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  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Handing Vickie a tissue to dry her eyes..........ok sweetheart blow your nose...........take a couple of deep breaths.........ok I know how much you love Sarah......she knows how much you love her.........don't you know mom that her real gift from you is are alive and ned........send her some flowers or maybe some movie her and tell you how much you love her and how proud she makes you everyday......she has turned out to be a great adult.....material things cannot take the place of you.....I bet if we asked Sarah what she wanted for her birthday would be for her mom to be well.......she has that mom..........

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Hi, just a quick peep out of my wagon to check on everyone...(busy day cleaning and airing out the old homestead).....
    It is great to see everyone posting....
    Will try to catch up tomorrow...
    (Vickie, I promise you the only thing your daughter would like for her birthday is to hear your hear you say "Sarah, I love you." What more could anyone ask for than to be told they are material item can replace those 3 beautiful words..."I love you". When the time is WILL paint again...)
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited May 2007
    Hey,Cherryl! I know exactly where Raeford is as I went to UNC-G and there were some girls from Raeford. I am in Raleigh and it is hot this aft! How abt IL is it any cooler this aft? Thanks for writing and saying hello! Do you come back to visit in NC?

    Hey,Jasmine! It is going to be cool when you come and no humidity! Putting in my special order right now...Ha! I just went and turned thermostat down lower,oh Progress Energy is going to love me this month! LOL! At least at the beach,there are cool ocean breezes and it just feels right when you're there.
    Speaking of beach,Shirley is going to check-out some places and let me know. Thanks for the wonderful e-mail,Shirley,if you happen to see this,too. Got the nicest e-mail from her this aft. I told her to join us for the fun in June. sorry that the painting isn't that fun. But,I will tell you,my friend,your daughter will LOVE any gift you select for her. I rememb the first time that I went back to play tennis after a mill yrs--was in tears as I could not hit the ball and a little kid was beating me! LOL! I had won some tournaments and played on a league. So,I know how you feel;but,knowing you from this wonderful grp,I think you are being too hard on yourself. Did you know we are both Leos and I am older by two days---plus h-mmm a few yrs!!!
    Thinking of you and sending you a big hug!

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    I agree Vickie pick up that brush are just do what comes to you. This first one may not be your best but at least you will be trying again! so Paint damnit!!

    Well I made it to the store and driving out to MIL, good thing hubby went with cause he had to drive back! It's a 45 min. drive one way.

    I went straight back to bed. got up feeling nauseated so had hubby go with me to get a RX filled. and picked up some fish for dinner while we were out. Been researching wigs and decieded I didn't want to look at them anymore so I thought I'd come where I feel good, here with all of you!

    Yes they put the port in and left it hooked up so they could do the chemo a few hours later! There's no way I could have let them reconnect the same day.

    I am leary of taking the bandage off since they didn't use the strei strips cause last time I reacted to them. I think I'm going to leave them on a few more days.

    Scott and I talked about my hair and we think getting it cut really really short is going to be the best for me. I don't thingk it will be as traumatic if I cut it. I had a hard time last time

    well I'm getting tired so I'm going to go lay down again.
    love to all
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Shokk, you always have such great things to say. That is so true, that Sarah must be overjoyed just to have her mom well.

    And I agree with Alwayshope, Vickie. Keep on painting.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    ok dammit i am gonna try again...thanks all and i'll be back

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited May 2007
    Forgot to say to you that I burned up my macadamia(favorite cookie 65cents ea)in the microwave this aft. I think one minute was too long...Ha! Ha! Ha! I was so upset and ready to cry and then I remembered that the new alarm calls the police if too much smoke is in house! Man,I hauled my butt to that thing and got it outside and turned on the fan!!! Are you laughing now??? See,that was after I had "lost" my car keys at Subway! And where do you think they were? Did I hear you say your purse that is as big as a dr's bag?

    OK---now,don't think abt sadness;look at the friends who have posted to you. YOU are so loved and the love with the gift is the key. My counselor said that to me once as I could not find the right gift for my elderly parents anymore. He said that it is the thought and time you spent in trying. Me,I want the perfect box,tissue paper,right card, are saying that is enough,aren't you???

    Huge hugs and lots of smiles,
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Hi Iris,
    Oh my gosh. I get back a couple times a year. I'll be there for about a week around Labor Day and then again at Thanksgiving. We need to get together one (or both) times.

    It's pretty nice here today - mid 70s. We're suppose to get rain/thunderstorms on and off tomorrow. I'm going to a prarade tomorrow morning in a western suburb where my god daughtehrs (5 and 6) are marching with their Brownie Troop, so hope the rain holds off til it's over. Take care.
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited May 2007
    Hi,to you,Cherryl,
    I am sending you a pm now--would love to get together.
    Have a great time at the parade tomorr and I know the Brownies will look so cute. I retired from elem schl(two yrs ago)and know all abt Brownies and Girl Scouts.

