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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007

    OH my goodness two whole weeks today without a cigarette! Hmmm...hey Cheri...if you don't check in soon I'm gonna get nervous and have to light up LOL...just teasing!

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited May 2007
    Evening all,

    Oh Denise, you cracked me up. I don't have a clue either about what you asked the doc, but would have loved to see his face.

    I was going to write a nice long post, but this little guy came and got me...image
    ... so I'll say nighty night.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited May 2007
    Oh my gosh ladies, crazily behind, so only looking at my current page (491! I'm totally behind!)

    Nicki - I never get tired of that penquin clip!!

    shokk - hope your sweet daughter caught up on her sleep!

    Tricia - the boob man of so florida, reminds me of the bird man of alcatraz!! (Just the expression though, I think the bird man was a real man, and a real criminal at that!!)

    Denise - hope the gyno was wand-free!

    Vicki - how was the field trip with Nathaniels class? (The answer to that question is probably on page 492 or 493!) Blue moon night sounds cool!

    Laura - sorry about the meltdown, we've all been there, the tiniest thing sets you off. Congrats on the flossing!!

    Odalys - hey there, how is everything?

    Hey G! How are you holding up? I hope the meds are keeping the nausea at bay!

    Robin and Amy are NED?!? Woo hoo!

    Sue - hang in there until your next baby fix!

    Margaret - hair appt at 6am? Huh? I hope you're looking marvelous!!

    Pam (and Karen!) I have done BOTH! Paid the same bill twice and forgotten to pay a bill completely. Unfortunately, the phone company and electric company do not feel this "evens out" LOL

    Jankay - bwaa haa haa!!!

    Welcome Mazy!

    Hey Betty - glad Nicki was right behind you with the coffee!

    Nicki - I never get tired of that penquin clip (hey, did I already say that?)

    Iris - I use floss for crafts too! It's funny, I make Warren floss his teeth every day (or try to anyway), but I'm not good about it myself.

    Sheri - glad you got some sleep anyway! Try not to worry (from the queen of worrying - so I know it's easier said than done!)

    AlwaysHope - that happens to me all the time, but I just assume it's because I forgot, missed a page, lost my mind, whatever. I'd prefer to blame it on "missing post syndrome" so I think we should do that!!

    OK ladies, I'm going to go to bed cause I'm exhausted. Here's a quick thing though, Warren started walking in Making Strides Boston when I was diagnosed. He was only 9 the first time he walked, and he was the youngest Pacesetter in the history of the walk that first year. Well, he was the youngest Pacesetter again last year, and they send out a Pacesetter Newsletter and there was a little article about him. I was just bursting with pride. It's not online or anything, and I'm too tired tonight, but I might re-type it here to share with you all. It's just a couple of paragraphs, but it's so sweet.

    On that happy note, good night, sweet dreams to you all. Hope theres lots and lots of good news on the next 3 pages (which will probably 4 or 5 pages when I wake up tomorrow morning!!)
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    A blue isn't blue here but it is big and bright tonight.

    to all you lovely ladies...
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Hey Colleen Warren may have two homes but he has one life and mom you must be doing something right.......congrats......want you to promise to print what was published about him......don't care how long it is...........I don't even know Warren personally but I feel proud......Hey Vickie getting ready to walk the has stop raining and I don't see any men laying around outside.......Amy did we know each other in college??????There was a lot of experimenting going on....ha.....oh yea I'm keep forgetting I'm the one that somehow missed the whole sexual revolution thing.......what in the heck was I thinking??????OK ladies long prayer list tonight......NS, Beth, Cheri,Cy, anyone going to doc tomorrow...which should include Nicki.....Hey Nicki go to the freaking just have the crud...they can give you medicine to make you feel better......ok sweet sisters....what would I do without ya'll......lose my freaking mind.......good night and Vickie see ya later alligator..........

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited May 2007
    Howdy CG's. How you'all doing this evening? Having fun I see...something about a lube job???????? Oh my, I didn't see the first post so I'm guessing...gyn and lube job can only's dryer than the Sahara hahahah...

    I am so glad the surprise brought a smile to so many faces. It's the least I can do for you all.

