puppies.

    Sheri, hey. Didn't mean to rattle you with my question in my last post just that I'd been out of the loop so was just asking. You're fine.

    Karen, Oh how I miss our veg. garden. It's right outside but I can't work in it and I do miss that. My dh and 6yr old GS plant one. It's got mostly corn, tomatoes, radishes
    and onions.

    Well shoot, I have to hold my keyboard on my lap now and sit sideways and I shifted and hit a key and lost half of what I'd just written. Don't know where it went. Darn, drat, dang, just shoot. I'll try and recap.

    Boo, don't worry about your anniversary date. I don't even know when mine was. Sometime back in Nov. I just chose not to remember an ugly year. Everyone is different though. I just think you're great.

    Gina, beautiful roses. Thank you for sharing them with us.

    Robin, great news!! Congrats on NED. Your life is falling into place for you. It's up to you now. So glad to hear from you. You know we worry.

    Hey to Susan, Nicki, Tricia, Iris, Marsha, Madison, Holly, Betty, Lisa, Cy, Suz, Z, Jazmanian, Janny, Mena, Tracy, Deb, Brenda, Gus, and my mind just went blank. Hey to everyone else.

    Well, I'm getting tired. I lay in bed awake with my foot propped up dozing in the wee morning hours. So I didn't sleep real well. It's back to Iowa on wed. to get stitches out, cast off and hopefully hear that there's no infection and all is well. Gee, I sure dread the trip. I'm just tired of hurting.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Robin, so glad for you. What wonderful news.

    Marsha, I am so ready for Florida! A skit or monologue would be great. Is your dh coming? Mine was wondering. I think he's afraid of all of us strong women.

    Gina, I love your flowers, I can't believe you've moved them. Betty, yours are beautiful, too. Haven't done much gardening this year, still.

    My nose is the Niagra Falls! The eyes seem a little better today, haven't used the drops nearly as much. The pool didn't have a covered area, so got really hot, but the water was too cold. Didn't keep the kids out, though. Joe and Micah are spending the night, so a fairly quiet evening here.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    Hey CGS, just got home a few hours ago and i am over my head in laundry, and that is really high! 360 pages to read
    can't do that right now! But I will!!!! hope everyone is OK
    and I'' catch up with ya tomorrow! PS, if anyone would like to send me a pm on how everone has been, I would be SOOOOO Greatful!!!!! Puppy
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007
    one more thing, has anyone been told anything about Beth??
    I have a message on my answering machine that says she is in the hospital, infection in her Implants!! Please let me know anything you got!! thanks!! Puppy
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Sheri, you are so cute....I was just joking about the skit......I'm not that big of a Ham! And no, I thought I'd leave dh at home, you send your dh and whatever kids you bring with you off to an amusement part or water park somewhere (God knows there are tons of them!) and me and you would just lay around the pool drinking margaritas. I'm only about an hour away so you pick the day during your week vacation that works best for you guys.

    Robin, dammit...people have been worried here! I mean it's great and all that you are dancing with NED but we have been pacing the floors! LOL Good for you girlfriend!

    Look out ladies......cow thief on the loose...........

    Tricia I was thinking about you today.

    Susan, that was me dancing last week out of the infusion room for the last time.....woohoo

    Cheri, the answer is "no" we are not taking Mork and Mindy off your hands. ha

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good evening all!

    Just had a lazy day today. I took off and went to town and walked around some stores...can't buy any clothes until I see what size I'm gonna end up at! Actually I have quite an assortment of sizes that I keep on hand, so don't need much here!

    Shokk: Luv ya! All I have to say! Your post to Vickie and the one after, very nice!

    Iris: I hear ya with the Glow Worm look! I never had hot flashes, but when it gets hot out the back of my Hair gets drenched!

    Vickie: Your painting is beautiful! Sarah is going to love it.....I'm sure she would love anything from you, even a Ink blob! If you need more practice I have a Birthday coming up!!!
    To funny about the Cows and hanging the thief! Hope they find them before someone makes Hamburg out of them! Truly not funny, yet it is!
    Gotta tell ya, reading your post this morning about all your frustration over hands not working right reminded me of this Man I met a couple years back. His name is Will and due to an accident he is paralyzed from neck down. I met him at a craft fair and he was selling black and whites that he painted by holding the brush in his mouth. His wife pushed him into doing it. They are lovely works of art and I have a small one hanging in my bedroom. He signs them "In Christs "Will".

    Alwayshope: You whipped Vickie back into shape this morning and look what she did!!

    Cy: Should you be driving at all yet? I know you have to get MIL situated, but take it easy. You know, I come here because it makes me feel good also!

    Marsha: Looks like you're off the couch! Hope you are feeling better!

    LisaE: Where are you?

    Suz: Enjoy the walk at your Church today. What a nice Tribute. Good luck with your appt. tomorrow and Thank God we've got our CG Calendar to remind us of these things!

    Liz: Right back at ya!

    Nicki: Your ears aren't pierced? Come to Michigan, I'll buy ya some GOOD wine and we'll go get some holes punched in them bad babies!

    Boo: I so remember (and miss) those days! Our house was always the 'hangout', but like you I preferred it that way cuz I knew where my Boys were!
    You mentioned not being Logical about your one year DX anniversary. Sweetie, logic and cancer don't go together! None of us are very logical!
    DH and DS hiking in New Mexico! I love Mexico..but much prefer the beach!

    Sheri: Sigh of heard from Jacob! Glad all is well with him.

    Beth: You must not be feeling to prefer fruit over Chocolate and Cookies. HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    Pam: This site is getting real good at eating our posts! I don't even know what the "invalid" thing is all about, but I got it twice this week! Glad you enjoyed your day with Miles. I think it is remarkable NOT that he let you go in his apartment, BUT that you could GET in his apartment! And of course we will be proud of you when you Graduate to 6 Months!

    NS and Betty: Beautiful Flowers!

    Tricia: Hey to you!! Have a restful week so you can get all fixed up next Saturday.. We'll be there!

    Cheri: Glad you're doing better....even a bit better. Iowa on Wednesday, eh..We'll all go, but who's driving??

    And last but not least!
    Robin: I am so glad to hear NED coming from you!!!!!!! Now for the scolding. We were seriously starting to look for you. Send me or someone your phone # and address..most of us didn't even know where to begin looking. And you will not like my punishment if you go AWOL again without letting someone know!

    Hope all have a good night and Yuck....back to work tomorrow.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Puppy, glad you are back and that you enjoyed your camping trip! Beth is okay..she did have infection but has posted a couple of times recently!
