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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    One more quick little tidbit...tomorrow night is Blue Moon night. Three full moons in one month make the last moon a blue moon...just a piece of info from Yahoo today!
    I love the song...Once in a Blue Moon I Do Something Right...describes me to a tee LOL. I'll be doing everything right tomorrow!!
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited May 2007
    Odalys, your surprise came today. It brought a smile to my face.

    Shokk, congrants to your DD. My youngest DD played the oboe, too. People seemed surprised when I told them she wasn't marching with it. She was in the drumline, too. Your DD will build up strong arm muscles with the cymbals, mine did. Tell her it will get better as time goes on.

    SoCalLisa & CY, beautiful grandbabies. My DD number two is expecting in the next few weeks. It will be number two for her and grandbaby #2 for us.

    Beth, hope you're better soon. The picc line sounds very uncomfortable.

    NS & Betty, your flowers are lovely.

    Robin & Amy, hip, hip hooray. May Ned fill both your dance cards.

    Anne, free at last!! woohoo!!

    Theresa, kayaking sounds like lots of fun, and you walked 4 miles last week, too. good for you.

    Vicki, your painting was beautiful, and now that you've started again, each one will be better than the last.

    Sheri, hang in there. I have allergies, too. ((((Sheri))))

    Zaz & Jankay, when each of you write, you lift my spirits. Thank you both for being you.

    Madison & Vicki, I've finally begun knitting squares for the loveghans, as Zaz calls them. I'm kind of slow, so it may be a while before I can send some off to you.

    Been kind of low lately. Had a melt down yesterday at my mom's. It was over the stupidest thing. Was trying to get out the back door with a plate of food to join the family at the picnic table, and dropped the plate losing everything on it. No one moved to help me, and I got so angry about it. I was blamed for not asking anyone to get the door for me. Well, if you knew how often I've asked for help in the past and had to wait for what seemed an eternity. Or how often I've had to repeat myself to get their attention in the past, then you know why I just tried to do it myself. Apparently everyone thought that I had overreacted. Shoot, not one cuss word came out of my mouth. I was in control!! Then a lot of them proceeded to tell me how I "should" feel. I think that made me more angry than anything else.

    This is all so petty, I know, but I think I was more angry about the past than that little plate of food. I know I can't talk to them about it, because as you know I'm all done with treatment. That means it's behind me, right? Well, talked to my DH later last night about it, and he understands. The rest of my family will never really get it. And I hope they never have a reason to personally. I don't ever want them to go through what I've been through. Just felt the need to get it out and on paper (so to speak). I know I can be at peace about it once I've gotten it out.

    On a better note, since my non-flossing confession, I have flossed every night. It's just silly to not do it, especially since Vicki and Cheri are conquering the cigarette habit. If they can stop smoking, then I can get over this silly aversion to flossing. Hey you two, keep up the good work. I've never smoked, but I've heard that you're doing one of the hardest things there is. I'm proud of you both.

    Hugs, healing, and prayers to all.

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited May 2007
    Tricia, glad to hear that everything's a "go" for Saturday. We'll all be there in spirit with you.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    It just amazing the things we have in common besides bc.....Laura thanks for the words of wisdom........did you know Anne played the oboe too........don't you just love family......I realize we need them but geez sometimes you just want to knock their lights at like you used to get to do when you were far as siblings are concern.......wouldn't it be great if they are telling you how you are suppose to "feel" and you could walk over and knock them down and sit on their big heads......ha........anyway dishes are in the dishwasher and it is turned has finally stop raining and going to walk the dogs around the block.......everyone be good tonight.......hey Jan....glad your back.....need to share some pics......hey Vickie see ya later gator.......

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited May 2007
    Good evening CG's. Glad to hear all the good news from Robin and Amy... yeah!!!! Wooohooo, good news for a change! Sorry not much time to post tonight, long day and early start tomorrow.

    Good night ladies...don't let the bed bugs bite.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited May 2007

    THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!