    Well, the job is going great but it sure keeps me going all day (10-11 hours). By the time I get home I'm exhausted. OMG - I did not think I could do this again but I have to admit I love being busy and not thinking about bc. The chemo fog is gone and I am sharp as a pin again. I am back!

    Wishing all the CG's going for test and/or treatments tomorrow, strength to get through it, and courage to keep fighting. May God shed his healing light on you.

    Okay, need to get to bed another long day tomorrow.
    Love and hugs,
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited May 2007
    This gets more fun every time I read.
    Marsha...thank you for sharing Elvis. A great tribute. Your brother sounds like a great guy!
    Beth...I have heard 3 strikes you're out, but also third time is the charm. Either way, enough is enoug. I say Xanax for DH an excellent idea!
    ((Anne)) Your family is surrounded by love and prayers and friends. There is a PLAN, sweetie, we just don't get to understand it yet. At least that is what I have been told.

    Shirley.. sorry the news is disturbing, but stage 1 sounds promising. Colon cancer is actually curable if caught early enough.

    Denise.. There indeed have been many "beneficial" posts here recently. I will never have to ask that corn question again for sure.
    by the way... a lube job? And my doc thought I was bad... may I have permission to email him this little explanation of yours and ask him what it was he thinks you asked for???
    Oh, he would love
    The other story reminded me of a time in the dark ages long ago (when I was in high school) and was in the hospital for kidney stones. Had an olderlady as a roommate and she took her false teeth out and put them in the bedpan when she finished with the bedpan. The nurse's aide swore she was going to clean them with Comet.
    Jankay.... You are a hoot. #39 made me crack up. I only hope I can remember to use it. I must print all of these off and take with me to work.
    Vickie!!!! 2 weeks!!! I am so proud. I always heard it takes 21 days to break or make a habit. You are well on your way. I remember going through it myself. You go girl!
    ODalys... sharp as a pin. I am impressed. My mind is more like a pig pen.
    Moon is beautiful and Clyde (my dog) wants to go out and howl at it so I am signing off. Looking forward to being past another appt. tomorrow. I have a question though. My onc. hasn't done blood work in ages. Is it because I had negative nodes or because I am feeling ok? Just curious. Everyone else I know gets blood drawn every trip.
    Denise... you are the best. I have new things to take with me to the doctor tomorrow and I will be looking for angels.
    Love you all Circle Girls... and shokk.... if you are indeed having it rain men, then by all means you do not have to send it this way...... we will come get it.
    Sweet dreams sisters... Pam
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited May 2007
    Good Evening CG's,

    Denise and Marsha, I have a corn/poop story that also involves a gold crown that my DDS popped off while he was fitting it. I think I will leave it at that.

    Beth, you crack me up. I will have to come up with names for my drains now. How are Laverne and Shirley doing?

    Anne, sending good thoughts for your family.

    CherylNC, that is so cool that you took your kids to plays.

    Denise, I do feel that I am in good hands. And you don't have to be quiet, I want to hear you!

    Vickie, 2 weeks without a cigarette is fantastic!!!

    Colleen, that is so cool about Warren!

    Odalys, I'm so glad to hear the job is going well. I like being busy, too.

    Had a very long day today, and another one tomorrow.

    Sleep well, my friends.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    Shokk, if it is raining men at your house then I want to come over and splash in the puddles.

    Denise honey you didn't shock me away with you poop/corn explanation. That made total sense to me and it also explains the peanuts. haha And I am just going to leave you alone about the Lube Job. Getting you in trouble, are you saying I am corrupting you? A bad influence? Moi? LOL

    Puppy I agree, stay here on the nice, loving, supportive thread. I admit, sometimes I get mischievous and like to find the people who always want to debate. Push their buttons a little, especially when I saw you were getting picked on some.

    Tricia, LOL I hope they didn't put that crown back in????????? whew

    Odalys, I am very pleased to hear your excitement for your job and especially your mind being sharp as a pin again. The memory thingy from chemo is my greatest fear.

