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  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    News flash......Texas just passed a law that will allow hunting premits for blind people......come on just got to love Texas.........see ya later Vickie after supper -----------

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Just stopping by to see if Amy had posted. AND SHE HAS POSTED!!!!!
    I AM SO HAPPY AMY!!!!!! YIPPEE - happy dance.....
    Give those critters kisses from me..


    Be Back later.......I worked on files all night in my dreams....can I get time on my time card for working in my sleep? Busy day -
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Shokk, we have rain getting ready to hit us from the west, north AND the Gulf of Mexico.......YIKES!!!! The system in the Gulf worries me....looks like New Orleans will get lots of rain....we'll see if the pumps hold!!!
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Madison looks like ya'll have the making of the "perfect Storm" careful.....keep us posted.......

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    a "perfect storm"...yikes...please be careful!

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Amy, I am so happy your scans came out so well. You and Robin can share NED, but he has to be available for the rest of us, too.

    Shokk and Madison, please send us your rain! My grass is dying It's going to be hot and humid again here.

    Yep, these doggone allergies have turned into something nasty! I've been running a low grade fever all day and have zippo energy. The cough is getting annoying, too. Have to pick the kids up today and I'm sure they will want to go swimming again. I want to so badly!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007

    I'm taking EVIL to Texas on vacation,with the new law there and all.Whopeeeeeee this is my lucky week!!

  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited May 2007
    Hello to all!!!!

    I love reading this post but have a hard time keeping up with everyone....

    I had a nice weekend...worked in my flower beds all day Saturday and part of Sunday ladies are all WAY ahead of me in blooms on the roses...I only have a couple that are open...but the rest are not too far behind and there are tons and tons of buds so soon my yard will be smelling SOOOOO pretty....

    Very happy to see that some here have gotten the NED dance going ....sorry that others are having a difficult time and wish there were more I could do to help:(

    I see lots of post about chemo there a rads/horomone brain?????? I have noticed it before but thought it was just because I push myself alot and I dont seem to notice the goofy things I do....

    This weekend my daughter and her kids came and we were at the table having coffee Saturday of the little ones asked for something, I got it for them, then sat back with my DD, realized I didnt have my coffee.....searched high and low for the stupid thing.....guess where I found it about 8 hrs later, IN THE FRIDGE!!!!!!

    Thats is one of the dumbest things Ive done but there are other small things like that and I dont remember being that way before BC...what do you ladies think????

    Well, anyway, at least I dont do stuff like that at work....or at least I hope not, I deal with tons and tons of budget numbers involving the government!!!!!

    Will try to read back to see how you ladies are all doing.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Howdy ladies! Hope everyone had a great long weekend. Just popping in real quick, have a deadline this week for work, and wasn't thinking that we lost Monday (duh!) so I'm really behind. Not even going to try to skim the many pages right now (I always get sucked in and then next thing I know it's an hour later!) but I'll be back later.

    May be "in and out" this week as I have to focus on getting my work done and also attend the "end of the year events" at Warren's school - he "graduates" from elementary school this year, I can't believe it!!
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited May 2007
    Hi CGs!

    I’m done! I rang the bell in the outer office and everything. It doesn’t seem quite real, but I bet it will tomorrow when I don’t have to go get zapped or poked or anything. I have a CT and a follow-up, and a regular physical next week, but I can handle that… I think.

    Robin – I’m so glad your tests turned out good! That is always happy news!

    Madison – Thanks for the wishes for my boys. They both got home last week, which was important for all of us. I had to be impressed with the American Red Cross and the Army and Navy – both kids were home within 24 hours!

    Z – Glad you had a good time in AZ. I hope all will be well with your DH. Remember, the outside may be scarred and burnt, but the inside is beautiful.

    Vickie – I love the photo of the alarm clock and the gun. That was me for sure this morning.

    Sue – Are your DS and DH going to Philmont? My old troop had 2 crews out there this week. I’ll PM you my phone number if you need someone to talk to while they are gone.

    Tracey – A cough that lasts for weeks is miserable. I hope you feel better soon. Maybe it’s time to see the doc about it?

    Amy – Hooty Hoo! Good news from you, too!! Wish you could see my smile.

    Shokk – Blind people with hunting permits? I know blind folks that can to lots of things, but that one is a little scary. I think I’ll tell my son to duck when he goes back home to El Paso.