    I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2007
    Hi CGs,

    It feels like forever since I've posted and it probably has been. I have so many pages to catch up on - HELP!

    My grandson, Brison, turned 4 weeks old yesterday and I miss him so much. The good news is that my SIL is going to Maylasia (sp?) on 6/10 and I'm taking Amtrack (with one of my granddaughters) on the 9th to CT and driving back to NJ with my daughter and the baby on the 11th. They're staying until the 16th. Can't wait. After spending 2 whole weeks with them, I'm going through serious withdrawal.

    On June 6, I have my all-day orientation at Virtua Hospital with the new oncology department. I will be a Patient Navigator for newly dx bc patients and I'm so looking forward to doing this. I'm also helping LBBC (Living Beyond Breast Cancer) design their new brochure re Annxiety and Depression for Women Newly Dx with BC.

    I started a weight management program today. I went through the program before bc and lost 60 lbs. I'm not looking to lose that much, however, I want to lose all the weight I gained during the last 2 years. I also joined a fitness center and got a personal trainer. Hopefully, I'll see results before Pink Stock.

    I haven't had time to read all the recent posts, but will make an attempt before the end of the weekend and respond to each of you. Tomorrow I'm going to the shore (AC) to play mahjongg all day; Thursday and Friday I'm loaded up with appts . . .

    Love and positive thoughts for everyone,

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2007
    Evening all, 244 posts to catch up on.....don't think I'll do it but will take some notes.

    Lucy, welcome. I had a bilateral with tram reconstruction too.

    Cheri, glad you are back but sorry to hear about Amber. I hope you are feeling good. How is the no smoking going?

    Vickie, I sent you my journal page and even some pics.

    Robin, I hear you have been dancing with NED. Congratulations.

    Jankay, I love your humor.

    Beth, I hope you are starting to feel better.

    Amy, you had good news too. Congratulations.

    Shokk, you sure have had your share of bad weather.

    G,did I miss your roses? I actually spent the morning planting flowers yesterday!!!

    I know I missed so many but I'll have to catch up. For now, it's bedtime - I have a hair appt tomorrow morning at 6:00 AM!!!!

    Hugs to you all.


    P.S. Who got me started on the Knifty Knitter? I got so frustrated the other night I put it away and haven't touched it since.
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited May 2007
    ....tiptoeing around the campfire so as not to wake those already sleeping and not to distract those trying to sleep...You guys are the best. I have been off and on several times today trying to catch up and have come to the conclusion that it really doesn't matter if you catch up as long as you are here for the ride. So much love and encouragement!
    Vickie... Loved that alarm clock this morning. I am going to borrow it tonight if that is ok. He can leave his gun outside the wagon. If he is lying close I don't think the alarm clock will be the problem! (shhhhhh) Blue moon tomorrow? Wonder if it will be blue moon in Texas too?
    Might help the blind in their hunting efforts.
    Robin... your attitude in your last post was so uplifting! You are strong. You can get through this and we are all here with you. I haven't had a vacation yet if you need help taking some baggage to TX!

    Shokk... I just heard on the Atlanta evening news that some parts of Texas have had more rain in 3 days than we have had all year! I'll do the rain dance here if you will send the rainmaker this way......
    Madison... and here's hoping your "perfect storm" turned calm. Praying for you and hoping the closet was not too stuffy....
    Karen... I don't think I have paid anything twice, but I have forgotten to pay bills. And trust me, they only believe chemo brain the first time you do it (My son, Miles, calls it "using the "c" card)....
    Denise... couldn't help being amused about your GYN appt. The first time I had a vaginal u/s I asked the doc if it had a vibrate mode (nerves make me talk... and my mouth made the nurse about pass out)... I know.... TMI... sorry
    Laura...sorry about your meltdown. It seems to me that family events are great triggers for meltdowns. Not sure why, but I can get offended and cry more at family gatherings than anywhere else on earth. I didn't talk to my sister today because she started me on a meltdown yesterday.... *sigh*... big hug to you.
    Amy (and Robin) congrats on NED!!! So wonderful to hear good news.
    Someone told me earlier about the calendar. I couldn't open it at work today and haven't tried tonight, but I do have an onc appt. on Thursday morning at 9:40.... send some happy thoughts my way?
    Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of this fellowship! My prayer is that all of you have a restful evening, and awaken in the morning with a song on your heart.... whether it be "another one bites the dust" or "somewhere over the rainbow" Pam
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited May 2007