    Just got home from BNO at the Elks Lodge. We had a big crowd tonite, about 12 of us. You know those great big belly laughs you have, kind of like the church giggles where you laugh so hard then you are just laughing because the laughing is so funny? Had one one of those and boy did that feel good.

    Shokk I can just hear you now: AN ELK MEMBER??? FYI The Elk Lodge was started by a group of European Actors who were dark (closed) on Sundays and none of the bars were open. They started their own private club to have somewhere they could drink on their one theatre day off. Nodays The Elks are into good works for veterans, needy kids and the elderly. I of course joined cause they have the best bar in town.

    Well night night all, hugs all around and Hi to everyone..........Marsha
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited May 2007
    Vickie and Susan,I think that this is the first group where I had finally found normal people. Trust me, I think there are some wonderful and accepting people on this thread. It is so great that I finally feel like I fit into a slot as I have bn like the round peg in a square hole most of my career. So,I was kidding abt the sandwich;but,have you ever wondered abt some of the people that you have met? It was said abt me...I know;just now I laugh it off because I have had bigger issues out there. One good thing came with aging and that was finally feeling accepted! Took long enough.

    A happy Thursday to all,
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2007
    I'm off to Houston in the morning so will be off the boards for a few days. Dh's cousin had a massive stroke this am and is not expected to live.
    Sad sad reason to take a trip.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007

    Oh Sue, so sorry, have a safe trip and let us know how he's doing. Putting all of you in the center of the circle. Marsha

  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited May 2007
    Ah Iris, dear,
    You think I'm "normal"? Did you ever see the movie "Young Frankenstein"? I'm the one with the Ab-normal brain!!!!!!

    Sweet dreams and love,
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited May 2007
    Anyone who is from NC,a Tarheel/D.Smith/Ervin fan(all of my favorite things,too}is normal in my book! Where did I get the idea that your were going on vacation this wk? Have fun on the 11th....I am trying to make that be this wk! How abt two vacations??? Kidding....guess I was confusing it with the three-day holiday wkend!

    Take care,
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited May 2007
    Oh my, 91 posts since last night when I last posted.

    Mazy, welcome. May Robin and Amy share NED with you soon.

    Shokk, I used to love Friday night football when my son played in high school and I think it is more exciting than pro football.

    Denise, did all go well at the gyn? I went two weeks ago - he told me I need a colonoscopy - exciting huh?

    Odalys, got my surprise tonight - loved it. I have some friends that could probably use the same surprise so I'm cloning it for them.

    Marsha, I haven't thought about the Monkees in years! I liked them more than the Beatles at the time. And the corn thing - my son asked that of a teacher one day in school - thought the teacher would burst a blood vessel.

    Sheri, a big hug to you.

    Beth (and Z), that's what my husband says - he's not a boob man at all, never has been, and I had some big ones.

    Shirley, I'm sorry to hear about your sister's dx. Cancer sucks.

    CherylNC, where in CA are you?

    Anne, hugs to you. It's hard when family members need help.

    Colleen, yup, hair appt at 6:00 am - hair looked damn good all day today too.

    Missed lots of you but you are all in my thoughts.

  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited May 2007
    Here's a link to something that I think you all might enjoy...A friend sent it to me thinking I might need a smile....Yep, they were right, it made me smile .....
    Good Night everyone...for those of you who are night owls, I hope this makes you giggle...for you early risers, I hope this makes you have your 1st smile of the day....