    Have a great Memorial Day/parade,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007 it is...not my best but the best my fingers will allow.
    It's a dragonfly on a leaf painted on a mirror. Going to add some glitter to the wings before sending.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Alwayshope...thank you for booting me off the couch. Needed that kick in the pants. are so very right...I am all she would ever want for her birthday. I am what she wants but can't make it down there for this one with the price of plane tickets and gas!! Ouch...thank you.
    Madison...I love her so very much and I know she knows that. I miss her terribly and there is nothing I can do about it other than make special occasions as special as I can. I know she gets homesick around holidays, her birthday, Nates birthday and my birthday. Thank you.
    Iris my dear...ok so you made me smile. Imagining the fire department breaking down your door over cookies. I do feel loved here. I am so thankful to be here.
    CY...I won't give up. I tried again and the results were slightly better so I'm sending it off as my first attempt year and a half!! You take care and get some rest! I'm so sorry about your hair. How long is your chemo lasting?
    phone again..brb
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007



    and that goes out to all of you who are always here and always helping me get my act together. Don't know what happened...just had a meltdown. Done with it now and back on my feet. Probably has more to do with hormones, exhaustion, no smoking, bc, anxiety...OMG...that is quite a list. You know hell with all that. I think I will just force "happy"'s supposed to work!

    I love you all, I appreciate you all, I need you all. Madison, Nicki, Tricia, Margaret, Susan, Liz, Shel, Alwayshope, Deb, Cheri, Karen, Iris, Joyce, Sheri, Shokk, Cherryl, CY, Gina, Marsha, MB, Jule, Christine, Colleen, Betty, Jankay, oh are so dear to my heart and if I left out your name it isn't's chemo brain!
    I'm going to bed...finished the afghan today too and will post pics of that tomorrow after I wash and dry it. It's really pretty. The girls who sent the squares did a wonderful job as always.
    Love and hugs and sweet wonderful dreams to all
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Oh Vickie, it is truly lovely.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    thank you Tricia...the picture is fuzzy for some reason. It used to be so very easy. I could sit down and do a painting in it takes great concentration and a whole lot of patience LOL. I have some paintings from before bc and neuropathy that I will try to post tomorrow too.
    love and hugs
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Vicki Dear,
    The painting is beautiful and I''m sure your daughter will love it BECAUSE IT'S FROM YOU AND WAS MADE BY YOU!!! Sorry, hate to shout,but you get the message.
    This bloody disease takes such a toll on us, makes it hard to do the things we've always done and love. But we do get back the ability to create things. Just look at the afghans you've made for so many people -- taking squares made by the dear sisters here and turning them into comfort for so many of our other sisters. Be gentle with yourself. You are loved by so many, and especially Sarah.
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited May 2007
    Beautiful,Vickie! Wow! Sarah is going to love it just like the silver necklace that she replaced. Rememb when you didn't have it and the sadness(first one had such special memories). Then,Mother's Day and Nate and she gave you such the new one? We are so alike--Leos!!! I don't do the art things...however, I am so proud to call you my friend!!! Congrats and I knew it would be great! Thanks for posting the pic;before I read your descript;I said what a beautiful dragonfly! You are so talented!

    Thinking of you,
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    vicki the picture is beautiful because of the love you have for your daughter amd shhe will see that. Even if the picture was not beautiful she would think it was.
    Hope every one is doing well.
    I talked to iamhere4u tonight and she is having chemo tomorrow. she found out friday that she is her neg so herlast chemo will be June 18. she sounded great
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007
    Good evening CG's

    Beautiful day in the Rockies today - hot and sunny during the day, then evening thunderstorms. The rain has now stopped, so hopefully we can get our nightly walk in when DH comes home from synagogue. We managed to plant the veggie garden today. Tomatoes, peppers, cukes, zucchini, yellow squash, watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries and I can't remember what else. Still room for a little more so will get a few more plants this week. DH came to help which was a good thing as the heat still really gets to me. This afternoon we took Miriam to see Shrek 3 - movie was cute. Then while in the mall, I decided to go to Claires and get my ears pierced for the 3rd time. The poor girl put the wrong earrings in - DH noticed after the first one. DH said if looks could kill, she would have been a goner!!! I picked out these cute pink crystal daisies and she put the white ones in. I was ready for tears. They had to take the earring out and put the right one in - I know I won't wear these earrrings once they can come out, but I wanted the pink and damn it, I wanted it!!! After dinner, Craig put a Chicago DVD on and while watching it I was falling asleep. I am so tired. Couldn't fall asleep last night - was up till after 2am and got up by 7:30. My implant seems to have fallen even more. I have an appt with the PS on 6/21, but think I am going to change it to 6/14. The side pulls and at times, my upper arm feels full. Don't know if I should be worried or not - like is the fullness feeling LE developing or it is just nothing. I don't have the fullness on the prophy side. Still haven't called the onc about the Tamox. I haven't taken the Tamox since Wednesday night when I took a couple extra thinking they were sleeping pills!!! (talk about chemo brain - not reading the pill bottle - am I stupid or what?). Wanted to give my body a little rest. I guess I will start it back up again tonight. I guess I should call the onc sometime this week.