    Sue... A "Patient Navigator!" How wonderful. Kudos to you. Helping others has been so very healing to me! Pam

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007

    Pam, I just put your appointment on the calendar.....we'll be there...

  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited May 2007
    Sweet dreams... Pam
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    > 9 Things
    > > I Hate About Everyone
    > > 1. People who
    > > point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is
    > > pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the
    > > toilet is?
    > >
    > > 2. People who are
    > > willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the T.V. remote
    > > because they refuse to walk to the T.V. and change the channel
    > > manually.
    > > 3. When people say
    > > "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Damn right! What good is
    > > cake if you can't eat it?
    > >
    > > 4. When people say "it's
    > > always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep
    > > looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they?
    > > Gonna Kick their asses!
    > > 5. When people say while
    > > watching a film "did you see that?". No Loser, I paid $12 to come to the
    > > cinema and stare at the damn floor.
    > > 6. People who ask "Can I
    > > ask you a question?".... Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya
    > > sunshine?
    > > 7.
    > > When something is 'new
    > > and improved!' Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything
    > > before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before
    > > it, couldn't be new.
    > > 8. When people say "life is
    > > short". What the hell?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does-!!
    > > What can you do that's longer?
    > > 9. When you are
    > > waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?". If the bus came
    > > would I be standing here, dumbass?
    > > *** Forward this to at
    > > least 5 people and see what comes on your screen, you will laugh your head
    > > off!!!!!!! This works. I don't know how... Â
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254
    edited May 2007
    I heard about you in the chat room and wanted to come and read your posts. I am so happy to hear you are NED. I have mets in my spine on 5th lumbar and hoping I'll be NED too someday. Bone mets takes a long time to shrink but it can happen. I hope it at least stays in my bones. Your story is truly an inspiration to me and may God bless you for sharing it. Mazy
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007

    Looks like I'm back in my up early mode. I'll be quiet because I know lots of you are still sleeping.

    Such good news we've had this week. Amy and Robin dancing with NED.

    A blue moon, huh. Maybe I'll do something right, too. LOL

    Laura, you almost made me get up and floss. Sorry about your meltdown.

    Sue, you go girl.

    Mazy, don't think we've met. Glad to have you join us.

    Better tiptoe back to the coffee. I'm thinking that Nicki might be up and heading that way.

    Hugs to all.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone. Well I think its a good morning. I havent had my coffee yet - its still brewing.

    Shokk: pretty exciting news about your daughter. Friday night football is gonna mean a whole different thing now and sure sounds like fun. Im a really big football fan despite the heartbreak the BEARS gave us in the superbowl.

    Tricia: How in the world did you get this far without xanax? It became my best friend, actually it still is. You are going to feel so much better once the surgery is done. I knw i felt a sense of relief.

    Denise: Good luck at the gyne today. Not my favorite doc appt.

    Betty: Your so funny. I was frantically sitting in front of the coffee pot this morning just waiting for that first cup. Seems like lately I have had a hard time getting up and feel a hangover from my medications. I need to start weaning off of some of them.

    Vickie: Blue Moon? If I go to bed at my usual time I will probably miss it.


    Laura: Yes, I have had melt downs for what seems like the silliest reason. Had one right in the middle of Office Max - had all the employees and customers wondering if I was a crazy woman. But then to have to listen to people telling you how "you should feel." Taht would have pput me over the edge. I know this picture is a repeat, but I love it - and it says it all. So to everyone that tried to tell you how to feel?