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007
    Hi CG's

    Well, today was Miriam's last day of school!!! She has a play date with a friend tomorrow and needs to find something to do Friday, then on Monday she starts day camp for 3 weeks, till I am done for the summer. Tonight her DI team all met at Gunter Toody's for a little celebration - the kids all had so much fun!!!
    I need to tell you a funny story. Yesterday at work I was talking to one of the teachers about the recon problems I am having and the need for more surgery. we chat for a while and then she tells me that "boobs are overrated"". the funny part, is this gal is 25 or 26 and had breast augmentation 2 years ago and wears tops to show off her cleavage!!! If breasts are so overrated, why did she pay to get boobs when she already had some real ones!!! I told her I don't have boobs, just permenant prosthesis that don't fall out of my bra!! I just had to laugh at her comment (or I would cry). You know, before BC, I never thought boobs were overrated. Mine had served me well, allowing me to feed 3 children. but then they failed me. Just thought I would share a laugh - so are boobs overrated!!!!
    Vickie - yahoo - 2 weeks - you go girl - you former smoker. Glad you had fun with Nathan on the field trip. I forget -where did you go? When is he done school for the summer?
    Sue - I'm so impressed - Patient Navigator and helping LBBC with their pamphlet. That is so awesome.
    Mazy - welcom
    Sherndon - hugs
    Beth - ouch!!! sure glad that you are okay.
    Puppy - hugs to you for your MRI and sad feelings regarding son. He is someone to be very proud of - Rosie is a fool, just trying to get publicity!!!
    Suzie - glad onc visit was good
    Shirley - sorry about your sister, but glad to hear that you had a good trip.
    Anne - big hugs - so sorry about FIL.
    Denise - "lube job" - sure hope someone finds out what this is - hard to imagine a gyn being embarrased.
    Amy - bon voyage to your son and parents for a good trip together
    Sue - hugs for DH cousin
    Margaret - my PCP and GI doc told me that I need a colonoscopy due to my age - but I really don't want to do it -
    Nicki - when is the good nurse, going to be a good patient - take care of yourself
    Gina - how are you doing
    Cheri - hope all went well at the doctor today
    Cy - how are you doing
    Robin - when are you taking evil hunting!!!!!
    Odayls, still smiling about your surprise - you are wonderful
    Its late and I am tired. I know I have left many of you out, so please accept my apologies. Need to think about going to bed. Wishing everyone a feel good day tomorrow. Hugs to eveyone having tests and having hard family times. Karen in Denver
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    The perfect end to a almost perfect vacation...Poison Oak.
    Ugh!!! The freaking stuff is popping out all over my body. Have no idea where I got it from.
    Thanks for all the kind thoughts for my sister. Cancer does suck indeed. I did a little research. Read that stage 1 colon cancer is treatable with surgery alone most of the time. So lets pray for stage 1 on the final path.
    Odalys, thank you so much for the lovely surprise in my mailbox. I'm going to duplicate it and send it to my sister.
    Seems I missed another nasty thread. Can't say that I'm disappointed.
    On another note. Hubby and I went to see Shrek the Third tonight. We were the only people in the theater. Laughed good laughs. Not as good as the first but definately ranks with the second.

    Anne, your family is in my prayers. Strength and courage for your mother in law and healing for your father in law.

    Denise, Hmmmm corn poop? can't find the question so I'm just gonna leave that one alone.
    O dear me, a lube job too? Your on a roll. O and thank you very much for reminding me that I have the dreaded annual next week. The least they could do for us is make that wand vibrate.

    Vicki, another field trip? You are a brave woman. Or a sandwich short of a picnic?
    Yehaw for two weeks!!!

    And how is Hey Jude?

    Socal, the other brand was OP. Loved the stuff way back when.

    Nicki, I'm sorry your not feeling well. I second and third the go to the doctor opinion.

    Beth, I'm getting the impression something not good happened?

    Colleen, mommy pride is a good thing.

    Boo/Sue, prayers for your family as well.

    Jule, a smile and a giggle or two. Thanks

    Off to bed for me. O update on hubby. Started PT today. Doc said he can go back to work but his boss says no can do if he has to wear a sling. He doesn't know what he is going to do. Is thinking about taking the full 12 weeks and looking for another job. We'll see how that pans out.
    Have a great night.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Okay, I have a confession to make. I still have my Monkees album I bought as a teenager. And on occasion play it when I'm feeling nostalgic. I also have my Carpenter's album.

    Vickie -- congrats on the two week anniversary.

    Denise -- very courageous asking the doc for a lube job. Have you considered using the estrogen ring?

    Well, I have no idea what you guys are talking about regarding Elvis. Obviously, I had another blackout while reading the threads.

    Cheri -- hope all went well with your doc appointment and trip to Iowa.

    Iris -- I think you are perfectly normal. Why do we always assume that we are the abnormal ones. Personally, I think most of the world is on crack and this is confirmed anytime I have to make the long commute to the office. Its either crack or someone has invented the 'let's drive like an insane idiot' pill.