    Jule – I’ve been wondering about rads brain, too, because I think I have it. My DH and DB always pick on me and told me they haven’t noticed anything unusual. My next task will be to “forget” how to bake cookies for them. <hee hee>

    Denise – 18 days til the Detroit race. I’m getting excited; how about you?

    Hugs to all I missed. Lunch is over for another day.

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007
    Howdy cirgle girs!!!
    I'm amazed that I'm not going to be fired after spending 2 hours reading all of the posts since Friday!! Spent a lovely long weekend down at the shore with beautiful weather and kayaked for over 2 hours yesterday. Felt great, but see if my bad arm survives.

    AMY...WAHOOOOOO!! Gotta love the good news, we hear enough of the bad. xoxo

    ROBIN....WAHOOOOOOO to you sister...Now it's payback time for Evil...He has no idea how strong you are now and going to hit him with both barrels xoxo

    Z...hope you had a wonderful time in Arizona...

    vickie...loved the painting. My mother is a dragonfly freak. I just picked up a beautiful suncatcher for her birthday.

    Cheri...what's up with the enormous puppies??? I love great pyranees and they are the cutest puppies.

    Madison...I miss your Jake stories...How is he doing?

    I really need to get back to work. End of month and I took Friday off to spend a girls weekend back down at the shore... Love to all. xoxo
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007

    So Happy, {{Robin}}and [[Amy]]xoxo
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2007
    Amy - Wonderfull, wonderfull news!!!!!!
    Anne - Yes off to Phillmont they go. My dh is much more excited then my DS. Dh has wanted to do a treck since he was a scout but his troop never went. Now he can go, I just hope he can make it!!! We live at sea level so it will be a true endurance test for our guys. I've scheduled myself to work lots of extra hours while they are gone so I hope I don't even notice the date. If panic sets in I'll PM you.
    Hugs to all,
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited May 2007

    God Bless all My Cgs!!and thank you for your Love!
    {{{{{MENA--}}}}I'm Happy God answered You, Because He Loves You} Pup
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    amy no time but i am just so happy for you. yeah!!!

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Just a quick drive by from work.

    I went to my pcp for my pre-op screening and I'm good to go.

    I'll catch up after work. Hope everyone is having a good day.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2007
    Theresa:thank you so much,I am going to hit him with my best shot in the words of pat benetar.Getting rid of him wont be nothing compared to what I have been thru for almost 3 years now.The thing is I could have been off chemo months ago If I only had insisted on a PET scan,oh well.I cant wait for the chemo feeling to go away as I know it will.It did once and it will again.I just cant wait to get on with my life.I already have an appointment for tuesday with the dr who will do the RFA,then next boobs.I so want implants I dont want to have to go thru the i forgot the name of the procedure,where they take the stuff from abdomen and make boobs.Boy some nurse I am.Chemo brain.Anyway,does anyone know a good ps in TN that has done implants on someone who has had rads?

    I have got to get caught up on whats going on.
    Congrats AMY,lets get the axes and shovels shined up and ready to dig,,,,want to??HOw is Hey Jude?

    Denise:I had a great pm typed up to send to you and noelle unplugged my pc and away it went.Will send you another one with my address and phone on it.

    I tell you girls I have not been this excited since the mule kicked old man brown's false teeth down his throat and he died.I am beside myself with plans for t he future.
    I just about lost my life and God gave it back to me,and I so want to have a good happy life.
    Hugs to all my CG's
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Amy: that is such good news. Scary to go off the xeloda, but your mind and your body deserve it. Im so excited for you.


    Got home late. Just wanted to say hello and hope you all have a wonderful evening.

    Tracey: Well dont get too bored with your computer. I miss the daily news from snowmen in thongs!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Hi Gang!!!

    I'm back from my camping trip and quickly checking in from work. I only looked at the last page so far and.........WooHoo!!!!!!! Amy and Robin are sharing NED!!! I am so excited! And Anne is finished her treatment. A big WooHoo for her also!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi Friends!

    Amy: WOOHOO and Double WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!I am so happy for you!!

    Robin: Continuing the WOOHOO for you!!!!!!!!!!!You are so right, you have your life back and you will prevail!!!!! Glad you're gonna send me a pm with info........we love NED but we hate MIA.