    Odalys: You are such a special person. Received your surprize. Actually made both me and my husband smile.

    Sue: Patient navigator - man that sounds like a fun job. One of the local hospitals is looking for a nurse to be a breast cancer navigator - just dont have the strength to do a resume and apply for another job. You are gonna help so many people.

    MargaretB: Good to hear from you. I was missing you.

    Pam: Yep, dont worry about reading all the posts you have missed. Its too overwhelming. And the subject changes by the minute. Good luck with you onc appt tomorrow.

    Jankay: I loved "9 things that I hate." Gonna print that one out.

    Mazy: I used to be a regular chatter. I recognize your name, but you probably dont know me cause its been along time since I have been on the chat.


    Robin: Some how I missed you posta bout being NED. A big congratulations to you. You must feel so positive right now. "Hit me with your best shot." I sang that song everyday when I was first diagnosed accept I was talking to the breast cancer.

    Sheri: Sounds like a cold to me. You need to get some medication.

    Jule. Coffee in the refrigerator?


    Tgirl: Spending time by the shore is one of my favorite things to do. We dont have the ocean, but Lake Michigan is pretty nice. I love walking along the shore barefoot. In fact I might do that today during my lunch break.

    Jan: So gald you are back. Hope you had alot of fun on the week-end.

    Karen: Im having my own set of side effects to my medications, so its frustrating thats for sure. Hope you get a sunny day and a good nights lseep tonight.

    LisaSoCal: Well, I was awed by your pictures. Especially the USA/Mexican border by the ocean.

    Cheryl: How are you doing and is your cold better? Im feeling much stronger but I still have a nagging congested cough.

    OK - time to go. Need to quick make breakfast before I take a shower.

    Have a good day everyone.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited May 2007
    Hey,Betty,we are up with the chickens! That is what we used-to-say in Alabama. Beautiful flowers;coffee sounds good.

    Laura...hate to floss teeth..good for you. T told my dentist I used it for crafts(been going to him 25 yrs)!He did not think that was funny! It gets stuck in my crowns;excuses.

    Jpann...with you on the rads memory and now,I am writing notes on my cell phone messages--simple things to jar memory. Too much happening at one time and my brain fuzzes.

    Sue...know what you mean abt time alone;sometimes too quiet;however,I like quiet and eating outside w/nature.
    Hope you will have some time to do fun things "me things" I call them while husband and son are away.

    Pam...sounds like you and Miles had a nice weekend.

    Colleen...Congrats to Warren. Bet he will look so cute all dressed up in the grad program.

    Tracey...hope your cough is much better and work is less stressful this week.

    Odalys...funny story abt the PO clerk and cooking.

    Theresa..hope you had fun at the shore;great weather for it.

    Vickie...send the cops down--anytime!!! I cannot believe you had my pic there and had changed the color of my eyes from green to on the computer with my beak,too! LOL
    Thanks for checking...busy day--no cookies,had pizza!

    Puppyfive..hope you are caught up from all the washing after the trip. Sounds like you had a good time.

    Susan...hi to you in Springfield. How was your Memorial Day?

    Gina...beautiful flowers!

    Jan...camping sounds like it was fun during the weekend.

    Karen...with you on the insomnia and Ambien is not doing it these days. School is enough to make anyone lose sleep this time-of-yr at least it did for me when I was teaching.

    Lisa...interesting pics of the Border area. glad to get acquainted in "cyber"writing. Have a great vacation and enjoy the time away.

    Tricia...good luck with surgery this week.

    Sue(ishop1) glad you had a good weekend and what a fantastic person you are! Thanks,again,for your thoughtfulness! It really brightened my day.

    Amy/Robin...Congrats to both of you!!! I know you are having
    a great week with such good news. the allergies and I know what you are talking abt. Sinus issues are so annoying and hope you are feeling better today.

    Z...your trip to AZ sounded fun! You are a marvelous writer and I love your witty writings. I have laughed so much at some of those funny pics.