    Odalys -- so glad the job is going well. I worked during my treatment and I have to say it was a two edged sword. Sometimes I felt like I should have take some type of short term disability but then I also feel it helped keep some 'normalcy' in my life and kept me busy so I didn't dwell on breast cancer.

    Sue -- I'm so sorry to hear about DH's cousin.

    Sherlock -- didn't you go on a cruise??? How do you get poison oak on a cruise ship?
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007

    Good night CG's! It's been a long day for me. I am beyond tired and I've been busy beyond busy at work and come home exhausted.

    I've been reading all the posts and laughing (lube job and Jankay's list) and crying (Sue's dh cousin, someone being mean to Puppy) and I'm sorry I haven't responded to each of you individually, but I think of you all daily.

    I am pissed about the terrorist bs - keep it to yourself if that's how you feel - I say this to those who know they will hurt with their words.
    There are sisters with colds that need to get checked out, please do.
    I see there is a sister bestowing wonderful gifts to her other sisters, thank you.
    I am praying for Anne.
    I am reaching out my arms to the sisters who are having a rough time physically, emotionally, with husbands, kids - anything that is just plain tough to deal with.

    I am so pleased that I have this board to come to, but even more pleased that this board is here for all of us that need it and value the friendships we've made and the security that comes along with it.

    I was talking to my friend today and I told her that I am feeling saner and stronger than I've ever felt in a long time and so I think I need to start really trying to deal with some issues I need to face, like the body image stuff and fear of a recurrence that always lurks in the back of my mind, while I feel supported and have a safe place to come to to keep getting that real support. You all help me so much, you will never know how much you all encourage me and make me feel "normal".

    I still have a lot of anger because I walk around work all day and look at women who couldn't even begin to fathom what I have been through and they just don't get it. They aren't mean or anything, actually they are great, but this is so much a part of my life I just wish they could understand my fears, not that I want them to endure anything like bc, nobody should have to, but I just would like them to know what I go through every morning getting dressed and trying to get my clothes to fit right or understanding why I wear black all the time, to cover the Tamox gut or the terrible desert I have down yonder or the horrible memory loss or lack of quick recall of things I've been doing for years and the menopause that's been forced upon me at 40 years old and all that goes along with it. I envy them sometimes, but then I think how tough I've become, how strong and I value each and every day that I am alive. So I say to them:

    Don't look at me With pity in your eyes.
    Don't say ... what next? Referring to my demise
    Cancer has shown me What real life can be
    Life has more meaning now That my heart and soul are free

    I can live my life now As if each day could be my last
    I take each moment as it comes I don't think about the past

    Please don't feel sorry for me I'm happier than I was
    Life is just much different now Since I've taken time to pause

    Cancer will not beat me I won't let it have its way
    If when I wake each morning I am thankful for the day.
    T. C. Rowe

    You all know how I love to write, well I have something I would like to propose here on the board. It's a fill in the blank on what Cancer cannot do. Once completed, I thought it might be good to include in the journal or I will compile and make a small book of it for all those who would like it. The starter is below:

    What Cancer Cannot Do
    Cancer is so limited...
    It cannot ...
    It cannot ...
    It cannot ...
    It cannot ...
    It cannot ...
    It cannot ...
    It cannot ...
    It cannot ...
    It cannot ...
    It cannot ...

    And here is mine:

    What Cancer Cannot Do
    Cancer is so hasn't kept me from writing my heart out.
    It cannot ... take away the joy I feel when I watch my son play basketball.
    It cannot ... keep me from looking forward to my one week vacation in July.
    It cannot ... take away my desire to try new colors on my hair - it's fun!
    It cannot ... make me not want to shop til I drop.
    It cannot ... take away my love of creating Powerpoint presentations at work.
    It cannot ... keep me up all night worrying about the ache in my shoulder or my knee.
    It cannot ... take away the pride I feel that my son graduating middle school with special honors
    It cannot ... take away the smile I had on my face when my son says he wants to be a doctor and a basketball player
    It cannot ... take away the joy I feel for my DH who is finishing his first year of the Master's program at Loyola
    It cannot ... keep me from knowing that my husband and son love me just as I am.