    Jankay - I'm ready to hop on the back of your scooter to check on Robin.
    Nicki - glad you are feeling better. Did I read that you got a manicure and pedicure? I got a maniucre for my b'day and its time to go back for another.
    Vickie - your painting is beautiful!!! YHour darling Sarah is going to love it. What a wonderful gift. Hugs on your hard day. This whole BC thing just s****!!!!
    HollyAnn- wlecome
    Tricia - So glad to hear that you have a surgery date.
    Cheri - glad you are feeling a little better. Congrats on your milestone of no cigarettes. You go girl!!!!
    Cy - I had my port put in the morning of my 1st chemo. I didn't know that was unusual. What are you taking for nausea? Oh I almost forget. Your new grandson is beautiful. Did I hear SoCalLisa trying to fix little Hayden up with her new grandbaby? I hope he brings lots of joy to you.
    Colleen - glad your tests were normal
    Rondab - congrats on DD graduating Pitt State U and 3 years none the less. What an accomplishment.
    Marsha - great pic - you are beautiful.
    Z, Beth, Amy, Sheri, Cherly Holt, Iris, Catherine, Madison, Odalys, Liz, Joy, Sherndon, Susan, Alwayshope, Mena, Tracey, CherylNC, Sige, Ginney, Ann, MB, Puppy, Bety, Cookie, Suzy, Deb, Shel, Shirley, Brenda, Speth, Newtor,Gina, Shokk sending hugs from Denver. I love you all. Karen
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Hey Jasmine,
    Have to tell you that I loved the diary. I grew up in NC and moved to DC (built on a swamp DC) and lived there for 15 yers. I KNOW HEAT AND HUMIDITY! Thanks for a good laugh.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Ok who made the page so bigggggggg.........was it our sweet dear Vickie cussing out cancer?????????hmmmmmmmm..........we all are right behind you yipen and howlering you go go girl......let cancer have it........stupid ass cancer......hate you cancer.......oh by the way where in the h e double hockey sticks is Robin???????she said she would be out for a few days not weeks........Jankay you are going to have to get on your scooter and go find her.......hope everyone is having a nice finally stop raining about 2 hrs ago but they are predicting more tomorrow........I am ready to share with AL, Georgia, and Florida........everyone have a good night will check in in the morning......Hey Vickie see ya later gator...........

  • sahalie
    sahalie Member Posts: 1,145
    edited September 2008


  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Oh my Vickie! That painting is adorable. It should be on a T-shirt!!!!

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007

    Now Vickie wasn't it worth giving it another try! It's BEAUTIFUL! I wish I had such talent!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited May 2007

    Post deleted by gabij

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Had a good nights sleep and the cold seems to be gone except for a nagging cough. That I can put up with. Hoping everyone is enjoying their 3 day week-end. When I first woke up I immediately thought work - then I realized I have the day off.

    Suz: I hope you had fun working in your garden. Thats what I plan on doing today. Need to pull more weeds. Dang them weeds grow so fast.

    CY: I cant believe you went shopping and visited you MIL after the port insertion and chemo. You need to slow down. And drving no less? All I can say is you are one strong person, but now - you need to slow down and take care of yourself. When I first found out I needed chemo, I went and got a short hair cut. It was a cute little pixie. I tried looking for wigs and it just got me so upset and frustrated. So I wore hats instead. But to this day, I have always said, if I needed chemo again, I would get a nice wig. I always took my antinausea meds for 3 days post chemo. I didnt wait for the symptoms to come. That seemed to work for me. The one symptom I didnt get was nausea - thank goodness. Hugs to you.

    Iris: You story about the cookies and the car keys was funny. I have done things like that so often now, I have stopped counting.

    Cheryl: Yesterday turned out to be a beautiful day didnt it? I hope you have fun at the parade. I was just mentioning on another post how celebrating Memorial Day has changed. Havent seen many parades this year. Hope you have a blast watching those little ones in the parade.

    Vickie: Persistence paid off. The painting is really pretty and your daughter is just gonna love it.

    Karen: Oh I want to get my ears pierced too. Im such a chicken. But wearing clip earrings is so hard and they are hard to find also. Might just go to Claires myself. Glad you got the pink ones!! Hoping you get to the PS sooner than later to get things checked out. I did get a manicure and pedicure. It felt great and looks pretty. I used to one every 2 weeks before bc. I forgot how relaxining it is.