    Cheri...hope you are doing better! Saw David Cassidy and the Partridge Family in Greensboro,NC 1972! Wonderful--I think I love you...still hear that.

    Marsha...the Monkees..loved them everyday after high are right,Z! Hey,hey we're the Monkees...that and Never Too Young--going back in time. Take the last train to Clarksville...

    Madison..that would be me and the keys! I used to be so much better with this stuff! I am telling the phone where things are and maybe w/less will get more normal,again. It could be far,haven't lost the Jeep...yet! Ya never know...LOL

    Denise...your closet sounds like mine...I got so mad I threw out all the big sizes and can't wear anything hardly. It was to motivate me. I hate to let go of my stuff,don't you?

    Beth...hope you are feeling better today;fruit sounds wonderful. Got the best strawberries(from California) at Fresh Market.Thought abt you. Come down and visit,again. The furniture mkt has really changed here;economy and things have shifted.

    Nicki...hope that you are OK and did not mean to wake up so early. I always admire all your postings and pics. Hope that it is a pretty day;how are the flowers?

    Anyone that I skipped...have a great day! So hot here...send some rain this way,Shokk. Sounds like you have some unique laws on the hunting. I think avoiding a hunting party would be what I would do;do lots of deer hunting where my parents live. That is a strange law,isn't it (blind hunters?)Learn something new every day.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited May 2007
    Hey,Nicki..can't beat you,friend! I was so slow typing and thankfully,did not lose the post!!! Have a great day! Love the tiger pic and Betty's sun.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited May 2007
    Jankay...tired eyes just saw your post as I was flying by so fast this morning. Hope that you are well and I was up abt 1:30 this morning. We should have a club of all-nighters! Just telling what I would lose if I stayed up all night. Barely can find my head now. Take care,Jankay!

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning,
    Off to work I go but just wanted to stop in to say thank you to Odalys.
    I recieved your package yesterday. Thank you - what a sweet gift. Won't say any more so as not to spoil the surprise for others.
    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Iris: Gotta get up pretty early to catch this little sunshine worm. Most of my flowers are doing good, but not enough rain and they are very thirsty. Yesterday when I came home, I have a Gerber Daisy that needs to be in a bigger pot. It was 90 degrees here and sunny. The poor flowers was shrivled up. I was sure I killed it. Well I brought it in the house, gave it lots of water and when I woke up this morning - its standing up and looking pretty again.


    Have a nice day.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited May 2007
    Nicki,you knew I needed my buddy,Goofy! Thank you so much as they bring back the childhd memories. Glad your flower has more life this morning. It was so hot here yesterday and I know the flowers are droopy in the backyd today. Have a good one! Not doing well at all on the dieting front this and cookies!!! Maybe I will get back into it soon as junk is so hard to resist if I give in. How abt you and the South Beach? You have done great with it.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    ok ok ok...I'm up...I'm showered and dressed, have made breakfast, made lunches for the field trip, throw on a little makeup, found the sunscreen and now I'm ready for a nap...oh did a load of laundry and filled the dishwasher too. Geez...going to work is so much easier LOL.
    Lots of sunshine sisters this morning! Good morning ladies. Our west coast ladies haven't woke up yet...hmmm...shall we blow the trumpet in their direction.

    Nicki...I have been able to see the moon by 7pm every night this week. It's really bright and visible before dark. Not gonna really be blue but three full moons in one month is a pretty big deal I guess. Be careful with the walking alone!!!!'s good to see you and rant any time you need to here...we get it! I'm glad you DH got it too and who cares what anyone else thinks. You're entitled to a meltdown every now and's been a hell of a ride!

    Sue..oh my you have been so busy. Good for you. Good luck with the new positions and I'm sure you will be great!

    Puppy and Jan doing a lot of camping...maybe I'll go stay with them...can you tell I need a vacation!

    Deb...where are you? We love your posts you know and we miss you when we don't see that smiling face!