    Cheri: Those pups are sure growing! Is Ethan going to Susan's with them? He's a cutie..might be a 'selling' point for Susan to accept your gift!

    Vicki: Loved the Pic.....Yip, sitting at the Computer! I'd love to tell you when my Birthday is..............but you know the saying.."If I tell you I'd have to kill you!" or we could just use the 'amnesia' claim!!

    Z: Welcome back and I'm glad you had such a great time! Did you find my Son and give him a great big Mommy Hug for me?
    The Boob question...that's a toughy. You have to do what you are comfortable with. Did you have a Massectomy (can you believe I can't spell that!), or did you have a Lumpectomy? I truly think that we feel that we look worse than we do. You know DH loves you and has stood by your side through all. My DH told me that I just looked like I had been in a Fender Bender and my headlights were out of alignment!

    Betty: Just what kind of Herbs are you growing that you can't post a picture of????

    Sheri: Didn't Onc say he thought your lump was Scar Tissue? It probably is....but I know where your head is going....we all have to think the worse before we accept the good!! That is what this hideous disease has done to us.

    Boo: I pm'd you with some info earlier. DH and DD are leaving the day after "the day"....mixed feelings for you I'm sure. We'll all be with you and help you in anyway we can.

    Tracey: The young un doing some pushing, eh? Keep up the strength and let him know you mean business. God, my Son would be cracking up if he read what I just wrote!

    Robin: You are NED and it's not going to happen again! I think it is great that you are sharing NED with Amy! Just don't try to share "evil" with her.
    What a great idea to ship "evil" to Texas!! I'm sure Shokk could take care of him right nicely!

    Jule: Dear Jule.........I will be the first to tell you that there is definitely Rads Brain! Between Rads, forced (but thankful) Menopause, and Femara..........I don't talk right, stumble around, ache and most of all I can't remember Shit!

    Colleen: Glad to hear from you and hope you and Warren are doing good!

    Theresa: A weekend at the Shore! Sounds like you had a relaxiing weekend!

    Tricia: You're Good to Go!!!!!!!!!!I'm glad your pre-op went A-Okay! Saturday, right? Blessings to you!

    Jan: survived the 'drunkfest' and even sound like you enjoyed yourself!

    I'll check in later....

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Shokk: Forgot to mention the new law they passed in Texas! discrimination...........but can they claim insanity!! The lawmakers that is!

    Madison and Shokk: Watch out for the storms heading your way.We all know that Shokk hides in the Closet....but what does Madison do?

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007
    Denise, what a great idea.