    Have a good night, beauties. See ya in the am.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Ah, sweet dreams, Ms Z. You are beautiful...dammit!
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007
    Good morning...check this out, I'm awake and at the computer!!

    Jasmine...I still have all of my vinyl's from high school and a record player. Play when I'm in the basement working out.(when I do)

    Iris...I know that abnormal thing, as we all do now.

    Denise..I asked my gyn about the ring and she said No because of the cancer. I do have the lube but have't tried it yet.

    Another beautiful day starting here. Talk to all. xoxo
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Pouring you all a cup of love and happiness for today! Gonna be another hot one here with storms forecast for later.
    Iris...I wasn't offended...I kinda like being one sandwich short of a picnic! Have a great day to you ya.
    Shirley...sending lots of prayers your way for your DS. Poison oak! OH MY. I got a really, really bad case of poison ivy when I was a kid that was just horrible. Hugs to you.
    Z...thanks for your thoughts. You are beautiful!
    Marsha...just wondering who you might corrupt today LOL! I love your posts. How are you feeling? What is your next step treatment wise? didn't have a blackout...Elvis was mentioned on the Cyber party thread. Have a great day!
    Puppy...where did you go and how was yesterday? When will you have your results? All will be well! had better check in...haven't seen you here in a while and the posse we have is a pretty good one!
    Shel...the same goes for you!
    Nicki...take your silly butt to the doctors today...we want you to feel better and soon!
    Beth...hope you are feeling better. Poor DH probably needs a Xanex lollipop by now.
    gotta to work we go...Anne, Amy, Madison, Sheri, Tricia, Hollyanne, Jankay, Robin, Gina, Cheri, CY, Suzie...everyone...have a great day!
    Love and hugs or bugs and fishes...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    Good morning Theresa...another sunshine sister. I was expecting to see Jankay or Nicki...guess we better go tweak their toes and get them up.
    Have a great day
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007
    Puppy...xoxo How hard to watch your son go to war and then have ignorant people trash you for it.xoxo I'm not a fan of the war, but 100% respect and feel for every parent who's baby is over there. xoxo sorry about your latest "issues" Hope things get better for you.

    Niki...are you feeling better? Must call doctor, must call doctor.
    love to all.xoxo
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Well Im gonna do what I said I was gonna do last night. Im going to call in sick. The vertigo is a little better but I cant turn my head from side to side without feeling dizzy.

    Ok! Here is the thing about the doctor. This is a cold that went into sinusitis and bronchitis. Its not like I havent talked to my doctor on the telephone. Thats how I got the antibiotic. But what good is it gonna do for me to go into his office. I need to take the medication he ordered and try not to be superwoman. Thats why Im gonna stay home today. He told me if Im not getting better to make an appointment. Neither my PCP or onc can figure out why Im getting colds so often. All my blood work comes back normal. I just believe that the chemo has done a number on my immune system.

    Many moons ago, I went through the same thing all of you when it comes to posting. I hate losing a post, so I started "posting in progress." What I do is make a note and save the post. Then I go back, read your posts, and reply by editing my original post. It probably takes me about one hour total to do this. Thats why some of you miss what I am saying.

    CheryL I was so hoping that this was gonna be a quick summer cold. I see your still sick with it too. Hoping by the week-end we both feel better.

    Colleen: I know, I love that penquin clip to. Its the funniest thing and says it much better than words. I enjoyed the story about your son. You must feel so proud of him.

    Shokk: You said it. I have the crud! It happens to me whenevre I get a cold. Cant seem to have normal colds like other people.

    Odalys: When Im feeling healthy, I love my job. I keep so busy - I dont have time to think about bc. This past week and a half, everything has been an effort.

    Sherloc: Im so glad your back. I sure did miss you. Sorry that you had to come home and hear bad news about your younger sister. I work with someone who had stage 3 colon cancer diagnosed 7 years ago and she is NED today. Doesnt make this whole thing any easier though. Being diagnosed with cancer just sucks. In fact I still have a hard time thinking in my mind that I had cancer. I still cant believe it. Poison Oak? How in the world did you get that? I have had that myself in the past and its no fun.