    Pam...sending you my alarm clock guy but please send him back LOL. You are so don't need to keep up with everything just hang on tight and enjoy the ride. "Does it vibrate"...ppphhhffftt...OM...that was too funny!

    Cheri...where the heck are you missy? Gonna pick you up with the magic carpet this morning and I guess I have to drive as we had no volunteers...look out for deer and nasty women that pull out in front of us okay!!!

    Ok...missed a bunch of you but I will be back
    Love ya all
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Good morning. Still sniffling and coughing here. I slept all afternoon yesterday and felt so much better. I found an antibiotic I never finished and am taking it. I know that's bad, I just don't want to go to the dr. I hope this cold doesn't mess up the tests on Friday.

    Yes, I'm obsessing about Friday. The dr said it "might" be scar tissue, but then why did he order so many tests?

    A friend from school invited Micah and I over to watch a bunch of the 4 hers clip goats. Should be interesting for this former city girl.

    I love you all!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Hey Mazy...welcome to the circle. Morning everyone. WE GOT RAIN! Bout doggone time. Well, I have to run. By the way, each day I think I read all the posts and then I read some of the other posts after that and people are talking about things that I don't remember reading. What's up with that? I know I have to go reread Nicki's cause sometimes she still working on them when I breeze thru but are alot of you doing that 'post in progress' thing to? Or am I going crazy! I'm going crazy, aren't I?

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    good morning
    i am eating pb toast and drinking choc milk before i take
    my bath. I am looking forWARD to the pool. od i got my surprise yesterday AND was smiling when i explained to my family where it came from and why. thank you
    i also got a pretty posty from secret pal but dont have time to go to that thread.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    i thought i had ordered the catalogu told me about but i havent gotten it can u resend the information to me.
    i would appreciate it
    i hope you improve rapidly= u deserve it
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007

    Before U were thought of or time had begun,> >God stuck U in the name of His Son.> >> >And each time U pray, you'll see it's true,> >You can't spell out Jesus and not include U.> >> >You're a pretty big part of His wonderful name,> >For U, He was born; that's why He came.> >> >And His great love for U is the reason He died.> >It even takes U to spell crucified.> >> >Isn't it thrilling and splendidly grand> >He rose from the dead, with U in His plan?> >> >The stones split away, the gold trumpet blew,> >and this word resurrection is spelled with a U.> >> >When JesUs left earth at His upward ascension,> >He felt there was one thing He just had to mention.> >> >"Go into the world and tell them it's true> >That I love them all - Just like I love U."> >> >So many great people are spelled with a U,> >Don't they have a right to know JesUs too?> >> >It all depends now on what U will do,> >He'd like them to know,> >But it all starts with U.> >> >> > Will YOU pass it on.> > When Jesus died on the cross he was thinking of you!> >If you are one of the 7% who will stand up for him, forward this.> >> >93% of people won't forward>>>>> _____

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    My friend brought me a bag full of fresh corn from the Zellwood Corn Festival. OMG it is as sweet as candy! I do have one question though for Denise: As the Queen of Poop Stories, do you have any special insight into the whole poop and corn thingy? I just don't get it. Maybe I ate too much! Also it is "awful", thought I'd tell you before Susan, the spelling police, got here.

    Jankay, again spit coffee out at your joke especially "would I be standing here, dumbass?"

    It's Blue Moon Night? Fabulous. Also BNO (Broads Night Out)so maybe I'll drink Blue Moon Beer tonight!

    Sheri, Sue (Boo) lives in Tampa and if we can get the day right, she would like to hang at the pool with us. So let's check the calenders ladies.

    Speaking of calenders, I am happy to say after a crappy 3 month spell where it seemed like everything fun in the world, was planned on the "bad" weeks, my June is filling up quite nicely. So much to look forward to in this life!!!