    Abig hello to everyone else that I have missed. Gotta get ready for my morning walk. I cheated on my diet so bad yesterday I need to do some serious walking.

    Hoping everyone has a great day.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007

    Vickie......."It's a dragonfly on a leaf" well DUH, that is quite obvious! If that is your artistic talent that needs practice, I can't wait to see what you can do when you are really on your game! You are very talented!! Marsha

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    Good morning sisters...Happy Memorial Day!
    Thank you all for your wonderful support and compliments and I apologize for whining! Geez...Does everyone have these stinkin mood swings all the time?
    hmmm...Nicki beat me up and so did Marsha. Good morning sunshine girls...I think Jankay is up too...hey there sunshine.
    Marsha...are you feeling better? Looks like your off the couch at least for a minute.
    Karen...sending you a hug.
    Iris...we Leo's gotta stick together...LOL. Hear us roar! Love and hugs to you too.
    Ok...we really need to find Robin...I will do some detective work later and see if I can come up with a phone number and go from there.
    I hate to run but sis is coming to get me and Nate for a fun day! Pizza Hut, miniture golf, maybe a movie, the works so I gotta get showered and ready.
    I love ya all and hope you have a great day!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Marsha and Vickie. Hope the sun in shining and you have a wonderful day.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning,

    Marsha, Nicki and Vickie are awake....

    Happy Memorial Day to all.....spoke to Air Force dd last night...will call again today...will call my dad (85 yrs old), who is a Purple Heart veteran of WWII. Yes, thank you to all our military men and women.

    Vickie, the painting is wonderful. Sarah will love this gift.

    Be back later…..
    Have a great morning everyone.

    Oh, Ferne posted a picture of herself on the afghan thread. She is a beautiful woman!
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Nicki, Marsha, Vicki, Jankay, and all the circle girls,

    The sun is shining here and it looks like it is going to be another beautiful day.

    Nicki - those darn weeds - weeded yesterday and this morning went out and pulled more - wish my other plants grew that fast.

    Vickie - that painting is beautiful. Your daughter is going to love it. I have to agree with Marsha - if this is not your top form - I want to see what you can do when it is.

    Karen - maybe you should ask your onc about taking an AI/Tamox holiday. I have read on the hormone thread that a few people have done that and felt better when they started up again. You go off of it for about three weeks or so and then start again. Don't know why it works. Might be worth it to give it a try. Since you have been on an AI/Tamox for a while you don't need to be worried about not being protected for the three weeks because they continue to protect you after you stop taking them for some time.

    Jankay - I think we are all going to have to join you on your scooter up the interstate to find Robin.

    Robin - Where are you? Ropes and duct tape big time when you return.

    LisaE - haven't seen you post either for a few days - not wearing my glases either so may have missed something. You always make me smile.

    CY - Take it easy. I remember feeling so good with my first chemo treatment I thought it was going to be a breeze. Boy - that second one near did me in - learned the hard way - be gentle with yourself and rest. I cut my hair really short too. Bought a wig wore it maybe once or twice and then switched to hats. Became the "hat lady". Funny thing is there were lots of people who did not realize I was undergoing cancer treatment until my new hair started coming in and I chucked the hats.

    Speaking of hair - I have been noticing lately that my hair color is going from gray to my natural brown color. Has this happened to anyone else? I thought when it came in more gray than brown that it would be permanent. Not that I am complaining - just wondering.

    Madison - congrats on your dd graduation.

    Well gotta get going. We are going to go to our church this morning for a Memorial Day Walk/Run in memory of one of our parishioners little boy who died on Memorial Day a few years ago. The family was vacationing and he drowned. All the money raised is split between our parish school and an organization that helps inner city children. We have gone every year since it started and we always have a good time. This year the Archbishop of Milwaukee will be saying the mass before the race begins. He is a very nice man - so jovial. He will also be shooting the gun to start the race. I will pray for all of you.

    Thank heavens for chemo brain - I almost forgot I have an onc appointment tomorrow. Yikes. Tnank you, thank you for the CG calendar. Well only have today to stress about it and if my chemo brain is in top form - I will forget about it again LOL. I will leave myself a note on my desk so I don't forget it. Not looking forward to the blood tests - last time they stuck me at least five times before they finally found a vein.

    Happy Memorial Day to all -Tricia, Margaret, Susan, Liz, Deb, Shel, Alwayshope,Cheri, Iris, Joyce, Amy, MB, Denise, Sheri, Shokk, Cherryl, Gina, Marsha, Mena, Newter, Holly, Jule, Christine, Colleen, Betty, IShop1, Shirley, Boo, Gus, Z, SocalLisa and anyone else I missed it was not intentional.