    Cheri if you throw in Ethan, I'll take Mork and Mindy!!!!! ROTFL.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007
    Good afternoon CG's - a rainy, soggy afternoon in the Rockies. It has now been raining for about 4 hours. Started out with a clear blue sunny sky. I sure hope it stops raining so I can get my nightly walk in - missed it last night due to a meeting. Still having trouble sleeping - the sleep doc I went to goes to my synagogue and was at the same meeting last night. He asked me if I was interested in participating in a clinical trial. Some new "patch" that I think is herbal - two arms - placebo and meds. I think I will do it. Study is only 3 weeks and after it is done, find out which arm. Can also take my sleeping pills, but would need to keep to a schedule with them. I generally take something most nights, but I do play around with the dosage. Last night I took 1 Temazapan and couldn't fall asleep. I am wondering if the insomnia is worse with the Tamox at night - I know last night it really upset my stomach. Need to get up the courage to call onc back and try to figure out what I want to do. What I want is to not take anything, but I am too scared of the consquences. I know that there are not guarantees on the meds, but they are supposed to increase our odds. "Chemo brain" is back on the tamox, or maybe its "hormone" brain as Jule calls it. Whatever it is, it stinks. There are times, I just have no recall of something, even when someone "jogs" my memory. The other day I was going through my check bood and realized I paid for my DD school pictures twice and didn't even know it. That is not the first time that has happened. At work, I couldn't remember something that I should have - it was like my brain was a clean slate - or should I say empty slate. Luckily, most days at work, I am able to get the job done, but the memory is too far shot for only 51. I don't remember the memory being this bad on the AI's (see I told you my memory stunk!!!).
    Tomorrow is my Miriam's last day of 3rd grade!!! Where has the time gone. Next week she starts day camp for 3 weeks. Not sure what she is going to Th or F, I am thinking of asking my principal if she can come to school on Friday. I am not done till 6/22. Noah is done for the summer and will be busy working.
    Tricia - glad all went well with the pre-opvisit - now its the count down to Saturday.
    Amy and Robin - yahoo!!!! NED is always looking for new dance partners. He really is the ladies man!!! I'm so happy for the both of you.
    Anne - glad to hear you are done Tx.
    Sheri - hugs - wish I had some chicken soup to give you.
    Betty - beautiful flowers
    Cheri - the puppies are too cute - what type. I would offer to take them home, but I already have over 200# of dogs. Give Mork and Mindy hugs for me.
    Gina - your roses are beautiful!!! My flower garden is petunias and a couple other periannials that I don't know the name of, but low mainenance. When I was little my grandmother had rose bush dividing the house behind hers. My green thumb is really not all that green. I do good with low maintenance flowers and veggies.
    Odalys - thank you for your wonderful surprise. You are so very creative.
    Vickie - I'm glad that you got my journal. I didn't label the picures - emailing pics is a relatively new venture for me. Maybe one day, I will figure out how to post here.
    Nicki, Amy, Tracey, Sue, MB, Cy, Betty, Z, Jankay, Rondab, Marsha, Colleen, Alwayshope, Mena, Susan, Sherndon, Liz, CherlyNC, Beth, HollyAnn, Catherine (I promise to call you one day - I do want to meet in person)Puppy, Shirley (how is your vacation), Denise, Deb (are you still in the lower 48), SoCalLisa (how is that new grandbaby), and everyone else. Sending hugs from Denver for feel good days.karen
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Well, good afternoon everyone..
    I had the most interesting day today
    For those of you from chat who know me as

    "The Guardian of the Tunnels"..

    I visited the US/Mexican Border area today..
    I was especially watchful to keeping my eyes
    peeled for the tunnels...
    at any is what I saw and photos I took

  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Hood Afternoon Everyone,
    Hope all is well with you. Congrats to Robin, Amy and Anne.
    Wishing everyone a good evening.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Ok guys a quick fly by........daughter is already asleep and its 7 o clock......poor baby.....exams this week and she has been studying hard.........We sure have had some good news today......Robin bring evil down........we Texans have a way of making everything look like an accident.......I knew that this was your second husband but I had no idea how long you had been married......its hard when you need someone the most and they betray have survived cancer and you will survive your won't be easy but neither was cancer treatment.......and you know what Robin you do deserve some happiness.......Hey Nicki just wanted you to know the post over the wkend was great about our fallen made me stop and think about what having this last Monday off from work was really about.....there are so many things in this country that we have to be thankful for........has anyone heard from Evilelf thought about her over the wkend.....I hope she is doing well........Vickie you sound like you had a good day yesterday.......I know you enjoy spending time with your sister.....Boo was it you that had a son that played the violin? I remember Amy son plays......anyway my youngest made Drumline at her high school......oboe doesn't march so she tried out for cymbals and made proud.....have to look forward to Friday night football guys I have a sink full of dirty dishes I ignored yesterday and going to put them in the ya'll.....Hey Vickie see ya later alligator...........

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Good evening, CG's

    Liz, what great news!

    Robin, I love how excited you sound! I hope you find a great surgeon.

    Marsha, how are you doing today?

    Vickie, I'm glad you had fun with Nathaniel. I think you need to get a new pool.:D and I loved you post lat night, so sweet.

    Cherie, Ethan and the puppy are both adorable. The puppy is HUGE!

    Anne, congrats on finishing. I hope your discomfort goes away soon. Your new kitties are beautiful.

    Madison, I realy admire all the work you do on the afghans.

    Beth, loved the golf joke. Glad you got some Xanax. Your post motivated me to ask my doc for some today. She didn't hesitate to write the script.

    Z, I'm glad you had a good trip. Your husband loves you. I bet you will find it is not a big deal to him.

    Jankay, thank you. I am so glad to be here.

    Sheri, sinus infections are miserable. I hope you feel better soon.

    S in T, I hope your kitty comes home soon.

    Shokk, wow 3.65" of rain in one day! You definitely have enough to share! Blind hunters? Let me think about that.