    Pam: I think each onc has their own protocols when it comes to blood draws. I had one positive node, but my sister is early stage, no nodes. She sees the same onc as I do. I get CBC, Comprehensive Metabolic Profile, Tumor Markers, and CEA each visit. I had a discussion with my onc about the tumor markers as they are not that reliable. Can get false positives and negatives. He prefers to draw them, and since I have alot of faith in him, I dont question it anymore.

    Iris: I think you were asking me how South Beach is going. Well I have cheated a little, but what is really hurting me more than anything is not being able to do my walking. The diet itself doesnt seem to work unless I add some physical activity. I know that I have lost weight cause the lab coat I ordered 4 weeks ago its too large. I look ridiculous. Its long sleeved to boot. It just plain silly to expect people to wear this stuff when it 90 degrees, hot and humid. This may be the final straw that will make me change jobs.

    Sue: Im so sorry to hear about your DH cousin. Life just isnt easy anymore. Wishing I was young and carefree again. Back then I thought I was on top of the world and nothing could get to me. Please connect with me when you get back. Maybe by then I will feel better and we can coordinate our schedules.

    MargaretB: Im sort of laughing cause my husband told me he is a leg man. I play "Shes got legs and knows how to use them" by ZZ Top all the time.

    Jule: That was a very cute link. A nice thing to wake up to.

    Karen: Overrated boobs? Thats a good one.

    Z: Hoping you have a good day.

    Tricia and Marsha: Just saying hello to you.

    Liz and Lisaelder: Where are you?

    OT: I have decided the road to a good hair style is sleeping all night, sweating till you hair is soaked, and then get up in the morning. Seems like my hair looks cuter when I wake up than when I try to style it. I think thats probably why I had long hair all of my life.

    Vickie: Good morning sunshine sister. I felt you tweaking my toes, but for the life of me couldnt pull myself outta bed this morning.

    Tgirl: So good to see you early in the morning. I sure got used to your morning posts before your computer crashed.

    Tracey: how are things going?

    Well, Im not looking for sympathy, but I just feel beat up. It was only 2 weeks ago I was feeling great and ontop of the world.

    Hoping you all have a great day.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Morning all!

    Just a quick fly by before I'm off to work.
    Nicki: Hope you're feeling better...Sorry if I pressured you about the Doctor. Guess I didn't realize you had talked to him and gotten the Antibiotic. Glad you took the day off.

    Boo: So sorry to hear about your DH's cousin. Prayers to all and have a safe trip.

    Marsha: You corrupt me? Never! Love ya friend!

    Colleen: How proud you are indeed!!!! Warren sounds like a great boy!

    Shokk, Vicki and all...........I'm dying you really think I made a pass at my Gyn????????????? I've been going every 6 wonder he said, "if you don't hear from me, I'll see you in a YEAR."

    Love, Hugs and thoughts to all!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007
    Denise: I have always said I could write a book about the true stories - dealing with older people. Sometimes ya just gotta laugh about it.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited May 2007
    GM all, just wanted to pop in and to let Pam and Sue know I am thinking about them as they visit with the onc. today.

    Susan, wow a huge anniversary today, 2 years since chemo ended Yahoo!

    Holding your hand CY as you endure another chemo treatment. You are going to slay this beast I just know it!!!

    BBL Marsha
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    My allergies turned into a cold and now I'm coughing goop. This is the pits! I'm taking an antibiotic, so I feel better, but It's taking a long time to get better.

    Marsha, The chemo brain and theater have a hard time working together. I really have to work at memorizing my lines, more than anyone else. I've only had "small" parts since chemo, but would love to do a nice "big" one some time, but like you, I'm afraid of the memorizing.

    So many funny stories! I love them. Babies are great. Cruises are great. Field trips are great, oh, wait, I really didn't say that...

    Thanks for thoughts on my tests tomorrow. I'm trying really hard to let the worry go and just trust God. I've even vowed to stop looking for the lump every time I sit down.

    I hope all the onc and dr. appts go well.