    One note of concern is this whole memory thing. I'm an actor, that is my passion, my hobby if you will. I CAN'T HAVE MEMORY PROBLEMS and still be involoved with the theatre. Geeeeezzzzzzzzz Do you think this is just kinda short-term memory like can't think of a word like broccoli or can't memorize things??? CRAP I thought this would go away. Wonder if there is a supplement or something that helps with that?

    HI to everyone, have a great day and hugs all around......Marsha
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited May 2007
    Jankay (and for everyone) this catalogue has some great stuff from Dr. Leonard's. They have all kinds of things from phones with oversize buttons to, ahem, "personal" items! Anyway, the # is 1-800-785-0880 and it is for the website. My mom has gotten lots from them, mostly wheelchair and walker accessories.

    If I missed saying this....congrats to Amy and Robin dancing with NED!!!! I am so very happy to hear it.

    Vickie, the zoo trip I took with the 7th grade is still in my camera and I need to download the pics. I know I will not have learned either and will volunteer whenever I am able. Just bring Tylenol and a Xanax!

    Odalys, got my package and I wish dh had not thrown away the envelope with your addy. Can you pm it to me? It got delivered to the house #180 two streets away. Always happens with subs on our route. It did come at a great time!

    Z, I was so scared what dh's reaction would be to my new "girls". But like he keeps telling me, he is an ass man anyway and he is in love with me not my body parts. Just keep loving each other.

    Iris, I wish I could jump down and visit NC. My dear Dad always wanted to retire to High Point or Greensboro. He liked the whole Triad very much.

    Welcome Mazy! just pop in when you can.

    Cheri, here's to a sucessful recovery. Nothing can keep anyone down who has fought bc and won!

    Margaret, don't give up on the Knitter. Ask Denise, Susan or Cheri to walk you through it. They got frustrated at first too if I recall. You can do it.

    Who is th enon-flosser? Right there with ya! I will make a deal with you...I will floss too if you do and we will save our teeth. My GM's favorite expression was, be true to your teeth or they will be false to you. So very true.

    Nicki, I have to thank you for the tips on the vanco. We have it down to a science now and hardly any mistakes with the infusion. They are coming tonight an hour before I get again to get bloodwork to measure the trough (sp? and is that the right thing?) and kidney function. Thank God no needle sticks!

    Gina, how you feeling? My neighbor's Persian just got its lion cut for summer and the baby cried because she didn't recognize her kitty!

    Where is Vera BTW???? Someone go look for her! Has she posted in Humor lately?

    Puppy, love you sister. Will try to call you later today. If it rings and no machine picks up I guess you are online? DH is still doing all of our laundry and won't let me help. I am feeling a bit useless though.

    Karen, how does your garden grow? Sorry to be silly....I hope my herbs come up and the squirels don;t mess with them again. I love the purple Basil and used it a lot in cooking. Don't have what it takes this year for veggies. How are you feeling otherwise with the se's?

    Joyce, my nearest neighbor here! Well, I guess Shelley is closer but she is mostly in chat. Let's do coffee some saturday, just the 3 of us. Let me know. Hi to Kevin!

    OK, bad luck comes 3's right? my third was Monday night. I took off the surgical bra and gauze pads to get my shower. Well, a tiny scab pulled off and a bit of blood ran down my side. No biggie you say? Well, I got a tiny bit woozy but took deep relaxing breaths and told dh to just help me wash the important stuff so I could lay down. We did. As I was getting out of the bathroom, not dried off yet mind ou. i started blacking out. DH is behind and I could not get the words out to tell him. I'm falling, he's trying to grab me to at least slow me down but I'm all slippery and wet. I fell and hit the side of my head on the spokes of the wheelchair. No sutures pulled, the last drain was intact. Now I am sore from th efall and have a doozy of a bruise on the side of my face. The ps is seeing me this morning anyway so he is checking me out all over to be sure. What next? Scared the crap out of poor dh. Maybe he should take a Xanax?

    OK, cross your fingers I don't lose this post! Love you all and I hope I didn't hurt feelings if I forgot you. My mind is not functioning well lately either. Later guys!