    Jule, good to see you here.

    Colleen, I hope your work deadlines aren't too awful.

    Theresa, kayaking at the shore sounds wonderful!

    Nicki, I hope you have a wonderful evening, too.

    Jan, I hope your camping trip was fun.

    Denise, How are you doing today?

    Karen, I hope you find something to help with the sleep problems. That has got to be terribly frustrating.

    When I met with my reg doc today, I asked her for a script for Xanax. She didn't bat an eye. We were talking about my surgery and she tells me my onc surgeon "THE boob man of so FL" did hers. Now that is a vote of confidence. Thursday we go up to the hospital to pre-reg and ask questions.
    I'm ready.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Just checking in to say good night. Seems extremely quiet in the circle tonight.....hope all is okay.
    Talk about memories and such.....I was trying to spell alful(?).....can't get it out, yet I changed it for 'extremely' without any trouble....I hate that.

    Everyone sleep tight and I'll see you in the morning!

    I get to start my day off with a visit to the Gyn! Yippee!
    Remember the last visit with the "condom" on the wand???? Commonly called a "vaginal ultrasound"!! I'm hoping for nothing more than a "gloved" hand this time!! Sorry, TMI!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Good evening ladies,
    Hope everyone had a wonderful day. I see Robin and Amy sure are happy and I am so very happy for them! Checked on the calendar and Suzfive had an appointment did it go? I may have missed your post but I am hoping all went well.
    Gonna walk the circle and see what's up.
    Gotta get out the magic carpet and dust it off for Cheri to get her stitches out tomorrow and for Jankay's appointment for pool therapy. Wonder if they'll let us play in the pool! Who's driving?
    Haven't seen Gina today, hope she's feeling well, love the flowers around her and Betty's wagons! Iris is safely tucked away with the burgler alarm thinks she's hoping for a handsome cop to come to her rescue LOL!
    Z is busy writing I think, can't tell for sure without my binoculars. Cheri is up playing with the grandkids and enjoying the daylights out of them, looking forward to having the stitches out. Anne is celebrating in her wagon...congratulations Anne!!! Cherryl popped her head out and right back in again...Hi Cherryl...good night Cherryl. Lisa didn't bring back any of the border patrol with her so all you single ladies hanging around outside her wagon may as well go to bed...darn. Great pictures Lisa! Robin has her ab lounger in front of the freezer plotting against Evil heehee. Sneaking some cinammon rolls to Mazer who is tied outside of Amy's tent where they are celebrating still. Madison is double checking her pump but I think she needs to move to my side of the circle for a day or two to stay high and dry. I hear some coughing and sniffling in Sheri's tent...get youself to the docs dear lady, we can't have you sick! I found Theresa's wagon...thought she had gone missing for sure and we'd have to hog tie her to the center too. Shel is having withdrawls with her broken computer...oh my...miss her. Colleen is celebrating Warrens graduation...congratulations Warren!! Jule is still up and I thinks she's lost her pj's...yup dear there is such a thing as rads brain! Tracey is getting bored so we need to spice things up for her a bit. Nicki has gone to bed so I'm just gonna tuck her in again. Tricia had her appointment today and is good to go so we'll put her in the center till she is healed and past this next step. Jan is poppin in and out...stick around and have a drink lady! Karen is pacing her wagon cuz she can't sleep...come out and have a drink or two or three with me heehee. Denise thinks she can keep her birthday a secret from me...HA...gonna set up spyware outside her wagon! Susan popped in with her wonderful smile to say goodnight. Haven't seen Newter and Hollyanne...maybe they are hanging out in Jankays wagon.
    Ok...I'm all walked and talked out.
    I don't have to go to work tomorrow! Have a field trip with Nathaniels class (no I didn't learn the first time!). Going to an old farmstead to see what life was like in the 1800's so it should be fun. I've been there before and it's pretty neat. The weather is supposed to be wonderful so that's a plus.
    It's off to bed for me...tired as usual.
    Love and hugs to you all and I'm sorry to any that I missed but didn't have time to take notes.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Uh oh...looks like another stop with the magic carpet as Denise has an appointment too! gonna sneak a peek at her chart and get her birthday...shhhh...don't tell.
    Tricia...glad your ready! Good night and sweet dreams.
    Shokk...In a while ya.